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- open List
- open Printf
- open String
- (* ----- TUPLES ----- *)
- (** Returns the first component of a pair. *)
- let fst (a, _) = a
- (** Returns the second component of pair. *)
- let snd (_, b) = b
- (* ----- FOLDS AND TRAVERSALS ----- *)
- (**
- * Left-associative fold of a list.
- * This function is not tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list;
- * fn is called with the accumulator and an element,
- * and must return a new accumulator
- * @param acc initial accumulator value
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @result final accumulator value created by applying f
- * to each element of xs, from the left
- * @see fold_left
- *)
- let foldl fn acc lst = fold_left fn acc lst
- (**
- * Right-associative fold of a list.
- * This function is tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list;
- * fn is called with the accumulator and an element,
- * and must return a new accumulator
- * @param acc initial accumulator value
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @result final accumulator value created by applying f
- * to each element of xs, from the right
- * @see fold_right
- *)
- let foldr fn lst acc = fold_right fn lst acc
- (**
- * Maps each element of a list to a function, and combines the results.
- * This function is not tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @result new list of the form [f l1; f l2; f l3; ...]
- * @see map
- *)
- let map fn lst = fn lst
- (**
- * Maps each element of a list to a function, and throws away the results.
- * This function is not tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @see List.iter
- *)
- let map_ fn lst = List.iter fn lst
- (**
- * Returns the last element of a list, which must be non-empty.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param lst list to get the last element of
- * @see first
- *)
- let rec last lst = match lst with
- | x::[] -> x
- | x::xs -> last xs
- | _ -> failwith "last []"
- (**
- * Returns all elements excepting the last of a list,
- * which must be non-empty.
- * This function is not tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param lst list from which to extract the initial elements
- * @see tail
- *)
- let rec init lst = match lst with
- | x::[] -> []
- | x::xs -> x::init xs
- | _ -> failwith "init []"
- (**
- * Left-associative fold of a list, which must be non-empty.
- * The first element of the list is used as the initial accumulator value.
- * This function is not tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list;
- * fn is called with the accumulator and an element,
- * and must return a new accumulator
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @see foldl
- * @see fold_left
- * @see foldr'
- *)
- let foldl' fn lst = match lst with
- | x::xs -> fold_left fn x xs
- | _ -> failwith "foldl' []"
- (**
- * Right-associative fold of a list, which must be non-empty.
- * The last element of the list is used as the initial accumulator value.
- * This function is tail recursive.
- *
- * @param fn function to apply to each element of the list, from the right;
- * fn is called with the accumulator and an element,
- * and must return a new accumulator
- * @param lst list of elements to be fed to f
- * @see foldr
- * @see fold_right
- * @see foldl'
- *)
- let foldr' fn lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> let acc = init lst
- and lst' = last lst in
- fold_right fn acc lst'
- | _ -> failwith "foldr' []"
- (* ----- LIST OPERATIONS ----- *)
- (** Returns whether or not a list is empty. *)
- let null lst = match lst with
- | [] -> true
- | _ -> false
- (** Returns the length of a list. *)
- let length = List.length
- (** Returns the first element of a list, which must be non-empty. *)
- let head lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> List.hd lst
- | [] -> failwith "head []"
- (** Returns the remaining elements of a list, which must be non-empty. *)
- let tail lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> lst
- | [] -> failwith "tail []"
- (** Returns a copy of a list, with the elements in reverse order. *)
- let reverse = List.rev
- (** Appends two lists .*)
- let (++) lst1 lst2 = append lst1 lst2
- (**
- * Equivalent to `(reverse lst1) ++ lst2`,
- * but tail recursive and more efficient.
- *
- * @see reverse
- * @see (++)
- * @see append
- *)
- let reverse_append lst1 lst2 = List.rev_append lst1 lst2
- (**
- * Concatenates a list of lists.
- *
- * @param xss a list of lists of the form [[]; []; ...]
- *)
- let concat xss = List.concat xss
- (**
- * Returns a number of elements from the beginning of a list.
