DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 3/10
Ryusui|GM: "I'm-a gonna find that thief," the Rubidium Chef says, sparks and smoke visibly pouring from his enamel-plated carapace, "and I'm-a gonna do-a THIS to him!"
Vera: "Okay, Greto, grab some SAVORY wings or don't and come do your prep at the station. Either way, we're jetting before Pizza Pasta over there gets any ideas on how to vent his Brooklyn Rage."
Vera heads over to Station 3 to get started on a menu.
Ryusui|GM: He produces an enormous knot of fresh pizza dough and begins spinning it into a pizza pie. Not just spinning, either - the dough ball deftly dances between his madly flailing mechanical arms, beginning to transform from a sphere to a perfect disc.
Ryusui|GM: !f 4 (Flashy)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+4 for 4 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (I do believe this is an SWS!)
Vera: (B'okay. Should I roll CLEVER for the pizza menu/recipe?)
Ryusui|GM: (sure)
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef laughs maniacally as his dough takes shape. "Yes! YES!!!" He has [Perfect Pizza Dough][!!]!
Vera: (Actually, it's just a regular success: He already did a normal Prep creation, meaning the difficulty was Fair (+2) now.)
Ryusui|GM: (i can live with that XD)
Vera: !f 3 (CLEVER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [-][-][ ][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: "Playing the safe bet, are we? No doubt the Rubidium Chef will be aiming for something similar." Greto nonetheless attempts to punch in an order of wings ready for prep.
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 4 [4dF = [-][+][+][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (that would be a normal success, since he already used the Lardertron, right?)
Vera: (Ah crud, boosting with my High Concept. And no, Lardertron's always Mediocre (+0) difficulty.)
Margen: "If we're making a Sicilian pizza, should I source some specialized anchovies"? Margen asks Tako-san, quietly
Ryusui|GM: (cool, so you got an SWS there XD)
Vera: Vera succeeds at making a Distilled Pizza Concept Diagram [!!]. (Extra invoke from my Order Up!
stunt, and I am tapped out on Fate points.)
Vera: (I wasn't using the Lardertron.)
Vera: (But Greto was, if that's what you were talking about.)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San tries to strategize with Margen, "OuKei. Crust ready; you make the sauce." before turning (as best as a tank-bound octo can) to pre-heat the oven.
Ryusui|GM: Greto has a little trouble finding suitable wings - there are are insect wings, alien bat wings, space dragon wings. A rare smirk crosses his face when he finally finds the thing he's looking for and punches it in. "Will these [Apollonian Gigafowl Wings (Savory][!!] do?" He holds up a basket of raw wings easily three times as big as those of any Earth chicken.
Margen: "alrighty! Sauce prep begins!"
Vera: "Aces." Vera gives a thumbs-up.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Is that in-character dialog, <@!Margen>?))
Margen: (yep)
Margen: (whups)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Then it need to be in quotation marks.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Rather than just turning the nob normally, Tako-San spins it like a roulette wheel before stopping it abruptly.
Margen: (fix'd)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3 (Flashily create the advantage: Pre-Heated Oven)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][-][-]]
Margen: "Should we use all the tomatoes?"
Vera: (That's a fail unless you boost or reroll.)
Ryusui|GM: "Guido!" the Rubidium Chef calls out, electronic madness seeping into his voice. "Papa's gonna make a mega-meat lover's supreme! Bring me sausage!"
Ryusui|GM: The Sous-Bot obediently bleeps and sets to work.
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Sous-Bot's Ingredient Gathering)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][+][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San grimaces(?) at the fact that they managed to stop the dial exactly back in the "off" position.
"Let me get that for you, Tako-San!" Daisy chirps.
"Thank you, darling."
((Using “Could You Do This for Me, Darling.” to have Daisy take a crack at pre-heating the oven.))
Ryusui|GM: The Lardertron obediently spits out a long, thick coil of [Gastrian Hyperpork Sausage (Savory)][!], which the Sous-Bot wraps around itself.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3 (Flashily creating the advantage Pre-Heated Oven using “Could You Do This for Me, Darling.”)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][-]]
Vera: (That's a tie, if we're being generous and say only the first success ups the difficulty by 1 for the next.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Uhh...." Daisy just pauses in abject confoundment, staring at the alien controls unlike anything she'd seen before.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San let's out what is probably a sigh. "I'll take it from here."
"Oh! O.K."
((Trying again next exchange.))
Vera: (That leaves Margen, who I believe asked a question.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Give me a moment.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "As much as you think it needs. I trust your judgement on that."
Margen: "In that case, I'd like to Carefully Dice the tomatoes before cooking"
Margen: !f 3 (carefully Precision Dice the tomatoes)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [ ][ ][+][ ]]
Vera: (SWS!)
Margen: (neat!)
