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- math.randomseed(os.time()); math.random(); math.random(); math.random();
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnSpawn( unit, event )
- -- not start aiupdate if merc dont have owner
- if unit:GetUInt64Value( 0x0006 + 0x0008 ) ~= nil then
- unit:RegisterAIUpdateEvent( 2000 )
- end
- local sUnit = tostring(unit)
- ARCMERCS[tostring(sUnit)] = {
- spellTimer = math.random( 6, 10 ),
- spellNumber = 1
- };
- end
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAggro( unit, event, attacker )
- -- soldier has 'battle stance'
- if ARCMERCS[tostring(unit)].soldierStance == 1 then
- -- check if enemy is in range
- if unit:GetDistanceYards( attacker ) < 27 then
- -- cast 'charge' on attacker
- unit:CastSpellOnTarget( 100, attacker )
- end
- end
- end
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAIUpdate( unit, event )
- --
- -- merc its idle
- --
- if unit:GetAIState() == 0 then
- if unit:GetByteValue( 0x0006 + 0x0044, 0 ) ~= 1 then
- -- sit on the ground
- unit:SetByteValue( 0x0006 + 0x0044, 0, 1 )
- end
- end
- --
- -- merc its attacking
- --
- if unit:GetAIState() == 1 then
- local target = unit:GetUInt64Value( 0x0006 + 0x000C )
- -- dont bother with this if no target
- if target == nil then return; end
- local sUnit = tostring(unit)
- ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellTimer = ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellTimer - 1
- if ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellTimer <= 0 then
- local s = ARCMERCS[sUnit].soldierStance
- local n = ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellNumber
- local lv = unit:GetLevel()
- local q = WorldDBQuery("SELECT spellId, target FROM arcmercs.spells WHERE entry = "..unit:GetEntry().." AND stance = "..s.." AND slot = "..n.." AND minlv <= "" AND maxlv >= "" ")
- if q then
- local value = q:GetColumn( 1 ):GetShort()
- if value == 0 then
- unit:CastSpell( q:GetColumn( 0 ):GetULong() )
- elseif value == 1 then
- local target = unit:GetMainTank()
- if target then
- unit:CastSpellOnTarget( q:GetColumn( 0 ):GetULong(), target )
- end
- end
- ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellTimer = math.random( 6, 10 )
- end
- ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellSlot = ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellSlot + 1
- if ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellSlot == 5 then
- ARCMERCS[sUnit].spellSlot = 1
- end
- end
- end
- --
- -- merc its casting
- --
- if unit:GetAIState() == 2 then return; end
- --
- -- merc its following
- --
- if unit:GetAIState() == 4 then
- if unit:GetByteValue( 0x0006 + 0x0044, 0 ) ~= 0 then
- -- stand up
- unit:SetByteValue( 0x0006 + 0x0044, 0, 0 )
- end
- -- dont bother with this if merc its moving
- if unit:IsCreatureMoving() == true then return; end
- -- dont bother with this if eating of drinking
- if unit:HasAura( 430 ) or unit:HasAura( 433 ) then return; end
- if unit:GetHealthPct() < 35 then
- unit:CastSpell( 433 )
- end
- local f = math.random( 0, 100 )
- if( f > 0 and f <= 15 ) then
- unit:Emote( 1, 0 ) -- talk
- elseif( f > 20 and f <= 22 ) then
- unit:Emote( 23, 0 ) -- flex
- elseif( f > 31 and f <= 33 ) then
- unit:Emote( 16, 0 ) -- dance
- else
- end
- end
- end
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnLeaveCombat( unit, event, target )
- --unit:RemoveAIUpdateEvent()
- end
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnTargetDied( unit, event, target )
- --unit:RemoveAIUpdateEvent()
- end
- function ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnDied( unit, event, killer )
- -- Not need to RemoveAIUpdateEvent() here since its auto handled
- end
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 18, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnSpawn );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 18, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnSpawn );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 1, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAggro );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 1, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAggro );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 2, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnLeaveCombat );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 2, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnLeaveCombat );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 3, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnTargetDied );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 3, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnTargetDied );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 4, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnDied );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 4, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnDied );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43284, 21, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAIUpdate );
- RegisterUnitEvent( 43285, 21, ARCMERCS.SOLDIER.OnAIUpdate );
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