
SwitchTool global-metadata.dat text

Mar 5th, 2019
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  1. elementattributeTypeType is not derived from System.Attribute.Element is not a constructor, method, property, event, type or field.targetTypeValue is not a System.Int32sValue is too largeWith AllowHexSpecifier only AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite are permitted.Not a valid number styleValue too large or too small.Input string was not in the correct formatValue is not a System.Int64Input string was not in the correct format: s.Length==0.Input string was not in the correct format: Has Negative Sign.Input string was not in the correct format: Has Positive Sign.Input string was not in the correct format: nDigits == 0.Input string was not in the correct format: no space between number and currency symbol.Input string was not in the correct format: No room for close parens.Input string was not in the correct format: Did not parse entire string. pos = s.Length = Value is not a System.UInt32.Negative numberValue is not a System.UInt64.Value is not a System.Byte.Value too large.Value is not a System.SByte.Value is not a System.Int16Value is not a System.UInt16.Value is not a System.CharThe value of index is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of s.s contains more than one character.culturetypedestinationsourceIndexCannot be negativedestinationIndexCannot be negative.countsourceIndex + count > LengthdestinationIndex + count > destination.LengthstartIndex< 0lengthMust be greater than the length of the string.Count cannot be less than zero.Illegal enum value: .Cannot exceed length of string.startIndex + length > this.lengthvalueCount cannot be negative, and startIndex + count must be less than length of the string.Invalid value '{0}' for StringComparisoncomparisonTypestartIndex > this.lengthCannot be negative and must be< 0startIndex + count > this.lengthCannot be negative, and should not exceed length of string.Cannot be negative, and should point to location in string.Cannot be negative, and should be less than length of string.< 0 || >= this.Length< 0 || > this.LengthstartIndex - count + 1 < 0totalWidtholdValueoldValue is the empty string.formatargsIndex (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.Input string was not in a correct format.valuesCannot be negative and must be less than or equal to length of string.startIndex + count > value.lengthidxnewLengthnewLength as to be <= lengthptrValue does not refer to a valid string.Non-negative number required.Value, startIndex and length do not refer to a valid string.Value is not a System.Single.Value is not a System.DoubleDouble doesn't support parsing with '{0}'.AllowHexSpecifierHow did this happen?Unknown char: Unknown charscale must be between 0 and 28Value {0} is greater than Decimal.MaxValue or less than Decimal.MinValueOverflow on adding decimal numberOverflow on subtracting decimal numbers ()Value is not a System.DecimalInvalid character at position {0}Invalid exponentNo digits foundClosing Parentheses not foundDecimal.TryParse does not accept AllowHexSpecifierstyleError in System.Decimal.Parse792281625142643375935439503351GFalseTrueObject is not a Boolean.Value is not equivalent to either TrueString or FalseString.infoThis isn't a 64bits machine.pointerIncompatible Delegate Types.methodtype is not a subclass of MulticastdelegateInvokemethod return type is incompatiblemethod argument length mismatchmethod arguments are incompatibletype is not subclass of MulticastDelegate.Couldn't bind to method ''.targetenumTypeenumType is not an Enum type.The value parameter is not the correct type.It must be type String or the same type as the underlying typeof the Enum.typeCode is not a valid type code for an EnumAn empty string is not considered a valid value.The requested value was not found.The requested value '{0}' was not found.Object must be the same type as the enum. The type passed in was {0}; the enum type was {1}.X2x2X4x4X8x8X16x16Invalid type code for enumeration.0, Enum underlying type and the object must be the same type or object. Type passed in was {0}; the enum underlying type was {1}.Format String can be only "G","g","X","x","F","f","D" or "d".indexOnly single dimension arrays are supported.Collection is read-onlyarrayDestination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.Value has to be >= 0.Array was not a one-dimensional array.Index has to be between upper and lower bound of the array.Value must be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.index1index2index3Index has to be >= lower bound and <= upper bound of the array.elementTypelengthsType must be a type provided by the runtime.Array type can not be voidArray type can not be an open generic typelowerBoundsArrays must contain >= 1 elements.Arrays must be of same size.Each value has to be >= 0.Length + bound must not exceed Int32.MaxValue.Each value has to be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.indicesvalue does not support IComparable.comparer is null and value does not support IComparable.index is less than the lower bound of array.index and length do not specify a valid range in array.value does not support IComparableComparer threw an exception.length < 0index < lower boundindex + length > sizesourceArraydestinationArrayDestination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds(Types: source={0}; target={1})Must be in the Int32 range.keysThe comparer threw an exception.comparisonComparison threw an exception.No IComparable or IComparable<{0}> interface found.matchactionconverterEnumeration has not started. Call MoveNextEnumeration already finishedEnumeration has not started.Enumeration has already endedThis collection is read-only.TypeNameError loading ''nametypesDerived classes must provide an implementation.not a generic type definitiontypeArgumentsThe type or method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) where provided. A generic argument must be provided for each generic parameter.ClassNameMessageHelpURLStackTraceStringRemoteStackTraceStringRemoteStackIndexHResultSourceInnerExceptionDataException of type '{0}' was thrown.{0} {1} at<unknown method> {0} <0x{0:x5}> {1} <0x{0:x5}> [0x{0:x5}] in {0}:{1} ExceptionMethod: ---> --- End of inner exception stack trace ---{0}{0}Server stack trace: {0}{1}{0}{0}Exception rethrown at [{2}]: {0}{1}{0}{0}Exception rethrown at [{2}]: {0}[,] ( FieldObjInsufficient state.Object fields may not be properly initializedTypeObjThis operation is not supported for this type.ArgIterator does not support Equals.No remoting information was found for the object.Nullable object must have a value.collation.core.bincollation.tailoring.binMono INTERNAL ERROR (Should not happen): Collation tailoring table is broken for culture {0} ({1}) at 0x{2:X}zh-CHSzh-CHTjakocjkCHScjkCHTcjkJAcjkKOcollation.{0}.bincollation.cjkKOlv2.binMONO_COLLATION_QUICK_CHECK_DISABLEDyesMONO internal error. Failed to get TailContraction. start = {0} end = {1} string = '{2}'CompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}CompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. '{0}' {2} {3} '{1}' {4} {5}sortkey1sortkey2SortKey - The Rabin-Miller test can not be executed in a way such that its results are provableconfidencebitNum out of range0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZcharSet length less than radixcharacterSetThere is no such thing as radix one notationradixOperation would return a negative valuebi1 out of rangebi2 out of rangex out of rangeNo inverse!blobblob is too small.Invalid blob headerInvalid blob.Unknown blob format.rsaKeypair was disposedno private key to exportMissing mandatory DSA parameters (P, Q or G).Missing both public (Y) and private (X) keys.rgbHashinvalid hash lengthno private key available for signaturergbSignatureinvalid signature lengthcouldn't compute signature verificationparameters[{0}][{1}][{2}].xml.monokeypairsCould not create user key store '{0}'.Improperly protected user's key pairs in '{0}'.Could not create machine key store '{0}'.Improperly protected machine's key pairs in '{0}'.defaultKeyPairKeyValue<KeyPair>{0} <Properties>{0} <Provider Name="{0}" Type="{0}" />{1} <Container Name="{0}" />{1} </Properties>{1} <KeyValue Id="{0}" >{1} {0}{1} </KeyValue>{1}</KeyPair>{1}message too longbad hash length for invalid PrivateKeyInfoinvalid versioninvalid algorithmmissing algorithm OIDinvalid private key formatmissing versionnot enough key parametersinvalid EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoinvalid encryptionAlgorithminvalid parametersinvalid saltinvalid iterationCountinvalid EncryptedDataprivate keyMissing private key to decrypt value.public keyMissing private keyMissing ExponentMissing ModulusPrivate/public key mismatch<RSAKeyValue><Modulus></Modulus><Exponent></Exponent><P></P><Q></Q><DP></DP><DQ></DQ><InverseQ></InverseQ><D></D></RSAKeyValue>IV is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.Unkown CipherModeOFB isn't supported by the frameworkCTS isn't supported by the frameworkinputBufferinputOffsetinputCountOverflowObject is disposedoutputBufferoutputOffsetInvalid input block size.Bad {0} padding. Invalid length {0}. Error found at position {0}.invalid block lengthinvalid datainvalid PFX version1.2.840.113549.1.7.1invalid authenticated safeinvalid MAC1. HMACmissing MAC saltinvalid MAC iterationInvalid MAC - file may have been tampered!1.2.840.113549. key encryptedunknown authenticatedSafe1.2.840.113549. oid Unknown private key formatinvalid safeBaginvalid safeBag id1.2.840.113549. certificate typeunknown safeBag oidinvalid safeBag attributes idinvalid PKCS12 attributes idinvalid attribute id1.2.840.113549. attribute value idC=O=OU=CN=L=S=STREET=DC=UID=E=dnQualifier=T=SN=G=I=OID.="CERTIFICATEInput data cannot be coded as a valid certificate.Missing key algorithm parameters.raw-----BEGIN {0}----------END {0}-----Invalid X.509 extension. Invalid extensions formatUndefined length encoding.Tag: {0} {1}Length: {0} {1}Value: {0} oidasn1Only integer can be convertedtimeyyMMddHHmmZ1920yyyyMMddHHmmssZ{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}:{5}{6}yyyyMMddHHmmsszzzInvalid ASN1Invalid contentTypeInvalid contentInvalid EncryptedDataInvalid versionmissing EncryptedContentInfomissing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentTypemissing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiermissing EncryptedContentInfo.EncryptedContentdatadata isn't a correctly encoded RSA public keyUnexpected end of stream. Element stack content is {0}Whitespace is expected.Expected '{0}' but got {1}XML name start character is expected.Valid XML name is expected.Insufficient close tag: {0}CDATAInvalid declaration markupDOCTYPEInvalid declaration markup.This parser does not support document type.?End tag mismatch: expected {0} but found {1}ampquotaposltgtGeneral non-predefined entity reference is not supported in this parser.Invalid attribute value markup.xml:space'--' is not allowed inside comment markup.{0}. At ({1},{2})does not implement right interfacekeycapacityindex larger than largest valid index of arrayDestination array cannot hold the requested elements!Cannot copy source collection elements to destination arrayAn element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.VersionComparerHashSizeKeyValuePairsnot of type: out of syncCurrent is not validdictionarythis is a read-only collectionThe given key was not present in the dictionary.itemcollectionCollection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.listcThe initial capacity can't be smaller than zero.Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.CapacityMust be more than count.Does not specify valid index.Can't be less than 0.Start index and count do not specify a valid range.Index must be >= 0 and <= Count.Less than 0 or more than list count.Must have only 1 dimensions.List has changed.Enumerator not startedEnumerator endedCan't add or remove from a fixed-size list.Can't modify a readonly list.bitsArray rank must be 1index is greater than array.LengthUnsupported typeEnum not startedEnum EndedobjThe element cannot be found.CollectionBase.OnValidate: Invalid parameter value passed to method: nullNeither 'a' nor 'b' implements IComparable.CompareInfonegative capacityloadFactorload factorSize is too bignull keyarrayIndexarray is multidimensionalarrayIndex is equal to or greater than array.LengthNot enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this HashtableLoadFactorKeyComparerHashCodeProviderKeysValuesequalityComparerKeys and values of uneven sizetableKey duplication when adding: Hashtable.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.should never happennot enough spaceParentTablecolNeeds a non-negative numbergrowFactorQueue growth factor must be between 1.0 and 10.0, inclusiveSortedList is Read Only.Key not found and SortedList is fixed size.capacity too smallarray is multi-dimensionalarrayIndex is greater than or equal to array.LengthNot enough space in array from arrayIndex to end of arrayindex out of rangeKey '{0}' already exists in list.SortedList::internal error () at [SortedList.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync. is not a supported mode.initialCapacity<filename unknown> at <unknown offset>offset in file:line:column :{0}:{1}eskipFrames{0} {1} in {0}:line {1} {0} {0}.{1}( ByRef {0}This Calendar is read-only.Internal: M_EraNames not initialized!MONO_DISABLE_MANAGED_COLLATIONoptionsOffsets and lengths must not be less than zeroOffset1 is greater than or equal to the length of string1Offset2 is greater than or equal to the length of string2Length1 is greater than the number of characters from offset1 to the end of string1Length2 is greater than the number of characters from offset2 to the end of string2Now allowed CompareOptions.sourceprefixsuffixCompareInfo - Positive number required.Culture ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is not a supported culture.Culture name is not supported.This instance is read onlyCulture "" is a neutral culture. It can not be used in formatting and parsing and therefore cannot be set as the thread's current culture.NumberFormatDateTimeFormatzh-hanszh-hantzh-chszh-chtInvariant Language (Invariant Country)IVLiven_US_POSIXAMPM/:MM/dd/yyyydddd, dd MMMM yyyyHH:mmHH:mm:ssMMMM ddyyyy MMMMdddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ssddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssyyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'An array with exactly 13 elements is neededAn array with exactly 7 elements is neededSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSuMoTuWeThFrSaerayyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fffffffKFormat specifier was invalid.hh:mm ttH:mmh:mm ttADA.D.#$NaN-Infinity-%‰Infinity+23456789The value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attemptedRegion ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is not a supported region.Region name {0} is not supported.INTERNAL ERROR: should not happen.USUKTextInfo - strAn Isolated storage operation failed.Input or Encoding is a null reference.The stream doesn't support reading.BinaryReaderCannot read from a closed BinaryReader.Stream is invalidbuffer is nullindex is less than 0count is less than 0buffer is too smallToo many bytes in what should have been a 7 bit encoded Int32.Invalid binary file (string len < 0)outputencodingStream does not support writing or already closed.BinaryWriterCannot write to a closed BinaryWriterbuffercharspathPath is emptyPath contains invalid charsOnly blank characters in pathCannot create because a file with the same name already exists.Only ':' In pathThe Path does not have a valid formatPath contains invalid charactersPattern contains invalid characterspatternDirectory '' not found.Pattern is invalidsearchPatternPath is invalidDirectory not foundFailed to read past end of stream.{0} is a directoryCould not find a part of the path "{0}".I/O ErrorFileLoad_FileNameFileLoad_FusionLog: {0} : {0} ----> {0}Unable to find the specified file.FileNotFound_FileNameFileNotFound_FusionLogCould not load file or assembly '{0}' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.File name: '{0}' ---> {0}[Unknown]handleInvalid.accessInvalid handle.bufferSizemodeEnum value was out of legal range.Enum value for FileAccess was out of legal range.Enum value for FileShare was out of legal range.shareName has invalid charsAccess to the path '{0}' is denied.Append access can be requested only in write-only mode.Combining FileMode: {0} with FileAccess: {1} is invalid.Could not find file "{0}".Stream has been closedThe stream does not support seekingAttempt to set the position to a negative valueStream does not support readingStream does not support writingoffsetdestination offset is beyond array sizeReading would overrun bufferThis stream does not support readingnumBytesMust be >= 0Buffer too small. numBytes/offset wrong.asyncResultInvalid IAsyncResultThis stream does not support writingarray too small. numBytes/offset wrong.originInvalid SeekOriginAttempted to Seek before the beginning of the streamCan't seek back over pre-existing data in append modeThe stream does not support writingvalue is less than 0FullPathOriginalPathAn empty file name is not valid.Illegal characters in path.index or count is less than 0.index+countThe size of the buffer is less than index + count.MemoryStreamCannot expand this MemoryStreamNew capacity cannot be negative or less than the current capacity Position cannot be negativePosition must be non-negative and less than 2^31 - 1 - originoffset or count less than zero.offset+countThe size of the buffer is less than offset + count.Offset out of range. Attempted to seek before start of MemoryStream.locExpanding this MemoryStream is not supportedCannot write to this MemoryStreamCannot write to this stream.Access to the path is denied.Cannot create a file that already exist.Could not find file "{0}"Too many open filesCould not find a part of the path "{0}"Access to the path "{0}" is denied.Invalid handle to path "{0}"Could not find the drive '{0}'. The drive might not be ready or might not be mapped.Could not create file "{0}". File already exists.Path is too long. Path: {0}Invalid parameterWrite fault on path {0}Sharing violation on path {0}Lock violation on path {0}Disk full. Path {0}Directory {0} is not emptyEncryption failedPath {0} is a directorySource and destination are not on the same deviceWin32 IO returned {0}. Path: {1}path1path2Invalid pathArgument string consists of whitespace characters only.The specified path is not of a legal form (empty).UNC paths should be of the form \\server\share.\\The specified path is not of a legal form...Pathname is longer than the maximum lengthEndRead already called.EndWrite already called.Empty path not allowedpath contains invalid charactersThe minimum size of the buffer must be positivestreamCannot read streamStreamReaderCannot read from a closed StreamReaderindex + count > buffer.LengthCan not write to streamStreamWriterStringReaderCannot read from a closed StringReaderreader is nullwriter is nulldest_bufferindex + count > dest_buffer.LengthThe stream is closedThe position is larger than Int32.MaxValue.The length of the buffer array minus the offset parameter is less than the count parameterAn attempt was made to seek before the beginning of the streamInvalid SeekOrigin optionUnable to expand length of this stream beyond its capacity.Stream does not support writing.The buffer parameter is a null referenceThe current position is at the end of the capacity of the streamArgument value {0} is not valid.Module file name '' must have file extension.Persistable modules are not supported in a dynamic assembly created with AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAssembly was already saved.A module-only assembly can only contain one module.The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.fileNameEmpty name is not legal.Empty file name is not legal.fileName '' must not include a path.Could not find file 'Duplicate file name 'Duplicate name 'Elements of the parameterTypes array cannot be nullparameterTypesConstructorBuilder ['']Method '' does not have a method body.The type is not yet created.&Cannot create a byref type of an already byref typeMethod cannot be invoked.localTypeUser defined subclasses of System.Type are not yet supported.localTrying to emit a local from a different ILGenerator.methLdtoken, Ldftn and Ldvirtftn OpCodes cannot target DynamicMethods.methodInfoOnly Call and CallVirt are allowedMethod is not VarArgs method and optional types were passedThe label is not validThe label was already definedLabel not markedMethod body should not exist.Method '{0}' override '{1}' but it is not virtualMethod '{0}.{1}' does not have a method body.MethodBuilder [::Mono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriterThe assembly for default symbol writer cannot be loadedMono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.SymbolWriterImplThe type that implements the default symbol writer interface cannot be foundDuplicate type name within an assembly.classNamenopbreakldarg.0ldarg.1ldarg.2ldarg.3ldloc.0ldloc.1ldloc.2ldloc.3stloc.0stloc.1stloc.2stloc.3ldarg.sldarga.sstarg.sldloc.sldloca.sstloc.sldnullldc.i4.m1ldc.i4.0ldc.i4.1ldc.i4.2ldc.i4.3ldc.i4.4ldc.i4.5ldc.i4.6ldc.i4.7ldc.i4.8ldc.i4.sldc.i4ldc.i8ldc.r4ldc.r8duppopjmpcallcalliretbr.sbrfalse.sbrtrue.sbeq.sbge.sbgt.sble.sblt.sbne.un.sbge.un.sbgt.un.sble.un.sblt.un.sbrbrfalsebrtruebeqbgebgtblebltbne.unbge.unbgt.unble.unblt.unswitchldind.i1ldind.u1ldind.i2ldind.u2ldind.i4ldind.u4ldind.i8ldind.ildind.r4ldind.r8ldind.refstind.refstind.i1stind.i2stind.i4stind.i8stind.r4stind.r8addsubmuldivdiv.unremrem.unandorxorshlshrshr.unnegnotconv.i1conv.i2conv.i4conv.i8conv.r4conv.r8conv.u4conv.u8callvirtcpobjldobjldstrnewobjcastclassisinstconv.r.ununboxthrowldfldldfldastfldldsfldldsfldastsfldstobjconv.ovf.i1.unconv.ovf.i2.unconv.ovf.i4.unconv.ovf.i8.unconv.ovf.u1.unconv.ovf.u2.unconv.ovf.u4.unconv.ovf.u8.unconv.ovf.i.unconv.ovf.u.unboxnewarrldlenldelemaldelem.i1ldelem.u1ldelem.i2ldelem.u2ldelem.i4ldelem.u4ldelem.i8ldelem.ildelem.r4ldelem.r8ldelem.refstelem.istelem.i1stelem.i2stelem.i4stelem.i8stelem.r4stelem.r8stelem.refldelemstelemunbox.anyconv.ovf.i1conv.ovf.u1conv.ovf.i2conv.ovf.u2conv.ovf.i4conv.ovf.u4conv.ovf.i8conv.ovf.u8refanyvalckfinitemkrefanyldtokenconv.u2conv.u1conv.iconv.ovf.iconv.ovf.uadd.ovfadd.ovf.unmul.ovfmul.ovf.unsub.ovfsub.ovf.unendfinallyleaveleave.sstind.iconv.uprefix7prefix6prefix5prefix4prefix3prefix2prefix1prefixrefarglistceqcgtcgt.uncltclt.unldftnldvirtftnldargldargastargldlocldlocastloclocallocendfilterunaligned.volatile.tail.initobjconstrained.cpblkinitblkrethrowsizeofrefanytypereadonly.<Module>type_fullnameInterface must be declared abstract.Enumeration type is not defined.Parent does not have a default constructor. The default constructor must be explicitly defined.Interface method must be abstract and virtual.methodInfoBodymethodInfoDeclarationmethod body must belong to this typeCould not load type '' from assembly '' because the parent type is sealed.' because it is an enum with methods.Type is concrete but has abstract method Unable to change after type has been created.Empty name is not legalIllegal nameType is not genericAmbiguous matching in method resolutionName cannot be emptyName can't be emptyversion_Name_CodeBase_Version_PublicKey_PublicKeyToken_HashAlgorithm_StrongNameKeyPair_VersionCompatibility_Flags_CultureInfo, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, PublicKeyToken=, Retargetable=YesThe public key is not valid._HashAlgorithmForControl_HashForControlNo properties provided.ctor.cctor)] = typeof (The handle is invalid.This method should not be called{0} ({1}) (pinned){0} ({1})AssemblyNameNameSignatureMemberTypeGenericArgumentsCould not find constructor '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find method '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find field '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find property '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find event '{0}' in type '{1}'Unhandled MemberType {0}Cannot resolve method because it's declared in a generic class.Method is not a builder methodType name can't be empty*Non-static field requires a targetField {0} defined on type {1} is not a field on the target object which is of type {2}.{0} {1}Cannot set a constant fieldObject type cannot be converted to target type: valLate bound operations cannot be performed on fields with types for which Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.parameters do not match signaturefailed to convert parametersLate bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true....methodInstantiationThe method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) were provided.Cannot create an instance of because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an abstract classVoid , ...StaticGetterAdapterFrameGetterAdapterFrameGet Method not found for 'Set Method not found for 'Pointer deserializatioon not supported._publicKey_keyPairContainer_keyPairExported_keyPairArrayUnable to invoke an invalid target.Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Number of parameter does not match expected count.culture is nullStream was not readable.Stream is not a valid .resources file, magic=0x{0:x}System.Resources.ResourceReaderThis .resources file requires reader class System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetThis .resources file requires set class This .resources file requires unsupported set class version: PADMalformed .resources file (padding values incorrect)Stream is not a valid .resources file! It was possibly truncated.Deserialized object is wrong typeResourceReader is closed.Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.ResourceSet is closed.{0} (0x{1:x}): {2} {3}{4}{5}External exceptionHandle is not allocatedUnsupported MarshalAsAttribute foundActivation attribute does not implement the IContextAttribute interface__CrossContextNovell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixServerChannelNovell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixChannelchnlChannel {0} is not securable while ensureSecurity is specified as trueChannel already registeredType '' not found is not a valid channel type does not have a valid constructortrueAn instance of provider '' could not be created: MONOCADCan't create a named channel via crossappdomainProcessMessageInDomainEither obj or ctx must be nullIContextPropertyCan not add properties to default contextContext is FrozenContextID: A context property did not approve the candidate context for activating the objectAnother property by this name already existsA property with the name was not foundctorMsgctxSynchronizationflagInitialLeaseTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is RenewOnCallTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is SponsorshipTimeout property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is __Activator__CallSiteActivationAttributes__ActivationType__ContextProperties__ActivationTypeName__Uri__MethodName__TypeName__MethodSignature__Args__CallContextkey was invalid__RemotingData__GenericArgumentsRequested service not found. No receiver for uri Cannot cast from client type '' to server type 'Method not found in The remoting infrastructure does not support open generic methods.]]__OutArgs__ReturnThe enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last elementfIsMarshalledDo not use RemotingSurrogateSelector when deserializatingResponsereturnobject must be MarshalByRefstub is not used in MonoGetTypeGetHashCodeType not found: uritypeInfochannelInfoenvoyInfoobjrefFlagsAttempt to redirect activation of type '' which is already redirected.Channel template 'Provider template 'mode attribute is requiredonoffremoteonlyInvalid custom error mode: Element not allowed in this context/configuration/system.runtime.remotingError in element applicationlifetimechannelschannelserverProvidersclientProvidersproviderformatterclientservicewellknownactivatedsoapInteropinteropXmlTypeinteropXmlElementpreLoaddebugchannelSinkProviderscustomErrorssystem.runtime.remotingapplication/channels/channel/serverProviderschannels/channel/serverProvidersapplication/channels/channel/clientProviderschannels/channel/clientProviderschannelSinkProviders/serverProviderschannelSinkProviders/clientProvidersurlElement '' is not valid in system.remoting.configuration sectionleaseTimesponsorshipTimeoutrenewOnCallTimeleaseManagerPollTimeInvalid attribute: Invalid time valueSInvalid time value: DHMMSInvalid time unit: refdelayLoadAsClientChannelidid attribute is requiredrooturl attribute is required in client element when it contains activated entriesobjectUriSingleCallSingletonwellknown object mode '' is invalidclrxmlassemblyType and assembly attributes cannot be specified togetherEither type or assembly attributes must be specified attribute is requiredRemoteActivationService.remFieldSetterFieldGetterIt is not possible marshal a proxy of a remote object.x_.remCannot get the real proxy from an object that is not a transparent proxy.Cannot create channel sink to connect to URL {0}. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.Cannot create channel sink to connect to the remote object. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.Uri already in use: is not marked as Serializable.serializationStreamserializationStream supports seeking, but its length is 0__MetadataTypes__MetadataTypesModule__TypeMetadataGetTypeFromHandleWriteAssembliesWriteAssemblyWriteTypeDataWriteObjectDataWriteValueGetAssemblyIdAssemblyWriteInvariantCultureToStringToBinaryTicksUnsupported primitive type: Unhandled typecode in enum from Invalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodCall, found Invalid formatInvalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodResponse, found Unexpected binary element: Invalid binary formatSerializable objects must be marked with the Serializable attributeField "" not found in class Couldn't find type 'System.RuntimeTypeSystem.RuntimeType[]Could not find type '{0}'.[]Unknow type tagvalue is null.membersmembers[{0}]members [{0}] is not a field.Type {0} in assembly {1} is not marked as serializable.Uninitialized Strings cannot be created.There are some fixups that refer to objects that have not been registeredThe object with ID could not be resolvedThe object with Id has not been registeredobjectIDThe objectID parameter is less than or equal to zeroarrayToBeFixedThe arrayToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zeroobjectRequiredThe objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zeroobjectToBeFixedThe objectToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zeromemberNamememberAn object with Id has already been registeredThe obj parameter is null.An object with ID was included in a fixup, but it has not been registeredCannot perform fixupThe constructor to deserialize an object of type was not found.No surrogate selector was found for type The implementation of the IObjectReference interface returns too many nested references to other objects that implement IObjectReference.Type '{0}' has more than one method with the following attribute: '{1}'.An error occurred during (de)serializationNull argumentname is nulltype is nullValue has been serialized is null.No element named could be found.type is null.RawDataCertificate instance is empty.[Subject]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Issuer]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Not Before]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Not After]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}Unable to decode certificate.Key size not supported by algorithm.<></SHASystem.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.SHA1System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmSystem.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.MD5SHA256System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256ManagedSHA-256System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256SHA384System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384ManagedSHA-384System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384SHA512System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512ManagedSHA-512System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512RSASystem.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSASystem.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithmDSASystem.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.DSASystem.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.DES3DESSystem.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProviderTriple DESSystem.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESSystem.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RC2RijndaelSystem.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedSystem.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelSystem.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmRandomNumberGeneratorSystem.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGeneratorSystem.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithmSystem.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1HMACSHA1MACTripleDESSystem.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDESRIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160ManagedRIPEMD-160System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.HMACHMACMD5System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5HMACRIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160HMACSHA256System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256HMACSHA384System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384HMACSHA512System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a X509DataSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoX509Data, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyNameSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoName, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyValue/DSAKeyValueSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.DSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyValue/RSAKeyValueSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.RSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a RetrievalMethodSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoRetrievalMethod, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a2.5.29.14System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0892.5.29.15System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0892.5.29.19System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0892.5.29.37System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089X509ChainSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed1.2.840.113549. must have at least two partsInvalid OIDOID > 127 bytesPart of OID doesn't fit in Int32Error occured during a cryptographic operation.Unexpected error occured during a cryptographic operation.Null KeyWrong Key LengthKeyWeak KeySemi Weak KeyThis is a known weak, or semi-weak, key.xmlStringPQJYXSeedPgenCounter<DSAKeyValue><G></G><Y></Y><J></J><Seed></Seed><PgenCounter>AA==</PgenCounter><X></X></DSAKeyValue>Cannot export private keystrNameDSA requires SHA1missing keyHMAClegacyHMACModeHashAlgorithmoffset + countNo hash value computed.outputOffset + inputCountinputOffset + inputCountKey can't be changed at this state.Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be between {1} and {2} bytes long.Couldn't access random source.DPDQInverseQExponentModulusCouldn't decode XMLMissing D parameter for the private key.Missing some CRT parameters for the private key.Incomplete private key - missing CRT.cannot export private keyrgbDataNo RSA key specifiedNo public key available.Missing hash algorithm.No key pair available.key is nullIV length is invalid ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1}, {2} or {3} bytes long.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatterSystem.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatterSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatterSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatterblock size not supported by algorithmIVIV length is different than block sizeKey size not supported by algorithmCipher mode not availablePadding mode not availableTransformBlockTransformFinalBlockInvalid input lengthThis is a known weak key.Invalid flags {0}SecurityPermissionFlagUnrestrictedFlagsNo assembly data.m_userTokenm_nameToken-Name mismatch.Token doesn't match a user.m_typem_acctTypem_isAuthenticatedIPermissionclassInvalid permission type '{0}', expected type '{1}'.tagInvalid XML stringDuplicate attribute : child&lt;&gt;&quot;&apos;&amp;="/>Invalid XML attribute nameInvalid XML attribute valueA security error has been detected.PermissionState{0}Type: {1}{0}Method: {1} {2}.{3}{0}State: {1}{0}Granted: {1}{0}Refused: {1}{0}Demanded: {1}{0}Failed Permission: {1}{0}Evidences:{0} {1}Frame: {0}{1} AppDomain: {0}{1} Assembly: {0}{1} Assert: {0}{1} Deny: {0}{1} PermitOnly: {0}{1}Invalid metadata format.Unknown metadata is less than the number of bytes required�fallbackbytesUnknownReentrant Fallback method invocation occured. It might be because either this FallbackBuffer is incorrectly shared by multiple threads, invoked inside Encoding recursively, or Reset invocation is forgotten.asciius_asciiusansi_x3.4_1968ansi_x3.4_1986cp367csasciiibm367iso_ir_6iso646_usiso_646.irv:1991utf_7csunicode11utf7unicode_1_1_utf_7unicode_2_0_utf_7x_unicode_1_1_utf_7x_unicode_2_0_utf_7utf_8unicode_1_1_utf_8unicode_2_0_utf_8x_unicode_1_1_utf_8x_unicode_2_0_utf_8utf_16UTF_16LEucs_2unicodeiso_10646_ucs2unicodefffeutf_16beutf_32UTF_32LEucs_4UTF_32BEiso_8859_1latin1This Encoding is readonly.I18N, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756I18N.Common.ManagerPrimaryManagercodepageValid values are between 0 and 65535, inclusive.GetEncodingSystem.Text.CPCodePage {0} not supportedSystem.Text.ENCEncoding name '{0}' not supportedbyteCount is less that the number of bytes producedStartIndex cannot be less than zero.Length cannot be less than zero.capacity must be greater than zero.maxCapacitymaxCapacity is less than one.Capacity exceeds maximum capacity.StartIndex and length must refer to a location within the string.m_StringValuem_MaxCapacitym_currentThreadCapacity must be larger than lengthShould be less than or equal to MaxCapacityThe old value cannot be null.The old value cannot be zero length.sizecapacity was less than the current size.utf-32BEUTF-32 (Big-Endian)utf-32UTF-32utf-7Unicode (UTF-7)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/Arg_InvalidUTF7utf-8Unicode (UTF-8)Insufficient SpaceunicodeFFFEUnicode (Big-Endian)utf-16UnicodeObject is not synchronizedmillisecondsTimeouttimeout out of rangeMutex is not ownedSynchronization ErrorNull ThreadStartThread creation failed.Thread was being abortedThread interruptedcallBacktimeouttimeout < -1Timeout is too big. Maximum is Int32.MaxValueThread State ErrorcallbackDue time too largePeriod too largedueTimeperiodTimer-SchedulerwaitHandlesToo many handlesnull handlenull element foundwaitHandleAttempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted. is an open generic type(unknown)No constructor found for {0}::.ctor({1})Type '{0}' doesn't derive from MarshalByRefObject.Default constructor not found..ctor() of CreateInstance cannot be used to create this type ({0}).Cannot create an abstract class '{0}'.assemblyStringassemblyString cannot have zero lengthAn application exception has occurred.Value does not fall within the expected range.ParamNameParameter name: Argument cannot be null.Argument is out of range.ActualValueOverflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array type.Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.byteArrayValue must be positive.startIndex + length > value.LengthObject must be an array of primitives.srcdstsrcOffsetdstOffsetOffset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.The position is not valid.inArrayoffset < 0 || length < 0offset + length > array.LengthValue is greater than Byte.MaxValueValue is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinValueValue is equal to Double.NaN, Double.PositiveInfinity, or Double.NegativeInfinityValue is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinalueValue is equal to Single.NaN, Single.PositiveInfinity, or Single.NegativeInfinityValue is less than Byte.MinValueValue is greater than Char.MaxValue or less than Char.MinValueThis conversion is not supported.Value is less than Char.MinValueValue is greater than Char.MaxValueValue is greater than Int16.MaxValueValue is greater than Int16.MaxValue or less than Int16.MinValueValue is greater than Int32.MaxValue or less than Int32.MinValueValue is greater than Int32.MaxValueValue is greater than Int64.MaxValue or less than Int64.MinValueValue is greater than Int64.MaxValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.MinValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.MinalueValue is greater than UInt16.MaxValue or less than UInt16.MinValueValue is less than UInt16.MinValueValue is greater than UInt16.MaxValueValue is greater than UInt32.MaxValue or less than UInt32.MinValueValue is less than UInt32.MinValueValue is greater than UInt32.MaxValueValue is greater than UInt64.MaxValue or less than UInt64.MinValueValue is less than UInt64.MinValueconversionTypeNull object can not be converted to a value type.Cannot cast to destination type.Cannot cast to DBNull, it's not IConvertibleValue is not a convertible object: to Value {0} is outside the valid range [{1},{2}].ticksParameters describe an unrepresentable DateTime.H:m:s.fffffffzzzH:m:s.fffffffH:m:s tt zzzH:m:szzzH:m:sH:mzzzH:mH ttH'時'm'分's'秒'yyyy/M/dTM/yyyy/dTyyyy'年'M'月'd'日yyyy/d/MMMMyyyy/MMM/dd/MMMM/yyyyMMM/d/yyyyd/yyyy/MMMMMMM/yyyy/dyy/d/Myyyy/MMMM/dyyyy/d/MMMMMMM/d/yyyyd/MMM/yyyyMMMM/yyyy/dd/yyyy/MMMyy/MMMM/dyy/d/MMMMMM/yy/dd/MMMM/yyyy/MMM/dd/yy/MMMMMM/d/yyMMMM/d/yyd/MMM/yyMMMM/dd/MMMyyyy/MMMMd/MMMMMMM/yyValue is not a System.DateTimeInvalid DateTimeKind value.kindString was not recognized as a valid DateTime.Order of month and date is not defined by {0}Order of year, month and date is not defined by {0}Order of date, year and month defined by {0} is not supportedOrder of month, year and date defined by {0} is not supportedGMTformatsThe DateTimeStyles value RoundtripKind cannot be used with the values AssumeLocal, Asersal or AdjustToUniversal.The DateTimeStyles values AssumeLocal and AssumeUniversal cannot be used together.Invalid format stringformat is not one of the format specifier characters defined for DateTimeFormatInfoThe UTC date and time that results from applying the offset is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue.dateTime.Kind equals Utc and offset does not equal zero.dateTime.Kind equals Local and offset does not equal the offset of the system's local time zone.offset is not specified in whole minutes.offset is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.The UtcDateTime property is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue.DateTimeOffsetMinutes zzzUn-ended quoteInvalid Format String00% at end of date time string%% in date string\ at end of date time stringDelegateUnexpected proxy type.Division by zeroDLL not found.Cannot load class because of missing entry method.user-dirs.dirs$HOME/XDG_DATA_HOME.localXDG_CONFIG_HOME.configXDG_DESKTOP_DIRDesktopXDG_MUSIC_DIRMusicXDG_PICTURES_DIRPictures/usr/shareInvalid SpecialFolderInternal error occurred.Attempt to access a private/protected field failed.Invalid format.Value cannot be null.Array should be exactly {0} bytes long.Argument of System.Guid.CompareTo should be a Guid.bpndArgument to Guid.ToString(string format) should be "b", "B", "d", "D", "n", "N", "p" or "P"Invalid format for Guid.Guid(string).Array index is out of range.Cannot cast from source type to destination type.Operation is not valid due to the current state of the objectValue is too small.Cannot access a class member.Attempt to access a private/protected method failed.Cannot find requested field.Field '{0}.{1}' not found.Cannot find the requested class member.MMClassNameMMMemberNameMMSignatureMember {0}.{1} not found.Cannot find the requested method.Method not found: '{0}.{1}'.'{0}' has more than one attribute of type '{1}Duplicate AttributeUsageAttribute cannot be specified on an attribute type.bindingFlagsCannot specify both Get and Set on a field.Cannot specify both Get and Set on a property.Cannot specify Set on a field and Invoke on a method.Cannot specify Set on a property and Invoke on a method.namedParameters cannot be more than named arguments in numberMust specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required.Constructor on type 'The best match for method has some invalid parameter.Cannot find method Used Missing.Value for argument without default valueprovidedArgsOnly the field value can be specified to set a field value.Cannot find variable This operation cannot be performed with the specified delagates.The requested feature is not implemented.Operation is not supported.A null value was found where an object instance was required.The specified format 'The object was used after being disposed.ObjectName_platform_version_servicePackMicrosoft Windows NTMicrosoft Win32SMicrosoft Windows 98Microsoft Windows CEUnixXBoxOSX<unknown>Out of memory.Number overflow.This platform is not supported.Two arrays must have the same number of dimensions.MethodObjA system exception has occurred.The timespan is too big or too small.Resulting timespan is too big.Argument has to be a TimeSpan.This TimeSpan value is MinValue so you cannot get the duration.Value cannot be NaN.Outside range [MinValue,MaxValue]This TimeSpan value is MinValue and cannot be negated.D2D7daylightTimesCan't get timezone name.year is not in a range between 1 and 9999.Can't get timezone data for A type load exception has occurred.TypeLoadClassNameTypeLoadAssemblyNameCould not load type '{0}' from assembly '{1}'.Could not load type '{0}'.TypeLoadMessageArgTypeLoadResourceIDAccess to the requested resource is not authorized.UnityTypeUnitySerializationHolder does not support this type.There must be 2, 3 or 4 components in the version string.majorminorbuildrevisionArgument to Version.CompareTo must be a Version.TrackResurrectionTrackedObjectAttempted lookup for a null key.Array cannot be null.index is too largeNot enough room in the arrayDuplicate key in add.The ListDictionary's contents changed after this enumerator was instantiated.Enumerator is positioned before the collection's first element or after the last element.HashProviderReadOnlyCountThe comparer is nullkeys is nullvalues is nullNot enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this KeysCollectionGETheadersproxyconnectionGroupNamecontentLengthfileAccesspreauthenticateRETRAPPEDELELISTMDTMMKDNLSTPWDRENAMERMDSIZESTORSTOUSSL authentication error: requestUriactualUriallowAutoRedirectallowBufferingcertificatesconnectionGroupwebHeaderskeepAlivemaxAutoRedirectmediaTypeinitialMethodpipelinedsendChunkedredirects255.255.255.255127.0.0.1::1An invalid IP address was specified.ipStringThe attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referencedaddrprefixLengthNot a valid IPv6 addressffff:{0:x}{0:X4}:{0:X4}addresshttpshttpProxy scheme not supported.://maximum number of service points reachedkvacceptconnectioncontent-lengthcontent-typedateexpecthostif-modified-sincerangereferertransfer-encodinguser-agentproxy-connectionContent-LengthTransfer-EncodingWWW-Authenticateaccept-charsetaccept-encodingaccept-languageaccept-rangesallowauthorizationcache-controlcontent-encodingcontent-languageif-matchif-none-matchproxy-authenticatepublicupgradevaryviawarningwww-authenticateset-cookieset-cookie2This header must be modified with the appropiate property.invalid header name: headerNameinvalid header value: headerValueempty stringInvalid character in header
  2. _ProxyAddress_BypassOnLocal_BypassList_UseDefaultCredentialslocalhostloopbackHttpRequestCreatorfileFileWebRequestCreatorftpFtpRequestCreatorSystem.Net.This method must be implemented in derived classes1.2.840.113549. decode public key from unknown OID '{0}'.Missing DSA Y integer.Missing DSA parameters.Invalid DSA parameters.Error decoding the ASN.1 structure.Missing RSA modulus and exponent.Missing RSA modulus.Missing RSA public exponent.encodedDistinguishedName; Basic ConstraintspathLengthConstraintBadly encoded extension.asnEncodedDataWrong type.Information Not AvailableUnknown Key Usage ({0})Subject Type=CAEnd EntityPath Length Constraint=NoneUnable to decode public key.nameTypeSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[Version]{0} V{1}{0}{0}[Serial Number]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Signature Algorithm]{0} {1}({2}){0}{0}[Public Key]{0} Algorithm: {0} Length: {1}{0} Key Blob: {0} Parameters: negative indexindex >= CountcertificatefindValueInvalid find value type '{0}', expected '{1}'.stringX509KeyUsageFlagsInvalid OID value '{0}'.X509DateTimeInvalid find type '{0}'. revocation mode. Key UsageencodedDataInvalid ASN.1 Tag1. Authentication (Unknown Key Usage (Expected a X509Extension instance.index >= array.LengthKey UsageDigital SignatureNon-RepudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementCertificate SigningOff-line CRL Signing, CRL SigningEncipher OnlyDecipher OnlystoreNamestoreLocationInvalid store name (null or empty).RootTrustStore {0} doesn't exists.Subject Key IdentifiersubjectKeyIdentifieralgorithm2. Name=DNS Name=Unknown ({0})=SSL Client AuthenticationSSL Server AuthenticationSMIMEUnknown cert typeSSL CASMIME CASignature CA ({0})1.2.840.113549. 7 DataContent TypeMessage DigestSigning Time3desSubject Alternative NameNetscape Cert Typemd5sha1Scan method must be implemented in derived classesitoo many matches'Current' called before 'MoveNext()'MatchCollection in invalid state'Current' called after 'MoveNext()' returned falseinputstartat('', [])Iscan only truncate the stackUnexpected end of pattern.invalid stateToo many | in (?()|).Bad quantifier.Too many )'s.Not enough )'s.Bad optionsBad group name.Bad balancing group name.Bad conditional.Unterminated (?#...) comment.Bad grouping construct.character range cannot have category \] range in reverse order.Unterminated [] set.Illegal {x, y} - maximum of 2147483647.Illegal {x, y} with x > y.Incomplete \p{X} character escape.Unknown property 'Malformed \k<...> named backreference.Parsing "{0}" - Illegal \ at end of pattern.Insufficient hex digitsUnrecognized control character.Reference to undefined group number name parsing "" - overlapping?Shouldn't happenAbsoluteUriInvalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined because the parameter 'uriString' represents an absolute URI.Invalid UriKind value '{0}'.Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined: 0123456789ABCDEFgophermailtonewsnntpnet.pipenet.tcpbaseUri.//..//..digitcharacter<>%"{}|\^`;/?:@&=+$,%23%25%3F\Relative file path is not allowed.uriStringAbsolute URI is too shortURI scheme must start with a letter.URI scheme must start with a letter and must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character.Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.Absolute URI when we expected a relative oneInvalid URI: Invalid port number//Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsedInvalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. (This operation is not supported for a relative URI.Invalid URI format^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?^(([^@]+)@)?(.*?)(:([0-9]+))?$The argument Uri's scheme does not matchldapMD41.2.840.113549. hash algorithm: aaUnknown Asymmetric Algorithm crlInput data cannot be coded as a valid CRL. [Non-matching signature algorithms in CRL]x509serialNumberextension*.cer*.crlcertsInvalid AuthorityKeyIdentifier extensionKeyID=Invalid BasicConstraints extensionInvalid ExtendedKeyUsage extension1. AuthenticationClient AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionTime StampingOCSP Signingunknown ({0}){1}Directory Address: URL=IP Address=Invalid KeyUsage extension , CRL SigningEncipher Only Invalid NetscapeCertType extensionObject SigningObject Signing CAInvalid SubjectAltName extensionCannot change key during hash operation.MD5SHA1The authentication or decryption has failed.Unsupported security protocol type.Unsupported security protocol typeTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_56_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_56_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHAUnknown client handshake message type: Unknown server handshake message received ({0})MONO_TLS_SESSION_CACHE_TIMEOUTCache session information were disposed.Incorrect protocol version received from serverThe session is finished and it's no longer valid.Unknown record received from server.Either the provided async result is null or was not created by this RecordProtocol.buffer underrunReceived 0 bytes from stream. It must be closed.Invalid protocol version on message receivedBad record MACSSL_TLS_Insuficient SecurityRSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5The key is a null referenceThe hash algorithm is a null reference.The rgbHash parameter is a null reference.Specfied key is not an RSA keytargetHost is null or an empty string.The server stopped the handshake.ABBCCCstream is is not both readable and writable.buffer is a null reference.offset is less than 0.offset is greater than the length of buffer.count is less than 0.count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter.IO exception during read.IO exception during Write.asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginRead.Couldn't complete EndReadasyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginWrite.Couldn't complete EndWriteThe Stream is closed.master secretkey expansionclient write keyserver write keyIV block8 bytes maximumRead operations are not allowed by this streamWrite operations are not allowed by this streamClient certificate Private Key unavailable.client finished2.16.840.1.113730.4.10x{0:x}Invalid certificate received from server. Error code: Invalid certificate received from server.CN\s*=\s*([^,]*)Invalid ServerFinished message received.server finishedInvalid cipher suite received from serverData was not signed with the server certificate.HashSet have been modified while it was iterated overpredicateRectOffset (l:{0} r:{1} t:{2} b:{3})Invalid Vector3 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1})({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1}, {3:F1})Invalid matrix index!{0:F5} {1:F5} {2:F5} {3:F5}
  3. {4:F5} {5:F5} {6:F5} {7:F5}
  4. {8:F5} {9:F5} {10:F5} {11:F5}
  5. {12:F5} {13:F5} {14:F5} {15:F5}
  6. Center: {0}, Extents: {1}GetUVChannel called for bad uvIndexuvIndexDefaultDimensionForChannel called for bad channelThe uv index is invalid (must be in [0..3]_MainTexThe Object you want to instantiate is null.Cannot instantiate a ScriptableObject with a position and rotationParent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.Calling GetLocalCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.Calling GetWorldCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.AnimationEvent was not fired by Animation component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animationStateAnimationEvent was not fired by Animator component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animatorStateInfoAnimationEvent was not fired by Animator component, you shouldn't use AnimationEvent.animatorClipInfoclipsFont size and style overrides are only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.BestFit is only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.Font '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its sizeFont '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its styleEvent:{0} Character:\0 Modifiers:{1} KeyCode:{2}Event: Character: Modifiers: KeyCode:Event: {0} Position: {1} Modifiers: {2}Event: {0} "{1}"BoxrepeatButtonToggleButtonGridSliderBeginGroupscrollView Margins: {
  8. }{1}-{0} (x:{2}-{3}, y:{4}-{5})NULL - W: , H: custom styles is nullbuttontogglelabelwindowtextfieldtextareahorizontalsliderhorizontalsliderthumbverticalsliderverticalsliderthumbhorizontalscrollbarhorizontalscrollbarthumbhorizontalscrollbarleftbuttonhorizontalscrollbarrightbuttonverticalscrollbarverticalscrollbarthumbverticalscrollbarupbuttonverticalscrollbardownbuttonscrollviewUnable to find style '' in skin '' GUISkin is NULLStyle.Draw may not be called with GUIContent that is null.Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUIGUIStyle '{0}'You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI.^\s*\w+(?:\.\w+)+\s*$RGBA({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3}, {3:F3})RGBA({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})Return value address cannot be 0.returnValueAddressOnMouseDownOnMouseUpAsButtonOnMouseUpOnMouseDragOnMouseOverOnMouseExitOnMouseEnterOrigin: {0}, Dir: {1}(x:{0:F2}, y:{1:F2}, width:{2:F2}, height:{3:F2})UnityEditor.UnityEngine.System.UnityScript.Lang.Boo.Lang.UnityEngine.SetupCoroutineExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with null exceptionExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with an exceptoin that was not of type System.ExceptionRethrow as in (unmanaged)UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras (at(wrapper managed-to-native)(wrapper delegate-invoke)at <0x00000> <unknown method>at [0x in <filename unknown>:0 in (at DebugUnityEngineLoggerDebugLogHandlerAssertUnityEngine.AssertionsprintMonoBehaviourA Unity Runtime error occurred!functionPassed argument 'args[0]' is of the wrong type. Type:{0} Expected:{1}Passed argument 'args' is invalid size. Expected size is 1Invalid Vector2 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1})Invalid Vector4 index!Null{0}No actions found for messageId: Attempting to select while already selecting an object.<b>Selected:</b>No moduleInvalid type: {0} passed to event expecting {1}Type {0} expected {1} received.Results array is nullresultsName:
  9. module:
  10. distance:
  11. index:
  12. depth:
  13. worldNormal:
  14. worldPosition:
  15. screenPosition:
  16. module.sortOrderPriority:
  17. module.renderOrderPriority:
  18. sortingLayer:
  19. sortingOrder: <b>Position</b>: <b>delta</b>: <b>eligibleForClick</b>: <b>pointerEnter</b>: <b>pointerPress</b>: <b>lastPointerPress</b>: <b>pointerDrag</b>: <b>Use Drag Threshold</b>: <b>Current Rayast:</b><b>Press Rayast:</b><b>Pointer Input Module of type: </b><B>Pointer:</b> HorizontalVerticalSubmitCancelInput: FakedInput: Touch
  20. eventCamera:
  21. sortOrderPriority:
  22. renderOrderPriority: Coroutine container not configured... did you forget to call Init?NormalHighlightedPressedDisabledTrying to add {0} for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.Trying to remove {0} from rebuild list while we are already inside a rebuild loop. This is not supported.PanelButtonTextNew TextImageRawImageBackgroundFill AreaFillHandle Slide AreaHandleScrollbarSliding AreaCheckmarkLabelInputFieldPlaceholderEnter text...DropdownArrowTemplateViewportContentItemItem BackgroundItem CheckmarkItem LabelOption AOption BOption CScroll ViewScrollbar HorizontalScrollbar VerticalThe dropdown template is not assigned. The template needs to be assigned and must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.The dropdown template is not valid. The template must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.The dropdown template is not valid. The child GameObject with a Toggle component (the item) must have a RectTransform on its parent.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Text must be on the item GameObject or children of it.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Image must be on the item GameObject or children of it.Dropdown ListBlockerItem Shared UI MeshToo many sprite tiles on Image "". The tile size will be increased. To remove the limit on the number of tiles, convert the Sprite to an Advanced texture, remove the borders, clear the Packing tag and set the Wrap mode to Repeat.Using alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold greater than 0 on Image whose sprite texture cannot be read. Also make sure to disable sprite packing for this sprite.
