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- MVersion=1.1.5
- RunAHKKeymapper(method) {
- Global ahkDefaultProfile,ahkFEProfile,ahkRomProfile,ahkEmuProfile,ahkSystemProfile,ahkRocketLauncherProfile,ahkLauncherPath,ahkLauncherExe,keymapperFrontEndProfile
- Global systemName,dbName,emuName,moduleExtensionsPath,contextOnExit
- Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Started")
- If (method = "load")
- { Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Loading " . dbName . ", " . emuName . ", " . systemName . ", or _Default AHK Keymapper profile",4)
- profile := GetAHKProfile(ahkRomProfile . "|" . ahkEmuProfile . "|" . ahkSystemProfile . "|" . ahkDefaultProfile)
- unloadAHK := 1 ; this method we don't want to run any ahk profile if none were found
- } Else If (method = "unload" && keymapperFrontEndProfile = "ahk" && !contextOnExit) ; user must have ahk selected to load an ahk FE profile
- { Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Loading Front End AHK Keymapper profile",4)
- profile := GetAHKProfile(ahkFEProfile)
- unloadAHK := 1 ; this method we don't want to run any ahk profile if none were found
- } Else If (method = "menu") ; this method we do not want to unload AHK if a new profile was not found, existing profile should stay running
- { Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Loading RocketLauncher AHK Keymapper profile",4)
- profile := GetAHKProfile(ahkRocketLauncherProfile)
- } Else If (method = "unload")
- { Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Unloading AhkLauncher",4)
- unloadAHK := 1
- }
- If (unloadAHK || profile) ; if a profile was found or this method should unload the existing AHK profile
- { Log("RunAHKKeymapper - If " . ahkLauncherExe . " is running, need to close it first before a new profile can be loaded",4)
- If Process("Exist", ahkLauncherExe) {
- Process("Close", ahkLauncherExe) ; close ahkLauncher first
- Process("WaitClose", ahkLauncherExe)
- }
- }
- If profile { ; if a profile was found, load it
- If FileExist(moduleExtensionsPath . "\autohotkey.dll")
- ScriptError("Please delete autohotkey.dll from the folder """ . moduleExtensionsPath . """ as it will cause errors with " . ahkLauncherExe)
- Log("RunAHKKeymapper - This profile was found and needs to be loaded: " . profile,4)
- Run(ahkLauncherExe . " -notray """ . profile . """", ahkLauncherPath) ; load desired ahk profile
- }
- Log("RunAHKKeymapper - Ended")
- }
- ; Only use FEProfile if you want to ignore rom and system profile
- ; ProfilePrefixes separate prefixes with a "|"
- GetAHKProfile(ProfilePrefixes) {
- Global systemName, dbName, emuName, keymapperProfilePath ;for script error
- Log("GetAHKProfile - Started")
- Loop, Parse, ProfilePrefixes, |
- { profile := A_LoopField . ".ahk"
- Log("GetAHKProfile - Searching for: " . profile,5)
- If FileExist(profile)
- { foundProfile := 1
- Log("GetAHKProfile - Ended and found: " . profile)
- Return profile
- }
- }
- If !foundProfile
- Log("GetAHKProfile - Ended and no profile found")
- Return
- }
- ;##################################################################
- ;LoadPreferredControllers(JoyIDsPreferredControllers)
- ;##################################################################
- ;Creates a list for Joy IDs by creating a list of currently connected controllers and re-arranging that list to match the order presented in the Preferred Controller List.
- ;If both an Oem Name and a related custom joy name is found in the list, the oem name position is used
- ;JoyIDsPreferredControllers this is the list of preferred controllers
- ;it should be a list of controller names separated with |
- ;##################################################################
- LoadPreferredControllers(JoyIDsPreferredControllers) {
- Global CustomJoyNameArray
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Started")
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - JoyIDsPreferredControllers = " . JoyIDsPreferredControllers,5)
- ; 16 is max number of joysticks windows and joyids allows
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Creating a list of currently connected joysticks",5)
- JoystickArray := GetJoystickArray()
- Loop, 16
- { ControllerName := JoystickArray[A_Index,1]
- MID := JoystickArray[A_Index,2]
- PID := JoystickArray[A_Index,3]
- GUID := JoystickArray[A_Index,4]
- If ControllerName
- { ;CustomJoyNameArray is an Associative Array that associates a custom joy name to a controller name. See ahk_l documentation for objects.
