
chat bypass

Nov 26th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. local function showNotification()
  2. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
  3. Title = "Chat bypass loaded",
  4. Text = "Bdokkx Chat Bypass Loaded",
  5. Icon = "rbxassetid://1234567890",
  6. Duration = 5
  7. })
  8. end
  9. showNotification()
  10. local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function() return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...) local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v30) if (v1(v30,2)==81) then local v90=0;while true do if (v90==0) then v19=v0(v3(v30,1,1));return "";end end else local v91=0;local v92;while true do if (v91==0) then v92=v2(v0(v30,16));if v19 then local v123=v5(v92,v19);v19=nil;return v123;else return v92;end break;end end end end);local function v20(v31,v32,v33) if v33 then local v93=(v31/((5 -3)^(v32-(2 -1))))%((3 -(1 + 0))^(((v33-(2 -1)) -(v32-(878 -(282 + 595)))) + 1)) ;return v93-(v93%1) ;else local v94=619 -((2192 -(1523 + 114)) + 64) ;local v95;while true do if (v94==0) then v95=((839 + 94) -((1221 -364) + (1139 -(68 + 997))))^(v32-(569 -(367 + 201))) ;return (((v31%(v95 + v95))>=v95) and (928 -(214 + 713))) or (0 + 0) ;end end end end local function v21() local v34=1270 -(226 + 1044) ;local v35;while true do if (1==v34) then return v35;end if (v34==(0 + 0)) then v35=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;v34=4 -(960 -(892 + 65)) ;end end end local function v22() local v36,v37=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2 );v18=v18 + (4 -2) ;return (v37 * (472 -216)) + v36 ;end local function v23() local v38=0 -0 ;local v39;local v40;local v41;local v42;while true do if (((944 -593) -((157 -70) + 263))==v38) then return (v42 * (16777396 -(67 + 113))) + (v41 * (48056 + 17480)) + (v40 * (628 -(271 + 101))) + v39 ;end if (v38==(0 + 0)) then v39,v40,v41,v42=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 3 );v18=v18 + (15 -11) ;v38=953 -(802 + (1147 -(915 + 82))) ;end end end local function v24() local v43=0 -0 ;local v44;local v45;local v46;local v47;local v48;local v49;while true do if (v43==((0 -0) -0)) then v44=v23();v45=v23();v43=1 + 0 ;end if (v43==((2 + 0) -0)) then v48=v20(v45,1208 -(1069 + 118) ,113 -82 );v49=((v20(v45,72 -40 )==(860 -(814 + 45))) and -(1 -0)) or (1 + (0 -0)) ;v43=1 + 2 ;end if ((2 + 1 + 0)==v43) then if (v48==(0 -0)) then if (v47==((1413 -(447 + 966)) -0)) then return v49 * (0 + 0 + 0) ;else local v124=791 -((1007 -639) + 423) ;while true do if (v124==(0 -(1817 -(1703 + 114)))) then v48=(704 -(376 + 325)) -2 ;v46=18 -(10 + 8) ;break;end end end elseif (v48==2047) then return ((v47==(0 -0)) and (v49 * ((443 -(416 + 26))/((0 -0) -0)))) or (v49 * NaN) ;end return v8(v49,v48-(440 + 583) ) * (v46 + (v47/((3 -1)^(490 -(145 + 293))))) ;end if (v43==(431 -(44 + (1441 -(87 + 968))))) then v46=1487 -(998 + (1501 -1013)) ;v47=(v20(v45,1 + 0 + 0 ,786 -(745 + 21) ) * ((2 + 0)^(87 -55))) + v44 ;v43=774 -(201 + 571) ;end end end local function v25(v50) local v51;if not v50 then v50=v23();if (v50==(0 -0)) then return "";end end v51=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v50) -(15 -(9 + 5)) );v18=v18 + v50 ;local v52={};for v68=377 -(85 + 291) , #v51 do v52[v68]=v2(v1(v3(v51,v68,v68)));end return v6(v52);end local v26=v23;local function v27(...) return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v28() local v53=(function() return function(v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101,v102,v103,v104) local v105=(function() return 780 -(162 + 