  23. SelectAll Input Caret!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~Attempting to use a stencil mask with depth > 8_StencilMaterial doesn't have _Stencil property_StencilOp doesn't have _StencilOp property_StencilComp doesn't have _StencilComp property_StencilReadMask doesn't have _StencilReadMask property_StencilWriteMask doesn't have _StencilWriteMask property_ColorMask doesn't have _ColorMask propertyStencil Id:{0}, Op:{1}, Comp:{2}, WriteMask:{3}, ReadMask:{4}, ColorMask:{5} AlphaClip:{6} ({7})_UseAlphaClipUNITY_UI_ALPHACLIPArial.ttfToggle {0} is not part of ToggleGroup {1}(Layout Rebuilder for) Random Insertion is semantically invalid, since this structure does not guarantee ordering.Internal error. Trying to destroy object that is already released to pool.RaycastRaycastAllGetRayIntersectionAllMesh can not have more than 65000 verticesskip:{0} netAccount:{1} skipButton:{2} addSelect:{3} ignore:[ {0,0:X16}{1,0:X16}{0,0:X16}{1,0:X16}_{2,0:X16}{0:X}(0x{0,0:X8} 0x{1,0:X8}){0}/{0} : {1}({0,6} {1,6})Min{0} Max{1} TOC{2} LJ{3} PJD{4} SM{5} IC{6} C0{7} C1{8} C2{9} C3{10} ET{11}L{0} R{1} [{2}] {3} {4}({0} {1})event:{0} con:{1} type:{2} dir:{3} pos:({4} {5}) delta:({6} {7}) vel:{8} attr:{9} scale:{10} rotA:{11} count:{12} p0:{13} p1:{14} p2:{15} p3:{16}main{0} sub{1}X{0} Y{1} Z{2}{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}fId:{0} pos:({1} {2}) dia:({3} {4}) rotA:{5} attr:{6} delta:{7}({0} {1}) SamplingRate:{2} DataSize:{3} SampleLength:{4} Loop:{5}({6} - {7}, {8})Low({0} {1}Hz) High({2} {3}Hz)({0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5})({0} {1} {2} {3})({0} {1} {2} {3})
  24. object[{0}]:{1}
  25. (x:{0} y:{1} w:{2} h:{3})0x{0,0:X8} Module:{1} Description:{2}({0} {1} {2})save Successedload Datano DataMySaveFileNameKKKKKKk/Canvas/TextA:Save, B:Load, Y:Reset
  26. Counter: {0}
  27. Save data: {1}
  28. Load data {2}{0}:/{1}MySaveData
  29. mscorlib
  30. NULL
  31. "\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x4\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0"
  32. mscorlib.dll
  33. <Module>
  34. Object
  35. System
  36. .ctor
  37. obj
  38. Equals
  39. objA
  40. objB
  41. Finalize
  42. GetHashCode
  43. GetType
  44. MemberwiseClone
  45. ToString
  46. ReferenceEquals
  47. o
  48. InternalGetHashCode
  49. ValueType
  50. o1
  51. o2
  52. fields
  53. InternalEquals
  54. DefaultEquals
  55. Attribute
  56. element
  57. attributeType
  58. CheckParameters
  59. GetCustomAttribute
  60. inherit
  61. IsDefined
  62. _Attribute
  63. System.Runtime.InteropServices
  64. Int32
  65. provider
  66. System.IConvertible.ToBoolean
  67. System.IConvertible.ToByte
  68. System.IConvertible.ToChar
  69. System.IConvertible.ToDateTime
  70. System.IConvertible.ToDecimal
  71. System.IConvertible.ToDouble
  72. System.IConvertible.ToInt16
  73. System.IConvertible.ToInt32
  74. System.IConvertible.ToInt64
  75. System.IConvertible.ToSByte
  76. System.IConvertible.ToSingle
  77. targetType
  78. System.IConvertible.ToType
  79. System.IConvertible.ToUInt16
  80. System.IConvertible.ToUInt32
  81. System.IConvertible.ToUInt64
  82. value
  83. CompareTo
  84. tryParse
  85. s
  86. position
  87. exc
  88. ProcessTrailingWhitespace
  89. result
  90. Parse
  91. style
  92. CheckStyle
  93. pos
  94. reportError
  95. JumpOverWhite
  96. nfi
  97. foundSign
  98. negative
  99. FindSign
  100. foundCurrency
  101. FindCurrency
  102. exponent
  103. FindExponent
  104. other
  105. FindOther
  106. e
  107. allowHex
  108. ValidDigit
  109. GetFormatException
  110. fp
  111. TryParse
  112. format
  113. GetTypeCode
  114. MaxValue
  115. MinValue
  116. m_value
  117. IFormattable
  118. formatProvider
  119. IConvertible
  120. ToBoolean
  121. ToByte
  122. ToChar
  123. ToDateTime
  124. ToDecimal
  125. ToDouble
  126. ToInt16
  127. ToInt32
  128. ToInt64
  129. ToSByte
  130. ToSingle
  131. conversionType
  132. ToType
  133. ToUInt16
  134. ToUInt32
  135. ToUInt64
  136. IComparable
  137. IComparable`1
  138. T
  139. SerializableAttribute
  140. AttributeUsageAttribute
  141. validOn
  142. get_AllowMultiple
  143. set_AllowMultiple
  144. get_Inherited
  145. set_Inherited
  146. valid_on
  147. allow_multiple
  148. inherited
  149. AllowMultiple
  150. Inherited
  151. ComVisibleAttribute
  152. visibility
  153. Visible
  154. IEquatable`1
  155. Int64
  156. UInt32
  157. CLSCompliantAttribute
  158. isCompliant
  159. is_compliant
  160. UInt64
  161. Byte
  162. SByte
  163. Int16
  164. UInt16
  165. IEnumerator
  166. System.Collections
  167. get_Current
  168. MoveNext
  169. Reset
  170. Current
  171. IEnumerable
  172. GetEnumerator
  173. IDisposable
  174. Dispose
  175. IEnumerator`1
  176. System.Collections.Generic
  177. Char
  178. .cctor
  179. category_data
  180. numeric_data
  181. numeric_data_values
  182. to_lower_data_low
  183. to_lower_data_high
  184. to_upper_data_low
  185. to_upper_data_high
  186. GetDataTablePointers
  187. c
  188. GetUnicodeCategory
  189. IsDigit
  190. IsLetter
  191. IsLetterOrDigit
  192. IsLower
  193. IsSurrogate
  194. IsUpper
  195. IsWhiteSpace
  196. index
  197. CheckParameter
  198. ToLower
  199. ToLowerInvariant
  200. culture
  201. ToUpper
  202. ToUpperInvariant
  203. String
  204. startIndex
  205. length
  206. count
  207. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>.GetEnumerator
  208. System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
  209. a
  210. b
  211. get_Chars
  212. Clone
  213. sourceIndex
  214. destination
  215. destinationIndex
  216. CopyTo
  217. ToCharArray
  218. separator
  219. Split
  220. options
  221. Substring
  222. SubstringUnchecked
  223. Trim
  224. trimChars
  225. TrimStart
  226. TrimEnd
  227. target
  228. change
  229. FindNotWhiteSpace
  230. table
  231. FindNotInTable
  232. strA
  233. strB
  234. Compare
  235. ignoreCase
  236. indexA
  237. indexB
  238. CompareOrdinal
  239. lenA
  240. lenB
  241. CompareOrdinalUnchecked
  242. CompareOrdinalCaseInsensitiveUnchecked
  243. EndsWith
  244. anyOf
  245. IndexOfAny
  246. IndexOfAnyUnchecked
  247. comparisonType
  248. IndexOf
  249. IndexOfOrdinal
  250. IndexOfOrdinalUnchecked
  251. IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCaseUnchecked
  252. IndexOfUnchecked
  253. LastIndexOfAny
  254. LastIndexOfAnyUnchecked
  255. LastIndexOf
  256. LastIndexOfUnchecked
  257. Contains
  258. IsNullOrEmpty
  259. totalWidth
  260. paddingChar
  261. PadRight
  262. StartsWith
  263. oldChar
  264. newChar
  265. Replace
  266. oldValue
  267. newValue
  268. ReplaceUnchecked
  269. testedCount
  270. ReplaceFallback
  271. Remove
  272. arg0
  273. Format
  274. arg1
  275. arg2
  276. args
  277. FormatHelper
  278. Concat
  279. str0
  280. str1
  281. str2
  282. str3
  283. values
  284. ConcatInternal
  285. Insert
  286. Join
  287. JoinUnchecked
  288. get_Length
  289. str
  290. ptr
  291. n
  292. width
  293. left_align
  294. ParseFormatSpecifier
  295. ParseDecimal
  296. idx
  297. val
  298. InternalSetChar
  299. newLength
  300. InternalSetLength
  301. GetCaseInsensitiveHashCode
  302. CreateString
  303. enc
  304. dest
  305. src
  306. size
  307. memcpy4
  308. memcpy2
  309. memcpy1
  310. memcpy
  311. CharCopy
  312. CharCopyReverse
  313. targetIndex
  314. source
  315. InternalSplit
  316. InternalAllocateStr
  317. op_Equality
  318. op_Inequality
  319. start_char
  320. Empty
  321. WhiteChars
  322. Chars
  323. Length
  324. ICloneable
  325. IEnumerable`1
  326. Single
  327. f
  328. IsInfinity
  329. IsNaN
  330. IsNegativeInfinity
  331. IsPositiveInfinity
  332. Epsilon
  333. NaN
  334. PositiveInfinity
  335. NegativeInfinity
  336. MaxValueEpsilon
  337. Double
  338. d
  339. start
  340. end
  341. TryParseStringConstant
  342. byte_ptr
  343. ParseImpl
  344. State_AllowSign
  345. State_Digits
  346. State_Decimal
  347. State_ExponentSign
  348. State_Exponent
  349. State_ConsumeWhiteSpace
  350. State_Exit
  351. Decimal
  352. lo
  353. mid
  354. hi
  355. isNegative
  356. scale
  357. GetBits
  358. d1
  359. d2
  360. Add
  361. Subtract
  362. u64
  363. s64
  364. IsZero
  365. Floor
  366. Multiply
  367. Divide
  368. ThrowAtPos
  369. ThrowInvalidExp
  370. decPos
  371. expFlag
  372. exp
  373. throwex
  374. stripStyles
  375. res
  376. PerformParse
  377. decimal2UInt64
  378. decimal2Int64
  379. decimalIncr
  380. sDigits
  381. sign
  382. string2decimal
  383. decimalSetExponent
  384. decimal2double
  385. floorFlag
  386. decimalFloorAndTrunc
  387. pd1
  388. pd2
  389. decimalMult
  390. pc
  391. pa
  392. pb
  393. decimalDiv
  394. decimalCompare
  395. op_Increment
  396. op_Subtraction
  397. op_Multiply
  398. op_Division
  399. op_Explicit
  400. op_Implicit
  401. op_GreaterThan
  402. op_LessThan
  403. MinusOne
  404. One
  405. MaxValueDiv10
  406. flags
  407. Boolean
  408. FalseString
  409. TrueString
  410. IntPtr
  411. info
  412. context
  413. System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData
  414. get_Size
  415. ToPointer
  416. value1
  417. value2
  418. Zero
  419. Size
  420. ISerializable
  421. System.Runtime.Serialization
  422. GetObjectData
  423. UIntPtr
  424. _pointer
  425. MulticastDelegate
  426. GetInvocationList
  427. follow
  428. CombineImpl
  429. BaseEquals
  430. needle
  431. haystack
  432. tail
  433. KPM
  434. RemoveImpl
  435. prev
  436. kpm_next
  437. Delegate
  438. get_Method
  439. get_Target
  440. type
  441. throwOnBindFailure
  442. CreateDelegate_internal
  443. SetMulticastInvoke
  444. delArgType
  445. argType
  446. arg_type_match
  447. delReturnType
  448. returnType
  449. return_type_match
  450. firstArgument
  451. method
  452. CreateDelegate
  453. bflags
  454. GetCandidateMethod
  455. Combine
  456. delegates
  457. method_ptr
  458. invoke_impl
  459. m_target
  460. delegate_trampoline
  461. method_code
  462. method_info
  463. original_method_info
  464. data
  465. Method
  466. Target
  467. Enum
  468. get_value
  469. get_Value
  470. FindPosition
  471. enumType
  472. GetName
  473. get_underlying_type
  474. GetUnderlyingType
  475. name_hash
  476. names
  477. name
  478. FindName
  479. typeCode
  480. GetValue
  481. compare_value_to
  482. ToObject
  483. get_hashcode
  484. upper
  485. FormatSpecifier_X
  486. FormatFlags
  487. split_char
  488. Value
  489. Array
  490. System.Collections.IList.get_Item
  491. System.Collections.IList.set_Item
  492. System.Collections.IList.Add
  493. System.Collections.IList.Clear
  494. System.Collections.IList.Contains
  495. System.Collections.IList.IndexOf
  496. System.Collections.IList.Insert
  497. System.Collections.IList.Remove
  498. System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt
  499. System.Collections.ICollection.get_Count
  500. InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count
  501. InternalArray__ICollection_get_IsReadOnly
  502. InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator
  503. InternalArray__ICollection_Clear
  504. item
  505. InternalArray__ICollection_Add
  506. InternalArray__ICollection_Remove
  507. InternalArray__ICollection_Contains
  508. array
  509. InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo
  510. InternalArray__Insert
  511. InternalArray__RemoveAt
  512. InternalArray__IndexOf
  513. InternalArray__get_Item
  514. InternalArray__set_Item
  515. GetGenericValueImpl
  516. SetGenericValueImpl
  517. get_LongLength
  518. get_Rank
  519. GetRank
  520. dimension
  521. GetLength
  522. GetLongLength
  523. GetLowerBound
  524. indices
  525. SetValue
  526. GetValueImpl
  527. SetValueImpl
  528. source_idx
  529. dest_idx
  530. FastCopy
  531. elementType
  532. lengths
  533. bounds
  534. CreateInstanceImpl
  535. get_IsSynchronized
  536. get_SyncRoot
  537. get_IsFixedSize
  538. get_IsReadOnly
  539. GetUpperBound
  540. index1
  541. index2
  542. index3
  543. CreateInstance
  544. length1
  545. length2
  546. length3
  547. lowerBounds
  548. GetIntArray
  549. BinarySearch
  550. comparer
  551. DoBinarySearch
  552. Clear
  553. ClearInternal
  554. sourceArray
  555. destinationArray
  556. Copy
  557. Initialize
  558. get_swapper
  559. Reverse
  560. Sort
  561. keys
  562. items
  563. i
  564. j
  565. int_swapper
  566. obj_swapper
  567. slow_swapper
  568. double_swapper
  569. gap
  570. new_gap
  571. swap_items
  572. combsort
  573. low0
  574. high0
  575. qsort
  576. swap
  577. compare
  578. TKey
  579. TValue
  580. comparison
  581. K
  582. V
  583. newSize
  584. Resize
  585. match
  586. TrueForAll
  587. action
  588. ForEach
  589. converter
  590. ConvertAll
  591. TInput
  592. TOutput
  593. FindLastIndex
  594. FindIndex
  595. FindAll
  596. Exists
  597. AsReadOnly
  598. Find
  599. FindLast
  600. ConstrainedCopy
  601. System.Collections.IList.Item
  602. System.Collections.ICollection.Count
  603. LongLength
  604. Rank
  605. IsSynchronized
  606. SyncRoot
  607. IsFixedSize
  608. IsReadOnly
  609. InternalEnumerator`1
  610. System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
  611. System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
  612. System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
  613. SimpleEnumerator
  614. arrayToEnumerate
  615. enumeratee
  616. currentpos
  617. ArrayReadOnlyList`1
  618. get_Item
  619. set_Item
  620. get_Count
  621. RemoveAt
  622. ReadOnlyError
  623. Item
  624. Count
  625. <GetEnumerator>c__Iterator0
  626. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.get_Current
  627. <i>__0
  628. $PC
  629. $current
  630. <>f__this
  631. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.Current
  632. Swapper
  633. object
  634. Invoke
  635. callback
  636. BeginInvoke
  637. EndInvoke
  638. ICollection
  639. IList
  640. IList`1
  641. ICollection`1
  642. arrayIndex
  643. Void
  644. Type
  645. m
  646. filterCriteria
  647. FilterName_impl
  648. FilterNameIgnoreCase_impl
  649. FilterAttribute_impl
  650. get_Assembly
  651. get_AssemblyQualifiedName
  652. get_Attributes
  653. get_BaseType
  654. get_DeclaringType
  655. get_FullName
  656. get_HasElementType
  657. get_IsAbstract
  658. get_IsArray
  659. get_IsByRef
  660. get_IsClass
  661. get_IsContextful
  662. get_IsEnum
  663. get_IsExplicitLayout
  664. get_IsInterface
  665. get_IsMarshalByRef
  666. get_IsPointer
  667. get_IsPrimitive
  668. get_IsSealed
  669. get_IsSerializable
  670. get_IsValueType
  671. get_MemberType
  672. get_Module
  673. get_Namespace
  674. get_ReflectedType
  675. get_TypeHandle
  676. get_UnderlyingSystemType
  677. EqualsInternal
  678. handle
  679. internal_from_handle
  680. throwOnError
  681. internal_from_name
  682. typeName
  683. GetTypeCodeInternal
  684. GetTypeFromHandle
  685. GetTypeHandle
  686. check_interfaces
  687. type_is_subtype_of
  688. type_is_assignable_from
  689. IsSubclassOf
  690. GetInterfaces
  691. IsAssignableFrom
  692. IsInstanceOfType
  693. GetArrayRank
  694. GetElementType
  695. bindingAttr
  696. GetEvent
  697. GetField
  698. GetFields
  699. GetMethod
  700. types
  701. binder
  702. modifiers
  703. callConvention
  704. GetMethodImpl
  705. GetMethodImplInternal
  706. GetMethods
  707. GetProperty
  708. GetPropertyImpl
  709. GetPropertyImplInternal
  710. GetConstructorImpl
  711. GetAttributeFlagsImpl
  712. HasElementTypeImpl
  713. IsArrayImpl
  714. IsByRefImpl
  715. IsPointerImpl
  716. IsPrimitiveImpl
  717. IsValueTypeImpl
  718. IsContextfulImpl
  719. IsMarshalByRefImpl
  720. GetConstructor
  721. GetConstructors
  722. invokeAttr
  723. namedParameters
  724. InvokeMember
  725. get_IsSystemType
  726. GetGenericArguments
  727. get_ContainsGenericParameters
  728. get_IsGenericTypeDefinition
  729. GetGenericTypeDefinition_impl
  730. GetGenericTypeDefinition
  731. get_IsGenericType
  732. gt
  733. MakeGenericType
  734. typeArguments
  735. get_IsGenericParameter
  736. get_IsNested
  737. make_byref_type
  738. MakeByRefType
  739. GetPseudoCustomAttributes
  740. get_IsUserType
  741. DefaultBindingFlags
  742. _impl
  743. Delimiter
  744. EmptyTypes
  745. FilterAttribute
  746. FilterName
  747. FilterNameIgnoreCase
  748. Missing
  749. Assembly
  750. AssemblyQualifiedName
  751. Attributes
  752. BaseType
  753. DeclaringType
  754. FullName
  755. HasElementType
  756. IsAbstract
  757. IsArray
  758. IsByRef
  759. IsClass
  760. IsContextful
  761. IsEnum
  762. IsExplicitLayout
  763. IsInterface
  764. IsMarshalByRef
  765. IsPointer
  766. IsPrimitive
  767. IsSealed
  768. IsSerializable
  769. IsValueType
  770. MemberType
  771. Module
  772. Namespace
  773. ReflectedType
  774. TypeHandle
  775. UnderlyingSystemType
  776. IsSystemType
  777. ContainsGenericParameters
  778. IsGenericTypeDefinition
  779. IsGenericType
  780. IsGenericParameter
  781. IsNested
  782. IsUserType
  783. MemberInfo
  784. System.Reflection
  785. get_Name
  786. GetCustomAttributes
  787. Name
  788. ICustomAttributeProvider
  789. _MemberInfo
  790. IReflect
  791. _Type
  792. Exception
  793. message
  794. innerException
  795. get_InnerException
  796. get_HelpLink
  797. set_HelpLink
  798. get_HResult
  799. set_HResult
  800. SetMessage
  801. SetStackTrace
  802. get_ClassName
  803. get_Message
  804. get_Source
  805. set_Source
  806. get_StackTrace
  807. get_TargetSite
  808. get_Data
  809. GetBaseException
  810. FixRemotingException
  811. sb
  812. mi
  813. GetFullNameForStackTrace
  814. trace_ips
  815. inner_exception
  816. help_link
  817. class_name
  818. stack_trace
  819. _remoteStackTraceString
  820. remote_stack_index
  821. hresult
  822. _data
  823. InnerException
  824. HelpLink
  825. HResult
  826. ClassName
  827. Message
  828. Source
  829. StackTrace
  830. TargetSite
  831. Data
  832. _Exception
  833. RuntimeFieldHandle
  834. RuntimeTypeHandle
  835. ParamArrayAttribute
  836. OutAttribute
  837. ObsoleteAttribute
  838. error
  839. _message
  840. _error
  841. DllImportAttribute
  842. dllName
  843. CallingConvention
  844. CharSet
  845. Dll
  846. EntryPoint
  847. ExactSpelling
  848. PreserveSig
  849. SetLastError
  850. BestFitMapping
  851. ThrowOnUnmappableChar
  852. MarshalAsAttribute
  853. unmanagedType
  854. utype
  855. ArraySubType
  856. MarshalCookie
  857. MarshalType
  858. MarshalTypeRef
  859. SizeConst
  860. SizeParamIndex
  861. InAttribute
  862. GuidAttribute
  863. guid
  864. guidValue
  865. ComImportAttribute
  866. OptionalAttribute
  867. CompilerGeneratedAttribute
  868. System.Runtime.CompilerServices
  869. InternalsVisibleToAttribute
  870. assemblyName
  871. all_visible
  872. RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute
  873. set_WrapNonExceptionThrows
  874. wrap_non_exception_throws
  875. WrapNonExceptionThrows
  876. DebuggerHiddenAttribute
  877. System.Diagnostics
  878. DefaultMemberAttribute
  879. memberName
  880. get_MemberName
  881. member_name
  882. MemberName
  883. DecimalConstantAttribute
  884. low
  885. FieldOffsetAttribute
  886. offset
  887. RuntimeArgumentHandle
  888. AsyncCallback
  889. ar
  890. IAsyncResult
  891. get_AsyncState
  892. get_AsyncWaitHandle
  893. get_IsCompleted
  894. AsyncState
  895. AsyncWaitHandle
  896. IsCompleted
  897. TypedReference
  898. klass
  899. ArgIterator
  900. sig
  901. next_arg
  902. num_args
  903. MarshalByRefObject
  904. get_ObjectIdentity
  905. set_ObjectIdentity
  906. requestedType
  907. CreateObjRef
  908. InitializeLifetimeService
  909. _identity
  910. ObjectIdentity
  911. Nullable`1
  912. get_HasValue
  913. has_value
  914. HasValue
  915. RuntimeHelpers
  916. fldHandle
  917. InitializeArray
  918. get_OffsetToStringData
  919. OffsetToStringData
  920. Locale
  921. msg
  922. GetText
  923. fmt
  924. MonoTODOAttribute
  925. comment
  926. MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute
  927. MonoLimitationAttribute
  928. SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
  929. Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
  930. ownsHandle
  931. get_IsInvalid
  932. IsInvalid
  933. SafeWaitHandle
  934. existingHandle
  935. ReleaseHandle
  936. CodePointIndexer
  937. Mono.Globalization.Unicode
  938. starts
  939. ends
  940. defaultIndex
  941. defaultCP
  942. cp
  943. ToIndex
  944. ranges
  945. TotalCount
  946. TableRange
  947. indexStart
  948. Start
  949. End
  950. IndexStart
  951. IndexEnd
  952. TailoringInfo
  953. lcid
  954. tailoringIndex
  955. tailoringCount
  956. frenchSort
  957. LCID
  958. TailoringIndex
  959. TailoringCount
  960. FrenchSort
  961. Contraction
  962. replacement
  963. sortkey
  964. Replacement
  965. SortKey
  966. ContractionComparer
  967. Instance
  968. Level2Map
  969. replace
  970. Level2MapComparer
  971. MSCompatUnicodeTable
  972. GetTailoringInfo
  973. t
  974. contractions
  975. diacriticals
  976. BuildTailoringTables
  977. cjkIndexer
  978. catTable
  979. lv1Table
  980. lv2Indexer
  981. lv2Table
  982. SetCJKReferences
  983. Category
  984. Level1
  985. Level2
  986. Level3
  987. flag
  988. IsIgnorable
  989. IsIgnorableNonSpacing
  990. ToKanaTypeInsensitive
  991. ToWidthCompat
  992. HasSpecialWeight
  993. IsHalfWidthKana
  994. IsHiragana
  995. IsJapaneseSmallLetter
  996. get_IsReady
  997. GetResource
  998. raw
  999. UInt32FromBytePtr
  1000. FillCJK
  1001. cjkLv2Indexer
  1002. FillCJKCore
  1003. MaxExpansionLength
  1004. ignorableFlags
  1005. categories
  1006. level1
  1007. level2
  1008. level3
  1009. cjkCHScategory
  1010. cjkCHTcategory
  1011. cjkJAcategory
  1012. cjkKOcategory
  1013. cjkCHSlv1
  1014. cjkCHTlv1
  1015. cjkJAlv1
  1016. cjkKOlv1
  1017. cjkKOlv2
  1018. tailoringArr
  1019. tailoringInfos
  1020. forLock
  1021. isReady
  1022. <>f__switch$map2
  1023. <>f__switch$map3
  1024. <>f__switch$map4
  1025. IsReady
  1026. MSCompatUnicodeTableUtil
  1027. Ignorable
  1028. CjkCHS
  1029. Cjk
  1030. SimpleCollator
  1031. SetCJKTable
  1032. GetNeutralCulture
  1033. ext
  1034. opt
  1035. IsHalfKana
  1036. GetContraction
  1037. clist
  1038. GetTailContraction
  1039. FilterOptions
  1040. GetExtenderType
  1041. ToDashTypeValue
  1042. FilterExtender
  1043. IsSafe
  1044. GetSortKey
  1045. buf
  1046. FillSortKeyRaw
  1047. FillSurrogateSortKeyRaw
  1048. s1
  1049. idx1
  1050. len1
  1051. s2
  1052. idx2
  1053. len2
  1054. sourceConsumed
  1055. targetConsumed
  1056. immediateBreakup
  1057. CompareQuick
  1058. CompareOrdinalIgnoreCase
  1059. buffer
  1060. ClearBuffer
  1061. end1
  1062. end2
  1063. QuickCheckPossible
  1064. skipHeadingExtenders
  1065. ctx
  1066. CompareInternal
  1067. b1
  1068. b2
  1069. CompareFlagPair
  1070. IsPrefix
  1071. IsSuffix
  1072. testWasUnable
  1073. QuickIndexOf
  1074. IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase
  1075. ti
  1076. noLv4
  1077. IndexOfSortKey
  1078. targetSortKey
  1079. LastIndexOfOrdinal
  1080. LastIndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase
  1081. orgStart
  1082. LastIndexOfSortKey
  1083. MatchesForward
  1084. ct
  1085. MatchesForwardCore
  1086. si
  1087. MatchesPrimitive
  1088. MatchesBackward
  1089. MatchesBackwardCore
  1090. QuickCheckDisabled
  1091. invariant
  1092. textInfo
  1093. cjkCatTable
  1094. cjkLv1Table
  1095. cjkLv2Table
  1096. level2Maps
  1097. unsafeFlags
  1098. Context
  1099. alwaysMatchFlags
  1100. neverMatchFlags
  1101. buffer1
  1102. buffer2
  1103. prev1
  1104. quickCheckPossible
  1105. Option
  1106. NeverMatchFlags
  1107. AlwaysMatchFlags
  1108. Buffer1
  1109. Buffer2
  1110. PrevCode
  1111. PrevSortKey
  1112. PreviousInfo
  1113. dummy
  1114. Code
  1115. Escape
  1116. Index
  1117. Optional
  1118. ExtenderType
  1119. value__
  1120. None
  1121. Simple
  1122. Voiced
  1123. Conditional
  1124. Buggy
  1125. System.Globalization
  1126. lv1Length
  1127. lv2Length
  1128. lv3Length
  1129. kanaSmallLength
  1130. markTypeLength
  1131. katakanaLength
  1132. kanaWidthLength
  1133. identLength
  1134. sortkey1
  1135. sortkey2
  1136. get_OriginalString
  1137. get_KeyData
  1138. key
  1139. OriginalString
  1140. KeyData
  1141. SortKeyBuffer
  1142. lv1msb
  1143. lv1lsb
  1144. AppendCJKExtension
  1145. category
  1146. lv1
  1147. lv2
  1148. lv3
  1149. isSmallKana
  1150. markType
  1151. isKatakana
  1152. isHalfWidth
  1153. AppendKana
  1154. AppendNormal
  1155. AppendLevel5
  1156. bidx
  1157. AppendBufferPrimitive
  1158. GetResultAndReset
  1159. len
  1160. defaultValue
  1161. GetOptimizedLength
  1162. GetResult
  1163. l1
  1164. l2
  1165. l3
  1166. l4s
  1167. l4t
  1168. l4k
  1169. l4w
  1170. l5
  1171. l1b
  1172. l2b
  1173. l3b
  1174. l4sb
  1175. l4tb
  1176. l4kb
  1177. l4wb
  1178. l5b
  1179. processLevel2
  1180. frenchSorted
  1181. PrimeGeneratorBase
  1182. Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
  1183. get_Confidence
  1184. get_PrimalityTest
  1185. get_TrialDivisionBounds
  1186. bits
  1187. GenerateNewPrime
  1188. Confidence
  1189. PrimalityTest
  1190. TrialDivisionBounds
  1191. SequentialSearchPrimeGeneratorBase
  1192. GenerateSearchBase
  1193. bi
  1194. IsPrimeAcceptable
  1195. ConfidenceFactor
  1196. Mono.Math.Prime
  1197. ExtraLow
  1198. Low
  1199. Medium
  1200. High
  1201. ExtraHigh
  1202. Provable
  1203. PrimalityTests
  1204. confidence
  1205. GetSPPRounds
  1206. Test
  1207. RabinMillerTest
  1208. SmallPrimeSppTest
  1209. BigInteger
  1210. Mono.Math
  1211. inData
  1212. ui
  1213. get_Rng
  1214. rng
  1215. GenerateRandom
  1216. Randomize
  1217. BitCount
  1218. bitNum
  1219. TestBit
  1220. SetBit
  1221. LowestSetBit
  1222. GetBytes
  1223. radix
  1224. characterSet
  1225. Normalize
  1226. modulus
  1227. ModInverse
  1228. ModPow
  1229. IsProbablePrime
  1230. GeneratePseudoPrime
  1231. Incr2
  1232. bi1
  1233. bi2
  1234. op_Addition
  1235. op_Modulus
  1236. shiftVal
  1237. op_LeftShift
  1238. op_RightShift
  1239. op_GreaterThanOrEqual
  1240. op_LessThanOrEqual
  1241. smallPrimes
  1242. Rng
  1243. Sign
  1244. Negative
  1245. Positive
  1246. ModulusRing
  1247. x
  1248. BarrettReduction
  1249. Difference
  1250. k
  1251. Pow
  1252. mod
  1253. constant
  1254. Kernel
  1255. AddSameSign
  1256. big
  1257. small
  1258. MinusEq
  1259. PlusEq
  1260. SingleByteDivideInPlace
  1261. DwordMod
  1262. DwordDivMod
  1263. multiByteDivide
  1264. LeftShift
  1265. RightShift
  1266. MultiplyByDword
  1267. xOffset
  1268. xLen
  1269. y
  1270. yOffset
  1271. yLen
  1272. dOffset
  1273. yOffest
  1274. MultiplyMod2p32pmod
  1275. modInverse
  1276. CryptoConvert
  1277. Mono.Security.Cryptography
  1278. bytes
  1279. ToInt32LE
  1280. ToUInt32LE
  1281. GetBytesLE
  1282. blob
  1283. FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob
  1284. rsa
  1285. ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob
  1286. FromCapiPublicKeyBlob
  1287. ToCapiPublicKeyBlob
  1288. FromCapiKeyBlob
  1289. includePrivateKey
  1290. ToCapiKeyBlob
  1291. KeyBuilder
  1292. Key
  1293. IV
  1294. BlockProcessor
  1295. transform
  1296. blockSize
  1297. rgb
  1298. Core
  1299. ib
  1300. cb
  1301. Final
  1302. block
  1303. blockCount
  1304. DSAManaged
  1305. dwKeySize
  1306. add_KeyGenerated
  1307. remove_KeyGenerated
  1308. Generate
  1309. GenerateKeyPair
  1310. add
  1311. keyLength
  1312. GenerateParams
  1313. get_Random
  1314. get_KeySize
  1315. get_PublicOnly
  1316. NormalizeArray
  1317. includePrivateParameters
  1318. ExportParameters
  1319. parameters
  1320. ImportParameters
  1321. rgbHash
  1322. CreateSignature
  1323. rgbSignature
  1324. VerifySignature
  1325. disposing
  1326. keypairGenerated
  1327. m_disposed
  1328. p
  1329. q
  1330. g
  1331. seed
  1332. counter
  1333. j_missing
  1334. KeyGenerated
  1335. Random
  1336. KeySize
  1337. PublicOnly
  1338. KeyGeneratedEventHandler
  1339. sender
  1340. KeyPairPersistence
  1341. keyPair
  1342. get_Filename
  1343. get_KeyValue
  1344. set_KeyValue
  1345. Load
  1346. Save
  1347. get_UserPath
  1348. get_MachinePath
  1349. root
  1350. _CanSecure
  1351. path
  1352. _ProtectUser
  1353. _ProtectMachine
  1354. _IsUserProtected
  1355. _IsMachineProtected
  1356. CanSecure
  1357. ProtectUser
  1358. ProtectMachine
  1359. IsUserProtected
  1360. IsMachineProtected
  1361. get_CanChange
  1362. get_UseDefaultKeyContainer
  1363. get_UseMachineKeyStore
  1364. get_ContainerName
  1365. xml
  1366. FromXml
  1367. ToXml
  1368. _userPathExists
  1369. _userPath
  1370. _machinePathExists
  1371. _machinePath
  1372. _params
  1373. _keyvalue
  1374. _filename
  1375. _container
  1376. lockobj
  1377. Filename
  1378. KeyValue
  1379. UserPath
  1380. MachinePath
  1381. CanChange
  1382. UseDefaultKeyContainer
  1383. UseMachineKeyStore
  1384. ContainerName
  1385. MACAlgorithm
  1386. algorithm
  1387. algo
  1388. PKCS1
  1389. array1
  1390. array2
  1391. I2OSP
  1392. OS2IP
  1393. RSAEP
  1394. RSASP1
  1395. RSAVP1
  1396. M
  1397. Encrypt_v15
  1398. hash
  1399. hashValue
  1400. Sign_v15
  1401. signature
  1402. Verify_v15
  1403. tryNonStandardEncoding
  1404. emLength
  1405. Encode_v15
  1406. emptySHA1
  1407. emptySHA256
  1408. emptySHA384
  1409. emptySHA512
  1410. PKCS8
  1411. PrivateKeyInfo
  1412. get_PrivateKey
  1413. Decode
  1414. bigInt
  1415. RemoveLeadingZero
  1416. keypair
  1417. DecodeRSA
  1418. privateKey
  1419. dsaParameters
  1420. DecodeDSA
  1421. _version
  1422. _algorithm
  1423. _key
  1424. _list
  1425. PrivateKey
  1426. EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
  1427. get_Algorithm
  1428. get_EncryptedData
  1429. get_Salt
  1430. get_IterationCount
  1431. _salt
  1432. _iterations
  1433. Algorithm
  1434. EncryptedData
  1435. Salt
  1436. IterationCount
  1437. RSAManaged
  1438. keySize
  1439. DecryptValue
  1440. EncryptValue
  1441. ToXmlString
  1442. get_IsCrtPossible
  1443. GetPaddedValue
  1444. isCRTpossible
  1445. keyBlinding
  1446. dp
  1447. dq
  1448. qInv
  1449. IsCrtPossible
  1450. SymmetricTransform
  1451. symmAlgo
  1452. encryption
  1453. rgbIV
  1454. System.IDisposable.Dispose
  1455. get_CanReuseTransform
  1456. input
  1457. output
  1458. Transform
  1459. ECB
  1460. CBC
  1461. CFB
  1462. OFB
  1463. CTS
  1464. inputBuffer
  1465. inputOffset
  1466. inputCount
  1467. CheckInput
  1468. outputBuffer
  1469. outputOffset
  1470. TransformBlock
  1471. get_KeepLastBlock
  1472. InternalTransformBlock
  1473. padding
  1474. ThrowBadPaddingException
  1475. FinalEncrypt
  1476. FinalDecrypt
  1477. TransformFinalBlock
  1478. encrypt
  1479. BlockSizeByte
  1480. temp
  1481. temp2
  1482. workBuff
  1483. workout
  1484. FeedBackByte
  1485. FeedBackIter
  1486. lastBlock
  1487. _rng
  1488. CanReuseTransform
  1489. KeepLastBlock
  1490. SafeBag
  1491. Mono.Security.X509
  1492. bagOID
  1493. asn1
  1494. get_BagOID
  1495. get_ASN1
  1496. _bagOID
  1497. _asn1
  1498. BagOID
  1499. ASN1
  1500. PKCS12
  1501. password
  1502. set_Password
  1503. set_IterationCount
  1504. get_Certificates
  1505. get_RNG
  1506. expected
  1507. actual
  1508. algorithmOid
  1509. salt
  1510. iterationCount
  1511. GetSymmetricAlgorithm
  1512. encryptedData
  1513. Decrypt
  1514. ed
  1515. Encrypt
  1516. found
  1517. GetExistingParameters
  1518. pki
  1519. AddPrivateKey
  1520. safeBag
  1521. ReadSafeBag
  1522. x509
  1523. attributes
  1524. CertificateSafeBag
  1525. iterations
  1526. MAC
  1527. safeBags
  1528. EncryptedContentInfo
  1529. cert
  1530. AddCertificate
  1531. RemoveCertificate
  1532. attrs
  1533. get_MaximumPasswordLength
  1534. recommendedIterationCount
  1535. _password
  1536. _keyBags
  1537. _secretBags
  1538. _certs
  1539. _keyBagsChanged
  1540. _secretBagsChanged
  1541. _certsChanged
  1542. _safeBags
  1543. password_max_length
  1544. <>f__switch$map8
  1545. <>f__switch$map9
  1546. <>f__switch$mapA
  1547. <>f__switch$mapB
  1548. <>f__switch$mapF
  1549. Password
  1550. Certificates
  1551. RNG
  1552. MaximumPasswordLength
  1553. DeriveBytes
  1554. set_HashName
  1555. set_Salt
  1556. aOff
  1557. Adjust
  1558. diversifier
  1559. Derive
  1560. DeriveKey
  1561. DeriveIV
  1562. DeriveMAC
  1563. keyDiversifier
  1564. ivDiversifier
  1565. macDiversifier
  1566. _hashName
  1567. HashName
  1568. X501
  1569. seq
  1570. reversed
  1572. entry
  1573. AppendEntry
  1574. countryName
  1575. organizationName
  1576. organizationalUnitName
  1577. commonName
  1578. localityName
  1579. stateOrProvinceName
  1580. streetAddress
  1581. domainComponent
  1582. userid
  1583. email
  1584. dnQualifier
  1585. title
  1586. surname
  1587. givenName
  1588. initial
  1589. X509Certificate
  1590. integer
  1591. GetUnsignedBigInteger
  1592. get_DSA
  1593. get_IssuerName
  1594. get_KeyAlgorithmParameters
  1595. get_PublicKey
  1596. get_RawData
  1597. get_SubjectName
  1598. get_ValidFrom
  1599. get_ValidUntil
  1600. GetIssuerName
  1601. GetSubjectName
  1602. PEM
  1603. decoder
  1604. m_encodedcert
  1605. m_from
  1606. m_until
  1607. issuer
  1608. m_issuername
  1609. m_keyalgo
  1610. m_keyalgoparams
  1611. subject
  1612. m_subject
  1613. m_publickey
  1614. m_signaturealgo
  1615. m_signaturealgoparams
  1616. _dsa
  1617. version
  1618. serialnumber
  1619. issuerUniqueID
  1620. subjectUniqueID
  1621. extensions
  1622. encoding_error
  1623. DSA
  1624. IssuerName
  1625. KeyAlgorithmParameters
  1626. PublicKey
  1627. RawData
  1628. SubjectName
  1629. ValidFrom
  1630. ValidUntil
  1631. X509CertificateCollection
  1632. X509CertificateEnumerator
  1633. mappings
  1634. System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext
  1635. enumerator
  1636. X509Extension
  1637. WriteLine
  1638. extnOid
  1639. extnCritical
  1640. extnValue
  1641. X509ExtensionCollection
  1642. readOnly
  1643. Mono.Security
  1644. tag
  1645. get_Tag
  1646. set_Value
  1647. CompareArray
  1648. CompareValue
  1649. anPos
  1650. anLength
  1651. content
  1652. DecodeTLV
  1653. anTag
  1654. Element
  1655. m_nTag
  1656. m_aValue
  1657. elist
  1658. Tag
  1659. ASN1Convert
  1660. FromInt32
  1661. oid
  1662. FromOid
  1663. ToOid
  1664. time
  1665. BitConverterLE
  1666. GetUIntBytes
  1667. GetULongBytes
  1668. dst
  1669. UShortFromBytes
  1670. UIntFromBytes
  1671. ULongFromBytes
  1672. PKCS7
  1673. ContentInfo
  1674. get_Content
  1675. set_Content
  1676. get_ContentType
  1677. set_ContentType
  1678. GetASN1
  1679. contentType
  1680. Content
  1681. ContentType
  1682. get_EncryptionAlgorithm
  1683. get_EncryptedContent
  1684. _content
  1685. _encryptionAlgorithm
  1686. _encrypted
  1687. EncryptionAlgorithm
  1688. EncryptedContent
  1689. StrongName
  1690. InvalidateCache
  1691. set_RSA
  1692. get_PublicKeyToken
  1693. get_TokenAlgorithm
  1694. publicKey
  1695. keyToken
  1696. tokenAlgorithm
  1697. lockObject
  1698. initialized
  1699. RSA
  1700. PublicKeyToken
  1701. TokenAlgorithm
  1702. SecurityParser
  1703. Mono.Xml
  1704. LoadXml
  1705. parser
  1706. OnStartParsing
  1707. text
  1708. OnProcessingInstruction
  1709. OnIgnorableWhitespace
  1710. OnStartElement
  1711. OnEndElement
  1712. ch
  1713. OnChars
  1714. OnEndParsing
  1715. current
  1716. stack
  1717. SmallXmlParser
  1718. Error
  1719. UnexpectedEndError
  1720. IsNameChar
  1721. IsWhitespace
  1722. SkipWhitespaces
  1723. HandleWhitespaces
  1724. Peek
  1725. Read
  1726. Expect
  1727. until
  1728. handleReferences
  1729. ReadUntil
  1730. ReadName
  1731. handler
  1732. Cleanup
  1733. ReadContent
  1734. HandleBufferedContent
  1735. ReadCharacters
  1736. ReadReference
  1737. ReadCharacterReference
  1738. ReadAttribute
  1739. ReadCDATASection
  1740. ReadComment
  1741. reader
  1742. elementNames
  1743. xmlSpaces
  1744. xmlSpace
  1745. nameBuffer
  1746. isWhitespace
  1747. line
  1748. column
  1749. resetColumn
  1750. <>f__switch$map18
  1751. IContentHandler
  1752. IAttrList
  1753. get_Names
  1754. get_Values
  1755. Names
  1756. Values
  1757. AttrListImpl
  1758. attrNames
  1759. attrValues
  1760. SmallXmlParserException
  1761. Runtime
  1762. Mono
  1763. GetDisplayName
  1764. CollectionDebuggerView`1
  1765. CollectionDebuggerView`2
  1766. U
  1767. Comparer`1
  1768. System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