- CustomJoyName := CustomJoyNameArray[ControllerName]
- ;prepare for string position searching
- JoyIDsPreferredControllersModified := "|" . JoyIDsPreferredControllers . "|"
- ;store last position this will be used for controllers not in PreferredControllerList
- LastPosition := StrLen(JoyIDsPreferredControllersModified)
- ;position order 1 is for the normal controller name and position order 2 is for the custom name
- ;normal controller name always takes higher priority over custom names since it is more specific
- PositionOrder_1 := InStr(JoyIDsPreferredControllersModified, "|" . ControllerName . "|")
- If CustomJoyName
- PositionOrder_2 := InStr(JoyIDsPreferredControllersModified, "|" . CustomJoyName . "|")
- If PositionOrder_1
- PositionOrder := PositionOrder_1
- Else If PositionOrder_2
- PositionOrder := PositionOrder_2
- Else
- PositionOrder := LastPosition
- ;Position Order is the order found in the JoyIDsPreferredControllersModified list
- ;it will be appended with a decimal value relative to order they were found in.
- ;create sorting string also add the order found. If controllers are not found in preferred, plug-in order is used.
- ;example format: 123.01|360 Controller
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Preferred Order Sorting List -> " . PositionOrder . "." . SubStr("0" . A_Index, -1) . "|" . MID . "|" . PID . "|" . GUID,5)
- If !String2Sort
- String2Sort := PositionOrder . "." . SubStr("0" . A_Index, -1) . "|" . MID . "|" . PID . "|" . GUID
- Else
- String2Sort .= "`n" . PositionOrder . "." . SubStr("0" . A_Index, -1) . "|" . MID . "|" . PID . "|" . GUID
- }
- }
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Sorting Currently Connected joysticks List to match the order of the Preferred Controller List")
- ;sort numerically
- Sort, String2Sort, N
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Assigning the New Joystick IDs according to the preferred list for the active controllers")
- ;parse the string
- Loop, Parse, String2Sort, `n
- { StringSplit, JoyIDsSortArray, A_LoopField, |
- MID := JoyIDsSortArray2
- PID := JoyIDsSortArray3
- GUID := JoyIDsSortArray4
- ChangeJoystickID(MID,PID,GUID,A_Index)
- }
- Log("LoadPreferredControllers - Ended")
- }
- ;##################################################################
- ;RunKeyMapper(keymapperLoad_Or_Unload,keymapper)
- ;##################################################################
- ;keymapperLoad_Or_Unload can be = "load" or "unload" or "menu"
- ; menu is for loading the RocketLauncher menu profile
- ; keymapper can be = "xpadder", "joytokey" or "joy2key"
- ; this function returns FEProfile
- ;##################################################################
- RunKeymapper(keymapperLoad_Or_Unload,Keymapper) {
- Global blankProfile,defaultProfile,FEProfile,romProfile,emuProfile,xPadderSystemProfile,systemProfile,RocketLauncherProfile
- Global systemName,dbName,emuName,keymapperFrontEndProfileName,keymapperFrontEndProfile,contextOnExit
- Global CustomJoyNameArray
- Global keymapperFullPath
- Global KeymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled, keymapperEnabled
- Static keymapperExists
- ;Global keymapperLoad_Or_Unload
- Log("RunKeymapper - Started, using method """ . keymapperLoad_Or_Unload . """")
- If ((KeymapperRocketLauncherProfileEnabled = "false") OR (keymapperEnabled = "false")) AND (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "menu")
- Return
- joystickArray := GetJoystickArray()
- If keymapperFullPath {
- SplitPath, keymapperFullPath, keymapperExe, keymapperPath, keymapperExt ; splitting pathname into variables
- If !keymapperExists {
- If !FileExist(keymapperPath . "\" . keymapperExe) {
- Log("RunKeymapper - Could not locate your keymapper application here: """ . keymapperFullPath . """",2)
- Return
- } Else {
- Log("RunKeymapper - Found your keymapper application here: """ . keymapperFullPath . """",5)
- keymapperExists := 1
- }
- }
- } Else
- ScriptError("There was an error with getting your keymapperFullPath, please report this: """ . keymapperFullPath . """")
- ;define profiles to load and run keymappers
- If (keymapper="xpadder")
- { Log("RunKeymapper - Looping through controllers to find xpadder profiles for each one",5)
- Loop,16
- { ControllerName := joystickArray[A_Index,1]
- If ControllerName
- { Log("RunKeymapper - ID: " . A_Index . " Now searching for a matching profile for this controller: """ . ControllerName . """",5)
- If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "load")
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, romProfile . "|" . emuProfile . "|" . xPadderSystemProfile . "|" . defaultProfile . "|" . blankProfile, keymapperLoad_Or_Unload, ControllerName, Player_Number)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "unload")