618) ;end)();local v96=(function() return;end)();local v97=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v105==(0 + 0)) then local v119=(function() return 0;end)();local v120=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v119==0) then v120=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v120==0) then v96=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();v97=(function() return nil;end)();v120=(function() return 1;end)();end if (v120==1) then v105=(function() return 1 -0 ;end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v105~=(1 + 0)) then else while true do if (v96==(1500 -(1408 + 92))) then v97=(function() return v98();end)();if (v99(v97, #"/", #"\\")~=(1636 -(1373 + 263))) then else local v127=(function() return 1000 -(451 + 549) ;end)();local v128=(function() return;end)();local v129=(function() return;end)();local v130=(function() return;end)();local v131=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v127~=(1288 -(993 + 295))) then else v128=(function() return 0;end)();v129=(function() return nil;end)();v127=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end if (1~=v127) then else local v132=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if ((0 -0)~=v132) then else v130=(function() return nil;end)();v131=(function() return nil;end)();v132=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end if (v132==1) then v127=(function() return 2 -0 ;end)();break;end end end if (v127~=(1 + 1)) then else while true do if (v128~= #"gha") then else if (v99(v130, #"91(", #"-19")~= #".") then else v131[ #"asd1"]=(function() return v100[v131[ #"xnxx"]];end)();end v101[v102]=(function() return v131;end)();break;end if (v128==(1386 -(746 + 638))) then local v135=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v135==1) then v128=(function() return #"gha";end)();break;end if (v135==(0 -0)) then if (v99(v130, #".", #".")== #">") then v131[1 + 1 ]=(function() return v100[v131[343 -(218 + 123) ]];end)();end if (v99(v130,2,1771 -(1749 + 20) )~= #"|") then else v131[ #"xxx"]=(function() return v100[v131[ #"gha"]];end)();end v135=(function() return 1 + 0 ;end)();end end end if ( #":"~=v128) then else local v136=(function() return 1581 -(1535 + 46) ;end)();local v137=(function() return;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v136) then v137=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v137) then v131=(function() return {v103(),v103(),nil,nil};end)();if (v129==(0 -0)) then local v345=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v346=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v345==0) then v346=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v346==(1900 -(106 + 1794))) then v131[ #"-19"]=(function() return v103();end)();v131[ #"asd1"]=(function() return v103();end)();break;end end break;end end elseif (v129== #"[") then v131[ #"19("]=(function() return v104();end)();elseif (v129==(3 -1)) then v131[ #"-19"]=(function() return v104() -(2^(1483 -(899 + 568))) ;end)();elseif (v129== #"xxx") then local v383=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();local v384=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v383==(0 -0)) then v384=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v384~=(0 -0)) then else v131[ #"xnx"]=(function() return v104() -((605 -(268 + 335))^(306 -(60 + 230))) ;end)();v131[ #"0313"]=(function() return v103();end)();break;end end break;end end end v137=(function() return 115 -(4 + 110) ;end)();end if (1~=v137) then else v128=(function() return 574 -(426 + 146) ;end)();break;end end break;end end