
Old pret IRC logs [Oct 25, 2015]

Jul 15th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. [12:59] == luckytyphlosion [63ebb6a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #pret
  2. [13:03] <luckytyphlosion> heh
  3. [13:04] <luckytyphlosion> conflict when pulling upstream
  4. [13:36] == Schattenjager [] has joined #pret
  5. [14:16] == ShantyTown [~ShantyTow@] has joined #pret
  6. [14:27] <Schattenjager> I was supposed to get so much more done this weekend.
  7. [14:34] <Schattenjager> Isn't Emerald pretty well documented?
  8. [14:34] <Schattenjager> A friend of mine is interested in working with Emerald for a hack. I'm not into 3rd gen hacking at all, but for a friend, sure.
  9. [14:35] <luckytyphlosion> if you're planning on making gen 3 hacks, don't use the disassembly unless your hack is very technical
  10. [14:35] <luckytyphlosion> e.g. "text prints instantly" rom
  11. [14:35] <Schattenjager> Yeah, probably not.
  12. [15:13] == PikalaxALT [~PikalaxAL@unaffiliated/pikalaxalt] has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
  13. [15:35] == Linnie [9686f51b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  14. [16:01] <luckytyphlosion> ShantyTown: do you use linux line endings or windows line endings?
  15. [16:01] <ShantyTown> not sure
  16. [16:02] <ShantyTown> I have "Unix line endings" checked in Sublime Text
  17. [16:02] <ShantyTown> I also used vi to edit the .gitignore file
  18. [16:02] <ShantyTown> that might have used windows?
  19. [16:03] <luckytyphlosion> Sublime Text?
  20. [16:03] <ShantyTown> text editor
  21. [16:04] <luckytyphlosion> ah
  22. [16:05] <luckytyphlosion> well I run windows and I was thinking if I should add a .gitattributes file to convert all line endings to lf
  23. [16:07] <@iimarckus> we want unix line endings
  24. [16:07] <@iimarckus> if the gitattributes thing works then by all means
  25. [16:08] <ShantyTown> luckytyphlosion: I wrote a 2-bit depth version of PlayPikachuPCM
  26. [16:09] <ShantyTown> luckytyphlosion: but I haven't been able to make a good pcm file to use with it
  27. [16:09] <luckytyphlosion> using
  28. [16:10] <ShantyTown> that's the hard part. I'm having trouble coming up with a good algorithm for converting the .wav file into pcm
  29. [16:10] <luckytyphlosion> how does your old algorithm work?
  30. [16:10] <ShantyTown> the first couple i've tried have been crappy
  31. [16:10] <ShantyTown> well the old algorithm is easy for 1-bit samples
  32. [16:11] <luckytyphlosion> btw your method basically writes a 2 bit volume to rNRsomething/$ff1c?
  33. [16:11] <ShantyTown> ya
  34. [16:11] == Schattenjager- [] has joined #pret
  35. [16:11] <ShantyTown> and it only does the "rept" block 3 times, instead of 7
  36. [16:12] == Schattenjager [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
  37. [16:12] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  38. [16:12] <ShantyTown> which is correct
  39. [16:14] <ShantyTown> might be able to use ffmpeg to desample the .wav, instead of doing some complicated algorithm
  40. [16:15] <ShantyTown> actually, i don't think so
  41. [16:15] <ShantyTown> wave files have minium bit depth of 8
  42. [16:17] <luckytyphlosion> bit depth?
  43. [16:17] <ShantyTown> yes. the number of bits per sample
  44. [16:18] <ShantyTown> for bit depth = 1, just fakes it. The resulting wave file is 8-bit, but all the samples are either 0xff or 0x00
  45. [16:18] <ShantyTown> so it's essentially 1-bit
  46. [16:19] <luckytyphlosion> could you make the samples like "(0xff / 4) * 3"?
  47. [16:19] <luckytyphlosion> or wait
  48. [16:20] <ShantyTown> yes
  49. [16:20] <ShantyTown> sort of
  50. [16:20] <ShantyTown> 0x00, 0x3f, 0x7f, and 0xff
  51. [16:20] <ShantyTown> are the amplitudes the gameboy can do
  52. [16:20] <ShantyTown> which is kind of awkward
  53. [16:20] <luckytyphlosion> what's the problem to approximate the amplitudes?
