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- local sleepminutes = 2
- local rituals = { sunrise = { tablet = "ars_nouveau:ritual_sunrise", name = "Ritual of Sunrise", augments = {} } -- augments not implemented
- , moonfall = { tablet = "ars_nouveau:ritual_moonfall", name = "Ritual of Moonfall", augments = {} }
- }
- local automata = peripheral.find("weakAutomata")
- local function isItemSelected(item, name)
- if not item then
- return name == nil
- else
- return == name
- end
- end
- local function selectItem(name)
- if isItemSelected(turtle.getItemDetail(), name) then return true end
- for slot=1,16 do
- if isItemSelected(turtle.getItemDetail(), name) then return true end
- end
- -- Additionally check external inventories
- --print("Not found internally! Looking in external inventories...")
- --for _, inv in pairs({ peripheral.find("inventory") }) do
- -- print("Found inventory
- -- for slot, item in pairs(inv.list()) do
- -- if isItemSelected(item, name)) then
- -- -- select free slot
- -- requestItem(nil)
- -- local transferred = inv.pullItems(peripheral.getName(inv), slot, nil, turtle.getSelectedSlot())
- -- if transferred > 0 then return true end
- -- end
- -- end
- --end
- return false
- end
- local function requestItem(name)
- while true do
- if selectItem(name) then return true end
- if not name then
- printError("Please make one slot empty!")
- else
- printError(name, " was not found. Give me moar!")
- end
- os.pullEvent("turtle_inventory")
- end
- end
- local function ensureOff(side)
- if rs.getOutput(side) then
- print("Oops, the output was still one before pulse!")
- rs.setOutput(side, false)
- sleep(0.5)
- end
- end
- local function redstonePulse(side, length)
- if not length then length = 0.5 end
- ensureOff(side)
- rs.setOutput(side, true)
- sleep(length)
- rs.setOutput(side, false)
- end
- local function ensureFuel(minAmount)
- if not minAmount then minAmount = 1 end
- while turtle.getFuelLevel() < minAmount do
- requestItem("minecraft:coal")
- local success, reason = turtle.refuel()
- if not success then printError("Refueling failed:", reason) end
- end
- end
- local function performRitual(ritual)
- print("Performing",
- requestItem(ritual.tablet)
- if not automata then
- redstonePulse("bottom")
- else
- requestItem(nil) -- request empty hand
- ensureFuel()
- automata.useOnBlock()
- end
- end
- local function makeDay()
- performRitual(rituals.sunrise)
- end
- local function isNight()
- darkness = rs.getAnalogInput("top")
- return darkness > 3
- end
- local function waitForNight()
- while true do
- os.pullEvent("redstone")
- if isNight() then break end
- print("Still not night...")
- end
- end
- local function main()
- while true do
- print("Waiting for nighttime!")
- waitForNight()
- makeDay()
- print("Sleeping for", sleepminutes, "minutes!")
- sleep(sleepminutes * 60)
- end
- end
- print("Ars Nouveau Daylight Keeper")
- print("Place computer in front of a Ritual Brazier.")
- print("Place an inverted daylight sensor on top of the computer.")
- if not automata then
- print("Place an interaction spell turret facing the brazier with redstone signal on the bottom side!")
- end
- main()
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