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- #!/usr/bin/lua
- --require 'DataDumper' --
- local M = {} -- public interface
- M.Version = 'VERSION'
- M.VersionDate = 'DATESTAMP'
- -- 20170917 6.8 fix 153: bad argument #1 to 'char' and round dtime
- -- 20160702 6.7 to_millisecs() now handles set_tempo across multiple Tracks
- -- 20150921 6.5 segment restores controllers as well as patch and tempo
- -- 20150920 6.4 segment respects a set_tempo exactly on the start time
- -- 20150628 6.3 absent any set_tempo, default is 120bpm (see MIDI filespec 1.1)
- -- 20150422 6.2 works with lua5.3
- -- 20140609 6.1 switch pod and doc over to using moonrocks
- -- 20140108 6.0 in lua5.2 require('posix') returns the posix table
- -- 20120504 5.9 add the contents of mid_opus_tracks()
- -- 20111129 5.7 _encode handles empty tracks; score2stats num_notes_by_channel
- -- 20111111 5.6 fix patch 45 and 46 in Number2patch, should be Pizz and Harp
- -- 20110115 5.5 add mix_opus_tracks()
- -- 20110126 5.4 "previous message repeated N times" to save space on stderr
- -- 20110126 5.3 robustness fix if one note_on and multiple note_offs
- -- 20110125 5.2 opus2score terminates unended notes at the end of the track
- -- 20110124 5.1 the warnings in midi2opus display track_num
- -- 20110122 5.0 sysex2midimode.get pythonism eliminated
- -- 20110119 4.9 copyright_text_event "time" item was missing
- -- 20110110 4.8 note_on with velocity=0 treated as a note-off
- -- 20110109 4.7 many global vars localised, passes lualint :-)
- -- 20110108 4.6 duplicate int2sevenbits removed, passes lualint -r
- -- 20110108 4.5 related end_track bugs fixed around line 516
- -- 20110108 4.4 null text_event bug fixed
- -- 20101026 4.3 segment() remembers all patch_changes, not just the list values
- -- 20101010 4.2 play_score() uses posix.fork if available
- -- 20101009 4.2 merge_scores() moves aside conflicting channels correctly
- -- 20101006 4.1 concatenate_scores() deepcopys also its 1st score
- -- 20101006 4.1 segment() uses start_time and end_time named arguments
- -- 20101005 4.1 timeshift() must not pad the set_tempo command
- -- 20101003 4.0 pitch2note_event must be chapitch2note_event
- -- 20100918 3.9 set_sequence_number supported, FWIW
- -- 20100918 3.8 timeshift and segment accept named args
- -- 20100913 3.7 first released version
- ---------------------------- private -----------------------------
- local sysex2midimode = {
- ["\126\127\09\01\247"] = 1,
- ["\126\127\09\02\247"] = 0,
- ["\126\127\09\03\247"] = 2,
- }
- local previous_warning = '' -- 5.4
- local previous_times = 0 -- 5.4
- local function clean_up_warnings() -- 5.4
- -- Call this before returning from any publicly callable function
- -- whenever there's a possibility that a warning might have been printed
- -- by the function, or by any private functions it might have called.
- if previous_times > 1 then
- io.stderr:write(' previous message repeated '
- ..previous_times..' times\n')
- elseif previous_times > 0 then
- io.stderr:write(' previous message repeated\n')
- end
- previous_times = 0
- previous_warning = ''
- end
- local function warn(str)
- if str == previous_warning then -- 5.4
- previous_times = previous_times + 1
- else
- clean_up_warnings()
- io.stderr:write(str,'\n')
- previous_warning = str
- end
- end
- local function die(str)
- clean_up_warnings()
- io.stderr:write(str,'\n')
- os.exit(1)
- end
- local function round(x) return math.floor(x+0.5) end
- local function readOnly(t) -- Programming in Lua, page 127
- local proxy = {}
- local mt = {
- __index = t,
- __newindex = function (t, k, v)
- die("attempt to update a read-only table")
- end
- }
- setmetatable(proxy, mt)
- return proxy
- end
- local function dict(a)
- local d = {}
- if a == nil then return d end
- for k,v in ipairs(a) do d[v] = true end
- return d
- end
- local function sorted_keys(t)
- local a = {}
- for k,v in pairs(t) do a[#a+1] = k end
- table.sort(a)
- return a
- end
- local function int2byte(i)
- return string.char(math.floor((i+0.5) % 256))
- end
- local function int2sevenbits(i)
- return string.char(math.floor((i+0.5) % 128))
- end
- local function int2twobytes(i)
- local b1 = math.floor(i/256) % 256
- local b2 = i % 256
- return string.char(b1,b2)
- end
- local function twobytes2int(s)
- return 256*string.byte(string.sub(s,1)) + string.byte(string.sub(s,2))
- end
- local function int2fourbytes(i)
- local b1 = math.floor(i/16777216) % 256
- local b2 = math.floor(i/65536) % 256
- local b3 = math.floor(i/256) % 256
- local b4 = i % 256
- return string.char(b1,b2,b3,b4)
- end
- local function fourbytes2int(s)
- return 16777216*string.byte(string.sub(s,1)) +
- 65536 * string.byte(string.sub(s,2)) +
- 256*string.byte(string.sub(s,3)) + string.byte(string.sub(s,4))
- end
- local function read_14_bit(byte_a)
- -- decode a 14 bit quantity from two bytes,
- return string.byte(byte_a,1) + 128 * string.byte(byte_a,2)
- end
- local function write_14_bit(integer)
- -- encode a 14 bit quantity into two bytes,
- return string.char(integer % 128, math.floor(integer/128) % 128)
- -- return string.char((integer/128) % 128, integer % 128)
- end
- local function ber_compressed_int(integer)
- --[[BER compressed integer (not an ASN.1 BER, see perlpacktut for
- details). Its bytes represent an unsigned integer in base 128,
- most significant digit first, with as few digits as possible.
- Bit eight (the high bit) is set on each byte except the last.
- ]]
- -- stderr.write('integer = ..',integer)
- -- warn('integer = '..tostring(integer)..' type '..type(integer))
- if integer == 0 then return '\000' end
- local ber = { string.char(integer % 128) }
- while integer > 127 do
- integer = math.floor(integer/128)
- local seven_bits = integer % 128
- table.insert(ber, 1, string.char(128+seven_bits))
- end
- return table.concat(ber)
- end
- local function str2ber_int(s, start)
- --[[Given (a string, and a position within it), returns
- (the ber_integer at that position, and the position after the ber_integer).
- ]]
- local i = start
- local integer = 0
- while true do
- local byte = string.byte(s, i)
- integer = integer + (byte%128)
- if byte < 127.5 then
- return integer, i+1
- end
- if i >= #s then
- warn('str2ber_int: no end-of-integer found')
- return 0, start
- end
- i = i + 1
- integer = integer * 128
- end
- end
- local function some_text_event(which_kind, text)
- if not which_kind then which_kind = 1 end
- if not text then text = 'some_text' end
- return '\255'..int2sevenbits(which_kind)..ber_compressed_int(text:len())..text
- end
- local function copy(t)
- local new_table = {}
- for k, v in pairs(t) do new_table[k] = v end
- return new_table
- end
- local function deepcopy(object) --
- local lookup_table = {}
- local function _copy(object)
- if type(object) ~= "table" then
- return object
- elseif lookup_table[object] then
- return lookup_table[object]
- end
- local new_table = {}
- lookup_table[object] = new_table
- for index, value in pairs(object) do
- new_table[_copy(index)] = _copy(value)
- end
- return setmetatable(new_table, getmetatable(object))
- end
- return _copy(object)
- end
- local function _decode(trackdata, exclude, include, event_callback, exclusive_event_callback, no_eot_magic)
- --[[Decodes MIDI track data into an opus-style list of events.
- The options:
- 'exclude' is a dictionary-table of event types which will be ignored
- 'include' (and no exclude), makes exclude an array of all
- possible events, /minus/ what include specifies
- 'event_callback' is a function
- 'exclusive_event_callback' is a function
- ]]
- if not trackdata then trackdata= '' end
- if not exclude then exclude = {} end
- if not include then include = {} end
- if include and not exclude then exclude = M.All_events end -- 4.6
- local event_code = -1 -- used for running status
- local event_count = 0
- local events = {}
- local i = 1 -- in Lua, i is the pointer to within the trackdata
- while i < #trackdata do -- loop while there's anything to analyze
- local eot = false -- when True event registrar aborts this loop 4.6,4.7
- event_count = event_count + 1
- local E = {} -- event; feed it to the event registrar at the end. 4.7
- -- Slice off the delta time code, and analyze it
- local time
- time, i = str2ber_int(trackdata, i)
- -- Now let's see what we can make of the command
- local first_byte = string.byte(trackdata,i); i = i+1
- if first_byte < 240 then -- It's a MIDI event
- if first_byte % 256 > 127 then
- event_code = first_byte
- else
- -- It wants running status; use last event_code value
- i = i-1
- if event_code == -1 then
- warn("Running status not set; Aborting track.")
