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- getgenv().adjustments = {
- [59] = {
- Power = 75,
- Arc =, 30, 0)
- },
- [60] = {
- Power = 75,
- Arc =, 32.5, 0)
- },
- [61] = {
- Power = 75,
- Arc =, 35, 0)
- },
- [62] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 25, 0)
- },
- [63] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 27, 0)
- },
- [64] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 30, 0)
- },
- [65] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 32, 0)
- },
- [66] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 34, 0)
- },
- [67] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 25, 0)
- },
- [68] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 30, 0)
- },
- [69] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 32, 0)
- },
- [70] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 32, 0)
- },
- [71] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 36, 0)
- },
- [72] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 40, 0)
- }
- }
- getgenv().adjustments2 = {
- [59] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 70, 0)
- },
- [60] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 68, 0)
- },
- [61] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 66, 0)
- },
- [62] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 64, 0)
- },
- [63] = {
- Power = 80,
- Arc =, 62, 0)
- },
- [64] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 80, 0)
- },
- [65] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 78, 0)
- },
- [66] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 76, 0)
- },
- [67] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 74, 0)
- },
- [68] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 70, 0)
- },
- [69] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 66, 0)
- },
- [70] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 62, 0)
- },
- [71] = {
- Power = 85,
- Arc =, 50, 0)
- }
- }
- local Library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- local Client = Players.LocalPlayer
- local Aimbot = {}
- local AutoDribble = {}
- local BallReach = {}
- local RangeIndicator = {}
- local AutoGuard = {}
- local BallMags = {}
- do
- RangeIndicator.Enabled = false
- RangeIndicator.Active = false
- RangeIndicator.CurrentConnection = nil
- RangeIndicator.Part ="Part")
- RangeIndicator.Part.Size =, 2.3, 1.3)
- RangeIndicator.Part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)
- RangeIndicator.Part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
- RangeIndicator.Part.Anchored = true
- RangeIndicator.Part.CanCollide = false
- function RangeIndicator:Tag(boolean)
- self.Active = boolean
- if self.Active and not self.CurrentConnection then
- self.CurrentConnection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if self.Enabled and self.Active then
- local Torso = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if Torso then
- self.Part.Parent = workspace
- self.Part.CFrame = Torso.CFrame
- end
- else
- self.Part.Parent = nil
- self.CurrentConnection:Disconnect()
- self.CurrentConnection = nil
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- local ContextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
- local FREEZE_ACTION = "freezeMovement"
- local A = false
- local function NoInput()
- A = not A
- if A then
- ContextActionService:BindAction(
- function() return Enum.ContextActionResult.Sink end,
- false,
- unpack(Enum.PlayerActions:GetEnumItems())
- )
- else
- ContextActionService:UnbindAction(FREEZE_ACTION)
- end
- end
- do
- Aimbot.Enabled = false
- Aimbot.CurrentConnection = nil
- Aimbot.Requesting = false
- Aimbot.FPSConnection = nil
- Aimbot.JumpTimer = true
- Aimbot.OriginatedPosition = nil
- Aimbot.LowArc = true
- Aimbot.HighArc = false
- function Aimbot:GetClosestRim()
- local Distance = math.huge
- local ClosestRim = nil
- for _, Court in ipairs(workspace.Courts:GetChildren()) do
- for _, Part in ipairs(Court:GetChildren()) do
- if Part:IsA("BasePart") and Part.Size ==, .25, .25) and Part.BrickColor =="Really red") then
- local RootPart = Client.Character and Client.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local Distance2 = RootPart and ((self.OriginatedPosition or RootPart.Position) - Part.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance2 and Distance2 < Distance then
- ClosestRim = Part
- Distance = Distance2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _, Court in ipairs(workspace.PracticeArea:GetChildren()) do
- for _, Part in ipairs(Court:GetChildren()) do
- if Part:IsA("BasePart") and Part.Size ==, .25, .25) and Part.BrickColor =="Really red") then
