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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
- """
- Pyew! A Python Tool like the populars *iew
- Copyright (C) 2009, Joxean Koret
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <>.
- """
- import os
- import sys
- import code
- import pprint
- import sqlite3
- import StringIO
- from binascii import unhexlify
- from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512, new as hashlib_new
- from config import PLUGINS_PATH, DATABASE_PATH
- try:
- import psyco
- psyco.log()
- psyco.full()
- except ImportError:
- pass
- try:
- import readline
- histfile = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".pyew")
- try:
- readline.read_history_file(histfile)
- except IOError:
- pass
- import atexit
- atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile)
- except:
- pass
- try:
- import pefile
- hasPefile = True
- except ImportError:
- hasPefile = False
- try:
- from Elf import Elf
- hasElf = True
- except ImportError:
- hasElf = False
- from pyew_core import CPyew
- PROGRAM="PYEW! A Python tool like radare or *iew"
- VERSION=0x01020000
- def showHelp(pyew):
- print PROGRAM, "0x%x" % VERSION, "(%s)" % HUMAN_VERSION
- print
- print "Commands:"
- print
- print "?/help Show this help"
- print "x/dump/hexdump Show hexadecimal dump"
- print "s/seek Seek to a new offset"
- print "b Return to previous offset"
- print "g/G Goto BOF (g) or EOF (G)"
- print "+/- Go forward/backward one block (specified by pyew.bsize)"
- print "c/d/dis/pd Show disassembly"
- print "a Do code analysis"
- print "r/repr Show string representation"
- print "ls List scripts available or launch one if used with an argument"
- print "p Print the buffer"
- print "buf Print as a python buffer"
- print "byte Print as a C byte array"
- print "/x expr Search hexadecimal string"
- print "/s expr Search strings"
- print "/i expr Search string ignoring case"
- print "/r expr Search regular expression"
- print "/u expr Search unicode expression"
- print "/U expr Search unicode expression ignoring case"
- print "edit Reopen the file for reading and writting"
- print "wx data Write hexadecimal data to file"
- print "wa data Write ASCII data to file"
- print "file Load as new file the buffer from the current offset"
- print "ret Return to the original file (use after 'file')"
- print "interact Open an interactive Python console"
- print
- print "Cryptographic functions: md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512"
- print
- print "Examples:"
- print "[0x0]> md5"
- print "md5: d37b6d42a04cbc04cb2988ed947a5b0d"
- print "[0x0]> md5(pyew.buf[0:7])"
- print "581fd4acfc2214aa246f0b47c8ae8a4e"
- print "[0x0]> md5(pyew.buf[15:35])"
- print "a73b2882dd918070c6e8dfd9081fb600"
- print
- if
- print "PE specific commands:"
- print
- print "imports Show the import table"
- print "exports Show the export table (if any)"
- print
- print "Current configuration options:"
- print
- pyew.showSettings()
- print
- print "Any other expression will be evaled as a Python expression"
- print
- def createSchema(db):
- try:
- sql = """create table samples (id integer not null primary key,
- md5, sha1, sha256, filename, type)"""
- db.execute(sql)
- sql = """create table function_stats (
- id integer not null primary key,
- sample_id, addr, nodes, edges, cc)"""
- db.execute(sql)
- sql = """create table antidebugs (
- id integer not null primary key,
- sample_id, addr, mnemonic
- )"""
- db.execute(sql)
- except:
- pass
- def saveSample(db, pyew, buf, amd5):
- try:
- asha1 = sha1(buf).hexdigest()
- asha256 = sha256(buf).hexdigest()
- name = pyew.filename
- format = pyew.format
- cur = db.cursor()
- sql = """ insert into samples (md5, sha1, sha256, filename, type)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
- cur.execute(sql, (amd5, asha1, asha256, name, format))
- rid = cur.lastrowid
- sql = """ insert into function_stats (sample_id, addr, nodes, edges, cc)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) """
- for f in pyew.function_stats:
- addr = "0x%08x" % f
- nodes, edges, cc = pyew.function_stats[f]
- cur.execute(sql, (rid, addr, nodes, edges, cc))
- sql = """ insert into antidebugs (sample_id, addr, mnemonic) values (?, ?, ?) """
- for antidbg in pyew.antidebug:
- addr, mnem = antidbg
