
Predator Turnabout 5

Nov 19th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. "Hey," Martin said. Regal turned his head, saw that his boy
  2. was holding still, watching the trees that bunched toward the
  3. river. "Hey, I think I saw-'
  4. It was all he got out before something big and bright and too fast to see thundered from the green, hitting Martin in
  5. the guts. Regal stopped pissing. Martin screamed, the hoarse, shocked
  6. sound cut off in an instant as the fire spread across his torso. There was a loud hiss, the sound of burning hair and clothes and skin, all sizzling, you could smell Martin cooking. Like something left on the
  7. grill too long."pg184 chpt.22
Tags: Predator
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