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- data Pair a = P (a,a)
- instance Functor Pair where
- fmap f (P (x,y)) = P (f x, f y)
- {-
- 1- fmap id (P (x, y)) = P (id x, id y) = P (x, y)
- 2- fmap f (fmap g (P (x,y))) = fmap f (P (g x, gy)) = P (f (g x), f (g y)) = fmap (f o g) (P (x, y))
- -}
- data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
- instance Functor Tree where
- fmap f Empty = Empty
- fmap f (Branch x l r) = Branch (f x) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
- {-
- 1- fmap id Empty = Empty
- fmap id (Branch x l r) = Branch (id x) (fmap id l) (fmap id r) = Branch x l r
- 2- fmap f (fmap g Empty) = fmap f Empty = Empty = fmap (f o g) Empty
- fmap f (fmap g (Branch x l r)) = fmap f (Branch (g x) (fmap g l) (fmap g r)) =
- = Branch (f (g x)) (fmap f (fmap g l)) (fmap f (fmap g r)) =
- = Branch ((f o g) x) (fmap (f o g) l) (fmap (f o g) r) = fmap (f o g) (Branch x l r)
- -}
- data GenTree a = Gen a [GenTree a]
- instance Functor GenTree where
- fmap f (Gen x xs) = Gen (f x) (map (fmap f) xs)
- {-
- 1- fmap id (Gen x xs) = Gen (id x) (map (fmap id) xs) = Gen x xs
- 2- fmap f (fmap g (Gen x xs)) = fmap f (Gen (g x) (map (fmap g) xs)) =
- = Gen (f (g x)) (map (fmap f) (map (fmap g) xs)) =
- = Gen ((f o g) x) (map (fmap f)) o (map (fmap g)) xs) =
- = Gen ((f o g) x) (map ((fmap f) o (fmap g)) xs) =
- = Gen ((f o g) x) (map (fmap (f o g)) xs) =
- = fmap (f o g) (Gen x xs)
- -}
- data Cont a = C ((a -> Int) -> Int)
- instance Functor Cont where
- fmap f (C g) = C (\f1 -> g (\a -> f1 (f a)))
- {-
- 1- fmap id (C g) = C (\f1 -> g (\a -> f1 (id a))) = C (\f1 -> g (\a -> f1 a)) =
- = C (\f1 -> g f1) = C g
- 2- fmap f (fmap g (C h)) = fmap f (C (\f1 -> h (\a -> f1 (g a)))) =
- = C (\f1 -> (\f1 -> h (\a -> f1 (g a))) (\a -> f1 (f a))) =
- = C (\f1 -> h (\a -> (\a -> f1 (f a)) (g a))) =
- = C (\f1 -> h (\a -> f1 (f (g a)))) = C (\f1 -> h (\a -> f1 ((f o g) a))) =
- = fmap (f o g) (C h)
- -}
- a) fmap id (Func f) = Func id
- Si f != id, functor.1 no se preserva
- b) fmap id (B x (y, z)) = B x (id z, id y) = B x (z, y)
- Si z != y, functor.1 no se preserva
- g :: String -> A Int
- g "x" = Var 1
- g "y" = Res (Var 3) (Var 1)
- g "z" = Mul (Var 2) (Var 2)
- g _ = Num n
- -- Se puede reemplazar n con cualquier entero, por lo que hay infinitas soluciones.
- -- La ecuación de h no tiene soluciones pues no existe forma de reemplazar (Mul _ _) por (Res _ _)
- -- con ninguna función, según las reglas de bind.
- t = IfBoton (\b -> if b then t2 else t)
- t2 = IfBoton (\b -> if b then Beep (t) else t2)
- t1 lee un caracter, lo imprime dos veces y se reproduce de nuevo.
- t2 lee un caracter, lo imprime entre paréntesis y se reproduce de nuevo.
- t3 imprime un paréntesis abierto, lee un caracter, lo imprime junto con un paréntesis cerrado y se reproduce de nuevo.
- t4 lee, y lee, y lee, y sigue leyendo.
