

Nov 12th, 2012
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  1. [11:50] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] began pestering staircaseWit [SW] at 23:50 --
  2. [11:50] AR: ^^Hello!^^
  3. [11:50] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] ceased pestering staircaseWit [SW] at 23:50 --
  4. [11:50] SW: Wha
  5. [11:50] AR: ^^Hi!^^
  6. [11:51] SW: oh hi
  7. [11:54] SW: i might be Wrong but didn't We talk last night or something
  8. [11:54] SW: Was i dreaming
  9. [11:54] AR: ^^We did! For a bit....^^
  10. [11:54] SW: oh okay so i'm not crazy
  11. [11:54] AR: ^^But yes! Hello! Um.. I just wanted to tell you I'm a fan^^
  12. [11:54] AR: ^^Of your comic!!^^
  13. [11:54] SW: Wha
  14. [11:54] SW: really?
  15. [12:01] AR: ^^Yes! ^^
  16. [12:01] AR: ^^It's really funny, actually.^^
  17. [12:01] SW: man WoW i
  18. [12:01] SW: the last time someone
  19. [12:02] SW: they hated it lol
  20. [12:04] AR: ^^What? D:^^
  21. [12:05] SW: that Was rather inappropes on my part though but Whatever
  22. [12:05] SW: social etiquette is not my forté
  23. [12:06] SW: but anyWay i'm really glad you like my shit
  24. [12:06] SW: really like it?
  25. [12:08] AR: ^^Yes! It's hilarious!^^
  26. [12:09] AR: ^^Umm... I was wondering what inspired you to do it?^^
  27. [12:09] SW: oh thank fuck haha
  28. [12:09] SW: Well actually uh
  29. [12:09] SW: i'm not very good With
  30. [12:09] SW: Wait Why am i telling you this you're just going to use it against me or some shit
  31. [12:11] AR: ^^Uhh... No? ^^
  32. [12:11] AR: ^^Why would I?^^
  33. [12:11] SW: aren't you just itching for any opportunity to make fun of me?
  34. [12:14] AR: ^^Nope.^^
  35. [12:15] AR: ^^I don't see any reason why!^^
  36. [12:15] SW: because i'm a ~*loWblood*~, eh
  37. [12:21] AR: ^^Oh, well... ^^
  38. [12:21] AR: ^^So? ^^
  39. [12:21] AR: ^^I think that's amazing, actually! Um...^^
  40. [12:22] SW: you think it's amazing?
  41. [12:22] SW: is there something Wrong With you?
  42. [12:23] AR: ^^I really REALLY like land dwellers, honestly!^^
  43. [12:25] SW: and you're sure there's nothing Wrong With you
  44. [12:28] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] changed their mood to ECSTATIC --
  45. [12:29] AR: ^^I'm pretty sure!^^
  46. [12:29] AR: ^^I mean, not everyone agrees with that, but... Oh well! ^^
  47. [12:29] SW: aren't you a saint, eh
  48. [12:34] AR: ^^Sure? But I don't see the problem, really.^^
  49. [12:34] AR: ^^I think everyone's just too uptight.^^
  50. [12:35] SW: no kidding
  51. [12:35] AR: ^^Anyways,^^
  52. [12:35] AR: ^^So, what's your answer? ^^
  53. [12:36] SW: oh right you asked me a question
  54. [12:36] SW: shit sorry i'm
  55. [12:37] SW: really bad at social interaction With other trolls i
  56. [12:37] SW: get tongue-tied a lot
  57. [12:37] SW: and make myself look like a jackass so
  58. [12:37] SW: When... i Write my Webcomic i can take as long as i need to
  59. [12:37] SW: to think up
  60. [12:37] SW: things for people to say
  61. [12:38] AR: ^^Aw!^^
  62. [12:38] AR: ^^So, does it take awhile? D: I don't think I could ever do that!!^^
  63. [12:38] SW: no it's
  64. [12:38] SW: Well even though i'm really bad at art i can generally draW it pretty fast
  65. [12:39] SW: ....Would you Want me to draW you?
  66. [12:39] SW: i can do that
  67. [12:39] AR: ^^Really?!^^
  68. [12:39] AR: ^^That would be AMAZING!^^
  69. [12:47] SW: it'd be no problem really
  70. [12:47] SW: i mean as long as you promise not to come after me or anything haha
  71. [12:48] AR: ^^Why would I? D: ^^
  72. [12:59] SW: nevermind
  73. [12:59] SW: i don't Wanna talk about it
  74. [12:59] SW: but yeah if you Wanna send me a picture i can get started
  75. [01:02] AR: ^^Oh, um! Sure!^^
  76. [01:02] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] sends file ihopethisisok.jpg --
  77. [01:03] SW: yeah that's
  78. [01:03] SW: perfect
  79. [01:03] SW: i'll get on it right aWay
  80. [01:03] SW: actually um What's
  81. [01:03] SW: your name
  82. [01:06] AR: ^^Oh, sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. ^^
  83. [01:08] AR: ^^Aeirol Birost!^^
  84. [01:10] SW: lespri trepen
  85. [01:10] AR: ^^Nice to meet YOU!^^
  86. [01:11] SW: yeah man really nice to meet you too
  87. [01:12] SW: i don't often get uh
  88. [01:12] SW: fans i guess, eh
  89. [01:21] AR: ^^Does that mean I'm your number one FAN?^^
  90. [01:21] SW: o-oh
  91. [01:21] SW: do you Want to be
  92. [01:23] AR: ^^Oh GOSH!^^
  93. [01:23] AR: ^^Yes, of COURSE!^^
  94. [01:25] SW: WoW this is
  95. [01:25] SW: really neat
  96. [01:25] SW: actually
  97. [01:25] SW: oh
  98. [01:30] AR: ^^What's wrong? D:^^
  99. [01:30] -- staircaseWit [SW] has sent the file 'aeircute.jpg' --
  100. [01:30] SW: oh fuck
  101. [01:32] AR: ^^Oh! ^^
  102. [01:32] AR: ^^Cute?^^
  103. [01:32] SW: u-uh
  104. [01:32] SW: th-that Was an
  105. [01:32] SW: accident
  106. [01:33] SW: i meant to change the
  107. [01:33] SW: filename...