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, (If keymapperFrontEndProfile = "xpadder" && !contextOnExit ? FEProfile . "|" : "") . blankProfile, keymapperLoad_Or_Unload, ControllerName, Player_Number)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "menu")
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, RocketLauncherProfile . "|" . blankProfile, keymapperLoad_Or_Unload, ControllerName, Player_Number)
- If !ProfilesInIdOrder
- ProfilesInIdOrder := Profile2Load
- Else
- ProfilesInIdOrder .= "|" . Profile2Load
- }
- }
- RunXpadder(keymapperPath,keymapperExe,ProfilesInIdOrder,joystickArray)
- } Else If (keymapper="joy2key") OR (keymapper = "joytokey")
- { Log("RunKeymapper - Looping through controllers to find joytokey profiles for each one",5)
- If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "load")
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, romProfile . "\" . dbName . "|" . emuProfile . "\" . emuName . "|" . systemProfile . "\" . systemName . "|" . defaultProfile . "\_Default", keymapperLoad_Or_Unload)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "unload" && keymapperFrontEndProfile = "joytokey" && !contextOnExit)
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, FEProfile . "\" . keymapperFrontEndProfileName, keymapperLoad_Or_Unload)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "unload" && keymapperFrontEndProfile != "joytokey" && !contextOnExit)
- Profile2Load := ; user does not have joytokey set as their FE profile choice, keeping this blank will unload joytokey
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "menu")
- Profile2Load := GetProfile(keymapper, RocketLauncherProfile . "\RocketLauncher", keymapperLoad_Or_Unload)
- RunJoyToKey(keymapperPath,keymapperExe,Profile2Load)
- }
- Log("RunKeymapper - Ended")
- Return FEProfile
- }
- ;#########################
- ; GetProfile(ControllerName,keymapper, ProfilePrefixes [,PlayerNumber], keymapperLoad_Or_Unload)
- ; Only use FEProfile if you want to ignore rom and system profile
- ; PlayerNumber is there for possible use by other functions including this one
- ; keymapperLoad_Or_Unload can be load, unload, or menu. for error purposes
- ; ControllerName must not be empty (no error checks in function)
- ; keymapper needs to be a valid keymapper (no error checks in function)
- ; ProfilePrefixes separate prefixes with a "|"
- ; this function is menat only for use by the Load keymapper function.
- ;#########################
- GetProfile(keymapper, ProfilePrefixes, keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "load", ControllerName = "", ByRef PlayerNumber = 1) {
- Global CustomJoyNameArray, blankProfile, systemName, dbName, emuName, keymapperFrontEndProfileName, keymapperProfilePath
- Static ExtensionList := {xpadder: ".xpadderprofile",joy2key: ".cfg",joytokey: ".cfg"} ; static associative array that is holds what extension is for what keymapper.
- ;keymapper: "keymapper profile extension". Adding name variations to this array should not slow down the script which means name variations can be accounted for.
- keymapperExtension := ExtensionList[keymapper]
- PlayerNumber := (If PlayerNumber = "" ? (1) : (PlayerNumber)) ; perform check for blank PlayerNumber
- If (keymapperExtension = ".xpadderprofile") {
- PlayerIndicator := "\p" . PlayerNumber
- CustomJoyName := CustomJoyNameArray[ControllerName]
- ;If CustomJoyName Exists look for it. If not, don't look for an empty [].
- If CustomJoyName
- { LoopNumber := 3
- PossibleJoyNames1 := "\" . ControllerName
- PossibleJoyNames2 := "\" . CustomJoyName
- PossibleJoyNames3 := ""
- } Else {
- LoopNumber := 2
- PossibleJoyNames1 := "\" . ControllerName
- PossibleJoyNames2 := ""
- }
- } Else {
- PlayerIndicator := "" ;joy2key does not need a player number since the numbers are stored in the cfg
- ;this is so we don't look for controller specific profiles
- LoopNumber := 1
- PossibleJoyNames1 := ""
- }
- ;start looking for profiles
- ;profile prefixes for loading should look like %romProfile%|%emuProfile%|%systemProfile%|%defaultProfile%|%blankProfile%
- ;profile prefixes for unloading should look like %FEProfile%|%blankProfile%
- Profile2Load := ""
- Log("GetProfile - Searching for these profiles (| delimited): " . ProfilePrefixes,5)
- Loop,Parse,ProfilePrefixes,|
- { ProfileName := A_LoopField
- Loop, %LoopNumber%
- { JoyName := PossibleJoyNames%A_Index%
- If (ProfileName = blankProfile) ;blankProfile is global variable. This check is here because blank profiles don't need player number.
