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- --[[ /gitget
- GitHub downloading utility for CC.
- Developed by apemanzilla.
- This requires ElvishJerricco's JSON parsing API.
- Direct link:
- ]]--
- -- Edit these variables to use preset mode.
- -- Whether to download the files asynchronously (huge speed benefits, will also retry failed files)
- -- If false will download the files one by one and use the old output (List each file name as it's downloaded) instead of the progress bar
- local async = true
- -- Whether to write to the terminal as files are downloaded
- -- Note that unless checked for this will not affect pre-set start/done code below
- local silent = false
- local preset = {
- -- The GitHub account name
- user = "apemanzilla",
- -- The GitHub repository name
- repo = "swarm-quarry-miners",
- -- The branch or commit tree to download (defaults to 'master')
- branch = nil,
- -- The local folder to save all the files to (defaults to '/')
- path = ".sq",
- -- Function to run before starting the download
- start = function()
- print("Downloading required files...")
- end,
- -- Function to run when the download completes
- done = function()
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- }
- -- Leave the rest of the program alone.
- local args = {...}
- args[1] = preset.user or args[1]
- args[2] = preset.repo or args[2]
- args[3] = preset.branch or args[3] or "master"
- args[4] = preset.path or args[4] or ""
- if #args < 2 then
- print("Usage:\n"..((shell and shell.getRunningProgram()) or "gitget").." <user> <repo> [branch/tree] [path]") error()
- end
- local function save(data,file)
- local file = shell.resolve(file:gsub("%%20"," "))
- if not (fs.exists(string.sub(file,1,#file - #fs.getName(file))) and fs.isDir(string.sub(file,1,#file - #fs.getName(file)))) then
- if fs.exists(string.sub(file,1,#file - #fs.getName(file))) then fs.delete(string.sub(file,1,#file - #fs.getName(file))) end
- fs.makeDir(string.sub(file,1,#file - #fs.getName(file)))
- end
- local f =,"w")
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- end
- local function download(url, file)
- save(http.get(url).readAll(),file)
- end
- if not json then
- download("","json")
- os.loadAPI("json")
- end
- preset.start()
- local data = json.decode(http.get(""..args[1].."/"..args[2].."/git/trees/"..args[3].."?recursive=1").readAll())
- if data.message and data.message:find("API rate limit exceeded") then error("Out of API calls, try again later") end
- if data.message and data.message == "Not found" then error("Invalid repository",2) else
- for k,v in pairs(data.tree) do
- -- Make directories
- if v.type == "tree" then
- fs.makeDir(fs.combine(args[4],v.path))
- if not hide_progress then
- end
- end
- end
- local drawProgress
- if async and not silent then
- local _, y = term.getCursorPos()
- local wide, _ = term.getSize()
- term.setCursorPos(1, y)
- term.write("[")
- term.setCursorPos(wide - 6, y)
- term.write("]")
- drawProgress = function(done, max)
- local value = done / max
- term.setCursorPos(2,y)
- term.write(("="):rep(math.floor(value * (wide - 8))))
- local percent = math.floor(value * 100) .. "%"
- term.setCursorPos(wide - percent:len(),y)
- term.write(percent)
- end
- end
- local filecount = 0
- local downloaded = 0
- local paths = {}
- local failed = {}
- for k,v in pairs(data.tree) do
- -- Send all HTTP requests (async)
- if v.type == "blob" then
- v.path = v.path:gsub("%s","%%20")
- local url = ""..args[1].."/"..args[2].."/"..args[3].."/"..v.path,fs.combine(args[4],v.path)
- if async then
- http.request(url)
- paths[url] = fs.combine(args[4],v.path)
- filecount = filecount + 1
- else
- download(url, fs.combine(args[4], v.path))
- if not silent then print(fs.combine(args[4], v.path)) end
- end
- end
- end
- while downloaded < filecount do
- local e, a, b = os.pullEvent()
- if e == "http_success" then
- save(b.readAll(),paths[a])
- downloaded = downloaded + 1
- if not silent then drawProgress(downloaded,filecount) end
- elseif e == "http_failure" then
- -- Retry in 3 seconds
- failed[os.startTimer(3)] = a
- elseif e == "timer" and failed[a] then
- http.request(failed[a])
- end
- end
- end
- preset.done()
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