- local RootPart = Client.Character and Client.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local Distance2 = RootPart and ((self.OriginatedPosition or RootPart.Position) - Part.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance2 and Distance2 < Distance then
- ClosestRim = Part
- Distance = Distance2
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestRim, Distance
- end
- function Aimbot:GetTrajectory()
- local Rim, Distance = self:GetClosestRim()
- if Aimbot.LowArc and adjustments[math.floor(Distance) + 1] or Aimbot.HighArc and adjustments2[math.floor(Distance)] then
- RangeIndicator:Tag(true)
- else
- RangeIndicator:Tag(false)
- end
- if Aimbot.LowArc and adjustments[math.floor(Distance)] or Aimbot.HighArc and adjustments2[math.floor(Distance)] then
- return, Rim.Position.Y + (Aimbot.LowArc and adjustments[math.floor(Distance)].Arc.Y or Aimbot.HighArc and adjustments2[math.floor(Distance)].Arc.Y), Rim.Position.Z), (Aimbot.LowArc and adjustments[math.floor(Distance)].Power or Aimbot.HighArc and adjustments2[math.floor(Distance)].Power), Distance
- end
- end
- function Aimbot:GetNormal()
- local Rim, Distance = self:GetClosestRim()
- if adjustments[math.floor(Distance)] then
- return (, Rim.Position.Y + adjustments[math.floor(Distance)].Arc.Y, Rim.Position.Z)), adjustments[math.floor(Distance)].Power, Distance
- end
- end
- function Aimbot:NewValue(boolean)
- self.Enabled = boolean
- if self.Enabled then
- local Humanoid = Client.Character and Client.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- self.CurrentConnection = Humanoid.Jumping:Connect(function()
- local Ball = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball")
- if not self.OriginatedPosition then
- self.OriginatedPosition = Humanoid.Parent.PrimaryPart.Position
- end
- if self:GetTrajectory() and Ball then
- local g, p = self:GetTrajectory()
- Client:WaitForChild("Power").Value = p
- self.Requesting = true
- local Humanoid = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
- if Humanoid then
- NoInput()
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 0
- end
- if self.JumpTimer then
- task.spawn(function()
- local RaycastParams1 =
- RaycastParams1.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- RaycastParams1.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Humanoid.Parent}
- local Raycast = workspace:Raycast(Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position,, -10, 0), RaycastParams1)
- if Raycast and Raycast.Instance then
- if (Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position.Y - Raycast.Position.Y) > 9 then
- mouse1click()
- else
- repeat
- RaycastParams1 =
- RaycastParams1.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
- RaycastParams1.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Humanoid.Parent}
- Raycast = workspace:Raycast(Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position,, -10, 0), RaycastParams1)
- task.wait()
- until (Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso").Position.Y - Raycast.Position.Y) > 9
- mouse1click()
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- repeat task.wait() until not Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball")
- if Humanoid then
- if A then
- NoInput()
- end
- Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
- end
- self.Requesting = false
- self.OriginatedPosition = nil
- self.FPSConnection:Disconnect()
- self.FPSConnection = nil
- else
- self.Requesting = false
- end
- end)
- else
- if self.CurrentConnection then
- self.CurrentConnection:Disconnect()
- end
- if self.FPSConnection then
- self.FPSConnection:Disconnect()
- end
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if not Client.Character or not Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") then
- Aimbot.OriginatedPosition = nil
- Aimbot.Requesting = false
- end
- end)
- end
- do
- local function IgnoreList()
- local IgnoreList = {}
- for i, Player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player.Character then
- table.insert(IgnoreList, Player.Character)
- end
- end
- for a,b in pairs(game:GetService("CollectionService"):GetTagged("Walls")) do
- table.insert(IgnoreList, b)
- end
- return IgnoreList
- end
- local function GetMousePosition()
- local Location = game:GetService("UserInputService"):GetMouseLocation()
- local RayA = workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(Location.X, Location.Y)
- return workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(, RayA.Direction * 1000), IgnoreList())
- end
- local function Yea1()
- local Yea, Yessir = GetMousePosition()
- return (Yessir - game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).unit
- end
- local old; old = hookfunction(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").shootingEvent.FireServer, newcclosure(function(self, ...)