- return {}
- end
- end
- local command = math.floor(event_code / 16) * 16
- local channel = event_code % 16
- local parameter
- local param1
- local param2
- if command == 246 then -- 0-byte argument
- --pass
- elseif command == 192 or command == 208 then -- 1-byte arg
- parameter = string.byte(trackdata, i); i = i+1
- else -- 2-byte argument could be BB or 14-bit
- param1 = string.byte(trackdata, i); i = i+1
- param2 = string.byte(trackdata, i); i = i+1
- end
- ----------------- MIDI events -----------------------
- local continue = false
- if command == 128 then
- if exclude['note_off'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'note_off', time, channel, param1, param2}
- end
- elseif command == 144 then
- if exclude['note_on'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'note_on', time, channel, param1, param2}
- end
- elseif command == 160 then
- if exclude['key_after_touch'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'key_after_touch',time,channel,param1,param2}
- end
- elseif command == 176 then
- if exclude['control_change'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'control_change',time,channel,param1,param2}
- end
- elseif command == 192 then
- if exclude['patch_change'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'patch_change', time, channel, parameter}
- end
- elseif command == 208 then
- if exclude['channel_after_touch'] then
- continue = true
- else
- E = {'channel_after_touch', time, channel, parameter}
- end
- elseif command == 224 then
- if exclude['pitch_wheel_change'] then
- continue = true
- else -- the 2 param bytes are a 14-bit int
- E = {'pitch_wheel_change', time, channel,
- 128*param2+param1-8192}
- end
- else
- warn("Shouldn't get here; command="..tostring(command))
- end
- elseif first_byte == 255 then -- It's a Meta-Event!
- local command = string.byte(trackdata, i); i = i+1
- local length
- length, i = str2ber_int(trackdata, i)
- if (command == 0) then
- if length == 2 then -- 3.9
- E = {'set_sequence_number', time,
- twobytes2int(string.sub(trackdata,i,i+1)) }
- else
- warn('set_sequence_number: length must be 2, not '
- .. tostring(length))
- E = {'set_sequence_number', time, 0}
- end
- -- Defined text events ------
- elseif command == 1 then
- E = {'text_event', time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 2 then -- 4.9
- E = {'copyright_text_event', time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 3 then
- E = {'track_name',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 4 then
- E = {'instrument_name',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 5 then
- E = {'lyric',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 6 then
- E = {'marker',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 7 then
- E = {'cue_point',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- -- Reserved but apparently unassigned text events -------------
- elseif command == 8 then
- E = {'text_event_08',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 9 then
- E = {'text_event_09',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 10 then
- E = {'text_event_0a',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 11 then
- E = {'text_event_0b',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 12 then
- E = {'text_event_0c',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 13 then
- E = {'text_event_0d',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 14 then
- E = {'text_event_0e',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- elseif command == 15 then
- E = {'text_event_0f',time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- -- Now the sticky events -------------------------------------
- elseif command == 47 then
- E = {'end_track', time}
- -- The code for handling this, oddly, comes LATER,
- -- in the event registrar.
- elseif command == 81 then -- DTime, Microseconds/Crochet
- if length ~= 3 then
- warn('set_tempo event, but length='..length)
- end
- E = {'set_tempo', time,
- string.byte(trackdata,i) * 65536
- + string.byte(trackdata,i+1) * 256
- + string.byte(trackdata,i+2)
- }
- elseif command == 84 then
- if length ~= 5 then -- DTime, HR, MN, SE, FR, FF
- warn('smpte_offset event, but length='..length)
- end
- E = {'smpte_offset', time,
- string.byte(trackdata,i),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+1),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+2),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+3),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+4)
- }
- elseif command == 88 then
- if length ~= 4 then -- DTime, NN, DD, CC, BB
- warn('time_signature event, but length='..length)
- end
- E = {'time_signature', time,
- string.byte(trackdata,i),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+1),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+2),
- string.byte(trackdata,i+3)
- }
- elseif command == 89 then
- if length ~= 2 then -- DTime, SF(signed), MI
- warn('key_signature event, but length='..length)
- end
- local b1 = string.byte(trackdata,i)
- if b1 > 127 then b1 = b1 - 256 end -- signed byte :-(
- local b2 = string.byte(trackdata,i+1)
- -- list(struct.unpack(">bB",trackdata[0:2]))}
- E = {'key_signature', time, b1, b2 }
- elseif (command == 127) then
- E = {'sequencer_specific',time,
- string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- else
- E = {'raw_meta_event', time, command,
- string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- --"[uninterpretable meta-event command of length length]"
- -- DTime, Command, Binary Data
- -- It's uninterpretable; record it as raw_data.
- end
- -- Pointer += length; -- Now move Pointer
- i = i + length
- -- Hmm... in lua, we should be using Pointer again....
- -- trackdata = string.sub(trackdata, length+1)
- --#####################################################################
- elseif first_byte == 240 or first_byte == 247 then
- -- Note that sysexes in MIDI /files/ are different than sysexes
- -- in MIDI transmissions!! The vast majority of system exclusive
- -- messages will just use the F0 format. For instance, the
- -- transmitted message F0 43 12 00 07 F7 would be stored in a
- -- MIDI file as F0 05 43 12 00 07 F7. As mentioned above, it is
- -- required to include the F7 at the end so that the reader of the
- -- MIDI file knows that it has read the entire message. (But the F7
- -- is omitted if this is a non-final block in a multiblock sysex;
- -- but the F7 (if there) is counted in the message's declared
- -- length, so we don't have to think about it anyway.)
- --command = trackdata.pop(0)
- local length
- length, i = str2ber_int(trackdata, i)
- if first_byte == 240 then
- -- 20091008 added ISO-8859-1 to get an 8-bit str
- E = {'sysex_f0', time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- else
- E = {'sysex_f7', time, string.sub(trackdata,i,i+length-1)}
- end
- i = i + length
- -- trackdata = string.sub(trackdata, length+1)
- --#####################################################################
- -- Now, the MIDI file spec says:
- -- <track data> = <MTrk event>+
- -- <MTrk event> = <delta-time> <event>
- -- <event> = <MIDI event> | <sysex event> | <meta-event>
- -- I know that, on the wire, <MIDI event> can include note_on,
- -- note_off, and all the other 8x to Ex events, AND Fx events
- -- other than F0, F7, and FF -- namely, <song position msg>,
- -- <song select msg>, and <tune request>.
- --
- -- Whether these can occur in MIDI files is not clear specified
- -- from the MIDI file spec. So, I'm going to assume that
- -- they CAN, in practice, occur. I don't know whether it's
- -- proper for you to actually emit these into a MIDI file.
- elseif first_byte == 242 then -- DTime, Beats
- -- <song position msg> ::= F2 <data pair>
- E = {'song_position', time, read_14_bit(string.sub(trackdata,i))}
- trackdata = string.sub(trackdata,3)
- elseif first_byte == 243 then -- <song select> ::= F3 <data singlet>
- -- E=['song_select', time, struct.unpack('>B',trackdata.pop(0))[0]]
- E = {'song_select', time, string.byte(trackdata,i)}
- -- trackdata = trackdata[1:]
- trackdata = string.sub(trackdata,2)
- -- DTime, Thing (what?! song number? whatever ...)
- elseif first_byte == 246 then -- DTime
- E = {'tune_request', time}
- -- What would a tune request be doing in a MIDI /file/?
- --########################################################
- -- f1 -- MTC Quarter Frame Message. One data byte follows
- -- the Status; it's the time code value, from 0 to 127.
- -- f8 -- MIDI clock. no data.
- -- fa -- MIDI start. no data.
- -- fb -- MIDI continue. no data.
- -- fc -- MIDI stop. no data.
- -- fe -- Active sense. no data.
- -- f4 f5 f9 fd -- unallocated
- --[[
- elseif (first_byte > 240) { -- Some unknown kinda F-series event ####
- -- Here we only produce a one-byte piece of raw data.
- -- But the encoder for 'raw_data' accepts any length of it.
- E = [ 'raw_data', time, substr(trackdata,Pointer,1) ]
- -- DTime and the Data (in this case, the one Event-byte)
- ++Pointer; -- itself
- ]]
- elseif first_byte > 240 then -- Some unknown F-series event
- -- Here we only produce a one-byte piece of raw data.
- E = {'raw_data', time, string.byte(trackdata,i)} -- 4.6
- trackdata = string.sub(trackdata,2) -- 4.6
- else -- Fallthru.
- warn(string.format("Aborting track. Command-byte first_byte=0x%x",first_byte)) --4.6
- break
- end
- -- End of the big if-group
- --#####################################################################
- -- warn('3: E='+str(E))
- if E and E[1] == 'end_track' then
- -- This is the code for exceptional handling of the EOT event.
- eot = true
- if not no_eot_magic then
- if E[2] > 0 then -- a null text-event to carry the delta-time
- E = {'text_event', E[2], ''} -- 4.4
- else
- E = nil -- EOT with a delta-time of 0; ignore it.