- * This function is not tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param num number of items to take from the list
- * @param lst list from which to take elements from the left of
- * @see drop
- *)
- let rec take num lst =
- if num <= 0 || (null lst)
- then []
- else head lst::take (num-1) (tail lst)
- (**
- * Drops a number of elements from the beginning of a list.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param num the number of elements to drop from the list
- * @param lst list from which to drop elements
- * @result a list that is the list lst with the first num elements removed
- * @see @take
- *)
- let rec drop num lst =
- if num <= 0
- then lst
- else drop (num-1) (tail lst)
- (**
- * Returns the biggest element of a list, which must be non-empty.
- *
- * @see minimum
- *)
- let maximum lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> foldl' (fun a b -> max a b) lst
- | _ -> failwith "maximum []"
- (**
- * Returns the smallest element of a list, which must be non-empty.
- *
- * @see maximum
- *)
- let minimum lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> foldl' (fun a b -> min a b) lst
- | _ -> failwith "minimum []"
- (**
- * Returns the sum of a list of integers, which must be non-empty.
- *
- * @see product
- *)
- let sum lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> foldl' (fun a b -> a+b) lst
- | _ -> failwith "sum []"
- (**
- * Returns the product of a list of integers, which must be non-empty.
- *
- * @see sum
- *)
- let product lst = match lst with
- | _::_ -> foldl' (fun a b -> a*b) lst
- | _ -> failwith "product []"
- (**
- * Returns whether or not an element is in a list.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param x the element to search for
- * @param lst the list in which to search for the element x
- * @result true if x is found in the list lst, otherwise false
- *)
- let rec elem x lst = match lst with
- | y::ys -> if x = y
- then true
- else elem x ys;
- | [] -> false
- (* ----- NUMERIC FUNCTIONS ----- *)
- (** Returns the negative of an integer. *)
- let negate n = (-n)
- (** Returns whether or not an integer is even. *)
- let even n = n mod 2 = 0
- (** Returns whether or not an integer is odd. *)
- let odd n = n mod 2 != 0
- (** Returns the sign of an integer, either 1 or -1. *)
- let signum n = if n >= 0 then 1 else (-1)
- (**
- * Returns the greatest common divisor of two integers.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *)
- let gcd a b =
- let rec gcd' a b = if b = 0
- then a
- else gcd' b (a mod b) in
- gcd' (abs a) (abs b)
- (** Returns the smallest positive integer that two integers divide by. *)
- let lcm a b = match (a, b) with
- | (_, 0) -> 0
- | (0, _) -> 0
- | (a, b) -> (abs a*b) / (gcd a b)
- (* ----- STRING OPERATIONS ----- *)
- (** Returns whether or not the string is empty. *)
- let is_empty str = str = ""
- (** Compares two strings, ignoring case. *)
- let compare_ignore_case str1 str2 =
- let lower1 = lowercase str1
- and lower2 = lowercase str2 in
- compare lower1 lower2
- (**
- * Returns whether or not two strings are equal, ignoring case.
- *
- * @see compare_ignore_case
- *)
- let equals_ignore_case str1 str2 = compare_ignore_case str1 str2 = 0
- (**
- * Returns whether or not one string begins with another.
- *
- * @param prefix prefix to be searched for in str
- * @param str string to be tested if it begins with prefix
- * @result true if str begins with prefix, otherwise false
- * @see ends_with
- *)
- let begins_with prefix str =
- let str_len = String.length str
- and pref_len = String.length prefix in
- if str_len < pref_len
- then false
- else String.sub str 0 pref_len = prefix
- (**
- * Returns whether or not one string ends with another.
- *
- * @param suffix suffix to be searched for in str
- * @param str string to be tested if it ends with suffix
- * @result true if str ends with suffix, otherwise false
- * @see begins_with
- *)
- let ends_with suffix str =
- let str_len = String.length str
- and suff_len = String.length suffix in
- let pos = str_len-suff_len in
- if str_len < suff_len
- then false
- else String.sub str pos suff_len = suffix
- (**
- * Returns whether or not the string contains the substring.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param substr substring to search for in the string
- * @param str string to be searched for the substring
- * @result true if the string contains the substring, otherwise false
- *)
- let rec contains_substring substr str = match str with
- | "" -> false
- | _ -> if begins_with substr str
- then true
- else
- let str_len = (String.length str)-1 in
- let new_str = String.sub str 1 str_len in
- contains_substring substr new_str
- (**
- * Returns the index within the string of the character ch.
