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- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # This is nearing the final evolution of my Game Installer Script. Command-line parameters are now optional,
- # I've added colour to the output, the logic has been tweaked out a bit so now the script will check for WINE,
- # and attempt to install it, should it not be found, and I've also added commentary to each section to explain
- # what it all does and added extensive error handling. As far as features go, I was thinking of making both the
- # MSVC redist and Vulkan functions which could be called independently of actually performing an install with
- # a command-line parameter, but I don't really see the need at this point. For now, it only works on Ubuntu and
- # Ubuntu-based distributions but eventually I plan to expand this.
- IFS=$'\n'
- # Define some fancy colourful text with BASH's built-in escape codes. Example:
- # echo -e "${BOLD}${YELLOW}This text will be displayed in BOLD YELLOW. ${RESET}While this text is normal."
- BOLD="\033[1m"
- RESET="\e[0m" #Normal
- BGND="\e[40m"
- ULINE="\033[4m"
- YELLOW="${BOLD}${BGND}\e[1;33m"
- RED="${BOLD}${BGND}\e[1;91m"
- GREEN="${BOLD}${BGND}\e[1;92m"
- WHITE="${BOLD}${BGND}\e[1;97m"
- SKIP=false
- echo -e "${WHITE}" # Make the text bold and white by default because it's easier to read.
- # User ID, working directory and parameter checks - NO ROOT!!!
- cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" || exit; [ "$EUID" = "0" ] && echo -e "${RED}Gotta quit here because I can't run as root. ${WHITE}I'll prompt you if I need root access.${RESET}" && exit 255
- # Check if a foler was supplied on the command line and deal with any trailing slashes, should they exist
- if [[ ! "$1" =~ ^[Ss][Kk][Ii][Pp]$ && -n "$1" ]]; then
- if [[ "$1" == */ ]]; then
- ONE="${1%/}"
- else
- ONE="$1"
- fi
- NOSPACE="${ONE// /_}"
- echo
- echo "This script will attempt to install WINE for you if it isn't already installed."
- echo -e "As such, it would be ${ULINE}${YELLOW}REALLY HELPFUL${RESET}${WHITE} if you have Internet access."
- echo "It's also largely failproof, so if it encounters something it can't fix, or something"
- echo "which can't be fixed later by tweaking the runner script, it will exit with a fatal"
- echo "error. Everything is mostly automated, only requiring you to answer a few prompts."
- echo
- echo -e "To continue, press ${YELLOW}<ENTER>${WHITE}. To cancel, press ${YELLOW}<CTRL-C>${WHITE}."; read donext
- fi
- if [[ "${1,,}" == "skip" ]]; then
- SKIP=true
- fi
- if [[ -z "$1" ]] || [[ "${1,,}" == *"skip"* ]]; then
- echo
- # Load all subfolders into an array and make it a numbered list
- #GDIRS=($(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec basename {} \; | grep -vE '^\.$|^\..$|\.redist$'))
- #shopt -s nullglob nocaseglob
- GDIRS=()
- echo -e "${RED}Commandline was blank. ${WHITE}Listing potential game folders. We'll see if they're empty later:"
- echo
- for dir in */; do
- if [[ $dir =~ ^\.[^.]|^\.redist ]]; then
- continue
- fi
- GDIRS+=("$dir")
- done
- for ((i=0; i<"${#GDIRS[@]}"; i++)); do
- # Write the list to the screen, removing the trailing slashes, and determine the color based on the index
- if ((i % 2 == 0)); then
- echo -e "${ULINE}${WHITE}$i: ${GDIRS[$i]%/}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- else
- echo -e "${ULINE}${GREEN}$i: ${GDIRS[$i]%/}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- fi
- #dir="${GDIRS[$i]%/}"
- #echo "$i: $dir"
- done
- # Ask for input based on the list, looping until a valid response is given
- while true; do
- echo -e "${WHITE}"
- read -p "Choose a number from the list above. " dirsel
- echo
- if [[ $dirsel =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $dirsel -ge 0 && $dirsel -le ${#GDIRS[@]} ]]; then
- echo
- break
- else
- echo -e "${YELLOW}\"$dirsel\" was ${RED}NOT ${YELLOW}an option - let's try again."
