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- //=============================================================================
- // Maliki's Variable Buy and Sell Rates
- // MalVariableBuySellRates.js
- // version 1.2a
- //=============================================================================
- /*:
- * @plugindesc ver1.2a - Allows developers to set group item buy and sell costs.
- * @author Maliki79
- *
- * @help Allows developers to set group item buy and sell costs.
- *
- * To use item group rates, item group tags must be created in your item notetags.
- * <itemGroup: x>
- * with x being the number of the group you wish to add this item to.
- * (This works for items, weapons, and armors)
- *
- * To set group rates, use the Script Call:
- * $gameParty.setShopRates(x, y, z);
- * With x being the group number, y being the buying amount and z being the cost amount.
- * y and z will be a percentage integer.
- * (0 is the group default and cannot be set.)
- *
- * Example: $gameParty.setShopRates(1, 120, 50);
- * This will set all items in group one to be bought from shops at 120% regular cost and sold at 50% regular cost.
- * (You can use any call that will return a number, including variables!)
- * Using a setShopRate call with the same group number will overwrite the older one.
- *
- * You can also set regional buy/sell rates which will be applied to all items.
- * $gameParty.setRegionRate(x, y);
- * With x being the buying rate and y being the selling rate.
- * Note that this setting will after ALL stores the player encounters untill a new region rate is set.
- * Also note that both rates can be active at any time.
- * Group rates are multiplied first, followed by the regional rate.
- *
- * You can reset ALL Shop Rates by using the Script Call:
- * $gameParty.resetShopRates();
- * (You can also use this call if using this Plugin from an old save to initialize it.)
- *
- * When in the Shop Scene, the Names and prices have been given colors to help determine positive and
- * negative rates relative to the player.
- *
- * When buying, the cost of items recieving a discount will appear in green text.
- * Items higher than the regular cost will have that value appear in red.
- * Similarly, when selling, the item name will appear green if the player is getting a good deal selling
- * above the normal selling rate and red if below.
- *
- * The rate considered "normal" can be changed with the script call:
- * $gameParty.setNormalSellRate(x);
- * where x is the rate by which sold items are considered to be normal.
- * (It defaults to 50.)
- *
- * If changed, this rate will NOT return to default when reseting other rates.
- * Because of this, you must make at least one normal sell rate setting call when using this with old saves.
- *
- * Note that if an item's buying price is set to 0, it will NOT show up in the shops list for purchase.
- * Also, if an item's sell price is 0, it will not be sellable to that shop either.
- */
- Window_Base.prototype.price = function(item) {
- var price = item.price || 0;
- if (item.meta.itemGroup) {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, item.meta.itemGroup, false) / 100;
- } else {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, false) / 100;
- }
- price = price * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100;
- if (price < 0) price = 0;
- return Math.floor(price);
- };
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.price = function(item) {
- var price = this._price[this._data.indexOf(item)] || 0;
- if (item.meta.itemGroup) {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, item.meta.itemGroup, true) / 100;
- } else {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, true) / 100;
- }
- price = price * $gameParty._regionBuyRate / 100;
- if (price < 0) price = 0;
- return Math.floor(price);
- };
- Window_ShopSell.prototype.price = function(item) {
- if (item) {
- var price = item.price || 0;
- if (item.meta.itemGroup) {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, item.meta.itemGroup, false) / 100;
- } else {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, false) / 100;
- }
- price = price * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100;
- if (price < 0) price = 0;
- return Math.floor(price);
- }
- };
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.protoPrice = function(item) {
- var price = item.price || 0;
- if (item.meta.itemGroup) {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, item.meta.itemGroup, true) / 100;
- } else {
- price = price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, true) / 100;
- }
- price = price * $gameParty._regionBuyRate / 100;
- if (price < 0) price = 0;
- return Math.floor(price);
- };
- Window_ShopSell.prototype.isEnabled = function(item) {
- return item && this.price(item) > 0;
- };
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.makeItemList = function() {
- this._data = [];
- this._price = [];
- this._shopGoods.forEach(function(goods) {
- var item = null;
- switch (goods[0]) {
- case 0:
- item = $dataItems[goods[1]];
- break;
- case 1:
- item = $dataWeapons[goods[1]];
- break;
- case 2:
- item = $dataArmors[goods[1]];
- break;
- }
- if (item && this.protoPrice(item) > 0) {
- this._data.push(item);
- this._price.push(goods[2] === 0 ? item.price : goods[3]);
- }
- }, this);
- };
- var MalShopPartyInit = Game_Party.prototype.initialize
- Game_Party.prototype.initialize = function() {
- this._shopNote = [];
- this._regionBuyRate = 100;
- this._regionSellRate = 50;
- this._normalSellRate = 50;
- this._shopNote.push('<buysell: ' + 0 + ',' + 100 + ',' + 100 + ',>');
- };
- Game_Party.prototype.setShopRates = function(x, y, z) {
- if (x == 0) return;
