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- //--------------------------//
- //NWNX System Data 2 //
- //Nwscript function library //
- //Written by Terra_777 //
- //--------------------------//
- //Do *NOT* change BUFFER!
- const string BUFFER = " |";
- //Internal function used in nwnx_sysdata
- string NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( string sRequest, string sParameters, object oObject = OBJECT_INVALID );
- //Returns TRUE if system data is responding
- int NWNX_GetSystemDataAlive( );
- //Returns the current second
- //UNIX timestap style
- //Returns a smaller variant if nShorten = TRUE
- int NWNX_GetCurrentSecond( int nShorten = TRUE );
- //Returns the time the server has been running in seconds
- int NWNX_GetRunTime( );
- //Returns the desired intiger from sFile under sSection with sKey
- //If non is found it returns nDefault
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- int NWNX_ReadIntFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nDefault, string sFile );
- //Returns the desired string from sFile under sSection with sKey
- //If non is found it returns nDefault
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- string NWNX_ReadStringFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, string sDefault, string sFile );
- //Returns the desired float from sFile under sSection with sKey
- //If non is found it returns nDefault
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- float NWNX_ReadFloatFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, float fValue, string sFile );
- //Returns the desired boolean from sFile under sSection with sKey
- //If non is found it returns nDefault
- //Note: Valid boolean types: 1/0 yes/no true/false
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- int NWNX_ReadBooleanFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nDefault, string sFile );
- //Writes or changes an existing intiger in sFile
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- void NWNX_WriteIntToINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nValue, string sFile );
- //Writes or changes an existing string in sFile
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- void NWNX_WriteStringToINI( string sSection, string sKey, string sValue, string sFile );
- //Writes or changes an existing float in sFile
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- void NWNX_WriteFloatToINI( string sSection, string sKey, float fValue, string sFile );
- //Writes or changes an existing boolean in sFile
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- void NWNX_WriteBooleanToINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nValue, string sFile );
- //This function calls strftime( char * format ) via system data 2
- //Definition on how to use this function can be found here:
- //
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //nUnix represents which timestamp "STRFTIME" should use to generate the timestring
- //is nUnix = 0 it'll take the current time
- string NWNX_RealLifeClock( string sParameterString, int nUnix = 0 );
- //Preforms a system command (aka CMD command)
- //Definition can be found here:
- //
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //WARNING! Some commands may freeze nwserver.exe until they're executed
- //meaning executing commands such as "cmd" will cause the thread running
- //nwserver.exe to freeze until the new window is terminated!
- int NWNX_System( string sParameters );
- //Returns a system environment string variable
- //This function returns system environment variables
- //see:
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- string NWNX_GetEnvironmentString( string sName );
- //Converts the first character in cChar to its respective ascii number
- int NWNX_CharToInt( string cChar );
- //Turns each of nData to their respecive ascii signs and puts them togheter
- //Example: 72 69 76 76 79 = "HELLO"
- string NWNX_IntToChar( int nData1, int nData2 = -1, int nData3 = -1, int nData4 = -1, int nData5 = -1 );
- //Returns the first matching file with sPath
- //Example C:/*.* will return the first file in C:
- //Example C:/*.jpg will return the first .jpg
- //Example C:/Bo.* returns the first file with the filename "Bo"
- //etc
- //Returns "0" on failure
- //Sets the filehandle to the first file specified
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- string NWNX_GetFirstFile( string sPath );
- //Returns the next file according to the specifics of GetFirstFile()
- //Returns "0" on failure or there is no more files to show
- //Sets the filehandle to the next file specified
- string NWNX_GetNextFile( );
- //Returns a unixstyle timestamp instead of a human readable
- //GetSetFilehandle() GetFirst/NextFile() can be used to set the filehandle
- //to determin which file to read off
- //TIMETYPE = 1 for creation time
- //TIMETYPE = 2 for last accessed time
- //TIMETYPE = 3 for last write time
- int NWNX_GetTimeStampFromFile( int TIMETYPE, string sFile );
- //Delets s filename
- //sFile should be in "c:/folder/folder/file.extention" formatting