- echo
- fi
- done
- LAUNCHER="${GDIRS[dirsel]%/}"
- echo -e "${YELLOW}Launching install script for \"${ULINE}${WHITE}$LAUNCHER${RESET}${YELLOW}\":"
- echo
- # By calling '. $0 "${GDIRS[dirsel]}"' we can relaunch this script using the chosen directory as the commandline
- # option and avoid writing extra code to tell the script that each instance of "$1" should be "$1" unless the
- # array for $GDIRS has been set, in which case, use "${GDIRS[dirsel]}". It's much simpler this way because even
- # the first version of the install script has always taken a folder-name as a commandline.
- . "$0" "$LAUNCHER"
- exit 0
- fi
- # Assuming the script was run with an option by the user, and not called from the loop above,
- # check to make sure the provided directory name actually exists. If not, exit with an error.
- if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}I can't find \"${WHITE}${ULINE}$1${RESET}${RED}\". Maybe try checking your spelling?${RESET}"
- echo
- exit 255
- fi
- # This checks to make sure the script is being run on some variation of Ubuntu, and quits with an error if it's not.
- if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then
- # If we're running Ubunto, Kubuntu, Mint, or anything else like it, run /etc/os-release and load the environment variables from it
- . /etc/os-release
- else
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}What are you even running this on? This won't work.${RESET}"
- echo
- exit 255
- fi
- # First, check to see if WINE is installed, if not, proceed accordingly.
- if ! command -v wine &> /dev/null; then
- echo
- echo -e "${YELLOW}WINE isn't installed. ${WHITE}Checking for WINEHQ official repositories."
- echo
- # Now, check if WineHQ repositories for WINE and WINETRICKS are configured.
- # If "" isn't present in any .source files, add it and update.
- if grep -q -r "" /etc/apt/; then
- echo -e "${YELLOW}WINEHQ repository exists. ${WHITE}Proceeding to WINE install."
- else
- # The information for $UBUNTU_CODENAME is provided by /etc/os-release above
- echo -e "${RED}WINEHQ repository not found. ${WHITE}Proceeding to add WINEHQ repository information."
- sudo mkdir -pm755 /etc/apt/keyrings
- sudo wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/winehq-archive.key
- #sudo add-apt-repository "deb $UBUNTU_CODENAME main"
- sudo wget -NP /etc/apt/sources.list.d/$DISTRO/winehq-$DISTRO.sources
- sudo apt update -y
- fi
- # If the WINE install fails, save the error to $ERRNUM and exit - we can't do this without WINE.
- if ! sudo apt install -y --install-recommends winehq-stable winetricks; then
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}Fatal error ${WHITE}$ERRNUM ${RED}occurred installing WINE. ٩(๏̯๏)۶ "
- echo
- echo -e "${YELLOW}Hey. Don't look at me. ${WHITE}I don't know what it means."
- echo -e "${YELLOW}Try Googling error ${ULINE}$ERRNUM ${RESET}${YELLOW}and see if that helps?${RESET}"
- echo
- exit $ERRNUM
- fi
- echo
- fi
- # Variable Declarations
- # Using the short-circuit trick, check if $WINE is empty (if we didn't have to install WINE, it will be)
- # and if so, assign it through command substitution
- WINE="$(command -v wine)"
- WINEVER="$(wine --version)" # Get the version number of the WINE package we just installed.
- WINE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1; WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d;mshtml=d;nvapi,nvapi64=n" # Set environment variables for WINE
- WINEPREFIX="/home/$(whoami)/Game_Storage" # Create Wineprefix if it doesn't exist
- GAMESRC="$PWD/$1" # Game Source Folder (where the setup is)
- GAMEDEST="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Games/$1" # Game Destination Folder (where it's going to be)
- GSS="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/$" # Game Starter Script - written automatically by this script
- RSRC="$PWD/.redist" # Location of the MSVC Redistributables
- #WINEDBG="$(command -v winedbg)" # <-- WINE Debugger
- #WINEBOOT="$(command -v wineboot)" # <-- WINEBOOT
- export WINE
- export WINEVER
- export GAMESRC
- export GAMEDEST
- export GSS
- export RSRC
- #export WINEDBG
- #export WINEBOOT
- echo -e "${GREEN}WINE version ${YELLOW}$WINEVER${GREEN} is installed and verified functional."