Ryusui|GM: Nice work, Margen, you have some [Carefully Diced Tomatoes][!!]
Ryusui|GM: (i believe that's everyone for this exchange?)
Margen: (yep)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I believe so.))
Vera: (Yeah.)
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 4/10
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3 (Flashily create the advantage Pre-Heated Oven)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][-][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((There we go!))
Ryusui|GM: "IT'S-A TIME!!!" the Rubidium Chef declares, assembling the ingredients in his possession. "TIME-A FOR PIZZA JUDGMENT!!!"
Ryusui|GM: He begins to assemble the ingredients in his possession into a [Cosmic Meat Lover's Pizza (Savory): 8]!
Ryusui|GM: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 6 [4dF = [+][+][+][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Your 2 shifts short.))
Ryusui|GM: (i can totally invoke the Pepperonium and the Sausage XD)
Vera: (Just one; you only need to tie.)
Ryusui|GM: (okay, invoking the pepperonium then)
Ryusui|GM: (oh wait, actually, i'll invoke the dough)
Margen: Margen mutters something about red sauce and justice in an old Albanian dialect spoken mostly in Calabrian villages as he prepares the tomato reduction
Ryusui|GM: The process has begun. Success is inevitable. Yet the pizza demands more.
Margen: "now that all the tomato is diced: do we want to reserve any or should I sauce it all"?
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Again: Trusting your judgement."
Vera: "A'ight... it's fuckin' pizza time." Vera gets to shaving the truffles into a blender with a bunch of mushrooms and an herb-heavy pesto mix. "The goal? Ima make a Gourmet Truffle Sauce Pizza - BITTER:8. Easy. No pressure..."
Vera: !f 3 (BITTER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 0 [4dF = [-][ ][-][-]]
Vera: (Using one of the invokes on White-Hole Truffles [!!] (BITTER) to reroll.)
Vera: !f 3 (BITTER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][-][+][+]]
Vera: (Aaaaand using the other one, plus one of the invokes on Distilled Pizza Diagram [!!], for the win.)
Vera: She manages to find the time to roll out some dough and ladles on the dark brown sauce.
"Looks like mud; tastes amazing. Trust me."
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((<@!Margen>, you gonna roll?))
Margen: Margen begins to stew the bulk of the tangy fruit into an [Ancient Tomato Reduction (Sour): 8 4], Weaving with Gaps in Scents on the Wind to focus on the (Sour)ness of the dish creating a +2 advantage to culinary approach.
Vera: (Margen, the Main Dish Tako made isn't big enough to support that Side, I think.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yeah; the main is only Cool:4.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Which means you need to cap the side at Sour:4.))
Margen: (Oh whups, in that case Sour:4)
Vera: (Roll it!)
Margen: !f 2 (sour +2 adv)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][ ]]
Margen: plus the 2 advantage plus an invoke of the diced advantage
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: (("2 adv"?))
Vera: (Your SOUR is Average (+1), I thought?)
Margen: (i get a +2 on sour on this dish from my stunt)
Margen: (oh you are correct)
Margen: (aagh)
Vera: (You include that in the base number, to avoid confusion.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((And so the bot displays it all properly.))
Vera: (^)
Margen: (that should have been 3 then...)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((So that make a Good (+3) result against a Great (+4) difficulty. Any invoke?))
Margen: (plus an invoke of the diced advantage and the tomato itself)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((That'll do it.))
Vera: (Both?)
Margen: (I'm figuring i should use one of each, somehow undicing the tomatoes or leaving a bowl of diced air both seem... wrong somehow)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((That won't be necessary. The free invokes may be gone, but the aspect itself will remain.))
Vera: (No one said all the tomatoes were diced.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((That too.))
Margen: (I thought i did, and i got 2 invokes, i guess I thought it was connected 1:1 to the 2 tomato invokes. Correlation≠causation, thornonymous.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((So you were adding a free invoke to the tomatoes rather than having the dicing be a separate aspect? Otherwise, you were saying the aspect was augmenting the free invokes of another aspect, which is not how aspects work.))
Margen: (Yeah it was a misunderstanding on my part. I thought the dicing was a prep on the tomato somehow. I let it get too complicated in my head.)
Vera: (Like... some kind of sub-aspect to the tomatoes?)
Margen: (effectively.)
Margen: (I have no idea how i got down that perception hole)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Not how that works. You have two aspects: Thermo-Tomatoes and Percisely Diced Tomatoes. Though, I can see the confusion since your original wording had the latter sound like a modifier rather than an object, which I was concerned about earlier, but didn't say anything since it usually doesn't cause this kind of problem.))
Margen: (either way i'm glad it's untangled 👍)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((And you get the side dish aspect.))
Vera: (Invoking the "diced" part?)
