
BWR - Changelog 30/03/24

Mar 30th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. On-Kill Effects
  2. ~ Fixed incorrect effects being triggered for posthumous or delayed weapon kills (projectiles and such)
  3. Iron Bomber
  4. - Blocks hits from rollers reaching targets behind walls
  5. Third Degree
  6. - Blocks hits from reaching target's teammates behind walls
  7. Medieval
  8. ~ Fixed touching resupply while holding a building being stuck
  9. Vita-Saw
  10. ~ Fix interactions based on variable max HP (IE Dalokohs Bar)
  11. Fixing unintended behavior to make the items/changes more consistent.
  13. Eyelander
  14. ~ Reverted speed boost to being on-kill and not consumed with heads
  15. - Added: -15 max health on wearer
  16. There was little windup or warning for the demo using his heads. Reverting it to an on-kill bonus should make it more predictable for the enemy and without using a resource provides more immediate benefit to the demo. In exchange, the weapon was given a more persistent downside it was lacking, returning it's max health penalty but to a lesser degree.
  18. Syringe Guns
  19. + Increased crit heal recovery rate to 100% on hitting teammate (was 33%)
  20. + Recovered teammates briefly have +100% increased uber build rate (2 seconds)
  21. ~ Changed effect: Aura appears when teammate has crit heals reset, with no effect when it's already at limit
  22. The process of resetting crit heals was potentially too cumbersome, especially for a larger group as it was intended to be more useful for. The process should be faster now, while also providing additional uber build for a short period to make up for less time spent on healing teammates.
  24. Brass Beast
  25. + Increased spun up resistance to -25% damage resistance
  26. + Removed capture rate penalty
  27. - Reverted resistance to only kick in when spun up below 50% HP (was 90%)
  28. The interactions with the weapon were a bit too extreme on either end with the changes. As a test, nearly all changes for the weapon were reverted save for the resistance being slightly buffed on the weapon. However it appears that the universal spin down buff might be enough to make this weapon more consistent.
  30. Blutsauger
  31. + Added: Heals 10 HP on-hit for recovering teammates
  32. - Reverted health regeneration penalty
  33. The weapon was given some additional benefits to interact with the crit heal potential. Reverting the weapon's regen penalty will incentivize using the weapon to heal both when fighting enemies and helping teammates recover, as well as make shooting at enemies with teammates around less deadly for yourself.
  35. Overdose
  36. + Increased max speed bonus to +25% (was +20%)
  37. - -50% reduced uber build rate bonus on crit heal recovery
  38. The speed boost was slightly buffed as it was considered a tad underwhelming. However it was also considered a slightly overbuffed compared to other syringe guns. It is being given this uber rate penalty at the moment to contrast the buffs it has for your own survivability, but has the potential to change.
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