- end
- end
- end
- if E and not exclude[E[1]] then
- --if ( $exclusive_event_callback ):
- -- &{ $exclusive_event_callback }( @E );
- --else
- -- &{ $event_callback }( @E ) if $event_callback;
- events[#events+1] = E
- end
- if eot then break end
- end
- -- End of the big "Event" while-block
- return events
- end
- local function _encode(events_lol)
- local no_running_status = false
- local no_eot_magic = false -- 4.6
- local never_add_eot = false -- 4.6
- local unknown_callback = false -- 4.6
- local data = {} -- what I'll store the chunks of byte-data in
- -- This is so my end_track magic won't corrupt the original
- local events = deepcopy(events_lol)
- if not never_add_eot then -- One way or another, tack on an 'end_track'
- if #events > 0 then -- 5.7
- local last = events[#events] -- 4.5, 4.7
- if not (last[1] == 'end_track') then -- no end_track already
- if (last[1] == 'text_event' and last[3] == '') then -- 4.5,4.6
- -- 0-length text event at track-end.
- if no_eot_magic then
- -- Exceptional case: don't mess with track-final
- -- 0-length text_events; just peg on an end_track
- events.append({'end_track', 0})
- else
- -- NORMAL CASE: replace with an end_track, leaving DTime
- last[1] = 'end_track'
- end
- else
- -- last event was neither 0-length text_event nor end_track
- events[#events+1] = {'end_track', 0}
- end
- end
- else -- an eventless track!
- events = { {'end_track', 0},}
- end
- end
- -- maybe_running_status = not no_running_status -- unused? 4.7
- local last_status = -1 -- 4.7
- for k,E in ipairs(events) do
- -- get rid of the two pop's and increase the other E[] indices by two
- if not E then break end
- local event = E[1] -- 4.7
- if #event < 1 then break end
- local dtime = round(E[2]) -- 4.7 6.8
- -- print('event='..event..' dtime='..dtime)
- local event_data = '' -- 4.7
- if -- MIDI events -- eligible for running status
- event == 'note_on'
- or event == 'note_off'
- or event == 'control_change'
- or event == 'key_after_touch'
- or event == 'patch_change'
- or event == 'channel_after_touch'
- or event == 'pitch_wheel_change' then
- -- This block is where we spend most of the time. Gotta be tight.
- local status = nil -- 4.7
- local parameters = nil -- 4.7
- if (event == 'note_off') then
- status = 128 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4]%128)..int2sevenbits(E[5]%128)
- elseif event == 'note_on' then
- status = 144 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4]) .. int2sevenbits(E[5])
- elseif event == 'key_after_touch' then
- status = 160 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4]) .. int2sevenbits(E[5])
- elseif event == 'control_change' then
- status = 176 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4]) .. int2sevenbits(E[5])
- elseif event == 'patch_change' then
- status = 192 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4])
- elseif event == 'channel_after_touch' then
- status = 208 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = int2sevenbits(E[4])
- elseif event == 'pitch_wheel_change' then
- status = 224 + (E[3] % 16)
- parameters = write_14_bit(E[4] + 8192)
- else
- warn("BADASS FREAKOUT ERROR 31415!")
- end
- -- And now the encoding
- data[#data+1] = ber_compressed_int(dtime)
- if (status ~= last_status) or no_running_status then
- data[#data+1] = int2byte(status)
- end
- data[#data+1] = parameters
- last_status = status
- -- break
- else
- -- Not a MIDI event.
- last_status = -1
- if event == 'raw_meta_event' then
- event_data = some_text_event(E[3], E[4])
- elseif (event == 'set_sequence_number') then -- 3.9
- event_data = some_text_event(0, int2twobytes(E[3]))
- -- Text Meta-events...
- -- a case for a dict, I think (pjb) ...
- elseif (event == 'text_event') then
- event_data = some_text_event(1, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'copyright_text_event') then
- event_data = some_text_event(2, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'track_name') then
- event_data = some_text_event(3, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'instrument_name') then
- event_data = some_text_event(4, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'lyric') then
- event_data = some_text_event(5, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'marker') then
- event_data = some_text_event(6, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'cue_point') then
- event_data = some_text_event(7, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_08') then
- event_data = some_text_event(8, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_09') then
- event_data = some_text_event(9, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0a') then
- event_data = some_text_event(10, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0b') then
- event_data = some_text_event(11, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0c') then
- event_data = some_text_event(12, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0d') then
- event_data = some_text_event(13, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0e') then
- event_data = some_text_event(14, E[3])
- elseif (event == 'text_event_0f') then
- event_data = some_text_event(15, E[3])
- -- End of text meta-events
- elseif (event == 'end_track') then
- event_data = '\255\47\0'
- elseif (event == 'set_tempo') then
- --event_data = struct.pack(">BBwa*", 0xFF, 0x51, 3,
- -- substr( struct.pack('>I', E[0]), 1, 3))
- event_data = '\255\81\03' .. string.sub(int2fourbytes(E[3]),2)
- -- XXX don't understand that ?!
- elseif (event == 'smpte_offset') then
- event_data = '\255\84\05' ..
- string.char(E[3],E[4],E[5],E[6],E[7])
- elseif (event == 'time_signature') then
- event_data = '\255\88\04' .. string.char(E[3],E[4],E[5],E[6])
- elseif (event == 'key_signature') then
- local e3 = E[3]; if e3<0 then e3 = 256+e3 end -- signed byte
- event_data = '\255\89\02' .. string.char(e3,E[4])
- elseif (event == 'sequencer_specific') then
- event_data = some_text_event(127, E[3])
- -- End of Meta-events
- -- Other Things...
- elseif (event == 'sysex_f0') then
- event_data =
- "\240"..ber_compressed_int(string.len(E[3]))..E[3]
- elseif (event == 'sysex_f7') then
- event_data =
- "\247"..ber_compressed_int(string.len(E[3]))..E[3]
- elseif (event == 'song_position') then
- event_data = "\242"..write_14_bit( E[3] )
- elseif (event == 'song_select') then
- event_data = "\243"..string.char(E[3])
- elseif (event == 'tune_request') then
- event_data = "\246"
- elseif (event == 'raw_data') then
- warn("_encode: raw_data event not supported")
- break
- -- End of Other Stuff
- -- The Big Fallthru
- else
- if not unknown_callback then
- warn("Unknown event: "..tostring(event))
- end
- break
- end
- --print "Event $event encoded part 2\n"
- --if str(type(event_data)).find('str') >= 0 then
- -- event_data = bytearray(event_data.encode('Latin1', 'ignore'))
- --end
- if event_data and (#event_data > 0) then -- how could it be empty?
