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- Standard Modules
- * abc
- -- Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) according to PEP 3119.
- * _abcoll
- -- Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) for collections, according to PEP 3119.
- * aifc
- -- Stuff to parse AIFF-C and AIFF files.
- * antigravity
- -- {Undocumented}
- * anydbm
- -- Generic interface to all dbm clones.
- * argparse
- -- Command-line parsing library
- * ast
- -- ast
- * asynchat
- -- A class supporting chat-style (command/response) protocols.
- * asyncore
- -- Basic infrastructure for asynchronous socket service clients and servers.
- * atexit
- -- allow programmer to define multiple exit functions to be executed upon normal program termination.
- * audiodev
- -- Classes for manipulating audio devices (currently only for Sun and SGI)
- * base64
- -- RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64 Data Encodings
- * BaseHTTPServer
- -- HTTP server base class.
- * Bastion
- -- ification utility.
- * bdb
- -- Debugger basics
- * binhex
- -- Macintosh binhex compression/decompression.
- * bisect
- -- Bisection algorithms.
- * bsddb
- -- Support for Berkeley DB 4.1 through 4.8 with a simple interface.
- * calendar
- -- Calendar printing functions
- * cgi
- -- Support module for CGI (Common Gateway Interface) scripts.
- * CGIHTTPServer
- -- CGI-savvy HTTP Server.
- * cgitb
- -- More comprehensive traceback formatting for Python scripts.
- * chunk
- -- Simple class to read IFF chunks.
- * cmd
- -- A generic class to build line-oriented command interpreters.
- * code
- -- Utilities needed to emulate Python's interactive interpreter.
- * codecs
- -- Python Codec Registry, API and helpers.
- * codeop
- -- Utilities to compile possibly incomplete Python source code.
- * collections
- -- {Undocumented}
- * colorsys
- -- Conversion functions between RGB and other color systems.
- * commands
- -- Execute shell commands via os.popen() and return status, output.
- * compileall
- -- Module/script to "compile" all .py files to .pyc (or .pyo) file.
- * compiler
- -- Package for parsing and compiling Python source code
- * config
- -- {Not importable - ImportError}
- * ConfigParser
- -- Configuration file parser.
- * contextlib
- -- Utilities for with-statement contexts. See PEP 343.
- * Cookie
- -- Here's a sample session to show how to use this module. At the moment, this is the only documentation.
- * cookielib
- -- HTTP cookie handling for web clients.
- * copy
- -- Generic (shallow and deep) copying operations.
- * copy_reg
- -- Helper to provide extensibility for pickle/cPickle.
- * cProfile
- -- Python interface for the 'lsprof' profiler. Compatible with the 'profile' module.
- * csv
- -- CSV parsing and writing.
- * ctypes
- -- create and manipulate C data types in Python
- * curses
- -- curses
- * dbhash
- -- Provide a (g)dbm-compatible interface to bsddb.hashopen.
- * decimal
- -- This is a Py2.3 implementation of decimal floating point arithmetic based on the General Decimal Arithmetic Specification:
- * Demo
- -- {Not importable - ImportError}
- * difflib
- -- helpers for computing deltas between objects.
- * dircache
- -- Read and cache directory listings.
- * dis
- -- Disassembler of Python byte code into mnemonics.
- * distutils
- -- distutils
- * Doc
- -- {Not importable - ImportError}
- * doctest
- -- a framework for running examples in docstrings.
- * DocXMLRPCServer
- -- Self documenting XML-RPC Server.
- * dumbdbm
- -- A dumb and slow but simple dbm clone.
- * dummy_thread
- -- Drop-in replacement for the thread module.
- * dummy_threading
- -- Faux ``threading`` version using ``dummy_thread`` instead of ``thread``.
- * email
- -- A package for parsing, handling, and generating email messages.
- * encodings
- -- Standard "encodings" Package
- * filecmp
- -- Utilities for comparing files and directories.