- { Profile := ProfileName . keymapperExtension
- Log("GetProfile - Searching -> " . Profile,5)
- If FileExist(Profile)
- { Profile2Load := Profile
- Log("GetProfile - Loading Profile -> " . Profile2Load)
- PlayerNumber++
- Return Profile2Load
- }
- Break
- } Else {
- Profile := ProfileName . JoyName . PlayerIndicator . keymapperExtension
- Log("GetProfile - Searching for a Player " . PlayerNumber . " profile -> " . Profile,5)
- If FileExist(Profile)
- { Profile2Load := Profile
- Log("GetProfile - Loading Player " . PlayerNumber . " Profile -> " . Profile2Load)
- PlayerNumber++
- Return Profile2Load
- }
- }
- }
- }
- If !Profile2Load
- If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "load")
- Log("GetProfile - Keymapper support is enabled for """ . keymapper . """`, but could not find a """ . dbName . """`, """ . emuName . """`, """ . systemName . """`, default`, a """ . ControllerName . """ player " . PlayerNumber . " profile or a blank profile in """ . keymapperProfilePath . """ for controller """ . ControllerName . """",2)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "unload")
- Log("GetProfile - Keymapper support is enabled for """ . keymapper . """`, but could not find a " . keymapperFrontEndProfileName . " profile or a blank profile in " . keymapperProfilePath . " for controller " . ControllerName,2)
- Else If (keymapperLoad_Or_Unload = "menu")
- Log("GetProfile - Keymapper support is enabled for """ . keymapper . """`, but could not find a RocketLauncher profile or a blank profile in " . keymapperProfilePath . " for controller " . ControllerName,2)
- }
- ;#########################
- ; GetJoystickArray()
- ; returns a 4 column by 17 row table.
- ; the row number is the same as the player number or id #. this is equivalent to port number + 1
- ; so if your joystick is in port 0 or has an id of 1 it's name will be in JoyStickArray[1,1]
- ; column 1 contains the oem name, column 2 contains the mid and column 3 contains the pid, column 4 contains the guid
- ; Guid is a Global Universal ID that is assigned by the OS. It is 128 bits and randomly generated, It is the devices unique identifier while it is plugged in.
- ; row 0 column 1 contains the a pipedelimited list of the ids with connected controllers. (ex: 1|2|4) this means there is a joystick for id 1, 2 and 4.
- ; row 0 columns 2, 3, and 4 are empty. Future info may be added here.
- ;#########################
- GetJoystickArray() {
- Log("GetJoystickArray - Started")
- DllCall("winmm\joyConfigChanged", UInt, 0)
- Loop,16
- {
- port := A_Index - 1
- VarSetCapacity(joyState,512)
- NumPut(64,joyState,0,"UInt")
- joyError := DllCall("winmm\joyGetPosEx", "ptr", port, "ptr", &joyState)
- If joyError = 0
- joysDetected .= 1
- Else
- joysDetected .= 0
- }
- Log("GetJoystickArray - Joysticks Detected: " . joysDetected,5)
- joyArray := Object()
- Loop, 5
- joyArray[0,A_Index] := ""
- Loop, Parse, joysDetected
- { CurrentController := A_Index
- currentJoyGUID := ""
- Mid := "", Pid := "", joyName := "" ; Erase values
- If (A_LoopField = 1)
- { If joyArray[0,1]
- joyArray[0,1] := joyArray[0,1] . "|" . CurrentController
- Else
- joyArray[0,1] := CurrentController
- VarSetCapacity(joybank,1024,0)
- i := 0
- port := CurrentController - 1
- Loop, 1024
- { ; Get driver information
- err := dllcall("winmm.dll\joyGetDevCapsA",Int,port,UInt,&joybank,UInt,i)
- i++
- ; A successful dllcall returns a 0
- If (err = 0)
- { ; Converting decimal values to hex since windows uses the hex value more often
- offset := 0
- Loop, 2
- { SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex
- ret := NumGet(&joybank,offset,"UShort")
- ret .= ""
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
- ; Remove the 0x we don't need it and padding it with 0's to have a width of four
- ; Advice: leave these two lines out if using this function in other scripts
- StringTrimLeft,ret,ret,2
- ID%A_Index% := SubStr("0000" . ret,-3)
- offset := offset+2
- }
- Mid := ID1, Pid := ID2
- }
- }
- If !Mid && !Pid
- joyName := ""
- Else {
- regFolder := "VID_" . Mid . "&PID_" . Pid