- * Throws Not_found if the character does not occur in the string.
- *
- * @param ch character to search for in the string
- * @param str string to search for the character ch
- * @result index of the first position where ch occurs in str
- * @see index_of
- * @see last_index_of_char
- *)
- let index_of_char ch str = index str ch
- (**
- * Returns the index within the string str of the string substr.
- * Throws Not_found if the string does not occur in the string str.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param substr string to search for in the string str
- * @param str string to search for the string substr
- * @result index of the first position where substr occurs in str
- * @see index_of_char
- * @see last_index_of
- *)
- let index_of substr str =
- if substr = ""
- then 0
- else
- let ch = substr.[0] in
- let rec fn from =
- let i = index_from str from ch in
- let sub_len = String.length substr in
- let found = String.sub str i sub_len in
- if found = substr
- then i
- else fn (i+1) in
- fn 0
- (**
- * Returns the last index within the string of the character ch.
- * Throws Not_found if the character does not occur in the string.
- *
- * @param ch character to search for in the string
- * @param str string to search for the character ch
- * @result index of the last position where ch occurs in the string
- * @see index_of_char
- * @see last_index_of
- *)
- let last_index_of_char ch str = rindex str ch
- (**
- * Returns the last index within the string str of the string substr.
- * Throws Not_found if the string does not occur in the string str.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param substr string to search for in the string str
- * @param str string to search for the string substr
- * @result index of the last position where substr occurs in str
- * @see index_of
- * @see last_index_of_char
- *)
- let last_index_of substr str =
- let last_index = String.length str - 1 in
- if substr = ""
- then last_index
- else let sub_len = String.length substr
- and ch = substr.[0] in
- let rec fn from =
- let i = rindex_from str from ch in
- let found = String.sub str i sub_len in
- if found = substr
- then i
- else fn (i-1) in
- fn last_index
- (**
- * Replaces all occurances of a character within
- * the string with a different character.
- *
- * @param old character to replace in the string
- * @param nu character to replace the old character with
- * @param str string in which to replace occurances of a character
- * @return new string with all occurances of old replaced by nu
- *)
- let replace_char old nu str =
- let fn ch = if ch = old
- then nu
- else ch in
- fn str
- (**
- * Splits the string str on sep and returns a list of the resulting strings.
- * The separator string is not included in the returned list of strings.
- * This function is tail-recursive.
- *
- * @param sep separator used to split the string
- * @param str string that (possibly) contains one or more
- * occurances of the separator
- * @result list of strings that were separated by sep
- *)
- let split_on sep str =
- let sep_len = String.length sep in
- let rec fn acc str =
- try let i = last_index_of sep str in
- let pos = sep_len+i
- and len = (String.length str)-sep_len-i in
- let new_str = String.sub str 0 i
- and substr = String.sub str pos len in
- fn (substr::acc) new_str
- with Not_found -> str::acc in
- fn [] str
- (**
- * Joins the list of strings, interspersing the separator sep between them.
- *
- * @param sep separator to put between each pair of strings
- * @param strs list of strings to be joined together, with the separator sep
- * in between each pair
- * @result string concatenation of the strings in strs, separated by sep
- *)
- let join_with sep strs = String.concat sep strs
- (** Returns the string representation of a boolean value. *)
- let string_of_boolean flag = match flag with
- | true -> "true"
- | _ -> "false"
- (** Folds a list into a string. *)
- let string_of_list fn lst =
- fold_left fn "" lst |> sprintf "[%s]"
- (** Returns the string representation of a list of integers. *)
- let string_of_int_list lst =
- let fn a n = if a = ""
- then sprintf "%d" n
- else sprintf "%s; %d" a n in
- string_of_list fn lst
- (** Returns the string representation of a list of strings. *)
- let string_of_string_list lst =
- let fn a x = if a = ""
- then sprintf "\"%s\"" x
- else sprintf "%s; \"%s\"" a x in
- string_of_list fn lst
- (** ----- MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS ----- *)
- (** Returns the identity of a value. *)
- let id x = x
- (**
- * Extracts the second element of a list,
- * which must have at least two elements.
