
Saints Row IV Low End PC!

Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. # Display options.
  2. # This file is rewritten whenever options are changed in the menu.
  3. # Toggle values can be true/false or 1/0. Everything else is a number.
  5. ResolutionWidth = 640
  6. ResolutionHeight = 480
  7. RefreshRate = 60
  8. MSAA_Level = 1
  9. Fullscreen = true
  11. # Set Borderless to true to run in window without border or title bar. Note: only used when Fullscreen is set to false
  12. # Set game resolution to desktop resolution for a fullscreen experience without the Alt-Tab headaches.
  13. Borderless = true
  15. # Which monitor should be used in fullscreen mode.
  16. DisplayIndex = 0
  18. # Toggle whether resolution is verified before setting.
  19. # This can be used to run the game at any arbitrary resolution in a window.
  20. # However this will break fullscreen mode and Alt+Enter.
  21. VerifyResolution = true
  23. # Toggle v-sync in fullscreen.
  24. VSync = false
  26. # Preset is a number between 1 and 5 for low, medium, high, ultra-high, and custom.
  27. # Custom allows the rest of the settings below to be edited in the UI.
  28. Preset = 1
  30. # TextureDetailLevel toggles the use of high res textures. Currently ignored.
  31. TextureDetailLevel = 0
  33. # AnisoLevel is usually 0 (for trilinear filtering) or 1 through 16.
  34. AnisoLevel = 0
  36. # Lighting detail can be 1, 2, or 3 for low, high, and ultra-high.
  37. LightingDetail = 1
  39. # SSAO level can be 0, 1, 2 or 3 for off, accumulative SSAO, regular SSAO, and hi-res SSAO.
  40. SSAO_Level = 0
  42. # ShadowDetail is the shadow map resolution. 512, 1024, and 2048 are default options,
  43. # but any power of two will work.
  44. # Zero for no shadows.
  45. ShadowDetail = 0
  47. # Scene detail controls the geometric detail of the scene. 1 through 3 for low, medium, high.
  48. # This includes LODs, view distance, and turning off certain scene elements.
  49. SceneDetail = 1
  51. # Reflections are 0, 1, or 2, for off, low, or high.
  52. Reflections = 0
  54. # MotionBlur can override motion blur off even when post process detail is up.
  55. MotionBlur = false
  57. # PostProcess can be 0, 1, or 2 for off, low, or high.
  58. # HDR bloom and tone mapping, basic DoF, and motion blur all come on at low,
  59. # God rays and diffusion depth of field come on at high.
  60. # DDoF is incompatible with lighting details other than 2.
  61. # If DDoF is enabled, bokeh DoF will come on automatically on DX11 level cards.
  62. PostProcess = 0
  64. # Toggles whether cutscenes are letter-boxed in the center monitor or
  65. # expand to fill all monitors in Eyefinity mode.
  66. LetterboxEyefinity = true
  68. # UIControllerStyle can override the normal UI and lock it to show controller or keyboard inputs.
  69. # 0, 1, or 2 for default behavior, always-keyboard, or always-gamepad.
  70. # Please note that UIControllerStyle = 2 will cause the mouse to always be hidden.
  71. UIControllerStyle = 0
  73. # Extremely low framerate (less than two frames a second) could be due to low video memory.
  74. # * Resolution is the biggest factor in video memory usage.
  75. # * Lighting detail has a major effect on memory usage.
  76. # It effects lighting quality slightly, but turning it to low will also turn off advanced depth of field.
  77. # * At high resolutions, anti-aliasing modes can result in high memory usage.
  78. # * Shadows and Ambient Occlusion have a minor effect on video memory usage.
  80. # Poor frame rate on low-end CPU’s can be aided by the following options.
  81. # * Scene detail has the biggest effect on CPU performance and visuals. The low setting here should be a last resort.
  82. # * Reflections can have an effect if they are turned off.
  83. # * Shadows will improve CPU performance if turned off, but will seriously affect visuals.
  85. # Poor frame rate on low-end GPU’s can be aided by the following options.
  86. # * The presets are geared toward GPU performance. Using auto-detect should choose settings appropriate for your GPU.
  87. # * Resolution and lighting detail have the biggest effect.
  88. # * Post processing has a major effect on GPU performance when set to high.
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