  1769. get_Default
  1770. _default
  1771. Default
  1772. DefaultComparer
  1773. GenericComparer`1
  1774. Link
  1775. HashCode
  1776. Next
  1777. Dictionary`2
  1778. capacity
  1779. System.Collections.IDictionary.get_Item
  1780. System.Collections.IDictionary.set_Item
  1781. System.Collections.IDictionary.Add
  1782. System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove
  1783. System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized
  1784. System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot
  1785. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.get_IsReadOnly
  1786. keyValuePair
  1787. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Add
  1788. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Contains
  1789. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.CopyTo
  1790. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Remove
  1791. System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo
  1792. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.GetEnumerator
  1793. System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator
  1794. hcp
  1795. Init
  1796. InitArrays
  1797. CopyToCheck
  1798. Do_CopyTo
  1799. TRet
  1800. TElem
  1801. make_pair
  1802. pick_value
  1803. Do_ICollectionCopyTo
  1804. ContainsKey
  1805. ContainsValue
  1806. OnDeserialization
  1807. TryGetValue
  1808. ToTKey
  1809. ToTValue
  1810. pair
  1811. ContainsKeyValuePair
  1812. <CopyTo>m__0
  1815. NO_SLOT
  1816. HASH_FLAG
  1817. linkSlots
  1818. keySlots
  1819. valueSlots
  1820. touchedSlots
  1821. emptySlot
  1822. threshold
  1823. serialization_info
  1824. generation
  1825. <>f__am$cacheB
  1826. System.Collections.IDictionary.Item
  1827. System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized
  1828. System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot
  1829. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.IsReadOnly
  1830. ShimEnumerator
  1831. host
  1832. get_Entry
  1833. get_Key
  1834. host_enumerator
  1835. Entry
  1836. Enumerator
  1837. dictionary
  1838. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Entry
  1839. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Key
  1840. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Value
  1841. get_CurrentKey
  1842. get_CurrentValue
  1843. VerifyState
  1844. VerifyCurrent
  1845. next
  1846. stamp
  1847. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry
  1848. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Key
  1849. System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Value
  1850. CurrentKey
  1851. CurrentValue
  1852. ValueCollection
  1853. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Add
  1854. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Clear
  1855. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Contains
  1856. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Remove
  1857. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TValue>.GetEnumerator
  1858. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.get_IsReadOnly
  1859. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly
  1860. Transform`1
  1861. EqualityComparer`1
  1862. System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
  1863. System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals
  1864. GenericEqualityComparer`1
  1865. IComparer`1
  1866. IDictionary`2
  1867. IEqualityComparer`1
  1868. KeyNotFoundException
  1869. KeyValuePair`2
  1870. set_Key
  1871. List`1
  1872. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator
  1873. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly
  1874. System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize
  1875. System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly
  1876. newCount
  1877. GrowIfNeeded
  1878. collection
  1879. AddCollection
  1880. enumerable
  1881. AddEnumerable
  1882. AddRange
  1883. CheckMatch
  1884. GetIndex
  1885. delta
  1886. Shift
  1887. CheckIndex
  1888. CheckCollection
  1889. RemoveAll
  1890. ToArray
  1891. TrimExcess
  1892. get_Capacity
  1893. set_Capacity
  1894. DefaultCapacity
  1895. _items
  1896. _size
  1897. EmptyArray
  1898. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly
  1899. System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize
  1900. System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly
  1901. Capacity
  1902. l
  1903. ver
  1904. Collection`1
  1905. System.Collections.ObjectModel
  1906. ClearItems
  1907. InsertItem
  1908. RemoveItem
  1909. SetItem
  1910. IsValidItem
  1911. ConvertItem
  1912. list
  1913. CheckWritable
  1914. syncRoot
  1915. ReadOnlyCollection`1
  1916. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Add
  1917. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Clear
  1918. System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Insert
  1919. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Remove
  1920. System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.RemoveAt
  1921. System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.get_Item
  1922. System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.set_Item
  1923. System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Item
  1924. ArrayList
  1925. EnsureCapacity
  1926. InsertRange
  1927. ThrowNewArgumentOutOfRangeException
  1928. Synchronized
  1929. ReadOnly
  1930. DefaultInitialCapacity
  1931. currentElement
  1932. endFlag
  1933. ArrayListWrapper
  1934. innerArrayList
  1935. m_InnerArrayList
  1936. SynchronizedArrayListWrapper
  1937. m_SyncRoot
  1938. FixedSizeArrayListWrapper
  1939. innerList
  1940. get_ErrorMessage
  1941. ErrorMessage
  1942. ReadOnlyArrayListWrapper
  1943. BitArray
  1944. byteIndex
  1945. getByte
  1946. Get
  1947. Set
  1948. m_array
  1949. m_length
  1950. BitArrayEnumerator
  1951. ba
  1952. checkVersion
  1953. _bitArray
  1954. _current
  1955. _index
  1956. CaseInsensitiveComparer
  1957. get_DefaultInvariant
  1958. defaultComparer
  1959. defaultInvariantComparer
  1960. DefaultInvariant
  1961. CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider
  1962. AreEqual
  1963. singletonInvariant
  1964. sync
  1965. m_text
  1966. CollectionBase
  1967. get_InnerList
  1968. get_List
  1969. OnClear
  1970. OnClearComplete
  1971. OnInsert
  1972. OnInsertComplete
  1973. OnRemove
  1974. OnRemoveComplete
  1975. OnSet
  1976. OnSetComplete
  1977. OnValidate
  1978. InnerList
  1979. List
  1980. CollectionDebuggerView
  1981. Comparer
  1982. m_compareInfo
  1983. DictionaryEntry
  1984. _value
  1985. Hashtable
  1986. loadFactor
  1987. equalityComparer
  1988. set_comparer
  1989. set_hcp
  1990. get_Keys
  1991. GetHash
  1992. KeyEquals
  1993. AdjustThreshold
  1994. hashes
  1995. SetTable
  1996. Rehash
  1997. overwrite
  1998. PutImpl
  1999. arr
  2000. mode
  2001. CopyToArray
  2002. TestPrime
  2003. CalcPrime
  2004. ToPrime
  2006. inUse
  2007. modificationCount
  2008. hashKeys
  2009. hashValues
  2010. hcpRef
  2011. comparerRef
  2012. serializationInfo
  2013. primeTbl
  2014. Keys
  2015. Slot
  2016. KeyMarker
  2017. Removed
  2018. EnumeratorMode
  2019. KEY_MODE
  2020. VALUE_MODE
  2021. ENTRY_MODE
  2022. FailFast
  2023. currentKey
  2024. currentValue
  2025. xstr
  2026. HashKeys
  2027. HashValues
  2028. SyncHashtable
  2029. IComparer
  2030. IDictionary
  2031. IDictionaryEnumerator
  2032. IEqualityComparer
  2033. IHashCodeProvider
  2034. Queue
  2035. col
  2036. growFactor
  2037. Dequeue
  2038. Enqueue
  2039. grow
  2040. _array
  2041. _head
  2042. _tail
  2043. _growFactor
  2044. QueueEnumerator
  2045. queue
  2046. SortedList
  2047. initialCapacity
  2048. IndexOfKey
  2049. GetByIndex
  2050. free
  2051. GetImpl
  2052. forceSize
  2053. InitTable
  2054. defaultCapacity
  2055. invalid
  2056. Stack
  2057. ncapacity
  2058. Pop
  2059. Push
  2060. contents
  2061. modCount
  2062. AssemblyHashAlgorithm
  2063. System.Configuration.Assemblies
  2064. MD5
  2065. SHA1
  2066. AssemblyVersionCompatibility
  2067. SameMachine
  2068. SameProcess
  2069. SameDomain
  2070. ISymbolWriter
  2071. System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
  2072. emitter
  2073. filename
  2074. fFullBuild
  2075. DebuggableAttribute
  2076. modes
  2077. JITTrackingEnabledFlag
  2078. JITOptimizerDisabledFlag
  2079. debuggingModes
  2080. DebuggingModes
  2081. IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints
  2082. EnableEditAndContinue
  2083. DisableOptimizations
  2084. DebuggerBrowsableAttribute
  2085. state
  2086. DebuggerBrowsableState
  2087. Never
  2088. Collapsed
  2089. RootHidden
  2090. DebuggerDisplayAttribute
  2091. set_Name
  2092. DebuggerStepThroughAttribute
  2093. DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute
  2094. proxy_type_name
  2095. StackFrame
  2096. skipFrames
  2097. fNeedFileInfo
  2098. skip
  2099. needFileInfo
  2100. iloffset
  2101. native_offset
  2102. file
  2103. get_frame_info
  2104. GetFileLineNumber
  2105. GetFileName
  2106. GetSecureFileName
  2107. GetILOffset
  2108. GetNativeOffset
  2109. GetInternalMethodName
  2111. ilOffset
  2112. nativeOffset
  2113. methodBase
  2114. fileName
  2115. lineNumber
  2116. columnNumber
  2117. internalMethodName
  2118. returnNativeFrames
  2119. init_frames
  2120. get_trace
  2121. get_FrameCount
  2122. GetFrame
  2124. frames
  2125. debug_info
  2126. FrameCount
  2127. Calendar
  2128. get_Eras
  2129. CheckReadOnly
  2130. GetDayOfMonth
  2131. GetDayOfWeek
  2132. GetEra
  2133. GetMonth
  2134. GetYear
  2135. get_EraNames
  2136. m_isReadOnly
  2137. twoDigitYearMax
  2138. M_AbbrEraNames
  2139. M_EraNames
  2140. Eras
  2141. EraNames
  2142. CCMath
  2143. div
  2144. remainder
  2145. div_mod
  2146. CCFixed
  2147. FromDateTime
  2148. date
  2149. day_of_week
  2150. CCGregorianCalendar
  2151. year
  2152. is_leap_year
  2153. day
  2154. month
  2155. fixed_from_dmy
  2156. year_from_fixed
  2157. my_from_fixed
  2158. dmy_from_fixed
  2159. month_from_fixed
  2160. day_from_fixed
  2161. CompareInfo
  2162. ci
  2163. System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization
  2164. get_UseManagedCollation
  2165. locale
  2166. construct_compareinfo
  2167. free_internal_collator
  2168. offset1
  2169. offset2
  2170. internal_compare
  2171. assign_sortkey
  2172. sindex
  2173. first
  2174. internal_index
  2175. internal_compare_managed
  2176. internal_compare_switch
  2177. string1
  2178. string2
  2179. internal_index_managed
  2180. internal_index_switch
  2181. prefix
  2182. suffix
  2183. get_LCID
  2184. useManagedCollation
  2185. icu_name
  2186. collator
  2187. collators
  2188. monitor
  2189. UseManagedCollation
  2190. CompareOptions
  2191. IgnoreCase
  2192. IgnoreNonSpace
  2193. IgnoreSymbols
  2194. IgnoreKanaType
  2195. IgnoreWidth
  2196. StringSort
  2197. Ordinal
  2198. OrdinalIgnoreCase
  2199. CultureInfo
  2200. useUserOverride
  2201. read_only
  2202. get_InvariantCulture
  2203. get_CurrentCulture
  2204. get_CurrentUICulture
  2205. ConstructCurrentCulture
  2206. ConstructCurrentUICulture
  2207. get_Territory
  2208. get_Parent
  2209. get_TextInfo
  2210. get_IcuName
  2211. get_CompareInfo
  2212. get_IsNeutralCulture
  2213. CheckNeutral
  2214. get_NumberFormat
  2215. set_NumberFormat
  2216. get_DateTimeFormat
  2217. set_DateTimeFormat
  2218. formatType
  2219. GetFormat
  2220. Construct
  2221. ConstructInternalLocaleFromName
  2222. ConstructInternalLocaleFromLcid
  2223. ConstructInternalLocaleFromCurrentLocale
  2224. construct_internal_locale_from_lcid
  2225. construct_internal_locale_from_name
  2226. construct_internal_locale_from_current_locale
  2227. construct_datetime_format
  2228. construct_number_format
  2229. ConstructInvariant
  2230. CreateTextInfo
  2231. insert_into_shared_tables
  2232. GetCultureInfo
  2233. reference
  2234. CreateCulture
  2235. NumOptionalCalendars
  2236. GregorianTypeMask
  2237. CalendarTypeBits
  2238. InvariantCultureId
  2239. invariant_culture_info
  2240. shared_table_lock
  2241. BootstrapCultureID
  2242. cultureID
  2243. parent_lcid
  2244. specific_lcid
  2245. datetime_index
  2246. number_index
  2247. m_useUserOverride
  2248. numInfo
  2249. dateTimeInfo
  2250. m_name
  2251. displayname
  2252. englishname
  2253. nativename
  2254. iso3lang
  2255. iso2lang
  2256. win3lang
  2257. territory
  2258. compareInfo
  2259. calendar_data
  2260. textinfo_data
  2261. optional_calendars
  2262. parent_culture
  2263. m_dataItem
  2264. calendar
  2265. constructed
  2266. cached_serialized_form
  2268. shared_by_number
  2269. shared_by_name
  2270. <>f__switch$map19
  2271. <>f__switch$map1A
  2272. InvariantCulture
  2273. CurrentCulture
  2274. CurrentUICulture
  2275. Territory
  2276. Parent
  2277. TextInfo
  2278. IcuName
  2279. IsNeutralCulture
  2280. NumberFormat
  2281. DateTimeFormat
  2282. DateTimeFormatFlags
  2283. Unused
  2284. But
  2285. Serialized
  2286. By
  2287. Microsoft
  2288. DateTimeFormatInfo
  2289. GetInstance
  2290. dtfi
  2291. GetAbbreviatedMonthName
  2292. era
  2293. GetEraName
  2294. GetMonthName
  2295. get_RawAbbreviatedDayNames
  2296. get_RawAbbreviatedMonthNames
  2297. get_RawDayNames
  2298. get_RawMonthNames
  2299. get_AMDesignator
  2300. get_PMDesignator
  2301. get_DateSeparator
  2302. get_TimeSeparator
  2303. get_LongDatePattern
  2304. get_ShortDatePattern
  2305. get_ShortTimePattern
  2306. get_LongTimePattern
  2307. get_MonthDayPattern
  2308. get_YearMonthPattern
  2309. get_FullDateTimePattern
  2310. get_CurrentInfo
  2311. get_InvariantInfo
  2312. get_Calendar
  2313. set_Calendar
  2314. get_RFC1123Pattern
  2315. get_RoundtripPattern
  2316. get_SortableDateTimePattern
  2317. get_UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
  2318. GetAllDateTimePatternsInternal
  2319. FillAllDateTimePatterns
  2320. GetAllRawDateTimePatterns
  2321. dayofweek
  2322. GetDayName
  2323. GetAbbreviatedDayName
  2324. FillInvariantPatterns
  2325. dates
  2326. times
  2327. PopulateCombinedList
  2328. _RoundtripPattern
  2336. theInvariantDateTimeFormatInfo
  2337. amDesignator
  2338. pmDesignator
  2339. dateSeparator
  2340. timeSeparator
  2341. shortDatePattern
  2342. longDatePattern
  2343. shortTimePattern
  2344. longTimePattern
  2345. monthDayPattern
  2346. yearMonthPattern
  2347. fullDateTimePattern
  2348. _RFC1123Pattern
  2349. _SortableDateTimePattern
  2350. _UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
  2351. firstDayOfWeek
  2352. calendarWeekRule
  2353. abbreviatedDayNames
  2354. dayNames
  2355. monthNames
  2356. abbreviatedMonthNames
  2357. allShortDatePatterns
  2358. allLongDatePatterns
  2359. allShortTimePatterns
  2360. allLongTimePatterns
  2361. monthDayPatterns
  2362. yearMonthPatterns
  2363. shortDayNames
  2364. nDataItem
  2365. m_isDefaultCalendar
  2366. CultureID
  2367. bUseCalendarInfo
  2368. generalShortTimePattern
  2369. generalLongTimePattern
  2370. m_eraNames
  2371. m_abbrevEraNames
  2372. m_abbrevEnglishEraNames
  2373. m_dateWords
  2374. optionalCalendars
  2375. m_superShortDayNames
  2376. genitiveMonthNames
  2377. m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames
  2378. leapYearMonthNames
  2379. formatFlags
  2380. all_date_time_patterns
  2381. RawAbbreviatedDayNames
  2382. RawAbbreviatedMonthNames
  2383. RawDayNames
  2384. RawMonthNames
  2385. AMDesignator
  2386. PMDesignator
  2387. DateSeparator
  2388. TimeSeparator
  2389. LongDatePattern
  2390. ShortDatePattern
  2391. ShortTimePattern
  2392. LongTimePattern
  2393. MonthDayPattern
  2394. YearMonthPattern
  2395. FullDateTimePattern
  2396. CurrentInfo
  2397. InvariantInfo
  2398. RFC1123Pattern
  2399. RoundtripPattern
  2400. SortableDateTimePattern
  2401. UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
  2402. DateTimeStyles
  2403. AllowLeadingWhite
  2404. AllowTrailingWhite
  2405. AllowInnerWhite
  2406. AllowWhiteSpaces
  2407. NoCurrentDateDefault
  2408. AdjustToUniversal
  2409. AssumeLocal
  2410. AssumeUniversal
  2411. RoundtripKind
  2412. DaylightTime
  2413. get_Start
  2414. get_End
  2415. get_Delta
  2416. m_start
  2417. m_end
  2418. m_delta
  2419. Delta
  2420. GregorianCalendar
  2421. set_CalendarType
  2422. m_type
  2423. CalendarType
  2424. GregorianCalendarTypes
  2425. Localized
  2426. USEnglish
  2427. MiddleEastFrench
  2428. Arabic
  2429. TransliteratedEnglish
  2430. TransliteratedFrench
  2431. NumberFormatInfo
  2432. get_CurrencyDecimalDigits
  2433. get_CurrencyDecimalSeparator
  2434. get_CurrencyGroupSeparator
  2435. get_RawCurrencyGroupSizes
  2436. get_CurrencyNegativePattern
  2437. get_CurrencyPositivePattern
  2438. get_CurrencySymbol
  2439. get_NaNSymbol
  2440. get_NegativeInfinitySymbol
  2441. get_NegativeSign
  2442. get_NumberDecimalDigits
  2443. get_NumberDecimalSeparator
  2444. get_NumberGroupSeparator
  2445. get_RawNumberGroupSizes
  2446. get_NumberNegativePattern
  2447. set_NumberNegativePattern
  2448. get_PercentDecimalDigits
  2449. get_PercentDecimalSeparator
  2450. get_PercentGroupSeparator
  2451. get_RawPercentGroupSizes
  2452. get_PercentNegativePattern
  2453. get_PercentPositivePattern
  2454. get_PercentSymbol
  2455. get_PerMilleSymbol
  2456. get_PositiveInfinitySymbol
  2457. get_PositiveSign
  2458. isReadOnly
  2459. decimalFormats
  2460. currencyFormats
  2461. percentFormats
  2462. digitPattern
  2463. zeroPattern
  2464. currencyDecimalDigits
  2465. currencyDecimalSeparator
  2466. currencyGroupSeparator
  2467. currencyGroupSizes
  2468. currencyNegativePattern
  2469. currencyPositivePattern
  2470. currencySymbol
  2471. nanSymbol
  2472. negativeInfinitySymbol
  2473. negativeSign
  2474. numberDecimalDigits
  2475. numberDecimalSeparator
  2476. numberGroupSeparator
  2477. numberGroupSizes
  2478. numberNegativePattern
  2479. percentDecimalDigits
  2480. percentDecimalSeparator
  2481. percentGroupSeparator
  2482. percentGroupSizes
  2483. percentNegativePattern
  2484. percentPositivePattern
  2485. percentSymbol
  2486. perMilleSymbol
  2487. positiveInfinitySymbol
  2488. positiveSign
  2489. ansiCurrencySymbol
  2490. validForParseAsNumber
  2491. validForParseAsCurrency
  2492. nativeDigits
  2493. digitSubstitution
  2494. invariantNativeDigits
  2495. CurrencyDecimalDigits
  2496. CurrencyDecimalSeparator
  2497. CurrencyGroupSeparator
  2498. RawCurrencyGroupSizes
  2499. CurrencyNegativePattern
  2500. CurrencyPositivePattern
  2501. CurrencySymbol
  2502. NaNSymbol
  2503. NegativeInfinitySymbol
  2504. NegativeSign
  2505. NumberDecimalDigits
  2506. NumberDecimalSeparator
  2507. NumberGroupSeparator
  2508. RawNumberGroupSizes
  2509. NumberNegativePattern
  2510. PercentDecimalDigits
  2511. PercentDecimalSeparator
  2512. PercentGroupSeparator
  2513. RawPercentGroupSizes
  2514. PercentNegativePattern
  2515. PercentPositivePattern
  2516. PercentSymbol
  2517. PerMilleSymbol
  2518. PositiveInfinitySymbol
  2519. PositiveSign
  2520. NumberStyles
  2521. AllowLeadingSign
  2522. AllowTrailingSign
  2523. AllowParentheses
  2524. AllowDecimalPoint
  2525. AllowThousands
  2526. AllowExponent
  2527. AllowCurrencySymbol
  2528. AllowHexSpecifier
  2529. Integer
  2530. HexNumber
  2531. Number
  2532. Float
  2533. Currency
  2534. Any
  2535. RegionInfo
  2536. get_CurrentRegion
  2537. GetByTerritory
  2538. construct_internal_region_from_name
  2539. get_CurrencyEnglishName
  2540. get_DisplayName
  2541. get_EnglishName
  2542. get_GeoId
  2543. get_IsMetric
  2544. get_ISOCurrencySymbol
  2545. get_NativeName
  2546. get_CurrencyNativeName
  2547. get_ThreeLetterISORegionName
  2548. get_ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName
  2549. get_TwoLetterISORegionName
  2550. currentRegion
  2551. regionId
  2552. iso2Name
  2553. iso3Name
  2554. win3Name
  2555. englishName
  2556. isoCurrencySymbol
  2557. currencyEnglishName
  2558. <>f__switch$map1B
  2559. CurrentRegion
  2560. CurrencyEnglishName
  2561. DisplayName
  2562. EnglishName
  2563. GeoId
  2564. IsMetric
  2565. ISOCurrencySymbol
  2566. NativeName
  2567. CurrencyNativeName
  2568. ThreeLetterISORegionName
  2569. ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName
  2570. TwoLetterISORegionName
  2571. get_ListSeparator
  2572. get_CultureName
  2573. m_listSeparator
  2574. customCultureName
  2575. m_nDataItem
  2576. m_win32LangID
  2577. handleDotI
  2578. ListSeparator
  2579. CultureName
  2580. ansi
  2581. ebcdic
  2582. mac
  2583. oem
  2584. list_sep
  2585. UnicodeCategory
  2586. UppercaseLetter
  2587. LowercaseLetter
  2588. TitlecaseLetter
  2589. ModifierLetter
  2590. OtherLetter
  2591. NonSpacingMark
  2592. SpacingCombiningMark
  2593. EnclosingMark
  2594. DecimalDigitNumber
  2595. LetterNumber
  2596. OtherNumber
  2597. SpaceSeparator
  2598. LineSeparator
  2599. ParagraphSeparator
  2600. Control
  2601. Surrogate
  2602. PrivateUse
  2603. ConnectorPunctuation
  2604. DashPunctuation
  2605. OpenPunctuation
  2606. ClosePunctuation
  2607. InitialQuotePunctuation
  2608. FinalQuotePunctuation
  2609. OtherPunctuation
  2610. MathSymbol
  2611. ModifierSymbol
  2612. OtherSymbol
  2613. OtherNotAssigned
  2614. IsolatedStorageException
  2615. System.IO.IsolatedStorage
  2616. BinaryReader
  2617. System.IO
  2618. encoding
  2619. get_BaseStream
  2620. Close
  2621. numBytes
  2622. FillBuffer
  2623. bytes_read
  2624. ReadCharBytes
  2625. Read7BitEncodedInt
  2626. ReadBoolean
  2627. ReadByte
  2628. ReadBytes
  2629. ReadChar
  2630. ReadDecimal
  2631. ReadDouble
  2632. ReadInt16
  2633. ReadInt32
  2634. ReadInt64
  2635. ReadSByte
  2636. ReadString
  2637. ReadSingle
  2638. ReadUInt16
  2639. ReadUInt32
  2640. ReadUInt64
  2641. CheckBuffer
  2642. m_stream
  2643. m_encoding
  2644. m_buffer
  2645. charBuffer
  2646. BaseStream
  2647. BinaryWriter
  2648. Flush
  2649. Write
  2650. chars
  2651. Write7BitEncodedInt
  2652. Null
  2653. OutStream
  2654. disposed
  2655. stringBuffer
  2656. maxCharsPerRound
  2657. Directory
  2658. CreateDirectory
  2659. CreateDirectoriesInternal
  2660. GetCurrentDirectory
  2661. searchPattern
  2662. GetFiles
  2663. mask
  2664. GetFileSystemEntries
  2665. DirectoryInfo
  2666. simpleOriginalPath
  2667. get_Exists
  2668. Create
  2669. parent
  2670. DirectoryNotFoundException
  2671. EndOfStreamException
  2672. File
  2673. Delete
  2674. Open
  2675. OpenRead
  2676. OpenText
  2677. FileAccess
  2678. ReadWrite
  2679. FileAttributes
  2680. Archive
  2681. Compressed
  2682. Device
  2683. Encrypted
  2684. Hidden
  2685. Normal
  2686. NotContentIndexed
  2687. Offline
  2688. ReparsePoint
  2689. SparseFile
  2690. Temporary
  2691. FileLoadException
  2692. Result
  2693. fusionLog
  2694. FileMode
  2695. CreateNew
  2696. OpenOrCreate
  2697. Truncate
  2698. Append
  2699. FileNotFoundException
  2700. FileOptions
  2701. DeleteOnClose
  2702. SequentialScan
  2703. RandomAccess
  2704. Asynchronous
  2705. WriteThrough
  2706. FileShare
  2707. Inheritable
  2708. FileStream
  2709. access
  2710. bufferSize
  2711. isAsync
  2712. noBuffering
  2713. share
  2714. anonymous
  2715. get_CanRead
  2716. get_CanWrite
  2717. get_CanSeek
  2718. get_Position
  2719. set_Position
  2720. WriteByte
  2721. ReadInternal
  2722. userCallback
  2723. stateObject
  2724. BeginRead
  2725. asyncResult
  2726. EndRead
  2727. WriteInternal
  2728. BeginWrite
  2729. EndWrite
  2730. origin
  2731. Seek
  2732. SetLength
  2733. dest_offset
  2734. ReadSegment
  2735. src_offset
  2736. WriteSegment
  2737. st
  2738. FlushBuffer
  2739. FlushBufferIfDirty
  2740. RefillBuffer
  2741. ReadData
  2742. InitBuffer
  2743. full
  2744. owner
  2745. async
  2746. canseek
  2747. append_startpos
  2748. buf_size
  2749. buf_length
  2750. buf_offset
  2751. buf_dirty
  2752. buf_start
  2753. CanRead
  2754. CanWrite
  2755. CanSeek
  2756. Position
  2757. ReadDelegate
  2758. WriteDelegate
  2759. FileStreamAsyncResult
  2760. ares
  2761. CBWrapper
  2762. completed
  2763. wh
  2764. OriginalCount
  2765. BytesRead
  2766. realcb
  2767. FileSystemInfo
  2768. force
  2769. Refresh
  2770. InternalRefresh
  2771. CheckPath
  2772. FullPath
  2773. OriginalPath
  2774. stat
  2775. valid
  2776. IOException
  2777. MemoryStream
  2778. writable
  2779. publicallyVisible
  2780. InternalConstructor
  2781. CheckIfClosedThrowDisposed
  2782. GetBuffer
  2783. loc
  2784. minimum
  2785. CalculateNewCapacity
  2786. Expand
  2787. canWrite
  2788. allowGetBuffer
  2789. internalBuffer
  2790. initialIndex
  2791. expandable
  2792. streamClosed
  2793. dirty_bytes
  2794. MonoFileType
  2795. Unknown
  2796. Disk
  2797. Pipe
  2798. Remote
  2799. MonoIO
  2800. GetException
  2801. path_with_pattern
  2802. DeleteFile
  2803. GetFileAttributes
  2804. GetFileType
  2805. ExistsFile
  2806. ExistsDirectory
  2807. GetFileStat
  2808. get_ConsoleOutput
  2809. get_ConsoleInput
  2810. get_ConsoleError
  2811. get_VolumeSeparatorChar
  2812. get_DirectorySeparatorChar
  2813. get_AltDirectorySeparatorChar
  2814. get_PathSeparator
  2815. InvalidFileAttributes
  2816. InvalidHandle
  2817. ConsoleOutput
  2818. ConsoleInput
  2819. ConsoleError
  2820. VolumeSeparatorChar
  2821. DirectorySeparatorChar
  2822. AltDirectorySeparatorChar
  2823. PathSeparator
  2824. MonoIOError
  2849. MonoIOStat
  2850. CreationTime
  2851. LastAccessTime
  2852. LastWriteTime
  2853. Path
  2854. path1
  2855. path2
  2856. CleanPath
  2857. GetDirectoryName
  2858. GetExtension
  2859. GetFullPath
  2860. WindowsDriveAdjustment
  2861. InsecureGetFullPath
  2862. IsDsc
  2863. GetPathRoot
  2864. IsPathRooted
  2865. GetInvalidPathChars
  2866. findExtension
  2867. GetServerAndShare
  2868. SameRoot
  2869. CanonicalizePath
  2870. InvalidPathChars
  2871. DirectorySeparatorStr
  2872. PathSeparatorChars
  2873. dirEqualsVolume
  2874. PathTooLongException
  2875. SearchPattern
  2876. WildcardChars
  2877. InvalidChars
  2878. SeekOrigin
  2879. Begin
  2880. Stream
  2881. NullStream
  2882. StreamAsyncResult
  2883. SetComplete
  2884. nbytes
  2885. get_Exception
  2886. get_NBytes
  2887. get_Done
  2888. set_Done
  2889. done
  2890. NBytes
  2891. Done
  2892. StreamReader
  2893. stream
  2894. detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks
  2895. DoChecks
  2896. ReadBuffer
  2897. FindNextEOL
  2898. ReadLine
  2899. ReadToEnd
  2900. input_buffer
  2901. decoded_buffer
  2902. decoded_count
  2903. buffer_size
  2904. do_checks
  2905. base_stream
  2906. mayBlock
  2907. line_builder
  2908. foundCR
  2909. NullStreamReader
  2910. StreamWriter
  2911. set_AutoFlush
  2912. FlushBytes
  2913. LowLevelWrite
  2914. internalEncoding
  2915. internalStream
  2916. iflush
  2917. byte_buf
  2918. byte_pos
  2919. decode_buf
  2920. decode_pos
  2921. DisposedAlready
  2922. preamble_done
  2923. AutoFlush
  2924. StringReader
  2925. CheckObjectDisposedException
  2926. nextChar
  2927. sourceLength
  2928. TextReader
  2929. NullTextReader
  2930. SynchronizedReader
  2931. TextWriter
  2932. writer
  2933. neverClose
  2934. CoreNewLine
  2935. NullTextWriter
  2936. SynchronizedWriter
  2937. UnexceptionalStreamReader
  2938. dest_buffer
  2939. CheckEOL
  2940. newline
  2941. newlineChar
  2942. UnexceptionalStreamWriter
  2943. UnmanagedMemoryStream
  2944. closed
  2945. fileaccess
  2946. initial_pointer
  2947. initial_position
  2948. current_position
  2949. Closed
  2950. MonoResource
  2951. System.Reflection.Emit
  2952. AssemblyBuilder
  2953. directory
  2954. corlib_internal
  2955. ab
  2956. basic_init
  2957. get_Location
  2958. emitSymbolInfo
  2959. DefineDynamicModule
  2960. transient
  2961. GetModulesInternal
  2962. exportedOnly
  2963. GetTypes
  2964. get_IsCompilerContext
  2965. get_IsSave
  2966. get_IsRun
  2967. get_AssemblyDir
  2968. not_supported
  2969. fileNeedsToExists
  2970. check_name_and_filename
  2971. UnprotectedGetName
  2972. modules
  2973. dir
  2974. resources
  2975. pekind
  2976. loaded_modules
  2977. pktoken
  2978. corlib_object_type
  2979. corlib_value_type
  2980. corlib_enum_type
  2981. corlib_void_type
  2982. created
  2983. is_module_only
  2984. sn
  2985. is_compiler_context
  2986. versioninfo_culture
  2987. Location
  2988. IsCompilerContext
  2989. IsSave
  2990. IsRun
  2991. AssemblyDir
  2992. AssemblyBuilderAccess
  2993. Run
  2994. RunAndSave
  2995. ReflectionOnly
  2996. ConstructorBuilder
  2997. tb
  2998. callingConvention
  2999. parameterTypes
  3000. paramModReq
  3001. paramModOpt
  3002. get_CallingConvention
  3003. get_TypeBuilder
  3004. GetParameters
  3005. GetParametersInternal
  3006. GetParameterCount
  3007. get_MethodHandle
  3008. GetILGenerator
  3009. streamSize
  3010. GetToken
  3011. fixup
  3012. inc
  3013. get_next_table_index
  3014. not_created
  3015. ilgen
  3016. iattrs
  3017. table_idx
  3018. call_conv
  3019. pinfo
  3020. init_locals
  3021. TypeBuilder
  3022. MethodHandle
  3023. DerivedType
  3024. create_unmanaged_type
  3025. elementName
  3026. FormatName
  3027. ByRefType
  3028. DynamicMethod
  3029. create_dynamic_method
  3030. destroy_dynamic_method
  3031. CreateDynMethod
  3032. GetBaseDefinition
  3033. get_ReturnType
  3034. mhandle
  3035. module
  3036. refs
  3037. creating
  3038. ReturnType
  3039. EnumBuilder
  3040. CreateNotSupportedException
  3041. _tb
  3042. _underlyingType
  3043. FieldBuilder
  3044. get_FieldHandle
  3045. get_FieldType
  3046. GetFieldOffset
  3047. get_UMarshal
  3048. typeb
  3049. marshal_info
  3050. FieldHandle
  3051. FieldType
  3052. UMarshal
  3053. GenericTypeParameterBuilder
  3054. tbuilder
  3055. mbuilder
  3056. base_type
  3057. ILTokenInfo
  3058. member
  3059. code_pos
  3060. TokenGenerator
  3061. opt_param_types
  3062. ILGenerator
  3063. token_gen
  3064. add_token_fixup
  3065. make_room
  3066. emit_int
  3067. opcode
  3068. ll_emit
  3069. target_len
  3070. localType
  3071. DeclareLocal
  3072. pinned
  3073. DefineLabel
  3074. Emit
  3075. arg
  3076. con
  3077. field
  3078. label
  3079. local
  3080. meth
  3081. token
  3082. cls
  3083. methodInfo
  3084. optionalParameterTypes
  3085. EmitCall
  3086. MarkLabel
  3087. label_fixup
  3088. ig
  3089. Mono_GetCurrentOffset
  3090. void_type
  3091. code
  3092. code_len
  3093. max_stack
  3094. cur_stack
  3095. locals
  3096. num_token_fixups
  3097. token_fixups
  3098. labels
  3099. num_labels
  3100. fixups
  3101. num_fixups
  3102. LabelFixup
  3103. label_idx
  3104. LabelData
  3105. addr
  3106. maxStack
  3107. Label
  3108. LocalBuilder
  3109. MethodBuilder
  3110. returnModReq
  3111. returnModOpt
  3112. check_override
  3113. mdecl
  3114. set_override
  3115. NotSupported
  3116. MakeGenericMethod
  3117. get_IsGenericMethodDefinition
  3118. get_IsGenericMethod
  3119. rtype
  3120. override_method
  3121. generic_params
  3122. IsGenericMethodDefinition
  3123. IsGenericMethod
  3124. MethodToken
  3125. get_Token
  3126. tokValue
  3127. Token
  3128. ModuleBuilder
  3129. assb
  3130. fullyqname
  3131. mb
  3132. set_wrappers_type
  3133. IsTransient
  3134. attr
  3135. DefineType
  3136. AddType
  3137. interfaces
  3138. packingSize
  3139. typesize
  3140. className
  3141. validElementsInArray
  3142. search_in_array
  3143. search_nested_in_array
  3144. create_modified_type
  3145. GetMaybeNested
  3146. getUSIndex
  3147. getToken
  3148. getMethodToken
  3149. RegisterToken
  3150. GetTokenGenerator
  3151. get_FileName
  3152. CreateGlobalType
  3153. num_types
  3154. assemblyb
  3155. global_type
  3156. name_cache
  3157. us_string_cache
  3158. table_indexes
  3159. symbolWriter
  3160. type_modifiers
  3161. FileName
  3162. ModuleBuilderTokenGenerator
  3163. OpCode
  3164. get_OperandType
  3165. get_StackBehaviourPop
  3166. get_StackBehaviourPush
  3167. op1
  3168. op2
  3169. push
  3170. pop
  3171. flow
  3172. OperandType
  3173. StackBehaviourPop
  3174. StackBehaviourPush
  3175. OpCodeNames
  3176. OpCodes
  3177. Nop
  3178. Break
  3179. Ldarg_0
  3180. Ldarg_1
  3181. Ldarg_2
  3182. Ldarg_3
  3183. Ldloc_0
  3184. Ldloc_1
  3185. Ldloc_2
  3186. Ldloc_3
  3187. Stloc_0
  3188. Stloc_1
  3189. Stloc_2
  3190. Stloc_3
  3191. Ldarg_S
  3192. Ldarga_S
  3193. Starg_S
  3194. Ldloc_S
  3195. Ldloca_S
  3196. Stloc_S
  3197. Ldnull
  3198. Ldc_I4_M1
  3199. Ldc_I4_0
  3200. Ldc_I4_1
  3201. Ldc_I4_2
  3202. Ldc_I4_3
  3203. Ldc_I4_4
  3204. Ldc_I4_5
  3205. Ldc_I4_6
  3206. Ldc_I4_7
  3207. Ldc_I4_8
  3208. Ldc_I4_S
  3209. Ldc_I4
  3210. Ldc_I8
  3211. Ldc_R4
  3212. Ldc_R8
  3213. Dup
  3214. Jmp
  3215. Call
  3216. Calli
  3217. Ret
  3218. Br_S
  3219. Brfalse_S
  3220. Brtrue_S
  3221. Beq_S
  3222. Bge_S
  3223. Bgt_S
  3224. Ble_S
  3225. Blt_S
  3226. Bne_Un_S
  3227. Bge_Un_S
  3228. Bgt_Un_S
  3229. Ble_Un_S
  3230. Blt_Un_S
  3231. Br
  3232. Brfalse
  3233. Brtrue
  3234. Beq
  3235. Bge
  3236. Bgt
  3237. Ble
  3238. Blt
  3239. Bne_Un
  3240. Bge_Un
  3241. Bgt_Un
  3242. Ble_Un
  3243. Blt_Un
  3244. Switch
  3245. Ldind_I1
  3246. Ldind_U1
  3247. Ldind_I2
  3248. Ldind_U2
  3249. Ldind_I4
  3250. Ldind_U4
  3251. Ldind_I8
  3252. Ldind_I
  3253. Ldind_R4
  3254. Ldind_R8
  3255. Ldind_Ref
  3256. Stind_Ref
  3257. Stind_I1
  3258. Stind_I2
  3259. Stind_I4
  3260. Stind_I8
  3261. Stind_R4
  3262. Stind_R8
  3263. Sub
  3264. Mul
  3265. Div
  3266. Div_Un
  3267. Rem
  3268. Rem_Un
  3269. And
  3270. Or
  3271. Xor
  3272. Shl
  3273. Shr
  3274. Shr_Un
  3275. Neg
  3276. Not
  3277. Conv_I1
  3278. Conv_I2
  3279. Conv_I4
  3280. Conv_I8
  3281. Conv_R4
  3282. Conv_R8
  3283. Conv_U4
  3284. Conv_U8
  3285. Callvirt
  3286. Cpobj
  3287. Ldobj
  3288. Ldstr
  3289. Newobj
  3290. Castclass
  3291. Isinst
  3292. Conv_R_Un
  3293. Unbox
  3294. Throw
  3295. Ldfld
  3296. Ldflda
  3297. Stfld
  3298. Ldsfld
  3299. Ldsflda
  3300. Stsfld
  3301. Stobj
  3302. Conv_Ovf_I1_Un
  3303. Conv_Ovf_I2_Un
  3304. Conv_Ovf_I4_Un
  3305. Conv_Ovf_I8_Un
  3306. Conv_Ovf_U1_Un
  3307. Conv_Ovf_U2_Un
  3308. Conv_Ovf_U4_Un
  3309. Conv_Ovf_U8_Un
  3310. Conv_Ovf_I_Un
  3311. Conv_Ovf_U_Un
  3312. Box
  3313. Newarr
  3314. Ldlen
  3315. Ldelema
  3316. Ldelem_I1
  3317. Ldelem_U1
  3318. Ldelem_I2
  3319. Ldelem_U2
  3320. Ldelem_I4
  3321. Ldelem_U4
  3322. Ldelem_I8
  3323. Ldelem_I
  3324. Ldelem_R4
  3325. Ldelem_R8
  3326. Ldelem_Ref
  3327. Stelem_I
  3328. Stelem_I1
  3329. Stelem_I2
  3330. Stelem_I4
  3331. Stelem_I8
  3332. Stelem_R4
  3333. Stelem_R8
  3334. Stelem_Ref
  3335. Ldelem
  3336. Stelem
  3337. Unbox_Any
  3338. Conv_Ovf_I1
  3339. Conv_Ovf_U1
  3340. Conv_Ovf_I2
  3341. Conv_Ovf_U2
  3342. Conv_Ovf_I4
  3343. Conv_Ovf_U4
  3344. Conv_Ovf_I8
  3345. Conv_Ovf_U8
  3346. Refanyval
  3347. Ckfinite
  3348. Mkrefany
  3349. Ldtoken
  3350. Conv_U2
  3351. Conv_U1
  3352. Conv_I
  3353. Conv_Ovf_I
  3354. Conv_Ovf_U
  3355. Add_Ovf
  3356. Add_Ovf_Un
  3357. Mul_Ovf
  3358. Mul_Ovf_Un
  3359. Sub_Ovf
  3360. Sub_Ovf_Un
  3361. Endfinally
  3362. Leave
  3363. Leave_S
  3364. Stind_I
  3365. Conv_U
  3366. Prefix7
  3367. Prefix6
  3368. Prefix5
  3369. Prefix4
  3370. Prefix3
  3371. Prefix2
  3372. Prefix1
  3373. Prefixref
  3374. Arglist
  3375. Ceq
  3376. Cgt
  3377. Cgt_Un
  3378. Clt
  3379. Clt_Un
  3380. Ldftn
  3381. Ldvirtftn
  3382. Ldarg
  3383. Ldarga
  3384. Starg
  3385. Ldloc
  3386. Ldloca
  3387. Stloc
  3388. Localloc
  3389. Endfilter
  3390. Unaligned
  3391. Volatile
  3392. Tailcall
  3393. Initobj
  3394. Constrained
  3395. Cpblk
  3396. Initblk
  3397. Rethrow
  3398. Sizeof
  3399. Refanytype
  3400. Readonly
  3401. InlineBrTarget
  3402. InlineField
  3403. InlineI
  3404. InlineI8
  3405. InlineMethod
  3406. InlineNone
  3407. InlinePhi
  3408. InlineR
  3409. InlineSig
  3410. InlineString
  3411. InlineSwitch
  3412. InlineTok
  3413. InlineType
  3414. InlineVar
  3415. ShortInlineBrTarget
  3416. ShortInlineI
  3417. ShortInlineR
  3418. ShortInlineVar
  3419. PEFileKinds
  3420. ConsoleApplication
  3421. WindowApplication
  3422. PackingSize
  3423. Unspecified
  3424. Size1
  3425. Size2
  3426. Size4
  3427. Size8
  3428. Size16
  3429. Size32
  3430. Size64
  3431. Size128
  3432. ParameterBuilder
  3433. StackBehaviour
  3434. Pop0
  3435. Pop1
  3436. Pop1_pop1
