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- // Get the user selection
- const selection = window.getSelection();
- // Get the array of selected elements
- const selectedElements = getSelectedElements(document);
- // Add a class to each selected element
- selectedElements.forEach(element => element.classList.add("highlighted"));
- // Define the getSelectedElements function using TreeWalker
- function getSelectedElements(doc) {
- const selectedElements = [];
- const selection = doc.defaultView.getSelection();
- let nodeRange = doc.createRange();
- // Hack for browsers without getRangeAt
- if (!selection.getRangeAt) {
- selection.getRangeAt = i => {
- const range = doc.createRange();
- if (i || !selection.anchorNode) return range;
- range.setStart(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset);
- range.setEnd(selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset);
- return range;
- };
- selection.rangeCount = 1;
- }
- for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; ++i) {
- const selectedRange = selection.getRangeAt(i);
- const containerNode = selectedRange.commonAncestorContainer;
- // Create a TreeWalker object with the container node as the root
- const treeWalker = doc.createTreeWalker(
- containerNode,
- NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
- node => NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT,
- false
- );
- // Loop through the nodes in the TreeWalker and check if they are in the selected range
- let node;
- while ((node = treeWalker.nextNode())) {
- nodeRange.selectNodeContents(node);
- if (
- nodeRange.compareBoundaryPoints(selectedRange.END_TO_START, selectedRange) < 1 &&
- nodeRange.compareBoundaryPoints(selectedRange.START_TO_END, selectedRange) > -1
- ) {
- selectedElements.push(node);
- }
- }
- }
- // Detach the node range to avoid memory leaks
- nodeRange.detach();
- // Return the array of selected elements
- return selectedElements;
- }
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