

Apr 5th, 2024
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Python 4.69 KB | None | 0 0
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. # Filename:
  4. # Version: 1.00
  5. # Author: Jeoi Reqi
  7. """
  8. This script provides functionality to scan for ports currently in use on the local system along with associated process details.
  10. Functions:
  11.    - get_ports_in_use(): Retrieves a list of ports currently in use along with associated process details.
  12.    - get_process_name(pid): Retrieves the process name associated with a given process ID (PID).
  13.    - display_ports_in_use(ports_in_use): Displays the list of ports currently in use along with their associated processes and programs.
  15. Features:
  16.    - Uses the 'netstat' command-line utility to retrieve a list of ports in use with process details.
  17.    - Parses the output of 'netstat' to extract port numbers, PIDs, and process names.
  18.    - Utilizes the psutil library to retrieve process names based on PIDs for enhanced process details.
  19.    - Displays the list of ports currently in use with detailed process and program information in a formatted table.
  21. Requirements:
  22.    - Python 3.x
  23.    - psutil library (install via pip: pip install psutil)
  25. Usage:
  26.    1. Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
  27.    2. Install the psutil library by running: pip install psutil
  28.    3. Save the script as ''.
  29.    4. Execute the script using the command: python
  30.    5. The script will display the ports currently in use along with associated process details.
  32. Notes:
  33.    - This script relies on the 'netstat' command-line utility to retrieve information about ports in use.
  34.    - It may require elevated privileges to execute certain commands, depending on the system's security settings.
  35.    - The psutil library is used to retrieve process names based on process IDs (PIDs) for enhanced process details.
  36.    - Ensure to review the output carefully, as it may contain sensitive information about processes and network connections.
  37. """
  39. import subprocess
  40. import psutil
  41. import logging
  43. # Configure logging
  44. logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
  46. # Function to get ports currently in use along with process details
  47. def get_ports_in_use():
  48.     """
  49.    Retrieves a list of ports currently in use along with associated process details.
  51.    Returns:
  52.        list: A list of tuples containing port numbers, process IDs (PIDs), and process names.
  53.    """
  54.     try:
  55.         # Use netstat command to get list of ports in use with process details
  56.         result =['netstat', '-a', '-n', '-o', '-p', 'TCP'], capture_output=True, text=True)
  57.         output = result.stdout
  58.         lines = output.split('\n')
  60.         # Parse output to extract ports in use along with process details
  61.         ports_in_use = []
  62.         for line in lines[4:]:
  63.             parts = line.split()
  64.             if len(parts) >= 5:
  65.                 local_address = parts[1]
  66.                 port = local_address.split(':')[-1]
  67.                 pid = parts[-1]
  68.                 process_name = parts[-2]
  69.                 ports_in_use.append((int(port), int(pid), process_name))
  70.         return ports_in_use
  71.     except Exception as e:
  72.         logging.error(f"Error retrieving ports in use: {e}")
  73.         return []
  75. # Function to get process name from PID
  76. def get_process_name(pid):
  77.     """
  78.    Retrieves the process name associated with a given process ID (PID).
  80.    Args:
  81.        pid (int): The process ID (PID) of the target process.
  83.    Returns:
  84.        str: The name of the process associated with the given PID, or 'N/A' if not found.
  85.    """
  86.     try:
  87.         process = psutil.Process(pid)
  88.         return
  89.     except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
  90.         return "N/A"
  91.     except Exception as e:
  92.         logging.error(f"Error retrieving process name for PID {pid}: {e}")
  93.         return "N/A"
  95. # Display ports in use with process details
  96. def display_ports_in_use(ports_in_use):
  97.     """
  98.    Displays the list of ports currently in use along with their associated processes and programs.
  100.    Args:
  101.        ports_in_use (list): A list of tuples containing port numbers, process IDs (PIDs), and process names.
  102.    """
  103.     if ports_in_use:
  104.         print("Ports currently in use:")
  105.         print("{:<10} {:<10} {:<20} {:<30}".format("Port #", "PID", "Process", "Program"))
  106.         for port, pid, process_name in ports_in_use:
  107.             program_name = get_process_name(pid)
  108.             print("{:<10} {:<10} {:<20} {:<30}".format(port, pid, process_name, program_name))
  109.     else:
  110.         print("No ports currently in use.")
  112. # Get ports currently in use with process details
  113. used_ports = get_ports_in_use()
  115. # Display ports in use with process details
  116. display_ports_in_use(used_ports)
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