  3437. Popi
  3438. Popi_pop1
  3439. Popi_popi
  3440. Popi_popi8
  3441. Popi_popi_popi
  3442. Popi_popr4
  3443. Popi_popr8
  3444. Popref
  3445. Popref_pop1
  3446. Popref_popi
  3447. Popref_popi_popi
  3448. Popref_popi_popi8
  3449. Popref_popi_popr4
  3450. Popref_popi_popr8
  3451. Popref_popi_popref
  3452. Push0
  3453. Push1
  3454. Push1_push1
  3455. Pushi
  3456. Pushi8
  3457. Pushr4
  3458. Pushr8
  3459. Pushref
  3460. Varpop
  3461. Varpush
  3462. Popref_popi_pop1
  3463. packing_size
  3464. type_size
  3465. nesting_type
  3466. setup_internal_class
  3467. create_generic_class
  3468. GetFullName
  3469. DefineConstructor
  3470. requiredCustomModifiers
  3471. optionalCustomModifiers
  3472. DefineDefaultConstructor
  3473. append_method
  3474. DefineMethod
  3475. returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers
  3476. returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers
  3477. parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers
  3478. parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers
  3479. methodInfoBody
  3480. methodInfoDeclaration
  3481. DefineMethodOverride
  3482. create_runtime_class
  3483. is_nested_in
  3484. has_ctor_method
  3485. CreateType
  3486. GetConstructorsInternal
  3487. reflected_type
  3488. GetMethodsByName
  3489. SetParent
  3490. get_is_created
  3491. check_not_created
  3492. check_created
  3493. argName
  3494. check_name
  3495. IsAssignableTo
  3496. tname
  3497. nspace
  3498. num_methods
  3499. methods
  3500. ctors
  3501. subtypes
  3502. pmodule
  3503. class_size
  3504. fullname
  3505. createTypeCalled
  3506. underlying_type
  3507. is_created
  3508. UnmanagedMarshal
  3509. ToMarshalAsAttribute
  3510. tbase
  3511. mcookie
  3512. marshaltype
  3513. marshaltyperef
  3514. param_num
  3515. has_size
  3516. AmbiguousMatchException
  3517. escaped
  3518. get_code_base
  3519. get_fullname
  3520. get_location
  3521. GetCodeBase
  3522. GetManifestResourceInternal
  3523. InternalGetType
  3524. ass
  3525. aname
  3526. FillName
  3527. copiedName
  3528. assemblyString
  3529. partialName
  3530. LoadWithPartialName
  3531. load_with_partial_name
  3532. securityEvidence
  3533. oldBehavior
  3534. GetModule
  3535. getResourceModules
  3536. GetModules
  3537. GetExecutingAssembly
  3538. _mono_assembly
  3539. resolve_event_holder
  3540. _evidence
  3541. _minimum
  3542. _optional
  3543. _refuse
  3544. _granted
  3545. _denied
  3546. fromByteArray
  3547. ResolveEventHolder
  3548. AssemblyCompanyAttribute
  3549. company
  3550. AssemblyConfigurationAttribute
  3551. configuration
  3552. AssemblyCopyrightAttribute
  3553. copyright
  3554. AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute
  3555. defaultAlias
  3556. AssemblyDelaySignAttribute
  3557. delaySign
  3558. delay
  3559. AssemblyDescriptionAttribute
  3560. description
  3561. AssemblyFileVersionAttribute
  3562. AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute
  3563. informationalVersion
  3564. AssemblyKeyFileAttribute
  3565. keyFile
  3566. AssemblyName
  3567. sc
  3568. get_CultureInfo
  3569. get_Flags
  3570. get_KeyPair
  3571. get_Version
  3572. set_Version
  3573. GetPublicKey
  3574. get_IsPublicKeyValid
  3575. InternalGetPublicKeyToken
  3576. ComputePublicKeyToken
  3577. SetPublicKey
  3578. publicKeyToken
  3579. SetPublicKeyToken
  3580. codebase
  3581. major
  3582. minor
  3583. build
  3584. revision
  3585. cultureinfo
  3586. hashalg
  3587. versioncompat
  3588. processor_architecture
  3589. Flags
  3590. KeyPair
  3591. Version
  3592. IsPublicKeyValid
  3593. AssemblyNameFlags
  3594. Retargetable
  3595. EnableJITcompileOptimizer
  3596. EnableJITcompileTracking
  3597. AssemblyProductAttribute
  3598. product
  3599. AssemblyTitleAttribute
  3600. AssemblyTrademarkAttribute
  3601. trademark
  3602. Binder
  3603. BindToMethod
  3604. ChangeType
  3605. ReorderArgumentArray
  3606. SelectMethod
  3607. indexes
  3608. SelectProperty
  3609. get_DefaultBinder
  3610. ConvertArgs
  3611. GetDerivedLevel
  3612. FindMostDerivedMatch
  3613. default_binder
  3614. DefaultBinder
  3615. selected
  3616. ReorderParameters
  3617. object_type
  3618. target_type
  3619. IsArrayAssignable
  3620. from
  3621. to
  3622. check_type
  3623. allowByRefMatch
  3624. check_arguments
  3625. m1
  3626. m2
  3627. GetBetterMethod
  3628. t1
  3629. t2
  3630. CompareCloserType
  3631. check_arguments_with_score
  3632. check_type_with_score
  3633. BindingFlags
  3634. DeclaredOnly
  3635. Static
  3636. Public
  3637. NonPublic
  3638. FlattenHierarchy
  3639. InvokeMethod
  3640. SetField
  3641. SetProperty
  3642. PutDispProperty
  3643. PutRefDispProperty
  3644. ExactBinding
  3645. SuppressChangeType
  3646. OptionalParamBinding
  3647. IgnoreReturn
  3648. CallingConventions
  3649. Standard
  3650. VarArgs
  3651. HasThis
  3652. ExplicitThis
  3653. ConstructorInfo
  3654. ConstructorName
  3655. TypeConstructorName
  3656. CustomAttributeData
  3657. ctorInfo
  3658. ctorArgs
  3659. namedArgs
  3660. get_Constructor
  3661. get_ConstructorArguments
  3662. get_NamedArguments
  3663. UnboxValues
  3664. Constructor
  3665. ConstructorArguments
  3666. NamedArguments
  3667. CustomAttributeNamedArgument
  3668. typedArgument
  3669. memberInfo
  3670. CustomAttributeTypedArgument
  3671. argumentType
  3672. EventAttributes
  3673. SpecialName
  3674. ReservedMask
  3675. RTSpecialName
  3676. EventInfo
  3677. get_EventHandlerType
  3678. nonPublic
  3679. GetAddMethod
  3680. cached_add_event
  3681. EventHandlerType
  3682. AddEventAdapter
  3683. _this
  3684. dele
  3685. FieldAttributes
  3686. FieldAccessMask
  3687. PrivateScope
  3688. Private
  3689. FamANDAssem
  3690. Family
  3691. FamORAssem
  3692. InitOnly
  3693. Literal
  3694. NotSerialized
  3695. HasFieldRVA
  3696. HasFieldMarshal
  3697. PinvokeImpl
  3698. HasDefault
  3699. FieldInfo
  3700. get_IsLiteral
  3701. get_IsStatic
  3702. get_IsPublic
  3703. get_IsNotSerialized
  3704. field_handle
  3705. type_handle
  3706. internal_from_handle_type
  3707. GetFieldFromHandle
  3708. GetUnmanagedMarshal
  3709. IsLiteral
  3710. IsStatic
  3711. IsPublic
  3712. IsNotSerialized
  3713. LocalVariableInfo
  3714. is_pinned
  3715. MemberInfoSerializationHolder
  3716. Serialize
  3717. genericArguments
  3718. GetRealObject
  3719. _memberName
  3720. _memberSignature
  3721. _memberType
  3722. _reflectedType
  3723. _genericArguments
  3724. MemberTypes
  3725. Event
  3726. Field
  3727. Property
  3728. TypeInfo
  3729. Custom
  3730. NestedType
  3731. All
  3732. MethodAttributes
  3733. MemberAccessMask
  3734. Virtual
  3735. HideBySig
  3736. VtableLayoutMask
  3737. CheckAccessOnOverride
  3738. ReuseSlot
  3739. NewSlot
  3740. Abstract
  3741. UnmanagedExport
  3742. HasSecurity
  3743. RequireSecObject
  3744. MethodBase
  3745. GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck
  3746. declaringType
  3747. GetMethodFromIntPtr
  3748. GetMethodFromHandle
  3749. method_handle
  3750. GetMethodFromHandleInternalType
  3751. get_IsVirtual
  3752. IsVirtual
  3753. MethodImplAttributes
  3754. CodeTypeMask
  3755. IL
  3756. Native
  3757. OPTIL
  3758. ManagedMask
  3759. Unmanaged
  3760. Managed
  3761. ForwardRef
  3762. InternalCall
  3763. NoInlining
  3764. MaxMethodImplVal
  3765. MethodInfo
  3766. get_ScopeName
  3767. InternalGetTypes
  3768. IsResource
  3769. filter_by_type_name
  3770. filter_by_type_name_ignore_case
  3771. defaultBindingFlags
  3772. FilterTypeName
  3773. FilterTypeNameIgnoreCase
  3774. assembly
  3775. fqname
  3776. scopename
  3777. is_resource
  3778. ScopeName
  3779. MonoEventInfo
  3780. ev
  3781. get_event_info
  3782. GetEventInfo
  3783. declaring_type
  3784. add_method
  3785. remove_method
  3786. raise_method
  3787. other_methods
  3788. MonoEvent
  3789. MonoField
  3790. declaring
  3791. GetParentType
  3792. GetValueInternal
  3793. fi
  3794. SetValueInternal
  3795. newName
  3796. CheckGeneric
  3797. fhandle
  3798. MonoGenericMethod
  3799. MonoGenericCMethod
  3800. MonoMethodInfo
  3801. get_method_info
  3802. GetMethodInfo
  3803. GetDeclaringType
  3804. GetReturnType
  3805. GetAttributes
  3806. GetCallingConvention
  3807. get_parameter_info
  3808. GetParametersInfo
  3809. ret
  3810. callconv
  3811. MonoMethod
  3812. get_name
  3813. get_base_definition
  3814. InternalInvoke
  3815. GetDllImportAttribute
  3816. ShouldPrintFullName
  3817. methodInstantiation
  3818. MakeGenericMethod_impl
  3819. reftype
  3820. MonoCMethod
  3821. MonoPropertyInfo
  3822. prop
  3823. req_info
  3824. get_property_info
  3825. optional
  3826. GetTypeModifiers
  3827. get_method
  3828. set_method
  3829. PInfo
  3830. SetMethod
  3831. MonoProperty
  3832. CachePropertyInfo
  3833. get_PropertyType
  3834. GetAccessors
  3835. GetGetMethod
  3836. GetIndexParameters
  3837. GetSetMethod
  3838. getter
  3839. GetterAdapterFrame
  3840. R
  3841. StaticGetterAdapterFrame
  3842. CreateGetterDelegate
  3843. GetOptionalCustomModifiers
  3844. GetRequiredCustomModifiers
  3845. cached
  3846. cached_getter
  3847. PropertyType
  3848. GetterAdapter
  3849. Getter`2
  3850. StaticGetter`1
  3851. ParameterAttributes
  3852. In
  3853. Out
  3854. Lcid
  3855. Retval
  3856. Reserved3
  3857. Reserved4
  3858. ParameterInfo
  3859. get_ParameterType
  3860. get_IsIn
  3861. get_IsOptional
  3862. get_IsOut
  3863. get_IsRetval
  3864. get_Member
  3865. ClassImpl
  3866. DefaultValueImpl
  3867. MemberImpl
  3868. NameImpl
  3869. PositionImpl
  3870. AttrsImpl
  3871. marshalAs
  3872. ParameterType
  3873. IsIn
  3874. IsOptional
  3875. IsOut
  3876. IsRetval
  3877. Member
  3878. ParameterModifier
  3879. _byref
  3880. Pointer
  3881. ProcessorArchitecture
  3882. MSIL
  3883. X86
  3884. IA64
  3885. Amd64
  3886. PropertyAttributes
  3887. Reserved2
  3888. PropertyInfo
  3889. ResourceAttributes
  3890. StrongNameKeyPair
  3891. GetRSA
  3892. _publicKey
  3893. _keyPairContainer
  3894. _keyPairExported
  3895. _keyPairArray
  3896. _rsa
  3897. TargetException
  3898. TargetInvocationException
  3899. inner
  3900. TargetParameterCountException
  3901. TypeAttributes
  3902. VisibilityMask
  3903. NotPublic
  3904. NestedPublic
  3905. NestedPrivate
  3906. NestedFamily
  3907. NestedAssembly
  3908. NestedFamANDAssem
  3909. NestedFamORAssem
  3910. LayoutMask
  3911. AutoLayout
  3912. SequentialLayout
  3913. ExplicitLayout
  3914. ClassSemanticsMask
  3915. Class
  3916. Interface
  3917. Sealed
  3918. Import
  3919. Serializable
  3920. StringFormatMask
  3921. AnsiClass
  3922. UnicodeClass
  3923. AutoClass
  3924. BeforeFieldInit
  3925. CustomFormatClass
  3926. CustomFormatMask
  3927. TypeDelegator
  3928. typeImpl
  3929. IResourceReader
  3930. System.Resources
  3931. NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute
  3932. cultureName
  3933. ResourceManager
  3934. ResourceCache
  3935. NonExistent
  3936. HeaderVersionNumber
  3937. MagicNumber
  3938. resourceSetType
  3939. PredefinedResourceType
  3940. Bool
  3941. DateTime
  3942. TimeSpan
  3943. ByteArray
  3944. FistCustom
  3945. ResourceReader
  3946. ReadHeaders
  3947. CreateResourceInfo
  3948. type_index
  3949. ReadValueVer2
  3950. ReadValueVer1
  3951. exp_type
  3952. ReadNonPredefinedValue
  3953. store
  3954. LoadResourceValues
  3955. readerLock
  3956. formatter
  3957. resourceCount
  3958. typeCount
  3959. typeNames
  3960. infos
  3961. dataSectionOffset
  3962. nameSectionOffset
  3963. resource_ver
  3964. cache
  3965. cache_lock
  3966. ResourceInfo
  3967. resourceName
  3968. valuePosition
  3969. ValuePosition
  3970. ResourceName
  3971. TypeIndex
  3972. ResourceCacheItem
  3973. ResourceValue
  3974. ResourceEnumerator
  3975. readerToEnumerate
  3976. FillCache
  3977. finished
  3978. ResourceSet
  3979. GetObjectInternal
  3980. GetObject
  3981. ReadResources
  3982. Reader
  3983. Table
  3984. resources_read
  3985. RuntimeResourceSet
  3986. CloneDisposableObjectIfPossible
  3987. SatelliteContractVersionAttribute
  3988. CompilationRelaxations
  3989. NoStringInterning
  3990. CompilationRelaxationsAttribute
  3991. relaxations
  3992. relax
  3993. DefaultDependencyAttribute
  3994. loadHintArgument
  3995. hint
  3996. IsVolatile
  3997. LoadHint
  3998. Always
  3999. Sometimes
  4000. StringFreezingAttribute
  4001. Cer
  4002. System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
  4003. MayFail
  4004. Success
  4005. Consistency
  4006. MayCorruptAppDomain
  4007. MayCorruptInstance
  4008. MayCorruptProcess
  4009. WillNotCorruptState
  4010. CriticalFinalizerObject
  4011. ReliabilityContractAttribute
  4012. consistencyGuarantee
  4013. cer
  4014. consistency
  4015. ActivationArguments
  4016. System.Runtime.Hosting
  4017. COMException
  4018. Winapi
  4019. Cdecl
  4020. StdCall
  4021. ThisCall
  4022. FastCall
  4023. Ansi
  4024. Unicode
  4025. Auto
  4026. ClassInterfaceAttribute
  4027. classInterfaceType
  4028. ciType
  4029. ClassInterfaceType
  4030. AutoDispatch
  4031. AutoDual
  4032. ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute
  4033. defaultInterface
  4034. _type
  4035. ComInterfaceType
  4036. InterfaceIsDual
  4037. InterfaceIsIUnknown
  4038. InterfaceIsIDispatch
  4039. DispIdAttribute
  4040. dispId
  4041. id
  4042. ErrorWrapper
  4043. errorCode
  4044. ExternalException
  4045. GCHandle
  4046. get_IsAllocated
  4047. Alloc
  4048. Free
  4049. GetTarget
  4050. GetTargetHandle
  4051. FreeHandle
  4052. IsAllocated
  4053. GCHandleType
  4054. Weak
  4055. WeakTrackResurrection
  4056. Pinned
  4057. InterfaceTypeAttribute
  4058. interfaceType
  4059. intType
  4060. Marshal
  4061. copy_from_unmanaged
  4062. ofs
  4063. SystemMaxDBCSCharSize
  4064. SystemDefaultCharSize
  4065. MarshalDirectiveException
  4066. ErrorCode
  4067. PreserveSigAttribute
  4068. SafeHandle
  4069. invalidHandleValue
  4070. success
  4071. DangerousAddRef
  4072. DangerousGetHandle
  4073. DangerousRelease
  4074. SetHandle
  4075. invalid_handle_value
  4076. refcount
  4077. owns_handle
  4078. TypeLibImportClassAttribute
  4079. importClass
  4080. _importClass
  4081. TypeLibVersionAttribute
  4082. UnmanagedType
  4083. I1
  4084. U1
  4085. I2
  4086. U2
  4087. I4
  4088. U4
  4089. I8
  4090. U8
  4091. R4
  4092. R8
  4093. BStr
  4094. LPStr
  4095. LPWStr
  4096. LPTStr
  4097. ByValTStr
  4098. IUnknown
  4099. IDispatch
  4100. Struct
  4101. SafeArray
  4102. ByValArray
  4103. SysInt
  4104. SysUInt
  4105. VBByRefStr
  4106. AnsiBStr
  4107. TBStr
  4108. VariantBool
  4109. FunctionPtr
  4110. AsAny
  4111. LPArray
  4112. LPStruct
  4113. CustomMarshaler
  4114. _Activator
  4115. _Assembly
  4116. _AssemblyBuilder
  4117. _AssemblyName
  4118. _ConstructorBuilder
  4119. _ConstructorInfo
  4120. _EnumBuilder
  4121. _EventInfo
  4122. _FieldBuilder
  4123. _FieldInfo
  4124. _ILGenerator
  4125. _LocalBuilder
  4126. _MethodBase
  4127. _MethodBuilder
  4128. _MethodInfo
  4129. _Module
  4130. _ModuleBuilder
  4131. _ParameterBuilder
  4132. _ParameterInfo
  4133. _PropertyInfo
  4134. _Thread
  4135. _TypeBuilder
  4136. ActivationServices
  4137. System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
  4138. get_ConstructionActivator
  4139. activationAttributes
  4140. CreateProxyFromAttributes
  4141. activationUrl
  4142. CreateConstructionCall
  4143. AllocateUninitializedClassInstance
  4144. enable
  4145. EnableProxyActivation
  4146. _constructionActivator
  4147. ConstructionActivator
  4148. AppDomainLevelActivator
  4149. _activationUrl
  4150. _next
  4151. ConstructionLevelActivator
  4152. ContextLevelActivator
  4153. m_NextActivator
  4154. IActivator
  4155. IConstructionCallMessage
  4156. get_ActivationType
  4157. get_ActivationTypeName
  4158. get_Activator
  4159. set_Activator
  4160. get_CallSiteActivationAttributes
  4161. get_ContextProperties
  4162. ActivationType
  4163. ActivationTypeName
  4164. Activator
  4165. CallSiteActivationAttributes
  4166. ContextProperties
  4167. RemoteActivator
  4168. UrlAttribute
  4169. get_UrlValue
  4170. ctorMsg
  4171. GetPropertiesForNewContext
  4172. IsContextOK
  4173. url
  4174. UrlValue
  4175. ChannelInfo
  4176. System.Runtime.Remoting
  4177. get_ChannelData
  4178. channelData
  4179. ChannelData
  4180. ChannelServices
  4181. System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
  4182. remoteChannelData
  4183. objectUri
  4184. CreateClientChannelSinkChain
  4185. channelDataArray
  4186. chnl
  4187. RegisterChannel
  4188. ensureSecurity
  4189. channel
  4190. RegisterChannelConfig
  4191. prov
  4192. CreateProvider
  4193. GetCurrentChannelInfo
  4194. registeredChannels
  4195. delayedClientChannels
  4196. _crossContextSink
  4197. CrossContextUrl
  4198. oldStartModeTypes
  4199. CrossAppDomainData
  4200. domainId
  4201. get_DomainID
  4202. get_ProcessID
  4203. _ContextID
  4204. _DomainID
  4205. _processGuid
  4206. DomainID
  4207. ProcessID
  4208. CrossAppDomainChannel
  4209. RegisterCrossAppDomainChannel
  4210. get_ChannelName
  4211. get_ChannelPriority
  4212. StartListening
  4213. uri
  4214. CreateMessageSink
  4215. s_lock
  4216. ChannelName
  4217. ChannelPriority
  4218. CrossAppDomainSink
  4219. domainID
  4220. GetSink
  4221. get_TargetDomainId
  4222. s_sinks
  4223. processMessageMethod
  4224. _domainID
  4225. TargetDomainId
  4226. IChannel
  4227. IChannelDataStore
  4228. IChannelReceiver
  4229. IChannelSender
  4230. objectURI
  4231. IClientChannelSinkProvider
  4232. set_Next
  4233. ISecurableChannel
  4234. set_IsSecured
  4235. IsSecured
  4236. IServerChannelSinkProvider
  4237. SinkProviderData
  4238. get_Children
  4239. get_Properties
  4240. sinkName
  4241. children
  4242. properties
  4243. Children
  4244. Properties
  4245. System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
  4246. get_DefaultContext
  4247. get_ContextID
  4248. get_IsDefaultContext
  4249. get_NeedsContextSink
  4250. RegisterDynamicProperty
  4251. UnregisterDynamicProperty
  4252. GetDynamicPropertyCollection
  4253. req_msg
  4254. client_site
  4255. NotifyGlobalDynamicSinks
  4256. get_HasGlobalDynamicSinks
  4257. NotifyDynamicSinks
  4258. get_HasDynamicSinks
  4259. get_HasExitSinks
  4260. Freeze
  4261. GetServerContextSinkChain
  4262. GetClientContextSinkChain
  4263. forceInternalExecute
  4264. CreateServerObjectSinkChain
  4265. serverObject
  4266. CreateEnvoySink
  4267. newContext
  4268. SwitchToContext
  4269. CreateNewContext
  4270. deleg
  4271. DoCallBack
  4272. AllocateDataSlot
  4273. AllocateNamedDataSlot
  4274. FreeNamedDataSlot
  4275. slot
  4276. GetData
  4277. GetNamedDataSlot
  4278. SetData
  4279. domain_id
  4280. context_id
  4281. static_data
  4282. default_server_context_sink
  4283. server_context_sink_chain
  4284. client_context_sink_chain
  4285. datastore
  4286. context_properties
  4287. frozen
  4288. global_count
  4289. namedSlots
  4290. global_dynamic_properties
  4291. context_dynamic_properties
  4292. callback_object
  4293. DefaultContext
  4294. ContextID
  4295. IsDefaultContext
  4296. NeedsContextSink
  4297. HasGlobalDynamicSinks
  4298. HasDynamicSinks
  4299. HasExitSinks
  4300. DynamicPropertyCollection
  4301. get_HasProperties
  4302. NotifyMessage
  4303. FindProperty
  4304. _properties
  4305. HasProperties
  4306. DynamicPropertyReg
  4307. Sink
  4308. ContextCallbackObject
  4309. ContextAttribute
  4310. newCtx
  4311. IsNewContextOK
  4312. AttributeName
  4313. CrossContextChannel
  4314. IContextAttribute
  4315. IContextProperty
  4316. IContributeClientContextSink
  4317. nextSink
  4318. GetClientContextSink
  4319. IContributeDynamicSink
  4320. GetDynamicSink
  4321. IContributeEnvoySink
  4322. GetEnvoySink
  4323. IContributeObjectSink
  4324. GetObjectSink
  4325. IContributeServerContextSink
  4326. GetServerContextSink
  4327. IDynamicMessageSink
  4328. replyMsg
  4329. bCliSide
  4330. bAsync
  4331. ProcessMessageFinish
  4332. reqMsg
  4333. ProcessMessageStart
  4334. IDynamicProperty
  4335. SynchronizationAttribute
  4336. reEntrant
  4337. set_Locked
  4338. ReleaseLock
  4339. ExitContext
  4340. EnterContext
  4341. _bReEntrant
  4342. _flavor
  4343. _lockCount
  4344. _mutex
  4345. _ownerThread
  4346. Locked
  4347. SynchronizedClientContextSink
  4348. att
  4349. _att
  4350. SynchronizedServerContextSink
  4351. ILease
  4352. System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
  4353. get_CurrentState
  4354. set_InitialLeaseTime
  4355. set_RenewOnCallTime
  4356. set_SponsorshipTimeout
  4357. CurrentState
  4358. InitialLeaseTime
  4359. RenewOnCallTime
  4360. SponsorshipTimeout
  4361. ISponsor
  4362. lease
  4363. Renewal
  4364. Lease
  4365. get_CurrentLeaseTime
  4366. Activate
  4367. renewalTime
  4368. Renew
  4369. Unregister
  4370. UpdateState
  4371. CheckNextSponsor
  4372. timedOut
  4373. ProcessSponsorResponse
  4374. _leaseExpireTime
  4375. _currentState
  4376. _initialLeaseTime
  4377. _renewOnCallTime
  4378. _sponsorshipTimeout
  4379. _sponsors
  4380. _renewingSponsors
  4381. _renewalDelegate
  4382. CurrentLeaseTime
  4383. RenewalDelegate
  4384. LeaseManager
  4385. timeSpan
  4386. SetPollTime
  4387. identity
  4388. TrackLifetime
  4389. StartManager
  4390. StopManager
  4391. ManageLeases
  4392. _objects
  4393. _timer
  4394. LeaseSink
  4395. _nextSink
  4396. LeaseState
  4397. Initial
  4398. Active
  4399. Renewing
  4400. Expired
  4401. LifetimeServices
  4402. get_LeaseManagerPollTime
  4403. set_LeaseManagerPollTime
  4404. get_LeaseTime
  4405. set_LeaseTime
  4406. get_RenewOnCallTime
  4407. get_SponsorshipTimeout
  4408. _leaseManagerPollTime
  4409. _leaseTime
  4410. _leaseManager
  4411. LeaseManagerPollTime
  4412. LeaseTime
  4413. ArgInfoType
  4414. System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
  4415. ArgInfo
  4416. GetInOutArgCount
  4417. GetInOutArgs
  4418. _paramMap
  4419. _inoutArgCount
  4420. _method
  4421. AsyncResult
  4422. get_CompletedSynchronously
  4423. get_EndInvokeCalled
  4424. set_EndInvokeCalled
  4425. get_AsyncDelegate
  4426. get_NextSink
  4427. replySink
  4428. AsyncProcessMessage
  4429. GetReplyMessage
  4430. mc
  4431. SetMessageCtrl
  4432. SetCompletedSynchronously
  4433. SyncProcessMessage
  4434. get_CallMessage
  4435. set_CallMessage
  4436. async_state
  4437. async_delegate
  4438. object_data
  4439. sync_completed
  4440. endinvoke_called
  4441. async_callback
  4442. original
  4443. gchandle
  4444. call_message
  4445. message_ctrl
  4446. reply_message
  4447. CompletedSynchronously
  4448. EndInvokeCalled
  4449. AsyncDelegate
  4450. NextSink
  4451. CallMessage
  4452. ClientContextTerminatorSink
  4453. _context
  4454. ConstructionCall
  4455. InitDictionary
  4456. set_IsContextOk
  4457. SetActivationAttributes
  4458. InitMethodProperty
  4459. _activator
  4460. _activationAttributes
  4461. _contextProperties
  4462. _activationType
  4463. _activationTypeName
  4464. _isContextOk
  4465. <>f__switch$map20
  4466. IsContextOk
  4467. ConstructionCallDictionary
  4468. GetMethodProperty
  4469. SetMethodProperty
  4470. InternalKeys
  4471. <>f__switch$map23
  4472. <>f__switch$map24
  4473. EnvoyTerminatorSink
  4474. Header
  4475. _Name
  4476. _Value
  4477. _MustUnderstand
  4478. _HeaderNamespace
  4479. HeaderNamespace
  4480. MustUnderstand
  4481. IInternalMessage
  4482. set_Uri
  4483. Uri
  4484. IMessage
  4485. IMessageCtrl
  4486. IMessageSink
  4487. IMethodCallMessage
  4488. IMethodMessage
  4489. get_ArgCount
  4490. get_Args
  4491. get_LogicalCallContext
  4492. get_MethodBase
  4493. get_MethodName
  4494. get_MethodSignature
  4495. get_TypeName
  4496. get_Uri
  4497. argNum
  4498. GetArg
  4499. ArgCount
  4500. Args
  4501. LogicalCallContext
  4502. MethodName
  4503. MethodSignature
  4504. TypeName
  4505. IMethodReturnMessage
  4506. get_OutArgCount
  4507. get_OutArgs
  4508. get_ReturnValue
  4509. OutArgCount
  4510. OutArgs
  4511. ReturnValue
  4512. IRemotingFormatter
  4513. ISerializationRootObject
  4514. get_HasInfo
  4515. _remotingData
  4516. HasInfo
  4517. CallContextRemotingData
  4518. _logicalCallID
  4519. MethodCall
  4520. h1
  4521. System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.set_Uri
  4522. ResolveMethod
  4523. clientType
  4524. serverType
  4525. CastTo
  4526. aqname
  4527. GetTypeNameFromAssemblyQualifiedName
  4528. get_GenericArguments
  4529. _uri
  4530. _typeName
  4531. _methodName
  4532. _args
  4533. _methodSignature
  4534. _methodBase
  4535. _callContext
  4536. ExternalProperties
  4537. InternalProperties
  4538. <>f__switch$map1F
  4539. System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.Uri
  4540. GenericArguments
  4541. MethodCallDictionary
  4542. MethodDictionary
  4543. set_MethodKeys
  4544. AllocInternalProperties
  4545. GetInternalProperties
  4546. IsOverridenKey
  4547. _internalProperties
  4548. _methodKeys
  4549. _ownProperties
  4550. <>f__switch$map21
  4551. <>f__switch$map22
  4552. MethodKeys
  4553. DictionaryEnumerator
  4554. methodDictionary
  4555. _methodDictionary
  4556. _hashtableEnum
  4557. _posMethod
  4558. MethodReturnDictionary
  4559. InternalReturnKeys
  4560. InternalExceptionKeys
  4561. MonoMethodMessage
  4562. arg_num
  4563. get_CallType
  4564. arg_types
  4565. rval
  4566. call_type
  4567. methodSignature
  4568. CallType
  4569. Sync
  4570. OneWay
  4571. OneWayAttribute
  4572. RemotingSurrogate
  4573. selector
  4574. SetObjectData
  4575. ObjRefSurrogate
  4576. RemotingSurrogateSelector
  4577. ssout
  4578. GetSurrogate
  4579. s_cachedTypeObjRef
  4580. _objRefSurrogate
  4581. _objRemotingSurrogate
  4582. ReturnMessage
  4583. outArgs
  4584. outArgsCount
  4585. callCtx
  4586. mcm
  4587. _outArgs
  4588. _outArgsCount
  4589. _callCtx
  4590. _returnValue
  4591. _exception
  4592. _inArgInfo
  4593. ServerContextTerminatorSink
  4594. ServerObjectTerminatorSink
  4595. StackBuilderSink
  4596. _target
  4597. _rp
  4598. SoapAttribute
  4599. System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
  4600. get_UseAttribute
  4601. get_XmlNamespace
  4602. reflectionObject
  4603. SetReflectionObject
  4604. _useAttribute
  4605. ProtXmlNamespace
  4606. ReflectInfo
  4607. UseAttribute
  4608. XmlNamespace
  4609. SoapFieldAttribute
  4610. get_XmlElementName
  4611. IsInteropXmlElement
  4612. _elementName
  4613. _isElement
  4614. XmlElementName
  4615. SoapMethodAttribute
  4616. _responseElement
  4617. _responseNamespace
  4618. _returnElement
  4619. _soapAction
  4620. _namespace
  4621. SoapParameterAttribute
  4622. SoapTypeAttribute
  4623. get_XmlTypeName
  4624. get_XmlTypeNamespace
  4625. get_IsInteropXmlElement
  4626. get_IsInteropXmlType
  4627. _xmlElementName
  4628. _xmlNamespace
  4629. _xmlTypeName
  4630. _xmlTypeNamespace
  4631. _isType
  4632. XmlTypeName
  4633. XmlTypeNamespace
  4634. IsInteropXmlType
  4635. ProxyAttribute
  4636. System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
  4637. objRef
  4638. serverContext
  4639. CreateProxy
  4640. TransparentProxy
  4641. RealProxy
  4642. classToProxy
  4643. stub
  4644. stubData
  4645. transparentProxy
  4646. InternalGetProxyType
  4647. GetProxiedType
  4648. InternalGetTransparentProxy
  4649. GetTransparentProxy
  4650. SetTargetDomain
  4651. class_to_proxy
  4652. _targetDomainId
  4653. _targetUri
  4654. _objectIdentity
  4655. _objTP
  4656. RemotingProxy
  4657. _cache_GetTypeMethod
  4658. _cache_GetHashCodeMethod
  4659. _sink
  4660. _hasEnvoySink
  4661. _ctorCall
  4662. ITrackingHandler
  4663. System.Runtime.Remoting.Services
  4664. DisconnectedObject
  4665. or
  4666. MarshaledObject
  4667. UnmarshaledObject
  4668. TrackingServices
  4669. NotifyMarshaledObject
  4670. NotifyUnmarshaledObject
  4671. NotifyDisconnectedObject
  4672. _handlers
  4673. ActivatedClientTypeEntry
  4674. appUrl
  4675. get_ApplicationUrl
  4676. get_ContextAttributes
  4677. get_ObjectType
  4678. applicationUrl
  4679. obj_type
  4680. ApplicationUrl
  4681. ContextAttributes
  4682. ObjectType
  4683. ActivatedServiceTypeEntry
  4684. EnvoyInfo
  4685. sinks
  4686. get_EnvoySinks
  4687. envoySinks
  4688. EnvoySinks
  4689. IChannelInfo
  4690. IEnvoyInfo
  4691. IRemotingTypeInfo
  4692. Identity
  4693. get_ChannelSink
  4694. set_ChannelSink
  4695. get_ObjectUri
  4696. set_ObjectUri
  4697. get_IsConnected
  4698. get_Disposed
  4699. set_Disposed
  4700. get_ClientDynamicProperties
  4701. get_ServerDynamicProperties
  4702. _objectUri
  4703. _channelSink
  4704. _envoySink
  4705. _clientDynamicProperties
  4706. _serverDynamicProperties
  4707. _objRef
  4708. _disposed
  4709. ChannelSink
  4710. ObjectUri
  4711. IsConnected
  4712. Disposed
  4713. ClientDynamicProperties
  4714. ServerDynamicProperties
  4715. ClientIdentity
  4716. get_ClientProxy
  4717. set_ClientProxy
  4718. get_TargetUri
  4719. _proxyReference
  4720. ClientProxy
  4721. TargetUri
  4722. InternalRemotingServices
  4723. GetCachedSoapAttribute
  4724. _soapAttributes
  4725. ObjRef
  4726. get_IsReferenceToWellKnow
  4727. get_ChannelInfo
  4728. get_EnvoyInfo
  4729. set_EnvoyInfo
  4730. get_TypeInfo
  4731. set_TypeInfo
  4732. get_URI
  4733. set_URI
  4734. UpdateChannelInfo
  4735. get_ServerType
  4736. channel_info
  4737. typeInfo
  4738. envoyInfo
  4739. _serverType
  4740. MarshalledObjectRef
  4741. WellKnowObjectRef
  4742. <>f__switch$map26
  4743. IsReferenceToWellKnow
  4744. URI
  4745. ServerType
  4746. RemotingConfiguration
  4747. get_ApplicationName
  4748. set_ApplicationName
  4749. get_ProcessId
  4750. LoadDefaultDelayedChannels
  4751. svrType
  4752. IsRemotelyActivatedClientType
  4753. RegisterActivatedClientType
  4754. RegisterActivatedServiceType
  4755. RegisterWellKnownClientType
  4756. RegisterWellKnownServiceType
  4757. RegisterChannelTemplate
  4758. RegisterClientProviderTemplate
  4759. RegisterServerProviderTemplate
  4760. channels
  4761. onlyDelayed
  4762. RegisterChannels
  4763. RegisterTypes
  4764. SetCustomErrorsMode
  4765. applicationID
  4766. applicationName
  4767. processGuid
  4768. defaultConfigRead
  4769. defaultDelayedConfigRead
  4770. _errorMode
  4771. wellKnownClientEntries
  4772. activatedClientEntries
  4773. wellKnownServiceEntries
  4774. activatedServiceEntries
  4775. channelTemplates
  4776. clientProviderTemplates
  4777. serverProviderTemplates
  4778. ApplicationName
  4779. ProcessId
  4780. ConfigHandler
  4781. onlyDelayedChannels
  4782. paths
  4783. ValidatePath
  4784. ParseElement
  4785. ReadCustomProviderData
  4786. ReadLifetine
  4787. ParseTime
  4788. isTemplate
  4789. ReadChannel
  4790. ReadProvider
  4791. ReadClientActivated
  4792. ReadServiceActivated
  4793. ReadClientWellKnown
  4794. ReadServiceWellKnown
  4795. isElement
  4796. ReadInteropXml
  4797. ReadPreload
  4798. GetNotNull
  4799. ExtractAssembly
  4800. typeEntries
  4801. channelInstances
  4802. currentChannel
  4803. currentProviderData
  4804. currentClientUrl
  4805. appName
  4806. currentXmlPath
  4807. <>f__switch$map27
  4808. <>f__switch$map28
  4809. get_ServerProviders
  4810. get_ClientProviders
  4811. get_CustomProperties
  4812. CopyFrom
  4813. Ref
  4814. Id
  4815. DelayLoadAsClientChannel
  4816. _serverProviders
  4817. _clientProviders
  4818. _customProperties
  4819. ServerProviders
  4820. ClientProviders
  4821. CustomProperties
  4822. ProviderData
  4823. CustomData
  4824. FormatterData
  4825. RemotingException
  4826. RemotingServices
  4827. GetVirtualMethod
  4828. proxy
  4829. IsTransparentProxy
  4830. GetServerTypeForUri
  4831. objectRef
  4832. Unmarshal
  4833. fRefine
  4834. Obj
  4835. ObjURI
  4836. RequestedType
  4837. NewUri
  4838. GetRealProxy
  4839. GetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage
  4840. methodName
  4841. GetMethodBaseFromName
  4842. FindInterfaceMethod
  4843. IsMethodOverloaded
  4844. IsOneWay
  4845. CreateClientProxy
  4846. objectType
  4847. CreateClientProxyForContextBound
  4848. GetIdentityForUri
  4849. RemoveAppNameFromUri
  4850. proxyType
  4851. clientProxy
  4852. GetOrCreateClientIdentity
  4853. GetClientChannelSinkChain
  4854. realObject
  4855. CreateClientActivatedServerIdentity
  4856. CreateWellKnownServerIdentity
  4857. RegisterServerIdentity
  4858. objref
  4859. GetProxyForRemoteObject
  4860. GetRemoteObject
  4861. RegisterInternalChannels
  4862. ident
  4863. DisposeIdentity
  4864. GetNormalizedUri
  4865. uri_hash
  4866. _serializationFormatter
  4867. _deserializationFormatter
  4868. app_id
  4869. next_id
  4870. methodBindings
  4871. FieldSetterMethod
  4872. FieldGetterMethod
  4873. ServerIdentity
  4874. StartTrackingLifetime
  4875. OnLifetimeExpired
  4876. AttachServerObject
  4877. get_Lease
  4878. DisposeServerObject
  4879. _objectType
  4880. _serverObject
  4881. _serverSink
  4882. _lease
  4883. ClientActivatedIdentity
  4884. GetServerObject
  4885. SingletonIdentity
  4886. SingleCallIdentity
  4887. SoapServices
  4888. get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly
  4889. get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs
  4890. get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly
  4891. typeNamespace
  4892. CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace
  4893. namspace
  4894. GetNameKey
  4895. GetAssemblyName
  4896. xmlElement
  4897. xmlNamespace
  4898. GetXmlElementForInteropType
  4899. GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall
  4900. GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse
  4901. xmlType
  4902. xmlTypeNamespace
  4903. GetXmlTypeForInteropType
  4904. PreLoad
  4905. RegisterInteropXmlElement
  4906. RegisterInteropXmlType
  4907. ns
  4908. EncodeNs
  4909. _xmlTypes
  4910. _xmlElements
  4911. _soapActions
  4912. _soapActionsMethods
  4913. _typeInfos
  4914. XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly
  4915. XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs
  4916. XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly
  4917. Elements
  4918. TypeEntry
  4919. get_AssemblyName
  4920. set_AssemblyName
  4921. set_TypeName
  4922. assembly_name
  4923. type_name
  4924. serverHierarchy
  4925. interfacesImplemented
  4926. WellKnownClientTypeEntry
  4927. objectUrl
  4928. get_ObjectUrl
  4929. obj_url
  4930. app_url
  4931. ObjectUrl
  4932. WellKnownObjectMode
  4933. Singleton
  4934. SingleCall
  4935. WellKnownServiceTypeEntry
  4936. get_Mode
  4937. obj_uri
  4938. obj_mode
  4939. Mode
  4940. BinaryCommon
  4941. System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
  4942. GetTypeFromCode
  4943. CheckSerializable
  4944. byteArray
  4945. dataSize
  4946. SwapBytes
  4947. BinaryHeader
  4948. _typeCodesToType
  4949. _typeCodeMap
  4950. UseReflectionSerialization
  4951. BinaryElement
  4952. RefTypeObject
  4953. UntypedRuntimeObject
  4954. UntypedExternalObject
  4955. RuntimeObject
  4956. ExternalObject
  4957. GenericArray
  4958. BoxedPrimitiveTypeValue
  4959. ObjectReference
  4960. NullValue
  4961. ArrayFiller8b
  4962. ArrayFiller32b
  4963. ArrayOfPrimitiveType
  4964. ArrayOfObject
  4965. ArrayOfString
  4966. _Unknown4
  4967. _Unknown5
  4968. MethodResponse
  4969. TypeTag
  4970. PrimitiveType
  4971. RuntimeType
  4972. GenericType
  4973. MethodFlags
  4974. NoArguments
  4975. PrimitiveArguments
  4976. ArgumentsInSimpleArray
  4977. ArgumentsInMultiArray
  4978. ExcludeLogicalCallContext
  4979. IncludesLogicalCallContext
  4980. IncludesSignature
  4981. FormatMask
  4982. NeedsInfoArrayMask
  4983. ReturnTypeTag
  4984. BinaryFormatter
  4985. get_DefaultSurrogateSelector
  4986. set_AssemblyFormat
  4987. get_Binder
  4988. get_Context
  4989. get_SurrogateSelector
  4990. get_FilterLevel
  4991. serializationStream
  4992. Deserialize
  4993. NoCheckDeserialize
  4994. graph
  4995. headers
  4996. hasHeaders
  4997. WriteBinaryHeader
  4998. ReadBinaryHeader
  4999. assembly_format
  5000. surrogate_selector
  5001. type_format
  5002. filter_level
  5003. <DefaultSurrogateSelector>k__BackingField
  5004. DefaultSurrogateSelector
  5005. AssemblyFormat
  5006. SurrogateSelector
  5007. FilterLevel
  5008. CodeGenerator