  54. [16:21] <ShantyTown> so it probably makes sense to clamp the samples to 0x00, 0x7f, and 0xff
  55. [16:21] <ShantyTown> I can't come up with a good algorithm for approximating (clamping) those amplitudes
  56. [16:21] <luckytyphlosion> 1.5 bit lel
  57. [16:21] <ShantyTown> right :)
  58. [16:22] <ShantyTown> Algorithm for 1-bit: If sample > average of all samples, 0xff. Else 0x00
  59. [16:22] <ShantyTown> Algorithm for 1.5-bit: (this is what I tried, but it's bad)
  60. [16:23] <ShantyTown> Find min and max samples from wav file
  61. [16:23] <luckytyphlosion> what if you pretend the average is fixed?
  62. [16:23] <ShantyTown> normalize a sample based on those
  63. [16:23] <ShantyTown> clamp it to the nearest value
  64. [16:27] <luckytyphlosion> what about have get the average amplitude, get the range for both min and max, average those ranges out and add/subtract from the average amplitude?
  65. [16:28] <ShantyTown> not sure what you mean by "average those ranges out"
  66. [16:29] <luckytyphlosion> the range of the min and average, and the min and max
  67. [16:29] <luckytyphlosion> then average the ranges
  68. [16:30] <ShantyTown> I think anything that involves taking the range of the min and max values is flawed
  69. [16:30] == EmuScyther [] has joined #pret
  70. [16:30] <ShantyTown> because different sections of the wave file have different volumes
  71. [16:31] <ShantyTown> 1-bit doesn't suffer from this problem
  72. [16:31] == EmuScyther has changed nick to Guest94018
  73. [16:31] <ShantyTown> 1.5-bit gets hurt because samples that should be 0xff or 0x00 get mapped to 0x7f
  74. [16:33] <luckytyphlosion> fake 0xbf by alternating between 0xff and 0x7f?
  75. [16:34] <ShantyTown> that would create an ugly high-pitched tone
  76. [16:35] == MrElephant [] has joined #pret
  77. [16:35] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  78. [16:36] <ShantyTown> maybe changing the method of how it clamps would be better. Like... if the sample is > 25% away from the middle, it gets clamped to 0x00 or 0xff
  79. [16:36] <ShantyTown> rather than > 50%
  80. [16:36] <luckytyphlosion> maybe
  81. [16:37] <luckytyphlosion> ugh I don't have an exact rom
  82. [16:37] <luckytyphlosion> pokepinball.gbc baserom.gbc differ: byte 335, line 1
  83. [16:37] <ShantyTown> from a clean repo?
  84. [16:37] <luckytyphlosion> no I made a script to change address comments
  85. [16:37] <luckytyphlosion> didn't touch any code
  86. [16:38] <luckytyphlosion> or at least as I'm aware of
  87. [16:38] == Guest94018 has changed nick to scyther
  88. [16:40] <ShantyTown> do you have local changes in pret?
  89. [16:41] <ShantyTown> I just built a clean pokepinball repo, with an exact rom
  90. [16:42] <luckytyphlosion> yes I reset to the latest commit
  91. [16:42] == MrElephant [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
  92. [16:43] <ShantyTown> what's the top of "git log" for you?
  93. [16:44] <luckytyphlosion> uh
  94. [16:44] <luckytyphlosion> you mean git status?
  95. [16:45] <luckytyphlosion> I'm trying to run but it refuses to work
  96. [16:45] <luckytyphlosion> " line 11: syntax error: unexpected end of file"
  97. [16:46] <ShantyTown> sure, run "git status" in both pokepinball and pret
  98. [16:48] <luckytyphlosion> actually can you send me your .map file?
  99. [16:49] <scyther> we are doing pinball now too?
  100. [16:49] <ShantyTown> ya
  101. [16:49] <ShantyTown> to both
  102. [16:49] <ShantyTown> of you
  103. [16:49] <scyther> Why no TCG? That has great potential
  104. [16:50] <luckytyphlosion> there's tcg
  105. [16:50] <scyther> where?