- joyName := RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\" . regFolder, "OEMName")
- If ErrorLevel
- joyName := RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\" . regFolder, "OEMName")
- }
- currentJoyGUID := GetJoystickGUID(Mid,Pid,CurrentController)
- Log("GetJoystickArray - ID: " . CurrentController . " | Port: " . port . " | Name: " . joyName . " | MID: " . mid . " | PID: " . pid . " | GUID: " . currentJoyGUID,5)
- }
- joyName := Trim(joyName) ; Xpadder trims leading and trailing whitespace so we will do the same
- ; Append empty string to avoid ahk's auto converting string type containing integers to integer type because we want the leading zeros
- joyArray[CurrentController,1] := joyName . ""
- joyArray[CurrentController,2] := Mid . ""
- joyArray[CurrentController,3] := Pid . ""
- joyArray[CurrentController,4] := currentJoyGUID . ""
- joyArray[CurrentController,5] := ""
- }
- Log("GetJoystickArray - Ended")
- Return joyArray
- }
- ;#########################
- ; GetJoystickGUID(Mid,Pid,JoystickID)
- ; This function is used internally by the GetJoystickArray() function
- ; It returns the matching guid for a joystick device. Empty if error occurred.
- ; Mid = JoystickArray[JoystickID,2]
- ; PID = JoystickArray[JoystickID,3]
- ; JoystickID = 1 through 16
- ;#########################
- GetJoystickGUID(Mid,Pid,JoystickID) {
- If !Mid OR !PID OR !JoystickID
- Return
- If JoystickID not between 1 and 16
- Return
- Log("GetJoystickGUID - Started")
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex
- REG_JOY_ID := JoystickID - 1
- REG_JOY_ID .= "000000"
- StringReplace, REG_JOY_ID , REG_JOY_ID, x
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_2003,WIN_XP,WIN_2000,WIN_NT4,WIN_95,WIN_98,WIN_ME
- Else
- Loop, %RootKey%, System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_%Mid%&PID_%Pid%\Calibration,1,1
- {
- If (A_LoopRegName = "Joystick Id") {
- RegRead, regvar
- If (regvar = REG_JOY_ID) {
- RegSubKey := A_LoopRegSubKey
- Break
- }
- }
- }
- GUID := RegRead(RootKey, RegSubKey, "GUID")
- Log("GetJoystickGUID - Ended and found GUID: " . GUID)
- Return GUID
- }
- ;#########################
- ; ChangeJoystickID(Mid,Pid,GUID,NewJoystickID)
- ; This is an awesome little function that changes the joystick id.
- ; It gives us more control over what devices are moved than JoyIDs.exe ever did.
- ; It returns 0 if successful, 1 if unsuccessful.
- ; Mid = JoystickArray[JoystickID,2]
- ; PID = JoystickArray[JoystickID,3]
- ; GUID = JoystickArray[JoystickID,4]
- ; NewJoystickID = 1 through 16, this is the new ID for the joystick with the matching MID,PID,GUID
- ; it has no way of checking to make sure it's not assigning the same id as an already active controller,
- ; so this check must be done outside the function.
- ;#########################
- ChangeJoystickID(Mid,Pid,GUID,NewJoystickID) {
- Log("ChangeJoystickID - Started")
- If !Mid OR !Pid OR !GUID OR !NewJoystickID
- Return 1
- If NewJoystickID not between 1 and 16
- Return 1
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, hex
- NewJoystickID := NewJoystickID - 1
- NewJoystickID .= "000000"
- StringReplace, NewJoystickID , NewJoystickID, x
- SetFormat, IntegerFast, d
- If A_OSVersion in WIN_2003,WIN_XP,WIN_2000,WIN_NT4,WIN_95,WIN_98,WIN_ME
- Else
- Loop, %RootKey%, System\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\DirectInput\VID_%Mid%&PID_%Pid%\Calibration,1,1
- {
- If (A_LoopRegName = "GUID") {
- RegRead, regvar
- If (regvar = GUID) {
- RegSubKey := A_LoopRegSubKey
- break
- }
- }
- }
- jid := RegRead(RootKey, RegSubKey, "Joystick Id")
- RegWrite("REG_BINARY", RootKey, RegSubKey, "Joystick Id", NewJoystickID)
- Log("ChangeJoystickID - Swapping Joystick ID: " . jid . " to the New Joystick ID: " . NewJoystickID . ", for the Joystick VID_" . Mid . "&PID_" . Pid . "&GUID_" . GUID,5)
- Log("ChangeJoystickID - Ended")
- Return ErrorLevel
- }
- RunXpadder(keymapperPath,keymapperExe,ProfilesInIdOrder,joystickArray) {
- Global joyToKeyFullPath
- Log("RunXpadder - Started")
- ; Closing joytokey to avoid dual keymapper conflict.