- local args = {...}
- if Aimbot.Requesting then
- local X, Y, Z
- local Yeahh = Yea1()
- for i,v in pairs(args[3]) do
- if v == Yeahh.X then
- X = i
- elseif v == Yeahh.Y then
- Y = i
- elseif v == Yeahh.Z then
- Z = i
- end
- end
- local Trajectory = Aimbot:GetTrajectory() and (Aimbot:GetTrajectory() - game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).Unit
- local _, _, d = Aimbot:GetTrajectory()
- if Trajectory then
- --Library.Notify(Library, "Shooting at " .. tostring(math.floor(d)))
- print(tostring(math.floor(d)))
- args[3][X] = Trajectory.X
- args[3][Y] = Trajectory.Y
- args[3][Z] = Trajectory.Z
- end
- end
- return old(self, table.unpack(args))
- end))
- end
- do
- AutoDribble.Enabled = false
- AutoDribble.Combination = "Randomized"
- AutoDribble.LastUse = 0
- function AutoDribble:GetClosestPlayer()
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPlayer = nil
- for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Player == Client then continue end
- local Root = Player.Character and Player.Character.PrimaryPart
- if Root then
- local MyRoot = Client.Character and Client.Character.PrimaryPart
- if MyRoot then
- local Distance = (MyRoot.Position - Root.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- ClosestPlayer = Player
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestPlayer
- end
- function AutoDribble:GetClosestPartToBall()
- local Player = self:GetClosestPlayer()
- if Player then
- local Character = Client.Character
- local Basketball = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball")
- if Basketball then
- local Ball = Basketball:FindFirstChild("Ball")
- local ClosestPartLeftArmDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPartLeftArm
- local ClosestPartRightArmDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPartRightArm
- if Player.Character then
- for _, Part in ipairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Part:IsA("BasePart") then
- local G = (Part.Position - Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm").Position).Magnitude
- if G < ClosestPartRightArmDistance then
- ClosestPartRightArmDistance = G
- ClosestPartRightArm = Part
- end
- end
- end
- for _, Part in ipairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if Part:IsA("BasePart") then
- local G = (Part.Position - Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm").Position).Magnitude
- if G < ClosestPartRightArmDistance then
- ClosestPartLeftArmDistance = G
- ClosestPartLeftArm = Part
- end
- end
- end
- if ClosestPartRightArmDistance < (ClosestPartLeftArmDistance) then
- return "left"
- else
- return "right"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local VirtualInputManager = game:GetService('VirtualInputManager')
- function Aimbot:GetEquippedBall()
- local Character = Client.Character
- local Basketball = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball")
- local LeftArmDistance = math.huge
- local RightArmDistance = math.huge
- local LeftArm, RightArm, Ball = Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"), Character and Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm"), Basketball and Basketball:FindFirstChild("Ball")
- if LeftArm and RightArm and Ball then
- LeftArmDistance = (Ball.Position - LeftArm.Position).Magnitude
- RightArmDistance = (Ball.Position - RightArm.Position).Magnitude
- return LeftArmDistance < RightArmDistance and "Left" or "Right"
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if AutoDribble.Enabled and (tick() - AutoDribble.LastUse) >= .5 then
- local Side = AutoDribble:GetClosestPartToBall()
- local g = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball"):FindFirstChild("Ball")
- local Ye = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm")
- local Ye2 = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")
- local Left = {
- "H",
- "G",
- --"B"
- }
- local Right = {
- "H",
- "F",
- --"V"
- }
- if Side == "left" and Aimbot:GetEquippedBall() == "Right" or Side == "right" and Aimbot:GetEquippedBall() == "Left" then
- if Side == "left" and Aimbot:GetEquippedBall() == "Right" then
- if AutoDribble.Combination == "Randomized" then
- local Key = Left[math.random(1, #Left)]
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- elseif AutoDribble.Combination == "Switch hands" then
- local Key = "H"
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- elseif AutoDribble.Combination == "Behind the back" then
- local Key = "G"
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- end
- AutoDribble.LastUse = tick()
- elseif Side == "right" and Aimbot:GetEquippedBall() == "Left" then
