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- <div style="padding-right:5px;">we ate <b>honey</b> and <i>nothing else</i> for many <sub>s u m m e r s</sub>. our <b>throats,</b> coated with <sub><strike>rich syrup,</strike></sub> formed heavy <i>lustrous</i> w o r d s and our <sub><b>skin glowed</sub></b> like our <i>sustenance</i> would in <b>s u n l i g h t.</b> we knew no taste but <sub><i>sweetness</i></sub> - <b>sweet tongues</b> and sweet <sub>e y e s</sub>. we lived on <i>gold;</i> it was <b>only ever</b> <strike>gold.</strike><br><br>
- <center> <i> -̀ calista bordeaux ̖́-</i><br />twenty-four. witch.</center>
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- <div id="toptitle"><main>milk & honey</main><subb>fall in love with your solitude</subb></div>
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