

Nov 1st, 2017
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text 1.30 KB | None | 0 0
  1. On chat:
  2. Cancel event
  3. replace all "Fuck" in message with "&c****&7"
  4. replace all "Shit" in message with "&c****&7"
  5. replace all "Crap" in message with "&c****&7"
  6. replace all "Gay" in message with "&c***&7"
  7. replace all "Lesbian" in message with "&c*******&7"
  8. replace all "Dick" in message with "&c****&7"
  9. replace all "Vagina" in message with "&c******"
  10. replace all "Fck" in message with "&c***&7"
  11. replace all "Sucks" in message with "&c*****&7"
  12. replace all "/join" in message with "&c****&7"
  13. replace all "nigga" in message with "&c****&7"
  14. replace all "nigger" in message with "&c******&7"
  15. replace all "fucking" in message with "&c*******&7"
  16. replace all "cancer" in message with "&c******&7"
  17. replace all "u" in message with "you"
  18. replace all "cant" in message with "can't"
  19. replace all "ur" in message with "your"
  20. replace all "afk" in message with "away from keyboard"
  21. replace all "lol" in message with "Laughing Out Loud"
  22. replace all "xd" in message with "xD"
  23. replace all "<3" in message with "&c♥&7"
  24. replace all ":)" in message with "&e☺&7"
  25. replace all ":D" in message with "&e☺&7"
  26. replace all "love" in message with "&c♥&7"
  27. broadcast "&7%player's displayname% &9%{kills.%player%}%&8 » &7%message%"
  29. on connect:
  30. add 0 to {kills.%player%}
  31. add 0 to {deaths.%player%}
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