- echo
- # Check to see if $GAMESRC actually exists. If not, exit with an error (useful check if user gives $1)
- if [ ! -d "$GAMESRC" ]; then
- echo -e "${RED}Error: \"${WHITE}$GAMESRC${RED}\" doesn't exist."
- echo
- echo " ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ "
- echo -e "${RESET}"
- exit 255
- fi
- # Check to see if $GAMESRC contains files. If not, exit with an error (also useful check if user gives $1)
- if [ -z "$GAMESRC" ]; then
- echo -e "${RED}Error: \"$GAMESRC\" is an empty directory.${WHITE}"
- echo " ಠ_ಠ "
- echo -e "${RESET}"
- exit 255
- fi
- # MSVC redistributables - if "skip" was given, don't ask about installing the runtimes.
- # Otherwise, ask and act accordingly.
- if [ "$SKIP" = false ]; then
- echo -e "${WHITE}If you have already installed MSVC redistributables, you can answer 'y' below,"
- echo "Or you can skip this prompt next time you install something by passing 'skip' on the command line:"
- echo
- echo -e " ${YELLOW}$0 \"GAME FOLDER\" skip${WHITE}"
- echo
- echo -e "or just like this"
- echo
- echo -e " ${GREEN}$0 skip${WHITE}"
- echo
- echo "Just remember that folder names containing spaces (' '), need to be enclosed in double quotes (\"Some Folder\")"
- echo "or this entire process breaks down, even though I've done my best to minimize the odds of something breaking."
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}HOWEVER:${WHITE} If this is your first time running this script, you should ${GREEN}definitely${WHITE} install them."
- echo
- read -p "Go ahead and skip the install for MSVC redistributables? (y/n) " YN
- echo
- else
- YN="y"
- fi
- echo -e "${WHITE}"
- case $YN in
- [nN] ) echo "Proceeding with MSVC runtime installs.";
- cd "$RSRC";
- for i in *.exe;
- do
- echo -e "${WHITE}Installing \"${YELLOW}$i${WHITE}\" into $WINEPREFIX";
- "$WINE" "$i" >/dev/null 2>&1;
- done;;
- * ) echo -e "${YELLOW}OK, I'm skipping the redistributables. ${RED}Just don't blame me if something breaks.${WHITE}";;
- esac
- # Create an array containing all the .exe files.
- # If there aren't any .exe files in the directory, exit with an error
- SETUPEXE=($(find "$GAMESRC" -type f -iname "*.exe"))
- if [ "${#SETUPEXE[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then
- echo -e "${WHITE}\"$GAMESRC\" ${RED}doesn't contain any .exe files."
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE} ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ ${RESET}"
- echo
- exit 255
- fi
- # Print the contents of the array and ask for input, looping until a valid response is recieved, choose color based on even or odd index
- echo -e "${YELLOW}Installer options:${WHITE}"
- echo
- for ((i=0; i<"${#SETUPEXE[@]}"; i++)); do
- if ((i % 2 == 0)); then
- echo -e "${ULINE}${WHITE}$i: ${SETUPEXE[$i]}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- else
- echo -e "${ULINE}${GREEN}$i: ${SETUPEXE[$i]}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- fi
- done
- echo -e "${WHITE}"
- while true; do
- read -p "Select an installer: " instsel
- if [[ "$instsel" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$instsel" -le "${#SETUPEXE[@]}" ]]; then
- EXE=$(basename "${SETUPEXE[$instsel]}")
- echo
- break
- else
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}That wasn't an option. ${WHITE}Please choose a valid number."
- echo
- fi
- done
- # If $GAMEDEST doesn't exist, create it
- [ ! -d "$GAMEDEST" ] && mkdir -p "$GAMEDEST"
- # Print variables, their contents, and an explanatory note for verification.