Margen: (yeah)
Ryusui|GM: (<@!Vera>, did you have any plans for Greto this round, or did I miss?)
Vera: "Hey Greto, either get to work on some SAVORY wings with that uh... marinating trick you do in those other seasons, or get whatever prep we need for the dessert done."
Ryusui|GM: "On it." Greto moves to your prep station and begins work.
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Sour -> Savory)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [ ][-][+][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (shit, i forgot to mention I was going for a Savory: 5 dish)
Ryusui|GM: (well, i can invoke the wings all the same)
Ryusui|GM: Without any further instruction, he prepares a basket of [Fancy Lemon-Herb Gigafowl Wings (Savory): 5] to go with the pizza.
Ryusui|GM: "GUIDO! WINGS!"
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef has finally reached that phase in his preparations. The Sous-Bot obediently flies to the Lardertron and begins punching in commands.
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Sous-Bot's Ingredient Gathering)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I keep thinking "Guido" is meant to be "Greto" in an Italian accent until the sous'bot is mentioned in the very next line.))
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef's alternate approach to wings is evident from the Sous-Bot's choice. It pulls out a basket of [Petit Omnichicken Wings (Savory)][!] - smaller than Earth chicken wings but vastly more numerous, on account of omnichickens having 26 wings.
Ryusui|GM: (is that everyone?)
Vera: (That was a SWS.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Tako-San still hasn't gone.))
Ryusui|GM: (oh, thanks)
Vera: (Oh yeah, the undone turn.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((For the sous'bot? No; that's a normal success.))
Vera: (Lardertron's always Mediocre (+0) difficulty.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Oh; sorry.))
Vera: (Now go go go! :3)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Thank you for the prep-work." Tako-San says to Mergen, before taking the dicing and making them into a Creamy Tomato-Basil Sauce (Sour:2).
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 1 (Creating the Sour advantage: Creamy Tomato-Basil Sauce)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+1 for 3 [4dF = [+][ ][+][ ]]
Vera: (Is that the dish's second SOUR aspect?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((YES!))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yes.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Why?))
Vera: (You can't have more than one of the same flavor on the same dish.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((That's why I picked Sour and not Cool.))
Vera: (Margen made sour already.)
Margen: (I did sour)
Vera: (It was even the same exact concept; tomato sauce.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Oops! I thought they did the dicing this exchange. I'll fix that.))
Vera: (RG action, Exchange 3, Take 3... Action!)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: With the crust and the sauce done, Tako-San has Daisy cart him over to the Lard-o-tron for some Baby Octopodes (Non-Sapient/-Sentient) (Cool).
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3 (Flashily create an advantage)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [+][-][+][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Gotchya.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((<@!Ryusui|GM>, next Exchange?))
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 5/10
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Daisy and Tako-San return and Tako-San immediately turned the newly acquired ingredient into Tempura Tako Toppings (Savory:4).
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 5 (creating a Savory advantage using Cool by invoking Baby Octopodes (Non-Sapient/-Sentient) with Sea-Food Shenanary)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+5 for 3 [4dF = [-][ ][-][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Uhh....))
Vera: (How'd you get from +2 to +5?)
Vera: (Invokes are always worth even amounts, right?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((+2 from the invoke, and +3 from the stunt swapping out Fair (+2) Savory for Good (+3) Cool.))
Vera: (Should that have been +6?)
Vera: (Ah.)
Vera: (You have another invoke on the octopuses, you know.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I doooo! Missed that.))
Vera: (So success!)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yup.))
Vera: Vera roots around in the pantry for something. She finds it, tossing up a package of whole fresh mozzarella.
"Hey Greto, shredded cheese is for plebes, amirite?"
She gets to work slicing the moist, milder, more delicate cousin of dry shredded mozzarella.
"Can't cut this too thick or too thin if I'm gonna have these disks of Solid Fresh Mozzarella - COOL:3 melt just right without smothering everything else..."
(Gonna be a Side.)
Ryusui|GM: Greto smirks again. "I wasn't expecting you to have haute ideals regarding pizza."
Vera: !f 2 (COOL)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [-][-][ ][ ]]
Vera: But her first attempts come out all in different thicknesses.
"... F."
Vera: (May I compel a Confessional against myself for the failed roll?)
Vera: (<@!Ryusui|GM>?)
Ryusui|GM: (sure)
Vera: (Describe it and make Holly's attack roll.)
Vera: (Meanwhile, I get a Fate point for initiating it against myself.)
Ryusui|GM: -VWORP-
Margen: Margen will begin to prepare a Stellar Basil and Milky Way Mozzarella Topping (Cool:4) to go above the sauce but under the tempura
Vera: (Margen, the dish already has a COOL element.)
Ryusui|GM: "So, tell me!" Holly says, dragging you into the confessional. "How's it feel getting so thoroughly smacked around by the Rubidium Chef?"
