
Voice of Reason with non objectification or slander

Feb 22nd, 2020
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  1. Master: hi, bbg
  2. Test Subject 1: "Hey Daddy."
  3. Test Subject 1: "How are you?"
  4. Master: I am doing stark raving mad
  5. Master: lol
  6. Master: I am stark raving mad*
  7. Test Subject 1: "Lol"
  8. Test Subject 1: "Why are you mad, Daddy?"
  9. Master: I'm sorry, I'm doing 2 things. I'm writing up a report because some bitch was being cruel to my friend.
  10. Test Subject 1: "Oh I see."
  11. Master: how do I use violence?
  12. Test Subject 1: "?"
  13. Master: you have requested some rough play in the past, right?
  14. Test Subject 1: "Yes Daddy."
  15. Master: I don't appreciate real minors being treated like what an adult can take.
  16. Master: I get mad, cause I don't believe they are old enough for bdsm
  17. Test Subject 1: "Of course. BDSM should be for adults only."
  18. Master: ty
  19. Master: that means a lot, to hear someone sane
  20. Master: I spent 20 mins arguing with 2 women who were arguing with each other that he was or wasn't even over 18
  21. Master: and arguing with me that pedophilia was wrong
  22. Master: see the two trains of thought?
  23. Master: the lie arguement and the real one?
  24. Master: I said bdsm was wrong
  25. Master: but she made it about pedophilia
  26. Test Subject 1: "Yep I understand Daddy."
  27. Master: as a whole
  28. Master: like they love to do
  29. Master: to rope all pedos in as a group of rapists
  30. Master: I hate that
  31. Master: check out this scenario
  32. Master: say Jack knows a man who would never hit his 5 yr old son, he adopted because he was raised in a violent home; but Jack also knows that he has sex with the boy. What should Jack do?
  33. Master: Should Jack report him because "it's wrong" or should he let the boy have a decent life?
  34. Test Subject 1: "Then the guys should be reported.
  35. Master: if you could ensure that some one was fed, treated well, and raised properly? why should it matter if they consent to sex?
  36. Test Subject 1: "Because it's still wrong Daddy."
  37. Master: oki
  38. Master: ty for sharing
  39. Master: I had no idea what you thought about that
  40. Master: what age do you think is too young?
  41. Test Subject 1: "any age under 18."
  42. Master: 16?
  43. Master: even 14?
  44. Test Subject 1: "Yes. Still too young."
  45. Master: did you know there is some where that in the u.s that you can live that will allow an adult to have sex with someone who is 16?
  46. Test Subject 1: "Yes in some states."
  47. Master: and if you were to go there and force your beliefs onto them, you would go to jail.
  48. Master: we may feel strongly about it
  49. Master: but we can't all agree on that age
  50. Master: because we are failing to understand if rape was involved
  51. Master: everyone is programmed to rope them all together
  52. Test Subject 1: "Hey I g2g for now, ttyl Daddy."
  53. Master: okk
  54. Master: think
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