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //Returns true on success false otherwise
- int NWNX_DeleteFile( string sFile );
- //File copy
- //sOrginalFile and sNewFile should be in "c:/folder/folder/file.extention" formatting
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //Returns true on success false otherwise
- int NWNX_CopyFile( string sOrginalFile, string sNewFile, int bAllowOverWriting = FALSE );
- //File moving
- //sOrginalFile and sNewFile should be in "c:/folder/folder/file.extention" formatting
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //Returns true on success false otherwise
- int NWNX_MoveFile( string sOrginalFile, string sNewFile, int bAllowOverWriting = FALSE );
- //File renaming
- //sFile and sNewFileName should be in "c:/folder/folder/file.extention" formatting
- //Note: the parameters may not be more then 255 characters long
- //Returns true on success false otherwise
- int NWNX_RenameFile( string sFile, string sNewFileName );
- //Strips path from a fillfile path
- //Example: "c:/folder/folder/file.extention" = "file.extention"
- //nGetName = TRUE and it returns: "file.extention"
- //nGetName = FALSE and it returns: "c:/folder/folder/"
- string NWNX_StripFilePath( string sFullFilePath, int nGetName = TRUE );
- //Writes sData to sFile and breaks to the next line afterwards if nNextLine = true
- int NWNX_WriteStringToTextFile( string sFile, string sData, int nNextLine = TRUE );
- //Reads the entire content of sFile and returns as a string
- //Suggest not using this on non textfiles or overly long ones, nwn strings has a limit.
- string NWNX_ReadStringFromTextFile( string sFile );
- //Sets oObjects gold worth to nValue
- //Returns TRUE on success
- int NWNX_SetGoldPieceValue( object oObject, int nValue );
- //Get the filesize of sFile
- int NWNX_GetFileSize( string sFile );
- //Returns the latest matching file with sPath
- //Example C:/*.* will return the first file in C:
- //Example C:/*.jpg will return the first .jpg
- //Example C:/Bo.* returns the first file with the filename "Bo"
- //Returns "0" on failure
- string NWNX_GetLatestUsedFile( string sPath );
- //Returns true if sFile exists
- //Should be absorlute path
- //IE c:/blabla/blabla/myfile.extention
- int NWNX_GetFileExists( string sFile );
- //Kill sProcess
- void NWNX_TerminateProcess( string sReturn );
- //Temporary dummy wrappers:
- int GetServerRunTime( ){
- return NWNX_GetRunTime( );
- }
- int ReadBooleanFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nDefault, string sFile ){
- return NWNX_ReadBooleanFromINI( sSection, sKey, nDefault, sFile );
- }
- int GetCurrentSecond( int nShorten = TRUE ){
- return NWNX_GetCurrentSecond( nShorten );
- }
- int NWNX_GetFileExists( string sFile ){
- return NWNX_StripFilePath( sFile ) == NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETFILEEXISTS", ";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- string NWNX_GetLatestUsedFile( string sPath ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETLASTUSEDFILE", ";"+sPath+";" );
- }
- void NWNX_TerminateProcess( string sProcess ){
- NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "TERMINATE", ";"+sProcess+";" );
- }
- int NWNX_SetGoldPieceValue( object oObject, int nValue ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "SETVALUE", ";"+IntToString( nValue )+";" ,oObject ) );
- }
- int NWNX_WriteStringToTextFile( string sFile, string sData, int nNextLine = TRUE ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "WRITETOTEXTFILE", ";"+sFile+";"+sData+";"+IntToString( nNextLine )+";" ) );
- }
- string NWNX_ReadStringFromTextFile( string sFile ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "READFROMTEXTFILE", ";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- string NWNX_StripFilePath( string sFullFilePath, int nGetName = TRUE ){
- int nPrev = 0, nNext = FindSubString( sFullFilePath, "/", nPrev );
- while( nNext != -1 ){
- nPrev = nNext;
- nNext = FindSubString( sFullFilePath, "/", nPrev+1 );
- }
- if( nGetName )
- return GetStringRight( sFullFilePath, GetStringLength( sFullFilePath ) - nPrev - 1 );
- return GetStringLeft( sFullFilePath, nPrev );
- }
- int NWNX_DeleteFile( string sFile ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "DELETEFILE", ";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_CopyFile( string sOrginalFile, string sNewFile, int bAllowOverWriting = FALSE ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "COPYFILE", ";"+sOrginalFile+";"+sNewFile+";"+IntToString( bAllowOverWriting )+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_MoveFile( string sOrginalFile, string sNewFile, int bAllowOverWriting = FALSE ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "MOVEFILE", ";"+sOrginalFile+";"+sNewFile+";"+IntToString( bAllowOverWriting )+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_RenameFile( string sFile, string sNewFileName ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "RENAMEFILE", ";"+sFile+";"+sNewFileName+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_GetTimeStampFromFile( int TIMETYPE, string sFile ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETFILEUNIX", ";"+IntToString( TIMETYPE )+";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_GetFileSize( string sFile ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETFILESIZE", ";"+IntToString( 1 )+";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- string NWNX_GetNextFile( ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETNEXTFILE", ";;" );