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][-]]
Vera: !f 3 (CLEVER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][ ][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((<@!Margen>, you can't use Cool, I already did.))
Vera: "I mean... I'm not? Rubidium is huffing and puffing, but he's mostly just kept to himself, I think. Seeing Tako take his cheese was pretty funny, actually."
Margen: (Wait but there was a stunt substitution to Savory in there, is the Cool still taken?)
Vera: (Rubidium Chef Was All Bark [!!].)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((The Cheese-Stuffed Crust is a Cool dish aspect.))
Margen: (Ohhhh, that was way back there)
Ryusui|GM: "If you say so!" Holly says to the audience with a wink, but the audience is clearly on your side, Vera!
Margen: (Gotcha, now I need to think again)
Ryusui|GM: And you -vworp- back into reality~
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((The sauce is Sour and the tempura is Savory, so you need, Sweet, Spicy, or Bitter.))
Vera: (Wait, I thought the tempura was a separate dish?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Nope; toppings.))
Margen: (Topping)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Octopus on pizza is a thing (I Google'd it.), but the tempura is my twist to make it Savory instead of Cool, while still being sea-food.))
Vera: "Hey Greto, can you get started on some prep for our dessert? I'm thinking... cake? Cake's good. Get some ovens preheated or something."
Margen: (Pizza Polpo)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: (("Polpo"?))
Margen: (octopus in Italian)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Ah.))
Margen: (There's probably a conjoining word I'm missing)
Margen: (hmm what goes with those? Spicy? I'm thinking spicy.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((You can make cheese Spicy, right?))
Margen: (yep but I need peppers)
Vera: (If you add spicy stuff to it... or made it physically REALLY hot.)
Vera: (You got peppers.)
Vera: (Aspects are just needed for the stuff so special you can invoke it.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Molten Mozzerela))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: (([Emperor Palpatin's voice] Do it.))
Margen: Margen (Quick)ly travels to the central plinth and attempts to retrieve the (Spicy!) BSOD peppers
Vera: (You mean the Blue-Screen Zapper Peppers Vera already grabbed? Great minds think alike. XD)
Vera: (And yes, you can totally copy the ingredient someone else already got from the Lardertron.)
Margen: (Oh are there limited quantities? I'll Lardertron some Quantum Zesty Chili Flakes)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((No; they were just pointing out a fact.))
Vera: (No, I was just saying the exact opposite, Margen.)
Margen: (Oh. Oh! I get what you said now.)
Margen: (thanks)
Margen: (still going to the Lardertron, I don't need whole peppers)
Margen: !f 2 (Spicy)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [+][-][-][ ]]
Vera: (So, normal success on the chili flakes?)
Margen: (Yep)
Vera: (So I think Greto still needs to do the thing Vera told him to do, and I dunno about anyone else.)
Vera: (Yeah, Greto, Rubidium and... Guido still need moves, I think. GM, keep in mind that Margen ended his Exchange in the center zone. 😉 )
Ryusui|GM: (just 1 sec)
Ryusui|GM: (sorry, stuff on my end rq)
Ryusui|GM: "Cake, hmm? Curious choice, but...given the rest of your menu, I imagine you have quite an interesting endgame in mind." He sets to work carefully prepping the oven.
Ryusui|GM: !f 1 (Careful)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 1 [4dF = [-][-][+][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (whoof. That's a tie, right? good enough for a boost?)
Vera: (Yeah... I think CLEVER works for figuring out any tech, for future reference, though I understand how you can't think of a way to pre-heat an oven "sneakily." XD)
Ryusui|GM: Meanwhile, the Rubidium Chef is throwing the basket of wings through a column of freshly-prepared spicy sauce.
Vera: (Guess I'll make something up for the boost he made.)
Ryusui|GM: (right, sorry)
Ryusui|GM: Greto frowns at his handiwork. The -Tenuously Prepared Oven- will help with the cake, but not much else.
Ryusui|GM: (attempting [Buffalo-Style Omnichicken Wings (Spicy): 6]!)
Ryusui|GM: !f 4 (Spicy)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+4 for 6 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][+]]
Vera: (Looks like you didn't need those invokes, anyway. You lucked out. XD)
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef cackles, and his Italian chef music warbles ever more intensely. "This is-a my genius at-a work, Guido!" he shouts triumphantly. "Get-a to the Lardertron again! I need to prepare-a the sauce!"
Ryusui|GM: The Sous-Bot, interestingly, doesn't need to be told he means the sauce for the wings and not the pizza. The Lardertron display hums to life under the floating robot's mechanical fingers.
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Sous-Bot's Ingredient Gathering)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [+][-][-][+]]
Ryusui|GM: The jar full of creamy [Io Buttermilk (Cool)][!] pops out of the Lardertron and into the Sous-Bot's waiting grasp.
