
Predator If It Bleeds 53

Dec 24th, 2023
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  1. Hiroto had seen exactly where that bolt had come from. He quickly dumped the satchels from the bamboo shaft he'd been carrying. His real cargo had been hidden inside all along. One of the samurai-he had not bothered to remember this one's name launched an arrow into the branches. To his credit, he was close, yet not close enough. The oni must
  2. have felt rushed, because the three sparks did not linger this time, and the bolt struck the warrior low. The resulting blast still sent him flipping through the air. One of his legs flew in the opposite direction.
  4. Careful not to cut himself on one of the specially prepared arrow heads, Hiroto retrieved his bow. He had it strung and had taken up one of his poisoned arrows before the crippled samurai landed.
  6. The oni was hurling lightning down upon the samurai like he was Raijin the thunder god. Another warrior drew his katana and screamed a challenge, but the oni had learned the hard way what happens when you duel with a samurai, so it blew his arm off instead. As Motokane ran away a tree exploded next to him, and the official was lost from view in a cloud of splinters.-pg.297 chpt.11
Tags: Predator
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