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- #include "graphics.h"
- #include "process.h"
- #include "dos.h"
- #include "iostream"
- using namespace std;
- int P, W = 30, H = 200, D = 50, N = 6, X = 400, Y = 50;
- #define M_PI 3.14
- void menu();
- struct Diem
- {
- int x, y;
- };
- void hcos()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 2;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(BLUE);
- settextstyle(5, 0, 10);
- outtextxy(220, 30, " Do thi ham so y = cos(x)");
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 8, getmaxy() / 8, 7 * getmaxx() / 8, 7 * getmaxy() / 8, 1);
- rectangle(0, 0, 3 * getmaxx() / 4, 3 * getmaxy() / 4);
- setfillstyle(1, YELLOW);//chon kieu duong
- floodfill(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, YELLOW);
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, 7 * getmaxx() / 8, 7 * getmaxy() / 8, 0);
- setcolor(BLUE);
- line(-3 * (getmaxx() / 8), 0, 3 * getmaxx() / 8, 0);
- line(0, -3 * (getmaxy() / 8), 0, 3 * getmaxy() / 8);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "(0,0)");
- outtextxy(3 * (getmaxx() / 8) - 7, 0, "x");
- outtextxy(0, -3 * (getmaxy() / 8) - 7, "y");
- int x, y;
- for (int i = -400; i <= 400; ++i)
- {
- //x=2*M_PI*i*20/200;
- x = 2 * M_PI*i * 20 / 200;
- y = -2000 * cos(2 * M_PI*i / 200) / 60;
- putpixel(x, y, RED);
- delay(10);
- }
- setcolor(WHITE);
- outtextxy(220, 200, " Thoat ESC");
- char c;
- c = getch();
- if (c == 27)
- {
- closegraph();
- menu();
- }
- }
- void hsin()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 2;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(GREEN);
- settextstyle(5, 0, 10);
- outtextxy(220, 30, " Do thi ham so y = sin(x)");
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 8, getmaxy() / 8, 7 * getmaxx() / 8, 7 * getmaxy() / 8, 1);
- rectangle(0, 0, 3 * getmaxx() / 4, 3 * getmaxy() / 4);
- setfillstyle(1, BLUE);
- floodfill(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, YELLOW);
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, 7 * getmaxx() / 8, 7 * getmaxy() / 8, 0);
- setcolor(BLACK);
- line(-3 * (getmaxx() / 8), 0, 3 * getmaxx() / 8, 0);
- line(0, -3 * (getmaxy() / 8), 0, 3 * getmaxy() / 8);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "(0,0)");
- outtextxy(3 * (getmaxx() / 8) - 7, 0, "x");
- outtextxy(0, -3 * (getmaxy() / 8) - 7, "y");
- int x, y;
- for (int i = -400; i <= 400; ++i)
- {
- x = 2 * M_PI*i * 20 / 200;
- y = -2000 * sin(2 * M_PI*i / 200) / 60;
- putpixel(x, y, RED);
- delay(10);
- }
- setcolor(WHITE);
- outtextxy(220, 200, " Thoat ESC");
- char c;
- c = getch();
- if (c == 27)
- {
- closegraph();
- menu();
- }
- }
- unsigned int visualpage, centre, stangle, endangle;
- void init()
- {
- int a0, a1, r, r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6;
- int y1, xc, yc, x1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5;
- int mh = 0, mode = 2;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(WHITE);
- setcolor(RED);
- outtextxy(10, 10, "Bam phim Esc de thoat");
- setcolor(YELLOW);
- setfillstyle(1, 5);
- centre = getmaxx() / 2;
- r = getmaxy() / 8;
- r1 = 1 + r / 2;
- r2 = 1 + r / 4;
- r1 = r / 10;
- xc = centre - r1;
- yc = 180 - r;
- x1 = xc - (r + r1) / 2 + 5;
- y1 = yc - (r + r1)*sqrt(3 / 4) + 5;
- x2 = xc - (r + r2); y2 = yc - 10;
- x3 = xc + (r + r2) / 2;
- y3 = yc - (r + r2)*sqrt(3 / 4) + 10;
- x4 = x1 - (r1 / 2)*sqrt(3 / 4) + 1;
- y4 = y1 + (r1 / 2) - 7;
- x5 = x1 + (r1 / 2)*sqrt(3 / 4) - 1;
- y5 = y1 - (r1 / 2) + 7;
- stangle = 270;
- endangle = 340;
- }
- void bacnhat()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 2, a, b;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(BLUE);
- outtextxy(220, 10, " Do thi ham so y = ax+b");
- cout << "\n";
- cout << " Nhap a= ";
- cin >> a;
- cout << "\n";
- cout << " Nhap b= ";
- cin >> b;
- settextstyle(5, 0, 10);
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, getmaxx(), getmaxy(), 0);
- setcolor(WHITE);
- line(-(getmaxx() / 2), 0, getmaxx() / 2, 0);