Ryusui|GM: (need 1 more minute)
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 6/10
Ryusui|GM: Chairwoman Maalu appears in the center of the arena.
Ryusui|GM: "Attention, chefs! We've reached the halfway point in this competition! It's time to introduce the judges you will be expected to impress!"
Ryusui|GM: !roll 1d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 1d6 for 4 [1d6 = 4]
Ryusui|GM: "Araza Mangosteen!" The actress emerges from a hidden...staircase? elevator?...behind the Chairwoman. She takes a bow, then takes a seat at the judges' podium.
Ryusui|GM: !roll 1d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 1d6 for 2 [1d6 = 2]
Ryusui|GM: "My own illustrious self!"
Ryusui|GM: !roll 1d6
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 1d6 for 3 [1d6 = 3]
Vera: (I thought Morinda Jackfruit was the celebrity chef, and Mangosteen was the actress?)
Ryusui|GM: (my bad!)
Ryusui|GM: (fixed)
Ryusui|GM: "And the dreaded Hapax Legomenon!" The enormous figure of the ex-space warlord emerges from the same place as Ms. Mangosteen, gives a grunt and a shrug, then takes his seat.
Ryusui|GM: "There is one further important announcement I'd like to make," the Chairwoman says. "Tell me, chefs: when you look at the shape of Kitchen Arena, what do you think of?"
Ryusui|GM: ( <@&627978553669058562>, any of you are free to throw out an answer XD )
Vera: (Oh crud, the Dislike is unescapable with these three. XD)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: After a second of thought and observation, Daisy excitedly replies "A pizza!"
Vera: "Ding ding ding..."
Ryusui|GM: "Your assistant is quite perceptive, Tako-san!" the Chairwoman says.
Ryusui|GM: At that exact moment, the kitchen stations move ever-so-slightly apart, producing inch-wide cracks between each other and the central area.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Thank you, Chérri."
Ryusui|GM: "And of course...most would say that the absolute best pizzas are cooked under actual fire."
Ryusui|GM: With a click, a hiss, and then a fwoosh, dozens of tiny burners in the aforementioned cracks light up, creating a curtain of flame separating the kitchen stations from the center area as well as each other!
Vera: "Oh, okay. Sure. This is fine."
Margen: "oh"
Ryusui|GM: "Those who wish to make use of the Lardertron, or attempt to win the judges' favor, or interfere with their rivals, must brave this blazing obstacle!"
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "***\o!" Tako-San curse under their breath with a much thinker than usual accent.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I'm pretty sure, their mere presence could be ripe for compelling Tako-San's High Concept with direct interaction.))
Ryusui|GM: (Mechanically, these burners will attack you at +1 if you try to move between zones!)
Ryusui|GM: (You must roll a defense of some kind in order to pass unscathed!)
Vera: "... Welp, back to business as usual." Vera tries Take 2 of Whole Fresh Mozzarella - COOL:4. What's different this time? It has seasoning!
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Oh? I thought they'd be obstacles to overcome, with stress as the "success at a cost".))
Vera: !f 2 (COOL)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][+][ ]]
Vera: (And I'm invoking the pizza plan aspect for the victory.)
Ryusui|GM: "That is all, chefs. I eagerly anticipate the results of this contest."
Ryusui|GM: "Guido! Come-a to your papa!" the Rubidium Chef calls out.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Wouldn't that Take Out the sous'bot?))
Ryusui|GM: The Sous-Bot attempts to comply...
Ryusui|GM: !f 0
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+0 for 2 [4dF = [+][ ][ ][+]]
Ryusui|GM: It beeps miserably as it flies through the flames, but makes it through unscathed!
Vera: (Is that its action, or does it do something else, too?)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah, gimme a sec)
Ryusui|GM: "Thank you, Guido!" the Rubidium Chef croons, grabbing the jar of buttermilk. He's already prepared the rest of the ingredients for his [Horsehead Nebula Ranch Dressing (Cool): 4]. "With me, Guido! Time to make-a the sauce!"
Vera: (Is Guido doing an Assist action?)
Ryusui|GM: (yep! +1 Teamwork bonus)
Margen: (Wuh-oh, I'm not sure if I ever came back from the Lardertron...)
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Cool + Teamwork)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][-]]
Vera: (You didn't, Margen.)
Ryusui|GM: (gonna spend that free invoke on a reroll)
Vera: (You couldn't have, either; only one move action per Exchange.)
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Cool + Teamwork)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][-][ ][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (I'm gonna take the hit XD)
Ryusui|GM: The Sous-Bot is clearly quite jarred from carrying on through the fire and flames, however, and manages to make a mess in its clumsy attempts to assist. The Rubidium Chef erupts in more Italian cursing.
