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- ## CreateHTMLWithImages.ps1
- ## Creates a HTML file with 2 columns.
- ## First column is path to image, second column is the image
- ## Usage:
- ## CreateHTMLWithImages.ps1 -website %WEBSITE% -sourcepath %SOURCEPATH% -HTMLfile %HTMLFILE% [-YSize %VERTICALSIZE% -XSize %HORIZONTALSIZE%]
- ## -website is the URL to replace the source path with
- ## -sourcepath is the path to the images (local or UNC)
- ## -HTMLFile is the path and name to the output HTML file. If this file already exists it will be overwritten
- ## -YSize (optional) is the size of the vertical axis in pixels - if not entered default will be 347
- ## -XSize (optional) is the size of the vertical axis in pixels - if not entered default will be 554
- ## eg:
- ## CreateHTMLWithImages.ps1 -website -sourcepath \\web03\blog\images\2016\1\3\ -HTMLFile \\web03\blog\20160103.html -YSize 100 -XSize 100
- ## Also uses "ConvertTo-AdvHTML" function from Martin Pugh
- ## Twitter: @thesurlyadm1n
- ## Spiceworks: Martin9700
- ## Blog:
- ##
- ##
- param(
- [string]$website=$(throw "-website parameter is required"),
- [string]$sourcepath=$(throw "-sourcepath parameter is required"),
- [string]$HTMLfile=$(throw "-HTMLfile parameter is required"),
- [int]$YSize=554,
- [int]$XSize=347
- )
- Function ConvertTo-AdvHTML
- { <#
- Advanced replacement of ConvertTo-HTML cmdlet
- This function allows for vastly greater control over cells and rows
- in a HTML table. It takes ConvertTo-HTML to a whole new level! You
- can now specify what color a cell or row is (either dirctly or through
- the use of CSS). You can add links, pictures and pictures AS links.
- You can also specify a cell to be a bar graph where you control the
- colors of the graph and text that can be included in the graph.
- All color functions are through the use of imbedded text tags inside the
- properties of the object you pass to this function. It is important to note
- that this function does not do any processing for you, you must make sure all
- control tags are already present in the object before passing it to the
- function.
- Here are the different tags available:
- Syntax Comment
- ===================================================================================
- [cell:<color>]<optional text> Designate the color of the cell. Must be
- at the beginning of the string.
- Example:
- [cell:red]System Down
- [row:<color>] Designate the color of the row. This control
- can be anywhere, in any property of the object.
- Example:
- [row:orchid]
- [cellclass:<class>]<optional text>
- Designate the color, and other properties, of the
- cell based on a class in your CSS. You must
- have the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter).
- Must be at the beginning of the string.
- Example:
- [cellclass:highlight]10mb
- [rowclass:<class>] Designate the color, and other properties, of the
- row based on a class in your CSS. You must
- have the class in your CSS (use the -CSS parameter).
- This control can be anywhere, in any property of the
- object.
- Example:
- [rowclass:greyishbold]
- [image:<height;width;url>]<alternate text>
- Include an image in your cell. Put size of picture
- in pixels and url seperated by semi-colons. Format
- must be height;width;url. You can also include other
- text in the cell, but the [image] tag must be at the
- end of the tag (so the alternate text is last).
- Example:
- [image:100;200;]Alt Text For Image
- [link:<url>]<link text> Include a link in your cell. Other text is allowed in
- the string, but the [link] tag must be at the end of the
- string.
- Example:
- blah blah blah []Cool PowerShell Link
- [linkpic:<height;width;url to pic>]<url for link>
- This tag uses a picture which you can click on and go to the
- specified link. You must specify the size of the picture and
- url where it is located, this information is seperated by semi-
- colons. Other text is allowed in the string, but the [link] tag
- must be at the end of the string.
- Example:
- [linkpic:100;200;]
- [bar:<percent;bar color;remainder color>]<optional text>
- Bar graph makes a simple colored bar graph within the cell. The
- length of the bar is controlled using <percent>. You can
- designate the color of the bar, and the color of the remainder
- section. Due to the mysteries of HTML, you must designate a
- width for the column with the [bar] tag using the HeadWidth parameter.
- So if you had a percentage of 95, say 95% used disk you
- would want to highlight the remainder for your report:
- Example:
- [bar:95;dark green;red]5% free
- What if you were at 30% of a sales goal with only 2 weeks left in
- the quarter, you would want to highlight that you have a problem.
- Example:
- [bar:30;darkred;red]30% of goal
- .PARAMETER InputObject
- The object you want converted to an HTML table
- .PARAMETER HeadWidth
- You can specify the width of a cell. Cell widths are in pixels
- and are passed to the parameter in array format. Each element
- in the array corresponds to the column in your table, any element
- that is set to 0 will designate the column with be dynamic. If you had
- four elements in your InputObject and wanted to make the 4th a fixed
- width--this is required for using the [bar] tag--of 600 pixels:
- -HeadWidth 0,0,0,600
- Designate custom CSS for your HTML
- Specifies a title for the HTML file, that is, the text that appears between the <TITLE> tags.
- .PARAMETER PreContent
- Specifies text to add before the opening <TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position.
- .PARAMETER PostContent
- Specifies text to add after the closing </TABLE> tag. By default, there is no text in that position.
- Specifies the text to add after the opening <BODY> tag. By default, there is no text in that position.
- .PARAMETER Fragment
- Generates only an HTML table. The HTML, HEAD, TITLE, and BODY tags are omitted.
- System.Management.Automation.PSObject
- You can pipe any .NET object to ConvertTo-AdvHtml.
- System.String
- ConvertTo-AdvHtml returns series of strings that comprise valid HTML.