- line(0, -(getmaxy() / 2), 0, getmaxy() / 2);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "(0,0)");
- outtextxy((getmaxx() / 2) - 10, 0, "x");
- outtextxy(0, (getmaxy() / 2) - 10, "y");
- setcolor(YELLOW);
- line(-(getmaxx() / 2) * 10, (a*(-1)*(getmaxy() / 2) + b) * 10, (getmaxx() / 2) * 10, (a*(getmaxy() / 2) + b) * 10);
- delay(40);
- outtextxy(200, (getmaxy() / 2) - 30, "Thoat: ESC ");
- char c;
- c = getch();
- if (c == 27)
- {
- closegraph();
- menu();
- }
- }
- void parabol()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 2, a, b, e, w, t;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(BLUE);
- settextstyle(5, 0, 10);
- outtextxy(220, 30, " Do thi ham so y = a*x*x+bx+c");
- cout << "\n";
- cout << " Nhap a=";
- cin >> a;
- cout << " Nhap b=";
- cin >> b;
- cout << " Nhap c=";
- cin >> e;
- w = (b*b - 4 * a*e) / 2 * a;
- t = -b / (2 * a);
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, getmaxx(), getmaxy(), 0);
- line(-(getmaxx() / 2), -w, getmaxx() / 2, -w);
- line(-t, -(getmaxy() / 2), -t, getmaxy() / 2);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "(0,0)");
- outtextxy((getmaxx() / 2) - 10, 0, "x");
- outtextxy(0, (getmaxy() / 2) - 10, "y");
- float x, y, j;
- for (int i = -200; i <= 200; ++i)
- {
- x = i;
- y = -a*pow(x, 2) - b*x - e; j = y;
- putpixel(x, j, YELLOW);
- // delay(0);
- } outtextxy(200, (getmaxy() / 2) - 30, "Thoat: ESC ");
- char c;
- c = getch();
- if (c == 27)
- {
- closegraph();
- menu();
- }
- }
- void hambac3()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 0, a, b, d, e;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "");
- setbkcolor(BLUE);
- settextstyle(5, 0, 10);
- outtextxy(220, 30, " Do thi ham so y = a*x*x*x");
- cout << "Nhap a="; cin >> a;
- setviewport(getmaxx() / 2, getmaxy() / 2, getmaxx(), getmaxy(), 0);
- line(-(getmaxx() / 2), 0, getmaxx() / 2, 0);
- line(0, -(getmaxy() / 2), 0, getmaxy() / 2);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "(0,0)");
- outtextxy((getmaxx() / 2) - 10, 0, "x");
- outtextxy(0, (getmaxy() / 2) - 10, "y");
- float x, y, j;
- for (int i = -200; i <= 200; ++i)
- {
- x = i;
- y = a*pow(x, 3); j = y / 4000;
- putpixel(x, j, YELLOW);
- delay(10);
- }
- outtextxy(200, (getmaxy() / 2) - 30, "Thoat: ESC ");
- char c;
- c = getch();
- if (c == 27)
- {
- closegraph();
- menu();
- }
- }
- void goi(int h)
- {
- if (h == 1) hsin();
- if (h == 2) hcos();
- if (h == 3) bacnhat();
- if (h == 4) parabol();
- if (h == 5) hambac3();
- }
- void Ve(int P)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i<N; ++i)
- {
- setbkcolor(1); setcolor(3);
- line(X - H, Y + i*D, X - H, Y + i*D + W);
- line(X - H, Y + i*D, X, Y + i*D);
- line(X, Y + i*D, X, Y + i*D + W);
- line(X - H, Y + i*D + W, X, Y + i*D + W);
- setcolor(4);
- if (i == 0) outtextxy(220, 60, "Do thi ham so sin(x)");
- if (i == 1) outtextxy(220, 110, "Do thi ham so cos(x)");
- if (i == 2) outtextxy(220, 160, "Do thi ham bac nhat");
- if (i == 3) outtextxy(220, 210, "Do thi ham bac hai");
- if (i == 4) outtextxy(220, 260, " Ham bac ba");
- if (i == 5) outtextxy(220, 310, " Thoat chuong trinh");
- outtextxy(100, 360, " SVTH: Phi Thi Hai Yen");
- }
- setcolor(15);
- line(X - H, Y + (P - 1)*D, X - H, Y + (P - 1)*D + W);
- line(X - H, Y + (P - 1)*D, X, Y + (P - 1)*D);
- setcolor(8);
- line(X, Y + (P - 1)*D, X, Y + (P - 1)*D + W);
- line(X - H, Y + (P - 1)*D + W, X, Y + (P - 1)*D + W);
- }
- void main()
- {
- P = 1;
- menu();
- getch();
- }
- void menu()
- {
- int mh = 0, mode = 2;
- char c;
- initgraph(&mh, &mode, "D:\TC\bin");
- outtextxy(200, 20, "DO THI MOT SO HAM SO SO CAP");
- Ve(P);
- do
- {
- c = getch();
- if (c == 13)
- {
- closegraph();
- if (P == 6) exit(0);
- else
- goi(P);
- }
- if (c == 72)
- if (P>1)
- {
- P -= 1;
- Ve(P);
- }
- else
- {
- P = N;
- Ve(P);
- }
- if (c == 80) if (P<N)
- {
- P += 1;
- Ve(P);
- }
- else
- {
- P = 1;
- Ve(P);
- }
- } while (1);
- }
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