
Graph description

Apr 10th, 2015
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  1. The graph description
  3. The graph shows wheat exports from Australia, Canada and European Communicty in six conscecutive years, from 1985 to 1990. As far as Australia is concerned,in 1985 the amount of wheat exported was at the level of 15 tonnes. Then it slightly rose to 16 tonnes in one year. Right afterwards there was a considerable decrease between the next 3 years . However, it remained steady in the following year. As for Canada, in 1985 the volume of export was at the level of 19 tonnes. Then there was a gentle fall, and right after that we can notice a dramatic rise in the next 2 years to reach a peak in 1988. This rise was followed by a rapid decrease in 1989. Finally, we can observe that in 1990 there was another significant growth. As regards the European Community, in 1985 wheat exported was at the level of 17 tonnes. Then it flactuated between the next 3 years. However, it sharply decreased for two consecutive years, and reached a peak in 1990 at the level of 21 tonnes. In conclusion, Canada was the greatest exporter between those years.
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