  106. [16:50] <luckytyphlosion>
  107. [16:50] == MrElephant [] has joined #pret
  108. [16:50] <luckytyphlosion>
  109. [16:50] <ShantyTown> luckytyphlosion:here's pokepinball.sym:
  110. [16:50] <luckytyphlosion> incomplete
  111. [16:51] <scyther> Cool
  112. [16:52] <scyther> Can't wait for custom Puzzle Challange modes :P
  113. [16:53] <luckytyphlosion> no changes
  114. [16:53] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  115. [16:53] <ShantyTown> "git stash"
  116. [16:53] <luckytyphlosion> what does git stash do?
  117. [16:54] <ShantyTown> then make to see if a clean repo is fine
  118. [16:54] <ShantyTown> git stash saves your changes and discards them
  119. [16:54] <ShantyTown> "git stash pop" will bring them back
  120. [16:55] == Missingno_force [] has quit [Quit: xor eax, eax; jmp eax;]
  121. [16:56] <luckytyphlosion> >pokepinball.txt
  122. [16:56] <luckytyphlosion> what
  123. [16:56] <ShantyTown> what
  124. [16:57] <ShantyTown> I'm giving up on the 1.5-bit stuff for now.
  125. [16:57] <luckytyphlosion> ok
  126. [16:57] <luckytyphlosion> ah found the error
  127. [16:57] <ShantyTown> Changing the thresholds helped, but it still sounds worse (and quieter) than 1-bit
  128. [16:58] <ShantyTown> wait, so was the error something you did, or is pokepinball in a bad state?
  129. [16:59] <luckytyphlosion> idk
  130. [16:59] == MrElephant [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
  131. [17:00] <luckytyphlosion> wait I got it, my script removed 'include "charmap.asm"'
  132. [17:01] <luckytyphlosion> ya fixed
  133. [17:03] <ShantyTown> pokepinball is getting kind of annoying to make progress on
  134. [17:03] <luckytyphlosion> why?
  135. [17:03] <ShantyTown> there are hundreds of pointers to graphics/tilemaps/palettes
  136. [17:03] <ShantyTown> and that stuff isn't interesting to me
  137. [17:03] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  138. [17:04] <ShantyTown> although, most of the bonus stages haven't been documented yet
  139. [17:04] <luckytyphlosion> I have to do map scripts and block/tilesets with pokeyellow
  140. [17:04] <ShantyTown> so that's fun
  141. [17:04] <ShantyTown> I assumed most of that was overlapping with pokered
  142. [17:04] <luckytyphlosion> yes
  143. [17:05] <luckytyphlosion> so I can't exactly disassemble it with
  144. [17:05] <ShantyTown> why not?
  145. [17:06] <luckytyphlosion> I'd lose documentation over untouched spots
  146. [17:10] <luckytyphlosion> wait did I add .wav to binary files?
  147. [17:10] <luckytyphlosion> for .gitattributes
  148. [17:10] <luckytyphlosion> oh crap
  149. [17:13] <luckytyphlosion> what's ".w32.interleave"?
  150. [17:31] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] luckytyphlosion pushed 7 commits to master [+42/-0/±23]
  151. [17:31] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] luckytyphlosion 8601505 - Fix submodule 'extras' url
  152. [17:31] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] luckytyphlosion 998ada6 - Properly ignore extras?
  153. [17:31] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] luckytyphlosion fdad37c - Ignore extras1\ old extras except with some changes made for personal use
  154. [17:31] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] ... and 4 more commits.
  155. [17:37] == YamaArashi_ [] has joined #pret
  156. [17:39] == YamaArashi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
  157. [17:42] <ShantyTown> "width 32 pixels" "interleave the tiles"
  158. [17:43] <luckytyphlosion> ah
  159. [17:49] <Schattenjager-> Hum.
  160. [17:50] <Schattenjager-> Does anyone if there's something in pokered that glitches if a pokémon of a certain index number, etc is put in the wild?
