
Logging into Burst Nexus on a Snowy Evening

Dec 2nd, 2013
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  1. Whose forest this is, everyone should know.
  2. His presence is feared by Amalgam, though.
  3. I hope that he doesn't see me stopping here,
  4. Because I haven't leveled up enough, it's way too slow.
  6. My black unicorn must think it queer
  7. To stop without anyone or anything near,
  8. But that rustling in the treetops can't be fake,
  9. I caught and killed the hiding gypsy thief without any fear.
  11. Now I'm level 15, but no time for a break,
  12. Because I have one final challenge left to take.
  13. One-hit KO on Kabuto, put him into eternal sleep.
  14. 388 damage, and I caused a big earthquake.
  16. This forest is lovely, dark, and deep,
  17. But I have 14 levels worth of stats I didn't get to keep
  18. And 20 forest fights to go before I sleep,
  19. And 20 forest fights to go before I sleep.
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