end if (v128~=0) then else local v138=(function() return 0;end)();while true do if (v138~=(1 + 0)) then else v128=(function() return #"/";end)();break;end if (v138==(1427 -(41 + 1386))) then v129=(function() return v99(v97,2, #"19(");end)();v130=(function() return v99(v97, #"asd1",6);end)();v138=(function() return 104 -(17 + 86) ;end)();end end end end break;end end end break;end end return v96,v97,v98,v99,v100,v101,v102,v103,v104;end end end;end)();local v54=(function() return function(v106,v107,v108) local v109=(function() return 0;end)();local v110=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v109~=0) then else v110=(function() return 0 + 0 ;end)();while true do if (v110==(1456 -(282 + 1174))) then local v125=(function() return 0;end)();local v126=(function() return;end)();while true do if (v125==(0 -0)) then v126=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if (v126==(811 -(569 + 242))) then local v133=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v133) then v106[v107-#" " ]=(function() return v108();end)();return v106,v107,v108;end end end end break;end end end end break;end end end;end)();local v55=(function() return {};end)();local v56=(function() return {};end)();local v57=(function() return {};end)();local v58=(function() return {v55,v56,nil,v57};end)();local v59=(function() return v23();end)();local v60=(function() return {};end)();for v70= #"<",v59 do local v71=(function() return 1024 -(706 + 318) ;end)();local v72=(function() return;end)();local v73=(function() return;end)();while true do if (1~=v71) then else if (v72== #"/") then v73=(function() return v21()~=(1251 -(721 + 530)) ;end)();elseif (v72==(1273 -(945 + 326))) then v73=(function() return v24();end)();elseif (v72== #"xnx") then v73=(function() return v25();end)();end v60[v70]=(function() return v73;end)();break;end if (v71==0) then local v114=(function() return 0 -0 ;end)();while true do if ((0 + 0)==v114) then v72=(function() return v21();end)();v73=(function() return nil;end)();v114=(function() return 1258 -(1043 + 214) ;end)();end if (v114==1) then v71=(function() return 3 -2 ;end)();break;end end end end end v58[ #"nil"]=(function() return v21();end)();for v74= #":",v23() do FlatIdent_5998C,Descriptor,v21,v20,v60,v55,v74,v22,v23=(function() return v53(FlatIdent_5998C,Descriptor,v21,v20,v60,v55,v74,v22,v23);end)();end for v75= #"]",v23() do v56,v75,v28=(function() return v54(v56,v75,v28);end)();end return v58;end local function v29(v62,v63,v64) local v65=v62[(545 + 668) -(323 + 889) ];local v66=v62[5 -3 ];local v67=v62[583 -(361 + 219) ];return function(...) local v76=v65;local v77=v66;local v78=v67;local v79=v27;local v80=321 -(53 + (381 -114)) ;local v81= -1;local v82={};local v83={...};local v84=v12("#",...) -(414 -(15 + 398)) ;local v85={};local v86={};for v111=982 -(18 + 964) ,v84 do if (v111>=v78) then v82[v111-v78 ]=v83[v111 + ((515 -(409 + 103)) -2) ];else v86[v111]=v83[v111 + 1 + 0 ];end end local v87=(v84-v78) + 1 + 0 ;local v88;local v89;while true do local v112=850 -(20 + 830) ;while true do if (((237 -(46 + 190)) + 0)==v112) then if ((1108<1653) and (v89<=34)) then if (v89<=16) then if ((2909>2609) and (v89<=7)) then if (v89<=(129 -(116 + 10))) then if (v89<=1) then if ((757>194) and (v89>(0 + (95 -(51 + 44))))) then local v140=738 -(542 + 196) ;local v141;while true do if (v140==((0 + 0) -0)) then v141=v86[v88[4]];if ( not v141 or (31>=1398)) then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else local v332=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((3196<=4872) and (v332==0)) then