- writeChar :: Char -> ES ()
- writeChar = \c -> Write c (Var ())
- readChar :: ES Char
- readChar = Read (\c -> Var c)
- writeStr :: String -> ES()
- writeStr [] = Var ()
- writeStr (x:xs) = (writeChar x) >>= (\_ -> writeStr xs)
- f = readLine. Lee una secuencia de caracteres hasta que se apriete Enter y devuelve una Variable con una lista de los valores leídos.
- instance Monad m => Functor m where
- fmap f a = a >>= (\x -> return (f x))
- {-
- 1- fmap id a =
- = a >>= (\x -> return (id x)) =
- = a >>= (\x -> return x) =
- = a >>= return = a
- 2- fmap f (fmap g a) =
- = fmap f (a >>= (\x -> return (g x))) =
- = (a >>= (\x -> return (g x))) >>= (\x -> return (f x)) =
- = a >>= (\y -> (\x -> return (g x)) y >>= (\x -> return (f x))) =
- = a >>= (\y -> return (g y) >>= (\x -> return (f x))) =
- = a >>= (\y -> return (f (g y))) =
- = a >>= (\y -> return ((f o g) y)) =
- = fmap (f o g) a
- -}
- mapM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
- mapM f [] = return []
- mapM f (x:xs) = (f x) >>= (\hd -> (mapM f xs) >>= (\tl -> return (hd:tl)))
- foldM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
- foldM f base [] = return base
- foldM f base (x:xs) = (f base x) >>= (\a -> foldM f a xs)
- do z <- (do y <- (do x <- m
- h x)
- f y)
- return (g z)
- (y >>= \z -> f z >>= \w -> return (g w z)) >>=
- \x -> (h x 3) >>= \y -> if y then return 7
- else (h x 2) >>= \z -> return (k z)
- do y <- return x
- f y = f x
- do y <- t
- return y = t
- do y <- (do z <- t do z <- t
- f t) y <- f z
- g y = g y
- main :: IO()
- main = putStrLn "Hola mundo!"
- import System.IO
- secreto = 420
- comparar :: Int -> IO()
- comparar num
- | num < secreto = do putStrLn "El numero ingresado es menor al secreto"
- ingreso
- | num > secreto = do putStrLn "El numero ingresado es mayor al secreto"
- ingreso
- | num == secreto = putStrLn "Adivinaste!"
- ingreso::IO()
- ingreso = do putStr "Ingrese un número para adivinar: "
- xs <- getLine
- comparar (read xs)
- main::IO()
- main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
- ingreso
- -- Hasta ahora puedo imprimir un tablero #yay
- import System.IO
- type Tablero = ([Int], Int)
- transform :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
- transform base 0 = []
- transform base n = base : (transform (2 * base) (n - base))
- addup :: Int -> [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)]
- addup n [] = [(n, 1)]
- addup n ((a,b):xs) | n == a = ((a, b + 1):xs)
- | n < a = ((n, 1):((a,b):xs))
- | otherwise = ((a,b):(addup n xs))
- tupleSum :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int
- tupleSum [] = 0
- tupleSum ((a,b):xs) = if (mod b 2) == 0 then tupleSum xs
- else a + tupleSum xs
- boardNimsum :: [Int] -> Int
- boardNimsum xs = tupleSum (foldr addup [] (concat (map (transform 1) xs)))
- intToAsterisk :: Int -> String
- intToAsterisk 0 = ""
- intToAsterisk n = "* " ++ intToAsterisk (n - 1)
- imprimirTablero :: Tablero -> IO()
- imprimirTablero ([], _ ) = putStrLn ""
- imprimirTablero ((x:xs),n) = do putStr (show n)
- putStr ".\t"
- putStrLn (intToAsterisk x)
- imprimirTablero (xs, (n + 1))
- main::IO()
- main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
- imprimirTablero ([5,4,7,9,0,0,1], 1)
- import Data.Char
- import System.Environment
- main :: IO ()
- main = do args <- getArgs
- case args of
- [inFile, outFile] -> do xs <- readFile inFile
- writeFile outFile (map toUpper xs)
- _ -> putStrLn "Cantidad errónea de argumentos. Se necesitan dos archivos."
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