- SplitPath, joyToKeyFullPath, joyToKeyExe, joyToKeyPath
- errLvl := Process("Exist", joyToKeyExe)
- If errLvl
- Process("Close", joyToKeyExe)
- ; Close xpadder to refresh controllers
- Log("RunXpadder - Closing xpadder to refresh controllers seen by xpadder",5)
- Run(keymapperExe . " /C", keymapperPath,,,,1) ; enabling bypassCmdWindow
- StringSplit,Profiles,ProfilesInIdOrder,|
- Log("RunXpadder - Creating an array of connected controllers and profiles to arrange according to the order found in " . keymapperPath . "\xpadder.ini",5)
- XpadderArray := []
- ProfileCount := 0
- Loop,16
- { ControllerName := joystickArray[A_Index,1]
- MID := joystickArray[A_Index,2]
- PID := joystickArray[A_Index,3]
- ; Check to see if controller name has been previously been found
- String := XpadderArray[ControllerName]
- StringSplit,SplitArray,String,|
- If SplitArray0
- { ProfileCount++
- Profile2Load := Profiles%ProfileCount%
- ; Store ID numbers that are compatible xpadder in SplitArray1
- ; Append the newly found profile2load with the previously found profiles associated with this controller separated with a ? to be later replaced with " "
- XpadderArray[ControllerName] := SplitArray1 . "|" . SplitArray2 . "?" . Profile2Load
- } Else If ControllerName
- { ProfileCount++
- Profile2Load := Profiles%ProfileCount%
- ; Convert hexadecimal Mid and Pid values into a format compatible with xpadder's xpadder.ini
- ID1:=SubStr(Mid,1,2),ID2:=SubStr(Mid,3,2),ID3:=SubStr(Pid,1,2),ID4:=SubStr(Pid,3,2)
- Loop,4
- { ID%A_Index% := "0x" . ID%A_Index%
- ID%A_Index% += 0
- }
- ControllerID := ID1 . "`," . ID2 . "`," . ID3 . "`," . ID4
- Value := ControllerID . "|" . Profile2Load
- XpadderArray.Insert(ControllerName,Value)
- }
- }
- errLvl := Process("WaitClose", keymapperExe, 2) ;wait for xpadder to finish writing its values to xpadder.ini before reading and editing it
- If errLvl
- Process("Close", keymapperExe)
- Log("RunXpadder - Reading the order in " . keymapperPath . "\xpadder.ini and arranging profiles found to match that order",5)
- Loop {
- ; Get profiles in order as appears in xpadder.ini
- LoopIndex := A_Index ;record number in case we need to add a new key to xpadder.
- IniControllerName := IniRead(keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "Name")
- If (IniControllerName = "ERROR") { ;this means there are no more controllers to be found in the ini
- Log("RunXpadder - No more controllers to be found",5)
- Break
- }
- ; Look to see if the controller found in the ini is already in our array
- XpadderArrayValue := XpadderArray[IniControllerName]
- If XpadderArrayValue
- { StringSplit,SplitArray,XpadderArrayValue,|
- ; Make sure controller is not hidden. if it is one xpadder does not recognize controller and the profile loading is messed up.
- IniWrite(0, keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "Hidden")
- ; This is for later use
- If !IniControllersFound
- IniControllersFound := IniControllerName
- Else
- IniControllersFound .= "," . IniControllerName
- ; Start creating the string of profiles to send to xpadder
- If !ProfilesInXpadderOrder
- ProfilesInXpadderOrder := SplitArray2
- Else
- ProfilesInXpadderOrder .= """ """ . SplitArray2
- ; Because we looped and looked up profiles in the array in the order of the ini, they will be in order when sent to xpadder
- }
- }
- For key, XpadderArrayValue in XpadderArray
- {
- If !RegExMatch(key,"i)" . IniControllersFound)
- { Log("RunXpadder - Could not find " . key . " in xpadder.ini. Writing the new controller to xpadder.ini",5)
- StringSplit,SplitArray,XpadderArrayValue,|
- ; Write new key values for the controllers not found in xpadder.ini to xpadder so it sees them when it restarts.