Vera: "I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of that, either. Hey Greto, wanna get started on that Killer Queen Upside-Down Cake - SWEET:4?" ("An explosion of flavor! No, seriously...")
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Heh. 😆 Dragonforce reference.))
Vera: ( <@!Ryusui|GM>? :3)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San calls from their station. "Margen! Stay where you are! Toss the the ingredients! The fire will cook them for us!"
Vera: (Is that, like... trying to create a prep aspect from the Center Zone?)
Ryusui|GM: (yep)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I was actually going to ask that the stage hazard be a situation aspect.))
Ryusui|GM: (er, i was responding to the actual ping)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((The command is flavor, Margen takes the shot, then Tako-San makes it a dish.))
Ryusui|GM: (anyways sure it should be a Situation Aspect)
Ryusui|GM: [Blazing Burners Between the Zones]
Vera: (The ping was because Greto has another "order uuuuuup!")
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Daisy, get oven mitts."
"Yes, sir!" Daisy nervously salutes.
Margen: (So should I use (careful +3) I'm guessing?)
Ryusui|GM: "I'm going to warn you just once: sweet is not my element."
Ryusui|GM: !f 1 (Sweet)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+1 for -1 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][-]]
Vera: "Neither is it mine, or literally anyone else's here, pretty sure, but that diversity bonus is too good to pass up."
Ryusui|GM: (you want him to use that boost for a reroll, spend some of his FATE Points, or take the hit?)
Vera: (He has personal Fate points??? How is this my first time hearing this?! XD)
Vera: (Pineapple invoke for the reroll, first.)
Margen: (so if I were to toss the spices, would I roll a physical approach to pitch it across the fire wall?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((<@!Margen>, whichever you think can contribute to throwing peppers through a flame-gate.))
Ryusui|GM: !f 1 (Sweet)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 2 [4dF = [+][+][-][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yes; reality approach.))
Ryusui|GM: (then the boost, right?)
Vera: (Yeah.)
Margen: !f 3 ( to carefully Toss the pepper flakes)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][+][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Sounds like a boost to me. "**Lightly Seared Pepper Flakes", <@!Margen>?))
Margen: (Yep)
Margen: "Quasi-Smoked Quantum Zesty Pepper Flakes incoming!"
Vera: "A'ight, that's our obligation to SWEET out of the way, now let's never touch that flavor again. We'll tackle That Other Dragon, SPICY, in a moment."
Margen: (I remembered I had a name upchat)
Margen: (both tangy and smoky, but never at the same time)
Vera: (For the record, didn't Margen already create a prep aspect, and therefore had to contest with Fair (+2) difficulty?)
Margen: (Oh I did the tomato dicing)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yes; thus the boost.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Daisy nearly fumbles the flakes, but manages to spill only a negligible amount.
Tako-San calls to Margen again, "Great (+4)! Another!" before turning around to incorporate the flakes into the pizza.
Margen: (next round?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Nope; Tako-San needs to act.))
Ryusui|GM: Greto actually seems visibly grateful that the oven produced a cake without exploding in his face.
Vera: (That being a very real concern, considering the ingredient at its forefront. XD)
Vera: (For the record, <@!Ryusui|GM>, if Greto has "personal" Fate points, just how many does he have?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 2 (create the Spicy:4 advantage Peppered with Cheddar)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+2 for 4 [4dF = [+][+][ ][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Dun, d-dun!))
Ryusui|GM: (i gave him 3, just like any other player)
Ryusui|GM: (the Rubidium Chef has 3 too)
Vera: (...)
Vera: (*tiny clapping in glee)
Vera: (Next exchange? I know my team's accounted for.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: (("Why are you gleeful?!"))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Tentacular Spectacular has also completed their actions this exchange.))
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 7/10
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef takes a look at the time and curses. He's going to plate the wings with the sauce rather than attempt any further fancy elements.
Ryusui|GM: (attempting [Served with Horsehead Nebula Ranch Dressing (Cool): 4] again)
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Cool + Sous-Bot)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
Ryusui|GM: (and I will spend a FATE Point on the Buttermilk for the win)
Ryusui|GM: The Rubidium Chef nods. The dish is done, despite the Sous-Bot's accidental sabotage.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((There also need to be an appetizer along with the dessert and main course, right?))
Ryusui|GM: (yes, there needs to be three items)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Shoot! I meant for the pepper to be the plating.))
Ryusui|GM: (if that was a mistake, then i'll allow it)
Ryusui|GM: (er, allow you to tweak that)
Ryusui|GM: (if it doesn't affect your roll)
Vera: "A'ight, what should we use this leftover chicken for...? Oh." Vera snaps her fingers. "Shredded Chicken Marsala Topping - SAVORY:5. That's fancy enough to fill the gaps on the pizza, right?"
