

Jul 16th, 2019
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  1. PS C:\Github\BlackBox> git pull denis alpha_test
  2. remote: Enumerating objects: 423, done.
  3. remote: Counting objects: 100% (423/423), done.
  4. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (218/218), done.
  5. remote: Total 423 (delta 237), reused 350 (delta 179), pack-reused 0
  6. Receiving objects: 100% (423/423), 29.59 MiB | 333.00 KiB/s, done.
  7. Resolving deltas: 100% (237/237), completed with 12 local objects.
  8. From https://github.com/fromasmtodisasm/BlackBox
  9. * branch alpha_test -> FETCH_HEAD
  10. * [new branch] alpha_test -> denis/alpha_test
  11. Removing src/VertexBuffer.cpp
  12. Removing src/Texture.cpp
  13. Removing src/NewCamera.cpp
  14. Removing src/MatrixTransform.cpp
  15. Removing src/Light.cpp
  16. Auto-merging src/Engine/World.cpp
  17. Auto-merging src/Engine/Window/CSFMLWindow.cpp
  18. Auto-merging src/Engine/Scene.cpp
  19. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/Engine/Scene.cpp
  20. Auto-merging src/Engine/Render/Material.cpp
  21. Auto-merging src/Engine/Game/GameGUI.cpp
  22. Auto-merging src/Engine/Game/CGame.cpp
  23. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/Engine/Game/CGame.cpp
  24. Auto-merging src/CMakeLists.txt
  25. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/CMakeLists.txt
  26. Auto-merging res/shaders/texturedphong.frag
  27. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in res/shaders/texturedphong.frag
  28. Auto-merging res/scenes/default.xml
  29. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in res/scenes/default.xml
  30. Auto-merging res/materials/default.xml
  31. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in res/materials/default.xml
  32. Removing res/images/cross.png
  33. Removing include/BlackBox/VertexBuffer.hpp
  34. Removing include/BlackBox/Texture.hpp
  35. Auto-merging .gitmodules
  36. CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in .gitmodules
  37. Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
  38. PS C:\Github\BlackBox> git branch
  39. develop
  40. experiment
  41. master
  42. * normal_mapping
  43. PS C:\Github\BlackBox> git log
  44. commit 41810dc891dd08ef07032c2f45f1f05c50e30ab4 (HEAD -> normal_mapping, denis/normal_mapping)
  45. Author: hackman <chiappa24@gmail.com>
  46. Date: Sun May 26 20:23:46 2019 +0300
  48. Added assimp submodule
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