- IniWrite(key, keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "Name")
- IniWrite(SplitArray1, keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "ID")
- IniWrite(0, keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "Hidden")
- ; Look for matching xpaddercontroller file in xpadder.exe root directory
- CustomJoyName := CustomJoyNameArray[key]
- ; Profiles can be named after CustomJoyName or controller name. Oem Name takes priority.
- If (FileExist(keymapperPath . key . ".xpaddercontroller")) {
- Log("RunXpadder - Loading " . keymapperPath . "\" . key ".xpaddercontroller layout for the new controller",5)
- IniWrite(key . ".xpaddercontroller", keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "File")
- } Else If (CustomJoyName AND FileExist(keymapperPath . CustomJoyName . ".xpaddercontroller")) {
- Log("RunXpadder - Loading " . keymapperPath . "\" . CustomJoyName ".xpaddercontroller layout for the new controller",5)
- IniWrite(CustomJoyName . ".xpaddercontroller", keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "File")
- } Else {
- ; This means a xpaddercontroller profile has not been found
- ScriptError("Please create a xpaddercontroller profile named either " . key . " or " . CustomJoyName . ". It also needs to be in the same folder as xpadder.exe")
- }
- Loop, 4
- IniWrite(A_Space, keymapperPath . "\Xpadder.ini", "Controllers", "Controller" . LoopIndex . "Recent" . A_Index)
- LoopIndex++
- If !ProfilesInXpadderOrder
- ProfilesInXpadderOrder := SplitArray2
- Else
- ProfilesInXpadderOrder .= """ """ . SplitArray2
- }
- }
- StringReplace, ProfilesInXpadderOrder, ProfilesInXpadderOrder, ?, " ", All
- If ProfilesInXpadderOrder
- Run(keymapperExe . " """ . ProfilesInXpadderOrder . """ /M", keymapperPath, "Hide",,,1) ; enabling bypassCmdWindow)
- Else
- Log("RunXpadder - No profiles found and nothing to tell Xpadder to load",2)
- Log("RunXpadder - Ended")
- }
- RunJoyToKey(keymapperPath,keymapperExe,Profile="") {
- Global xpadderFullPath
- Log("RunJoyToKey - Started")
- ; Closing xpadder to avoid dual keymapper conflict.
- If FileExist(xpadderFullPath) {
- SplitPath, xpadderFullPath, xpadderexe, xpadderdir
- errLvl := Process("Exist", xpadderexe)
- If errLvl
- { Log("RunJoyToKey - Closing xpadder to avoid dual keymapper conflict",2)
- Run(xpadderexe . " /C", xpadderdir,,,,1) ; enabling bypassCmdWindow)
- errLvl := Process("Exist", xpadderexe)
- If errLvl
- Process("Close", xpadderexe)
- }
- }
- exitMeansMinimize := IniRead(keymapperPath . "\JoyToKey.ini", "LastStatus", "ExitMeansMinimize")
- If (exitMeansMinimize = "ERROR")
- ScriptError("You are using KeyMapper support but are not up-to-date with JoyToKey or cannot find JoyToKey.ini in " . keymapperPath . "`nPlease make sure you are running JoyToKey v5.1.0 or later",10)
- Else If ( exitMeansMinimize = 1 ) {
- Process("Close", keymapperExe)
- Process("WaitClose", keymapperExe)
- IniWrite(0, keymapperPath . "\JoyToKey.ini", "LastStatus", "ExitMeansMinimize")
- }
- DetectHiddenWindows, On
- WinClose("JoyToKey ahk_class TMainForm")
- errLvl := Process("WaitClose", keymapperExe, 2)
- If errLvl
- Process("Close", keymapperExe)
- ; RocketLauncherUI may turn off joytokey from starting minimized, let's set it just in case
- startMinimized := IniRead(keymapperPath . "\JoyToKey.ini", "LastStatus", "StartIconified")
- If startMinimized != 1
- IniWrite(1, keymapperPath . "\JoyToKey.ini", "LastStatus", "StartIconified")
- ; Finally we start the keymapper with the cfg profile we found
- If Profile
- Run(keymapperExe . " """ . Profile . """", keymapperPath,,,,1) ; enabling bypassCmdWindow)
- Log("RunJoyToKey - Ended")
- }
- Keymapper_PauseProfileList(ControllerName,PlayerNumber,keymapper) {
- ; [file name (no extension), type (options are default,system,emulator,game),0 or 1 (1 if controller specific), full path to file]