(Marsala is a French wine sauce, not to be confused with the Indian masala* spice base, sans the "r.")
Margen: (Hard mode: Franco-Indian fusion, chicken Tikka Marsala)
Vera: !f 2 (SAVORY)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [ ][-][ ][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San gives another instruction to Margen; "I need more Deep Frying Batter!" (Savory)
Margen: "That I can get!"
Margen: !f 3 (Savory for fry batter)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
Vera: (F. Uh, let's see... risking a reroll isn't likely to pan out, so I'll take the hit.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: With confirmation of another Lard-o-tron ingredient, Tako-San begins whipping up some Smooth Vanilla Ice Cream (Cool:4).
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3 (creating a Cool advantage)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [-][+][+][ ]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Spot on.))
Ryusui|GM: "Having difficulties?" Greto seems perhaps a touch smug about your struggles, despite being on the same team as you.
Vera: "F!" The wine for the sauce catches fire, and Vera has to scrap that attempt.
Vera: (Can I compel another confessional against myself?)
Ryusui|GM: (Sure XD)
Ryusui|GM: -VWORP-
Ryusui|GM: "Time's running out for your team, Vera. Do you think you have what it takes to finish the competition? Or maybe you should just pack it in right now?"
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Clever)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [ ][ ][+][-]]
Margen: (Margen can use extra limbs to get a +2 against physical assault once per round; does crossing the fire take any extra action space? (I.e. can I attempt to run the batter back to our station?))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Tako-San needs you to stay in the center.))
Margen: (ah gotcha)
Vera: "What kind of question is that? I mostly came here to get away from... uh, the stress of my work, but who in their right mind would just curl into a ball and give up? That's just irrational."
Vera: !f 3 (CLEVER)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [+][-][ ][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: "Irrational though it may be, you've still got a lot of work to do and not a lot of time..." She winks again at the audience.
Vera: Vera's self-assured Rock-Steady Determination [!] to see the competition through does win some hearts and minds over, even if she doesn't care that much about the audience.
Ryusui|GM: And you're -vworped- again back into reality.
Vera: "Okay, Greto, get to work on the other thing neither of us are good at; Crema Buffalo Dipping Sauce - SPICY:3. We can do this."
Ryusui|GM: Greto takes a deep sigh. "Is this going to be for the plating, or do you have further plans for this dish?"
Vera: "Uh..."
'Shit, maybe we should just make one of these a "dump" dish so we can focus on winning with the others. But should it be this... or the dessert?'
"... Side. I think there's enough time to win this."
Vera: (Translation: I thought there were 2 exchanges left after this instead of 3.)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah there's three)
Ryusui|GM: !f 1 (Spicy)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+1 for 3 [4dF = [ ][ ][+][+]]
Vera: (So SPICY:3 side for the appetizer.)
Ryusui|GM: (BANG)
Vera: (Shit, I should have gone for 4 after all. I am... obsessed with being as efficient as possible with my aspects and actions, I think.)
Ryusui|GM: "It's done," Greto says.
Vera: "And that's the SPICY obligation. I think we just need to cover SOUR, which you're basically fing destined to do, anyway."
Margen: (what should I Lardertron this round?)
Ryusui|GM: Greto laughs. "True. Anything in mind?"
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Margen already took their action.))
Vera: (My team's tapped out.)
Margen: (oh right the batter)
Vera: "Let me think..." And she proceeds to continue thinking while the Exchange ticks over. (I think everyone's done their turn?)
Ryusui|GM: (I think, yeah)
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 8/10
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "BATTER UP!"
Ryusui|GM: "Breadsticks! Breadsticks, now!" The Rubidium Chef extrudes breadsticks from a different batch of dough and throws them into his flaming maw, one by one.
Ryusui|GM: (attempting to make [Beautifully Baked Buttery Breadsticks (Cool: 4)])
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Cool)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][-][+]]
Margen: («batter launch»
: Careful (+3))
Ryusui|GM: (and an invoke on the oven, and...)
Vera: (Plating, or side?)
Ryusui|GM: (this is the start for his dessert 😉 )
Ryusui|GM: (he's going to make a sweet sauce for them)
Margen: !f 3 (carefully slinging a pastry bag up and over the flames)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 4 [4dF = [-][+][+][ ]]
Ryusui|GM: The smell of the breadsticks positively suffuses Kitchen Arena. The Rubidium Chef himself has no words for them, but even the Sous-Bot beeps cheerfully.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((<@!Margen>, Untouched Tempura Batter?))
Margen: (sounds good)
Vera: "Okay, first, let's try this Shredded Chicken Marsala Topping - SAVORY:4 thing again. It's fine if the wine doesn't all cook off, I'm just using the chicken that's in it."