- -- data.append(struct.pack('>wa*', dtime, event_data))
- -- print(' event_data='+str(event_data))
- data[#data+1] = ber_compressed_int(dtime)
- data[#data+1] = event_data
- end
- end
- end
- return table.concat(data)
- end
- local function consistentise_ticks(scores) -- 3.6
- -- used by mix_scores, merge_scores, concatenate_scores
- if #scores == 1 then return deepcopy(scores) end
- local are_consistent = true
- local ticks = scores[1][1]
- for iscore = 2,#scores do
- if scores[iscore][1] ~= ticks then
- are_consistent = false
- break
- end
- end
- if are_consistent then return deepcopy(scores) end
- local new_scores = {}
- for ks,score in ipairs(scores) do
- new_scores[ks] = M.opus2score(M.to_millisecs(M.score2opus(score)))
- end
- return new_scores
- end
- -------------------------- public ------------------------------
- M.All_events = readOnly{
- note_off=true, note_on=true, key_after_touch=true, control_change=true,
- patch_change=true, channel_after_touch=true, pitch_wheel_change=true,
- text_event=true, copyright_text_event=true, track_name=true,
- instrument_name=true, lyric=true, marker=true, cue_point=true,
- text_event_08=true, text_event_09=true, text_event_0a=true,
- text_event_0b=true, text_event_0c=true, text_event_0d=true,
- text_event_0e=true, text_event_0f=true,
- end_track=true, set_tempo=true, smpte_offset=true,
- time_signature=true, key_signature=true,
- sequencer_specific=true, raw_meta_event=true,
- sysex_f0=true, sysex_f7=true,
- song_position=true, song_select=true, tune_request=true,
- }
- -- And three dictionaries:
- M.Number2patch = readOnly{ -- General MIDI patch numbers:
- [0]='Acoustic Grand',
- [1]='Bright Acoustic',
- [2]='Electric Grand',
- [3]='Honky-Tonk',
- [4]='Electric Piano 1',
- [5]='Electric Piano 2',
- [6]='Harpsichord',
- [7]='Clav',
- [8]='Celesta',
- [9]='Glockenspiel',
- [10]='Music Box',
- [11]='Vibraphone',
- [12]='Marimba',
- [13]='Xylophone',
- [14]='Tubular Bells',
- [15]='Dulcimer',
- [16]='Drawbar Organ',
- [17]='Percussive Organ',
- [18]='Rock Organ',
- [19]='Church Organ',
- [20]='Reed Organ',
- [21]='Accordion',
- [22]='Harmonica',
- [23]='Tango Accordion',
- [24]='Acoustic Guitar(nylon)',
- [25]='Acoustic Guitar(steel)',
- [26]='Electric Guitar(jazz)',
- [27]='Electric Guitar(clean)',
- [28]='Electric Guitar(muted)',
- [29]='Overdriven Guitar',
- [30]='Distortion Guitar',
- [31]='Guitar Harmonics',
- [32]='Acoustic Bass',
- [33]='Electric Bass(finger)',
- [34]='Electric Bass(pick)',
- [35]='Fretless Bass',
- [36]='Slap Bass 1',
- [37]='Slap Bass 2',
- [38]='Synth Bass 1',
- [39]='Synth Bass 2',
- [40]='Violin',
- [41]='Viola',
- [42]='Cello',
- [43]='Contrabass',
- [44]='Tremolo Strings',
- [45]='Pizzicato Strings',
- [46]='Orchestral Harp',
- [47]='Timpani',
- [48]='String Ensemble 1',
- [49]='String Ensemble 2',
- [50]='SynthStrings 1',
- [51]='SynthStrings 2',
- [52]='Choir Aahs',
- [53]='Voice Oohs',
- [54]='Synth Voice',
- [55]='Orchestra Hit',
- [56]='Trumpet',
- [57]='Trombone',
- [58]='Tuba',
- [59]='Muted Trumpet',
- [60]='French Horn',
- [61]='Brass Section',
- [62]='SynthBrass 1',
- [63]='SynthBrass 2',
- [64]='Soprano Sax',
- [65]='Alto Sax',
- [66]='Tenor Sax',
- [67]='Baritone Sax',
- [68]='Oboe',
- [69]='English Horn',
- [70]='Bassoon',
- [71]='Clarinet',
- [72]='Piccolo',
- [73]='Flute',
- [74]='Recorder',
- [75]='Pan Flute',
- [76]='Blown Bottle',
- [77]='Skakuhachi',
- [78]='Whistle',
- [79]='Ocarina',
- [80]='Lead 1 (square)',
- [81]='Lead 2 (sawtooth)',
- [82]='Lead 3 (calliope)',
- [83]='Lead 4 (chiff)',
- [84]='Lead 5 (charang)',
- [85]='Lead 6 (voice)',
- [86]='Lead 7 (fifths)',
- [87]='Lead 8 (bass+lead)',
- [88]='Pad 1 (new age)',
- [89]='Pad 2 (warm)',
- [90]='Pad 3 (polysynth)',
- [91]='Pad 4 (choir)',
- [92]='Pad 5 (bowed)',
- [93]='Pad 6 (metallic)',
- [94]='Pad 7 (halo)',
- [95]='Pad 8 (sweep)',
- [96]='FX 1 (rain)',
- [97]='FX 2 (soundtrack)',
- [98]='FX 3 (crystal)',
- [99]='FX 4 (atmosphere)',
- [100]='FX 5 (brightness)',
- [101]='FX 6 (goblins)',
- [102]='FX 7 (echoes)',
- [103]='FX 8 (sci-fi)',
- [104]='Sitar',
- [105]='Banjo',
- [106]='Shamisen',
- [107]='Koto',
- [108]='Kalimba',
- [109]='Bagpipe',
- [110]='Fiddle',
- [111]='Shanai',
- [112]='Tinkle Bell',
- [113]='Agogo',
- [114]='Steel Drums',
- [115]='Woodblock',
- [116]='Taiko Drum',
- [117]='Melodic Tom',
- [118]='Synth Drum',
- [119]='Reverse Cymbal',
- [120]='Guitar Fret Noise',
- [121]='Breath Noise',
- [122]='Seashore',
- [123]='Bird Tweet',
- [124]='Telephone Ring',
- [125]='Helicopter',
- [126]='Applause',
- [127]='Gunshot',
- }
- M.Notenum2percussion = readOnly{ -- General MIDI Percussion (on Channel 9):
- [33]='Metronome Click',
- [34]='Metronome Bell',
- [35]='Acoustic Bass Drum',
- [36]='Bass Drum 1',
- [37]='Side Stick',
- [38]='Acoustic Snare',
- [39]='Hand Clap',
- [40]='Electric Snare',
- [41]='Low Floor Tom',
- [42]='Closed Hi-Hat',
- [43]='High Floor Tom',
- [44]='Pedal Hi-Hat',
- [45]='Low Tom',
- [46]='Open Hi-Hat',
- [47]='Low-Mid Tom',
- [48]='Hi-Mid Tom',
- [49]='Crash Cymbal 1',
- [50]='High Tom',
- [51]='Ride Cymbal 1',
- [52]='Chinese Cymbal',
- [53]='Ride Bell',
- [54]='Tambourine',
- [55]='Splash Cymbal',
- [56]='Cowbell',
- [57]='Crash Cymbal 2',
- [58]='Vibraslap',
- [59]='Ride Cymbal 2',
- [60]='Hi Bongo',
- [61]='Low Bongo',
- [62]='Mute Hi Conga',
- [63]='Open Hi Conga',
- [64]='Low Conga',
- [65]='High Timbale',
- [66]='Low Timbale',
- [67]='High Agogo',
- [68]='Low Agogo',
- [69]='Cabasa',
- [70]='Maracas',
- [71]='Short Whistle',
- [72]='Long Whistle',
- [73]='Short Guiro',
- [74]='Long Guiro',
- [75]='Claves',
- [76]='Hi Wood Block',
- [77]='Low Wood Block',
- [78]='Mute Cuica',
- [79]='Open Cuica',
- [80]='Mute Triangle',
- [81]='Open Triangle',
- }
- M.Event2channelindex = readOnly{ ['note']=4, ['note_off']=3, ['note_on']=3,
- ['key_after_touch']=3, ['control_change']=3, ['patch_change']=3,
- ['channel_after_touch']=3, ['pitch_wheel_change']=3,
- }
- function M.concatenate_scores(scores)
- -- the deepcopys are needed if input_scores are refs to the same table
- -- e.g. if invoked by midisox's repeat()
- local input_scores = consistentise_ticks(scores) -- 3.6
- local output_score = deepcopy(input_scores[1]) -- 4.2
- for i = 2,#input_scores do
- local input_score = input_scores[i]
- local output_stats = M.score2stats(output_score)
- local delta_ticks = output_stats['nticks']
- for itrack = 2,#input_score do
- if itrack > #output_score then -- new output track if doesn't exist
- output_score[#output_score+1] = {}
- end
- for k,event in ipairs(input_score[itrack]) do
- local new_event = copy(event)
- new_event[2] = new_event[2] + delta_ticks
- table.insert(output_score[itrack], new_event)
- -- output_score[itrack][-1][1] += delta_ticks -- hmm...
- end
- end
- end
- return output_score
- end
- function M.grep(score, t)
- if score == nil then return {1000,{},} end
- local ticks = score[1]
- local new_score = {ticks,{},}
- if not t or type(t) ~= 'table' then return new_score end
- local channels = dict(t)
- local itrack = 2 while itrack <= #score do
- new_score[itrack] = {}
- for k,event in ipairs(score[itrack]) do
- local channel_index = M.Event2channelindex[event[1]]
- if channel_index then
- if channels[event[channel_index]] then
- table.insert(new_score[itrack], event)
- end
- else
- table.insert(new_score[itrack], event)
- end
- end
- itrack = itrack + 1
- end
- return new_score
- end
- function M.merge_scores(scores)
- local output_score = {1000,}
- local channels_so_far = {}
- local all_channels = dict{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15}
- for ks,input_score in ipairs(consistentise_ticks(scores)) do -- 3.6
- local new_stats = M.score2stats(input_score)
- local new_channels = dict(new_stats['channels_total']) -- 4.2 dict
- new_channels[9] = nil -- 2.8 cha9 must remain cha9 (in GM)
- for j,channel in ipairs(sorted_keys(new_channels)) do -- 4.2 to catch 0
- if channels_so_far[channel] then
- local free_channels = copy(all_channels)
- for k,v in pairs(channels_so_far) do
- if v then free_channels[k] = nil end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(new_channels) do
- if v then free_channels[k] = nil end
- end
- -- consistently choose lowest avaiable, to ease testing
- local free_channel = nil
- local fcs = sorted_keys(free_channels)
- if #fcs > 0 then
- free_channel = fcs[1]
- else
- break
- end
- for itrack = 2,#input_score do
- for k3,input_event in ipairs(input_score[itrack]) do
- local ci = M.Event2channelindex[input_event[1]]
- if ci and input_event[ci]==channel then
- input_event[ci] = free_channel
- end
- end
- end
- channels_so_far[free_channel] = true
- end
- channels_so_far[channel] = true
- end
- for itrack = 2,#input_score do
- output_score[#output_score+1] = input_score[itrack]
- end
- end
- return output_score
- end
- function M.mix_opus_tracks(input_tracks) -- 5.5
- -- must convert each track to absolute times !
