

Jul 13th, 2011
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  1. wickedrose9: but now that i know you feel this way.... would you truely be fine with just being friends? dont lie to me
  2. xXLoveBitterXx: my feelings for u wont stop but ill always be ur friend even tho u dont want more
  3. wickedrose9: but thats just it you want more dont you?
  4. xXLoveBitterXx: if u dont want more im fine with it
  5. wickedrose9: fine then lets be friends if your fine with it -smiles-
  6. xXLoveBitterXx: if that wat makes u happy
  7. wickedrose9: it doesnt make me happy because i know it doesnt make you happy stupid i see right through your words
  8. wickedrose9: now get off the floor
  9. xXLoveBitterXx: make me
  10. wickedrose9: lolz
  11. xXLoveBitterXx: i feel like im gonna puke -hides my face and carves my leg with a razor-
  12. wickedrose9: wth
  13. wickedrose9: what are you doing are you cutting yourself?
  14. xXLoveBitterXx: i use to alot wish i could sometimes but i have ppl that with put me into a place i wouldnt like
  15. xXLoveBitterXx: will*
  16. wickedrose9: -drops to the ground and grabs the razor tightly closes my hand blood begins to pour down my arm-
  17. wickedrose9: dont do such things be hurting youself you hurt others
  18. wickedrose9: by*
  19. xXLoveBitterXx: -tears goes down and opens ur hand and throws it off the cliff and screams - what the fuck are u doin r u frikkin crazy
  20. xXLoveBitterXx: dont hurtself like that
  21. wickedrose9: i want you to know that it hurts me when you hurt yourself when your sad... when your not smiling...
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