  161. [17:50] <Schattenjager-> For some reason my game loads a trainer battle on Route in the grass if I put Ralts in there.
  162. [17:51] <Schattenjager-> Ralts works fine if it's in a trainer's team.
  163. [17:58] <luckytyphlosion> pokered?
  164. [17:58] <Schattenjager-> Yes.
  165. [17:58] <luckytyphlosion> do you mean a sanqui rom?
  166. [17:58] <Schattenjager-> My own project, using pokered.
  167. [17:58] <scyther> heh, I would see a problem in getting ralts to appear in regular red ;)
  168. [17:58] <luckytyphlosion> oh
  169. [17:59] <luckytyphlosion> wCurOpponent is shared between trainers and pokemon
  170. [17:59] <luckytyphlosion> any index > 199 will generate a trainer
  171. [17:59] <luckytyphlosion> you'll have to add a separate value for trainers
  172. [17:59] <luckytyphlosion> if you want 255 pokemon
  173. [17:59] == scyther [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
  174. [17:59] <Schattenjager-> Yeah, I was thinking it was something like that.
  175. [17:59] <luckytyphlosion> well more like 254 pokemon
  176. [17:59] <Schattenjager-> Thanks. :)
  177. [18:00] <luckytyphlosion> 1 index for hex0 and hexff
  178. [18:00] <Schattenjager-> Isn't it 251?
  179. [18:00] <Schattenjager-> The fossils take some space
  180. [18:00] <Schattenjager-> and the ghost
  181. [18:00] <luckytyphlosion> oh right
  182. [18:00] <luckytyphlosion> so 252 :P
  183. [18:00] <luckytyphlosion> or 251
  184. [18:00] <luckytyphlosion> ugh
  185. [18:00] <Schattenjager-> Yes.
  186. [18:21] <Schattenjager-> Right, it's the $C8.
  187. [18:21] == PikalaxALT [~PikalaxAL@unaffiliated/pikalaxalt] has joined #pret
  188. [18:23] <PikalaxALT> padz: have you had the chance to review my followup commits to pokecrystal?
  189. [18:30] == Schattenjager- [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
  190. [18:34] <padz> PikalaxALT: only thing left is the itemmenu constants
  191. [18:35] <padz> for the last byte of item_attributes the two nybbles take the same constants
  192. [18:35] <padz> just top for overworld and bottom for battle
  193. [18:35] <padz> so the battle_nofield etc stuff is pointless and probably incorrect
  194. [18:36] <PikalaxALT> um
  195. [18:37] <PikalaxALT> i disagree
  196. [18:38] <PikalaxALT> ITEMMENU is for which menu the item's use redirects to
  197. [18:38] <PikalaxALT> ITEMCONTEXT determines whether the item can be used in the field, in battle, or both
  198. [18:38] <padz> its nice that you disagree, but its one or the other
  199. [18:38] <padz> can you prove that its the latter
  200. [18:38] <PikalaxALT> POKe DOLL
  201. [18:39] <padz> the poke doll cant be used in the overworld, so its 0
  202. [18:39] <PikalaxALT> ah
  203. [18:39] <padz> in battle it exits the item menu, so its 6
  204. [18:39] <PikalaxALT> not a good example in my favor, huh
  205. [18:39] <PikalaxALT> lemme see
  206. [18:39] <padz> (like balls)
  207. [18:40] <padz> that was what i got from reading the code some time ago, its possible i got it wrong but i think you confirmed it
  208. [18:40] <PikalaxALT> alright
  209. [18:42] == Schattenjager [] has joined #pret
  210. [18:47] <luckytyphlosion> can you use a constant as args in a macro?
  211. [18:47] <Not-f7bb> [pokecrystal] PikalaxALT synchronize pull request #322: No more ldtile or dwtile -
  212. [18:49] <padz> luckytyphlosion: macros dont evaluate args, so you can use anything
  213. [18:51] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  214. [18:53] <luckytyphlosion> this isn't working as I'd expected
  215. [18:54] <padz> go on
  216. [18:54] <luckytyphlosion> if I try to do "pcm const_value", it uses the string "const_value" instead of the value of const_value
  217. [18:54] <padz> right
  218. [18:55] <luckytyphlosion> so how do I make the macro use the value of const_value?
