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- import os
- import subprocess
- import tkinter as tk
- from tkinter import messagebox, scrolledtext, filedialog # Include filedialog here
- import requests
- # Paths for media players
- POTPLAYER_PATH = r"C:\Program Files\DAUM\PotPlayer\PotPlayerMini.exe"
- VLC_PATH = r"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"
- def fetch_playlist():
- """Fetch M3U playlist from the provided URL and display it."""
- url = url_entry.get().strip()
- if not url:
- messagebox.showwarning("Input Required", "Please enter a playlist URL.")
- return
- # Clear the results field
- results_field.delete(1.0, tk.END)
- try:
- # Fetch content from the URL
- response = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
- response.raise_for_status() # Raise an error for HTTP errors
- # Check if the response is a valid M3U playlist
- if not response.text.strip().startswith("#EXTM3U"):
- raise ValueError("The fetched file is not a valid M3U playlist.")
- # Display content in the results field
- results_field.insert(tk.END, response.text)
- messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Playlist fetched successfully.")
- except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
- messagebox.showerror("Network Error", f"Failed to fetch the playlist:\n{e}")
- except ValueError as ve:
- messagebox.showerror("Invalid Playlist", str(ve))
- def open_m3u_file():
- """Open an M3U file and display its contents in the results field."""
- file_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(
- filetypes=[("M3U Files", "*.m3u"), ("All Files", "*.*")]
- )
- if file_path:
- try:
- with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- links = file.readlines()
- results_field.delete(1.0, tk.END)
- results_field.insert(tk.END, "".join(links))
- except Exception as e:
- messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to open file: {e}")
- def save_m3u_file():
- """Save the M3U playlist content to a local file."""
- content = results_field.get(1.0, tk.END).strip()
- if not content:
- messagebox.showwarning("No Content", "No playlist content to save.")
- return
- try:
- with open("Channels.m3u", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
- file.write(content)
- messagebox.showinfo("Success", "File saved as Channels.m3u")
- except Exception as e:
- messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to save file:\n{e}")
- def play_selected_link():
- """Play the selected link using the chosen media player."""
- try:
- # Retrieve the selected text
- selected_text = results_field.get(tk.SEL_FIRST, tk.SEL_LAST).strip()
- except tk.TclError:
- messagebox.showwarning("No Selection", "Please select a link to play.")
- return
- if not selected_text.startswith("http"):
- messagebox.showwarning("Invalid Selection", "Please select a valid URL.")
- return
- # Determine the player to use
- player_path = VLC_PATH if player_var.get() == "vlc" else POTPLAYER_PATH
- if not os.path.exists(player_path):
- messagebox.showerror(
- "Player Not Found", f"The selected player is not installed:\n{player_path}"
- )
- return
- try:
- # Use subprocess to launch the player with the selected URL
- subprocess.Popen([player_path, selected_text], shell=False)
- except Exception as e:
- messagebox.showerror("Error", f"Failed to play link: {e}")
- # Create the main Tkinter window
- root = tk.Tk()
- root.title("Najeeb Advanced IPTV URL Player")
- root.geometry("800x600")
- root.configure(bg="#2a2a2a")
- # Create styles
- header_font = ("Arial", 18, "bold")
- button_font = ("Arial", 12)
- text_font = ("Courier", 12)
- bg_color = "#1f1f1f"
- fg_color = "#ffffff"
- button_color = "#5a9bd3"
- highlight_color = "#ff9f43"
- # Header
- header_label = tk.Label(
- root, text="Najeeb Advanced IPTV URL Player", font=header_font, bg=bg_color, fg=highlight_color
- )
- header_label.pack(pady=10)
- # URL entry frame
- url_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg=bg_color)
- url_frame.pack(pady=10, fill=tk.X, padx=10)
- url_label = tk.Label(
- url_frame, text="Playlist URL:", font=button_font, bg=bg_color, fg=fg_color
- )
- url_label.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
- url_entry = tk.Entry(url_frame, font=text_font, bg="#333333", fg=fg_color, insertbackground=fg_color, width=40)
- url_entry.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, fill=tk.X, expand=True)
- fetch_button = tk.Button(
- url_frame, text="Fetch Playlist", font=button_font, bg=button_color, fg=fg_color, command=fetch_playlist
- )
- fetch_button.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5)
- # Buttons frame
- buttons_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg=bg_color)
- buttons_frame.pack(pady=10)
- open_button = tk.Button(
- buttons_frame, text="Open M3U File", font=button_font, bg=button_color, fg=fg_color, command=open_m3u_file
- )
- open_button.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5)
- save_button = tk.Button(
- buttons_frame, text="Save File", font=button_font, bg=button_color, fg=fg_color, command=save_m3u_file
- )
- save_button.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5)
- play_button = tk.Button(
- buttons_frame, text="Play Selected Link", font=button_font, bg=button_color, fg=fg_color, command=play_selected_link
- )
- play_button.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=5)
- # Player selection
- player_var = tk.StringVar(value="vlc")
- player_frame = tk.Frame(root, bg=bg_color)
- player_frame.pack(pady=5)
- vlc_radio = tk.Radiobutton(
- player_frame, text="VLC Player", variable=player_var, value="vlc", bg=bg_color, fg=fg_color, selectcolor=bg_color
- )
- vlc_radio.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10)
- potplayer_radio = tk.Radiobutton(
- player_frame, text="PotPlayer", variable=player_var, value="potplayer", bg=bg_color, fg=fg_color, selectcolor=bg_color
- )
- potplayer_radio.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10)
- # Results field
- results_field = scrolledtext.ScrolledText(
- root, font=text_font, bg="#333333", fg=fg_color, insertbackground=fg_color, wrap=tk.WORD
- )
- results_field.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True, padx=10, pady=10)
- # Run the main event loop
- root.mainloop()
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