- local output_score = {1000, {}}
- for ks,input_track in ipairs(input_tracks) do -- 5.8
- local input_score = M.opus2score({1000, input_track})
- for k,event in ipairs(input_score[2]) do
- table.insert(output_score[2], event)
- end
- end
- table.sort(output_score[2], function (e1,e2) return e1[2]<e2[2] end)
- local output_opus = M.score2opus(output_score)
- return output_opus[2]
- end
- function M.mix_scores(input_scores)
- local output_score = {1000, {}}
- for ks,input_score in ipairs(consistentise_ticks(input_scores)) do -- 3.6
- for itrack = 2,#input_score do
- for k,event in ipairs(input_score[itrack]) do
- table.insert(output_score[2], event)
- end
- end
- end
- return output_score
- end
- function M.midi2ms_score(midi)
- return M.opus2score(M.to_millisecs(M.midi2opus(midi)))
- end
- function M.midi2opus(s)
- if not s then s = '' end
- --my_midi=bytearray(midi)
- if #s < 4 then return {1000,{},} end
- local i = 1
- local id = string.sub(s, i, i+3); i = i+4
- if id ~= 'MThd' then
- warn("midi2opus: midi starts with "" instead of 'MThd'")
- clean_up_warnings()
- return {1000,{},}
- end
- -- h:short; H:unsigned short; i:int; I:unsigned int;
- -- l:long; L:unsigned long; f:float; d:double.
- -- [length, format, tracks_expected, ticks] = struct.unpack(
- -- '>IHHH', bytes(my_midi[4:14])) is this 10 bytes or 14 ?
- -- NOT 2+4+4+4 grrr... 'MHhd'+4+2+2+2 !
- local length = fourbytes2int(string.sub(s,i,i+3)); i = i+4
- local format = twobytes2int(string.sub(s,i,i+1)); i = i+2
- local tracks_expected = twobytes2int(string.sub(s,i,i+1)); i = i+2
- local ticks = twobytes2int(string.sub(s,i,i+1)); i = i+2
- if length ~= 6 then
- warn("midi2opus: midi header length was "..tostring(length).." instead of 6")
- clean_up_warnings()
- return {1000,{},}
- end
- local my_opus = {ticks,}
- local track_num = 1 -- 5.1
- while i < #s-8 do
- local track_type = string.sub(s, i, i+3); i = i+4
- if track_type ~= 'MTrk' then
- warn('midi2opus: Warning: track #'..track_num..' type is '..track_type.." instead of 'MTrk'")
- end
- local track_length = fourbytes2int(string.sub(s,i,i+3)); i = i+4
- if track_length > #s then
- warn('midi2opus: track #'..track_num..' length '..track_length..' is too large')
- clean_up_warnings()
- return my_opus -- 4.9
- end
- local my_midi_track = string.sub(s, i, i+track_length-1) -- 4.7
- i = i+track_length
- local my_track = _decode(my_midi_track) -- 4.7
- my_opus[#my_opus+1] = my_track
- track_num = track_num + 1 -- 5.1
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return my_opus
- end
- function M.midi2score(midi)
- return M.opus2score(M.midi2opus(midi))
- end
- function M.play_score(score)
- if not score then return end
- local midi
- if M.score_type(score) == 'opus' then
- midi = M.opus2midi(score)
- else
- midi = M.score2midi(score)
- end
- local posix -- 6.0 in lua5.2 require posix returns the posix table
- pcall(function() posix = require 'posix' end)
- if posix and posix.fork then -- 4.2
- local pid = posix.fork()
- if pid == 0 then
- local p = assert(io.popen("aplaymidi -", 'w')) -- background
- p:write(midi) ; p:close() ; os.exit(0)
- end
- else
- local fn = os.tmpname()
- local fh = assert(, 'w')); fh:write(midi); fh:close()
- os.execute("aplaymidi "..fn..' ; rm '..fn..' &')
- end
- end
- function M.opus2midi(opus)
- if #opus < 2 then opus = {1000, {},} end
- -- tracks = copy.deepcopy(opus)
- local ntracks = #opus - 1
- local ticks = opus[1]
- local format
- if ntracks == 1 then format = 0 else format = 1 end
- local my_midi = "MThd\00\00\00\06" ..
- int2twobytes(format) .. int2twobytes(ntracks) .. int2twobytes(ticks)
- -- struct.pack('>HHH',format,ntracks,ticks)
- --for track in tracks:
- for i = 2, #opus do
- local events = _encode(opus[i])
- -- should really do an array and then concat...
- my_midi = my_midi .. 'MTrk' .. int2fourbytes(#events) .. events
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return my_midi
- end
- function M.opus2score(opus)
- if opus == nil or #opus < 2 then return {1000,{},} end
- local ticks = opus[1]
- local score = {ticks,}
- local itrack = 2; while itrack <= #opus do
- local opus_track = opus[itrack]
- local ticks_so_far = 0
- local score_track = {}
- local chapitch2note_on_events = {} -- 4.0
- local k; for k,opus_event in ipairs(opus_track) do
- ticks_so_far = ticks_so_far + opus_event[2]
- if opus_event[1] == 'note_off' or
- (opus_event[1] == 'note_on' and opus_event[5] == 0) then -- 4.8
- local cha = opus_event[3] -- 4.0
- local pitch = opus_event[4]
- local key = cha*128 + pitch -- 4.0
- local pending_notes = chapitch2note_on_events[key] -- 5.3
- if pending_notes and #pending_notes > 0 then
- local new_e = table.remove(pending_notes, 1)
- new_e[3] = ticks_so_far - new_e[2]
- score_track[#score_track+1] = new_e
- elseif pitch > 127 then
- warn('opus2score: note_off with no note_on, bad pitch='
- ..tostring(pitch))
- else
- warn('opus2score: note_off with no note_on cha='
- ..tostring(cha)..' pitch='..tostring(pitch))
- end
- elseif opus_event[1] == 'note_on' then
- local cha = opus_event[3] -- 4.0
- local pitch = opus_event[4]
- local new_e = {'note',ticks_so_far,0,cha,pitch,opus_event[5]}
- local key = cha*128 + pitch -- 4.0
- if chapitch2note_on_events[key] then
- table.insert(chapitch2note_on_events[key], new_e)
- else
- chapitch2note_on_events[key] = {new_e,}
- end
- else
- local new_e = copy(opus_event)
- new_e[2] = ticks_so_far
- score_track[#score_track+1] = new_e
- end
- end
- -- check for unterminated notes (OisÃn) -- 5.2
- for chapitch,note_on_events in pairs(chapitch2note_on_events) do
- for k,new_e in ipairs(note_on_events) do
- new_e[3] = ticks_so_far - new_e[2]
- score_track[#score_track+1] = new_e
- --warn("adding unterminated note: {'"..new_e[1].."', "..new_e[2]
- -- ..', '..new_e[3]..', '..new_e[4]..', '..new_e[5]..'}')
- warn("opus2score: note_on with no note_off cha="..new_e[4]
- ..' pitch='..new_e[5]..'; adding note_off at end')
- end
- end
- score[#score+1] = score_track
- itrack = itrack + 1
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return score
- end
- function M.score2opus(score)
- if score == nil or #score < 2 then return {1000,{},} end
- local ticks = score[1]
- local opus = {ticks,}
- local itrack = 2; while itrack <= #score do
- local score_track = score[itrack]
- local time2events = {}
- local k,scoreevent; for k,scoreevent in ipairs(score_track) do
- local continue = false
- if scoreevent[1] == 'note' then
- local note_on_event = {'note_on',scoreevent[2],
- scoreevent[4],scoreevent[5],scoreevent[6]}
- local note_off_event = {'note_off',scoreevent[2]+scoreevent[3],
- scoreevent[4],scoreevent[5],scoreevent[6]}
- if time2events[note_on_event[2]] then
- table.insert(time2events[note_on_event[2]], note_on_event)
- else
- time2events[note_on_event[2]] = {note_on_event,}
- end
- if time2events[note_off_event[2]] then
- table.insert(time2events[note_off_event[2]], note_off_event)
- else
- time2events[note_off_event[2]] = {note_off_event,}
- end
- continue = true
- end
- if not continue then
- if time2events[scoreevent[2]] then
- table.insert(time2events[scoreevent[2]], scoreevent)
- else
- time2events[scoreevent[2]] = {scoreevent, }
- end
- end
- end
- local sorted_times = {} -- list of keys
- for k,v in pairs(time2events) do
- sorted_times[#sorted_times+1] = k
- end
- table.sort(sorted_times)
- local sorted_events = {} -- once-flattened list of values sorted by key
- for k,time in ipairs(sorted_times) do
- for k2,v in ipairs(time2events[time]) do
- --sorted_events[#sorted_events+1] = v NOPE, must copy!