  219. [18:55] <padz> would need to see the macro to know what youre trying to do
  220. [18:56] <luckytyphlosion>
  221. [18:58] <PikalaxALT> > dw .end - .start
  222. [18:58] <luckytyphlosion> yes?
  223. [18:58] <luckytyphlosion> surprisingly it doesn't break
  224. [18:58] <luckytyphlosion> since it's local
  225. [18:58] <PikalaxALT> why do you need that?
  226. [18:58] <padz> because thats how it works
  227. [18:58] <luckytyphlosion> to specify the length of the pcm file
  228. [18:58] <padz> thats what yellow does
  229. [18:58] <PikalaxALT> oh my bad
  230. [18:59] <PikalaxALT> my brain somehow interpreted dw as ds
  231. [18:59] <FL4SHK> DS is fourth and fifth gen games
  232. [18:59] <PikalaxALT> ...
  233. [18:59] <luckytyphlosion> heh
  234. [18:59] <luckytyphlosion> ds = define size
  235. [18:59] <FL4SHK> hah
  236. [18:59] <FL4SHK> dual screen
  237. [19:00] == ShantyTown [~ShantyTow@] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
  238. [19:10] <luckytyphlosion> uh
  239. [19:11] <luckytyphlosion> wtf is this supposed to mean
  240. [19:11] <luckytyphlosion> ERROR: cries.asm(135) -> cries.asm(1) :
  241. [19:11] <luckytyphlosion> syntax error
  242. [19:11] <Schattenjager> Did you forget a , somwhere, or something?
  243. [19:15] <luckytyphlosion> oh I see
  244. [19:15] <luckytyphlosion> it's an error in a rept block
  245. [19:15] <PikalaxALT> rept $1000 \ nop \ endr
  246. [19:15] <PikalaxALT> 4000*
  247. [19:16] <Schattenjager> Hey. Offtopic. Can the Master Ball miss in gen 1?
  248. [19:19] <PikalaxALT> doesn't look like it
  249. [19:20] <Schattenjager> It's my understanding also that it bypasses stuff that could make it miss.
  250. [19:21] <Schattenjager> Someone was adament about the fact that the master ball is a victim of the potential gen 1 miss.
  251. [19:22] <PikalaxALT> pokered/engine/items/items.asm:192
  252. [19:26] <padz> it can fail on marowak
  253. [19:26] <padz> and youd lose the ball
  254. [19:27] <padz> but i dont think you get it until after
  255. [19:27] <Schattenjager> Yeah, Silph CO is after that.
  256. [19:27] <luckytyphlosion> is \@ global across all files?
  257. [19:29] <PikalaxALT> i think it's local to the macro that calls it
  258. [19:29] <PikalaxALT> @ = anonymous
  259. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> aha
  260. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> \@ is amazing
  261. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> I can do something like:
  262. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> \@ EQU const_value
  263. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> ; stuff
  264. [19:33] <luckytyphlosion> const_value = const_value + 1
  265. [19:34] <YamaArashi_> It doesn't work on trainer's pokemon either. You lose the ball too, I think
  266. [19:34] <YamaArashi_> *trainers'
  267. [19:35] <luckytyphlosion> it won't work either if you write code to where the OAM DMA routine is to jump to some code that will always make the ball miss
  268. [19:35] <luckytyphlosion> :P
  269. [19:35] <Schattenjager> That would be awesome in a hack.
  270. [19:35] <Schattenjager> "Omg, master balls are free at the mart"
  271. [19:35] <Schattenjager> "..what"
  272. [19:36] <luckytyphlosion> lel
  273. [19:36] <luckytyphlosion> well if it was a hack you'd just edit the ball code itself
  274. [19:36] <luckytyphlosion> the OAM DMA routine is in hram
  275. [19:37] <luckytyphlosion> and it's called every frame
  276. [19:37] <luckytyphlosion> so you can modify the code in hram to jump wherever you want
  277. [19:38] <Schattenjager> Yeah. Actually, I was thinking about that today. I had this idea of a youngster Joey hack. Where you start off with a Rattata. And are not allowed to catch other mons.