- Global blankProfile,defaultProfile,romProfile,emuProfile,xPadderSystemProfile,systemProfile
- Global systemName,dbName,emuName ;for use with joytokey
- Global CustomJoyNameArray ;for use with xpadder
- Log("Keymapper_PauseProfileList - Started")
- If (keymapper = "xpadder")
- { keymapperExtension = .xpadderprofile
- sProfile := xPadderSystemProfile
- PlayerIndicator := "\p" . PlayerNumber
- CustomJoyName := CustomJoyNameArray[ControllerName]
- If CustomJoyName
- { LoopNumber := 3
- PossibleJoyNames1 := "\" . ControllerName
- PossibleJoyNames2 := "\" . CustomJoyName
- PossibleJoyNames3 := ""
- } Else {
- LoopNumber := 2
- PossibleJoyNames1 := "\" . ControllerName
- PossibleJoyNames2 := ""
- }
- } Else { ; keymapper = joy2key
- keymapperExtension := ".cfg"
- sProfile := systemProfile
- LoopNumber := 1
- PossibleJoyNames1 := "" ;joy2key does not use a profile per controller
- PlayerIndicator := "" ;joy2key and ahk do not need a player number
- }
- ; used for finding the normally loaded profile
- normalProfileFound := 0
- ; loop counters
- i := 1
- j := 0
- ProfileList := []
- ProfileFolderArray := ["Game","Emulator","System","Default"]
- If (keymapper = "xpadder")
- String2Parse := romProfile . "|" . emuProfile . "|" . sProfile . "|" . defaultProfile
- Else { ;joytokey
- String2Parse := romProfile . "|" . emuProfile . "|" . sProfile . "|" . defaultProfile
- normProfileName := [dbName,emuName,systemName,"_Default"]
- }
- Log(String2Parse)
- Loop,Parse,String2Parse,|
- { j++
- FolderPath := A_LoopField
- ;If CustomJoyName Exists look for it. If not, don't look for a \\ directory
- Loop % LoopNumber
- {
- joyName := PossibleJoyNames%A_Index%
- If joyName
- Controller_Specific_Boolean := 1
- Else
- Controller_Specific_Boolean := 0
- If (keymapper = "xpadder") {
- normProfile := FolderPath . joyName . PlayerIndicator . keymapperExtension
- FilePattern := FolderPath . joyName . "\*" . keymapperExtension
- } Else { ; keymapper = joy2key
- normProfile := FolderPath . "\" . normProfileName[j] . keymapperExtension
- FilePattern := FolderPath . "\*" . keymapperExtension
- }
- Loop % FilePattern
- {
- SplitPath,A_LoopFileFullPath,,,,FileNameNoExt
- If (keymapper = "joytokey") OR (keymapper = "joy2key") {
- ; I find this information to be more useful because it determines if a profile will actually work if you use joytokey.
- ; the boolean value means profile will work, but due to joy2key limitations we don't know if the profile was made for this controller
- SectionName := "Joystick " . PlayerNumber
- CheckForSection := IniRead(A_LoopFileFullPath, "SectionName", "Axis1p") ; this key will always exist if the section exists and was properly created by joytokey
- If CheckForSection
- Controller_Specific_Boolean := 1
- Else
- Controller_Specific_Boolean := 0
- }
- If (normProfile = A_LoopFileFullPath) && !normalProfileFound
- { normalProfileFound := 1
- Log("Keymapper_PauseProfileList - Creating Profile List (normal load profile) -> 1`," . FileNameNoExt . "`," . ProfileFolderArray[j] . "`," . Controller_Specific_Boolean . "`," . A_LoopFileFullPath,5)
- ProfileList[1,1] := FileNameNoExt
- ProfileList[1,2] := ProfileFolderArray[j]
- ProfileList[1,3] := Controller_Specific_Boolean
- ProfileList[1,4] := A_LoopFileFullPath
- } Else If A_LoopFileFullPath
- { i++
- Log("Keymapper_PauseProfileList - Creating Profile List -> " . i . "`," . FileNameNoExt . "`," . ProfileFolderArray[j] . "`," . Controller_Specific_Boolean . "`," . A_LoopFileFullPath,5)
- ProfileList[0,1] := i
- ProfileList[i,1] := FileNameNoExt
- ProfileList[i,2] := ProfileFolderArray[j]
- ProfileList[i,3] := Controller_Specific_Boolean
- ProfileList[i,4] := A_LoopFileFullPath
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Log("Keymapper_PauseProfileList - Ended")
- Return ProfileList
- }
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