- }
- string NWNX_GetFirstFile( string sPath ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETFIRSTFILE", ";"+sPath+";" );
- }
- string NWNX_IntToChar( int nData1, int nData2 = -1, int nData3 = -1, int nData4 = -1, int nData5 = -1 ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "INTTOASCII", ";"+IntToString( nData1 )+";"+IntToString( nData2 )+";"+IntToString( nData3 )+";"+IntToString( nData4 )+";"+IntToString( nData5 )+";" );
- }
- int NWNX_CharToInt( string cChar ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "ASCIITOINT", ";"+cChar+";" ) );
- }
- string NWNX_GetEnvironmentString( string sName ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETENV", ";"+sName+";" );
- }
- int NWNX_System( string sParameters ){
- if( !StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "SYSTEM", ";"+sParameters+";" ) ) )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- string NWNX_RealLifeClock( string sParameterString, int nUnix = 0 ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "STRFTIME", ";"+sParameterString+";"+IntToString( nUnix )+";" );
- }
- void NWNX_WriteBooleanToINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nValue, string sFile ){
- if( nValue != TRUE && nValue != FALSE )
- nValue = FALSE;
- NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "WRITEINIBOOL", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+IntToString( nValue )+";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- int NWNX_ReadBooleanFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nDefault, string sFile ){
- if( nDefault != TRUE && nDefault != FALSE )
- nDefault = FALSE;
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "READINIBOOL", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+IntToString( nDefault )+";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- void NWNX_WriteFloatToINI( string sSection, string sKey, float fValue, string sFile ){
- NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "WRITEINIFLOAT", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+FloatToString( fValue, 0, 2 )+";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- float NWNX_ReadFloatFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, float fValue, string sFile ){
- return StringToFloat( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "READINIFLOAT", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+FloatToString( fValue, 0, 2 )+";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- void NWNX_WriteStringToINI( string sSection, string sKey, string sValue, string sFile ){
- NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "WRITEINISTRING", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+sValue+";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- string NWNX_ReadStringFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, string sDefault, string sFile ){
- return NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "READINISTRING", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+sDefault+";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- void NWNX_WriteIntToINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nValue, string sFile ){
- NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "WRITEINIINT", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+IntToString( nValue )+";"+sFile+";" );
- }
- int NWNX_ReadIntFromINI( string sSection, string sKey, int nDefault, string sFile ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "READINIINT", ";"+sSection+";"+sKey+";"+IntToString( nDefault )+";"+sFile+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_GetSystemDataAlive( ){
- if( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "CHECK", ";1;2;3;4;5;" ) == "12345" )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- int NWNX_GetCurrentSecond( int nShorten = TRUE ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "TIME", ";"+IntToString( nShorten )+";" ) );
- }
- int NWNX_GetRunTime( ){
- return StringToInt( NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( "GETRUNTIME", ";;" ) );
- }
- string NWNX_DoSystemDataCall( string sRequest, string sParameters, object oObject = OBJECT_INVALID ){
- if( !GetIsObjectValid( oObject ) )
- oObject = GetModule();
- SetLocalString( oObject, "NWNX!SYSTEMDATA2!"+sRequest, sParameters+BUFFER );
- string sReturn = GetLocalString( oObject, "NWNX!SYSTEMDATA2!"+sRequest );
- DeleteLocalString( oObject, "NWNX!SYSTEMDATA2!"+sRequest );
- return GetSubString( sReturn, 0, FindSubString( sReturn, "|" , 0 ) );
- }
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