
Else and ELif

Jul 31st, 2020
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Python 1.25 KB | None | 0 0
  1. your_age = int(input("How old are you?: "))
  2. if your_age <= 6:
  3.   print("Perfect I want to find out about picture books that children like.")
  4.   your_book_choice=input("What is your favourite picture book?: ")
  5.   print ("Good choice, I love",your_book_choice,"too! Lots of lovely colourful pictures to look at.")
  6. elif your_age <=10:
  7.     print("Perfect I want to find out about story books that children like.")
  8.     your_book_choice=input("What is your favourite story book?: ")
  9.     print ("Good choice, I love",your_book_choice,"too! A lovely story book.")
  10. elif your_age <=16:
  11.     print("Perfect I want to find out about novels you like.")
  12.     your_book_choice=input("What is your favourite novel?: ")
  13.     print ("Good choice, I love",your_book_choice,"too! A lovely novel.")
  15. else:
  16.   print("Thanks for helping - but only children can answer this survey.")
  18. #Use elif statements to modify the code so that different age ranges of children get different questions.
  19. #For 6 and under it asks about their favourite picture books
  20. #For 6-10 it asks their favourite story book
  21. #For 10-16 it asks for their favourite novel
  22. #Hint if you are using <= operators then start with the youngest group (6) and work your way up. THe catch all "else" for adults should stay the same.
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