  5009. GenerateMetadataType
  5010. GenerateMetadataTypeInternal
  5011. LoadFromPtr
  5012. gen
  5013. EmitWriteTypeSpec
  5014. EmitLoadTypeAssembly
  5015. EmitWrite
  5016. EmitWritePrimitiveValue
  5017. EnumToUnderlying
  5018. _module
  5019. MessageFormatter
  5020. surrogateSelector
  5021. assemblyFormat
  5022. typeFormat
  5023. WriteMethodCall
  5024. WriteMethodResponse
  5025. elem
  5026. headerHandler
  5027. ReadMethodCall
  5028. methodCallMessage
  5029. ReadMethodResponse
  5030. objects
  5031. AllTypesArePrimitive
  5032. IsMethodPrimitive
  5033. internalKeys
  5034. GetExtraProperties
  5035. IsInternalKey
  5036. ObjectReader
  5037. readHeaders
  5038. ReadObjectGraph
  5039. ReadNextObject
  5040. get_CurrentObject
  5041. objectId
  5042. ReadObject
  5043. ReadAssembly
  5044. isRuntimeObject
  5045. hasTypeInfo
  5046. ReadObjectInstance
  5047. ReadRefTypeObjectInstance
  5048. metadata
  5049. objectInstance
  5050. ReadObjectContent
  5051. parentObjectId
  5052. parentObjectMemeber
  5053. RegisterObject
  5054. ReadStringIntance
  5055. ReadGenericArray
  5056. ReadBoxedPrimitiveTypeValue
  5057. ReadArrayOfPrimitiveType
  5058. BlockRead
  5059. ReadArrayOfObject
  5060. ReadArrayOfString
  5061. ReadSimpleArray
  5062. ReadTypeMetadata
  5063. parentObject
  5064. valueType
  5065. fieldName
  5066. ReadValue
  5067. SetObjectValue
  5068. childObjectId
  5069. RecordFixup
  5070. assemblyId
  5071. GetDeserializationType
  5072. ReadType
  5073. ReadPrimitiveTypeValue
  5074. _surrogateSelector
  5075. _binder
  5076. _filterLevel
  5077. _manager
  5078. _registeredAssemblies
  5079. _typeMetadataCache
  5080. _lastObject
  5081. _lastObjectID
  5082. _rootObjectID
  5083. arrayBuffer
  5084. ArrayBufferLength
  5085. CurrentObject
  5086. TypeMetadata
  5087. MemberNames
  5088. MemberInfos
  5089. FieldCount
  5090. NeedsSerializationInfo
  5091. ArrayNullFiller
  5092. NullCount
  5093. ow
  5094. WriteAssemblies
  5095. writeTypes
  5096. WriteTypeData
  5097. WriteObjectData
  5098. IsCompatible
  5099. get_RequiresTypes
  5100. TypeAssemblyName
  5101. InstanceTypeName
  5102. RequiresTypes
  5103. ClrTypeMetadata
  5104. instanceType
  5105. InstanceType
  5106. SerializableTypeMetadata
  5107. itype
  5108. MemberTypeMetadata
  5109. members
  5110. ObjectWriter
  5111. WriteObjectGraph
  5112. QueueObject
  5113. WriteQueuedObjects
  5114. isValueObject
  5115. WriteObjectInstance
  5116. WriteSerializationEnd
  5117. WriteObject
  5118. CreateMemberTypeMetadata
  5119. WriteArray
  5120. WriteGenericArray
  5121. WriteObjectArray
  5122. WriteStringArray
  5123. WritePrimitiveTypeArray
  5124. BlockWrite
  5125. WriteSingleDimensionArrayElements
  5126. numNulls
  5127. WriteNullFiller
  5128. WriteObjectReference
  5129. WriteValue
  5130. WriteString
  5131. WriteAssembly
  5132. WriteAssemblyName
  5133. GetAssemblyId
  5134. GetAssemblyNameId
  5135. firstTime
  5136. RegisterAssembly
  5137. WritePrimitiveValue
  5138. WriteTypeCode
  5139. GetTypeTag
  5140. WriteTypeSpec
  5141. _idGenerator
  5142. _cachedMetadata
  5143. _pendingObjects
  5144. _assemblyCache
  5145. _cachedTypes
  5146. CorlibAssembly
  5147. CorlibAssemblyName
  5148. _assemblyFormat
  5149. _typeFormat
  5150. MetadataReference
  5151. Metadata
  5152. ObjectID
  5153. FormatterAssemblyStyle
  5154. System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
  5155. Full
  5156. FormatterTypeStyle
  5157. TypesWhenNeeded
  5158. TypesAlways
  5159. XsdString
  5160. TypeFilterLevel
  5161. FormatterConverter
  5162. Convert
  5163. FormatterServices
  5164. GetSerializableMembers
  5165. reflectedType
  5166. GetUninitializedObject
  5167. GetSafeUninitializedObject
  5168. IDeserializationCallback
  5169. IFormatter
  5170. IFormatterConverter
  5171. IObjectReference
  5172. ISerializationSurrogate
  5173. ISurrogateSelector
  5174. ObjectIDGenerator
  5175. GetId
  5176. get_NextId
  5177. NextId
  5178. InstanceComparer
  5179. System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider.GetHashCode
  5180. ObjectManager
  5181. DoFixups
  5182. objectID
  5183. GetObjectRecord
  5184. RaiseDeserializationEvent
  5185. RaiseOnDeserializingEvent
  5186. RaiseOnDeserializedEvent
  5187. record
  5188. AddFixup
  5189. arrayToBeFixed
  5190. objectRequired
  5191. RecordArrayElementFixup
  5192. objectToBeFixed
  5193. RecordDelayedFixup
  5194. RegisterObjectInternal
  5195. idOfContainingObj
  5196. _objectRecordChain
  5197. _lastObjectRecord
  5198. _deserializedRecords
  5199. _onDeserializedCallbackRecords
  5200. _objectRecords
  5201. _finalFixup
  5202. _selector
  5203. _registeredObjectsCount
  5204. BaseFixupRecord
  5205. manager
  5206. strict
  5207. DoFixup
  5208. FixupImpl
  5209. ObjectToBeFixed
  5210. ObjectRequired
  5211. NextSameContainer
  5212. NextSameRequired
  5213. ArrayFixupRecord
  5214. MultiArrayFixupRecord
  5215. _indices
  5216. FixupRecord
  5217. _member
  5218. DelayedFixupRecord
  5219. ObjectRecordStatus
  5220. Unregistered
  5221. ReferenceUnsolved
  5222. ReferenceSolvingDelayed
  5223. ReferenceSolved
  5224. ObjectRecord
  5225. SetMemberValue
  5226. SetArrayValue
  5227. get_IsInstanceReady
  5228. get_IsUnsolvedObjectReference
  5229. get_IsRegistered
  5230. asContainer
  5231. fixupToRemove
  5232. RemoveFixup
  5233. prevFixup
  5234. UnchainFixup
  5235. ChainFixup
  5236. LoadData
  5237. get_HasPendingFixups
  5238. Status
  5239. OriginalObject
  5240. ObjectInstance
  5241. Info
  5242. IdOfContainingObj
  5243. ArrayIndex
  5244. FixupChainAsContainer
  5245. FixupChainAsRequired
  5246. IsInstanceReady
  5247. IsUnsolvedObjectReference
  5248. IsRegistered
  5249. HasPendingFixups
  5250. OnDeserializedAttribute
  5251. OnDeserializingAttribute
  5252. OnSerializedAttribute
  5253. OnSerializingAttribute
  5254. SerializationBinder
  5255. BindToType
  5256. SerializationCallbacks
  5257. get_HasSerializedCallbacks
  5258. get_HasDeserializedCallbacks
  5259. GetMethodsByAttribute
  5260. contex
  5261. RaiseOnSerializing
  5262. RaiseOnSerialized
  5263. RaiseOnDeserializing
  5264. RaiseOnDeserialized
  5265. GetSerializationCallbacks
  5266. onSerializingList
  5267. onSerializedList
  5268. onDeserializingList
  5269. onDeserializedList
  5270. HasSerializedCallbacks
  5271. HasDeserializedCallbacks
  5272. CallbackHandler
  5273. SerializationEntry
  5274. SerializationException
  5275. SerializationInfo
  5276. get_FullTypeName
  5277. get_MemberCount
  5278. AddValue
  5279. SetType
  5280. GetBoolean
  5281. GetInt16
  5282. GetInt32
  5283. GetInt64
  5284. GetString
  5285. serialized
  5286. fullTypeName
  5287. FullTypeName
  5288. MemberCount
  5289. SerializationInfoEnumerator
  5290. SerializationObjectManager
  5291. RaiseOnSerializedEvent
  5292. seen
  5293. callbacks
  5294. <RegisterObject>c__AnonStorey3
  5295. <>m__2
  5296. StreamingContext
  5297. additional
  5298. get_State
  5299. State
  5300. StreamingContextStates
  5301. CrossProcess
  5302. CrossMachine
  5303. Persistence
  5304. Remoting
  5305. Other
  5306. CrossAppDomain
  5307. System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
  5308. tostr
  5309. GetCertHash
  5310. GetCertHashString
  5311. GetEffectiveDateString
  5312. GetExpirationDateString
  5313. GetRawCertData
  5314. fVerbose
  5315. get_Issuer
  5316. get_Subject
  5317. rawData
  5318. keyStorageFlags
  5319. hideDates
  5320. cachedCertificateHash
  5321. issuer_name
  5322. subject_name
  5323. Issuer
  5324. Subject
  5325. X509KeyStorageFlags
  5326. DefaultKeySet
  5327. UserKeySet
  5328. MachineKeySet
  5329. Exportable
  5330. UserProtected
  5331. PersistKeySet
  5332. AsymmetricAlgorithm
  5333. System.Security.Cryptography
  5334. set_KeySize
  5335. xmlString
  5336. FromXmlString
  5337. param
  5338. GetNamedParam
  5339. KeySizeValue
  5340. LegalKeySizesValue
  5341. AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter
  5342. CreateKeyExchange
  5343. AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter
  5344. strName
  5345. SetHashAlgorithm
  5346. SetKey
  5347. AsymmetricSignatureFormatter
  5348. Base64Constants
  5349. EncodeTable
  5350. DecodeTable
  5351. CipherMode
  5352. CryptoConfig
  5353. CreateFromName
  5354. MapNameToOID
  5355. EncodeOID
  5356. EncodeLongNumber
  5357. algorithms
  5358. CryptographicException
  5359. insert
  5360. CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException
  5361. CspParameters
  5362. dwTypeIn
  5363. strProviderNameIn
  5364. strContainerNameIn
  5365. set_Flags
  5366. _Flags
  5367. KeyContainerName
  5368. KeyNumber
  5369. ProviderName
  5370. ProviderType
  5371. CspProviderFlags
  5372. UseExistingKey
  5373. NoFlags
  5374. NoPrompt
  5375. UseArchivableKey
  5376. UseNonExportableKey
  5377. UseUserProtectedKey
  5378. DES
  5379. algName
  5380. rgbKey
  5381. IsWeakKey
  5382. IsSemiWeakKey
  5383. weakKeys
  5384. semiWeakKeys
  5385. DESTransform
  5386. iv
  5387. r
  5388. CipherFunct
  5389. permTab
  5390. preSwap
  5391. Permutation
  5392. byteBuff
  5393. BSwap
  5394. ProcessBlock
  5395. GetStrongKey
  5396. KEY_BIT_SIZE
  5400. keySchedule
  5401. dwordBuff
  5402. spBoxes
  5403. PC1
  5404. leftRotTotal
  5405. PC2
  5406. ipTab
  5407. fpTab
  5408. DESCryptoServiceProvider
  5409. CreateDecryptor
  5410. CreateEncryptor
  5411. GenerateIV
  5412. GenerateKey
  5413. ZeroizePrivateKey
  5414. DSACryptoServiceProvider
  5415. OnKeyGenerated
  5416. persistKey
  5417. persisted
  5418. privateKeyExportable
  5419. dsa
  5420. useMachineKeyStore
  5421. DSAParameters
  5422. Counter
  5423. G
  5424. J
  5425. P
  5426. Q
  5427. Seed
  5428. X
  5429. Y
  5430. DSASignatureDeformatter
  5431. DSASignatureFormatter
  5432. HMAC
  5433. get_BlockSizeValue
  5434. set_BlockSizeValue
  5435. get_Block
  5436. KeySetup
  5437. HashCore
  5438. HashFinal
  5439. algorithmName
  5440. _algo
  5441. _block
  5442. _blockSizeValue
  5443. BlockSizeValue
  5444. Block
  5445. HMACMD5
  5446. HMACRIPEMD160
  5447. HMACSHA1
  5448. HMACSHA256
  5449. HMACSHA384
  5450. set_ProduceLegacyHmacValues
  5451. legacy_mode
  5452. legacy
  5453. ProduceLegacyHmacValues
  5454. HMACSHA512
  5455. HashAlgorithm
  5456. ComputeHash
  5457. hashName
  5458. get_Hash
  5459. ibStart
  5460. cbSize
  5461. get_HashSize
  5462. HashValue
  5463. HashSizeValue
  5464. Hash
  5465. HashSize
  5466. ICryptoTransform
  5467. ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm
  5468. KeySizes
  5469. minSize
  5470. maxSize
  5471. skipSize
  5472. get_MaxSize
  5473. get_MinSize
  5474. get_SkipSize
  5475. IsLegal
  5476. legalKeys
  5477. IsLegalKeySize
  5478. _maxSize
  5479. _minSize
  5480. _skipSize
  5481. MaxSize
  5482. MinSize
  5483. SkipSize
  5484. KeyedHashAlgorithm
  5485. ZeroizeKey
  5486. MACTripleDES
  5487. strTripleDES
  5488. Setup
  5489. rgbData
  5490. tdes
  5491. MD5CryptoServiceProvider
  5492. ProcessFinalBlock
  5493. AddLength
  5494. _H
  5495. buff
  5496. _ProcessingBuffer
  5497. _ProcessingBufferCount
  5498. PaddingMode
  5499. Zeros
  5500. ANSIX923
  5501. ISO10126
  5502. RC2
  5503. AlgName
  5504. get_EffectiveKeySize
  5505. EffectiveKeySizeValue
  5506. EffectiveKeySize
  5507. RC2CryptoServiceProvider
  5508. RC2Transform
  5509. rc2Algo
  5510. R0
  5511. R1
  5512. R2
  5513. R3
  5514. pitable
  5515. RIPEMD160
  5516. RIPEMD160Managed
  5517. Compress
  5518. CompressFinal
  5519. ROL
  5520. z
  5521. F
  5522. H
  5523. I
  5524. FF
  5525. GG
  5526. HH
  5527. II
  5528. JJ
  5529. FFF
  5530. GGG
  5531. HHH
  5532. III
  5533. JJJ
  5534. _X
  5535. _HashValue
  5536. _Length
  5537. RNGCryptoServiceProvider
  5538. Check
  5539. RngOpen
  5540. RngInitialize
  5541. RngGetBytes
  5542. RngClose
  5543. GetNonZeroBytes
  5544. _lock
  5545. _handle
  5546. RSACryptoServiceProvider
  5547. Common
  5548. RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter
  5549. SetRSAKey
  5550. random
  5551. RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter
  5552. RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter
  5553. RSAParameters
  5554. D
  5555. DP
  5556. DQ
  5557. InverseQ
  5558. Modulus
  5559. Exponent
  5560. RandomNumberGenerator
  5561. rngName
  5562. Rijndael
  5563. RijndaelManaged
  5564. RijndaelTransform
  5565. SubByte
  5566. indata
  5567. outdata
  5568. ekey
  5569. Encrypt128
  5570. Encrypt192
  5571. Encrypt256
  5572. Decrypt128
  5573. Decrypt192
  5574. Decrypt256
  5575. expandedKey
  5576. Nb
  5577. Nk
  5578. Nr
  5579. Rcon
  5580. SBox
  5581. iSBox
  5582. T0
  5583. T1
  5584. T2
  5585. T3
  5586. iT0
  5587. iT1
  5588. iT2
  5589. iT3
  5590. RijndaelManagedTransform
  5591. _st
  5592. _bs
  5593. SHA1Internal
  5594. InitialiseBuff
  5595. FillBuff
  5596. SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
  5597. sha
  5598. SHA1Managed
  5599. SHA256
  5600. SHA256Managed
  5601. SHA384
  5602. SHA384Managed
  5603. reuse
  5604. update
  5605. inOff
  5606. processWord
  5607. word
  5608. outOff
  5609. unpackWord
  5610. adjustByteCounts
  5611. lowW
  5612. hiW
  5613. processLength
  5614. processBlock
  5615. xBuf
  5616. xBufOff
  5617. byteCount1
  5618. byteCount2
  5619. H1
  5620. H2
  5621. H3
  5622. H4
  5623. H5
  5624. H6
  5625. H7
  5626. H8
  5627. W
  5628. wOff
  5629. SHA512
  5630. SHA512Managed
  5631. rotateRight
  5632. Ch
  5633. Maj
  5634. Sum0
  5635. Sum1
  5636. Sigma0
  5637. Sigma1
  5638. SHAConstants
  5639. K1
  5640. K2
  5641. SignatureDescription
  5642. set_DeformatterAlgorithm
  5643. set_DigestAlgorithm
  5644. set_FormatterAlgorithm
  5645. set_KeyAlgorithm
  5646. _DeformatterAlgorithm
  5647. _DigestAlgorithm
  5648. _FormatterAlgorithm
  5649. _KeyAlgorithm
  5650. DeformatterAlgorithm
  5651. DigestAlgorithm
  5652. FormatterAlgorithm
  5653. KeyAlgorithm
  5654. DSASignatureDescription
  5655. RSAPKCS1SHA1SignatureDescription
  5656. SymmetricAlgorithm
  5657. get_BlockSize
  5658. set_BlockSize
  5659. get_FeedbackSize
  5660. get_IV
  5661. set_IV
  5662. get_LegalKeySizes
  5663. set_Mode
  5664. get_Padding
  5665. set_Padding
  5666. IVValue
  5667. LegalBlockSizesValue
  5668. FeedbackSizeValue
  5669. ModeValue
  5670. PaddingValue
  5671. BlockSize
  5672. FeedbackSize
  5673. LegalKeySizes
  5674. Padding
  5675. ToBase64Transform
  5676. get_InputBlockSize
  5677. get_OutputBlockSize
  5678. InternalTransformFinalBlock
  5679. InputBlockSize
  5680. OutputBlockSize
  5681. TripleDES
  5682. TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
  5683. TripleDESTransform
  5684. E1
  5685. D2
  5686. E3
  5687. D1
  5688. E2
  5689. D3
  5690. IBuiltInPermission
  5691. System.Security.Permissions
  5692. IUnrestrictedPermission
  5693. SecurityPermission
  5694. IsUnrestricted
  5695. IsSubsetOf
  5696. IsEmpty
  5697. Cast
  5698. SecurityPermissionFlag
  5699. Assertion
  5700. UnmanagedCode
  5701. SkipVerification
  5702. Execution
  5703. ControlThread
  5704. ControlEvidence
  5705. ControlPolicy
  5706. SerializationFormatter
  5707. ControlDomainPolicy
  5708. ControlPrincipal
  5709. ControlAppDomain
  5710. Infrastructure
  5711. BindingRedirects
  5712. AllFlags
  5713. StrongNamePublicKeyBlob
  5714. pubkey
  5715. ApplicationTrust
  5716. System.Security.Policy
  5717. fullTrustAssemblies
  5718. Evidence
  5719. get_HostEvidenceList
  5720. get_AssemblyEvidenceList
  5721. hostEvidenceList
  5722. assemblyEvidenceList
  5723. _hashCode
  5724. HostEvidenceList
  5725. AssemblyEvidenceList
  5726. EvidenceEnumerator
  5727. hostenum
  5728. assemblyenum
  5729. currentEnum
  5730. hostEnum
  5731. assemblyEnum
  5732. IBuiltInEvidence
  5733. IIdentityPermissionFactory
  5734. publickey
  5735. IIdentity
  5736. System.Security.Principal
  5737. IPrincipal
  5738. PrincipalPolicy
  5739. UnauthenticatedPrincipal
  5740. NoPrincipal
  5741. WindowsPrincipal
  5742. WindowsAccountType
  5743. Guest
  5744. Anonymous
  5745. WindowsIdentity
  5746. GetCurrentToken
  5747. GetTokenName
  5748. _token
  5749. _account
  5750. _authenticated
  5751. _name
  5752. _info
  5753. invalidWindows
  5754. AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute
  5755. System.Security
  5756. CodeAccessPermission
  5757. ThrowInvalidPermission
  5758. IPermission
  5759. ISecurityEncodable
  5760. IStackWalk
  5761. PermissionSet
  5762. set_DeclarativeSecurity
  5763. CreateFromBinaryFormat
  5764. <DeclarativeSecurity>k__BackingField
  5765. DeclarativeSecurity
  5766. SecurityContext
  5767. Capture
  5768. get_FlowSuppressed
  5769. get_CompressedStack
  5770. _capture
  5771. _winid
  5772. _stack
  5773. _suppressFlow
  5774. FlowSuppressed
  5775. CompressedStack
  5776. SecurityCriticalAttribute
  5777. _scope
  5778. SecurityCriticalScope
  5779. Explicit
  5780. Everything
  5781. SecurityElement
  5782. set_Text
  5783. AddAttribute
  5784. child
  5785. AddChild
  5786. Unescape
  5787. IsValidAttributeName
  5788. IsValidAttributeValue
  5789. IsValidTag
  5790. IsValidText
  5791. SearchForChildByTag
  5792. level
  5793. GetAttribute
  5794. invalid_tag_chars
  5795. invalid_text_chars
  5796. invalid_attr_name_chars
  5797. invalid_attr_value_chars
  5798. invalid_chars
  5799. Text
  5800. SecurityAttribute
  5801. SecurityException
  5802. get_Demanded
  5803. get_FirstPermissionThatFailed
  5804. get_PermissionState
  5805. get_PermissionType
  5806. get_GrantedSet
  5807. get_RefusedSet
  5808. permissionState
  5809. permissionType
  5810. _refused
  5811. _demanded
  5812. _firstperm
  5813. Demanded
  5814. FirstPermissionThatFailed
  5815. PermissionState
  5816. PermissionType
  5817. GrantedSet
  5818. RefusedSet
  5819. RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry
  5820. RuntimeSecurityFrame
  5821. domain
  5822. assert
  5823. deny
  5824. permitonly
  5825. SecurityFrame
  5826. frame
  5827. _GetSecurityStack
  5828. InitFromRuntimeFrame
  5829. get_Domain
  5830. GetStack
  5831. _domain
  5832. _assert
  5833. _deny
  5834. _permitonly
  5835. Domain
  5836. SecurityManager
  5837. get_SecurityEnabled
  5838. permissions
  5839. encodedPermissions
  5840. _lockObject
  5841. _declsecCache
  5842. _execution
  5843. SecurityEnabled
  5844. SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute
  5845. SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute
  5846. UnverifiableCodeAttribute
  5847. ASCIIEncoding
  5848. System.Text
  5849. GetByteCount
  5850. charIndex
  5851. charCount
  5852. fallback_chars
  5853. GetCharCount
  5854. byteCount
  5855. GetChars
  5856. GetMaxByteCount
  5857. GetMaxCharCount
  5858. GetDecoder
  5859. Decoder
  5860. set_Fallback
  5861. get_FallbackBuffer
  5862. fallback
  5863. fallback_buffer
  5864. Fallback
  5865. FallbackBuffer
  5866. DecoderExceptionFallback
  5867. CreateFallbackBuffer
  5868. DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer
  5869. get_Remaining
  5870. bytesUnknown
  5871. GetNextChar
  5872. Remaining
  5873. DecoderFallback
  5874. get_ExceptionFallback
  5875. get_ReplacementFallback
  5876. get_StandardSafeFallback
  5877. exception_fallback
  5878. replacement_fallback
  5879. standard_safe_fallback
  5880. ExceptionFallback
  5881. ReplacementFallback
  5882. StandardSafeFallback
  5883. DecoderFallbackBuffer
  5884. DecoderFallbackException
  5885. bytes_unknown
  5886. DecoderReplacementFallback
  5887. get_DefaultString
  5888. DefaultString
  5889. DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer
  5890. fallback_assigned
  5891. EncoderExceptionFallback
  5892. EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer
  5893. charUnknown
  5894. charUnknownHigh
  5895. charUnknownLow
  5896. EncoderFallback
  5897. EncoderFallbackBuffer
  5898. EncoderFallbackException
  5899. char_unknown
  5900. char_unknown_high
  5901. char_unknown_low
  5902. EncoderReplacementFallback
  5903. EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer
  5904. Encoding
  5905. codePage
  5906. _
  5907. get_DecoderFallback
  5908. set_DecoderFallback
  5909. get_EncoderFallback
  5910. SetFallbackInternal
  5911. InvokeI18N
  5912. codepage
  5913. GetEncoding
  5914. GetPreamble
  5915. get_ASCII
  5916. get_BigEndianUnicode
  5917. code_page
  5918. InternalCodePage
  5919. get_ISOLatin1
  5920. get_UTF7
  5921. get_UTF8
  5922. get_UTF8Unmarked
  5923. get_UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe
  5924. get_Unicode
  5925. get_UTF32
  5926. get_BigEndianUTF32
  5927. windows_code_page
  5928. is_readonly
  5929. decoder_fallback
  5930. encoder_fallback
  5931. i18nAssembly
  5932. i18nDisabled
  5933. encodings
  5934. body_name
  5935. encoding_name
  5936. header_name
  5937. is_mail_news_display
  5938. is_mail_news_save
  5939. is_browser_save
  5940. is_browser_display
  5941. web_name
  5942. asciiEncoding
  5943. bigEndianEncoding
  5944. defaultEncoding
  5945. utf7Encoding
  5946. utf8EncodingWithMarkers
  5947. utf8EncodingWithoutMarkers
  5948. unicodeEncoding
  5949. isoLatin1Encoding
  5950. utf8EncodingUnsafe
  5951. utf32Encoding
  5952. bigEndianUTF32Encoding
  5953. ASCII
  5954. BigEndianUnicode
  5955. ISOLatin1
  5956. UTF7
  5957. UTF8
  5958. UTF8Unmarked
  5959. UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe
  5960. UTF32
  5961. BigEndianUTF32
  5962. ForwardingDecoder
  5963. Latin1Encoding
  5964. StringBuilder
  5965. maxCapacity
  5966. set_Length
  5967. set_Chars
  5968. repeatCount
  5969. AppendLine
  5970. AppendFormat
  5971. InternalEnsureCapacity
  5972. constDefaultCapacity
  5973. _length
  5974. _str
  5975. _cached_str
  5976. _maxCapacity
  5977. UTF32Encoding
  5978. bigEndian
  5979. byteOrderMark
  5980. throwOnInvalidCharacters
  5981. UTF32Decoder
  5982. leftOverByte
  5983. leftOverLength
  5984. UTF7Encoding
  5985. allowOptionals
  5986. flush
  5987. leftOver
  5988. isInShifted
  5989. InternalGetByteCount
  5990. InternalGetBytes
  5991. InternalGetCharCount
  5992. InternalGetChars
  5993. encodingRules
  5994. base64Values
  5995. UTF7Decoder
  5996. UTF8Encoding
  5997. encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier
  5998. throwOnInvalidBytes
  5999. bcount
  6000. leftOverBits
  6001. leftOverCount
  6002. fallbackBuffer
  6003. bufferArg
  6004. emitIdentifier
  6005. UTF8Decoder
  6006. UnicodeEncoding
  6007. GetBytesInternal
  6008. GetCharsInternal
  6009. CopyChars
  6010. UnicodeDecoder
  6011. System.Threading
  6012. cs
  6013. CreateCopy
  6014. EventResetMode
  6015. AutoReset
  6016. ManualReset
  6017. EventWaitHandle
  6018. initialState
  6019. IsManualReset
  6020. ExecutionContext
  6021. ec
  6022. get_SecurityContext
  6023. set_SecurityContext
  6024. IsFlowSuppressed
  6025. _sc
  6026. Interlocked
  6027. location1
  6028. comparand
  6029. CompareExchange
  6030. location
  6031. Increment
  6032. ManualResetEvent
  6033. Monitor
  6034. Enter
  6035. Exit
  6036. Monitor_pulse
  6037. Monitor_test_synchronised
  6038. Pulse
  6039. ms
  6040. Monitor_wait
  6041. millisecondsTimeout
  6042. Wait
  6043. Mutex
  6044. initiallyOwned
  6045. CreateMutex_internal
  6046. ReleaseMutex_internal
  6047. ReleaseMutex
  6048. NativeEventCalls
  6049. manual
  6050. CreateEvent_internal
  6051. SetEvent_internal
  6052. ResetEvent_internal
  6053. CloseEvent_internal
  6054. RegisteredWaitHandle
  6055. waitObject
  6056. timeout
  6057. executeOnlyOnce
  6058. _waitObject
  6059. _callback
  6060. _timeout
  6061. _state
  6062. _executeOnlyOnce
  6063. _finalEvent
  6064. _cancelEvent
  6065. _callsInProcess
  6066. _unregistered
  6067. SynchronizationLockException
  6068. Thread
  6069. get_CurrentContext
  6070. CurrentThread_internal
  6071. get_CurrentThread
  6072. thread_local
  6073. FreeLocalSlotValues
  6074. GetDomain
  6075. GetDomainID
  6076. Thread_internal
  6077. Thread_init
  6078. GetCachedCurrentCulture
  6079. GetSerializedCurrentCulture
  6080. SetCachedCurrentCulture
  6081. GetCachedCurrentUICulture
  6082. GetSerializedCurrentUICulture
  6083. SetCachedCurrentUICulture
  6084. set_IsBackground
  6085. SetName_internal
  6086. Thread_free_internal
  6087. set
  6088. SetState
  6089. clr
  6090. ClrState
  6091. GetNewManagedId
  6092. GetNewManagedId_internal
  6093. get_ExecutionContext
  6094. get_ManagedThreadId
  6095. GetCompressedStack
  6096. lock_thread_id
  6097. system_thread_handle
  6098. cached_culture_info
  6099. unused0
  6100. threadpool_thread
  6101. name_len
  6102. abort_exc
  6103. abort_state_handle
  6104. thread_id
  6105. start_notify
  6106. stack_ptr
  6107. jit_data
  6108. lock_data
  6109. current_appcontext
  6110. stack_size
  6111. start_obj
  6112. appdomain_refs
  6113. interruption_requested
  6114. suspend_event
  6115. suspended_event
  6116. resume_event
  6117. synch_cs
  6118. serialized_culture_info
  6119. serialized_culture_info_len
  6120. serialized_ui_culture_info
  6121. serialized_ui_culture_info_len
  6122. thread_dump_requested
  6123. end_stack
  6124. thread_interrupt_requested
  6125. apartment_state
  6126. critical_region_level
  6127. small_id
  6128. manage_callback
  6129. pending_exception
  6130. ec_to_set
  6131. interrupt_on_stop
  6132. unused3
  6133. unused4
  6134. unused5
  6135. unused6
  6136. local_slots
  6137. _ec
  6138. threadstart
  6139. managed_id
  6140. _principal
  6141. datastorehash
  6142. datastore_lock
  6143. in_currentculture
  6144. culture_lock
  6145. CurrentContext
  6146. CurrentThread
  6147. IsBackground
  6148. ManagedThreadId
  6149. ThreadAbortException
  6150. ThreadInterruptedException
  6151. ThreadPool
  6152. callBack
  6153. QueueUserWorkItem
  6154. millisecondsTimeOutInterval
  6155. RegisterWaitForSingleObject
  6156. ThreadState
  6157. Running
  6158. StopRequested
  6159. SuspendRequested
  6160. Background
  6161. Unstarted
  6162. Stopped
  6163. WaitSleepJoin
  6164. Suspended
  6165. AbortRequested
  6166. Aborted
  6167. ThreadStateException
  6168. Timer
  6169. dueTime
  6170. period
  6171. Change
  6172. scheduler
  6173. due_time_ms
  6174. period_ms
  6175. next_run
  6176. TimerComparer
  6177. Scheduler
  6178. get_Instance
  6179. timer
  6180. new_next_run
  6181. InternalRemove
  6182. SchedulerThread
  6183. ShrinkIfNeeded
  6184. instance
  6185. WaitHandle
  6186. handles
  6187. waitAll
  6188. CheckArray
  6189. exitContext
  6190. WaitAny_internal
  6191. waitHandles
  6192. WaitAny
  6193. get_Handle
  6194. set_Handle
  6195. WaitOne_internal
  6196. explicitDisposing
  6197. WaitOne
  6198. CheckDisposed
  6199. WaitTimeout
  6200. safe_wait_handle
  6201. Handle
  6202. AccessViolationException
  6203. ActivationContext
  6204. CheckType
  6205. CheckAbstractType
  6206. CreateInstanceInternal
  6207. AppDomain
  6208. getFriendlyName
  6209. getCurDomain
  6210. get_CurrentDomain
  6211. DefineInternalDynamicAssembly
  6212. assemblyRef
  6213. refOnly
  6214. LoadAssembly
  6215. assemblySecurity
  6216. refonly
  6217. InternalSetContext
  6218. InternalGetContext
  6219. InternalGetDefaultContext
  6220. newguid
  6221. InternalGetProcessGuid
  6222. GetProcessGuid
  6223. name_or_tb
  6224. DoTypeResolve
  6225. _mono_app_domain
  6226. _process_guid
  6227. type_resolve_in_progress
  6228. assembly_resolve_in_progress
  6229. assembly_resolve_in_progress_refonly
  6230. _principalPolicy
  6231. default_domain
  6232. _domain_manager
  6233. _activation
  6234. _applicationIdentity
  6235. AssemblyLoad
  6236. AssemblyResolve
  6237. DomainUnload
  6238. ProcessExit
  6239. ResourceResolve
  6240. TypeResolve
  6241. UnhandledException
  6242. ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve
  6243. CurrentDomain
  6244. AppDomainManager
  6245. AppDomainSetup
  6246. application_base
  6247. application_name
  6248. cache_path
  6249. configuration_file
  6250. dynamic_base
  6251. license_file
  6252. private_bin_path
  6253. private_bin_path_probe
  6254. shadow_copy_directories
  6255. shadow_copy_files
  6256. publisher_policy
  6257. path_changed
  6258. loader_optimization
  6259. disallow_binding_redirects
  6260. disallow_code_downloads
  6261. _activationArguments
  6262. domain_initializer
  6263. application_trust
  6264. domain_initializer_args
  6265. application_trust_xml
  6266. disallow_appbase_probe
  6267. configuration_bytes
  6268. ApplicationException
  6269. ApplicationIdentity
  6270. _fullName
  6271. ArgumentException
  6272. paramName
  6273. get_ParamName
  6274. param_name
  6275. ParamName
  6276. ArgumentNullException
  6277. ArgumentOutOfRangeException
  6278. actualValue
  6279. actual_value
  6280. ArithmeticException
  6281. ArrayTypeMismatchException
  6282. AssemblyLoadEventArgs
  6283. AttributeTargets
  6284. Parameter
  6285. GenericParameter
  6286. BitConverter
  6287. AmILittleEndian
  6288. DoubleWordsAreSwapped
  6289. DoubleToInt64Bits
  6290. start_index
  6291. PutBytes
  6292. SwappedWordsInDouble
  6293. IsLittleEndian
  6294. Buffer
  6295. ByteLength
  6296. srcOffset
  6297. dstOffset
  6298. BlockCopy
  6299. ByteLengthInternal
  6300. BlockCopyInternal
  6301. CharEnumerator
  6302. Console
  6303. inputEncoding
  6304. outputEncoding
  6305. SetEncodings
  6306. get_Error
  6307. OpenStandardError
  6308. OpenStandardInput
  6309. OpenStandardOutput
  6310. stdout
  6311. stderr
  6312. stdin
  6313. ContextBoundObject
  6314. allowWhitespaceOnly
  6315. InternalFromBase64String
  6316. FromBase64String
  6317. inArray
  6318. ToBase64String
  6319. try_target_to_type
  6320. DBNull
  6321. conversionTable
  6322. ticks
  6323. hour
  6324. minute
  6325. second
  6326. millisecond
  6327. check
  6328. kind
  6329. AbsoluteDays
  6330. what
  6331. FromTicks
  6332. get_Month
  6333. get_Day
  6334. get_DayOfWeek
  6335. get_Hour
  6336. get_Minute
  6337. get_Second
  6338. GetTimeMonotonic
  6339. GetNow
  6340. get_Now
  6341. get_Ticks
  6342. get_Today
  6343. get_UtcNow
  6344. get_Year
  6345. get_Kind
  6346. AddTicks
  6347. AddMilliseconds
  6348. AddSeconds
  6349. ToBinary
  6350. dateData
  6351. FromBinary
  6352. SpecifyKind
  6353. DaysInMonth
  6354. CheckDateTimeKind
  6355. IsLeapYear
  6356. styles
  6357. dto
  6358. setExceptionOnError
  6359. exception
  6360. CoreParse
  6361. dfi
  6362. YearMonthDayFormats
  6363. valuePos
  6364. min_digits
  6365. digits
  6366. leadingzero
  6367. sloppy_parsing
  6368. num_parsed
  6369. _ParseNumber
  6370. sPos
  6371. invValues
  6372. exact
  6373. _ParseEnum
  6374. maxlength
  6375. _ParseString
  6376. num
  6377. ampm
  6378. _ParseAmPm
  6379. _ParseTimeSeparator
  6380. _ParseDateSeparator
  6381. firstPart
  6382. secondPart
  6383. firstPartIsDate
  6384. incompleteFormat
  6385. longYear
  6386. _DoParse
  6387. ParseExact
  6388. formats
  6389. ToLocalTime
  6390. ToUniversalTime
  6391. ParseTimeFormats
  6392. ParseYearDayMonthFormats
  6393. ParseYearMonthDayFormats
  6394. ParseDayMonthYearFormats
  6395. ParseMonthDayYearFormats
  6396. MonthDayShortFormats
  6397. DayMonthShortFormats
  6398. daysmonth
  6399. daysmonthleap
  6400. to_local_time_span_object
  6401. last_now
  6402. Month
  6403. Day
  6404. DayOfWeek
  6405. Hour
  6406. Minute
  6407. Second
  6408. Now
  6409. Ticks
  6410. Today
  6411. UtcNow
  6412. Year
  6413. Kind
  6414. Which
  6415. DayYear
  6416. DateTimeKind
  6417. Utc
  6418. Local
  6419. DateTimeOffset
  6420. dateTime
  6421. System.IComparable.CompareTo
  6422. get_DateTime
  6423. get_Offset
  6424. get_UtcDateTime
  6425. dt
  6426. utc_offset
  6427. Offset
  6428. UtcDateTime
  6429. DateTimeUtils
  6430. CountRepeat
  6431. ZeroPad
  6432. ParseQuotedString
  6433. useutc
  6434. use_invariant
  6435. GetStandardPattern
  6436. date_time_offset
  6437. Sunday
  6438. Monday
  6439. Tuesday
  6440. Wednesday
  6441. Thursday
  6442. Friday
  6443. Saturday
  6444. DelegateData
  6445. method_name
  6446. DelegateSerializationHolder
  6447. GetDelegateData
  6448. _delegate
  6449. DelegateEntry
  6450. del
  6451. targetLabel
  6452. DeserializeDelegate
  6453. targetTypeAssembly
  6454. targetTypeName
  6455. delegateEntry
  6456. DivideByZeroException
  6457. DllNotFoundException
  6458. EntryPointNotFoundException
  6459. MonoEnumInfo
  6460. get_enum_info
  6461. get_Cache
  6462. GetInfo
  6463. global_cache
  6464. global_cache_monitor
  6465. sbyte_comparer
  6466. short_comparer
  6467. int_comparer
  6468. long_comparer
  6469. Cache
  6470. SByteComparer
  6471. ix
  6472. iy
  6473. ShortComparer
  6474. IntComparer
  6475. LongComparer
  6476. Environment
  6477. get_SocketSecurityEnabled
  6478. get_NewLine
  6479. get_Platform
  6480. GetOSVersionString
  6481. get_OSVersion
  6482. get_TickCount
  6483. variable
  6484. internalGetEnvironmentVariable
  6485. GetEnvironmentVariable
  6486. folder
  6487. GetWindowsFolderPath
  6488. GetFolderPath
  6489. config_dir
  6490. home_dir
  6491. ReadXdgUserDir
  6492. InternalGetFolderPath
  6493. get_IsRunningOnWindows
  6494. GetMachineConfigPath
  6495. internalGetHome
  6496. mono_corlib_version
  6497. os
  6498. SocketSecurityEnabled
  6499. NewLine
  6500. Platform
  6501. OSVersion
  6502. TickCount
  6503. IsRunningOnWindows
  6504. SpecialFolder
  6505. MyDocuments
  6506. Desktop
  6507. MyComputer
  6508. Programs
  6509. Personal
  6510. Favorites
  6511. Startup
  6512. Recent
  6513. SendTo
  6514. StartMenu
  6515. MyMusic
  6516. DesktopDirectory
  6517. Templates
  6518. ApplicationData
  6519. LocalApplicationData
  6520. InternetCache
  6521. Cookies
  6522. History
  6523. CommonApplicationData
  6524. ProgramFiles
  6525. MyPictures
  6526. CommonProgramFiles
  6527. EventArgs
  6528. ExecutionEngineException
  6529. FieldAccessException
  6530. FlagsAttribute
  6531. FormatException
  6532. GC
  6533. SuppressFinalize
  6534. Guid
  6535. h
  6536. CheckNull
  6537. CheckLength
  6538. ToHex
  6539. NewGuid
  6540. FastNewGuidArray
  6541. builder
  6542. AppendInt
  6543. AppendShort
  6544. AppendByte
  6545. BaseToString
  6546. _a
  6547. _b
  6548. _c
  6549. _d
  6550. _e
  6551. _f
  6552. _g
  6553. _h
  6554. _i
  6555. _j
  6556. _k
  6557. _rngAccess
  6558. _fastRng
  6559. GuidParser
  6560. AtEnd
  6561. ThrowFormatException
  6562. strictLength
  6563. ParseHex
  6564. ParseOptChar
  6565. ParseChar
  6566. ParseGuid1
  6567. ParseHexPrefix
  6568. ParseGuid2
  6569. _src
  6570. _cur
  6571. ICustomFormatter
  6572. IFormatProvider
  6573. IndexOutOfRangeException
  6574. InvalidCastException
  6575. InvalidOperationException
  6576. LoaderOptimization
  6577. NotSpecified
  6578. SingleDomain
  6579. MultiDomain
  6580. MultiDomainHost
  6581. DomainMask
  6582. DisallowBindings
  6583. LocalDataStoreSlot
  6584. in_thread
  6585. lock_obj
  6586. slot_bitmap_thread
  6587. slot_bitmap_context
  6588. Math
  6589. Abs
  6590. Ceiling
  6591. newBase
  6592. Log
  6593. val1
  6594. val2
  6595. Max
  6596. Min
  6597. Round
  6598. Sin
  6599. Cos
  6600. Sqrt
  6601. MemberAccessException
  6602. MethodAccessException
  6603. MissingFieldException
  6604. MissingMemberException
  6605. Signature
  6606. MissingMethodException
  6607. MonoAsyncCall
  6608. cb_method
  6609. cb_target
  6610. out_args
  6611. wait_event
  6612. MonoCustomAttrs
  6613. IsUserCattrProvider
  6614. pseudoAttrs
  6615. GetCustomAttributesInternal
  6616. GetCustomAttributesBase
  6617. GetCustomAttributesDataInternal
  6618. GetCustomAttributesData
  6619. AttributeType
  6620. IsDefinedInternal
  6621. property
  6622. GetBasePropertyDefinition
  6623. GetBase
  6624. RetrieveAttributeUsage
  6625. corlib
  6626. AttributeUsageType
  6627. DefaultAttributeUsage
  6628. AttributeInfo
  6629. usage
  6630. inheritanceLevel
  6631. get_Usage
  6632. get_InheritanceLevel
  6633. _usage
  6634. _inheritanceLevel
  6635. Usage
  6636. InheritanceLevel
  6637. MonoTouchAOTHelper
  6638. FalseFlag
  6639. MonoTypeInfo
  6640. full_name
  6641. default_ctor
  6642. MonoType
  6643. get_attributes
  6644. GetDefaultConstructor
  6645. GetConstructors_internal
  6646. InternalGetEvent
  6647. GetFields_internal
  6648. icase
  6649. GetPropertiesByName
  6650. assembly_qualified
  6651. getFullName
  6652. CheckMethodSecurity
  6653. ReorderParamArrayArguments
  6654. type_info
  6655. MulticastNotSupportedException
  6656. NonSerializedAttribute
  6657. NotImplementedException
  6658. NotSupportedException