  278. [19:38] <Schattenjager> I could just make all the balls fail.
  279. [19:38] <PikalaxALT> padz: anything else for 322?
  280. [19:38] <PikalaxALT> (i'm gonna keep pressing until it's merged, i don't want to cram anything else in 322 because it's already too full of changes Kappa)
  281. [19:39] <luckytyphlosion> ugh so close
  282. [19:39] <luckytyphlosion> Unable to open incbin file 'wav/_481.pcm'
  283. [19:39] <PikalaxALT> Wow luckytyphlosion OneHand
  284. [19:39] <luckytyphlosion> because fucking \@ has to put _ at the start of it
  285. [19:40] <PikalaxALT> why are you using \@ for a filename?
  286. [19:40] <luckytyphlosion> \@ is a special character that increments every time in rept blocks
  287. [19:40] <luckytyphlosion> but I figured out that you can define it using EQUS
  288. [19:41] <luckytyphlosion> so I've been using it as a sort of "variable"
  289. [19:41] <luckytyphlosion> that I can put in a file name
  290. [19:41] <PikalaxALT> i see
  291. [19:41] <luckytyphlosion> incidentally, the wav files I'm dealing with are numbers
  292. [19:41] <PikalaxALT> gotcha
  293. [19:50] <luckytyphlosion> wait
  294. [19:50] <luckytyphlosion> does scan_includes account for filenames created through macros?
  295. [19:50] <luckytyphlosion> like "wav/\1.pcm"
  296. [19:51] <PikalaxALT> i doubt it
  297. [19:51] <luckytyphlosion> crap
  298. [19:52] <luckytyphlosion> screw it I'll define everything manually
  299. [19:52] <luckytyphlosion> well except for the banks
  300. [19:52] <luckytyphlosion> or maybe I'll have to manually define them too
  301. [19:59] == Schattenjager [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  302. [20:07] == Schattenjager [] has joined #pret
  303. [20:33] == Carl_Laptop [~Carl@unaffiliated/carl-miller/x-4159925] has joined #pret
  304. [20:34] <padz> 16:52 luckytyphl| screw it I'll define everything manually
  305. [20:34] <padz> this is what python is for
  306. [20:35] <FL4SHK> neat
  307. [20:36] <padz> PikalaxALT: rename ITEMMENU_FIELD to ITEMMENU_CLOSE
  308. [20:36] <padz> then ill merge
  309. [20:39] <luckytyphlosion> yeah I guess I should make a script
  310. [20:39] <luckytyphlosion> but maybe tomorrow
  311. [20:42] <PikalaxALT> padz: k
  312. [20:43] <Not-f7bb> [pokecrystal] PikalaxALT synchronize pull request #322: No more ldtile or dwtile -
  313. [20:43] <PikalaxALT> padz: ^
  314. [20:44] <PikalaxALT> commit message is backwards FailFish
  315. [20:44] <PikalaxALT> forgive my derps, i'm very tired
  316. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pokecrystal] yenatch closed pull request #322: Split out and comment phone and animation code. -
  317. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pret/pokecrystal] yenatch pushed 15 commits to master [+31/-3/±1364]
  318. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pret/pokecrystal] PikalaxALT 1e2ff96 - Replaced "ldtile" and "dwtile" with the "tile" equs macro
  319. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pret/pokecrystal] PikalaxALT 4fa6c6d - Split up bank 2; other relabelings
  320. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pret/pokecrystal] PikalaxALT da7849d - Restructured functions in main.asm to resemble the home functions they clone
  321. [20:48] <Not-f7bb> [pret/pokecrystal] ... and 12 more commits.
  322. [20:49] <PikalaxALT> Kreygasm
  323. [20:49] <PikalaxALT> now to start working on 323 OneHand
  324. [20:50] == ProjectRevoTPP [ProjectRev@unaffiliated/twitch-plays-pbr/x-9644567] has joined #pret
  325. [20:50] <FL4SHK> I think I'll look into how to do git merge
  326. [21:02] <FL4SHK> Nope, too tired
  327. [21:11] == MrElephant [] has joined #pret
  328. [21:24] == MrElephant [] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
  329. [21:28] == PikalaxALT [~PikalaxAL@unaffiliated/pikalaxalt] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
  330. [21:41] <luckytyphlosion> shantytown: are you still here?
