

Sep 23rd, 2019
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  1. BootROM - 2.03
  2. Starting CP-0 IOROM 1.07
  3. Booting from SD 0 (0x29)
  4. SD - wait_for_sd_interrupt: Error interrupt - 00008000
  5. SD - wait_for_sd_interrupt: Error interrupt status 00000003
  6. SD - sd_get_cmd_response: Get command response failed.
  8. SD - sd_init: Failed - ret = 00000081
  9. Error: Failed initializing interface
  10. Error: Failed boot attempt 01. error = 0x0C1
  12. BootROM - 2.03
  13. Starting CP-0 IOROM 1.07
  14. Booting from SD 0 (0x29)
  15. SD - wait_for_sd_interrupt: Error interrupt - 00008000
  16. SD - wait_for_sd_interrupt: Error interrupt status 00000003
  17. SD - sd_get_cmd_response: Get command response failed.
  19. SD - sd_init: Failed - ret = 00000081
  20. Error: Failed initializing interface
  21. Found valid image at boot postion 0x002
  22. lNOTICE: Starting binary extension
  23. NOTICE: SVC: SW Revision 0x0. SVC is not supported
  24. mv_ddr: mv_ddr-armada-17.10.5-gf537e1d (Apr 25 2018 - 19:21:14)
  25. mv_ddr: completed successfully
  26. NOTICE: Cold boot
  27. NOTICE: Booting Trusted Firmware
  28. NOTICE: BL1: v1.3(release):armada-17.10.8:34247e0
  29. NOTICE: BL1: Built : 19:21:23, Apr 25 2018
  30. NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL2
  31. lNOTICE: BL2: v1.3(release):armada-17.10.8:34247e0
  32. NOTICE: BL2: Built : 19:21:25, Apr 25 2018
  33. BL2: Initiating SCP_BL2 transfer to SCP
  34. NOTICE: SCP_BL2 contains 2 concatenated images
  35. NOTICE: Load image to CP1 MSS
  36. NOTICE: Loading MSS image from address 0x4023020 Size 0x137c to MSS at 0xf4280000
  37. NOTICE: Done
  38. NOTICE: Load image to AP MSS
  39. NOTICE: Loading MSS image from address 0x402439c Size 0x1f68 to MSS at 0xf0580000
  40. N
  42. FreeRTOS 7.3.0 - Marvell cm3 - A8K release armada-17.10.2
  44. OTICE: Done
  45. NOTICE: SCP Image doesn't contain PM firmware
  46. NOTICE: BL1: Booting BL31
  47. lNOTICE: MSS PM is not supported in this build
  48. NOTICE: BL31: v1.3(release):armada-17.10.8:34247e0
  49. NOTICE: BL31: Built : 19:21:31, Apr 25 2018
  50. lUEFI firmware (version MARVELL UEFI 17.10.2 built at 19:17:17 on Apr 25 2018)
  52. Armada 8040 MachiatoBin Platform Init
  54. Comphy0-0: PCIE0 5 Gbps
  55. Comphy0-1: PCIE0 5 Gbps
  56. Comphy0-2: PCIE0 5 Gbps
  57. Comphy0-3: PCIE0 5 Gbps
  58. Comphy0-4: SFI 10.31 Gbps
  59. Comphy0-5: SATA1 5 Gbps
  61. Comphy1-0: SGMII1 1.25 Gbps
  62. Comphy1-1: SATA2 5 Gbps
  63. Comphy1-2: USB3_HOST0 5 Gbps
  64. Comphy1-3: SATA3 5 Gbps
  65. Comphy1-4: SFI 10.31 Gbps
  66. Comphy1-5: SGMII2 3.125 Gbps
  68. UTMI PHY 0 initialized to USB Host0
  69. UTMI PHY 1 initialized to USB Host1
  70. UTMI PHY 0 initialized to USB Host0
  71. RTC: Initialize controller 1
  72. Skip I2c chip 0
  73. Detected w25q32bv SPI NOR flash with page size 256 B, erase size 4 KB, total 4 MB
  74. MvFvbValidateFvHeader: No Firmware Volume header present
  75. MvFvbPrepareFvHeader: The FVB Header is not valid.
  76. MvFvbPrepareFvHeader: Installing a correct one for this volume.
  77. going to start mss_periodic_ihb_wa for mss
  78. Firmware Volume for Variable Store is corrupted
  80. ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status = Volume Corrupt)
  81. ASSERT [VariableRuntimeDxe] /home/jenkins/sources/syssw/uefi/MdeModulePkg/Universal/Variable/RuntimeDxe/VariableDxe.c(477): !EFI_ERROR (Status)
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