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- //Program to take an infix expression(ie. (x+y)*3^5) , to convert it into postfix and then to generate its
- //expression tree from postfix expression
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- stack<char> st;
- int getPriority(char x) {
- if (x=='^') { return 3;}
- if(x=='*' or x=='/') { return 2; }
- if(x=='+' or x=='-') { return 1; }
- return 0; //ie. its an operand and not operator
- }
- vector<char> postfix;
- class Node{
- public:
- char data;
- Node* left=NULL;
- Node* right = NULL;
- Node* next=NULL;
- Node(char value) {
- data = value;
- left=NULL;
- right=NULL;
- next=NULL;
- }
- };
- class Stack{
- public:
- Node* head=NULL;
- void push(Node* node) {
- if(head==NULL) { head = node; }
- node->next = head;
- head = node;
- }
- Node* top() {return head; }
- void pop() {
- Node* temp = head;
- head = head->next;
- // delete temp;
- }
- };
- class ExpTree{
- Stack st;
- public:
- Node* root=NULL;
- void createExpTree(vector<char> postfix) {
- for(auto x:postfix) {
- Node* temp = new Node(x);
- cout<<"New node: "<<temp->data<<endl;
- if(getPriority(temp->data)==0) {
- cout<<"Pushing this node to stack"<<endl;
- st.push(temp);
- } else {
- Node* a =;
- cout<<"Right child of this node: "<<a->data<<endl;
- st.pop();
- Node* b =;
- cout<<"Left child of this node: "<<b->data<<endl;
- st.pop();
- temp->right = a;
- temp->left = b;
- cout<<"Now pushing to stack"<<endl;
- st.push(temp);
- }
- }
- root =;
- cout<<"root is "<<root->data<<endl;
- cout<<"left child of root is: "<<root->left->data<<endl;
- st.pop();
- }
- void inorder(Node* node) {
- // cout<<node->data<<endl;
- //// cout<<node->right->data<<endl;
- // return;
- if(node==NULL) { return; }
- inorder(node->left);
- cout<<node->data<<"";
- inorder(node->right);
- }
- void postorder(Node* node) {
- // cout<<node->data<<endl;
- //// cout<<node->right->data<<endl;
- // return;
- if(node==NULL) { return; }
- postorder(node->left);
- postorder(node->right);
- cout<<node->data<<"";
- }
- void preorder(Node *node) {
- if(node==NULL) { return;}
- cout<<node->data<<"";
- preorder(node->left);
- preorder(node->right);
- }
- void evaluatePostorder(string postfix) {
- float answer;
- stack<float> st;
- for(auto x:postfix) {
- cout<<"Char is : "<<x<<endl;
- if(getPriority(x)==0) {
- float y= x-'0';
- st.push(y);
- cout<<"Pushed "<<y<<" into stack";
- } else {
- float a=;
- st.pop();
- float b =;
- cout<<"a: "<<a<<" b: "<<b<<endl;
- st.pop();
- float ans=0;
- if(x=='+') { ans = a+b; }
- if(x=='-') {ans = b-a; }
- if(x=='*') { ans = a*b; }
- if(x=='/') { ans = b/a; }
- if(x=='^') { ans = pow(b,a); }
- cout<<"After performing required operation: "<<ans<<endl;
- st.push(ans);
- }
- }
- cout<<"ans is: "<< <<endl;
- }
- };
- /**
- LOGIC---
- 1) If char c is '('- push it in the stack
- 2) If char c is ')'- keep on popping elements and inserting them into the postfix
- expression till the time ( is encountered
- 3) If char c is of higher priority- just insert it in stack, otherwise pop and insert the elements into the postfix
- expression till the time is of lower priority
- 4) Finally, pop and insert all the remaining elements of stack into the postfix expression
- */
- int main() {
- string infix;
- cin>>infix;
- for(char x:infix) {
- if(x=='(') {
- st.push('(');
- }
- else if(x==')') {
- while(!='(') {
- postfix.push_back(;
- st.pop();
- }
- st.pop();
- } else {
- //Is either a operand or operator
- //if operand just push it
- if(getPriority(x)==0) {
- postfix.push_back(x);
- } else {
- while(st.empty()==false && getPriority(>getPriority(x)) {
- //Till the time we have higher priority elements in stack, just pop them and add them to postfix vector
- postfix.push_back(;
- st.pop();
- }
- st.push(x);
- }
- }
- }
- //Now add all the remaining elements of stack into postfix expression
- while(st.empty()==false) { postfix.push_back(; st.pop(); }
- //Now print the result
- string post="";
- for(auto x:postfix) { cout<<x<<"";post+=x; }
- //Now generate expression tree corresponding to it
- ExpTree tree;
- tree.createExpTree(postfix);
- cout<<"Inorder: ";
- tree.inorder(tree.root);
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Postorder: ";
- tree.postorder(tree.root);
- cout<<endl;
- cout<<"Preorder: ";
- tree.preorder(tree.root);
- tree.evaluatePostorder(post);
- }
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