  331. [21:44] <padz> if tab complete does not work, no
  332. [21:45] <FL4SHK> ^
  333. [21:45] <wodim> ~
  334. [21:48] == padz changed the topic of #pret to:
  335. [21:49] <wodim> ruler
  336. [21:51] == Carl_Laptop changed the topic of #pret to:
  337. [21:52] <FL4SHK> wodim is from Spain?
  338. [21:52] <FL4SHK> Spain is where nerds live.
  339. [21:54] <FL4SHK> therefore, wodim is possibly a nerd
  340. [21:54] <wodim> how can I tell?
  341. [21:55] <FL4SHK> You have a Github account
  342. [21:55] <FL4SHK> You're a nerd
  343. [21:55] <wodim> I see
  344. [21:55] <FL4SHK> I have a Github account too, but I don't live in Spain
  345. [21:56] <wodim> too bad
  346. [21:56] <wodim> you're not a nerd
  347. [21:56] <wodim> just a ne
  348. [21:56] <wodim> or an rd
  349. [21:56] == PikalaxALT [~PikalaxAL@unaffiliated/pikalaxalt] has joined #pret
  350. [21:58] <wodim> PikalaxALT: would you consider FL4SHK a nerd, a ne or an rd?
  351. [21:58] <FL4SHK> I consider myself a nerd
  352. [21:59] <wodim> for that you have to have a github account and to live in Spain
  353. [22:03] == FL4SHK [~fl4shk@2601:486:2:9870:222:19ff:fe31:1929] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
  354. [22:05] == FL4SHK [~fl4shk@2601:486:2:9870:222:19ff:fe31:1929] has joined #pret
  355. [22:27] <Not-f7bb> [pokecrystal] JimB16 synchronize pull request #319: Added comments and changed labels (mainly for AI- and Battle-Functions) -
  356. [22:28] <padz> forgot about you
  357. [22:35] <padz> JimB16: those are some really long labels
  358. [22:37] <JimB16> some are more like comments so I could read the code better, but I can try to shorten them in the next days
  359. [22:53] == Carl_Laptop [~Carl@unaffiliated/carl-miller/x-4159925] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
  360. [22:59] <ProjectRevoTPP> luckytyphlosion, are you the one working on yellow repo?
  361. [22:59] <luckytyphlosion> ya
  362. [22:59] <ProjectRevoTPP> thanks again if you are
  363. [22:59] <ProjectRevoTPP> TPP has an idea about a hack of yellow we want to do (after our next year hack), but it can only be done if there's a working repo of yellow so
  364. [22:59] <ProjectRevoTPP> again, thanks
  365. [22:59] <ProjectRevoTPP> o/
  366. [23:00] <luckytyphlosion> that might be hard because I don't know how I'll be able to disassemble map scripts
  367. [23:03] <padz> huh?
  368. [23:17] <Not-f7bb> [pokeyellow] zerfgog starred pokeyellow -
  369. [23:25] == MrElephant [] has joined #pret
  370. [23:36] <luckytyphlosion> padz: isn't semi-broken?
  371. [23:42] <padz> go on
  372. [23:47] <luckytyphlosion> something about symfile detection being weird
  373. [23:48] <luckytyphlosion> unless if it was fixed
  374. [23:48] <padz> i thought shantytown fixed it
  375. [23:50] <JimB16> I also wanted to ask if disassembles 'halt' or 'stop' wrongly with a 'nop' following?
  376. [23:50] <padz> dont think so
  377. [23:50] <padz> oh
  378. [23:50] <padz> yes
  379. [23:51] <padz> default rgbasm behavior is nopping halts
  380. [23:51] <padz> -h is for evil games like pokered that dont
  381. [23:51] <padz> dont know re stop
  382. [23:51] <luckytyphlosion> what about even eviler games that don't even use halt?