- sorted_events[#sorted_events+1] = {}
- for k3,v3 in ipairs(v) do
- table.insert(sorted_events[#sorted_events],v3)
- end
- end
- end
- local abs_time = 0
- for k,event in ipairs(sorted_events) do -- abs times => delta times
- local delta_time = event[2] - abs_time
- abs_time = event[2]
- event[2] = delta_time
- end
- opus[#opus+1] = sorted_events
- itrack = itrack + 1
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return opus
- end
- function M.score_type(t)
- if t == nil or type(t) ~= 'table' or #t < 2 then return '' end
- local i = 2 -- ignore first element -- 4.7
- while i <= #t do
- local k,event; for k,event in ipairs(t[i]) do
- if event[1] == 'note' then
- return 'score'
- elseif event[1] == 'note_on' then
- return 'opus'
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- return ''
- end
- function M.score2midi(score)
- return M.opus2midi(M.score2opus(score))
- end
- function M.score2stats(opus_or_score)
- --[[ returns a table:
- bank_select (array of 2-element arrays {msb,lsb}),
- channels_by_track (table, by track, of arrays),
- channels_total (array),
- general_midi_mode (array),
- ntracks,
- nticks,
- num_notes_by_channel (table of numbers),
- patch_changes_by_track (table of tables),
- patch_changes_total (array),
- percussion (a dictionary histogram of channel-9 events),
- pitches (dict histogram of pitches on channels other than 9),
- pitch_range_by_track (table, by track, of two-member-arrays),
- pitch_range_sum (sum over tracks of the pitch_ranges)
- ]]
- local bank_select_msb = -1
- local bank_select_lsb = -1
- local bank_select = {}
- local channels_by_track = {}
- local channels_total = {}
- local general_midi_mode = {}
- local num_notes_by_channel = {} -- 5.7
- local patches_used_by_track = {}
- local patches_used_total = {}
- local patch_changes_by_track = {}
- local patch_changes_total = {}
- local percussion = {} -- histogram of channel 9 "pitches"
- local pitches = {} -- histogram of pitch-occurrences channels 0-8,10-15
- local pitch_range_sum = 0 -- u pitch-ranges of each track
- local pitch_range_by_track = {}
- local is_a_score = true
- if opus_or_score == nil then
- return {bank_select={}, channels_by_track={}, channels_total={},
- general_midi_mode={}, ntracks=0, nticks=0,
- num_notes_by_channel={},
- patch_changes_by_track={}, patch_changes_total={},
- percussion={}, pitches={}, pitch_range_by_track={},
- ticks_per_quarter=0, pitch_range_sum=0
- }
- end
- local ticks_per_quarter = opus_or_score[1]
- local nticks = 0 -- 4.7
- for i = 2,#opus_or_score do -- ignore first element, which is ticks
- local highest_pitch = 0 -- 4.7
- local lowest_pitch = 128 -- 4.7
- local channels_this_track = {} -- 4.7
- local patch_changes_this_track = {} -- 4.7
- for k,event in ipairs(opus_or_score[i]) do
- if event[1] == 'note' then
- num_notes_by_channel[event[4]] = (num_notes_by_channel[event[4]] or 0) + 1
- if event[4] == 9 then
- percussion[event[5]] = (percussion[event[5]] or 0) + 1
- else
- pitches[event[5]] = (pitches[event[5]] or 0) + 1
- if event[5] > highest_pitch then
- highest_pitch = event[5]
- end
- if event[5] < lowest_pitch then
- lowest_pitch = event[5]
- end
- end
- channels_this_track[event[4]] = true
- channels_total[event[4]] = true
- local finish_time = event[2] + event[3] -- 4.7
- if finish_time > nticks then
- nticks = finish_time
- end
- elseif event[1] == 'note_on' then
- is_a_score = false -- 4.6
- num_notes_by_channel[event[3]] = (num_notes_by_channel[event[3]] or 0) + 1
- if event[3] == 9 then
- percussion[event[4]] = (percussion[event[4]] or 0) + 1
- else
- pitches[event[4]] = (pitches[event[4]] or 0) + 1
- if event[4] > highest_pitch then
- highest_pitch = event[4]
- end
- if event[4] < lowest_pitch then
- lowest_pitch = event[4]
- end
- end
- channels_this_track[event[3]] = true
- channels_total[event[3]] = true
- elseif event[1] == 'note_off' then
- local finish_time = event[2] -- 4.7
- if finish_time > nticks then
- nticks = finish_time
- end
- elseif event[1] == 'patch_change' then
- patch_changes_this_track[event[3]] = event[4]
- patch_changes_total[event[4]] = true
- elseif event[1] == 'control_change' then
- if event[4] == 0 then -- bank select MSB
- bank_select_msb = event[5]
- elseif event[4] == 32 then -- bank select LSB
- bank_select_lsb = event[5]
- end
- if bank_select_msb >= 0 and bank_select_lsb >= 0 then
- table.insert(bank_select,{bank_select_msb,bank_select_lsb})
- bank_select_msb = -1
- bank_select_lsb = -1
- end
- elseif event[1] == 'sysex_f0' then
- if sysex2midimode[event[3]] then
- table.insert(general_midi_mode,sysex2midimode[event[3]]) -- 5.0
- end
- end
- if is_a_score then
- if event[2] > nticks then
- nticks = event[2]
- end
- else
- nticks = nticks + event[2]
- end
- end
- if lowest_pitch == 128 then
- lowest_pitch = 0
- end
- table.insert(channels_by_track, sorted_keys(channels_this_track))
- table.insert(patch_changes_by_track, patch_changes_this_track) -- 4.2
- table.insert(pitch_range_by_track, {lowest_pitch,highest_pitch})
- pitch_range_sum = pitch_range_sum + highest_pitch - lowest_pitch
- i = i + 1
- end
- return {
- bank_select=bank_select,
- channels_by_track=channels_by_track,
- channels_total=sorted_keys(channels_total),
- general_midi_mode=general_midi_mode,
- ntracks=#opus_or_score-1,
- nticks=nticks,
- num_notes_by_channel=num_notes_by_channel,
- patch_changes_by_track=patch_changes_by_track,
- patch_changes_total=sorted_keys(patch_changes_total),
- percussion=percussion,
- pitches=pitches,
- pitch_range_by_track=pitch_range_by_track,
- pitch_range_sum=pitch_range_sum,
- ticks_per_quarter=ticks_per_quarter
- }
- end
- function M.segment(...)
- local args = {...} -- 3.8
- local score, start, endt, tracks = ...
- if #args == 1 and type(args[1][1]) == 'table' then
- score = args[1][1]
- start = args[1]['start_time'] -- 4.1
- endt = args[1]['end_time'] -- 4.1
- tracks = args[1]['tracks']
- end
- if not score == nil or type(score) ~= 'table' or #score < 2 then
- return {1000, {},}
- end
- if not start then start = 0 end -- 4.1
- if not endt then endt = 1000000000 end
- if not tracks then tracks = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15} end
- local new_score = {score[1],}
- local my_type = M.score_type(score)
- if my_type == '' then
- return new_score
- end
- if my_type == 'opus' then
- -- more difficult (disconnecting note_on's from their note_off's)...
- warn("segment: opus format is not supported\n")
- clean_up_warnings()
- return new_score
- end
- tracks = dict(tracks) -- convert list to lookup
- for i = 2,#score do -- ignore ticks; we count in ticks anyway
- if tracks[i-1] then
- local new_track = {}
- local channel2cc_num = {} -- recentest controlchange before start
- local channel2cc_val = {}
- local channel2cc_time = {}
- local channel2patch_num = {} -- recentest patchchange before start
- local channel2patch_time = {}
- local set_tempo_num = 500000 -- recentest tempochange 6.3
- local set_tempo_time = 0
- local earliest_note_time = endt
- for k,event in ipairs(score[i]) do
- if event[1] == 'control_change' then -- 6.5
- local cc_time = channel2cc_time[event[3]] or 0
- if event[2]<=start and event[2]>=cc_time then
- channel2cc_num[event[3]] = event[4]
- channel2cc_val[event[3]] = event[5]
- channel2cc_time[event[3]] = event[2]
- end
- elseif event[1] == 'patch_change' then
- local patch_time = channel2patch_time[event[3]] or 0 -- 4.7
- if event[2]<=start and event[2]>=patch_time then -- 2.0
- channel2patch_num[event[3]] = event[4]
- channel2patch_time[event[3]] = event[2]
- end
- elseif event[1] == 'set_tempo' then -- 6.4 <=start not <start
- if (event[2]<=start) and (event[2]>=set_tempo_time) then
- set_tempo_num = event[3]
- set_tempo_time = event[2]
- end
- end
- if event[2] >= start and event[2] <= endt then
- new_track[#new_track+1]= event
- if event[1] == 'note' and event[2]<earliest_note_time then
- earliest_note_time = event[2]
- end
- end
- end
- if #new_track > 0 then
- new_track[#new_track+1] = ({'set_tempo', start, set_tempo_num})
- for k,c in ipairs(sorted_keys(channel2patch_num)) do -- 4.3
- new_track[#new_track+1] =
- ({'patch_change', start, c, channel2patch_num[c]})
- end
- for k,c in ipairs(sorted_keys(channel2cc_num)) do -- 6.5
- new_track[#new_track+1] = ({'control_change', start, c,
- channel2cc_num[c], channel2cc_val[c]})
- end
- new_score[#new_score+1] = (new_track)
- end
- end
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return new_score
- end
- function M.timeshift(...)
- local args = {...} -- 3.8
- local score, shift, start_time, from_time, tracks_array = ...