- if AutoDribble.Combination == "Randomized" then
- local Key = Right[math.random(1, #Right)]
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- elseif AutoDribble.Combination == "Switch hands" then
- local Key = "H"
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- elseif AutoDribble.Combination == "Behind the back" then
- local Key = "F"
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(true, Key, false, game)
- task.wait()
- VirtualInputManager:SendKeyEvent(false, Key, false, game)
- end
- AutoDribble.LastUse = tick()
- end
- end
- if not Client.Character or not Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") then
- AutoDribble.LastSide = ""
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- do
- AutoGuard.Enabled = false
- AutoGuard.Keybind = "E"
- game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent)
- if not gameProcessedEvent then
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[AutoGuard.Keybind] then
- AutoGuard.Enabled = not AutoGuard.Enabled
- if AutoGuard.Enabled then
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPlayer = nil
- for _, Player in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
- if Player ~= Client then
- local Torso = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- local OtherTorso = Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- if Torso and OtherTorso then
- if (Torso.Position - OtherTorso.Position).Magnitude < ClosestDistance and OtherTorso.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ball", true) then
- ClosestDistance = (Torso.Position - OtherTorso.Position).Magnitude
- ClosestPlayer = Player
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if ClosestPlayer then
- local Torso = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- local OtherTorso = ClosestPlayer.Character and ClosestPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
- while true do
- if not AutoGuard.Enabled then
- break
- end
- if OtherTorso.Velocity.magnitude > 0.5 and OtherTorso.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ball", true) then
- Torso.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):MoveTo(OtherTorso.Position + OtherTorso.Velocity.unit * 7)
- elseif OtherTorso.Velocity.magnitude < 0.5 and OtherTorso.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ball", true) then
- Torso.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):MoveTo(OtherTorso.Position)
- elseif not OtherTorso.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ball", true) then
- AutoGuard.Enabled = false
- end
- task.wait()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- --[[
- BallReach.Distance = 5
- function BallReach:GetClosestBall()
- local ClosestBall = nil
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local Ball = Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball"):FindFirstChild("Ball")
- local RootPart = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if Ball and RootPart then
- local Distance = (Ball.Position - RootPart.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < self.Distance and Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestBall = Ball
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestBall
- end
- function BallReach:GetClosestPart(Ball)
- if Client.Character then
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPart = nil
- for i,v in pairs(Client.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- local Distance = (v.Position - Ball.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- ClosestPart = v
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestPart
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- local Ball = BallReach:GetClosestBall()
- local RootPart = Ball and BallReach:GetClosestPart(Ball)
- if Ball and RootPart then
- firetouchinterest(RootPart, Ball, 0)
- task.wait()
- firetouchinterest(RootPart, Ball, 1)
- end
- end)
- ]]
- do
- function GetClosestPart(Ball)
- if Client.Character then
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- local ClosestPart = nil
- for i,v in pairs(Client.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- local Distance = (v.Position - Ball.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- ClosestPart = v
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestPart
- end
- end
- do
- BallMags.Distance = 0
- function BallMags:GetClosestBall()
- local ClosestBall = nil
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- for _, Ball in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if Ball.Name == "Basketball" and Ball:FindFirstChild("Ball") then