  383. [23:51] <luckytyphlosion> *cough* pokepinball
  384. [23:52] <luckytyphlosion>
  385. [23:52] <JimB16> I think it was only 1 of the 2 cmds, just didn't remember which.
  386. [23:52] <luckytyphlosion> after copypasting the billion files needed for to work
  387. [23:53] <luckytyphlosion> so I guess needs to be fixed
  388. [23:54] <luckytyphlosion> why can't it use a symfile instead
  389. [23:54] <padz> i thought it did
  390. [23:54] <luckytyphlosion> n o p e
  391. [23:54] <luckytyphlosion> it requires the wram.asm file you use in the repo
  392. [23:55] == JimB [] has joined #pret
  393. [23:55] <padz> well yeah, bssreader does
  394. [23:55] <padz> because thats what it does
  395. [23:55] <padz> hmm
  396. [23:56] <luckytyphlosion> wait
  397. [23:56] <luckytyphlosion> uses eval
  398. [23:56] <padz> yeah it should default to sym
  399. [23:56] <luckytyphlosion> I thought eval was evil
  400. [23:56] <padz> yes it does
  401. [23:56] <padz> it is
  402. [23:58] == JimB16 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]
  403. [23:58] <luckytyphlosion> why does it need to use eval anyways?
  404. [00:00] <padz> bssreader basically pretends to be rgbasm
  405. [00:01] <padz> using read_symfile instead is a good idea
  406. [00:01] <luckytyphlosion> hm
  407. [00:01] <luckytyphlosion> only problem is that symfiles don't include constants/hram
  408. [00:01] <luckytyphlosion> hardware constants can be manually supplied
  409. [00:03] <luckytyphlosion> oh
  410. [00:03] <luckytyphlosion> so it's defining constants
  411. [00:04] <padz> i think that was the main grab (picked up enums)
  412. [00:04] <padz> but i dont remember what was for, i dont think it was for gbz80disasm
  413. [00:05] <luckytyphlosion> well is calling a function in
  414. [00:06] <luckytyphlosion> oh
  415. [00:06] <luckytyphlosion> 0b = binary
  416. [00:07] <padz> obviously it uses
  417. [00:11] <luckytyphlosion> what why is value "(rNR10 0b 0x100)"
  418. [00:12] <padz> ????
  419. [00:12] <luckytyphlosion> in "self.constants[name] = eval(value, self.constants.copy())", value is (rNR10 0b 0x100)
  420. [00:12] <luckytyphlosion> which is why the script breaks
  421. [00:13] <luckytyphlosion> self.constants.copy() works perfectly fine though
  422. [00:13] <padz> oh
  423. [00:13] <padz> its reading mod as 0b
  424. [00:13] <luckytyphlosion> he
  425. [00:13] <luckytyphlosion> heh
  426. [00:13] <luckytyphlosion> confirmed / $100 > % $100
  427. [00:14] <padz> do you mean & $ff
  428. [00:14] <luckytyphlosion> right
  429. [00:14] <luckytyphlosion> keep confusing them
  430. [00:14] <padz> depends on context, but there should just be a lo() or hi() function
  431. [00:18] <luckytyphlosion> so I made a very hacky fix by running a different set of code if there's a syntax error
  432. [00:18] <luckytyphlosion> now I get W_WATERRATE - @
  433. [00:20] <luckytyphlosion> more hacky stuff, replace @ with 0xd8a3
  434. [00:20] <luckytyphlosion> NameError: name 'W_WATERRATE' is not defined
  435. [00:21] <luckytyphlosion> man this is such a bad way to solve this
  436. [00:25] <luckytyphlosion> now it's saying that wMainDataEnd is not defined
  437. [00:25] <luckytyphlosion> NOW IT ASKS FOR A SYMFILE
  438. [00:26] <luckytyphlosion> OMG IT WORKED
  439. [00:26] <luckytyphlosion> I SOMEHOW GOT GBZ80DISASM.PY TO WORK
  440. [00:28] <luckytyphlosion> too bad it doesn't store pointers
  441. [00:30] <luckytyphlosion> if anyone is interested:
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