

Jul 25th, 2024
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JSON 1.27 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. was slain by Slime;
  2. was shot by Spectral Arrow;
  3. was slain by Spider;
  4. was shot by Stray;
  5. was shot by Stray using <item>;
  6. was slain by Stray;
  7. was slain by Stray using <item>;
  8. was blown up by Stray using <item>;
  9. was killed trying to hurt Stray;
  10. was killed by <item> trying to hurt Stray;
  11. was slain by Trader Llama;
  12. was impaled by Trident;
  13. was fireballed by Trident;
  14. was slain by Vex;
  15. was killed trying to hurt Villager;
  16. was slain by Vindicator;
  17. was slain by Warden;
  18. was obliterated by a sonically-charged shriek;
  19. was killed by Witch using magic;
  20. was shot by a skull from Wither;
  21. was slain by Wither Skeleton;
  22. was slain by Wither Skeleton using <item>;
  23. was killed trying to hurt Wither Skeleton;
  24. was killed by <item> trying to hurt Wither Skeleton;
  25. was slain by Wolf;
  26. was slain by Zoglin;
  27. was slain by Zombie;
  28. was slain by Zombie using <item>;
  29. was killed trying to hurt Zombie;
  30. was killed by <item> trying to hurt Zombie;
  31. was slain by Zombie Villager;
  32. was slain by Zombie Villager using <item>;
  33. was killed trying to hurt Zombie Villager;
  34. was killed by <item> trying to hurt Zombie Villager;
  35. was slain by Zombified Piglin;
  36. was slain by Zombified Piglin using <item>;
  37. was killed trying to hurt Zombified Piglin;
  38. was killed by <item> trying to hurt Zombified Piglin;
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