- *
- * @param lst the list from which to extract the second element
- * @return second element of list lst
- *)
- let second lst = match lst with
- | _::x::xs -> x
- | _ -> failwith "second"
- (* ----- FUNCTION TESTS ----- *)
- type boolean_test = { test : string; expect : bool; result : bool }
- type int_test = { test : string; expect : int; result : int }
- type string_test = { test : string; expect : string; result : string }
- type int_list_test = { test : string; expect : int list; result : int list }
- type string_list_test = { test : string; expect : string list; result : string list }
- type test =
- | BooleanTest of boolean_test
- | IntTest of int_test
- | StringTest of string_test
- | IntListTest of int_list_test
- | StringListTest of string_list_test
- (** Prints the result of performing the test. *)
- let print_test_result x =
- let print_test test expect result =
- let msg = test ^ " => " ^ result in
- print_endline @@ if expect = result
- then msg
- else msg ^ " *** BUT EXPECTED "^ expect in
- match x with
- | BooleanTest x -> print_test x.test
- (string_of_boolean x.expect)
- (string_of_boolean x.result)
- | IntTest x -> print_test x.test
- (string_of_int x.expect)
- (string_of_int x.result)
- | StringTest x -> print_test x.test x.expect x.result
- | IntListTest x -> print_test x.test
- (string_of_int_list x.expect)
- (string_of_int_list x.result)
- | StringListTest x -> print_test x.test
- (string_of_string_list x.expect)
- (string_of_string_list x.result)
- let () =
- let p = ["alpha"; "bravo"; "charlie"; "delta"; "echo"]
- and q = ["foxtrot"; "golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"]
- and r = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
- and n = 42 in
- let t = (p, q) in
- let tests = [
- StringListTest { test = "fst t";
- expect = ["alpha"; "bravo"; "charlie"; "delta"; "echo"];
- result = fst t };
- StringListTest { test = "snd t";
- expect = ["foxtrot"; "golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"];
- result = snd t };
- BooleanTest { test = "even n"; expect = true; result = even n };
- BooleanTest { test = "odd n"; expect = false; result = odd n };
- IntTest { test = "signum n"; expect = 1; result = signum n };
- IntTest { test = "negate n"; expect = (-42); result = negate n };
- IntTest { test = "gcd 42 12"; expect = 6; result = gcd 42 12 };
- IntTest { test = "lcm 42 12"; expect = 84; result = lcm 42 12 };
- IntTest { test = "minimum r"; expect = 1; result = minimum r };
- IntTest { test = "maximum r"; expect = 10; result = maximum r };
- IntTest { test = "sum r"; expect = 55; result = sum r };
- IntTest { test = "product r"; expect = 3628800; result = product r };
- BooleanTest { test = "is_empty \"\"";
- expect = true;
- result = is_empty "" };
- BooleanTest { test = "is_empty \"NOT!\"";
- expect =false;
- result = is_empty "NOT!" };
- IntTest { test = "compare_ignore_case \"JESUS\" \"Jesus\"";
- expect = 0;
- result = compare_ignore_case "JESUS" "Jesus" };
- (*
- BooleanTest { test = "begins_with \"H\" \"Hello\"";
- expect = true;
- test = begins_with "H" "Hello" };
- *)
- BooleanTest { test = "ends_with '!' \"Hello!\"";
- expect = true;
- result = ends_with "!" "Hello, World!" };
- BooleanTest { test = "contains_substring \"World\" \"Hello, World!\"";
- expect = true;
- result = contains_substring "World" "Hello, World!" };
- BooleanTest { test = "contains_substring \"world\" \"Hello, World!\"";
- expect = false;