  6659. NullReferenceException
  6660. NumberFormatter
  6661. MantissaBitsTable
  6662. TensExponentTable
  6663. DigitLowerTable
  6664. DigitUpperTable
  6665. TenPowersList
  6666. DecHexDigits
  6667. GetFormatterTables
  6668. GetTenPowerOf
  6669. InitDecHexDigits
  6670. FastToDecHex
  6671. ToDecHex
  6672. FastDecHexLen
  6673. DecHexLen
  6674. ScaleOrder
  6675. InitialFloatingPrecision
  6676. ParsePrecision
  6677. InitHex
  6678. defPrecision
  6679. ResetCharBuf
  6680. cnt
  6681. GetNumberFormatInstance
  6682. set_CurrentCulture
  6683. get_IntegerDigits
  6684. get_DecimalDigits
  6685. get_IsFloatingSource
  6686. get_IsZero
  6687. get_IsZeroInteger
  6688. RoundPos
  6689. decimals
  6690. RoundDecimal
  6691. shift
  6692. RoundBits
  6693. RemoveTrailingZeros
  6694. AddOneToDecHex
  6695. CountTrailingZeros
  6696. Release
  6697. SetThreadCurrentCulture
  6698. NumberToString
  6699. FastIntegerToString
  6700. IntegerToString
  6701. precision
  6702. FormatCurrency
  6703. FormatDecimal
  6704. FormatHexadecimal
  6705. FormatFixedPoint
  6706. origval
  6707. FormatRoundtrip
  6708. FormatGeneral
  6709. FormatNumber
  6710. FormatPercent
  6711. FormatExponential
  6712. expDigits
  6713. FormatCustom
  6714. canEmpty
  6715. ZeroTrimEnd
  6716. IsZeroOnly
  6717. v
  6718. AppendNonNegativeNumber
  6719. minLength
  6720. AppendIntegerString
  6721. AppendDecimalString
  6722. groups
  6723. groupSeparator
  6724. AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator
  6725. minDigits
  6726. AppendExponent
  6727. AppendOneDigit
  6728. FastAppendDigits
  6729. AppendDigits
  6730. Multiply10
  6731. Divide10
  6732. GetClone
  6733. _thread
  6734. _nfi
  6735. _NaN
  6736. _infinity
  6737. _isCustomFormat
  6738. _specifierIsUpper
  6739. _positive
  6740. _specifier
  6741. _precision
  6742. _defPrecision
  6743. _digitsLen
  6744. _offset
  6745. _decPointPos
  6746. _val1
  6747. _val2
  6748. _val3
  6749. _val4
  6750. _cbuf
  6751. _ind
  6752. threadNumberFormatter
  6753. IntegerDigits
  6754. DecimalDigits
  6755. IsFloatingSource
  6756. IsZeroInteger
  6757. CustomInfo
  6758. positive
  6759. zero
  6760. GetActiveSection
  6761. sb_int
  6762. sb_dec
  6763. sb_exp
  6764. UseGroup
  6765. DecimalPointPos
  6766. DecimalTailSharpDigits
  6767. IntegerHeadSharpDigits
  6768. IntegerHeadPos
  6769. UseExponent
  6770. ExponentDigits
  6771. ExponentTailSharpDigits
  6772. ExponentNegativeSignOnly
  6773. DividePlaces
  6774. Percents
  6775. Permilles
  6776. ObjectDisposedException
  6777. objectName
  6778. obj_name
  6779. OperatingSystem
  6780. platform
  6781. _platform
  6782. _servicePack
  6783. OutOfMemoryException
  6784. OverflowException
  6785. PlatformID
  6786. Win32S
  6787. Win32Windows
  6788. Win32NT
  6789. WinCE
  6790. Unix
  6791. Xbox
  6792. MacOSX
  6793. PlatformNotSupportedException
  6794. RankException
  6795. ResolveEventArgs
  6796. m_Name
  6797. RuntimeMethodHandle
  6798. StringComparer
  6799. get_InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
  6800. get_OrdinalIgnoreCase
  6801. invariantCultureIgnoreCase
  6802. invariantCulture
  6803. ordinalIgnoreCase
  6804. ordinal
  6805. InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
  6806. CultureAwareComparer
  6807. ignore_case
  6808. _ignoreCase
  6809. _compareInfo
  6810. OrdinalComparer
  6811. StringComparison
  6812. CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
  6813. StringSplitOptions
  6814. RemoveEmptyEntries
  6815. SystemException
  6816. ThreadStaticAttribute
  6817. hours
  6818. minutes
  6819. seconds
  6820. days
  6821. milliseconds
  6822. CalculateTicks
  6823. get_Days
  6824. get_Hours
  6825. get_Milliseconds
  6826. get_Minutes
  6827. get_Seconds
  6828. get_TotalDays
  6829. get_TotalHours
  6830. get_TotalMilliseconds
  6831. get_TotalMinutes
  6832. get_TotalSeconds
  6833. ts
  6834. Duration
  6835. FromDays
  6836. FromHours
  6837. FromMinutes
  6838. FromSeconds
  6839. FromMilliseconds
  6840. tickMultiplicator
  6841. From
  6842. Negate
  6843. _ticks
  6844. Days
  6845. Hours
  6846. Milliseconds
  6847. Minutes
  6848. Seconds
  6849. TotalDays
  6850. TotalHours
  6851. TotalMilliseconds
  6852. TotalMinutes
  6853. TotalSeconds
  6854. TimeZone
  6855. get_CurrentTimeZone
  6856. GetDaylightChanges
  6857. GetUtcOffset
  6858. IsDaylightSavingTime
  6859. daylightTimes
  6860. GetLocalTimeDiff
  6861. currentTimeZone
  6862. tz_lock
  6863. timezone_check
  6864. CurrentTimeZone
  6865. CurrentSystemTimeZone
  6866. lnow
  6867. GetTimeZoneData
  6868. dlt
  6869. GetDaylightTimeFromData
  6870. m_standardName
  6871. m_daylightName
  6872. m_CachedDaylightChanges
  6873. m_ticksOffset
  6874. utcOffsetWithOutDLS
  6875. utcOffsetWithDLS
  6876. this_year
  6877. this_year_dlt
  6878. TypeCode
  6879. TypeInitializationException
  6880. TypeLoadException
  6881. UnauthorizedAccessException
  6882. UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
  6883. isTerminating
  6884. get_ExceptionObject
  6885. get_IsTerminating
  6886. m_isTerminating
  6887. ExceptionObject
  6888. IsTerminating
  6889. UnitySerializationHolder
  6890. GetTypeData
  6891. GetDBNullData
  6892. GetModuleData
  6893. _unityType
  6894. _assemblyName
  6895. UnityType
  6896. defined
  6897. CheckedSet
  6898. get_Build
  6899. get_Major
  6900. get_Minor
  6901. get_Revision
  6902. CreateFromString
  6903. v1
  6904. v2
  6906. _Major
  6907. _Minor
  6908. _Build
  6909. _Revision
  6910. Build
  6911. Major
  6912. Minor
  6913. Revision
  6914. WeakReference
  6915. trackResurrection
  6916. AllocateHandle
  6917. get_TrackResurrection
  6918. isLongReference
  6919. gcHandle
  6920. TrackResurrection
  6921. MemberFilter
  6922. TypeFilter
  6923. CrossContextDelegate
  6924. HeaderHandler
  6925. ThreadStart
  6926. TimerCallback
  6927. WaitCallback
  6928. WaitOrTimerCallback
  6929. Action`1
  6930. AppDomainInitializer
  6931. AssemblyLoadEventHandler
  6932. Comparison`1
  6933. Converter`2
  6934. EventHandler
  6935. Predicate`1
  6936. ResolveEventHandler
  6937. UnhandledExceptionEventHandler
  6938. <PrivateImplementationDetails>
  6939. $$field-0
  6940. $$field-1
  6941. $$field-2
  6942. $$field-3
  6943. $$field-4
  6944. $$field-5
  6945. $$field-6
  6946. $$field-15
  6947. $$field-16
  6948. $$field-17
  6949. $$field-18
  6950. $$field-19
  6951. $$field-20
  6952. $$field-21
  6953. $$field-22
  6954. $$field-23
  6955. $$field-24
  6956. $$field-25
  6957. $$field-26
  6958. $$field-27
  6959. $$field-30
  6960. $$field-31
  6961. $$field-32
  6962. $$field-33
  6963. $$field-34
  6964. $$field-35
  6965. $$field-36
  6966. $$field-37
  6967. $$field-38
  6968. $$field-39
  6969. $$field-40
  6970. $$field-41
  6971. $$field-42
  6972. $$field-43
  6973. $$field-44
  6974. $$field-45
  6975. $$field-46
  6976. $$field-47
  6977. $$field-48
  6978. $$field-49
  6979. $$field-50
  6980. $$field-51
  6981. $$field-52
  6982. $$field-53
  6983. $$field-54
  6984. $$field-55
  6985. $$field-56
  6986. $$field-57
  6987. $$field-60
  6988. $$field-62
  6989. $$field-63
  6990. $$field-64
  6991. $$field-65
  6992. $ArrayType$56
  6993. $ArrayType$24
  6994. $ArrayType$16
  6995. $ArrayType$120
  6996. $ArrayType$3132
  6997. $ArrayType$20
  6998. $ArrayType$32
  6999. $ArrayType$48
  7000. $ArrayType$64
  7001. $ArrayType$12
  7002. $ArrayType$136
  7003. $ArrayType$8
  7004. $ArrayType$72
  7005. $ArrayType$124
  7006. $ArrayType$96
  7007. $ArrayType$2048
  7008. $ArrayType$256
  7009. $ArrayType$1024
  7010. $ArrayType$640
  7011. $ArrayType$128
  7012. $ArrayType$52
  7013. __Il2CppComObject
  7014. __Il2CppComDelegate
  7015. System.dll
  7016. Stack`1
  7017. HybridDictionary
  7018. System.Collections.Specialized
  7019. initialSize
  7020. caseInsensitive
  7021. get_inner
  7022. hashtable
  7023. ListDictionary
  7024. FindEntry
  7025. AddImpl
  7026. head
  7027. DictionaryNode
  7028. DictionaryNodeEnumerator
  7029. dict
  7030. get_DictionaryNode
  7031. isAtStart
  7032. NameObjectCollectionBase
  7033. BaseAdd
  7034. BaseGet
  7035. BaseGetKey
  7036. FindFirstMatchedItem
  7037. m_ItemsContainer
  7038. m_NullKeyItem
  7039. m_ItemsArray
  7040. m_hashprovider
  7041. m_comparer
  7042. m_defCapacity
  7043. m_readonly
  7044. infoCopy
  7045. keyscoll
  7046. equality_comparer
  7047. _Item
  7048. _KeysEnumerator
  7049. m_collection
  7050. m_position
  7051. KeysCollection
  7052. NameValueCollection
  7053. AsSingleString
  7054. GetKey
  7055. InvalidateCachedArrays
  7056. cachedAllKeys
  7057. cachedAll
  7058. EditorBrowsableAttribute
  7059. System.ComponentModel
  7060. EditorBrowsableState
  7061. Advanced
  7062. TypeConverter
  7063. TypeConverterAttribute
  7064. get_ConverterTypeName
  7065. converter_type
  7066. ConverterTypeName
  7067. AuthenticationLevel
  7068. System.Net.Security
  7069. MutualAuthRequested
  7070. MutualAuthRequired
  7071. SslPolicyErrors
  7072. RemoteCertificateNotAvailable
  7073. RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
  7074. RemoteCertificateChainErrors
  7075. AddressFamily
  7076. System.Net.Sockets
  7077. InterNetwork
  7078. ImpLink
  7079. Pup
  7080. Chaos
  7081. NS
  7082. Ipx
  7083. Iso
  7084. Osi
  7085. Ecma
  7086. DataKit
  7087. Ccitt
  7088. Sna
  7089. DecNet
  7090. DataLink
  7091. Lat
  7092. HyperChannel
  7093. AppleTalk
  7094. NetBios
  7095. VoiceView
  7096. FireFox
  7097. Banyan
  7098. Atm
  7099. InterNetworkV6
  7100. Cluster
  7101. Ieee12844
  7102. Irda
  7103. NetworkDesigners
  7104. DefaultCertificatePolicy
  7105. System.Net
  7106. point
  7107. certificate
  7108. request
  7109. certificateProblem
  7110. CheckValidationResult
  7111. FileWebRequest
  7112. streamingContext
  7113. webHeaders
  7114. connectionGroup
  7115. contentLength
  7116. fileAccess
  7117. preAuthenticate
  7118. FileWebRequestCreator
  7119. FtpRequestCreator
  7120. FtpWebRequest
  7121. chain
  7122. sslPolicyErrors
  7123. <callback>m__B
  7124. requestUri
  7125. rwTimeout
  7126. binary
  7127. usePassive
  7128. locker
  7129. supportedCommands
  7130. <>f__am$cache1C
  7131. GlobalProxySelection
  7132. get_Select
  7133. Select
  7134. HttpRequestCreator
  7135. HttpVersion
  7136. Version10
  7137. Version11
  7138. HttpWebRequest
  7139. get_Address
  7140. get_ServicePoint
  7141. GetServicePoint
  7142. actualUri
  7143. hostChanged
  7144. allowAutoRedirect
  7145. allowBuffering
  7146. certificates
  7147. keepAlive
  7148. maxAutoRedirect
  7149. mediaType
  7150. initialMethod
  7151. pipelined
  7152. sendChunked
  7153. servicePoint
  7154. redirects
  7155. defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength
  7156. readWriteTimeout
  7157. Address
  7158. ServicePoint
  7159. ICertificatePolicy
  7160. srvPoint
  7161. ICredentials
  7162. IPAddress
  7163. address
  7164. scopeId
  7165. number
  7166. SwapShort
  7167. HostToNetworkOrder
  7168. network
  7169. NetworkToHostOrder
  7170. ipString
  7171. ip
  7172. ParseIPV4
  7173. ParseIPV6
  7174. get_InternalIPv4Address
  7175. get_ScopeId
  7176. get_AddressFamily
  7177. IsLoopback
  7178. m_Address
  7179. m_Family
  7180. m_Numbers
  7181. m_ScopeId
  7182. Broadcast
  7183. Loopback
  7184. IPv6Any
  7185. IPv6Loopback
  7186. IPv6None
  7187. InternalIPv4Address
  7188. ScopeId
  7189. IPv6Address
  7190. prefixLength
  7191. Fill
  7192. set_ScopeId
  7193. SwapUShort
  7194. AsIPv4Int
  7195. IsIPv4Compatible
  7196. IsIPv4Mapped
  7197. fullLength
  7198. IWebProxy
  7199. GetProxy
  7200. IsBypassed
  7201. IWebRequestCreate
  7202. SecurityProtocolType
  7203. Ssl3
  7204. Tls
  7205. connectionLimit
  7206. maxIdleTime
  7207. get_CurrentConnections
  7208. get_IdleSince
  7209. set_IdleSince
  7210. set_Expect100Continue
  7211. set_UseNagleAlgorithm
  7212. set_SendContinue
  7213. set_UsesProxy
  7214. set_UseConnect
  7215. get_AvailableForRecycling
  7216. currentConnections
  7217. idleSince
  7218. usesProxy
  7219. sendContinue
  7220. useConnect
  7221. hostE
  7222. useNagle
  7223. CurrentConnections
  7224. IdleSince
  7225. Expect100Continue
  7226. UseNagleAlgorithm
  7227. SendContinue
  7228. UsesProxy
  7229. UseConnect
  7230. AvailableForRecycling
  7231. ServicePointManager
  7232. get_CertificatePolicy
  7233. get_CheckCertificateRevocationList
  7234. get_SecurityProtocol
  7235. get_ServerCertificateValidationCallback
  7236. FindServicePoint
  7237. RecycleServicePoints
  7238. servicePoints
  7239. policy
  7240. defaultConnectionLimit
  7241. maxServicePointIdleTime
  7242. maxServicePoints
  7243. _checkCRL
  7244. _securityProtocol
  7245. expectContinue
  7246. server_cert_cb
  7247. CertificatePolicy
  7248. CheckCertificateRevocationList
  7249. SecurityProtocol
  7250. ServerCertificateValidationCallback
  7251. SPKey
  7252. use_connect
  7253. WebHeaderCollection
  7254. internallyCreated
  7255. headerName
  7256. headerValue
  7257. AddWithoutValidate
  7258. IsRestricted
  7259. IsHeaderValue
  7260. IsHeaderName
  7261. restricted
  7262. multiValue
  7263. restricted_response
  7264. allowed_chars
  7265. WebProxy
  7266. bypassOnLocal
  7267. bypassList
  7268. credentials
  7269. get_UseDefaultCredentials
  7270. CheckBypassList
  7271. useDefaultCredentials
  7272. UseDefaultCredentials
  7273. WebRequest
  7274. protocol
  7275. implementor
  7276. AddDynamicPrefix
  7277. GetMustImplement
  7278. get_DefaultWebProxy
  7279. GetDefaultWebProxy
  7280. AddPrefix
  7281. prefixes
  7282. isDefaultWebProxySet
  7283. defaultWebProxy
  7284. authentication_level
  7285. DefaultWebProxy
  7286. OpenFlags
  7287. MaxAllowed
  7288. OpenExistingOnly
  7289. IncludeArchived
  7290. get_EncodedKeyValue
  7291. get_EncodedParameters
  7292. get_Oid
  7293. rawPublicKey
  7294. rawParameters
  7295. _keyValue
  7296. _oid
  7297. EncodedKeyValue
  7298. EncodedParameters
  7299. Oid
  7300. StoreLocation
  7301. CurrentUser
  7302. LocalMachine
  7303. StoreName
  7304. AddressBook
  7305. AuthRoot
  7306. CertificateAuthority
  7307. Disallowed
  7308. My
  7309. Root
  7310. TrustedPeople
  7311. TrustedPublisher
  7312. X500DistinguishedName
  7313. encodedDistinguishedName
  7314. GetSeparator
  7315. DecodeRawData
  7316. Canonize
  7317. name1
  7318. name2
  7319. X500DistinguishedNameFlags
  7320. Reversed
  7321. UseSemicolons
  7322. DoNotUsePlusSign
  7323. DoNotUseQuotes
  7324. UseCommas
  7325. UseNewLines
  7326. UseUTF8Encoding
  7327. UseT61Encoding
  7328. ForceUTF8Encoding
  7329. X509BasicConstraintsExtension
  7330. encodedBasicConstraints
  7331. critical
  7332. certificateAuthority
  7333. hasPathLengthConstraint
  7334. pathLengthConstraint
  7335. get_CertificateAuthority
  7336. get_HasPathLengthConstraint
  7337. get_PathLengthConstraint
  7338. asnEncodedData
  7339. extension
  7340. Encode
  7341. multiLine
  7342. friendlyName
  7343. _certificateAuthority
  7344. _hasPathLengthConstraint
  7345. _pathLengthConstraint
  7346. _status
  7347. HasPathLengthConstraint
  7348. PathLengthConstraint
  7349. X509Certificate2
  7350. get_Extensions
  7351. get_NotAfter
  7352. get_NotBefore
  7353. get_SerialNumber
  7354. get_SignatureAlgorithm
  7355. get_Thumbprint
  7356. nameType
  7357. forIssuer
  7358. GetNameInfo
  7359. dn
  7360. GetValueAsString
  7361. ImportPkcs12
  7362. verbose
  7363. AppendBuffer
  7364. Verify
  7365. get_MonoCertificate
  7366. _archived
  7367. _extensions
  7368. _serial
  7369. signature_algorithm
  7370. _cert
  7371. empty_error
  7372. signedData
  7373. Extensions
  7374. NotAfter
  7375. NotBefore
  7376. SerialNumber
  7377. SignatureAlgorithm
  7378. Thumbprint
  7379. MonoCertificate
  7380. X509Certificate2Collection
  7381. findType
  7382. findValue
  7383. validOnly
  7384. X509Certificate2Enumerator
  7385. X509Chain
  7386. useMachineContext
  7387. get_ChainPolicy
  7388. get_Roots
  7389. get_CertificateAuthorities
  7390. get_CertificateCollection
  7391. BuildChainFrom
  7392. SelectBestFromCollection
  7393. FindParent
  7394. IsChainComplete
  7395. IsSelfIssued
  7396. ValidateChain
  7397. Process
  7398. PrepareForNextCertificate
  7399. WrapUp
  7400. ProcessCertificateExtensions
  7401. signed
  7402. IsSignedWith
  7403. GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
  7404. GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
  7405. crl
  7406. CheckRevocationOnChain
  7407. ca
  7408. online
  7409. CheckRevocation
  7410. ca_cert
  7411. caCertificate
  7412. FindCrl
  7413. ProcessCrlExtensions
  7414. ProcessCrlEntryExtensions
  7415. elements
  7416. status
  7417. max_path_length
  7418. working_issuer_name
  7419. working_public_key
  7420. bce_restriction
  7421. roots
  7422. cas
  7423. <>f__switch$mapC
  7424. <>f__switch$mapD
  7425. ChainPolicy
  7426. Roots
  7427. CertificateAuthorities
  7428. CertificateCollection
  7429. X509ChainElement
  7430. get_Certificate
  7431. get_ChainElementStatus
  7432. get_StatusFlags
  7433. set_StatusFlags
  7434. UncompressFlags
  7435. compressed_status_flags
  7436. Certificate
  7437. ChainElementStatus
  7438. StatusFlags
  7439. X509ChainElementCollection
  7440. X509ChainElementEnumerator
  7441. X509ChainPolicy
  7442. get_ExtraStore
  7443. get_RevocationFlag
  7444. get_RevocationMode
  7445. get_VerificationFlags
  7446. get_VerificationTime
  7447. apps
  7448. rflag
  7449. vflags
  7450. vtime
  7451. ExtraStore
  7452. RevocationFlag
  7453. RevocationMode
  7454. VerificationFlags
  7455. VerificationTime
  7456. X509ChainStatus
  7457. get_Status
  7458. set_Status
  7459. set_StatusInformation
  7460. GetInformation
  7461. StatusInformation
  7462. X509ChainStatusFlags
  7463. NoError
  7464. NotTimeValid
  7465. NotTimeNested
  7466. Revoked
  7467. NotSignatureValid
  7468. NotValidForUsage
  7469. UntrustedRoot
  7470. RevocationStatusUnknown
  7471. Cyclic
  7472. InvalidExtension
  7473. InvalidPolicyConstraints
  7474. InvalidBasicConstraints
  7475. InvalidNameConstraints
  7476. HasNotSupportedNameConstraint
  7477. HasNotDefinedNameConstraint
  7478. HasNotPermittedNameConstraint
  7479. HasExcludedNameConstraint
  7480. PartialChain
  7481. CtlNotTimeValid
  7482. CtlNotSignatureValid
  7483. CtlNotValidForUsage
  7484. OfflineRevocation
  7485. NoIssuanceChainPolicy
  7486. X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension
  7487. encodedEnhancedKeyUsages
  7488. _enhKeyUsage
  7489. <>f__switch$mapE
  7490. get_Critical
  7491. set_Critical
  7492. FormatUnkownData
  7493. _critical
  7494. Critical
  7495. X509ExtensionEnumerator
  7496. X509FindType
  7497. FindByThumbprint
  7498. FindBySubjectName
  7499. FindBySubjectDistinguishedName
  7500. FindByIssuerName
  7501. FindByIssuerDistinguishedName
  7502. FindBySerialNumber
  7503. FindByTimeValid
  7504. FindByTimeNotYetValid
  7505. FindByTimeExpired
  7506. FindByTemplateName
  7507. FindByApplicationPolicy
  7508. FindByCertificatePolicy
  7509. FindByExtension
  7510. FindByKeyUsage
  7511. FindBySubjectKeyIdentifier
  7512. X509KeyUsageExtension
  7513. encodedKeyUsage
  7514. keyUsages
  7515. get_KeyUsages
  7516. encodedData
  7517. GetValidFlags
  7518. all
  7519. _keyUsages
  7520. KeyUsages
  7521. X509KeyUsageFlags
  7522. EncipherOnly
  7523. CrlSign
  7524. KeyCertSign
  7525. KeyAgreement
  7526. DataEncipherment
  7527. KeyEncipherment
  7528. NonRepudiation
  7529. DigitalSignature
  7530. DecipherOnly
  7531. X509NameType
  7532. SimpleName
  7533. EmailName
  7534. UpnName
  7535. DnsName
  7536. DnsFromAlternativeName
  7537. UrlName
  7538. X509RevocationFlag
  7539. EndCertificateOnly
  7540. EntireChain
  7541. ExcludeRoot
  7542. X509RevocationMode
  7543. NoCheck
  7544. Online
  7545. X509Store
  7546. storeName
  7547. storeLocation
  7548. get_Factory
  7549. get_Store
  7550. _location
  7551. _flags
  7552. Factory
  7553. Store
  7554. X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension
  7555. encodedSubjectKeyIdentifier
  7556. subjectKeyIdentifier
  7557. get_SubjectKeyIdentifier
  7558. FromHexChar
  7559. c1
  7560. c2
  7561. FromHexChars
  7562. hex
  7563. FromHex
  7564. _subjectKeyIdentifier
  7565. _ski
  7566. SubjectKeyIdentifier
  7567. X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm
  7568. Sha1
  7569. ShortSha1
  7570. CapiSha1
  7571. X509VerificationFlags
  7572. NoFlag
  7573. IgnoreNotTimeValid
  7574. IgnoreCtlNotTimeValid
  7575. IgnoreNotTimeNested
  7576. IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints
  7577. AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority
  7578. IgnoreWrongUsage
  7579. IgnoreInvalidName
  7580. IgnoreInvalidPolicy
  7581. IgnoreEndRevocationUnknown
  7582. IgnoreCtlSignerRevocationUnknown
  7583. IgnoreCertificateAuthorityRevocationUnknown
  7584. IgnoreRootRevocationUnknown
  7585. AsnDecodeStatus
  7586. NotDecoded
  7587. Ok
  7588. BadAsn
  7589. BadTag
  7590. BadLength
  7591. InformationNotAvailable
  7592. AsnEncodedData
  7593. set_Oid
  7594. set_RawData
  7595. BasicConstraintsExtension
  7596. EnhancedKeyUsageExtension
  7597. KeyUsageExtension
  7598. SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension
  7599. SubjectAltName
  7600. NetscapeCertType
  7601. _raw
  7602. get_FriendlyName
  7603. <>f__switch$map10
  7604. FriendlyName
  7605. OidCollection
  7606. _readOnly
  7607. OidEnumerator
  7608. _collection
  7609. _position
  7610. BaseMachine
  7611. System.Text.RegularExpressions
  7612. regex
  7613. Scan
  7614. needs_groups_or_captures
  7615. get_Index
  7616. get_Text
  7617. CaptureCollection
  7618. cap
  7619. Group
  7620. n_caps
  7621. get_Captures
  7622. get_Success
  7623. Fail
  7624. captures
  7625. Captures
  7626. GroupCollection
  7627. Match
  7628. machine
  7629. text_length
  7630. n_groups
  7631. get_Empty
  7632. get_Groups
  7633. NextMatch
  7634. get_Regex
  7635. empty
  7636. Groups
  7637. Regex
  7638. MatchCollection
  7639. TryToGet
  7640. get_FullList
  7641. FullList
  7642. coll
  7643. pattern
  7644. validate_options
  7645. InitNewRegex
  7646. CreateMachineFactory
  7647. get_Options
  7648. get_RightToLeft
  7649. GetGroupIndex
  7650. default_startat
  7651. IsMatch
  7652. startat
  7653. Matches
  7654. get_Gap
  7655. CreateMachine
  7656. groupCount
  7657. mapping
  7658. GetGroupNamesArray
  7659. get_GroupNumbers
  7660. machineFactory
  7661. group_count
  7662. group_names
  7663. group_numbers
  7664. roptions
  7665. Options
  7666. RightToLeft
  7667. Gap
  7668. GroupNumbers
  7669. RegexOptions
  7670. Multiline
  7671. ExplicitCapture
  7672. Singleline
  7673. IgnorePatternWhitespace
  7674. ECMAScript
  7675. CultureInvariant
  7676. False
  7677. True
  7678. Reference
  7679. Character
  7680. NotCategory
  7681. Range
  7682. Balance
  7683. BalanceStart
  7684. IfDefined
  7685. Branch
  7686. Jump
  7687. Repeat
  7688. Until
  7689. FastRepeat
  7690. Anchor
  7691. OpFlags
  7692. Lazy
  7693. StartOfString
  7694. StartOfLine
  7695. StartOfScan
  7696. EndOfString
  7697. EndOfLine
  7698. Boundary
  7699. NonBoundary
  7700. IMachine
  7701. IMachineFactory
  7702. NewInstance
  7703. get_Mapping
  7704. set_Mapping
  7705. get_GroupCount
  7706. set_Gap
  7707. get_NamesMapping
  7708. set_NamesMapping
  7709. Mapping
  7710. GroupCount
  7711. NamesMapping
  7712. FactoryCache
  7713. factory
  7714. Lookup
  7715. factories
  7716. mru_list
  7717. MRUList
  7718. Use
  7719. Evict
  7720. Node
  7721. previous
  7722. AnySingleline
  7723. Word
  7724. Digit
  7725. WhiteSpace
  7726. EcmaAny
  7727. EcmaAnySingleline
  7728. EcmaWord
  7729. EcmaDigit
  7730. EcmaWhiteSpace
  7731. UnicodeL
  7732. UnicodeM
  7733. UnicodeN
  7734. UnicodeZ
  7735. UnicodeP
  7736. UnicodeS
  7737. UnicodeC
  7738. UnicodeLu
  7739. UnicodeLl
  7740. UnicodeLt
  7741. UnicodeLm
  7742. UnicodeLo
  7743. UnicodeMn
  7744. UnicodeMe
  7745. UnicodeMc
  7746. UnicodeNd
  7747. UnicodeNl
  7748. UnicodeNo
  7749. UnicodeZs
  7750. UnicodeZl
  7751. UnicodeZp
  7752. UnicodePd
  7753. UnicodePs
  7754. UnicodePi
  7755. UnicodePe
  7756. UnicodePf
  7757. UnicodePc
  7758. UnicodePo
  7759. UnicodeSm
  7760. UnicodeSc
  7761. UnicodeSk
  7762. UnicodeSo
  7763. UnicodeCc
  7764. UnicodeCf
  7765. UnicodeCo
  7766. UnicodeCs
  7767. UnicodeCn
  7768. UnicodeBasicLatin
  7769. UnicodeLatin1Supplement
  7770. UnicodeLatinExtendedA
  7771. UnicodeLatinExtendedB
  7772. UnicodeIPAExtensions
  7773. UnicodeSpacingModifierLetters
  7774. UnicodeCombiningDiacriticalMarks
  7775. UnicodeGreek
  7776. UnicodeCyrillic
  7777. UnicodeArmenian
  7778. UnicodeHebrew
  7779. UnicodeArabic
  7780. UnicodeSyriac
  7781. UnicodeThaana
  7782. UnicodeDevanagari
  7783. UnicodeBengali
  7784. UnicodeGurmukhi
  7785. UnicodeGujarati
  7786. UnicodeOriya
  7787. UnicodeTamil
  7788. UnicodeTelugu
  7789. UnicodeKannada
  7790. UnicodeMalayalam
  7791. UnicodeSinhala
  7792. UnicodeThai
  7793. UnicodeLao
  7794. UnicodeTibetan
  7795. UnicodeMyanmar
  7796. UnicodeGeorgian
  7797. UnicodeHangulJamo
  7798. UnicodeEthiopic
  7799. UnicodeCherokee
  7800. UnicodeUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics
  7801. UnicodeOgham
  7802. UnicodeRunic
  7803. UnicodeKhmer
  7804. UnicodeMongolian
  7805. UnicodeLatinExtendedAdditional
  7806. UnicodeGreekExtended
  7807. UnicodeGeneralPunctuation
  7808. UnicodeSuperscriptsandSubscripts
  7809. UnicodeCurrencySymbols
  7810. UnicodeCombiningMarksforSymbols
  7811. UnicodeLetterlikeSymbols
  7812. UnicodeNumberForms
  7813. UnicodeArrows
  7814. UnicodeMathematicalOperators
  7815. UnicodeMiscellaneousTechnical
  7816. UnicodeControlPictures
  7817. UnicodeOpticalCharacterRecognition
  7818. UnicodeEnclosedAlphanumerics
  7819. UnicodeBoxDrawing
  7820. UnicodeBlockElements
  7821. UnicodeGeometricShapes
  7822. UnicodeMiscellaneousSymbols
  7823. UnicodeDingbats
  7824. UnicodeBraillePatterns
  7825. UnicodeCJKRadicalsSupplement
  7826. UnicodeKangxiRadicals
  7827. UnicodeIdeographicDescriptionCharacters
  7828. UnicodeCJKSymbolsandPunctuation
  7829. UnicodeHiragana
  7830. UnicodeKatakana
  7831. UnicodeBopomofo
  7832. UnicodeHangulCompatibilityJamo
  7833. UnicodeKanbun
  7834. UnicodeBopomofoExtended
  7835. UnicodeEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths
  7836. UnicodeCJKCompatibility
  7837. UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA
  7838. UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographs
  7839. UnicodeYiSyllables
  7840. UnicodeYiRadicals
  7841. UnicodeHangulSyllables
  7842. UnicodeHighSurrogates
  7843. UnicodeHighPrivateUseSurrogates
  7844. UnicodeLowSurrogates
  7845. UnicodePrivateUse
  7846. UnicodeCJKCompatibilityIdeographs
  7847. UnicodeAlphabeticPresentationForms
  7848. UnicodeArabicPresentationFormsA
  7849. UnicodeCombiningHalfMarks
  7850. UnicodeCJKCompatibilityForms
  7851. UnicodeSmallFormVariants
  7852. UnicodeArabicPresentationFormsB
  7853. UnicodeSpecials
  7854. UnicodeHalfwidthandFullwidthForms
  7855. UnicodeOldItalic
  7856. UnicodeGothic
  7857. UnicodeDeseret
  7858. UnicodeByzantineMusicalSymbols
  7859. UnicodeMusicalSymbols
  7860. UnicodeMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
  7861. UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB
  7862. UnicodeCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement
  7863. UnicodeTags
  7864. LastValue
  7865. CategoryUtils
  7866. CategoryFromName
  7867. cat
  7868. IsCategory
  7869. uc
  7870. LinkRef
  7871. ICompiler
  7872. GetMachineFactory
  7873. EmitFalse
  7874. EmitTrue
  7875. negate
  7876. ignore
  7877. reverse
  7878. EmitCharacter
  7879. EmitCategory
  7880. EmitNotCategory
  7881. EmitRange
  7882. EmitSet
  7883. EmitString
  7884. EmitPosition
  7885. gid
  7886. EmitOpen
  7887. EmitClose
  7888. balance
  7889. capture
  7890. EmitBalanceStart
  7891. EmitBalance
  7892. EmitReference
  7893. EmitIfDefined
  7894. EmitSub
  7895. yes
  7896. EmitTest
  7897. EmitBranch
  7898. EmitJump
  7899. min
  7900. max
  7901. lazy
  7902. EmitRepeat
  7903. repeat
  7904. EmitUntil
  7905. EmitIn
  7906. EmitInfo
  7907. EmitFastRepeat
  7908. EmitAnchor
  7909. EmitBranchEnd
  7910. EmitAlternationEnd
  7911. NewLink
  7912. link
  7913. ResolveLink
  7914. InterpreterFactory
  7915. namesMapping
  7916. PatternCompiler
  7917. op
  7918. EncodeOp
  7919. EmitCount
  7920. lref
  7921. MakeFlags
  7922. get_CurrentAddress
  7923. BeginLink
  7924. EmitLink
  7925. pgm
  7926. CurrentAddress
  7927. PatternLinkStack
  7928. set_BaseAddress
  7929. get_OffsetAddress
  7930. set_OffsetAddress
  7931. target_addr
  7932. GetOffset
  7933. GetCurrent
  7934. SetCurrent
  7935. BaseAddress
  7936. OffsetAddress
  7937. base_addr
  7938. offset_addr
  7939. LinkStack
  7940. Mark
  7941. get_IsDefined
  7942. Previous
  7943. Interpreter
  7944. program
  7945. ReadProgramCount
  7946. ref_ptr
  7947. Eval
  7948. multi
  7949. EvalChar
  7950. TryMatch
  7951. IsPosition
  7952. IsWordChar
  7953. balance_gid
  7954. Checkpoint
  7955. Backtrack
  7956. ResetGroups
  7957. GetLastDefined
  7958. CreateMark
  7959. first_mark_index
  7960. GetGroupInfo
  7961. PopulateGroup
  7962. GenerateMatch
  7963. program_start
  7964. text_end
  7965. match_min
  7966. qs
  7967. scan_ptr
  7968. fast
  7969. deep
  7970. marks
  7971. mark_start
  7972. mark_end
  7973. IntStack
  7974. set_Count
  7975. RepeatContext
  7976. expr_pc
  7977. set_Start
  7978. get_IsMinimum
  7979. get_IsMaximum
  7980. get_IsLazy
  7981. get_Expression
  7982. get_Previous
  7983. IsMinimum
  7984. IsMaximum
  7985. IsLazy
  7986. Expression
  7987. Search
  7988. Interval
  7989. high
  7990. get_IsDiscontiguous
  7991. get_IsSingleton
  7992. get_IsEmpty
  7993. IsDisjoint
  7994. IsAdjacent
  7995. Intersects
  7996. Merge
  7997. contiguous
  7998. IsDiscontiguous
  7999. IsSingleton
  8000. IntervalCollection
  8001. cost_del
  8002. GetMetaCollection
  8003. begin
  8004. meta
  8005. Optimize
  8006. intervals
  8007. CostDelegate
  8008. Parser
  8009. System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax
  8010. ParseOctal
  8011. ParseNumber
  8012. ParseName
  8013. ParseRegularExpression
  8014. GetMapping
  8015. group
  8016. assertion
  8017. ParseGroup
  8018. ParseGroupingConstruct
  8019. ParseAssertionType
  8020. ParseOptions
  8021. ParseCharacterClass
  8022. ParseRepetitionBounds
  8023. ParseUnicodeCategory
  8024. ParseSpecial
  8025. ParseEscape
  8026. ParseDigit
  8027. ConsumeWhitespace
  8028. ResolveReferences
  8029. explicit_numeric_groups
  8030. HandleExplicitNumericGroups
  8031. IsIgnoreCase
  8032. IsMultiline
  8033. IsExplicitCapture
  8034. IsSingleline
  8035. IsIgnorePatternWhitespace
  8036. IsECMAScript
  8037. NewParseException
  8038. caps
  8039. num_groups
  8040. QuickSearch
  8041. SetupShiftTable
  8042. GetShiftDistance
  8043. GetChar
  8044. shiftExtended
  8046. ExpressionCollection
  8047. cmp
  8048. Compile
  8049. GetWidth
  8050. GetFixedWidth
  8051. GetAnchorInfo
  8052. IsComplex
  8053. CompositeExpression
  8054. get_Expressions
  8055. expressions
  8056. Expressions
  8057. AppendExpression
  8058. RegularExpression
  8059. set_GroupCount
  8060. CapturingGroup
  8061. set_Index
  8062. get_IsNamed
  8063. IsNamed
  8064. BalancingGroup
  8065. set_Balance
  8066. NonBacktrackingGroup
  8067. Repetition
  8068. set_Expression
  8069. get_Minimum
  8070. Minimum
  8071. get_TrueExpression
  8072. set_TrueExpression
  8073. get_FalseExpression
  8074. set_FalseExpression
  8075. TrueExpression
  8076. FalseExpression
  8077. CaptureAssertion
  8078. set_CapturingGroup
  8079. get_Alternate
  8080. alternate
  8081. literal
  8082. Alternate
  8083. ExpressionAssertion
  8084. set_Reverse
  8085. set_Negate
  8086. get_TestExpression
  8087. set_TestExpression
  8088. TestExpression
  8089. Alternation
  8090. get_Alternatives
  8091. AddAlternative
  8092. Alternatives
  8093. CompileLiteral
  8094. PositionAssertion
  8095. revers
  8096. get_CapturingGroup
  8097. get_IgnoreCase
  8098. BackslashNumber
  8099. ecma
  8100. num_str
  8101. ResolveReference
  8102. CharacterClass
  8103. AddCategory
  8104. AddCharacter
  8105. GetIntervalCost
  8106. upper_case_characters
  8107. pos_cats
  8108. neg_cats
  8109. AnchorInfo
  8110. expr
  8111. get_Width
  8112. get_IsUnknownWidth
  8113. get_IsComplete
  8114. get_Substring
  8115. get_IsSubstring
  8116. get_IsPosition
  8117. GetInterval
  8118. Width
  8119. IsUnknownWidth
  8120. IsComplete
  8121. IsSubstring
  8122. DefaultUriParser
  8123. scheme
  8124. GenericUriParser
  8125. uriString
  8126. uriKind
  8127. baseUri
  8128. relativeUri
  8129. dontEscape
  8130. get_AbsoluteUri
  8131. get_Authority
  8132. get_Host
  8133. get_IsFile
  8134. get_IsLoopback
  8135. get_IsUnc
  8136. get_Scheme
  8137. get_IsAbsoluteUri
  8138. CheckHostName
  8139. IsIPv4Address
  8140. IsDomainAddress
  8141. schemeName
  8142. CheckSchemeName
  8143. IsAlpha
  8144. comparant
  8145. part
  8146. GetLeftPart
  8147. digit
  8148. character
  8149. HexEscape
  8150. IsHexDigit
  8151. IsHexEncoding
  8152. AppendQueryAndFragment
  8153. EscapeString
  8154. escapeReserved
  8155. escapeHex
  8156. escapeBrackets
  8157. ParseUri
  8158. excludeSpecial
  8159. ParseAsWindowsUNC
  8160. ParseAsWindowsAbsoluteFilePath
  8161. ParseAsUnixAbsoluteFilePath
  8162. ParseNoExceptions
  8163. CompactEscaped
  8164. compact_escaped
  8165. Reduce
  8166. surrogate
  8167. HexUnescapeMultiByte
  8168. GetSchemeDelimiter
  8169. GetDefaultPort
  8170. GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter
  8171. IsPredefinedScheme
  8172. get_Parser
  8173. EnsureAbsoluteUri
  8174. u1
  8175. u2
  8176. isUnixFilePath
  8177. port
  8178. query
  8179. fragment
  8180. userinfo
  8181. isUnc
  8182. isOpaquePart
  8183. isAbsoluteUri
  8184. userEscaped
  8185. cachedAbsoluteUri
  8186. cachedToString
  8187. cachedHashCode
  8188. hexUpperChars
  8189. SchemeDelimiter
  8190. UriSchemeFile
  8191. UriSchemeFtp
  8192. UriSchemeGopher
  8193. UriSchemeHttp
  8194. UriSchemeHttps
  8195. UriSchemeMailto
  8196. UriSchemeNews
  8197. UriSchemeNntp
  8198. UriSchemeNetPipe
  8199. UriSchemeNetTcp
  8200. schemes
  8201. <>f__switch$map14
  8202. <>f__switch$map15
  8203. <>f__switch$map16
  8204. AbsoluteUri
  8205. Authority
  8206. Host
  8207. IsFile
  8208. IsUnc
  8209. Scheme
  8210. IsAbsoluteUri
  8211. UriScheme
  8212. delimiter
  8213. defaultPort
  8214. UriFormatException
  8215. UriHostNameType
  8216. Basic
  8217. Dns
  8218. IPv4
  8219. IPv6
  8220. UriKind
  8221. RelativeOrAbsolute
  8222. Absolute
  8223. Relative
  8224. UriParser
  8225. parsingError
  8226. InitializeAndValidate
  8227. OnRegister
  8228. set_SchemeName
  8229. get_DefaultPort
  8230. set_DefaultPort
  8231. CreateDefaults
  8232. uriParser
  8233. InternalRegister
  8234. GetParser
  8235. lock_object
  8236. scheme_name
  8237. default_port
  8238. uri_regex
  8239. auth_regex
  8240. SchemeName
  8241. DefaultPort
  8242. UriPartial
  8243. Query
  8244. UriTypeConverter
  8245. RemoteCertificateValidationCallback
  8246. "\x0\x24\x0\x0\x4\x80\x0\x0\x94\x0\x0\x0\x6\x2\x0\x0\x0\x24\x0\x0\x52\x53\x41\x31\x0\x4\x0\x0\x1\x0\x1\x0\x79\x15\x99\x77\xD2\xD0\x3A\x8E\x6B\xEA\x7A\x2E\x74\xE8\xD1\xAF\xCC\x93\xE8\x85\x19\x74\x95\x2B\xB4\x80\xA1\x2C\x91\x34\x47\x4D\x4\x6\x24\x47\xC3\x7E\xE\x68\xC0\x80\x53\x6F\xCF\x3C\x3F\xBE\x2F\xF9\xC9\x79\xCE\x99\x84\x75\xE5\x6\xE8\xCE\x82\xDD\x5B\xF\x35\xD\xC1\xE\x93\xBF\x2E\xEE\xCF\x87\x4B\x24\x77\xC\x50\x81\xDB\xEA\x74\x47\xFD\xDA\xFA\x27\x7B\x22\xDE\x47\xD6\xFF\xEA\x44\x96\x74\xA4\xF9\xFC\xCF\x84\xD1\x50\x69\x8\x93\x80\x28\x4D\xBD\xD3\x5F\x46\xCD\xFF\x12\xA1\xBD\x78\xE4\xEF\x0\x65\xD0\x16\xDF"
  8247. Mono.Security.dll
  8248. ARC4Managed
  8249. rgvIV
  8250. MD2
  8251. MD2Managed
  8252. nLength
  8253. checksum
  8254. MD2Transform
  8255. PI_SUBST
  8256. MD4
  8257. MD4Managed
  8258. MD4Transform
  8259. digest
  8260. RC4
  8261. s_legalBlockSizes
  8262. s_legalKeySizes
  8263. <>f__switch$map5
  8264. <>f__switch$map6
  8265. <>f__switch$map7
  8266. set_DSA
  8267. get_KeyAlgorithm
  8268. set_KeyAlgorithmParameters
  8269. get_RSA
  8270. get_Signature
  8271. get_IsCurrent
  8272. instant
  8273. WasCurrent
  8274. aa
  8275. get_IsSelfSigned
  8276. certhash
  8277. <>f__switch$map11