v86[v88[2]]=v141;v80=v88[3];break;end end end break;end end else local v142=v88[2 + 1 ];local v143=v86[v142];for v237=v142 + (2 -1) ,v88[9 -5 ] do v143=v143 .. v86[v237] ;end v86[v88[1553 -(1126 + 425) ]]=v143;end elseif (v89==(407 -(118 + 287))) then if not v86[v88[7 -5 ]] then v80=v80 + (1122 -(118 + (2320 -(1114 + 203)))) ;else v80=v88[8 -5 ];end else v86[v88[2]]=v86[v88[380 -(142 + 235) ]][v88[(744 -(228 + 498)) -14 ]];end elseif ((3326==3326) and (v89<=(2 + 1 + 2))) then if (v89>(981 -(553 + 424))) then local v147=0 -0 ;local v148;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v147) then v148=v88[2 + 0 ];v86[v148]=v86[v148](v13(v86,v148 + 1 + 0 ,v88[3]));break;end end else local v149=v77[v88[2 + 0 + 1 ]];local v150;local v151={};v150=v10({},{__index=function(v238,v239) local v240=v151[v239];return v240[1][v240[2 + 0 ]];end,__newindex=function(v241,v242,v243) local v244=0;local v245;while true do if ((1433<=3878) and (v244==(663 -(174 + 489)))) then v245=v151[v242];v245[2 -1 ][v245[5 -3 ]]=v243;break;end end end});for v246=2 -1 ,v88[(1907 -(830 + 1075)) + 2 ] do v80=v80 + (4 -3) ;local v247=v76[v80];if ((v247[754 -(239 + 514) ]==(24 + 42)) or (1583==1735)) then v151[v246-(1330 -(797 + 532)) ]={v86,v247[6 -3 ]};else v151[v246-(1203 -(373 + (1353 -(303 + 221)))) ]={v63,v247[1133 -(369 + 761) ]};end v85[ #v85 + 1 + 0 ]=v151;end v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v29(v149,v150,v64);end elseif ((v89==(10 -(1273 -(231 + 1038)))) or (2981==2350)) then v86[v88[(200 + 40) -(64 + (1336 -(171 + 991))) ]]=v88[3]~=(0 + 0) ;v80=v80 + (4 -3) ;else do return;end end elseif (v89<=((42 -26) -5)) then if ((v89<=(345 -(144 + 192))) or (4466<=493)) then if (v89>8) then if ((v88[218 -(42 + 174) ]==v86[v88[9 -5 ]]) or (2547<=1987)) then v80=v80 + 1 + 0 ;else v80=v88[3];end elseif ((2961>2740) and (v86[v88[2 + 0 + 0 ]]~=v86[v88[2 + 2 ]])) then v80=v80 + (1505 -(363 + 1141)) ;else v80=v88[1583 -(1183 + 397) ];end elseif (v89==(30 -20)) then if (v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]==v88[3 + 1 ]) then v80=v80 + (1976 -(1913 + 62)) ;else v80=v88[2 + 1 ];end else v86[v88[5 -3 ]]=v86[v88[3]][v88[1937 -(565 + 1368) ]];end elseif (v89<=(48 -35)) then if ((3696>=3612) and (v89==12)) then local v156=0;local v157;local v158;local v159;while true do if ((v156==(1662 -(1477 + 184))) or (2970==1878)) then v159=v86[v157 + (2 -0) ];if (v159>(0 + 0)) then if (v158>v86[v157 + (3 -2) ]) then v80=v88[3];else v86[v157 + 3 ]=v158;end elseif (v158<v86[v157 + (857 -(564 + 292)) ]) then v80=v88[8 -5 ];else v86[v157 + 3 ]=v158;end break;end if ((v156==(0 -(0 -0))) or (3693<1977)) then v157=v88[5 -3 ];v158=v86[v157];v156=305 -(244 + 60) ;end end else v86[v88[(6 -4) + 0 ]]=v63[v88[479 -(41 + 435) ]];end elseif (v89<=(1015 -(938 + 63))) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]][v88[1128 -(936 + 189) ]]=v86[v88[2 + (1250 -(111 + 1137)) ]];elseif (v89==(1628 -(1565 + 48))) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]][v88[(1299 -(91 + 67)) -(782 + 356) ]]=v86[v88[4]];else v86[v88[(800 -531) -(176 + 23 + 68) ]]();end elseif ((v89<=25) or (930>2101)) then if (v89<=(52 -32)) then if ((4153>3086) and (v89<=(26 -(531 -(423 + 100))))) then if ((v89>(1109 -(975 + 117))) or (4654<=4050)) then v86[v88[1877 -(157 + 1718) ]]=v86[v88[3 + 0 ]];else local v166=0;local v167;while true do if (v166==(0 -(0 + 0))) then v167=v88[6 -4 ];v86[v167](v86[v167 + (1019 -((1929 -1232) + 321)) ]);break;end end end elseif (v89==((27 + 24) -32)) then v63[v88[3]]=v86[v88[3 -1 ]];else local v170=v88[4 -(773 -(326 + 445)) ];local v171=v86[v88[2 + 1 ]];v86[v170 + (1 -0) ]=v171;v86[v170]=v171[v88[4]];end elseif ((v89<=22) or (2602<1496)) then if (v89>(56 -35)) then local v175=v88[2];local v176={};for v249=(5358 -4130) -(322 + 905) , #v85 do local v250=(1360 -749) -(602 + 9) ;local v251;while true do if (v250==0) then v251=v85[v249];for v333=1189 -(449 + 740) , #v251 do local v334=v251[v333];local v335=v334[873 -(826 + 46) ];local v336=v334[949 -(245 + 702) ];if ((v335==v86) and (v336>=v175)) then local v351=0 -0 ;while true do if (v351==(0 + (0 -0))) then v176[v336]=v335[v336];v334[1899 -(260 + 1638) ]=v176;break;end end end end break;end end end elseif v86[v88[2]] then v80=v80 + (441 -(382 + 58)) ;else v80=v88[9 -6 ];end elseif ((v89<=23) or (1020>2288)) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v88[(716 -(530 + 181)) -2 ];elseif (v89==(71 -47)) then if (v86[v88[2]]~=v86[v88[1209 -(902 + 303) ]]) then v80=v80 + (1 -0) ;else v80=v88[3];end else v86[v88[883 -(614 + 267) ]]={};end elseif (v89<=(69 -40)) then if ((328==328) and (v89<=((35 -(19 + 13)) + 24))) then if (v89>(1716 -(1121 + 569))) then local v179=0 -0 ;local v180;while true do if ((1511<3808) and (v179==(214 -((50 -28) + 192)))) then v180=v86[v88[687 -(483 + 200) ]];if not v180 then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v86[v88[1465 -(1404 + 59) ]]=v180;v80=v88[8 -5 ];end break;end end else local v181=v88[2 -0 ];v86[v181]=v86[v181](v86[v181 + (766 -(468 + 297)) ]);end elseif (v89>28) then local v183=562 -(334 + 228) ;local v184;local v185;local v186;while true do if (v183==(0 -0)) then v184=v88[4 -2 ];v185=v86[v184];v183=1 -(0 -0) ;end if (v183==(1 + 0 + 0)) then v186=v86[v184 + 2 ];if (v186>(236 -(141 + 95))) then if ((v185>v86[v184 + 1 + 0 ]) or (2510>4919)) then v80=v88[7 -4 ];else v86[v184 + (6 -3) ]=v185;end elseif (v185<v86[v184 + 1 + 0 ]) then v80=v88[8 -5 ];else v86[v184 + 3 + 0 ]=v185;end break;end end else v86[v88[2 + (0 -0) ]]=v86[v88[4 -1 ]][v86[v88[4]]];end elseif (v89<=(19 + 12)) then if (v89==(193 -(92 + 71))) then local v189=v88[1 + 1 ];local v190=v86[v189 + (2 -0) ];local v191=v86[v189] + v190 ;v86[v189]=v191;if ((4763==4763) and (v190>(765 -(574 + 191)))) then if (v191<=v86[v189 + 1 + (0 -0) ]) then local v324=0;while true do if (v324==(0 -0)) then v80=v88[3];v86[v189 + 3 ]=v191;break;end end end elseif (v191>=v86[v189 + 1 + 0 ]) then local v325=849 -(254 + 595) ;while true do if (v325==(126 -(55 + 71))) then v80=v88[3 -0 ];v86[v189 + (1793 -(573 + 1217)) ]=v191;break;end end end elseif (v86[v88[5 -3 ]]==v86[v88[1 + 3 ]]) then v80=v80 + (1 -0) ;else v80=v88[942 -(714 + 225) ];end elseif (v89<=(93 -61)) then v86[v88[2]]={};elseif (v89==(45 -12)) then local v277=0 + (1812 -(1293 + 519)) ;local v278;local v279;while true do if ((4137>1848) and (v277==(1 -0))) then for v343=807 -(118 + 688) , #v85 do local v344=v85[v343];for v360=0, #v344 do local v361=48 -(25 + 23) ;local v362;local v363;local v364;while true do if (v361==(1 + (0 -0))) then v364=v362[(4929 -3041) -(927 + 959) ];if ((v363==v86) and (v364>=v278)) then local v380=0 -0 ;while true do if (v380==(732 -(16 + (1369 -653)))) then v279[v364]=v363[v364];v362[1 -0 ]=v279;break;end end end break;end if (v361==(97 -(11 + 86))) then v362=v344[v360];v363=v362[2 -1 ];v361=1;end end end end break;end if (v277==(285 -(175 + 110))) then v278=v88[4 -2 ];v279={};v277=4 -3 ;end end else v86[v88[1798 -(503 + 1293) ]]=v88[(34 -26) -5 ]~=(0 + 0) ;v80=v80 + 1 ;end elseif (v89<=52) then if (v89<=43) then if ((2436<=3134) and (v89<=(1099 -(810 + 251)))) then if (v89<=36) then if ((3723==3723) and (v89==((58 -33) + 10))) then v86[v88[2]]=v64[v88[1 + 2 ]];else local v196=v88[2 + 0 + 0 ];v86[v196]=v86[v196](v13(v86,v196 + (534 -(9 + 34 + 490)) ,v88[3]));end elseif (v89==(85 -48)) then if not v86[v88[735 -(711 + 6 + 16) ]] then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v80=v88[3];end else local v198=0 -0 ;local v199;local v200;while true do if (v198==1) then for v326=v199 + (860 -(240 + 619)) ,v88[1 + 3 ] do v200=v200 .. v86[v326] ;end v86[v88[2 -0 ]]=v200;break;end if ((v198==(0 + 0)) or (4046>=4316)) then v199=v88[1747 -(447 + 897 + 400) ];v200=v86[v199];v198=1 + 0 ;end end end elseif (v89<=(445 -(255 + 150))) then if ((v89==39) or (2008<1929)) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]();else local v201=0;local v202;while true do if (v201==(0 + 0)) then v202=v88[8 -6 ];v86[v202](v13(v86,v202 + (3 -2) ,v88[1099 -(709 + 387) ]));break;end end end elseif (v89<=(1780 -(404 + 1335))) then do return;end elseif (v89==(448 -(183 + (2081 -(673 + 1185))))) then local v282=0 -0 ;local v283;while true do if ((2384>1775) and (v282==(0 + 0))) then v283=v88[1 + (2 -1) ];v86[v283]=v86[v283](v86[v283 + (3 -2) ]);break;end end elseif (v86[v88[339 -(10 + 327) ]] or (4543<=4376)) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v80=v88[(4 -1) + 0 ];end elseif (v89<=(385 -(85 + 33 + 220))) then if ((728==728) and (v89<=(15 + 30))) then if (v89==(493 -(108 + 341))) then local v203=0 + 0 ;local v204;local v205;local v206;while true do if ((v203==((0 + 0) -0)) or (1076>4671)) then v204=v88[1495 -(711 + (1055 -273)) ];v205=v86[v204 + (3 -(1 + 0)) ];v203=470 -(270 + 199) ;end if (v203==(1 + 1)) then if (v205>(1819 -(580 + 1239))) then if (v206<=v86[v204 + (2 -1) ]) then v80=v88[3 + 0 ];v86[v204 + 3 ]=v206;end elseif (v206>=v86[v204 + 1 + 0 ]) then local v367=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v367==(0 -0)) then v80=v88[2 + (1 -0) ];v86[v204 + (1170 -(645 + 522)) ]=v206;break;end end end break;end if ((1851>=378) and (v203==1)) then v206=v86[v204] + v205 ;v86[v204]=v206;v203=2;end end else for v252=v88[1792 -(1010 + 780) ],v88[3 + 0 ] do v86[v252]=nil;end end elseif (v89>((429 -210) -173)) then v63[v88[8 -5 ]]=v86[v88[(3718 -(446 + 1434)) -(1045 + (2074 -(1040 + 243))) ]];elseif (v86[v88[4 -2 ]]==v88[5 -1 ]) then v80=v80 + 1 ;else v80=v88[508 -(351 + 154) ];end elseif ((v89<=(1623 -(1281 + (874 -581)))) or (1948>=3476)) then if (v89==(314 -(28 + (2085 -(559 + 1288))))) then for v254=v88[4 -2 ],v88[1562 -(1381 + 178) ] do v86[v254]=nil;end else v86[v88[2]]=v88[3 + 0 ]~=(0 + 0) ;end elseif (v89<=(22 + 28)) then v86[v88[6 -4 ]]=v86[v88[2 + 1 ]][v86[v88[474 -(381 + 89) ]]];elseif (v89>51) then v80=v88[3 + 0 ];else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v64[v88[4 -1 ]];end elseif (v89<=61) then if ((4794>=833) and (v89<=(1212 -(1074 + 82)))) then if ((4090==4090) and (v89<=(118 -64))) then if (v89>(1837 -((2145 -(609 + 1322)) + 1570))) then local v212=v77[v88[3]];local v213;local v214={};v213=v10({},{__index=function(v256,v257) local v258=1455 -(990 + 465) ;local v259;while true do if (v258==0) then v259=v214[v257];return v259[1 + 0 ][v259[1 + 1 ]];end end end,__newindex=function(v260,v261,v262) local v263=0;local v264;while true do if ((v263==(0 + 0)) or (3758==2498)) then v264=v214[v261];v264[3 -2 ][v264[1728 -(1668 + 58) ]]=v262;break;end end end});for v265=627 -(512 + 114) ,v88[10 -6 ] do v80=v80 + (1 -0) ;local v266=v76[v80];if (v266[3 -2 ]==(520 -(13 + 441))) then v214[v265-(1 + 0) ]={v86,v266[10 -7 ]};else v214[v265-(2 -1) ]={v63,v266[1472 -(1269 + 