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}Technical details, if you care:"
- echo
- echo -e "${YELLOW} \$GSS=\"$GSS\""
- echo " \$GAMESRC=\"$GAMESRC\""
- echo " \$GAMEDEST=\"$GAMEDEST\""
- echo " \$WINEDLLOVERRIDES=\"winemenubuilder.exe=d;mshtml=d;nvapi,nvapi64=n\""
- echo
- echo -e " Installer=\"$EXE\"${WHITE}"
- echo
- echo -e " I ${YELLOW}${ULINE}***STRONGLY***${RESET}${WHITE} recommend picking the folder \"${ULINE}${YELLOW}$GAMEDEST${RESET}${WHITE}\""
- echo -e " when the installer launches. For the sake of automation, this installer script creates the directory using"
- echo -e " the placeholder \"${YELLOW}\$GAMEDEST${WHITE}\", and that's where the launcher script will expect it to be."
- echo
- echo -e " If the installer doesn't default to C:\Games\\$1 you can change it using the advanced options."
- echo
- echo " Also, you don't need to install DirectX or the MSVC Redistributables from the installer menu."
- echo " Vulkan replaces DirectX, and the MSVC Redistributables can be (re)installed any time by running this script again."
- echo " This install scripthandles all that, as you have no doubt already noticed."
- echo
- echo -e " If you let the game's installer use a different folder, you will have to manually change the path and possibly the"
- echo -e " filename for the game's primary ${YELLOW}.exe ${WHITE}in the ${YELLOW}$GSS ${WHITE}script to match."
- echo
- echo -e " If you do modify the launcher script, remember that paths and files are ${RED}Case Sensitive${WHITE} on Linux."
- echo
- echo -e "To continue, press ${YELLOW}<ENTER>${WHITE}. To cancel, press ${YELLOW}<CTRL-C>${WHITE}."; read donext
- echo
- # Install or update Vulkan. Ping GIT HUB to verify network connectivity, then get the latest version of VULKAN,
- # compare to what's installed (if any), and download and install the latest version if there's either none already
- # installed or the installed version is older than the current release. Downloads are deleted after install.
- ping -c 1 >/dev/null || { echo -e "${RED}Possibly no network. Booting might fail.${WHITE}" ; }
- VLKLOG="$WINEPREFIX/vulkan.log"; VULKAN="$PWD/vulkan"; VLKVER="$(curl -s -m 5 | awk -F '["/]' '/"browser_download_url":/ {print $11}' | cut -c 1-)"
- status-vulkan() { [[ ! -f "$VLKLOG" || -z "$(awk "/^${FUNCNAME[1]}\$/ {print \$1}" "$VLKLOG" 2>/dev/null)" ]] || { echo "${FUNCNAME[1]} present" && return 1; }; }
- vulkan() { DL_URL="$(curl -s | awk -F '["]' '/"browser_download_url":/ {print $4}')"
- VLK="$(basename "$DL_URL")"; [ ! -f "$VLK" ] && command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 && curl -LO "$DL_URL" && tar -xvf "vulkan.tar.xz" || { rm "$VLK" && echo "ERROR: Failed to extract vulkan translation." && return 1; }
- rm -rf "vulkan.tar.xz" && bash "$PWD/vulkan/" && rm -Rf "$VULKAN"; }
- vulkan-dl() { echo "Using external vulkan translation (dxvk,vkd3d,dxvk-nvapi)." && vulkan && echo "$VLKVER" >"$VLKLOG"; }
- [[ ! -f "$VLKLOG" && -z "$(status-vulkan)" ]] && vulkan-dl
- [[ -f "$VLKLOG" && -n "$VLKVER" && "$VLKVER" != "$(awk '{print $1}' "$VLKLOG")" ]] && { rm -f vulkan.tar.xz || true; } && vulkan-dl;
- # Enables some nVidia-specific functionality, offering entry points for supporting the following features in applications:
- # - NVIDIA DLSS for Vulkan, by supporting the relevant adapter information by querying from Vulkan.
- # - NVIDIA DLSS for D3D11 and D3D12, by querying from Vulkan and forwarding the relevant calls into DXVK / VKD3D-Proton.