- * fileinput
- -- Helper class to quickly write a loop over all standard input files.
- * fnmatch
- -- Filename matching with shell patterns.
- * formatter
- -- Generic output formatting.
- * fpformat
- -- General floating point formatting functions.
- * fractions
- -- Rational, infinite-precision, real numbers.
- * ftplib
- -- An FTP client class and some helper functions.
- * functools
- -- Tools for working with functions and callable objects
- * __future__
- -- Record of phased-in incompatible language changes.
- * genericpath
- -- Path operations common to more than one OS Do not use directly. The OS specific modules import the appropriate functions from this module themselves.
- * getopt
- -- Parser for command line options.
- * getpass
- -- Utilities to get a password and/or the current user name.
- * gettext
- -- Internationalization and localization support.
- * glob
- -- Filename globbing utility.
- * gzip
- -- Functions that read and write gzipped files.
- * hashlib
- -- module - A common interface to many hash functions.
- * heapq
- -- Heap queue algorithm (a.k.a. priority queue).
- * hmac
- -- HMAC (Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication) Python module.
- * hotshot
- -- High-perfomance logging profiler, mostly written in C.
- * htmlentitydefs
- -- HTML character entity references.
- * htmllib
- -- HTML 2.0 parser.
- * HTMLParser
- -- A parser for HTML and XHTML.
- * httplib
- -- HTTP/1.1 client library
- * idlelib
- -- {Undocumented}
- * ihooks
- -- Import hook support.
- * imaplib
- -- IMAP4 client.
- * imghdr
- -- Recognize image file formats based on their first few bytes.
- * importlib
- -- Backport of importlib.import_module from 3.x.
- * imputil
- -- Import utilities
- * inspect
- -- Get useful information from live Python objects.
- * io
- -- The io module provides the Python interfaces to stream handling. The builtin open function is defined in this module.
- * json
- -- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a subset of JavaScript syntax (ECMA-262 3rd edition) used as a lightweight data interchange format.
- * keyword
- -- Keywords (from "graminit.c")
- * lib-dynload
- -- {Not importable - SyntaxError}
- * lib-tk
- -- {Not importable - SyntaxError}
- * lib2to3
- -- {Undocumented}
- * linecache
- -- Cache lines from files.
- * locale
- -- Locale support.
- * logging
- -- Logging package for Python. Based on PEP 282 and comments thereto in comp.lang.python, and influenced by Apache's log4j system.
- * _LWPCookieJar
- -- Load / save to libwww-perl (LWP) format files.
- * macpath
- -- Pathname and path-related operations for the Macintosh.
- * macurl2path
- -- Macintosh-specific module for conversion between pathnames and URLs.
- * mailbox
- -- Read/write support for Maildir, mbox, MH, Babyl, and MMDF mailboxes.
- * mailcap
- -- Mailcap file handling. See RFC 1524.
- * markupbase
- -- Shared support for scanning document type declarations in HTML and XHTML.
- * md5
- -- {Undocumented, with warnings - possibly deprecated?}
- * mhlib
- -- MH interface -- purely object-oriented (well, almost)
- * mimetools
- -- Various tools used by MIME-reading or MIME-writing programs.
- * mimetypes
- -- Guess the MIME type of a file.
- * MimeWriter
- -- Generic MIME writer.
- * mimify
- -- Mimification and unmimification of mail messages.
- * modulefinder
- -- Find modules used by a script, using introspection.
- * _MozillaCookieJar
- -- Mozilla / Netscape cookie loading / saving.
- * multifile
- -- A readline()-style interface to the parts of a multipart message.
- * multiprocessing
- -- {Undocumented}
- * mutex
- -- Mutual exclusion -- for use with module sched
- * netrc
- -- An object-oriented interface to .netrc files.
- * new
- -- Create new objects of various types. Deprecated.
- * nntplib
- -- An NNTP client class based on RFC 977: Network News Transfer Protocol.
- * ntpath
- -- Common pathname manipulations, WindowsNT/95 version.