- Ball = Ball:FindFirstChild("Ball")
- local RootPart = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- local Distance = (Ball.Position - RootPart.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < self.Distance and Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestBall = Ball
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestBall
- end
- end
- do
- BallReach.Distance = 0
- function BallReach:GetClosestBall()
- local ClosestBall = nil
- local ClosestDistance = math.huge
- for _, Player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local Ball = Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball") and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Basketball"):FindFirstChild("Ball")
- local RootPart = Client.Character and Client.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- if Ball and RootPart then
- local Distance = (Ball.Position - RootPart.Position).Magnitude
- if Distance < self.Distance and Distance < ClosestDistance then
- ClosestBall = Ball
- ClosestDistance = Distance
- end
- end
- end
- return ClosestBall
- end
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- local MagsBall = BallMags:GetClosestBall()
- local ReachBall = BallReach:GetClosestBall()
- local Root1, Root2 = MagsBall and GetClosestPart(MagsBall), ReachBall and GetClosestPart(ReachBall)
- if MagsBall then
- firetouchinterest(Root1, MagsBall, 0)
- task.wait()
- firetouchinterest(Root1, MagsBall, 1)
- end
- if ReachBall then
- firetouchinterest(Root2, ReachBall, 0)
- task.wait()
- firetouchinterest(Root2, ReachBall, 1)
- end
- end)
- end
- game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- Aimbot:GetTrajectory()
- end)
- local Window = Library:CreateWindow({
- Title = "KINGHAX",
- Center = true,
- AutoShow = true
- })
- local Tabs = {
- Ball = Window:AddTab("Ball"),
- Physics = Window:AddTab("Physics"),
- Defense = Window:AddTab("Defense")
- }
- local GroupBoxes = {
- Ball = {
- SilentAim = Tabs.Ball:AddLeftGroupbox("Silent Aim"),
- AutoHandles = Tabs.Ball:AddRightGroupbox("Handles"),
- },
- Physics = {
- TouchInterests = Tabs.Physics:AddLeftGroupbox("Touch Interests")
- },
- Defense = {
- AutoGuardT = Tabs.Defense:AddLeftGroupbox("Auto Guard")
- }
- }
- GroupBoxes.Ball.SilentAim:AddToggle("SilentAimEnabled", {
- Text = "Enabled",
- Default = Aimbot.Enabled,
- })
- GroupBoxes.Ball.SilentAim:AddToggle("RangeIndicator", {
- Text = "Range Indicator",
- Default = RangeIndicator.Enabled,
- })
- GroupBoxes.Ball.SilentAim:AddToggle("HighArc", {
- Text = "High Arc",
- Default = Aimbot.HighArc,
- })
- GroupBoxes.Ball.AutoHandles:AddToggle("AutoHandlesEnabled", {
- Text = "Enabled",
- Default = AutoDribble.Enabled,
- })
- GroupBoxes.Ball.AutoHandles:AddDropdown("HandlesDropdown", {
- Values = {'Behind the back', 'Switch hands', 'Randomized'},
- Default = 3,
- Multi = false,
- Text = 'Combination',
- })
- GroupBoxes.Physics.TouchInterests:AddSlider("ReachValue", {
- Text = "Ball Reach",
- Default = BallReach.Distance,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 30,
- Rounding = 2,
- Compact = false
- })
- GroupBoxes.Physics.TouchInterests:AddSlider("MagsValue", {
- Text = "Ball Mags",
- Default = BallMags.Distance,
- Min = 0,
- Max = 30,
- Rounding = 2,
- Compact = false
- })
- GroupBoxes.Defense.AutoGuardT:AddLabel("Keybind"):AddKeyPicker("AutoGuardKeyPicker", {
- Default = AutoGuard.Keybind,
- SyncToggleState = false,
- Mode = 'Toggle',
- Text = "?"
- })
- Options.MagsValue:OnChanged(function()
- BallMags.Distance = Options.MagsValue.Value
- end)
- Options.ReachValue:OnChanged(function()
- BallReach.Distance = Options.ReachValue.Value
- end)
- Options.AutoGuardKeyPicker:OnClick(function()
- AutoGuard.Keybind = Options.AutoGuardKeyPicker.Value
- end)
- Toggles.AutoHandlesEnabled:OnChanged(function()
- AutoDribble.Enabled = Toggles.AutoHandlesEnabled.Value
- end)
- Options.HandlesDropdown:OnChanged(function()
- AutoDribble.Combination = typeof(Options.HandlesDropdown.Value) ~= "table" and Options.HandlesDropdown.Value or Options.HandlesDropdown.Value[1]
- end)
- Toggles.SilentAimEnabled:OnChanged(function()
- Aimbot:NewValue(Toggles.SilentAimEnabled.Value)
- end)
- Toggles.RangeIndicator:OnChanged(function()
- RangeIndicator.Enabled = Toggles.RangeIndicator.Value
- end)
- Toggles.HighArc:OnChanged(function()
- if Toggles.HighArc.Value == true then
- Aimbot.HighArc = true
- Aimbot.LowArc = false
- else
- Aimbot.HighArc = false
- Aimbot.LowArc = true
- end
- end)
- Library:Notify("KINGHAX")
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