- addr = "0x%08x" % addr
- cur.execute(sql, (rid, addr, mnem))
- db.commit()
- except:
- print sys.exc_info()[1]
- pass
- def saveAndCompareInDatabase(pyew):
- db = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_PATH)
- createSchema(db)
- cur = db.cursor()
- bcontinue = True
- try:
- buf = pyew.getBuffer()
- amd5 = md5(buf).hexdigest()
- name = pyew.filename
- sql = """ select * from samples where md5 = ? """
- cur.execute(sql, (amd5, ))
- for row in cur.fetchall():
- if row[4] != name:
- print "NOTICE: File was previously analyzed (%s)" % row[4]
- print
- bcontinue = False
- cur.close()
- if bcontinue:
- saveSample(db, pyew, buf, amd5)
- except:
- print sys.exc_info()[1]
- raise
- def setupAutoCompletion(pyew):
- # Settings
- commands = {"pyew": pyew}
- # Plugins
- for plugin in pyew.plugins:
- commands[plugin.ljust(8)] = 0
- # Crypto
- cryptos = ["md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"]
- for crypto in cryptos:
- commands[crypto] = 0
- try:
- import rlcompleter
- readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(commands).complete)
- readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
- except:
- pass
- def main(filename):
- pyew = CPyew()
- if os.getenv("PYEW_DEBUG"):
- pyew.debug=True
- else:
- pyew.debug = False
- pyew.loadFile(filename, "rb")
- if pyew.format in ["PE", "ELF"]:
- saveAndCompareInDatabase(pyew)
- pyew.offset = 0
- print pyew.hexdump(pyew.buf, pyew.hexcolumns)
- oldpyew = None
- cmd = ""
- last_cmd = ""
- pyew.previousoffset = []
- # Add global object's references for easier usage
- pe =
- elf = pyew.elf
- # Set AutoCompletion
- setupAutoCompletion(pyew)
- # Check if there is file
- if os.path.exists(''):
- f = open('', 'r')
- commands = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- while 1:
- try:
- last_cmd = cmd
- if len(pyew.previousoffset) > 0:
- if pyew.previousoffset[len(pyew.previousoffset)-1] != pyew.offset:
- pyew.previousoffset.append(pyew.offset)
- else:
- pyew.previousoffset.append(pyew.offset)
- va = None
- if pyew.virtual:
- va = pyew.getVirtualAddressFromOffset(pyew.offset)
- if va:
- prompt = "[0x%08x:0x%08x]> " % (pyew.offset, va)
- else:
- prompt = "[0x%08x]> " % pyew.offset
- try:
- cmd = commands[0].rstrip()
- commands.pop(0)
- except:
- cmd = raw_input(prompt)
- if cmd in ["", "b"] and (last_cmd in ["b", "x", "c", "d", "dump", "hexdump", "dis", "pd", "p", "r", "buf"] or last_cmd.isdigit()):
- if cmd == "b":
- tmp = pyew.previousoffset.pop()
- if len(pyew.previousoffset) > 0:
- tmp = pyew.previousoffset[len(pyew.previousoffset)-1]
- else:
- tmp = 0
- pyew.offset = tmp
- pyew.lastasmoffset = tmp
- if last_cmd.isdigit():
- last_cmd = "c"
- elif cmd == "b" and last_cmd == "b":
- if len(pyew.previousoffset) < 2:
- continue
- tmp = pyew.previousoffset.pop()
- tmp = pyew.previousoffset[len(pyew.previousoffset)-1]
- continue
- elif last_cmd in ["c", "d", "pd"] or last_cmd.isdigit():
- pyew.offset = pyew.lastasmoffset
- if last_cmd.isdigit():
- last_cmd = "c"
- else:
- pyew.offset = pyew.offset+pyew.bsize
- cmd = last_cmd
- except EOFError:
- break
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- break
- try:
- if cmd.strip(" ") == "":
- continue
- if cmd.lower() in ["exit", "quit", "q"]:
- break
- elif cmd.lower() in ["a", "anal"]:
- pyew.findFunctions(pyew.processor)
- print
- elif cmd.lower() in ["x", "dump", "hexdump"]:
- print pyew.hexdump(pyew.buf, pyew.hexcolumns, baseoffset=pyew.offset)
- elif cmd.split(" ")[0] in ["s", "seek"]:
- data = cmd.split(" ")
- if len(data) > 1:
- if data[1].lower() in ["ep", "entrypoint"]:
- if pyew.ep:
- pyew.offset = pyew.ep
- else:
- pyew.names.has_key(data[1].lower())
- if data[1].lower()[0] in ["+", "-"]:
- pyew.offset += int(data[1])
- elif data[1].lower().startswith("0x"):
- pyew.offset = int(data[1], 16)
- elif data[1] in pyew.names.values():
- for x in pyew.names:
- if pyew.names[x] == data[1]:
- pyew.offset = x
- break
- else:
- pyew.offset = int(data[1])
- elif cmd.lower().split(" ")[0] in ["c", "d", "dis", "pd"]:
- data = cmd.lower().split(" ")
- if len(data) > 1:
- if not data[1].startswith("/"):
- type = int(data[1])
- dis = pyew.disassemble(pyew.buf, pyew.processor, pyew.type, pyew.lines, pyew.bsize, baseoffset=pyew.offset)
- print dis
- else:
- cmd = data[1:]