- * nturl2path
- -- Convert a NT pathname to a file URL and vice versa.
- * numbers
- -- Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) for numbers, according to PEP 3141.
- * opcode
- -- module - potentially shared between dis and other modules which operate on bytecodes (e.g. peephole optimizers).
- * optparse
- -- A powerful, extensible, and easy-to-use option parser.
- * os
- -- OS routines for Mac, NT, or Posix depending on what system we're on.
- * os2emxpath
- -- Common pathname manipulations, OS/2 EMX version.
- * pdb
- -- A Python debugger.
- *
- -- {Undocumented}
- * pickle
- -- Create portable serialized representations of Python objects.
- * pickletools
- -- "Executable documentation" for the pickle module.
- * pipes
- -- Conversion pipeline templates.
- * pkgutil
- -- Utilities to support packages.
- * platform
- -- This module tries to retrieve as much platform-identifying data as possible. It makes this information available via function APIs.
- * plat-linux2
- -- {Not importable - SyntaxError}
- * plistlib
- -- a tool to generate and parse MacOSX .plist files.
- * popen2
- -- Spawn a command with pipes to its stdin, stdout, and optionally stderr.
- * poplib
- -- A POP3 client class.
- * posixfile
- -- Extended file operations available in POSIX.
- * posixpath
- -- Common operations on Posix pathnames.
- * pprint
- -- Support to pretty-print lists, tuples, & dictionaries recursively.
- * profile
- -- Class for profiling Python code.
- * pstats
- -- Class for printing reports on profiled python code.
- * pty
- -- Pseudo terminal utilities.
- * pyclbr
- -- Parse a Python module and describe its classes and methods.
- * py_compile
- -- Routine to "compile" a .py file to a .pyc (or .pyo) file.
- * pydoc
- -- Generate Python documentation in HTML or text for interactive use.
- * pydoc_data
- -- {Undocumented}
- * _pyio
- -- Python implementation of the io module.
- * Queue
- -- A multi-producer, multi-consumer queue.
- * quopri
- -- Conversions to/from quoted-printable transport encoding as per RFC 1521.
- * random
- -- Random variable generators.
- * re
- -- Support for regular expressions (RE).
- * repr
- -- Redo the builtin repr() (representation) but with limits on most sizes.
- * rexec
- -- Restricted execution facilities.
- * rfc822
- -- RFC 2822 message manipulation.
- * rlcompleter
- -- Word completion for GNU readline 2.0.
- * robotparser
- * runpy
- -- locating and running Python code using the module namespace
- * sched
- -- A generally useful event scheduler class.
- * sets
- -- Classes to represent arbitrary sets (including sets of sets).
- * sgmllib
- -- A parser for SGML, using the derived class as a static DTD.
- * sha
- -- {Undocumented, with warnings - possibly deprecated?}
- * shelve
- -- Manage shelves of pickled objects.
- * shlex
- -- A lexical analyzer class for simple shell-like syntaxes.
- * shutil
- -- Utility functions for copying and archiving files and directory trees.
- * SimpleHTTPServer
- -- Simple HTTP Server.
- * SimpleXMLRPCServer
- -- Simple XML-RPC Server.
- * site
- -- Append module search paths for third-party packages to sys.path.
- * site-packages
- -- {Not importable - SyntaxError}
- * smtpd
- -- An RFC 2821 smtp proxy.
- * smtplib
- -- SMTP/ESMTP client class.
- * sndhdr
- -- Routines to help recognizing sound files.
- * socket
- -- This module provides socket operations and some related functions. On Unix, it supports IP (Internet Protocol) and Unix domain sockets. On other systems, it only supports IP. Functions specific for a socket are available as methods of the socket object.
- * SocketServer
- -- Generic socket server classes.
- * sqlite3
- -- {Undocumented}
- * sre
- -- This file is only retained for backwards compatibility. It will be removed in the future. sre was moved to re in version 2.5.