  8278. IsCurrent
  8279. IsSelfSigned
  8280. get_TrustAnchors
  8281. leaf
  8282. IsValid
  8283. FindCertificateParent
  8284. potentialRoot
  8285. FindCertificateRoot
  8286. potentialTrusted
  8287. IsTrusted
  8288. IsParent
  8289. certs
  8290. _root
  8291. _chain
  8292. TrustAnchors
  8293. X509Crl
  8294. get_NextUpdate
  8295. GetCrlEntry
  8296. serialNumber
  8297. GetHashName
  8298. thisUpdate
  8299. nextUpdate
  8300. entries
  8301. signatureOID
  8302. encoded
  8303. hash_value
  8304. <>f__switch$map13
  8305. NextUpdate
  8306. X509CrlEntry
  8307. get_RevocationDate
  8308. revocationDate
  8309. RevocationDate
  8310. get_Crls
  8311. LoadCertificate
  8312. LoadCrl
  8313. throwException
  8314. CheckStore
  8315. BuildCertificatesCollection
  8316. BuildCrlsCollection
  8317. _storePath
  8318. _certificates
  8319. _crls
  8320. _crl
  8321. Crls
  8322. X509StoreManager
  8323. get_CurrentUser
  8324. get_LocalMachine
  8325. get_TrustedRootCertificates
  8326. _userStore
  8327. _machineStore
  8328. TrustedRootCertificates
  8329. X509Stores
  8330. get_TrustedRoot
  8331. create
  8332. _trusted
  8333. TrustedRoot
  8334. AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension
  8335. Mono.Security.X509.Extensions
  8336. get_Identifier
  8337. aki
  8338. Identifier
  8339. cA
  8340. pathLenConstraint
  8341. ExtendedKeyUsageExtension
  8342. get_KeyPurpose
  8343. keyPurpose
  8344. KeyPurpose
  8345. GeneralNames
  8346. sequence
  8347. get_DNSNames
  8348. get_IPAddresses
  8349. rfc822Name
  8350. dnsName
  8351. directoryNames
  8352. uris
  8353. ipAddr
  8354. DNSNames
  8355. IPAddresses
  8356. digitalSignature
  8357. nonRepudiation
  8358. keyEncipherment
  8359. dataEncipherment
  8360. keyAgreement
  8361. keyCertSign
  8362. cRLSign
  8363. encipherOnly
  8364. decipherOnly
  8365. none
  8366. Support
  8367. kubits
  8368. NetscapeCertTypeExtension
  8369. ctbits
  8370. CertTypes
  8371. SslClient
  8372. SslServer
  8373. Smime
  8374. ObjectSigning
  8375. SslCA
  8376. SmimeCA
  8377. ObjectSigningCA
  8378. SubjectAltNameExtension
  8379. _names
  8380. initializePad
  8381. hashing
  8382. innerPad
  8383. outerPad
  8384. MD5SHA1
  8385. md5
  8386. AlertLevel
  8387. Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls
  8388. Warning
  8389. Fatal
  8390. AlertDescription
  8391. CloseNotify
  8392. UnexpectedMessage
  8393. BadRecordMAC
  8394. DecryptionFailed
  8395. RecordOverflow
  8396. DecompressionFailiure
  8397. HandshakeFailiure
  8398. NoCertificate
  8399. BadCertificate
  8400. UnsupportedCertificate
  8401. CertificateRevoked
  8402. CertificateExpired
  8403. CertificateUnknown
  8404. IlegalParameter
  8405. UnknownCA
  8406. AccessDenied
  8407. DecodeError
  8408. DecryptError
  8409. ExportRestriction
  8410. ProtocolVersion
  8411. InsuficientSecurity
  8412. InternalError
  8413. UserCancelled
  8414. NoRenegotiation
  8415. Alert
  8416. get_Level
  8417. get_Description
  8418. get_IsWarning
  8419. get_IsCloseNotify
  8420. inferAlertLevel
  8421. GetAlertMessage
  8422. Level
  8423. Description
  8424. IsWarning
  8425. IsCloseNotify
  8426. CipherAlgorithmType
  8427. Des
  8428. Rc2
  8429. Rc4
  8430. SkipJack
  8431. TripleDes
  8432. CipherSuite
  8433. cipherAlgorithmType
  8434. hashAlgorithmType
  8435. exchangeAlgorithmType
  8436. exportable
  8437. blockMode
  8438. keyMaterialSize
  8439. expandedKeyMaterialSize
  8440. effectiveKeyBits
  8441. ivSize
  8442. get_EncryptionCipher
  8443. get_DecryptionCipher
  8444. get_ClientHMAC
  8445. get_ServerHMAC
  8446. get_CipherAlgorithmType
  8447. get_HashAlgorithmName
  8448. get_HashAlgorithmType
  8449. get_ExchangeAlgorithmType
  8450. get_CipherMode
  8451. get_Code
  8452. get_IsExportable
  8453. get_KeyMaterialSize
  8454. get_KeyBlockSize
  8455. get_ExpandedKeyMaterialSize
  8456. get_EffectiveKeyBits
  8457. get_IvSize
  8458. set_Context
  8459. InitializeCipher
  8460. EncryptRecord
  8461. dcrFragment
  8462. dcrMAC
  8463. DecryptRecord
  8464. ComputeClientRecordMAC
  8465. ComputeServerRecordMAC
  8466. preMasterSecret
  8467. ComputeMasterSecret
  8468. ComputeKeys
  8469. CreatePremasterSecret
  8470. secret
  8471. PRF
  8472. createEncryptionCipher
  8473. createDecryptionCipher
  8474. isExportable
  8475. cipherMode
  8476. keyBlockSize
  8477. encryptionAlgorithm
  8478. encryptionCipher
  8479. decryptionAlgorithm
  8480. decryptionCipher
  8481. clientHMAC
  8482. serverHMAC
  8483. EncryptionCipher
  8484. DecryptionCipher
  8485. ClientHMAC
  8486. ServerHMAC
  8487. HashAlgorithmName
  8488. HashAlgorithmType
  8489. ExchangeAlgorithmType
  8490. IsExportable
  8491. KeyMaterialSize
  8492. KeyBlockSize
  8493. ExpandedKeyMaterialSize
  8494. EffectiveKeyBits
  8495. IvSize
  8496. CipherSuiteCollection
  8497. cipherType
  8498. hashType
  8499. exchangeType
  8500. effectiveKeyBytes
  8501. cipherSuite
  8502. cultureAwareCompare
  8503. cipherSuites
  8504. CipherSuiteFactory
  8505. GetSupportedCiphers
  8506. GetTls1SupportedCiphers
  8507. GetSsl3SupportedCiphers
  8508. ClientContext
  8509. securityProtocolType
  8510. targetHost
  8511. clientCertificates
  8512. get_SslStream
  8513. get_ClientHelloProtocol
  8514. set_ClientHelloProtocol
  8515. sslStream
  8516. clientHelloProtocol
  8517. SslStream
  8518. ClientHelloProtocol
  8519. ClientRecordProtocol
  8520. innerStream
  8521. GetMessage
  8522. handMsg
  8523. ProcessHandshakeMessage
  8524. createClientHandshakeMessage
  8525. createServerHandshakeMessage
  8526. ClientSessionInfo
  8527. hostname
  8528. get_HostName
  8529. get_Id
  8530. get_Valid
  8531. GetContext
  8532. SetContext
  8533. KeepAlive
  8534. ValidityInterval
  8535. validuntil
  8536. sid
  8537. masterSecret
  8538. HostName
  8539. Valid
  8540. ClientSessionCache
  8541. FromHost
  8542. checkValidity
  8543. FromContext
  8544. SetContextInCache
  8545. SetContextFromCache
  8546. ChangeCipherSpec
  8547. Handshake
  8548. get_AbbreviatedHandshake
  8549. set_AbbreviatedHandshake
  8550. get_ProtocolNegotiated
  8551. set_ProtocolNegotiated
  8552. set_SecurityProtocol
  8553. get_SecurityProtocolFlags
  8554. get_Protocol
  8555. get_SessionId
  8556. set_SessionId
  8557. get_CompressionMethod
  8558. set_CompressionMethod
  8559. get_ServerSettings
  8560. get_ClientSettings
  8561. get_LastHandshakeMsg
  8562. set_LastHandshakeMsg
  8563. get_HandshakeState
  8564. set_HandshakeState
  8565. get_ReceivedConnectionEnd
  8566. set_ReceivedConnectionEnd
  8567. get_SentConnectionEnd
  8568. set_SentConnectionEnd
  8569. get_SupportedCiphers
  8570. set_SupportedCiphers
  8571. get_HandshakeMessages
  8572. get_WriteSequenceNumber
  8573. set_WriteSequenceNumber
  8574. get_ReadSequenceNumber
  8575. set_ReadSequenceNumber
  8576. get_ClientRandom
  8577. set_ClientRandom
  8578. get_ServerRandom
  8579. set_ServerRandom
  8580. get_RandomCS
  8581. set_RandomCS
  8582. get_RandomSC
  8583. set_RandomSC
  8584. get_MasterSecret
  8585. set_MasterSecret
  8586. get_ClientWriteKey
  8587. set_ClientWriteKey
  8588. get_ServerWriteKey
  8589. set_ServerWriteKey
  8590. get_ClientWriteIV
  8591. set_ClientWriteIV
  8592. get_ServerWriteIV
  8593. set_ServerWriteIV
  8594. get_RecordProtocol
  8595. set_RecordProtocol
  8596. GetUnixTime
  8597. GetSecureRandomBytes
  8598. ClearKeyInfo
  8599. DecodeProtocolCode
  8600. ChangeProtocol
  8601. get_Negotiating
  8602. get_Read
  8603. get_Write
  8604. client
  8605. StartSwitchingSecurityParameters
  8606. EndSwitchingSecurityParameters
  8607. securityProtocol
  8608. sessionId
  8609. compressionMethod
  8610. serverSettings
  8611. clientSettings
  8612. negotiating
  8613. read
  8614. write
  8615. supportedCiphers
  8616. lastHandshakeMsg
  8617. handshakeState
  8618. abbreviatedHandshake
  8619. receivedConnectionEnd
  8620. sentConnectionEnd
  8621. protocolNegotiated
  8622. writeSequenceNumber
  8623. readSequenceNumber
  8624. clientRandom
  8625. serverRandom
  8626. randomCS
  8627. randomSC
  8628. clientWriteKey
  8629. serverWriteKey
  8630. clientWriteIV
  8631. serverWriteIV
  8632. handshakeMessages
  8633. recordProtocol
  8634. AbbreviatedHandshake
  8635. ProtocolNegotiated
  8636. SecurityProtocolFlags
  8637. Protocol
  8638. SessionId
  8639. CompressionMethod
  8640. ServerSettings
  8641. ClientSettings
  8642. LastHandshakeMsg
  8643. HandshakeState
  8644. ReceivedConnectionEnd
  8645. SentConnectionEnd
  8646. SupportedCiphers
  8647. HandshakeMessages
  8648. WriteSequenceNumber
  8649. ReadSequenceNumber
  8650. ClientRandom
  8651. ServerRandom
  8652. RandomCS
  8653. RandomSC
  8654. MasterSecret
  8655. ClientWriteKey
  8656. ServerWriteKey
  8657. ClientWriteIV
  8658. ServerWriteIV
  8659. RecordProtocol
  8660. Negotiating
  8661. DiffieHellman
  8662. Fortezza
  8663. RsaKeyX
  8664. RsaSign
  8665. Started
  8666. Finished
  8667. Md5
  8668. HttpsClientStream
  8669. get_TrustFailure
  8670. certificateErrors
  8671. RaiseServerCertificateValidation
  8672. clientCerts
  8673. serverCertificate
  8674. serverRequestedCertificates
  8675. <HttpsClientStream>m__0
  8676. <HttpsClientStream>m__1
  8677. _request
  8678. <>f__am$cache2
  8679. <>f__am$cache3
  8680. TrustFailure
  8681. SendRecord
  8682. ProcessChangeCipherSpec
  8683. BeginReceiveRecord
  8684. InternalReceiveRecordCallback
  8685. EndReceiveRecord
  8686. ReceiveRecord
  8687. ReadRecordBuffer
  8688. ReadClientHelloV2
  8689. ReadStandardRecordBuffer
  8690. alertLevel
  8691. alertDesc
  8692. ProcessAlert
  8693. SendAlert
  8694. alert
  8695. SendChangeCipherSpec
  8696. handshakeType
  8697. BeginSendRecord
  8698. InternalSendRecordCallback
  8699. recordData
  8700. EndSendRecord
  8701. EncodeRecord
  8702. encryptRecordFragment
  8703. decryptRecordFragment
  8704. ProcessCipherSpecV2Buffer
  8705. MapV2CipherCode
  8706. record_processing
  8707. ReceiveRecordAsyncResult
  8708. userState
  8709. initialBuffer
  8710. get_Record
  8711. get_ResultingBuffer
  8712. get_InitialBuffer
  8713. get_AsyncException
  8714. get_CompletedWithError
  8715. ex
  8716. resultingBuffer
  8717. _userCallback
  8718. _userState
  8719. _asyncException
  8720. _resultingBuffer
  8721. _record
  8722. _initialBuffer
  8723. Record
  8724. ResultingBuffer
  8725. InitialBuffer
  8726. AsyncException
  8727. CompletedWithError
  8728. SendRecordAsyncResult
  8729. RSASslSignatureDeformatter
  8730. RSASslSignatureFormatter
  8731. SecurityCompressionType
  8732. Zlib
  8733. SecurityParameters
  8734. get_Cipher
  8735. set_Cipher
  8736. get_ClientWriteMAC
  8737. set_ClientWriteMAC
  8738. get_ServerWriteMAC
  8739. set_ServerWriteMAC
  8740. cipher
  8741. clientWriteMAC
  8742. serverWriteMAC
  8743. Cipher
  8744. ClientWriteMAC
  8745. ServerWriteMAC
  8746. Ssl2
  8747. ServerContext
  8748. ValidationResult
  8749. get_Trusted
  8750. get_ErrorCode
  8751. trusted
  8752. error_code
  8753. Trusted
  8754. SslClientStream
  8755. ownsStream
  8756. clientCertificate
  8757. add_ServerCertValidation
  8758. remove_ServerCertValidation
  8759. add_ClientCertSelection
  8760. remove_ClientCertSelection
  8761. add_PrivateKeySelection
  8762. remove_PrivateKeySelection
  8763. add_ServerCertValidation2
  8764. remove_ServerCertValidation2
  8765. get_InputBuffer
  8766. get_ClientCertificates
  8767. get_SelectedClientCertificate
  8768. get_ServerCertValidationDelegate
  8769. set_ServerCertValidationDelegate
  8770. get_ClientCertSelectionDelegate
  8771. set_ClientCertSelectionDelegate
  8772. get_PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
  8773. set_PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
  8774. OnBeginNegotiateHandshake
  8775. SafeReceiveRecord
  8776. OnNegotiateHandshakeCallback
  8777. OnLocalCertificateSelection
  8778. get_HaveRemoteValidation2Callback
  8779. OnRemoteCertificateValidation2
  8780. errors
  8781. OnRemoteCertificateValidation
  8782. RaiseServerCertificateValidation2
  8783. RaiseClientCertificateSelection
  8784. OnLocalPrivateKeySelection
  8785. RaisePrivateKeySelection
  8786. ServerCertValidation
  8787. ClientCertSelection
  8788. PrivateKeySelection
  8789. ServerCertValidation2
  8790. InputBuffer
  8791. ClientCertificates
  8792. SelectedClientCertificate
  8793. ServerCertValidationDelegate
  8794. ClientCertSelectionDelegate
  8795. PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
  8796. HaveRemoteValidation2Callback
  8797. SslCipherSuite
  8798. prf
  8799. pad1
  8800. pad2
  8801. header
  8802. SslHandshakeHash
  8803. innerPadMD5
  8804. outerPadMD5
  8805. innerPadSHA
  8806. outerPadSHA
  8807. SslStreamBase
  8808. AsyncHandshakeCallback
  8809. get_MightNeedHandshake
  8810. NegotiateHandshake
  8811. remoteCertificate
  8812. requestedCertificates
  8813. RaiseLocalCertificateSelection
  8814. RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation
  8815. RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation2
  8816. RaiseLocalPrivateKeySelection
  8817. get_CheckCertRevocationStatus
  8818. set_CheckCertRevocationStatus
  8819. get_CipherAlgorithm
  8820. get_CipherStrength
  8821. get_HashAlgorithm
  8822. get_HashStrength
  8823. get_KeyExchangeStrength
  8824. get_KeyExchangeAlgorithm
  8825. get_ServerCertificate
  8826. get_ServerCertificates
  8827. BeginNegotiateHandshake
  8828. EndNegotiateHandshake
  8829. InternalBeginRead
  8830. InternalReadCallback
  8831. InternalBeginWrite
  8832. InternalWriteCallback
  8833. resetBuffer
  8834. checkDisposed
  8835. WaitTimeOut
  8836. checkCertRevocationStatus
  8837. negotiate
  8838. negotiationComplete
  8839. recbuf
  8840. recordStream
  8841. MightNeedHandshake
  8842. CheckCertRevocationStatus
  8843. CipherAlgorithm
  8844. CipherStrength
  8845. HashStrength
  8846. KeyExchangeStrength
  8847. KeyExchangeAlgorithm
  8848. ServerCertificate
  8849. ServerCertificates
  8850. InternalAsyncResult
  8851. fromWrite
  8852. proceedAfterHandshake
  8853. get_ProceedAfterHandshake
  8854. get_FromWrite
  8855. get_Buffer
  8856. get_BytesRead
  8857. bytesRead
  8858. _bytesRead
  8859. _fromWrite
  8860. _proceedAfterHandshake
  8861. _buffer
  8862. _count
  8863. ProceedAfterHandshake
  8864. FromWrite
  8865. TlsCipherSuite
  8866. headerLock
  8867. TlsClientSettings
  8868. get_TargetHost
  8869. set_TargetHost
  8870. set_Certificates
  8871. get_ClientCertificate
  8872. set_ClientCertificate
  8873. UpdateCertificateRSA
  8874. certificateRSA
  8875. TargetHost
  8876. ClientCertificate
  8877. TlsException
  8878. get_Alert
  8879. TlsServerSettings
  8880. get_ServerKeyExchange
  8881. set_ServerKeyExchange
  8882. get_CertificateRSA
  8883. get_RsaParameters
  8884. set_RsaParameters
  8885. set_SignedParams
  8886. get_CertificateRequest
  8887. set_CertificateRequest
  8888. set_CertificateTypes
  8889. set_DistinguisedNames
  8890. rsaParameters
  8891. signedParams
  8892. distinguisedNames
  8893. serverKeyExchange
  8894. certificateRequest
  8895. certificateTypes
  8896. ServerKeyExchange
  8897. CertificateRSA
  8898. RsaParameters
  8899. SignedParams
  8900. CertificateRequest
  8901. CertificateTypes
  8902. DistinguisedNames
  8903. TlsStream
  8904. get_EOF
  8905. ReadSmallValue
  8906. ReadInt24
  8907. WriteInt24
  8908. canRead
  8909. EOF
  8910. ClientCertificateType
  8911. Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.Handshake
  8912. DSS
  8913. RSAFixed
  8914. DSSFixed
  8915. HandshakeMessage
  8916. get_HandshakeType
  8917. ProcessAsTls1
  8918. ProcessAsSsl3
  8919. Update
  8920. EncodeMessage
  8921. HandshakeType
  8922. HelloRequest
  8923. ClientHello
  8924. ServerHello
  8925. ServerHelloDone
  8926. CertificateVerify
  8927. ClientKeyExchange
  8928. TlsClientCertificate
  8929. Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.Handshake.Client
  8930. GetClientCertificate
  8931. SendCertificates
  8932. FindParentCertificate
  8933. clientCertSelected
  8934. clientCert
  8935. TlsClientCertificateVerify
  8936. privKey
  8937. getClientCertRSA
  8938. getUnsignedBigInteger
  8939. TlsClientFinished
  8940. Ssl3Marker
  8941. TlsClientHello
  8942. TlsClientKeyExchange
  8943. sendLength
  8944. ProcessCommon
  8945. TlsServerCertificate
  8946. checkCertificateUsage
  8947. validateCertificates
  8948. checkServerIdentity
  8949. subjectName
  8950. checkDomainName
  8951. TlsServerCertificateRequest
  8952. TlsServerFinished
  8953. TlsServerHello
  8954. processProtocol
  8955. TlsServerHelloDone
  8956. TlsServerKeyExchange
  8957. verifySignature
  8958. rsaParams
  8959. CertificateValidationCallback
  8960. CertificateValidationCallback2
  8961. CertificateSelectionCallback
  8962. PrivateKeySelectionCallback
  8963. $$field-7
  8964. $$field-8
  8965. $$field-9
  8966. $$field-11
  8967. $$field-12
  8968. $$field-13
  8969. $$field-14
  8970. $ArrayType$4
  8971. System.Core
  8972. System.Core.dll
  8973. ExtensionAttribute
  8974. HashSet`1
  8975. System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.CopyTo
  8976. SlotsContainsAt
  8977. GetLinkHashCode
  8978. GetItemHashCode
  8979. links
  8980. slots
  8981. touched
  8982. empty_slot
  8983. hashset
  8984. CheckState
  8985. PrimeHelper
  8986. primes_table
  8987. System.Linq
  8988. predicate
  8989. SourceAndPredicate
  8990. Enumerable
  8991. TSource
  8992. Where
  8993. CreateWhereIterator
  8994. <CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1
  8995. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<TSource>.get_Current
  8996. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator
  8997. <$s_120>__0
  8998. <element>__1
  8999. <$>source
  9000. <$>predicate
  9001. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<TSource>.Current
  9002. Aes
  9003. AesManaged
  9004. AesTransform
  9005. Func`2
  9006. TResult
  9007. $$field-10
  9008. UnityEngine
  9009. UnityEngine.dll
  9010. Application
  9011. CallLowMemory
  9012. get_isPlaying
  9013. get_isEditor
  9014. get_platform
  9015. logString
  9016. stackTrace
  9017. invokedOnMainThread
  9018. CallLogCallback
  9019. lowMemory
  9020. s_LogCallbackHandler
  9021. s_LogCallbackHandlerThreaded
  9022. isPlaying
  9023. isEditor
  9024. LowMemoryCallback
  9025. LogCallback
  9026. condition
  9027. AssetBundleCreateRequest
  9028. get_assetBundle
  9029. DisableCompatibilityChecks
  9030. assetBundle
  9031. AssetBundleRequest
  9032. get_asset
  9033. get_allAssets
  9034. asset
  9035. allAssets
  9036. AssetBundle
  9037. AsyncOperation
  9038. InternalDestroy
  9039. get_isDone
  9040. get_progress
  9041. get_priority
  9042. set_priority
  9043. get_allowSceneActivation
  9044. set_allowSceneActivation
  9045. m_Ptr
  9046. isDone
  9047. progress
  9048. priority
  9049. allowSceneActivation
  9050. SystemInfo
  9051. get_operatingSystemFamily
  9052. operatingSystemFamily
  9053. WaitForSeconds
  9054. m_Seconds
  9055. WaitForFixedUpdate
  9056. WaitForEndOfFrame
  9057. CustomYieldInstruction
  9058. get_keepWaiting
  9059. keepWaiting
  9060. Coroutine
  9061. ReleaseCoroutine
  9062. ScriptableObject
  9063. self
  9064. Internal_CreateScriptableObject
  9065. CreateInstanceFromType
  9066. Behaviour
  9067. get_enabled
  9068. set_enabled
  9069. get_isActiveAndEnabled
  9070. enabled
  9071. isActiveAndEnabled
  9072. Camera
  9073. get_nearClipPlane
  9074. get_farClipPlane
  9075. get_depth
  9076. get_cullingMask
  9077. get_eventMask
  9078. get_pixelRect
  9079. INTERNAL_get_pixelRect
  9080. get_targetTexture
  9081. get_clearFlags
  9082. get_targetDisplay
  9083. ScreenToViewportPoint
  9084. INTERNAL_CALL_ScreenToViewportPoint
  9085. ScreenPointToRay
  9086. INTERNAL_CALL_ScreenPointToRay
  9087. get_main
  9088. get_allCamerasCount
  9089. cameras
  9090. GetAllCameras
  9091. cam
  9092. FireOnPreCull
  9093. FireOnPreRender
  9094. FireOnPostRender
  9095. ray
  9096. distance
  9097. layerMask
  9098. RaycastTry
  9099. INTERNAL_CALL_RaycastTry
  9100. RaycastTry2D
  9101. INTERNAL_CALL_RaycastTry2D
  9102. onPreCull
  9103. onPreRender
  9104. onPostRender
  9105. nearClipPlane
  9106. farClipPlane
  9107. depth
  9108. cullingMask
  9109. eventMask
  9110. pixelRect
  9111. targetTexture
  9112. clearFlags
  9113. targetDisplay
  9114. main
  9115. allCamerasCount
  9116. CameraCallback
  9117. Component
  9118. get_transform
  9119. get_gameObject
  9120. GetComponent
  9121. oneFurtherThanResultValue
  9122. GetComponentFastPath
  9123. includeInactive
  9124. GetComponentInChildren
  9125. GetComponentsInChildren
  9126. results
  9127. GetComponentInParent
  9128. GetComponentsInParent
  9129. GetComponents
  9130. searchType
  9131. resultList
  9132. GetComponentsForListInternal
  9133. get_tag
  9134. set_tag
  9135. CompareTag
  9136. SendMessageUpwards
  9137. SendMessage
  9138. parameter
  9139. BroadcastMessage
  9140. gameObject
  9141. CullingGroupEvent
  9142. m_Index
  9143. m_PrevState
  9144. m_ThisState
  9145. CullingGroup
  9146. cullingGroup
  9147. eventsPtr
  9148. SendEvents
  9149. FinalizerFailure
  9150. m_OnStateChanged
  9151. StateChanged
  9152. sphere
  9153. CursorLockMode
  9154. Confined
  9155. Cursor
  9156. get_lockState
  9157. lockState
  9158. DebugLogHandler
  9159. Internal_Log
  9160. Internal_LogException
  9161. logType
  9162. LogFormat
  9163. LogException
  9164. Debug
  9165. get_logger
  9166. LogError
  9167. LogErrorFormat
  9168. LogWarning
  9169. LogWarningFormat
  9170. s_Logger
  9171. logger
  9172. Display
  9173. nativeDisplay
  9174. get_renderingWidth
  9175. get_renderingHeight
  9176. get_systemWidth
  9177. get_systemHeight
  9178. inputMouseCoordinates
  9179. RelativeMouseAt
  9180. RecreateDisplayList
  9181. FireDisplaysUpdated
  9182. w
  9183. GetSystemExtImpl
  9184. GetRenderingExtImpl
  9185. rx
  9186. ry
  9187. RelativeMouseAtImpl
  9188. displays
  9189. _mainDisplay
  9190. onDisplaysUpdated
  9191. renderingWidth
  9192. renderingHeight
  9193. systemWidth
  9194. systemHeight
  9195. DisplaysUpdatedDelegate
  9196. GameObject
  9197. components
  9198. useSearchTypeAsArrayReturnType
  9199. recursive
  9200. GetComponentsInternal
  9201. get_layer
  9202. set_layer
  9203. SetActive
  9204. get_activeSelf
  9205. get_activeInHierarchy
  9206. componentType
  9207. Internal_AddComponentWithType
  9208. AddComponent
  9209. mono
  9210. Internal_CreateGameObject
  9211. layer
  9212. activeSelf
  9213. activeInHierarchy
  9214. Gradient
  9215. Renderer
  9216. get_sortingLayerID
  9217. get_sortingOrder
  9218. sortingLayerID
  9219. sortingOrder
  9220. Screen
  9221. get_width
  9222. get_height
  9223. get_dpi
  9224. height
  9225. dpi
  9226. RectOffset
  9227. sourceStyle
  9228. get_left
  9229. set_left
  9230. get_right
  9231. set_right
  9232. get_top
  9233. set_top
  9234. get_bottom
  9235. set_bottom
  9236. get_horizontal
  9237. get_vertical
  9238. m_SourceStyle
  9239. left
  9240. right
  9241. top
  9242. bottom
  9243. horizontal
  9244. vertical
  9245. GUIElement
  9246. GUILayer
  9247. screenPosition
  9248. HitTest
  9249. INTERNAL_CALL_HitTest
  9250. TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelperArguments
  9251. keyboardType
  9252. autocorrection
  9253. multiline
  9254. secure
  9255. TouchScreenKeyboard
  9256. textPlaceholder
  9257. Destroy
  9258. arguments
  9259. TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelper
  9260. get_isSupported
  9261. get_text
  9262. set_text
  9263. set_hideInput
  9264. get_active
  9265. set_active
  9266. get_done
  9267. get_wasCanceled
  9268. get_canGetSelection
  9269. get_selection
  9270. GetSelectionInternal
  9271. isSupported
  9272. hideInput
  9273. active
  9274. wasCanceled
  9275. canGetSelection
  9276. selection
  9277. TouchPhase
  9278. Began
  9279. Moved
  9280. Stationary
  9281. Ended
  9282. Canceled
  9283. IMECompositionMode
  9284. On
  9285. Off
  9286. TouchType
  9287. Direct
  9288. Indirect
  9289. Stylus
  9290. Touch
  9291. get_fingerId
  9292. get_position
  9293. get_phase
  9294. get_type
  9295. m_FingerId
  9296. m_Position
  9297. m_RawPosition
  9298. m_PositionDelta
  9299. m_TimeDelta
  9300. m_TapCount
  9301. m_Phase
  9302. m_Type
  9303. m_Pressure
  9304. m_maximumPossiblePressure
  9305. m_Radius
  9306. m_RadiusVariance
  9307. m_AltitudeAngle
  9308. m_AzimuthAngle
  9309. fingerId
  9310. phase
  9311. Gyroscope
  9312. Input
  9313. axisName
  9314. GetAxisRaw
  9315. buttonName
  9316. GetButtonDown
  9317. button
  9318. GetMouseButton
  9319. GetMouseButtonDown
  9320. GetMouseButtonUp
  9321. get_mousePosition
  9322. INTERNAL_get_mousePosition
  9323. get_mouseScrollDelta
  9324. INTERNAL_get_mouseScrollDelta
  9325. get_mousePresent
  9326. GetTouch
  9327. INTERNAL_CALL_GetTouch
  9328. get_touchCount
  9329. get_touchSupported
  9330. get_imeCompositionMode
  9331. set_imeCompositionMode
  9332. get_compositionString
  9333. get_compositionCursorPos
  9334. set_compositionCursorPos
  9335. INTERNAL_get_compositionCursorPos
  9336. INTERNAL_set_compositionCursorPos
  9337. m_MainGyro
  9338. mousePosition
  9339. mouseScrollDelta
  9340. mousePresent
  9341. touchCount
  9342. touchSupported
  9343. imeCompositionMode
  9344. compositionString
  9345. compositionCursorPos
  9346. LayerMask
  9347. intVal
  9348. m_Mask
  9349. Vector3
  9350. Lerp
  9351. get_normalized
  9352. lhs
  9353. rhs
  9354. Dot
  9355. Distance
  9356. Magnitude
  9357. SqrMagnitude
  9358. get_sqrMagnitude
  9359. get_zero
  9360. get_one
  9361. get_forward
  9362. get_back
  9363. get_up
  9364. get_down
  9365. kEpsilon
  9366. normalized
  9367. sqrMagnitude
  9368. one
  9369. forward
  9370. back
  9371. up
  9372. down
  9373. Quaternion
  9374. rotation
  9375. Inverse
  9376. INTERNAL_CALL_Inverse
  9377. Matrix4x4
  9378. row
  9379. GetColumn
  9380. MultiplyPoint3x4
  9381. m00
  9382. m10
  9383. m20
  9384. m30
  9385. m01
  9386. m11
  9387. m21
  9388. m31
  9389. m02
  9390. m12
  9391. m22
  9392. m32
  9393. m03
  9394. m13
  9395. m23
  9396. m33
  9397. Bounds
  9398. center
  9399. get_center
  9400. set_center
  9401. get_size
  9402. set_size
  9403. get_extents
  9404. set_extents
  9405. get_min
  9406. get_max
  9407. SetMinMax
  9408. Encapsulate
  9409. m_Center
  9410. m_Extents
  9411. extents
  9412. Mathf
  9413. Ceil
  9414. CeilToInt
  9415. FloorToInt
  9416. RoundToInt
  9417. Clamp
  9418. Clamp01
  9419. Approximately
  9420. currentVelocity
  9421. smoothTime
  9422. maxSpeed
  9423. deltaTime
  9424. SmoothDamp
  9425. InverseLerp
  9426. Keyframe
  9427. inTangent
  9428. outTangent
  9429. get_time
  9430. set_time
  9431. set_value
  9432. get_inTangent
  9433. set_inTangent
  9434. get_outTangent
  9435. set_outTangent
  9436. get_tangentMode
  9437. set_tangentMode
  9438. m_Time
  9439. m_Value
  9440. m_InTangent
  9441. m_OutTangent
  9442. tangentMode
  9443. AnimationCurve
  9444. Mesh
  9445. Internal_Create
  9446. keepVertexLayout
  9447. get_canAccess
  9448. PrintErrorCantAccessMesh
  9449. PrintErrorCantAccessMeshForIndices
  9450. PrintErrorBadSubmeshIndexTriangles
  9451. PrintErrorBadSubmeshIndexIndices
  9452. dim
  9453. arraySize
  9454. SetArrayForChannelImpl
  9455. GetAllocArrayFromChannelImpl
  9456. HasChannel
  9457. ExtractArrayFromList
  9458. submesh
  9459. GetIndicesImpl
  9460. triangles
  9461. calculateBounds
  9462. SetTrianglesImpl
  9463. SetTriangles
  9464. RecalculateBounds
  9465. get_subMeshCount
  9466. uvIndex
  9467. GetUVChannel
  9468. DefaultDimensionForChannel
  9469. GetAllocArrayFromChannel
  9470. SafeLength
  9471. valuesCount
  9472. SetSizedArrayForChannel
  9473. SetListForChannel
  9474. get_vertices
  9475. get_normals
  9476. get_tangents
  9477. get_uv
  9478. get_uv2
  9479. get_uv3
  9480. get_uv4
  9481. get_colors32
  9482. inVertices
  9483. SetVertices
  9484. inNormals
  9485. SetNormals
  9486. inTangents
  9487. SetTangents
  9488. inColors
  9489. SetColors
  9490. uvs
  9491. SetUvsImpl
  9492. SetUVs
  9493. errorAboutTriangles
  9494. CheckCanAccessSubmesh
  9495. CheckCanAccessSubmeshTriangles
  9496. CheckCanAccessSubmeshIndices
  9497. GetIndices
  9498. canAccess
  9499. subMeshCount
  9500. vertices
  9501. normals
  9502. tangents
  9503. uv
  9504. uv2
  9505. uv3
  9506. uv4
  9507. colors32
  9508. InternalShaderChannel
  9509. Vertex
  9510. Color
  9511. TexCoord0
  9512. TexCoord1
  9513. TexCoord2
  9514. TexCoord3
  9515. Tangent
  9516. InternalVertexChannelType
  9517. MonoBehaviour
  9518. Internal_CancelInvokeAll
  9519. Internal_IsInvokingAll
  9520. repeatRate
  9521. InvokeRepeating
  9522. CancelInvoke
  9523. IsInvoking
  9524. routine
  9525. StartCoroutine
  9526. StartCoroutine_Auto
  9527. StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal
  9528. StopCoroutine
  9529. StopCoroutineViaEnumerator_Auto
  9530. StopCoroutine_Auto
  9531. StopAllCoroutines
  9532. print
  9533. get_useGUILayout
  9534. set_useGUILayout
  9535. useGUILayout
  9536. ResourceRequest
  9537. m_Path
  9538. Resources
  9539. rawObjects
  9540. ConvertObjects
  9541. systemTypeInstance
  9542. GetBuiltinResource
  9543. Shader
  9544. PropertyToID
  9545. Material
  9546. get_mainTexture
  9547. nameID
  9548. SetIntImpl
  9549. GetTextureImpl
  9550. propertyName
  9551. HasProperty
  9552. Internal_CreateWithMaterial
  9553. keyword
  9554. EnableKeyword
  9555. DisableKeyword
  9556. SetInt
  9557. GetTexture
  9558. mainTexture
  9559. SortingLayer
  9560. GetLayerValueFromID
  9561. m_Id
  9562. Sprite
  9563. get_rect
  9564. INTERNAL_get_rect
  9565. get_pixelsPerUnit
  9566. get_texture
  9567. get_associatedAlphaSplitTexture
  9568. get_textureRect
  9569. INTERNAL_get_textureRect
  9570. get_packed
  9571. get_border
  9572. INTERNAL_get_border
  9573. rect
  9574. pixelsPerUnit
  9575. texture
  9576. associatedAlphaSplitTexture
  9577. textureRect
  9578. packed
  9579. border
  9580. SpriteRenderer
  9581. DataUtility
  9582. UnityEngine.Sprites
  9583. sprite
  9584. GetInnerUV
  9585. INTERNAL_CALL_GetInnerUV
  9586. GetOuterUV
  9587. INTERNAL_CALL_GetOuterUV
  9588. GetPadding
  9589. INTERNAL_CALL_GetPadding
  9590. GetMinSize
  9591. Internal_GetMinSize
  9592. Texture
  9593. Internal_GetWidth
  9594. Internal_GetHeight
  9595. get_wrapMode
  9596. get_texelSize
  9597. INTERNAL_get_texelSize
  9598. wrapMode
  9599. texelSize
  9600. Texture2D
  9601. get_whiteTexture
  9602. u
  9603. GetPixelBilinear
  9604. INTERNAL_CALL_GetPixelBilinear
  9605. whiteTexture
  9606. RenderTexture
  9607. Time
  9608. get_deltaTime
  9609. get_unscaledTime
  9610. get_unscaledDeltaTime
  9611. get_realtimeSinceStartup
  9612. unscaledTime
  9613. unscaledDeltaTime
  9614. realtimeSinceStartup
  9615. HideFlags
  9616. HideInHierarchy
  9617. HideInInspector
  9618. DontSaveInEditor
  9619. NotEditable
  9620. DontSaveInBuild
  9621. DontUnloadUnusedAsset
  9622. DontSave
  9623. HideAndDontSave
  9624. Internal_CloneSingle
  9625. worldPositionStays
  9626. Internal_CloneSingleWithParent
  9627. rot
  9628. Internal_InstantiateSingle
  9629. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_InstantiateSingle
  9630. Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent
  9631. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent
  9632. GetOffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject
  9633. EnsureRunningOnMainThread
  9634. allowDestroyingAssets
  9635. DestroyImmediate
  9636. FindObjectsOfType
  9637. set_name
  9638. DontDestroyOnLoad
  9639. get_hideFlags
  9640. set_hideFlags
  9641. DestroyObject
  9642. FindSceneObjectsOfType
  9643. FindObjectsOfTypeIncludingAssets
  9644. instanceID
  9645. DoesObjectWithInstanceIDExist
  9646. GetInstanceID
  9647. exists
  9648. CompareBaseObjects
  9649. IsNativeObjectAlive
  9650. GetCachedPtr
  9651. Instantiate
  9652. instantiateInWorldSpace
  9653. FindObjectOfType
  9654. CheckNullArgument
  9655. m_CachedPtr
  9656. OffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject
  9657. hideFlags
  9658. YieldInstruction
  9659. PlayState
  9660. UnityEngine.Experimental.Director
  9661. Paused
  9662. Playing
  9663. PlayableHandle
  9664. playable
  9665. IsValidInternal
  9666. INTERNAL_CALL_IsValidInternal
  9667. CompareVersion
  9668. m_Handle
  9669. m_Version
  9670. Playable
  9671. ScriptPlayable
  9672. OnGraphStart
  9673. OnGraphStop
  9674. OnDestroy
  9675. PrepareFrame
  9676. playerData
  9677. ProcessFrame
  9678. newState
  9679. OnPlayStateChanged
  9680. Scene
  9681. UnityEngine.SceneManagement
  9682. get_handle
  9683. LoadSceneMode
  9684. Additive
  9685. SceneManager
  9686. scene
  9687. Internal_SceneLoaded
  9688. Internal_SceneUnloaded
  9689. previousActiveScene
  9690. newActiveScene
  9691. Internal_ActiveSceneChanged
  9692. sceneLoaded
  9693. sceneUnloaded
  9694. activeSceneChanged
  9695. ScriptableRenderContext
  9696. UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
  9697. INTERNAL_get_position
  9698. get_localPosition
  9699. set_localPosition
  9700. INTERNAL_get_localPosition
  9701. INTERNAL_set_localPosition
  9702. get_rotation
  9703. INTERNAL_get_rotation
  9704. get_localRotation
  9705. set_localRotation
  9706. INTERNAL_get_localRotation
  9707. INTERNAL_set_localRotation
  9708. get_localScale
  9709. set_localScale
  9710. INTERNAL_get_localScale
  9711. INTERNAL_set_localScale
  9712. get_parent
  9713. set_parent
  9714. get_parentInternal
  9715. set_parentInternal
  9716. get_worldToLocalMatrix
  9717. INTERNAL_get_worldToLocalMatrix
  9718. TransformPoint
  9719. INTERNAL_CALL_TransformPoint
  9720. InverseTransformPoint
  9721. INTERNAL_CALL_InverseTransformPoint
  9722. get_childCount
  9723. SetAsFirstSibling
  9724. IsChildOf
  9725. GetChild
  9726. localPosition
  9727. localRotation
  9728. localScale
  9729. parentInternal
  9730. worldToLocalMatrix
  9731. childCount
  9732. outer
  9733. currentIndex
  9734. DrivenTransformProperties
  9735. AnchoredPositionX
  9736. AnchoredPositionY
  9737. AnchoredPositionZ
  9738. Rotation
  9739. ScaleX
  9740. ScaleY
  9741. ScaleZ
  9742. AnchorMinX
  9743. AnchorMinY
  9744. AnchorMaxX
  9745. AnchorMaxY
  9746. SizeDeltaX
  9747. SizeDeltaY
  9748. PivotX
  9749. PivotY
  9750. AnchoredPosition
  9751. AnchoredPosition3D
  9752. Scale
  9753. AnchorMin
  9754. AnchorMax
  9755. Anchors
  9756. SizeDelta
  9757. Pivot
  9758. DrivenRectTransformTracker
  9759. driver
  9760. rectTransform
  9761. drivenProperties
  9762. RectTransform
  9763. get_anchorMin
  9764. set_anchorMin
  9765. INTERNAL_get_anchorMin
  9766. INTERNAL_set_anchorMin
  9767. get_anchorMax
  9768. set_anchorMax
  9769. INTERNAL_get_anchorMax
  9770. INTERNAL_set_anchorMax
  9771. get_anchoredPosition
  9772. set_anchoredPosition
  9773. INTERNAL_get_anchoredPosition
  9774. INTERNAL_set_anchoredPosition
  9775. get_sizeDelta
  9776. set_sizeDelta
  9777. INTERNAL_get_sizeDelta
  9778. INTERNAL_set_sizeDelta
  9779. get_pivot
  9780. set_pivot
  9781. INTERNAL_get_pivot
  9782. INTERNAL_set_pivot
  9783. add_reapplyDrivenProperties
  9784. remove_reapplyDrivenProperties
  9785. driven
  9786. SendReapplyDrivenProperties
  9787. fourCornersArray
  9788. GetLocalCorners
  9789. GetWorldCorners
  9790. set_offsetMin
  9791. set_offsetMax
  9792. edge
  9793. inset
  9794. SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge
  9795. axis
  9796. SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors
  9797. GetParentSize
  9798. reapplyDrivenProperties
  9799. anchorMin
  9800. anchorMax
  9801. anchoredPosition
  9802. sizeDelta
  9803. pivot
  9804. offsetMin
  9805. offsetMax
  9806. ReapplyDrivenProperties
  9807. Edge
  9808. Left
  9809. Right
  9810. Top
  9811. Bottom
  9812. Axis
  9813. Horizontal
  9814. Vertical
  9815. ControllerColliderHit
  9816. get_controller
  9817. get_collider
  9818. get_rigidbody
  9819. get_point
  9820. get_normal
  9821. get_moveDirection
  9822. get_moveLength
  9823. get_push
  9824. set_push
  9825. m_Controller
  9826. m_Collider
  9827. m_Point
  9828. m_Normal
  9829. m_MoveDirection
  9830. m_MoveLength
  9831. m_Push
  9832. controller
  9833. collider
  9834. rigidbody
  9835. normal
  9836. moveDirection
  9837. moveLength
  9838. Collision
  9839. get_relativeVelocity
  9840. get_contacts
  9841. get_impulse
  9842. get_impactForceSum