  108. [01:35] AR: ^^Do you think I'm CUTE?^^
  109. [01:37] SW: m-maybe...
  110. [01:37] AR: ^^Oh! Wait!^^
  111. [01:37] AR: ^^Really? :O^^
  112. [01:37] AR: ^^This is really EXCITING^^
  113. [01:37] AR: ^^A land dweller thinks I'm CUTE?^^
  114. [01:38] AR: ^^That's such an HONOR!^^
  115. [01:38] SW: o-oh god don't draW attention to it
  116. [01:38] SW: no i
  117. [01:41] AR: ^^What? No, this is EXCITING!^^
  118. [01:41] AR: ^^I've never really had a land dweller who wanted to speak to me so personally and GOSH!^^
  119. [01:42] SW: n-no stop i'm
  120. [01:46] SW: blushing. i'm blushing. WoW.
  121. [01:50] AR: ^^Hehehehehe^^
  122. [01:50] AR: ^^That's so CUTE!^^
  123. [01:50] AR: ^^Look! We're both CUTE!^^
  124. [01:50] AR: ^^Wow, sorry if I'm annoying you!^^
  125. [01:50] AR: ^^Maybe I should go.^^
  126. [01:52] SW: n-no you're not at all i just
  127. [01:52] SW: this is bizarre
  128. [01:54] AR: ^^Bizarre sounds bad.^^
  129. [01:55] SW: no it's not bad i'm just
  130. [01:55] SW: not used t-to the attention
  131. [01:59] AR: ^^Ohhh.. ^^
  132. [02:04] SW: this is Why i Write a Webcomic i'm s-so bad With social interaction When it comes to this
  133. [02:06] AR: ^^Oh well maybe we should meet up!!^^
  134. [02:09] SW: uh
  135. [02:09] SW: you'd
  136. [02:09] SW: really Want to do that?
  137. [02:09] SW: i mean Wouldn't that be like
  138. [02:09] SW: bad?
  139. [02:12] AR: ^^Why would that be bad? :O^^
  140. [02:13] SW: doesn't your type generally discourage uh
  141. [02:13] SW: interaction With my type
  142. [02:21] AR: ^^What? Well, I mean, sometimes, but...^^
  143. [02:21] AR: ^^They're dumb!^^
  144. [02:21] SW: i Wouldn't Want you to get into trouble or anything
  145. [02:21] AR: ^^They're all snobs anyways, and well... Land dwellers are so FASCINATING!^^
  146. [02:21] SW: i guess
  147. [02:23] AR: ^^You really are!!^^
  148. [02:27] AR: ^^Um so let's go meet up!^^
  149. [02:28] SW: What?
  150. [02:28] SW: right noW?
  151. [02:35] AR: ^^Sure!^^
  152. [02:35] AR: ^^I have nothing else to do, so...^^
  153. [02:35] AR: ^^Oh, wait! I hope that didn't come off as rude!!^^
  154. [02:35] SW: oh no i'm used to it anyWay
  155. [02:37] AR: ^^:( Was I rude...?^^
  156. [02:41] SW: no you Weren't i Was
  157. [02:41] SW: j-just
  158. [02:41] SW: saying even if you Were it's
  159. [02:41] SW: okay
  160. [02:41] AR: ^^:( ^^
  161. [02:58] SW: really it's chill you're totally fine
  162. [02:58] SW: Where did you Want to meet up?
  163. [02:58] AR: ^^Alright..^^
  164. [02:58] AR: ^^Oh, ummm.. ^^
  165. [02:59] SW: i mean you can come here but i'm
  166. [02:59] SW: sure compared to your place mine's kinda
  167. [02:59] SW: lacking
  168. [02:59] AR: ^^The beach? :D Well, I would LOVE to get away from the water, honestly.^^
  169. [03:07] SW: Well... sure, come on over then i guess?
  170. [03:07] SW: i have a map
  171. [03:07] SW: d-don't... ask Why
  172. [03:08] -- staircaseWit [SW] has sent the file 'maptomyWayWardhive.jpg' --
  173. [03:09] AR: ^^:O But now I'm curious....^^
  174. [03:16] SW: it's embarrassing...
  175. [03:28] AR: ^^:( ?^^
  176. [03:28] SW: i got lost once okay
  177. [03:31] AR: ^^Oh!!^^
  178. [03:31] AR: ^^That's not a big deal!!^^
  179. [03:38] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] ceased pestering staircaseWit [SW] at 03:38 --
  180. [03:39] -- aquaticRenegade [AR] changed their mood to OFFLINE --
  181. [03:39] -- staircaseWit [SW] changed their mood to PRANKY --
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