200) ]};end v85[ #v85 + (1 -0) ]=v214;end v86[v88[817 -(98 + 717) ]]=v29(v212,v213,v64);elseif ((v86[v88[828 -(802 + 24) ]]==v86[v88[6 -2 ]]) or (2673<1575)) then v80=v80 + (1 -0) ;else v80=v88[1 + 2 ];end elseif (v89==55) then do return v86[v88[2 + 0 ]];end else v86[v88[1 + (4 -3) ]]=v88[3];end elseif (v89<=58) then if (v89==57) then v86[v88[1 + 1 ]]=v63[v88[8 -5 ]];else local v220=0;local v221;while true do if (v220==0) then v221=v88[6 -4 ];v86[v221](v13(v86,v221 + 1 ,v88[2 + 1 ]));break;end end end elseif (v89<=(25 + 34)) then local v222=v88[2 + 0 ];local v223=v86[v88[1 + 2 + 0 ]];v86[v222 + 1 + 0 ]=v223;v86[v222]=v223[v88[(5218 -3781) -(797 + 636) ]];elseif (v89==(291 -(83 + 148))) then local v289=1619 -(1427 + 192) ;local v290;while true do if (v289==0) then v290=v88[1 + 1 ];v86[v290](v86[v290 + 1 ]);break;end end else v86[v88[4 -(1 + 1) ]]= #v86[v88[3 + 0 ]];end elseif ((v89<=((89 -59) + 35)) or (3721<=1455)) then if (v89<=(389 -(192 + 134))) then if (v89==(1338 -(316 + 960))) then v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v88[3 + 0 ]~=(0 + 0) ;else v80=v88[3];end elseif ((934<2270) and (v89==(244 -180))) then do return v86[v88[553 -(83 + 468) ]];end else v86[v88[1808 -(1202 + 604) ]][v88[(8 + 5) -10 ]]=v88[4];end elseif ((v89<=(111 -44)) or (1612==1255)) then if (v89>66) then v86[v88[(8 -3) -(2 + 1) ]]= #v86[v88[3]];else v86[v88[2 + 0 ]]=v86[v88[3]];end elseif (v89<=68) then local v234=325 -(45 + 280) ;local v235;while true do if ((v234==(0 + 0 + 0)) or (4352<4206)) then v235=v88[2 + 0 ];do return v13(v86,v235,v235 + v88[2 + 0 + 1 + 0 ] );end break;end end elseif ((v89>(39 + 30)) or (2860<=181)) then if (v88[1 + (434 -(153 + 280)) ]==v86[v88[(17 -11) -2 ]]) then v80=v80 + (1912 -(340 + 1571)) ;else v80=v88[3];end else v86[v88[1 + 1 + 0 ]][v88[1775 -(1733 + 39) ]]=v88[10 -6 ];end v80=v80 + ((409 + 626) -(125 + 909)) ;break;end if (v112==(1948 -(574 + 522 + 852))) then v88=v76[v80];v89=v88[1];v112=1;end end end end;end return v29(v28(),{},v17)(...);end return v15("LOL!473Q00028Q00027Q0040026Q00F03F026Q000840030C3Q00546578744368612Q6E656C73030A3Q0052425847656E6572616C03013Q004103023Q00C3A403013Q00422Q033Q00E1B88503013Q004303023Q00C48B03013Q00442Q033Q00E1B88B03013Q004503023Q00C3AB03013Q00462Q033Q00E1B89F03013Q004703043Q00CCA0C4A103013Q00482Q033Q00E1B8A703013Q004903023Q00C3AF03013Q004A03013Q006A03013Q004B2Q033Q00E1B8B303013Q004C2Q033Q00E1B8B703013Q004D2Q033Q00E1B98103013Q004E2Q033Q00E1B98503013Q004F03023Q00C3B603013Q00502Q033Q00E1B99703013Q005103013Q007103013Q00522Q033Q00E1B99B03013Q00532Q033Q00E1B9A103013Q00542Q033Q00E1BA9703013Q005503023Q00C3BC03013Q00562Q033Q00E1B9BF03013Q00572Q033Q00E1BA8503013Q00582Q033Q00E1BA8D03013Q005903023Q00C3BF03013Q005A03023Q00C5BC030E3Q0046696E6446697273744368696C6403113Q005361794D652Q7361676552657175657374030B3Q004C6F63616C506C61796572030B3Q004368617456657273696F6E03043Q00456E756D03113Q004C65676163794368617453657276696365026Q00144003043Q0067616D65030A3Q004765745365727669636503113Q005265706C69636174656453746F72616765030F3Q0054657874436861745365727669636503073Q00506C6179657273026Q00104000953Q0012173Q00014Q002D0001000C3Q00262E3Q0031000100020004343Q00310001001217000D00013Q00262E000D000A000100030004343Q000A00012Q003E000900013Q0012173Q00043Q0004343Q0031000100262E000D0005000100010004343Q0005000100060200050011000100010004343Q00110001002003000E000200050020030007000E00060004343Q001300012Q002200076Q003E000700014Q0019000E3Q0015003045000E00070008003045000E0009000A003045000E000B000C003045000E000D000E003045000E000F0010003045000E00110012003045000E00130014003045000E00150016003