- for(var i = 0; i < this._shopNote.length; ++i){
- if (this._shopNote[i].indexOf('<buysell: ' + x) > -1) {
- this._shopNote[i] = '<buysell: ' + x + ',' + y + ',' + z + ',>';
- return;
- }
- }
- this._shopNote.push('<buysell: ' + x + ',' + y + ',' + z + ',>');
- }
- Game_Party.prototype.setNormalSellRate = function(x) {
- this._normalSellRate = x;
- }
- Game_Party.prototype.resetShopRates = function() {
- this._shopNote = [];
- this._shopNote.push('<buysell: ' + 0 + ',' + 100 + ',' + 100 + ',>');
- this._regionBuyRate = 100;
- this._regionSellRate = this._normalSellRate;
- }
- Game_Party.prototype.setRegionRate = function(x, y) {
- this._regionBuyRate = x;
- this._regionSellRate = y;
- }
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.setMulti = function(note, set, buy){
- //for buying price
- var num = 100;
- var buy = buy;
- var objele = Number(set);
- var noteread = note;
- for(var i = 0; i < noteread.length; ++i){
- var notereg = noteread[i].split("<buysell: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(",");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue1 = Number(match[1]);
- if (isNaN(bonusvalue1)) bonusvalue1 = 100;
- var bonusvalue2 = Number(match[2]);
- if (objele == bonuselem && buy == true) num = bonusvalue1;
- }
- return num;
- }
- Window_ShopSell.prototype.setMulti = function(note, set, buy){
- //for selling price
- var num = 100;
- var buy = buy;
- var objele = Number(set);
- var noteread = note;
- for(var i = 0; i < noteread.length; ++i){
- var notereg = noteread[i].split("<buysell: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(",");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue1 = Number(match[1]);
- var bonusvalue2 = Number(match[2]);
- if (isNaN(bonusvalue2)) bonusvalue2 = 50;
- if (objele == bonuselem && buy == false) num = bonusvalue2;
- }
- return num;
- }
- Scene_Shop.prototype.setMulti = function(note, set, buy){
- //for selling price
- var num = 100;
- var buy = buy;
- var objele = Number(set);
- var noteread = note;
- for(var i = 0; i < noteread.length; ++i){
- var notereg = noteread[i].split("<buysell: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(",");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue1 = Number(match[1]);
- var bonusvalue2 = Number(match[2]);
- if (isNaN(bonusvalue2)) bonusvalue2 = 50;
- if (objele == bonuselem && buy == false) num = bonusvalue2;
- }
- return num;
- }
- Window_Base.prototype.setMulti = function(note, set, buy){
- //for selling price
- var num = 100;
- var buy = buy;
- var objele = Number(set);
- var noteread = note;
- for(var i = 0; i < noteread.length; ++i){
- var notereg = noteread[i].split("<buysell: ");
- var match = notereg[1].split(",");
- var bonuselem = Number(match[0]);
- var bonusvalue1 = Number(match[1]);
- var bonusvalue2 = Number(match[2]);
- if (isNaN(bonusvalue2)) bonusvalue2 = 50;
- if (objele == bonuselem && buy == false) num = bonusvalue2;
- }
- return num;
- }
- Scene_Shop.prototype.sellingPrice = function() {
- if (this._item.meta.itemGroup){
- return Math.floor(this._item.price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, this._item.meta.itemGroup, false) / 100 * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100);
- } else {
- return Math.floor(this._item.price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, false) / 100 * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100);
- }
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.sellingPrice = function(item) {
- if (item.meta.itemGroup) return Math.floor(item.price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, item.meta.itemGroup, false) / 100 * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100);
- return Math.floor(item.price * this.setMulti($gameParty._shopNote, 0, false) / 100 * $gameParty._regionSellRate / 100);
- };
- Window_ShopBuy.prototype.drawItem = function(index) {
- var item = this._data[index];
- var rect = this.itemRect(index);
- var priceWidth = 96;
- rect.width -= this.textPadding();
- this.changePaintOpacity(this.isEnabled(item));
- this.resetTextColor();
- this.drawItemName(item, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width - priceWidth);
- if (this.price(item) > this._price[this._data.indexOf(item)]) {
- this.changeTextColor(this.powerDownColor());
- }
- if (this.price(item) < this._price[this._data.indexOf(item)]) {
- this.changeTextColor(this.powerUpColor());
- }
- this.drawText(this.price(item), rect.x + rect.width - priceWidth,
- rect.y, priceWidth, 'right');
- this.changePaintOpacity(true);
- };
- var MavSceneShopinit = Scene_Shop.prototype.initialize
- Scene_Shop.prototype.initialize = function() {
- this._buysellmode = 0;
- };
- Window_Base.prototype.drawItemName = function(item, x, y, width) {
- width = width || 312;
- if (item) {
- var iconBoxWidth = Window_Base._iconWidth + 4;
- this.resetTextColor();
- this.drawIcon(item.iconIndex, x + 2, y + 2);
- if (SceneManager._scene instanceof Scene_Shop){
- if(SceneManager._scene._buysellmode && SceneManager._scene._buysellmode == 2) {
- if (this.sellingPrice(item) > item.price * $gameParty._normalSellRate / 100) this.changeTextColor(this.powerUpColor());
- if (this.sellingPrice(item) < item.price * $gameParty._normalSellRate / 100) this.changeTextColor(this.powerDownColor());
- }
- }
- this.drawText(, x + iconBoxWidth, y, width - iconBoxWidth);
- this.resetTextColor();
- }
- };
- var MalShopBuy = Scene_Shop.prototype.commandBuy;
- Scene_Shop.prototype.commandBuy = function() {
- this._buysellmode = 1;
- };
- var MalShopSell = Scene_Shop.prototype.commandSell;
- Scene_Shop.prototype.commandSell = function() {
- this._buysellmode = 2;
- };
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