- result = contains_substring "world" "Hello, World!" };
- IntTest { test = "index_of_char '!' \"Hello!, World!\"";
- expect = 5;
- result = index_of_char '!' "Hello!, World!" };
- IntTest { test = "index_of \"World\" \"HelloW, World!\"";
- expect = 8;
- result = index_of "World" "HelloW, World!" };
- IntTest { test = "last_index_of_char '!' \"Hello!, World!\"";
- expect = 13;
- result = last_index_of_char '!' "Hello!, World!" };
- IntTest { test = "last_index_of \"o!\" \"Hello!, World!\"";
- expect = 4;
- result = last_index_of "o!" "Hello!, World!" };
- StringTest { test = "replace_char 'l' 'x' \"Hello, World!\"";
- expect = "Hexxo, Worxd!";
- result = replace_char 'l' 'x' "Hello, World!" };
- BooleanTest { test = "null p"; expect = false; result = null p };
- IntTest { test = "length p"; expect = 5; result = length p };
- BooleanTest { test = "elem 3 r"; expect = true; result = elem 3 r };
- StringTest { test = "head q"; expect = "foxtrot"; result = head q };
- StringTest { test = "second q"; expect = "golf"; result = second q };
- StringListTest { test = "tail q";
- expect = ["golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"];
- result = tail q };
- StringListTest { test = "init p";
- expect = ["alpha"; "bravo"; "charlie"; "delta"];
- result = init p };
- StringTest { test = "last p"; expect = "echo"; result = last p };
- IntListTest { test = "reverse r";
- expect = [10; 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; 2; 1];
- result = reverse r };
- StringListTest { test = "append p q";
- expect = ["alpha"; "bravo"; "charlie"; "delta"; "echo"; "foxtrot"; "golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"];
- result = append p q };
- StringListTest { test = "reverse_append p q";
- expect = ["echo"; "delta"; "charlie"; "bravo"; "alpha"; "foxtrot"; "golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"];
- result = reverse_append p q };
- StringListTest { test = "concat [p; q]";
- expect = ["alpha"; "bravo"; "charlie"; "delta"; "echo"; "foxtrot"; "golf"; "hotel"; "igloo"; "juliet"];
- result = concat [p; q] };
- StringListTest { test = "take 2 p";
- expect = ["alpha"; "bravo"];
- result = take 2 p };
- StringListTest { test = "drop 2 p";
- expect = ["charlie"; "delta"; "echo"];
- result = drop 2 p };
- IntTest { test = "foldl (fun a n -> a-n) 0 r";
- expect = -55;
- result = foldl (fun a n -> a-n) 0 r };
- IntTest { test = "foldr (fun n a -> n+a) r 0";
- expect = 55;
- result = foldr (fun n a -> n+a) r 0 };
- IntTest { test = "foldl' (fun a n -> a-n) r";
- expect = -53;
- result = foldl' (fun a n -> a-n) r };
- IntTest { test = "foldr' (fun a n -> a+n) r";
- expect = 55;
- result = foldr' (fun a n -> a+n) r };
- IntListTest { test = "map String.length p";
- expect = [5; 5; 7; 5; 4];
- result = map String.length p };
- StringListTest { test = "split_on \";\" \"aaa;bbb;;ccc\"";
- expect = ["aaa"; "bbb"; ""; "ccc"];
- result = split_on ";" "aaa;bbb;;ccc" };
- StringTest { test = "join_with \", \" [\"aaa\"; \"bbb\"; \"ccc\"]";
- expect = "aaa, bbb, ccc";
- result = join_with ", " ["aaa"; "bbb"; "ccc"] } ] in
- printf "p => %s\n" (string_of_string_list p);
- printf "q => %s\n" (string_of_string_list q);
- printf "r => %s\n" (string_of_int_list r);
- printf "t => (%s, %s)\n" (string_of_string_list p) (string_of_string_list q);
- print_endline "";
- List.iter print_test_result tests;
- print_endline ""
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