- # - NVIDIA Reflex, by forwarding the relevant calls into either DXVK / VKD3D-Proton or LatencyFleX.
- # - Several NVAPI D3D11 extensions, among others SetDepthBoundsTest and UAVOverlap, by forwarding the relevant calls into DXVK.
- # - NVIDIA PhysX, by supporting entry points for querying PhysX capabilities.
- # - Several GPU topology related methods for adapter and display information, by querying from DXVK and Vulkan.
- # Note that DXVK-NVAPI does not implement DLSS, Reflex or PhysX. It mostly forwards the relevant calls.
- echo
- # Start WINE and pass the primary installer .EXE to it.
- echo -e "${WHITE}Starting \"${YELLOW}$1${WHITE}\" installer..."
- echo
- cd "$GAMESRC" # This is the source folder for the .exe
- #Run WINE with an "If It Fails" assumption block.
- if ! "$WINE" "$EXE" "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- # If it did fail, save the error number and exit with a message.
- echo
- echo -e "${RED}Error code ${YELLOW}$ERRNUM ${RED} detected on exit."
- echo -e "${WHITE}Looks like something went wrong."
- echo "Unfortunately, since ${RED}$ERRNUM${WHITE} is a Windows-related error, I can't help you."
- echo
- exit 255
- fi
- # We used this once already so we're blanking it so we can reuse it
- EXE=""
- # This is the destination folder, originally set at the start: GAMEDEST="$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Games/$1"
- cd "$GAMEDEST"
- # Create an array of .EXE files just like the initial setup, ignoring filename case
- GAME_EXE=($(find "$GAMEDEST" -type f -iname "*.exe"))
- if [ ${#GAME_EXE[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
- # As long as the array isn't empty we can proceed normally so we'll set DO_GSS and check it later
- DO_GSS="y"
- elif [ ${#GAME_EXE[@]} -eq 0 ]; then
- # If the array is empty, no .EXE files could be found, but it's not always fatal so we'll ask to try and continue
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}\"${RED}$GAMESRC${WHITE}\" doesn't contain any .exe files."
- echo
- echo -e "${YELLOW} ლ(ಠ益ಠ)ლ ${WHITE}"
- echo
- read -p "Continue anyway? You'll have to manually edit the launcher scxript. (y/n) " DO_GSS
- case $DO_GSS in
- [yY] ) echo;
- # If DO_GSS="y" we'll continue with the script, but use a place holder for the runner script since no .EXE was found
- echo -e "${WHITE}Continuing as per your request.";
- EXE="\"Just A Place Holder - Replace Me With Actual Game .EXE\"";
- echo;;
- * ) echo;
- # If anything other than "y" was selected, treat it as a fatal error and abandon the install without creating the runner script
- echo -e "${RED}OK, I'm Stopping this process. You'll have to start over if you want to proceed.${RESET}";
- echo;
- exit 255;;
- esac
- fi
- # If DO_GSS is "y" and the array wasn't empty, present a list of .exe files, looping until we get a valid response
- if [[ "${DO_GSS,,}" == "y" ]] && [ ${#GAME_EXE[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}Game runner options:"
- echo
- for ((i=0; i<"${#GAME_EXE[@]}"; i++)); do
- if ((i % 2 == 0)); then
- echo -e "${ULINE}${WHITE}$i: ${GAME_EXE[$i]}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- else
- echo -e "${ULINE}${GREEN}$i: ${GAME_EXE[$i]}${RESET}${WHITE}"
- fi
- done
- echo
- while true; do
- read -p "Select game .EXE: " gamesel
- if [[ $gamesel =~ ^[0-9]+$ && $gamesel -le ${#GAME_EXE[@]} ]]; then
- GAMEDEST=$(dirname "${GAME_EXE[$((gamesel))]}")
- EXE=$(basename "${GAME_EXE[$gamesel]}")
- echo
- break
- else
- echo
- echo -e "${YELLOW}$gamesel ${RED}wasn't an option. ${WHITE}Please choose a ${RED}valid ${WHITE}number."