- * sre_compile
- -- Internal support module for sre
- * sre_constants
- -- Internal support module for sre
- * sre_parse
- -- Internal support module for sre
- * ssl
- -- This module provides some more Pythonic support for SSL.
- * stat
- -- Constants/functions for interpreting results of os.stat() and os.lstat().
- * statvfs
- -- Constants for interpreting the results of os.statvfs() and os.fstatvfs().
- * string
- -- A collection of string operations (most are no longer used).
- * StringIO
- -- File-like objects that read from or write to a string buffer.
- * stringold
- -- Common string manipulations.
- * stringprep
- -- Library that exposes various tables found in the StringPrep RFC 3454.
- * _strptime
- -- Strptime-related classes and functions.
- * struct
- -- Functions to convert between Python values and C structs represented as Python strings. It uses format strings (explained below) as compact descriptions of the lay-out of the C structs and the intended conversion to/from Python values.
- * subprocess
- -- Subprocesses with accessible I/O streams
- * sunau
- -- Stuff to parse Sun and NeXT audio files.
- * sunaudio
- -- Interpret sun audio headers.
- * symbol
- -- Non-terminal symbols of Python grammar (from "graminit.h").
- * symtable
- -- Interface to the compiler's internal symbol tables
- * sysconfig
- -- Provide access to Python's configuration information.
- * tabnanny
- -- The Tab Nanny despises ambiguous indentation. She knows no mercy.
- * tarfile
- -- Read from and write to tar format archives.
- * telnetlib
- -- TELNET client class.
- * tempfile
- -- Temporary files.
- * test
- -- {Undocumented}
- * textwrap
- -- Text wrapping and filling.
- * this
- -- The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
- * threading
- -- Thread module emulating a subset of Java's threading model.
- * _threading_local
- -- Thread-local objects.
- * timeit
- -- Tool for measuring execution time of small code snippets.
- * toaiff
- -- Convert "arbitrary" sound files to AIFF (Apple and SGI's audio format).
- * token
- -- Token constants (from "token.h").
- * tokenize
- -- Tokenization help for Python programs.
- * Tools
- -- {Not importable - ImportError}
- * trace
- -- program/module to trace Python program or function execution
- * traceback
- -- Extract, format and print information about Python stack traces.
- * tty
- -- Terminal utilities.
- * types
- -- Define names for all type symbols known in the standard interpreter.
- * unittest
- -- Python unit testing framework, based on Erich Gamma's JUnit and Kent Beck's Smalltalk testing framework.
- * urllib
- -- Open an arbitrary URL.
- * urllib2
- -- An extensible library for opening URLs using a variety of protocols
- * urlparse
- -- Parse (absolute and relative) URLs.
- * user
- -- Hook to allow user-specified customization code to run.
- * UserDict
- -- A more or less complete user-defined wrapper around dictionary objects.
- * UserList
- -- A more or less complete user-defined wrapper around list objects.
- * UserString
- -- A user-defined wrapper around string objects
- * uu
- -- Implementation of the UUencode and UUdecode functions.
- * uuid
- -- UUID objects (universally unique identifiers) according to RFC 4122.
- * warnings
- -- Python part of the warnings subsystem.
- * wave
- -- Stuff to parse WAVE files.
- * weakref
- -- Weak reference support for Python.
- * _weakrefset
- -- {Undocumented}
- * webbrowser
- -- Interfaces for launching and remotely controlling Web browsers.
- * whichdb
- -- Guess which db package to use to open a db file.
- * wsgiref
- -- a WSGI (PEP 333) Reference Library
- * xdrlib
- -- Implements (a subset of) Sun XDR -- eXternal Data Representation.
- * xml
- -- Extended XML support for Python
- * xmllib
- -- A parser for XML, using the derived class as static DTD.
- * xmlrpclib
- -- An XML-RPC client interface for Python.
- * zipfile
- -- Read and write ZIP files.
- >>>
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