045000E00170018003045000E0019001A003045000E001B001C003045000E001D001E003045000E001F0020003045000E00210022003045000E00230024003045000E00250026003045000E00270028003045000E0029002A003045000E002B002C003045000E002D002E003045000E002F0030003045000E00310032003045000E00330034003045000E00350036003045000E00370038003045000E0039003A2Q00120008000E3Q001217000D00033Q0004343Q0005000100262E3Q004A000100030004343Q004A0001001217000D00013Q00262E000D003D000100030004343Q003D0001002014000E0001003B0012170010003C4Q003E001100014Q0024000E001100022Q00120006000E3Q0012173Q00023Q0004343Q004A0001000E46000100340001000D0004343Q0034000100200300040003003D002003000E0002003E001233000F003F3Q002003000F000F003E002003000F000F0040000608000E00470001000F0004343Q004700012Q002200056Q003E000500013Q001217000D00033Q0004343Q0034000100262E3Q0051000100410004343Q0051000100062B0002009300013Q0004343Q009300012Q0012000D000C4Q0027000D000100010004343Q0093000100262E3Q006B000100010004343Q006B0001001217000D00013Q00262E000D0061000100010004343Q00610001001233000E00423Q002014000E000E0043001217001000444Q0024000E001000022Q00120001000E3Q001233000E00423Q002014000E000E0043001217001000454Q0024000E001000022Q00120002000E3Q001217000D00033Q00262E000D0054000100030004343Q00540001001233000E00423Q002014000E000E0043001217001000464Q0024000E001000022Q00120003000E3Q0012173Q00033Q0004343Q006B00010004343Q0054000100262E3Q007A000100040004343Q007A0001001217000D00013Q00262E000D0073000100030004343Q007300012Q002D000B000B3Q0012173Q00473Q0004343Q007A000100262E000D006E000100010004343Q006E00012Q002D000A000A3Q000604000A3Q000100012Q00423Q00083Q001217000D00033Q0004343Q006E000100262E3Q0002000100470004343Q00020001001217000D00013Q00262E000D0089000100030004343Q00890001000604000C0001000100072Q00423Q00054Q00423Q00044Q00423Q00094Q00423Q00064Q00423Q000A4Q00423Q000B4Q00423Q00023Q0012173Q00413Q0004343Q0002000100262E000D007D000100010004343Q007D0001000604000B0002000100032Q00423Q00054Q00423Q00064Q00423Q00074Q002D000C000C3Q001217000D00033Q0004343Q007D00010004343Q000200012Q00168Q00073Q00013Q00033Q00053Q00028Q00026Q00F03F034Q002Q033Q0073756203053Q00752Q70657201473Q001217000100014Q002D000200023Q001217000300013Q000E4600010003000100030004343Q0003000100262E00010008000100020004343Q000800012Q0037000200023Q00262E00010002000100010004343Q00020001001217000400013Q000E460001003E000100040004343Q003E0001001217000200033Q001217000500024Q004300065Q001217000700023Q00040C0005003D0001001217000900014Q002D000A000C3Q00262E00090036000100020004343Q003600012Q002D000C000C3Q000E460002001D0001000A0004343Q001D00012Q0012000D00024Q0012000E000C6Q0002000D000E0004343Q003C000100262E000A0017000100010004343Q00170001001217000D00013Q00262E000D0024000100020004343Q00240001001217000A00023Q0004343Q0017000100262E000D0020000100010004343Q00200001002014000E3Q00042Q0012001000084Q0012001100084Q0024000E00110002002014000E000E00052Q002A000E000200022Q0012000B000E4Q0039000E6Q001C000E000E000B000601000C00320001000E0004343Q003200012Q0012000C000B3Q001217000D00023Q0004343Q002000010004343Q001700010004343Q003C000100262E00090014000100010004343Q00140001001217000A00014Q002D000B000B3Q001217000900023Q0004343Q0014000100042C000500120001001217000400023Q000E460002000B000100040004343Q000B0001001217000100023Q0004343Q000200010004343Q000B00010004343Q000200010004343Q000300010004343Q000200012Q00073Q00017Q00033Q0003073Q004368612Q74656403073Q00436F2Q6E65637403113Q004F6E496E636F6D696E674D652Q7361676500144Q00397Q00062B3Q000D00013Q0004343Q000D00012Q00393Q00013Q0020035Q0001002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Tags: chat bypass
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