- if #args == 1 and type(args[1][1]) == 'table' then
- score = args[1][1]
- shift = args[1]['shift']
- start_time = args[1]['start_time']
- from_time = args[1]['from_time']
- tracks_array = args[1]['tracks']
- end
- if score == nil or #score < 2 then return {1000, {},} end
- if from_time == nil then from_time = 0 end
- if not tracks_array then
- tracks_array = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}
- end
- local new_score = {score[1],}
- local my_type = M.score_type(score)
- if my_type == '' then return new_score end
- if my_type == 'opus' then
- warn("timeshift: opus format is not supported\n")
- clean_up_warnings()
- return new_score
- end
- if shift ~= nil and start_time ~= nil then
- warn("timeshift: shift and start_time specified: ignoring shift\n")
- shift = nil
- end
- if shift == nil then
- if start_time == nil or start_time < 0 then
- start_time = 0
- end
- -- shift = start_time - from_time
- end
- local tracks = dict(tracks_array) -- convert list to lookup
- local earliest = 1000000000
- if start_time ~= nil or shift < 0 then -- find the earliest event
- for i = 2,#score do -- ignore first element (ticks)
- if tracks[i-1] then
- for k,event in ipairs(score[i]) do
- local continue2 = false
- if event[2] < from_time then
- -- just inspect the to_be_shifted events
- continue2 = true
- end
- if not continue2 then
- if event[2] < earliest then
- earliest = event[2]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if earliest > 999999999 then
- earliest = 0
- end
- if shift == nil then
- shift = start_time - earliest
- elseif (earliest + shift) < 0 then
- start_time = 0
- shift = 0 - earliest
- end
- local i = 2 -- ignore first element (ticks) -- 4.7
- while i <= #score do
- if not tracks[i-1] then
- new_score[#new_score+1] = deepcopy(score[i])
- i = i + 1
- else
- local new_track = {} -- 4.7
- for k,event in ipairs(score[i]) do
- local continue = false
- local new_event = copy(event) -- 4.7
- if new_event[2] >= from_time then
- -- 4.1 must not rightshift set_tempo
- if new_event[1] ~= 'set_tempo' or shift<0 then
- new_event[2] = new_event[2] + shift
- end
- elseif (shift < 0) and (new_event[2] >= (from_time+shift)) then
- continue = true
- end
- if not continue then
- new_track[#new_track+1] = new_event
- end
- end
- if #new_track > 0 then
- new_score[#new_score+1] = new_track
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return new_score
- end
- function M.to_millisecs(old_opus) -- 6.7
- if old_opus == nil then return {1000,{},}; end
- local old_tpq = old_opus[1]
- local new_opus = {1000,}
- -- 6.7 first go through building a dict of set_tempos by absolute-tick
- local ticks2tempo = {}
- local itrack = 2
- while itrack <= #old_opus do
- local ticks_so_far = 0
- local k; for k,old_event in ipairs(old_opus[itrack]) do
- if old_event[1] == 'note' then
- warn('to_millisecs needs an opus, not a score')
- clean_up_warnings()
- return {1000,{},}
- end
- ticks_so_far = ticks_so_far + old_event[2]
- if old_event[1] == 'set_tempo' then
- ticks2tempo[ticks_so_far] = old_event[3]
- end
- end
- itrack = itrack + 1
- end
- -- then get the sorted-array of their keys
- local tempo_ticks = sorted_keys(ticks2tempo)
- -- then go through converting to millisec, testing if the next
- -- set_tempo lies before the next track-event, and using it if so.
- local itrack = 2
- while itrack <= #old_opus do
- local ms_per_old_tick = 500.0 / old_tpq -- will be rounded later 6.3
- local i_tempo_ticks = 1
- local ticks_so_far = 0
- local ms_so_far = 0.0
- local previous_ms_so_far = 0.0
- local new_track = {{'set_tempo',0,1000000},} -- new "crochet" is 1 sec
- local k; for k,old_event in ipairs(old_opus[itrack]) do
- -- detect if ticks2tempo has something before this event
- -- If ticks2tempo is at the same time, don't handle it yet.
- local event_delta_ticks = old_event[2]
- if i_tempo_ticks <= #tempo_ticks and
- tempo_ticks[i_tempo_ticks] < (ticks_so_far + old_event[2]) then
- local delta_ticks = tempo_ticks[i_tempo_ticks] - ticks_so_far
- ms_so_far = ms_so_far + (ms_per_old_tick * delta_ticks)
- ticks_so_far = tempo_ticks[i_tempo_ticks]
- ms_per_old_tick = ticks2tempo[ticks_so_far] / (1000.0*old_tpq)
- i_tempo_ticks = i_tempo_ticks + 1
- event_delta_ticks = event_delta_ticks - delta_ticks
- end -- now handle the new event
- local new_event = copy(old_event) -- 4.7
- ms_so_far = ms_so_far + (ms_per_old_tick * old_event[2]) -- NO!
- new_event[2] = math.floor(0.5 + ms_so_far - previous_ms_so_far)
- if old_event[1] ~= 'set_tempo' then -- set_tempos are already known
- previous_ms_so_far = ms_so_far
- new_track[#new_track+1] = new_event
- end
- ticks_so_far = ticks_so_far + event_delta_ticks
- end
- new_opus[#new_opus+1] = new_track
- itrack = itrack + 1
- end
- clean_up_warnings()
- return new_opus
- end
- return M
- --
- --
- --[=[
- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- MIDI.lua - Reading, writing and manipulating MIDI data
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- local MIDI = require 'MIDI'
- local my_score = {
- 96, -- ticks per beat
- { -- first track
- {'patch_change', 0, 1, 8},
- {'note', 5, 96, 1, 25, 96},
- {'note', 101, 96, 1, 29, 96},
- }, -- end of first track
- }
- -- Going through a score within a Lua program...
- channels = {[2]=true, [3]=true, [5]=true, [8]=true, [13]=true}
- for itrack = 2,#my_score do -- skip 1st element, which is ticks
- for k,event in ipairs(my_score[itrack]) do
- if event[1] == 'note' then
- -- for example, do something to all notes
- end
- -- to work on events in only particular channels...
- channelindex = MIDI.Event2channelindex[event[1]]
- if channelindex and channels[event[channelindex]] then
- -- do something to channels 2,3,5,8 and 13
- end
- end
- end
- local midifile = assert('f.mid','w'))
- midifile:write(MIDI.score2midi(my_score))
- midifile:close()
- This module offers functions: concatenate_scores(), grep(),
- merge_scores(), mix_scores(), midi2opus(), midi2score(), opus2midi(),
- opus2score(), play_score(), score2midi(), score2opus(), score2stats(),
- score_type(), segment(), timeshift() and to_millisecs(),
- where "midi" means the MIDI-file bytes (as can be put in a .mid file,
- or piped into aplaymidi), and "opus" and "score" are list-structures
- as inspired by Sean Burke's MIDI-Perl CPAN module.
- The "opus" is a direct translation of the midi-file-events, where
- the times are delta-times, in ticks, since the previous event:
- {'note_on', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- {'note_off', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- The "score" is more human-centric; it uses absolute times, and
- combines the separate note_on and note_off events into one "note"
- event, with a duration:
- {'note', start_time, duration, channel, note, velocity} -- in a "score"
- MIDI.lua is a call-compatible translation into Lua of the Python module
- ;
- see
- =head1 FUNCTIONS
- =over 3
- =item I<concatenate_scores> (array_of_scores)
- Concatenates an array of scores into one score.
- If the scores differ in their "ticks" parameter,
- they will all get converted to millisecond-tick format.
- =item I<grep> (score, channels)
- Returns a "score" containing only the channels specified.
- (It also works on an "opus", but because of the
- incremental times the result will usually be useless.)
- The second parameter is an array of the wanted channel numbers,
- for example:
- channels = {0, 4,}
- =item I<merge_scores> (array_of_scores)
- Merges an array of scores into one score. A merged score comprises
- all of the tracks from all of the input scores; un-merging is possible
- by selecting just some of the tracks.
- If the scores differ in their "ticks" parameter,
- they will all get converted to millisecond-tick format.
- merge_scores attempts to resolve channel-conflicts,
- but there are of course only 15 available channels...
- =item I<mix_opus_tracks> (tracks)
- Mixes an array of opus tracks into one track.
- A mixed track cannot be un-mixed.
- It is assumed that the tracks share the same I<ticks> parameter
- and the same tempo.
- Mixing score-tracks is trivial (just insert all the events into one array).
- Mixing opus-tracks is only slightly harder,
- but it's common enough that a dedicated function is useful.
- =item I<mix_scores> (array_of_scores)
- Mixes an array of scores into one one-track score.
- A mixed score cannot be un-mixed.
- Hopefully the scores have no undesirable channel conflicts between them...
- If the scores differ in their "ticks" parameter,
- they will all get converted to millisecond-tick format.