Vera: !f 2 (SAVORY)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 0 [4dF = [ ][ ][-][-]]
Vera: (Hahaha, not this time! Using the remaining invoke on the chicken plus a Fate point on it for the success.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Daisy easily catches it this time, not nearly as worried about the heat, since there is none.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Once in his tentacles, Tako-San begins on deep-frying the ice cream for some nicely presented Tempura Banira (Savory:4, plating).
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 2 (create an advantage)
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [-][+][+][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Invoking the Untouched Tempura.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Tako-San projects their question acrossed the arena, "Margen, how well can you survive those flames?"
Vera: And she manages to shred up the finished product and spread it around the gaps in the pizza - slightly undercooked, but the oven should fix it once it's time. She's not quite done with it, though.
"Greto, it's time to 'plate' this fancy-pants monster Topped With Titanian Thermo-Tomato Slices - SOUR:5 and get it in the oven, stat! Make sure not to place them in a way that throws off the pizza composition!" Considering how complicated it is with the solid cheese (and spots of the lack) combined with the chicken flopped around slightly haphazardly, that's going to be a tall order!
Ryusui|GM: "On it!"
Ryusui|GM: !f 3 (Sour)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][+][-][+]]
Vera: (And using that boost made aaaaaaaall the way back at the beginning does it. XD)
Ryusui|GM: (yep!)
Ryusui|GM: "It's done...I think it's done?"
Vera: Vera yanks an oven open.
"Shove it in, and then it'll be done when we pull it out! Go go go!"
Ryusui|GM: Greto does as instructed.
Ryusui|GM: In the meantime, the Sous-Bot works on a sugary, cinnamon-y dipping sauce for the breadsticks!
Ryusui|GM: (attempting to make [Cinnamon-Infused Dipping Glaze (Sweet): 2])
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Sous-Bot's Cooking Skill)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [+][ ][+][-]]
Vera: (Is that plating?)
Ryusui|GM: (yeah, forgot to make that clear)
Ryusui|GM: "You've redeemed-a yourself, Guido!" the Rubidium Chef laughs, giving the Sous-Bot a cheerful slap on the back that nearly sends it flying into the flames.
Ryusui|GM: (I think that's everyone?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Egh! Two exchanges left, we're so close.))
Vera: (Vera and Greto are tapped out, I know that for sure.)
Margen: (Margen threw tempura over fire)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((And Tako-San used it to plated a dish.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Margen hasn't answered Tako-San's question, though.))
Ryusui|GM: (<@!Margen>?)
Margen: "I can get over"
Vera: (Margen gonna use his move action?)
Margen: (going to have to put those insectile legs to use)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Good (+3)! I'll need you to help make one killa of an openin' dish with our left ova's."
Ryusui|GM: (you'll need to roll against a +1 attack!)
Margen: (Ok so is this an attack against Margen when he moves through it?)
Ryusui|GM: (yes, you'll need to defend)
Margen: (alrighty, if it's an attack I'd like to Handily vault over the flames in a Flashy (+3 total) leap)
Margen: (stunt activation)
Margen: (does that work?)
Vera: (Hm, your stunt implies projectile dodging while you're doing other stuff. <@!Ryusui|GM>, is this an innocent enough stretch?)
Margen: (If it doesn't fly I can just pick my way across or risk stress)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Yeah; I'd say the narrative hook limits it in this case.))
Ryusui|GM: (yeah, i'm going to say the stunt doesn't apply)
Margen: (makes sense, I can quick(+2)ly hop over)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((WAIT!))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Careful still works here.))
Margen: (ah in that case,)
Vera: (As long as he describes it in a way where CAREFUL makes sense.)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I can imagine that video game thing where you have to time it with the on/off cycle of the flames.))
Margen: Margen carefully picks his way to a high countertop and finds a spot where the jets aren't quite as strong
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((👍))
Margen: Eyeballs the distance to the next station
Margen: finds a clear landing zone
Margen: And leaps!
Margen: !f 3 (careful jump through Fire!)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [ ][ ][+][+]]
Vera: (SWS!)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Success with style! 😎))
Ryusui|GM: (congrats, you get a boost!)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Name your boost.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Something that will help with cooking. Please!))
Margen: (swoosh)
"What smells like roast crab?
...Oh, me"
Margen: (I need to think)
Margen: (Through the Fire And the Flames We Carry On**)
Ryusui|GM: (sure XD)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: Daisy dives out of the way before curling into the fetal position after seeing a multi-limbed, multi-eye, larger-then-her aberration come barreling down from above.
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: (([Dragonforce references intensify]))
Margen: (He's only got the 2 eyes, but they have noncircular pupils)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Same with Tako-San.))
Vera: (So, now are we done for now?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((We should be.))
Ryusui|GM: "The tension is mounting as this competition is literally heating up! Who will come out on top? Find out...after this commercial break!*"
Ryusui|GM: !end