
Etrian Odyssey IV ShadowModel.dae

Dec 20th, 2018
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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  4. <created>2018-12-20T09:21:58Z</created>
  5. <modified>2018-12-20T09:21:58Z</modified>
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  79. <Name_array id="mesh_0__ctrl_joint_names_array_id" count="1">pPlane1</Name_array>
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  82. <param name="JOINT" type="Name" />
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  113. </controller>
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  115. <library_visual_scenes>
  116. <visual_scene id="vs_ShadowModel_id" name="vs_ShadowModel">
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  129. </instance_controller>
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  132. </library_visual_scenes>
  133. <scene>
  134. <instance_visual_scene url="#vs_ShadowModel_id" />
  135. </scene>
  136. </COLLADA>
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