- $Data = @"
- Server,Description,Status,Disk
- [row:orchid]Server1,Hello1,[cellclass:up]Up,"[bar:45;Purple;Orchid]55% Free"
- Server2,Hello2,[cell:green]Up,"[bar:65;DarkGreen;Green]65% Used"
- Server3,Goodbye3,[cell:red]Down,"[bar:95;DarkGreen;DarkRed]5% Free"
- server4,This is quite a cool test,[cell:green]Up,"[image:150;650;]Test Images"
- server5,SurlyAdmin,[cell:red]Down,"[link:]The Surly Admin"
- server6,MoreSurlyAdmin,[cell:purple]Updating,"[linkpic:150;650;]"
- "@
- $Data = $Data | ConvertFrom-Csv
- $HTML = $Data | ConvertTo-AdvHTML -HeadWidth 0,0,0,600 -PreContent "<p><h1>This might be the best report EVER</h1></p><br>" -PostContent "<br>Done! $(Get-Date)" -Title "Cool Test!"
- This is some sample code where I try to put every possibile tag and use into a single set
- of data. $Data is the PSObject 4 columns. Default CSS is used, so the [cellclass:up] tag
- will not work but I left it there so you can see how to use it.
- Author: Martin Pugh
- Twitter: @thesurlyadm1n
- Spiceworks: Martin9700
- Blog:
- Changelog:
- 1.0 Initial Release
- #>
- #requires -Version 2.0
- [CmdletBinding()]
- Param (
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,
- ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
- [Object[]]$InputObject,
- [string[]]$HeadWidth,
- [string]$CSS = @"
- <style>
- TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}
- TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #6495ED;font-size:120%;}
- TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}
- </style>
- "@,
- [string]$Title,
- [string]$PreContent,
- [string]$PostContent,
- [string]$Body,
- [switch]$Fragment
- )
- Begin {
- If ($Title)
- { $CSS += "`n<title>$Title</title>`n"
- }
- $Params = @{
- Head = $CSS
- }
- If ($PreContent)
- { $Params.Add("PreContent",$PreContent)
- }
- If ($PostContent)
- { $Params.Add("PostContent",$PostContent)
- }
- If ($Body)
- { $Params.Add("Body",$Body)
- }
- If ($Fragment)
- { $Params.Add("Fragment",$true)
- }
- $Data = @()
- }
- Process {
- ForEach ($Line in $InputObject)
- { $Data += $Line
- }
- }
- End {
- $Html = $Data | ConvertTo-Html @Params
- $NewHTML = @()
- ForEach ($Line in $Html)
- { If ($Line -like "*<th>*")
- { If ($Headwidth)
- { $Index = 0
- $Reg = $Line | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "<th>(.*?)<\/th>"
- ForEach ($th in $Reg.Matches)
- { If ($Index -le ($HeadWidth.Count - 1))
- { If ($HeadWidth[$Index] -and $HeadWidth[$Index] -gt 0)
- { $Line = $Line.Replace($th.Value,"<th style=""width:$($HeadWidth[$Index])px"">$($th.Groups[1])</th>")
- }
- }
- $Index ++
- }
- }
- }
- Do {
- Switch -regex ($Line)
- { "<td>\[cell:(.*?)\].*?<\/td>"
- { $Line = $Line.Replace("<td>[cell:$($Matches[1])]","<td style=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">")
- Break
- }
- "\[cellclass:(.*?)\]"
- { $Line = $Line.Replace("<td>[cellclass:$($Matches[1])]","<td class=""$($Matches[1])"">")
- Break
- }
- "\[row:(.*?)\]"
- { $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr style=""background-color:$($Matches[1])"">")
- $Line = $Line.Replace("[row:$($Matches[1])]","")
- Break
- }
- "\[rowclass:(.*?)\]"
- { $Line = $Line.Replace("<tr>","<tr class=""$($Matches[1])"">")
- $Line = $Line.Replace("[rowclass:$($Matches[1])]","")
- Break
- }
- "<td>\[bar:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"
- { $Bar = $Matches[1].Split(";")
- $Width = 100 - [int]$Bar[0]
- If (-not $Matches[2])
- { $Text = " "
- }
- Else
- { $Text = $Matches[2]
- }
- $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<td><div style=""background-color:$($Bar[1]);float:left;width:$($Bar[0])%"">$Text</div><div style=""background-color:$($Bar[2]);float:left;width:$width%""> </div></td>")
- Break
- }
- "\[image:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"
- { $Image = $Matches[1].Split(";")
- $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<img src=""$($Image[2])"" alt=""$($Matches[2])"" height=""$($Image[0])"" width=""$($Image[1])""></td>")
- }
- "\[link:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"
- { $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<a href=""$($Matches[1])"">$($Matches[2])</a></td>")
- }
- "\[linkpic:(.*?)\](.*?)<\/td>"
- { $Images = $Matches[1].Split(";")
- $Line = $Line.Replace($Matches[0],"<a href=""$($Matches[2])""><img src=""$($Image[2])"" height=""$($Image[0])"" width=""$($Image[1])""></a></td>")
- }
- Default
- { Break
- }
- }
- } Until ($Line -notmatch "\[.*?\]")
- $NewHTML += $Line
- }
- Return $NewHTML
- }
- }
- $listoffiles=get-childitem $sourcepath
- $HTMLObject=@()
- foreach ($file in $listoffiles)
- {
- $websitepath=$website+$file
- $imagepath="[image:$XSize;$YSize;$websitepath]"
- $object=new-object -TypeName PSObject
- $object | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name WebsitePath -Value $websitepath
- $object | add-member -MemberType NoteProperty -name Image -value $imagepath
- $HTMLObject += $object
- }
- $HTMLobject | convertto-Advhtml > $HTMLFile
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