- if len(cmd) > 1:
- ret = pyew.dosearch(pyew.f, cmd[0][1:2], cmd[1], cols=60, doprint=False, offset=pyew.offset)
- else:
- ret = pyew.dosearch(pyew.f, cmd[0][1:2], "", cols=60, doprint=False, offset=pyew.offset)
- for x in ret:
- dis = pyew.disassemble(x.values()[0], pyew.processor, pyew.type, pyew.lines, pyew.bsize, baseoffset=x.keys()[0])
- print dis
- else:
- dis = pyew.disassemble(pyew.buf, pyew.processor, pyew.type, pyew.lines, pyew.bsize, baseoffset=pyew.offset)
- print dis
- elif cmd.isdigit() and int(cmd) < len(pyew.calls)+1 and int(cmd) > 0:
- pyew.offset = pyew.calls[int(cmd)-1]
- dis = pyew.disassemble(pyew.buf, pyew.processor, pyew.type, pyew.lines, pyew.bsize, baseoffset=pyew.offset)
- print dis
- elif cmd == "buf":
- lines = 0
- line = ""
- for c in pyew.buf:
- line += c
- if len(line) == pyew.hexcolumns:
- print repr(line)
- line = ""
- if line != "":
- print repr(line)
- elif cmd == "byte":
- lines = 0
- line = ""
- for c in pyew.buf:
- line += "0x%x, " % ord(c)
- if len(line) >= pyew.hexcolumns / (1.00/4.00):
- print line
- line = ""
- if line != "":
- print "%s" % line
- elif cmd.lower().split(" ")[0] in ["r", "repr"]:
- print repr(pyew.buf)
- elif cmd.lower().split(" ")[0] in ["p"]:
- print pyew.buf
- elif cmd.lower() in ["settings", "options"]:
- pyew.showSettings()
- elif cmd.startswith("/"):
- ret = pyew.dosearch(pyew.f, cmd[1:2], cmd[3:], cols=60, offset=pyew.offset)
- elif cmd.lower() in ["?", "help"]:
- showHelp(pyew)
- elif cmd.lower() in ["imports"]:
- if pyew.format == "PE":
- for entry in
- print entry.dll
- for imp in entry.imports:
- print '\t', hex(imp.address),
- elif pyew.format == "ELF":
- for x in pyew.elf.relocs:
- print x
- elif cmd.lower() in ["exports"]:
- if pyew.format == "PE":
- for exp in
- print hex( + exp.address),, exp.ordinal
- elif pyew.format == "ELF":
- print "Not yet implemented"
- elif cmd.lower() in ["sections"]:
- if pyew.format == "PE":
- for x in
- print x
- elif pyew.format == "ELF":
- for x in pyew.elf.secnames:
- print pyew.elf.secnames[x]
- elif cmd.lower() in ["elf", "pe"]:
- if cmd.lower() == "elf":
- print pyew.elf
- else:
- print
- elif cmd.lower() == "g":
- if cmd == "g":
- pyew.offset = 0
- else:
- pyew.offset = pyew.maxsize - pyew.bsize
- if pyew.offset < 0:
- pyew.offset = pyew.maxsize - 32
- elif cmd in ["-", "+"]:
- if cmd == "+":
- pyew.offset += pyew.bsize
- else:
- pyew.offset -= pyew.bsize
- elif pyew.plugins.has_key(cmd.split(" ")[0]):
- plg = cmd.split(" ")
- if len(plg) == 1:
- pyew.plugins[plg[0]](pyew)
- else:
- pyew.plugins[plg[0]](pyew, plg[1:])
- elif cmd.lower().split(" ")[0] in ["md5", "sha1", "sha224", "sha256", "sha384", "sha512"]:
- func = eval(cmd)
- print "%s: %s" % (cmd, func(pyew.getBuffer()).hexdigest())
- elif cmd.startswith("!"):
- os.system(cmd[1:])
- elif cmd == "ret" and oldpyew is not None:
- pyew = oldpyew
- oldpyew = None
- elif cmd == "file":
- oldpyew = pyew
- del pyew
- pyew = CPyew()
- buf = oldpyew.getBytes(oldpyew.offset, oldpyew.maxsize)
- pyew.loadFromBuffer(buf, oldpyew.filename + "[embed]")
- elif cmd == "interact":
- code.interact(local=locals())
- elif cmd == "edit":
- pyew.f.close()
- pyew.f = open(filename, "r+wb")
- elif cmd.split(" ")[0] in ["ls"]:
- data = cmd.split(" ")
- if len(data) == 2:
- #print "parsing script file:", data[1]
- f = open('scripts/' + data[1], 'r')
- commands = f.readlines()
- f.close()
- else:
- scripts = os.listdir('scripts/')
- print "Scripts available:"
- for script in scripts:
- print "\t", script
- elif cmd.split(" ")[0] in ["wx", "wa"]:
- if cmd.split(" ")[0] == "wx":
- data = unhexlify(cmd.split(" ")[1])
- else:
- data = cmd.split(" ")[1]
- pyew.f.write(data)
- else:
- if cmd.find("=") > -1 or cmd.startswith("print") or cmd.startswith("import "):
- exec(cmd)
- else:
- x = eval(cmd)
- if "hexdigest" in dir(x):
- print "%s: %s" % (cmd, x.hexdigest())
- else:
- pprint.pprint(x)
- except:
- print "Error:", sys.exc_info()[1]
- if pyew.debug:
- raise
- def mainBatch(directory):
- pass
- def usage():
- print "%s Version 0x%08x (%s)" % (PROGRAM, VERSION, HUMAN_VERSION)
- print
- print "Usage:", sys.argv[0], "<filename>"
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) == 1:
- usage()
- else:
- main(sys.argv[1])
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