
DFF contents

Dec 2nd, 2019
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text 3.55 KB | None | 0 0
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  29. R: 51, G: 52, B: 49, A: 255
  30. R: 18, G: 18, B: 14, A: 255
  31. R: 18, G: 18, B: 14, A: 255
  32. R: 18, G: 18, B: 14, A: 255
  33. R: 18, G: 18, B: 14, A: 255
  34. R: 18, G: 17, B: 13, A: 255
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  38. R: 51, G: 52, B: 49, A: 255
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  40. R: 20, G: 19, B: 16, A: 255
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  42. R: 23, G: 23, B: 20, A: 255
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  63. X: 5,994949, Y: 0,0005002022
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  67. X: 5,994949, Y: 0,9995005
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  75. Vertex 1: 17, Vertex 2: 20, Vertex 3: 10, Material: 0
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  80. Sphere: Position: (0,003601074, 0,004394531, 0,002893448), Radius: 13,09456
  81. Materials:
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  88. Texture UV: 17
  89. Texture name: ahoodfence2
  90. Texture mask name:
  93. Atomics:
  94. Frame index: 0
  95. Geometry index: 0
  97. Press any key to quit...
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