- =item I<midi2ms_score> (midi_in_string_form)
- Translates MIDI into a "score" with one beat per second and one
- tick per millisecond, using midi2opus() then to_millisecs()
- then opus2score()
- =item I<midi2opus> (midi_in_string_form)
- Translates MIDI into an "opus". For a description of the
- "opus" format, see opus2midi()
- =item I<midi2score> (midi_in_string_form)
- Translates MIDI into a "score", using midi2opus() then opus2score()
- =item I<opus2midi> (an_opus)
- The argument is an array: the first item in the list is the "ticks"
- parameter, the others are the tracks. Each track is an array of
- midi-events, and each event is itself an array; see EVENTS below.
- opus2midi() returns a string of the MIDI, which can then be
- written to a .mid file, or to stdout.
- local MIDI = require 'MIDI'
- my_opus = {
- 96, -- MIDI-ticks per beat
- { -- first track:
- {'patch_change', 0, 1, 8}, -- and these are the events...
- {'set_tempo', 0, 750000}, -- microseconds per beat
- {'note_on', 5, 1, 25, 96},
- {'note_off', 96, 1, 25, 0},
- {'note_on', 0, 1, 29, 96},
- {'note_off', 96, 1, 29, 0},
- }, -- end of first track
- }
- local my_midi = MIDI.opus2midi(my_opus)
- io.write(my_midi) -- can be saved in o.mid or piped into "aplaymidi -"
- =item I<opus2score> (an_opus)
- For a description of the "opus" and "score" formats,
- see opus2midi() and score2opus().
- The score track is returned sorted by the end-times of the notes,
- so if you need it sorted by their start-times you have to do that yourself:
- table.sort(score[itrack], function (e1,e2) return e1[2]<e2[2] end)
- =item I<play_score> (opus_or_score)
- Converts the "score" to midi, and feeds it into 'aplaymidi -'.
- If Lua's I<posix> module is installed, the aplaymidi process will
- be run in the background.
- =item I<score_type> (opus_or_score)
- Returns a string, either 'opus' or 'score' or ''
- =item I<score2midi> (a_score)
- Translates a "score" into MIDI, using score2opus() then opus2midi()
- =item I<score2opus> (a_score)
- The argument is an array: the first item in the list is the "ticks"
- parameter, the others are the tracks. Each track is an array
- of score-events, and each event is itself an array.
- score2opus() returns an array specifying the equivalent "opus".
- A score-event is similar to an opus-event (see above),
- except that in a score:
- 1) all times are expressed as an absolute number of ticks
- from the track's start time
- 2) the pairs of 'note_on' and 'note_off' events in an "opus"
- are abstracted into a single 'note' event in a "score"
- {'note', start_time, duration, channel, pitch, velocity}
- my_score = {
- 96,
- { -- first track
- {'patch_change', 0, 1, 8},
- {'note', 5, 96, 1, 25, 96},
- {'note', 101, 96, 1, 29, 96},
- }, -- end of first track
- }
- my_opus = score2opus(my_score)
- =item I<score2stats> (opus_or_score)
- Returns a table of some basic stats about the score, like:
- bank_select (array of 2-element arrays {msb,lsb}),
- channels_by_track (table, by track, of arrays),
- channels_total (array),
- general_midi_mode (array),
- ntracks,
- nticks,
- num_notes_by_channel (table of numbers)
- patch_changes_by_track (table of arrays),
- patch_changes_total (array),
- percussion (a dictionary histogram of channel-9 events),
- pitches (dict histogram of pitches on channels other than 9),
- pitch_range_by_track (table, by track, of two-member-arrays),
- pitch_range_sum (sum over tracks of the pitch_ranges)
- =item I<segment> (score, start_time, end_time, tracks)
- =item I<segment> {score, start_time=100, end_time=2000, tracks={3,4,5}}
- Returns a "score" which is a segment of the one supplied
- as the argument, beginning at "start_time" ticks and ending
- at "end_time" ticks (or at the end if "end_time" is not supplied).
- If the array "tracks" is specified, only those tracks will be returned.
- =item I<timeshift> (score, shift, start_time, from_time, tracks)
- =item I<timeshift> {score, shift=50, start_time=nil, from_time=2000, tracks={2,3}}
- Returns a "score" shifted in time by "shift" ticks, or shifted
- so that the first event starts at "start_time" ticks.
- If "from_time" is specified, only those events in the score
- that begin after it are shifted. If "start_time" is less than
- "from_time" (or "shift" is negative), then the intermediate
- notes are deleted, though patch-change events are preserved.
- If "tracks" are specified, then only those tracks (0 to 15) get shifted.
- "tracks" should be an array.
- It is deprecated to specify both "shift" and "start_time".
- If this does happen, timeshift() will print a warning to
- stderr and ignore the "shift" argument.
- If "shift" is negative and sufficiently large that it would
- leave some event with a negative tick-value, then the score
- is shifted so that the first event occurs at time 0. This
- also occurs if "start_time" is negative, and is also the
- default if neither "shift" nor "start_time" are specified.
- =item I<to_millisecs> (an_opus)
- Recallibrates all the times in an "opus" to use one beat
- per second and one tick per millisecond. This makes it
- hard to retrieve any information about beats or barlines,
- but it does make it easy to mix different scores together.
- =back
- =head1 EVENTS
- The "opus" is a direct translation of the midi-file-events, where
- the times are delta-times, in ticks, since the previous event.
- {'note_on', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- {'note_off', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- The "score" is more human-centric; it uses absolute times, and
- combines the separate note_on and note_off events into one "note"
- event, with a duration:
- {'note', start_time, duration, channel, note, velocity} -- in a "score"
- Events (in an "opus" structure):
- {'note_off', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- {'note_on', dtime, channel, note, velocity} -- in an "opus"
- {'key_after_touch', dtime, channel, note, velocity}
- {'control_change', dtime, channel, controller(0-127), value(0-127)}
- {'patch_change', dtime, channel, patch}
- {'channel_after_touch', dtime, channel, velocity}
- {'pitch_wheel_change', dtime, channel, pitch_wheel}
- {'text_event', dtime, text}
- {'copyright_text_event', dtime, text}
- {'track_name', dtime, text}
- {'instrument_name', dtime, text}
- {'lyric', dtime, text}
- {'marker', dtime, text}
- {'cue_point', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_08', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_09', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0a', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0b', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0c', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0d', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0e', dtime, text}
- {'text_event_0f', dtime, text}
- {'end_track', dtime}
- {'set_tempo', dtime, tempo}
- {'smpte_offset', dtime, hr, mn, se, fr, ff}
- {'time_signature', dtime, nn, dd, cc, bb}
- {'key_signature', dtime, sf, mi}
- {'sequencer_specific', dtime, raw}
- {'raw_meta_event', dtime, command(0-255), raw}
- {'sysex_f0', dtime, raw}
- {'sysex_f7', dtime, raw}
- {'song_position', dtime, song_pos}
- {'song_select', dtime, song_number}
- {'tune_request', dtime}
- =head1 DATA TYPES
- channel = a value 0 to 15
- controller = 0 to 127 (see
- dtime = time measured in "ticks", 0 to 268435455
- velocity = a value 0 (soft) to 127 (loud)
- note = a value 0 to 127 (middle-C is 60)
- patch = 0 to 127 (see )
- pitch_wheel = a value -8192 to 8191 (0x1FFF)
- raw = 0 or more bytes of binary data
- sequence_number = a value 0 to 65,535 (0xFFFF)
- song_pos = a value 0 to 16,383 (0x3FFF)
- song_number = a value 0 to 127
- tempo = microseconds per crochet (quarter-note), 0 to 16777215
- text = a string of 0 or more bytes of of ASCII text
- ticks = the number of ticks per crochet (quarter-note)
- In I<sysex_f0> events, the I<raw> data must not start with a \xF0
- byte, since this gets added automatically;
- but it must end with an explicit \xF7 byte!
- In the very unlikely case that you ever need to split I<sysex> data
- into one I<sysex_f0> followed by one or more I<sysex_f7>s, then
- only the last of those I<sysex_f7> events must end with the explicit \xF7
- byte (again, the I<raw> data of individual I<sysex_f7> events
- must not start with any \xF7 byte, since this gets added automatically).
- =over 3
- =item I<Number2patch>
- In this table the index is the patch-number (0 to 127),
- and the value is its corresponding General-MIDI Patch
- (on Channels other than 9).
- See:
- =item I<Notenum2percussion>
- In this table the index is the note-number (35 to 81),
- and the value is its corresponding General-MIDI Percussion instrument
- (on Channel 9). See:
- =item I<Event2channelindex>
- In this table the index is the event-name (see EVENTS),
- and the value is the position within the event-array
- at which the I<Channel-number> occurs.
- It is very useful for manipulating particular channels
- within a score (see SYNOPSIS)
- =back
- =head1 DOWNLOAD
- This module is available as a LuaRock in
- so you should be able to install it with the command:
- B<sudo luarocks install midi>
- The source is in
- for you to install by hand in your LUA_PATH
- The test script used during development is
- which requires the DataDumper module.
- You should be able to install the luaposix module with:
- B<sudo luarocks install luaposix>
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Peter J Billam,
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- =cut
- ]=]
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