- fi
- done
- fi
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}Game Destination: \"${YELLOW}$GAMEDEST${WHITE}\" (C:\Games\\$1)"
- echo
- echo -e "Writing Game Starter Script (GSS) for ${YELLOW}$1 ${WHITE}to ${YELLOW}$GSS ${WHITE}..."
- echo
- # Create game starter script by writing everything up to "EOL" in the file defined in $GSS
- cat << EOL > "$GSS"
- #!/bin/bash
- ###############
- ## Script Name:
- ## $GSS
- ###############
- # Change the current working directory to the one the scipt was run from
- cd "\$(dirname "\$(readlink -f "\$0")")" || exit; [ "\$EUID" = "0" ] && echo "Please don't run as root!" && exit
- # Make sure WINE is configured (although, I'm assuming it was done by the original installer script)
- export WINE="\$(command -v wine)"
- export WINEPREFIX="/home/\$(whoami)/Game_Storage"
- export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d;mshtml=d;nvapi,nvapi64=n"
- export WINE_D3D_CONFIG="renderer=vulkan"
- export GAMEDEST="\$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Games/$1"
- # Check Vulkan version and download and install if there's a newer version available online
- ping -c 1 >/dev/null || { echo "Possibly no network. This may mean that booting will fail." ; }; VLKLOG="\$WINEPREFIX/vulkan.log"; VULKAN="\$PWD/vulkan"
- VLKVER="\$(curl -s -m 5 | awk -F '["/]' '/"browser_download_url":/ {print \$11}' | cut -c 1-)"
- status-vulkan() { [[ ! -f "\$VLKLOG" || -z "\$(awk "/^\${FUNCNAME[1]}\$/ {print \$1}" "\$VLKLOG" 2>/dev/null)" ]] || { echo "\${FUNCNAME[1]} present" && return 1; }; }
- vulkan() { DL_URL="\$(curl -s | awk -F '["]' '/"browser_download_url":/ {print \$4}')"; VLK="\$(basename "\$DL_URL")"
- [ ! -f "\$VLK" ] && command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1 && curl -LO "\$DL_URL" && tar -xvf "vulkan.tar.xz" || { rm "\$VLK" && echo "ERROR: Failed to extract vulkan translation." && return 1; }
- rm -rf "vulkan.tar.xz" && bash "\$PWD/vulkan/" && rm -Rf "\$VULKAN"; }
- vulkan-dl() { echo "Using external vulkan translation (dxvk,vkd3d,dxvk-nvapi)." && vulkan && echo "\$VLKVER" >"\$VLKLOG"; }
- [[ ! -f "\$VLKLOG" && -z "\$(status-vulkan)" ]] && vulkan-dl;
- [[ -f "\$VLKLOG" && -n "\$VLKVER" && "\$VLKVER" != "\$(awk '{print \$1}' "\$VLKLOG")" ]] && { rm -f vulkan.tar.xz || true; } && vulkan-dl
- # Start process in WINE
- cd "\$GAMEDEST"
- "\$WINE" "$EXE" "\$@"
- # Make the script executable and present a recap
- chmod a+x "$GSS"
- echo
- cat "$GSS"
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}\"${YELLOW}$GSS${WHITE}\" has been written and made executable."
- echo
- echo "If you aren't running an nVidia GPU, you should change this:"
- echo
- echo -e " ${YELLOW}export WINEDLLOVERRIDES=\"winemenubuilder.exe=d;mshtml=d;nvapi,nvapi64=n\""
- echo
- echo -e "${WHITE}to this:"
- echo
- echo -e " ${YELLOW}export WINEDLLOVERRIDES=\"winemenubuilder.exe=d;mshtml=d\"${WHITE}"
- echo
- echo "It probably won't cause any problems for non-nVidia GPUs, but it's best just to be safe."
- echo
- echo -e "The full path of your ${YELLOW}$1 ${WHITE}wineprefix is: \"${YELLOW}$WINEPREFIX${WHITE}\""
- echo
- echo -e "Be sure to verify that the game executable written to \"${YELLOW}$GSS${WHITE}\" is actually \"${YELLOW}$EXE${WHITE}\" and modify if necessary.${RESET}"
- echo
- exit 0
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