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- #include "Menu.h"
- void Menu::initTextures()
- {
- if (!this->fone_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/fon_def2.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load road texture";
- if (!this->back_texture.loadFromFile("Textures/back.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load back texture";
- this->fone_spr.setTexture(back_texture);
- if (!this->butPlayText.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_play.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butPlayText texture";
- if (!this->butPlayText_active.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_play_activate.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butPlayText_active texture";
- this->butPlay_spr.setTexture(butPlayText);
- if (!this->butSetText.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_set.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butSetText texture";
- if (!this->butSetText_active.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_set_activate.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butSetText_active texture";
- this->butSet_spr.setTexture(butSetText);
- if (!this->butExitText.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_exit.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butExitText texture";
- if (!this->butExitText_active.loadFromFile("Textures/Buttons/but_exit_activate.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load butExitText_active texture";
- this->butExit_spr.setTexture(butExitText);
- if (!this->set_text.loadFromFile("Textures/set.png"))
- std::cout << "Failed to load set_text texture";
- this->set_spr.setTexture(set_text);
- if (!(this->but_bf.loadFromFile("Sounds/but_sound.wav")))
- std::cout << "Failed to load gear sound";
- this->but_s.setBuffer(but_bf);
- this->but_s.setVolume(100);
- }
- //Texture butPlayText;
- //Sprite butPlay_spr;
- //Sprite butPlay_activate_spr;
- //
- //Texture butSetText;
- //Sprite butSet_spr;
- //Sprite butSet_activate_spr;
- //
- //Texture butExitText;
- //Sprite butExit_spr;
- //Sprite butExit_activate_spr;
- void Menu::initVariables()
- {
- this->flag = 0;
- this->timer = 200;
- this->timer = 200;
- this->moveTimerMax = 5.f;
- this->moveTimer = moveTimerMax;
- this->choice = 3;
- music.openFromFile("Sounds/menu.wav");
- music.setLoop(true);
- music.setVolume(30);
- this->soundCooldownMax = 10.f;
- this->soundCooldown = soundCooldownMax;
- }
- void Menu::updateSoundCooldown()
- {
- soundCooldown += 0.5f;
- }
- void Menu::changeMusic()
- {
- if (this->music.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Paused ||
- this->music.getStatus() == SoundSource::Status::Stopped)
- this->;
- else
- this->music.pause();
- }
- void Menu::initPositions()
- {
- this->fone_spr.setPosition(0.f, 0.f);
- this->butPlay_spr.setPosition(1250.f, 455.f);
- this->butSet_spr.setPosition(1250.f, 655.f);
- this->butExit_spr.setPosition(1250.f, 855.f);
- }
- void Menu::getTouches(sf::RenderWindow* window)
- {
- this->moveTimer += 0.5f;
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::W) && canMoveUp())
- {
- this->choice++;
- if (this->choice > 3)
- this->choice = 1;
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::S) && canMoveUp())
- {
- //действия, когда нажали
- this->choice--;
- if (this->choice < 1)
- this->choice = 3;
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Enter))
- {
- //действия, когда нажали
- this->flag = choice;
- if (flag == 3)
- {
- music.stop();
- }
- }
- if (Keyboard::isKeyPressed(Keyboard::G))
- this->changeMusic();
- }
- bool Menu::canMoveUp()
- {
- if (this->moveTimer > moveTimerMax) {
- this->moveTimer = 0.f;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- Menu::Menu()
- {
- this->initTextures();
- this->initPositions();
- this->initVariables();
- }
- void Menu::run(sf::RenderTarget* target, sf::RenderWindow* window)
- {
- this->render(target);
- this->update(window);
- }
- bool Menu::ChangeFon()
- {
- if (timer < 0)
- {
- return true;
- }
- else {
- timer--;
- }
- return false;
- }
- bool Menu::needToStart()
- {
- if (timerAfter < 0)
- {
- return false;///////////////////////////////////////////////
- }
- }
- void Menu::updateFon()
- {
- this->fone_spr.setTexture(fone_texture);
- }
- int Menu::getFlag()
- {
- return flag;
- }
- void Menu::updateButtons()
- {
- butExit_spr.setTexture(butExitText);
- butSet_spr.setTexture(butSetText);
- butPlay_spr.setTexture(butPlayText);
- switch (choice)
- {
- case 3:
- butPlay_spr.setTexture(butPlayText_active);
- break;
- case 2:
- butSet_spr.setTexture(butSetText_active);
- break;
- case 1:
- butExit_spr.setTexture(butExitText_active);
- break;
- }
- }
- void Menu::render(sf::RenderTarget* target)
- {
- target->draw(fone_spr);
- if (ChangeFon())
- {
- if (flag == 2)
- target->draw(set_spr);
- target->draw(butPlay_spr);
- target->draw(butSet_spr);
- target->draw(butExit_spr);
- }
- }
- void Menu::update(sf::RenderWindow* window)
- {
- if (ChangeFon())
- {
- updateSoundCooldown();
- updateFon();
- }
- this->getTouches(window);
- this->updateButtons();
- }
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