  9843. get_frictionForceSum
  9844. get_other
  9845. m_Impulse
  9846. m_RelativeVelocity
  9847. m_Rigidbody
  9848. m_Contacts
  9849. relativeVelocity
  9850. contacts
  9851. impulse
  9852. impactForceSum
  9853. frictionForceSum
  9854. QueryTriggerInteraction
  9855. UseGlobal
  9856. Ignore
  9857. Collide
  9858. Physics
  9859. direction
  9860. maxDistance
  9861. Raycast
  9862. queryTriggerInteraction
  9863. hitInfo
  9864. RaycastAll
  9865. layermask
  9866. INTERNAL_CALL_RaycastAll
  9867. Internal_Raycast
  9868. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_Raycast
  9869. Internal_RaycastTest
  9870. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_RaycastTest
  9871. ContactPoint
  9872. m_ThisColliderInstanceID
  9873. m_OtherColliderInstanceID
  9874. m_Separation
  9875. Rigidbody
  9876. Collider
  9877. get_attachedRigidbody
  9878. attachedRigidbody
  9879. RaycastHit
  9880. get_distance
  9881. m_FaceID
  9882. m_Distance
  9883. m_UV
  9884. CharacterController
  9885. RaycastHit2D
  9886. get_fraction
  9887. m_Centroid
  9888. m_Fraction
  9889. fraction
  9890. Physics2D
  9891. get_queriesHitTriggers
  9892. minDepth
  9893. maxDepth
  9894. contactFilter
  9895. raycastHit
  9896. Internal_RaycastNonAlloc
  9897. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_RaycastNonAlloc
  9898. GetRayIntersectionAll
  9899. INTERNAL_CALL_GetRayIntersectionAll
  9900. GetRigidbodyFromInstanceID
  9901. GetColliderFromInstanceID
  9902. m_LastDisabledRigidbody2D
  9903. queriesHitTriggers
  9904. ContactFilter2D
  9905. CheckConsistency
  9906. SetLayerMask
  9907. SetDepth
  9908. CreateLegacyFilter
  9909. useTriggers
  9910. useLayerMask
  9911. useDepth
  9912. useOutsideDepth
  9913. useNormalAngle
  9914. useOutsideNormalAngle
  9915. minNormalAngle
  9916. maxNormalAngle
  9917. Rigidbody2D
  9918. Collider2D
  9919. ContactPoint2D
  9920. m_NormalImpulse
  9921. m_TangentImpulse
  9922. m_OtherCollider
  9923. m_OtherRigidbody
  9924. m_Enabled
  9925. Collision2D
  9926. get_otherCollider
  9927. get_otherRigidbody
  9928. otherCollider
  9929. otherRigidbody
  9930. NavMesh
  9931. UnityEngine.AI
  9932. Internal_CallOnNavMeshPreUpdate
  9933. onPreUpdate
  9934. OnNavMeshPreUpdate
  9935. AudioSettings
  9936. deviceWasChanged
  9937. InvokeOnAudioConfigurationChanged
  9938. OnAudioConfigurationChanged
  9939. AudioConfigurationChangeHandler
  9940. AudioClip
  9941. InvokePCMReaderCallback_Internal
  9942. InvokePCMSetPositionCallback_Internal
  9943. m_PCMReaderCallback
  9944. m_PCMSetPositionCallback
  9945. PCMReaderCallback
  9946. PCMSetPositionCallback
  9947. SharedBetweenAnimatorsAttribute
  9948. StateMachineBehaviour
  9949. animator
  9950. stateInfo
  9951. layerIndex
  9952. OnStateEnter
  9953. OnStateUpdate
  9954. OnStateExit
  9955. OnStateMove
  9956. OnStateIK
  9957. stateMachinePathHash
  9958. OnStateMachineEnter
  9959. OnStateMachineExit
  9960. AnimationEventSource
  9961. NoSource
  9962. Legacy
  9963. Animator
  9964. AnimationEvent
  9965. get_data
  9966. set_data
  9967. get_stringParameter
  9968. set_stringParameter
  9969. get_floatParameter
  9970. set_floatParameter
  9971. get_intParameter
  9972. set_intParameter
  9973. get_objectReferenceParameter
  9974. set_objectReferenceParameter
  9975. get_functionName
  9976. set_functionName
  9977. get_messageOptions
  9978. set_messageOptions
  9979. get_isFiredByLegacy
  9980. get_isFiredByAnimator
  9981. get_animationState
  9982. get_animatorStateInfo
  9983. get_animatorClipInfo
  9984. m_FunctionName
  9985. m_StringParameter
  9986. m_ObjectReferenceParameter
  9987. m_FloatParameter
  9988. m_IntParameter
  9989. m_MessageOptions
  9990. m_Source
  9991. m_StateSender
  9992. m_AnimatorStateInfo
  9993. m_AnimatorClipInfo
  9994. stringParameter
  9995. floatParameter
  9996. intParameter
  9997. objectReferenceParameter
  9998. functionName
  9999. messageOptions
  10000. isFiredByLegacy
  10001. isFiredByAnimator
  10002. animationState
  10003. animatorStateInfo
  10004. animatorClipInfo
  10005. AnimationClip
  10006. AnimationState
  10007. AnimatorControllerParameterType
  10008. Int
  10009. Trigger
  10010. AnimatorClipInfo
  10011. m_ClipInstanceID
  10012. m_Weight
  10013. AnimatorStateInfo
  10014. IsName
  10015. get_fullPathHash
  10016. get_nameHash
  10017. get_shortNameHash
  10018. get_normalizedTime
  10019. get_length
  10020. get_speed
  10021. get_speedMultiplier
  10022. get_tagHash
  10023. IsTag
  10024. get_loop
  10025. m_FullPath
  10026. m_NormalizedTime
  10027. m_Length
  10028. m_Speed
  10029. m_SpeedMultiplier
  10030. m_Tag
  10031. m_Loop
  10032. fullPathHash
  10033. nameHash
  10034. shortNameHash
  10035. normalizedTime
  10036. speed
  10037. speedMultiplier
  10038. tagHash
  10039. loop
  10040. AnimatorTransitionInfo
  10041. IsUserName
  10042. get_userNameHash
  10043. get_anyState
  10044. get_entry
  10045. get_exit
  10046. m_UserName
  10047. m_AnyState
  10048. m_TransitionType
  10049. userNameHash
  10050. anyState
  10051. exit
  10052. SetTrigger
  10053. ResetTrigger
  10054. get_hasBoundPlayables
  10055. StringToHash
  10056. SetTriggerString
  10057. ResetTriggerString
  10058. hasBoundPlayables
  10059. AnimatorControllerParameter
  10060. m_DefaultFloat
  10061. m_DefaultInt
  10062. m_DefaultBool
  10063. SkeletonBone
  10064. get_transformModified
  10065. set_transformModified
  10066. parentName
  10067. transformModified
  10068. HumanLimit
  10069. m_Min
  10070. m_Max
  10071. m_AxisLength
  10072. m_UseDefaultValues
  10073. HumanBone
  10074. get_boneName
  10075. set_boneName
  10076. get_humanName
  10077. set_humanName
  10078. m_BoneName
  10079. m_HumanName
  10080. limit
  10081. boneName
  10082. humanName
  10083. RuntimeAnimatorController
  10084. AnimatorControllerPlayable
  10085. GetAnimatorControllerInternal
  10086. INTERNAL_CALL_GetAnimatorControllerInternal
  10087. GetFloat
  10088. SetFloat
  10089. GetBool
  10090. SetBool
  10091. GetInteger
  10092. SetInteger
  10093. IsParameterControlledByCurve
  10094. get_layerCount
  10095. GetLayerCountInternal
  10096. INTERNAL_CALL_GetLayerCountInternal
  10097. GetLayerNameInternal
  10098. INTERNAL_CALL_GetLayerNameInternal
  10099. GetLayerName
  10100. layerName
  10101. GetLayerIndexInternal
  10102. INTERNAL_CALL_GetLayerIndexInternal
  10103. GetLayerIndex
  10104. GetLayerWeightInternal
  10105. INTERNAL_CALL_GetLayerWeightInternal
  10106. GetLayerWeight
  10107. weight
  10108. SetLayerWeightInternal
  10109. INTERNAL_CALL_SetLayerWeightInternal
  10110. SetLayerWeight
  10111. GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfoInternal
  10112. INTERNAL_CALL_GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfoInternal
  10113. GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo
  10114. GetNextAnimatorStateInfoInternal
  10115. INTERNAL_CALL_GetNextAnimatorStateInfoInternal
  10116. GetNextAnimatorStateInfo
  10117. GetAnimatorTransitionInfoInternal
  10118. INTERNAL_CALL_GetAnimatorTransitionInfoInternal
  10119. GetAnimatorTransitionInfo
  10120. GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10121. INTERNAL_CALL_GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10122. GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo
  10123. clips
  10124. GetNextAnimatorClipInfo
  10125. isCurrent
  10126. GetAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10127. INTERNAL_CALL_GetAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10128. GetAnimatorClipInfoCountInternal
  10129. INTERNAL_CALL_GetAnimatorClipInfoCountInternal
  10130. GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount
  10131. GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount
  10132. GetNextAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10133. INTERNAL_CALL_GetNextAnimatorClipInfoInternal
  10134. ResolveHash
  10135. ResolveHashInternal
  10136. INTERNAL_CALL_ResolveHashInternal
  10137. IsInTransitionInternal
  10138. INTERNAL_CALL_IsInTransitionInternal
  10139. IsInTransition
  10140. GetParameterCountInternal
  10141. INTERNAL_CALL_GetParameterCountInternal
  10142. get_parameterCount
  10143. GetParametersArrayInternal
  10144. INTERNAL_CALL_GetParametersArrayInternal
  10145. GetParameter
  10146. stateName
  10147. transitionDuration
  10148. CrossFadeInFixedTime
  10149. fixedTime
  10150. stateNameHash
  10151. CrossFadeInFixedTimeInternal
  10152. INTERNAL_CALL_CrossFadeInFixedTimeInternal
  10153. CrossFade
  10154. CrossFadeInternal
  10155. INTERNAL_CALL_CrossFadeInternal
  10156. PlayInFixedTime
  10157. PlayInFixedTimeInternal
  10158. INTERNAL_CALL_PlayInFixedTimeInternal
  10159. Play
  10160. PlayInternal
  10161. INTERNAL_CALL_PlayInternal
  10162. stateID
  10163. HasState
  10164. HasStateInternal
  10165. INTERNAL_CALL_HasStateInternal
  10166. SetFloatString
  10167. INTERNAL_CALL_SetFloatString
  10168. SetFloatID
  10169. INTERNAL_CALL_SetFloatID
  10170. GetFloatString
  10171. INTERNAL_CALL_GetFloatString
  10172. GetFloatID
  10173. INTERNAL_CALL_GetFloatID
  10174. SetBoolString
  10175. INTERNAL_CALL_SetBoolString
  10176. SetBoolID
  10177. INTERNAL_CALL_SetBoolID
  10178. GetBoolString
  10179. INTERNAL_CALL_GetBoolString
  10180. GetBoolID
  10181. INTERNAL_CALL_GetBoolID
  10182. SetIntegerString
  10183. INTERNAL_CALL_SetIntegerString
  10184. SetIntegerID
  10185. INTERNAL_CALL_SetIntegerID
  10186. GetIntegerString
  10187. INTERNAL_CALL_GetIntegerString
  10188. GetIntegerID
  10189. INTERNAL_CALL_GetIntegerID
  10190. INTERNAL_CALL_SetTriggerString
  10191. SetTriggerID
  10192. INTERNAL_CALL_SetTriggerID
  10193. INTERNAL_CALL_ResetTriggerString
  10194. ResetTriggerID
  10195. INTERNAL_CALL_ResetTriggerID
  10196. IsParameterControlledByCurveString
  10197. INTERNAL_CALL_IsParameterControlledByCurveString
  10198. IsParameterControlledByCurveID
  10199. INTERNAL_CALL_IsParameterControlledByCurveID
  10200. layerCount
  10201. parameterCount
  10202. AnimationMixerPlayable
  10203. AnimationLayerMixerPlayable
  10204. AnimationClipPlayable
  10205. get_clip
  10206. set_speed
  10207. get_applyFootIK
  10208. set_applyFootIK
  10209. get_removeStartOffset
  10210. set_removeStartOffset
  10211. GetAnimationClip
  10212. INTERNAL_CALL_GetAnimationClip
  10213. GetSpeed
  10214. INTERNAL_CALL_GetSpeed
  10215. SetSpeed
  10216. INTERNAL_CALL_SetSpeed
  10217. GetApplyFootIK
  10218. INTERNAL_CALL_GetApplyFootIK
  10219. SetApplyFootIK
  10220. INTERNAL_CALL_SetApplyFootIK
  10221. GetRemoveStartOffset
  10222. INTERNAL_CALL_GetRemoveStartOffset
  10223. SetRemoveStartOffset
  10224. INTERNAL_CALL_SetRemoveStartOffset
  10225. clip
  10226. applyFootIK
  10227. removeStartOffset
  10228. AnimationPlayable
  10229. AnimationOffsetPlayable
  10230. set_position
  10231. set_rotation
  10232. GetPosition
  10233. INTERNAL_CALL_GetPosition
  10234. SetPosition
  10235. INTERNAL_CALL_SetPosition
  10236. GetRotation
  10237. INTERNAL_CALL_GetRotation
  10238. SetRotation
  10239. INTERNAL_CALL_SetRotation
  10240. Motion
  10241. TerrainData
  10242. Internal_GetMaximumResolution
  10243. Internal_GetMinimumDetailResolutionPerPatch
  10244. Internal_GetMaximumDetailResolutionPerPatch
  10245. Internal_GetMaximumDetailPatchCount
  10246. Internal_GetMinimumAlphamapResolution
  10247. Internal_GetMaximumAlphamapResolution
  10248. Internal_GetMinimumBaseMapResolution
  10249. Internal_GetMaximumBaseMapResolution
  10250. GetAlphamapResolutionInternal
  10251. kMaximumResolution
  10252. kMinimumDetailResolutionPerPatch
  10253. kMaximumDetailResolutionPerPatch
  10254. kMaximumDetailPatchCount
  10255. kMinimumAlphamapResolution
  10256. kMaximumAlphamapResolution
  10257. kMinimumBaseMapResolution
  10258. kMaximumBaseMapResolution
  10259. Terrain
  10260. GetTerrainDataInternal
  10261. FontStyle
  10262. Bold
  10263. Italic
  10264. BoldAndItalic
  10265. TextGenerationError
  10266. CustomSizeOnNonDynamicFont
  10267. CustomStyleOnNonDynamicFont
  10268. NoFont
  10269. TextGenerationSettings
  10270. CompareColors
  10271. CompareVector2
  10272. font
  10273. color
  10274. fontSize
  10275. lineSpacing
  10276. richText
  10277. scaleFactor
  10278. fontStyle
  10279. textAnchor
  10280. alignByGeometry
  10281. resizeTextForBestFit
  10282. resizeTextMinSize
  10283. resizeTextMaxSize
  10284. updateBounds
  10285. verticalOverflow
  10286. horizontalOverflow
  10287. generationExtents
  10288. generateOutOfBounds
  10289. TextGenerator
  10290. settings
  10291. ValidatedSettings
  10292. Invalidate
  10293. characters
  10294. GetCharacters
  10295. lines
  10296. GetLines
  10297. GetVertices
  10298. GetPreferredWidth
  10299. GetPreferredHeight
  10300. PopulateWithErrors
  10301. Populate
  10302. PopulateWithError
  10303. PopulateAlways
  10304. get_verts
  10305. get_characters
  10306. get_lines
  10307. Dispose_cpp
  10308. verticalOverFlow
  10309. anchor
  10310. Populate_Internal
  10311. extentsX
  10312. extentsY
  10313. pivotX
  10314. pivotY
  10315. Populate_Internal_cpp
  10316. INTERNAL_CALL_Populate_Internal_cpp
  10317. get_rectExtents
  10318. INTERNAL_get_rectExtents
  10319. GetVerticesInternal
  10320. get_characterCount
  10321. get_characterCountVisible
  10322. GetCharactersInternal
  10323. get_lineCount
  10324. GetLinesInternal
  10325. m_LastString
  10326. m_LastSettings
  10327. m_HasGenerated
  10328. m_LastValid
  10329. m_Verts
  10330. m_Characters
  10331. m_Lines
  10332. m_CachedVerts
  10333. m_CachedCharacters
  10334. m_CachedLines
  10335. verts
  10336. rectExtents
  10337. characterCount
  10338. characterCountVisible
  10339. lineCount
  10340. TextAnchor
  10341. UpperLeft
  10342. UpperCenter
  10343. UpperRight
  10344. MiddleLeft
  10345. MiddleCenter
  10346. MiddleRight
  10347. LowerLeft
  10348. LowerCenter
  10349. LowerRight
  10350. HorizontalWrapMode
  10351. Wrap
  10352. Overflow
  10353. VerticalWrapMode
  10354. Font
  10355. get_material
  10356. HasCharacter
  10357. add_textureRebuilt
  10358. remove_textureRebuilt
  10359. InvokeTextureRebuilt_Internal
  10360. get_dynamic
  10361. get_fontSize
  10362. textureRebuilt
  10363. m_FontTextureRebuildCallback
  10364. material
  10365. dynamic
  10366. FontTextureRebuildCallback
  10367. UICharInfo
  10368. cursorPos
  10369. charWidth
  10370. UILineInfo
  10371. startCharIdx
  10372. topY
  10373. leading
  10374. UIVertex
  10375. uv0
  10376. uv1
  10377. tangent
  10378. s_DefaultColor
  10379. s_DefaultTangent
  10380. simpleVert
  10381. RectTransformUtility
  10382. screenPoint
  10383. worldPoint
  10384. ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle
  10385. localPoint
  10386. ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle
  10387. screenPos
  10388. keepPositioning
  10389. FlipLayoutOnAxis
  10390. FlipLayoutAxes
  10391. GetTransposed
  10392. RectangleContainsScreenPoint
  10393. INTERNAL_CALL_RectangleContainsScreenPoint
  10394. elementTransform
  10395. canvas
  10396. PixelAdjustPoint
  10397. INTERNAL_CALL_PixelAdjustPoint
  10398. PixelAdjustRect
  10399. INTERNAL_CALL_PixelAdjustRect
  10400. s_Corners
  10401. RenderMode
  10402. ScreenSpaceOverlay
  10403. ScreenSpaceCamera
  10404. WorldSpace
  10405. Canvas
  10406. get_renderMode
  10407. get_isRootCanvas
  10408. get_worldCamera
  10409. get_scaleFactor
  10410. set_scaleFactor
  10411. get_referencePixelsPerUnit
  10412. set_referencePixelsPerUnit
  10413. get_pixelPerfect
  10414. get_renderOrder
  10415. get_overrideSorting
  10416. set_overrideSorting
  10417. set_sortingOrder
  10418. set_sortingLayerID
  10419. get_rootCanvas
  10420. GetDefaultCanvasMaterial
  10421. GetETC1SupportedCanvasMaterial
  10422. add_willRenderCanvases
  10423. remove_willRenderCanvases
  10424. SendWillRenderCanvases
  10425. ForceUpdateCanvases
  10426. willRenderCanvases
  10427. renderMode
  10428. isRootCanvas
  10429. worldCamera
  10430. referencePixelsPerUnit
  10431. pixelPerfect
  10432. renderOrder
  10433. overrideSorting
  10434. rootCanvas
  10435. WillRenderCanvases
  10436. ICanvasRaycastFilter
  10437. sp
  10438. eventCamera
  10439. IsRaycastLocationValid
  10440. CanvasGroup
  10441. get_alpha
  10442. set_alpha
  10443. get_interactable
  10444. get_blocksRaycasts
  10445. get_ignoreParentGroups
  10446. alpha
  10447. interactable
  10448. blocksRaycasts
  10449. ignoreParentGroups
  10450. CanvasRenderer
  10451. SetColor
  10452. INTERNAL_CALL_SetColor
  10453. GetColor
  10454. INTERNAL_CALL_GetColor
  10455. EnableRectClipping
  10456. INTERNAL_CALL_EnableRectClipping
  10457. DisableRectClipping
  10458. set_hasPopInstruction
  10459. get_materialCount
  10460. set_materialCount
  10461. SetMaterial
  10462. set_popMaterialCount
  10463. SetPopMaterial
  10464. SetTexture
  10465. SetAlphaTexture
  10466. mesh
  10467. SetMesh
  10468. positions
  10469. colors
  10470. uv0S
  10471. uv1S
  10472. indicies
  10473. SplitUIVertexStreams
  10474. SplitUIVertexStreamsInternal
  10475. SplitIndiciesStreamsInternal
  10476. CreateUIVertexStream
  10477. CreateUIVertexStreamInternal
  10478. AddUIVertexStream
  10479. get_cull
  10480. set_cull
  10481. get_absoluteDepth
  10482. get_hasMoved
  10483. hasPopInstruction
  10484. materialCount
  10485. popMaterialCount
  10486. cull
  10487. absoluteDepth
  10488. hasMoved
  10489. displayIndex
  10490. get_current
  10491. Internal_MakeMasterEventCurrent
  10492. get_isKey
  10493. get_isMouse
  10494. get_rawType
  10495. Internal_GetMousePosition
  10496. get_modifiers
  10497. get_character
  10498. get_commandName
  10499. get_keyCode
  10500. Internal_SetNativeEvent
  10501. set_displayIndex
  10502. outEvent
  10503. PopEvent
  10504. s_Current
  10505. s_MasterEvent
  10506. <>f__switch$map0
  10507. isKey
  10508. isMouse
  10509. rawType
  10510. commandName
  10511. keyCode
  10512. EventType
  10513. MouseDown
  10514. MouseUp
  10515. MouseMove
  10516. MouseDrag
  10517. KeyDown
  10518. KeyUp
  10519. ScrollWheel
  10520. Repaint
  10521. Layout
  10522. DragUpdated
  10523. DragPerform
  10524. DragExited
  10525. Used
  10526. ValidateCommand
  10527. ExecuteCommand
  10528. ContextClick
  10529. MouseEnterWindow
  10530. MouseLeaveWindow
  10531. mouseDown
  10532. mouseUp
  10533. mouseMove
  10534. mouseDrag
  10535. keyDown
  10536. keyUp
  10537. scrollWheel
  10538. repaint
  10539. layout
  10540. dragUpdated
  10541. dragPerform
  10542. used
  10543. EventModifiers
  10544. Alt
  10545. Command
  10546. Numeric
  10547. CapsLock
  10548. FunctionKey
  10549. GUI
  10550. set_nextScrollStepTime
  10551. set_skin
  10552. get_skin
  10553. newSkin
  10554. DoSetSkin
  10555. func
  10556. _skin
  10557. forceRect
  10558. CallWindowDelegate
  10559. set_changed
  10560. s_ScrollStepSize
  10561. s_HotTextField
  10562. s_BoxHash
  10563. s_RepeatButtonHash
  10564. s_ToggleHash
  10565. s_ButtonGridHash
  10566. s_SliderHash
  10567. s_BeginGroupHash
  10568. s_ScrollviewHash
  10569. <nextScrollStepTime>k__BackingField
  10570. s_Skin
  10571. s_ScrollViewStates
  10572. nextScrollStepTime
  10573. skin
  10574. changed
  10575. WindowFunction
  10576. GUIContent
  10577. image
  10578. tooltip
  10579. set_image
  10580. set_tooltip
  10581. Temp
  10582. ClearStaticCache
  10583. m_Text
  10584. m_Image
  10585. m_Tooltip
  10586. s_Text
  10587. s_Image
  10588. s_TextImage
  10589. GUILayout
  10590. Height
  10591. GUILayoutOption
  10592. fixedWidth
  10593. fixedHeight
  10594. minWidth
  10595. maxWidth
  10596. minHeight
  10597. maxHeight
  10598. stretchWidth
  10599. stretchHeight
  10600. alignStart
  10601. alignMiddle
  10602. alignEnd
  10603. alignJustify
  10604. equalSize
  10605. spacing
  10606. GUILayoutGroup
  10607. get_margin
  10608. ApplyOptions
  10609. ApplyStyleSettings
  10610. ResetCursor
  10611. CalcWidth
  10612. SetHorizontal
  10613. CalcHeight
  10614. SetVertical
  10615. isVertical
  10616. resetCoords
  10617. sameSize
  10618. isWindow
  10619. windowID
  10620. m_Cursor
  10621. m_StretchableCountX
  10622. m_StretchableCountY
  10623. m_UserSpecifiedWidth
  10624. m_UserSpecifiedHeight
  10625. m_ChildMinWidth
  10626. m_ChildMaxWidth
  10627. m_ChildMinHeight
  10628. m_ChildMaxHeight
  10629. m_Margin
  10630. margin
  10631. GUIScrollGroup
  10632. calcMinWidth
  10633. calcMaxWidth
  10634. calcMinHeight
  10635. calcMaxHeight
  10636. clientWidth
  10637. clientHeight
  10638. allowHorizontalScroll
  10639. allowVerticalScroll
  10640. needsHorizontalScrollbar
  10641. needsVerticalScrollbar
  10642. horizontalScrollbar
  10643. verticalScrollbar
  10644. GUILayoutEntry
  10645. _minWidth
  10646. _maxWidth
  10647. _minHeight
  10648. _maxHeight
  10649. _style
  10650. get_style
  10651. set_style
  10652. m_Style
  10653. kDummyRect
  10654. indent
  10655. GUILayoutUtility
  10656. SelectIDList
  10657. BeginWindow
  10658. LayoutFromEditorWindow
  10659. toplevel
  10660. LayoutFreeGroup
  10661. LayoutSingleGroup
  10662. get_spaceStyle
  10663. Internal_GetWindowRect
  10664. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_GetWindowRect
  10665. Internal_MoveWindow
  10666. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_MoveWindow
  10667. s_StoredLayouts
  10668. s_StoredWindows
  10669. s_SpaceStyle
  10670. spaceStyle
  10671. LayoutCache
  10672. topLevel
  10673. layoutGroups
  10674. windows
  10675. GUISettings
  10676. get_cursorColor
  10677. get_cursorFlashSpeed
  10678. get_selectionColor
  10679. Internal_GetCursorFlashSpeed
  10680. m_DoubleClickSelectsWord
  10681. m_TripleClickSelectsLine
  10682. m_CursorColor
  10683. m_CursorFlashSpeed
  10684. m_SelectionColor
  10685. cursorColor
  10686. cursorFlashSpeed
  10687. selectionColor
  10688. GUISkin
  10689. OnEnable
  10690. CleanupRoots
  10691. get_font
  10692. set_font
  10693. get_box
  10694. set_box
  10695. get_label
  10696. set_label
  10697. get_textField
  10698. set_textField
  10699. get_textArea
  10700. set_textArea
  10701. get_button
  10702. set_button
  10703. get_toggle
  10704. set_toggle
  10705. get_window
  10706. set_window
  10707. get_horizontalSlider
  10708. set_horizontalSlider
  10709. get_horizontalSliderThumb
  10710. set_horizontalSliderThumb
  10711. get_verticalSlider
  10712. set_verticalSlider
  10713. get_verticalSliderThumb
  10714. set_verticalSliderThumb
  10715. get_horizontalScrollbar
  10716. set_horizontalScrollbar
  10717. get_horizontalScrollbarThumb
  10718. set_horizontalScrollbarThumb
  10719. get_horizontalScrollbarLeftButton
  10720. set_horizontalScrollbarLeftButton
  10721. get_horizontalScrollbarRightButton
  10722. set_horizontalScrollbarRightButton
  10723. get_verticalScrollbar
  10724. set_verticalScrollbar
  10725. get_verticalScrollbarThumb
  10726. set_verticalScrollbarThumb
  10727. get_verticalScrollbarUpButton
  10728. set_verticalScrollbarUpButton
  10729. get_verticalScrollbarDownButton
  10730. set_verticalScrollbarDownButton
  10731. get_scrollView
  10732. set_scrollView
  10733. get_customStyles
  10734. set_customStyles
  10735. get_settings
  10736. get_error
  10737. Apply
  10738. BuildStyleCache
  10739. styleName
  10740. GetStyle
  10741. FindStyle
  10742. MakeCurrent
  10743. m_Font
  10744. m_box
  10745. m_button
  10746. m_toggle
  10747. m_label
  10748. m_textField
  10749. m_textArea
  10750. m_window
  10751. m_horizontalSlider
  10752. m_horizontalSliderThumb
  10753. m_verticalSlider
  10754. m_verticalSliderThumb
  10755. m_horizontalScrollbar
  10756. m_horizontalScrollbarThumb
  10757. m_horizontalScrollbarLeftButton
  10758. m_horizontalScrollbarRightButton
  10759. m_verticalScrollbar
  10760. m_verticalScrollbarThumb
  10761. m_verticalScrollbarUpButton
  10762. m_verticalScrollbarDownButton
  10763. m_ScrollView
  10764. m_CustomStyles
  10765. m_Settings
  10766. ms_Error
  10767. m_Styles
  10768. m_SkinChanged
  10769. box
  10770. textField
  10771. textArea
  10772. toggle
  10773. window
  10774. horizontalSlider
  10775. horizontalSliderThumb
  10776. verticalSlider
  10777. verticalSliderThumb
  10778. horizontalScrollbarThumb
  10779. horizontalScrollbarLeftButton
  10780. horizontalScrollbarRightButton
  10781. verticalScrollbarThumb
  10782. verticalScrollbarUpButton
  10783. verticalScrollbarDownButton
  10784. scrollView
  10785. customStyles
  10786. SkinChangedDelegate
  10787. GUIStyleState
  10788. ProduceGUIStyleStateFromDeserialization
  10789. GetGUIStyleState
  10790. GetBackgroundInternalFromDeserialization
  10791. GetBackgroundInternal
  10792. set_textColor
  10793. INTERNAL_set_textColor
  10794. m_Background
  10795. textColor
  10796. ImagePosition
  10797. ImageLeft
  10798. ImageAbove
  10799. ImageOnly
  10800. TextOnly
  10801. GUIStyle
  10802. InternalOnAfterDeserialize
  10803. set_normal
  10804. get_hover
  10805. set_hover
  10806. get_onNormal
  10807. set_onNormal
  10808. get_onHover
  10809. set_onHover
  10810. get_onActive
  10811. set_onActive
  10812. get_focused
  10813. set_focused
  10814. get_onFocused
  10815. set_onFocused
  10816. set_border
  10817. set_margin
  10818. get_padding
  10819. set_padding
  10820. get_overflow
  10821. set_overflow
  10822. get_clipOffset
  10823. set_clipOffset
  10824. get_lineHeight
  10825. isHover
  10826. isActive
  10827. on
  10828. hasKeyboardFocus
  10829. Internal_Draw
  10830. Draw
  10831. controlID
  10832. DrawCursor
  10833. firstSelectedCharacter
  10834. lastSelectedCharacter
  10835. drawSelectionAsComposition
  10836. DrawWithTextSelection
  10837. get_none
  10838. cursorStringIndex
  10839. GetCursorPixelPosition
  10840. cursorPixelPosition
  10841. GetCursorStringIndex
  10842. GetNumCharactersThatFitWithinWidth
  10843. CalcSize
  10844. constraints
  10845. CalcSizeWithConstraints
  10846. contentSize
  10847. CalcScreenSize
  10848. get_isHeightDependantOnWidth
  10849. CalcMinMaxWidth
  10850. InitCopy
  10851. GetStyleStatePtr
  10852. INTERNAL_CALL_GetStyleStatePtr
  10853. srcStyleState
  10854. AssignStyleState
  10855. GetRectOffsetPtr
  10856. INTERNAL_CALL_GetRectOffsetPtr
  10857. srcRectOffset
  10858. AssignRectOffset
  10859. get_imagePosition
  10860. set_imagePosition
  10861. get_alignment
  10862. set_alignment
  10863. get_wordWrap
  10864. set_wordWrap
  10865. get_clipping
  10866. set_clipping
  10867. get_contentOffset
  10868. set_contentOffset
  10869. INTERNAL_get_contentOffset
  10870. INTERNAL_set_contentOffset
  10871. get_Internal_clipOffset
  10872. set_Internal_clipOffset
  10873. INTERNAL_get_Internal_clipOffset
  10874. INTERNAL_set_Internal_clipOffset
  10875. get_fixedWidth
  10876. set_fixedWidth
  10877. get_fixedHeight
  10878. set_fixedHeight
  10879. get_stretchWidth
  10880. set_stretchWidth
  10881. get_stretchHeight
  10882. set_stretchHeight
  10883. Internal_GetLineHeight
  10884. SetFontInternal
  10885. GetFontInternalDuringLoadingThread
  10886. GetFontInternal
  10887. set_fontSize
  10888. get_fontStyle
  10889. set_fontStyle
  10890. get_richText
  10891. set_richText
  10892. Internal_Draw2
  10893. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_Draw2
  10894. screenRect
  10895. SetMouseTooltip
  10896. INTERNAL_CALL_SetMouseTooltip
  10897. Internal_DrawPrefixLabel
  10898. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_DrawPrefixLabel
  10899. Internal_GetCursorFlashOffset
  10900. Internal_DrawCursor
  10901. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_DrawCursor
  10902. Internal_DrawWithTextSelection
  10903. SetDefaultFont
  10904. Internal_GetCursorPixelPosition
  10905. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_GetCursorPixelPosition
  10906. Internal_GetCursorStringIndex
  10907. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_GetCursorStringIndex
  10908. Internal_GetNumCharactersThatFitWithinWidth
  10909. Internal_CalcSize
  10910. Internal_CalcSizeWithConstraints
  10911. INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_CalcSizeWithConstraints
  10912. Internal_CalcHeight
  10913. Internal_CalcMinMaxWidth
  10914. m_Hover
  10915. m_Active
  10916. m_Focused
  10917. m_OnNormal
  10918. m_OnHover
  10919. m_OnActive
  10920. m_OnFocused
  10921. m_Border
  10922. m_Padding
  10923. m_Overflow
  10924. m_FontInternal
  10925. showKeyboardFocus
  10926. s_None
  10927. hover
  10928. onNormal
  10929. onHover
  10930. onActive
  10931. focused
  10932. onFocused
  10933. overflow
  10934. clipOffset
  10935. lineHeight
  10936. isHeightDependantOnWidth
  10937. imagePosition
  10938. alignment
  10939. wordWrap
  10940. clipping
  10941. contentOffset
  10942. Internal_clipOffset
  10943. TextClipping
  10944. Clip
  10945. GUITargetAttribute
  10946. GetGUITargetAttrValue
  10947. displayMask
  10948. ExitGUIException
  10949. GUIUtility
  10950. get_pixelsPerPoint
  10951. set_guiIsExiting
  10952. get_hotControl
  10953. get_keyboardControl
  10954. GetDefaultSkin
  10955. nativeEventPtr
  10956. ProcessEvent
  10957. skinMode
  10958. BeginGUI
  10959. layoutType
  10960. EndGUI
  10961. EndGUIFromException
  10962. EndContainerGUIFromException
  10963. ShouldRethrowException
  10964. CheckOnGUI
  10965. Internal_GetPixelsPerPoint
  10966. Internal_GetHotControl
  10967. Internal_GetKeyboardControl
  10968. get_systemCopyBuffer
  10969. set_systemCopyBuffer
  10970. Internal_GetDefaultSkin
  10971. Internal_ExitGUI
  10972. Internal_GetGUIDepth
  10973. s_SkinMode
  10974. s_OriginalID
  10975. <guiIsExiting>k__BackingField
  10976. s_EditorScreenPointOffset
  10977. pixelsPerPoint
  10978. guiIsExiting
  10979. hotControl
  10980. keyboardControl
  10981. systemCopyBuffer
  10982. ScrollViewState
  10983. SliderState
  10984. dragStartPos
  10985. dragStartValue
  10986. isDragging
  10987. TextEditor
  10988. keyboardOnScreen
  10989. hasHorizontalCursorPos
  10990. isPasswordField
  10991. scrollOffset
  10992. m_Content
  10993. m_CursorIndex
  10994. m_SelectIndex
  10995. m_RevealCursor
  10996. m_MouseDragSelectsWholeWords
  10997. m_DblClickInitPos
  10998. m_DblClickSnap
  10999. m_bJustSelected
  11000. m_iAltCursorPos
  11001. DblClickSnapping
  11002. WORDS
  11004. Internal_DrawArguments
  11005. Internal_DrawWithTextSelectionArguments
  11006. firstPos
  11007. lastPos
  11008. WebRequestUtils
  11009. UnityEngineInternal
  11010. redirectUri
  11011. RedirectTo
  11012. domainRegex
  11013. DownloadHandler
  11014. UnityEngine.Networking
  11015. DownloadHandlerAudioClip
  11016. Applet
  11017. UnityEngine.Switch
  11018. Notification
  11019. SetFocusHandlingMode
  11020. SetFocusHandlingMode_INTERNAL
  11021. GetCurrentFocusState
  11022. GetCurrentFocusState_INTERNAL
  11023. SetResumeNotificationEnabled
  11024. SetResumeNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
  11025. EnterExitRequestHandlingSection
  11026. EnterExitRequestHandlingSection_INTERNAL
  11027. LeaveExitRequestHandlingSection
  11028. LeaveExitRequestHandlingSection_INTERNAL
  11029. SetOperationModeChangedNotificationEnabled
  11030. SetOperationModeChangedNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
  11031. SetPerformanceModeChangedNotificationEnabled
  11032. SetPerformanceModeChangedNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
  11033. InvokeNotificationMessage
  11034. add_notificationMessageReceived
  11035. remove_notificationMessageReceived
  11036. notificationMessageReceived
  11037. FocusStateChanged
  11038. Resume
  11039. OperationModeChanged
  11040. PerformanceModeChanged
  11041. ExitRequest
  11042. FocusState
  11043. InFocus
  11044. OutOfFocus
  11045. FocusHandlingMode
  11046. Suspend
  11047. Notify
  11048. SuspendAndNotify
  11049. InFocusOnly
  11050. NetworkInterfaceWrapper
  11051. EnterNetworkConnecting
  11052. isLocalNetworkMode
  11053. EnterNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
  11054. WeakEnterNetworkConnecting
  11055. WeakEnterNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
  11056. LeaveNetworkConnecting
  11057. LeaveNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
  11058. IsNetworkConnecting
  11059. IsNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
  11060. WaitForNetworkConnecting
  11061. WaitForNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
  11062. IsNetworkAccepted
  11063. IsNetworkAccepted_INTERNAL
  11064. IsNetworkFinished
  11065. IsNetworkFinished_INTERNAL
  11066. GetNetworkReferenceCount
  11067. GetNetworkReferenceCount_INTERNAL
  11068. InvokeNetworkConnected
  11069. add_networkConnected
  11070. remove_networkConnected
  11071. networkConnected
  11072. NetworkConnectedResult
  11073. Pending
  11074. Denied
  11075. Accepted
  11076. NetworkConnectedHandler
  11077. SwitchFMVTexture
  11078. Destroy_INTERNAL
  11079. Create_INTERNAL
  11080. GetTexture_INTERNAL
  11081. m_image
  11082. R8G8
  11083. SwitchVideoPlayer
  11084. on_movie_event
  11085. fire_created_event
  11087. lumaTexture
  11088. chromaTexture
  11089. Init_INTERNAL
  11090. Terminate
  11091. Terminate_INTERNAL
  11092. Play_INTERNAL
  11093. Stop
  11094. Stop_INTERNAL
  11095. IsPlaying
  11096. IsPlaying_INTERNAL
  11097. flg
  11098. Pause
  11099. Pause_INTERNAL
  11100. IsPaused
  11101. IsPaused_INTERNAL
  11102. volume
  11103. SetVolume
  11104. SetVolume_INTERNAL
  11105. sec
  11106. JumpTo
  11107. JumpTo_INTERNAL
  11108. GetCurrentTime
  11109. GetCurrentTime_INTERNAL
  11110. GetVideoLength
  11111. GetVideoLength_INTERNAL
  11112. Update_INTERNAL
  11113. SetContainerType
  11114. SetContainerType_INTERNAL
  11115. GetTrackInfo
  11116. GetTrackInfo_INTERNAL_less
  11117. crop_left
  11118. crop_right
  11119. crop_top
  11120. crop_bottom
  11121. GetTrackInfo_INTERNAL_more
  11122. allocated_width
  11123. allocated_height
  11124. GetCurrentUV
  11125. GetCurrentCrop
  11126. GetCurrentCrop_INTERNAL
  11127. eventValue
  11128. FireMovieEvent
  11129. add_OnMovieEvent
  11130. remove_OnMovieEvent
  11131. get_isLooping
  11132. set_isLooping
  11133. m_VideoPlayer
  11134. m_MovieEvent
  11135. OnMovieEvent
  11136. isLooping
  11137. ContainerType
  11138. Mpeg4
  11139. Matroska
  11140. WebM
  11141. Ogg
  11142. MovieEventDelegate
  11143. eventtype
  11144. AttributeHelperEngine
  11145. GetParentTypeDisallowingMultipleInclusion
  11146. GetRequiredComponents
  11147. CheckIsEditorScript
  11148. GetDefaultExecutionOrderFor
  11149. GetCustomAttributeOfType
  11150. _disallowMultipleComponentArray
  11151. _executeInEditModeArray
  11152. _requireComponentArray
  11153. DisallowMultipleComponent
  11154. RequireComponent
  11155. requiredComponent
  11156. m_Type0
  11157. m_Type1
  11158. m_Type2
  11159. AddComponentMenu
  11160. menuName
  11161. order
  11162. m_AddComponentMenu
  11163. m_Ordering
  11164. ContextMenu
  11165. itemName
  11166. isValidateFunction
  11167. menuItem
  11168. validate
  11169. ExecuteInEditMode
  11170. DefaultExecutionOrder
  11171. get_order
  11172. <order>k__BackingField
  11173. IL2CPPStructAlignmentAttribute
  11174. Align
  11175. NativeClassAttribute
  11176. qualifiedCppName
  11177. set_QualifiedNativeName
  11178. <QualifiedNativeName>k__BackingField
  11179. QualifiedNativeName
  11180. GeneratedByOldBindingsGeneratorAttribute
  11181. UnityEngine.Scripting
  11182. SendMessageOptions
  11183. RequireReceiver
  11184. DontRequireReceiver
  11185. RuntimePlatform
  11186. OSXEditor
  11187. OSXPlayer
  11188. WindowsPlayer
  11189. OSXWebPlayer
  11190. OSXDashboardPlayer
  11191. WindowsWebPlayer
  11192. WindowsEditor
  11193. IPhonePlayer
  11194. XBOX360
  11195. PS3
  11196. Android
  11197. NaCl
  11198. FlashPlayer
  11199. LinuxPlayer
  11200. LinuxEditor
  11201. WebGLPlayer
  11202. MetroPlayerX86
  11203. WSAPlayerX86
  11204. MetroPlayerX64
  11205. WSAPlayerX64
  11206. MetroPlayerARM
  11207. WSAPlayerARM
  11208. WP8Player
  11209. BlackBerryPlayer
  11210. TizenPlayer
  11211. PSP2
  11212. PS4
  11213. PSM
  11214. XboxOne
  11215. SamsungTVPlayer
  11216. WiiU
  11217. tvOS
  11218. OperatingSystemFamily
  11219. Windows
  11220. Linux
  11221. LogType
  11222. Assert
  11223. CastHelper`1
  11224. onePointerFurtherThanT
  11225. get_red
  11226. get_white
  11227. get_black
  11228. get_clear
  11229. red
  11230. white
  11231. black
  11232. clear
  11233. Color32
  11234. SetupCoroutine
  11235. returnValueAddress
  11236. InvokeMoveNext
  11237. behaviour
  11238. WritableAttribute
  11239. AssemblyIsEditorAssembly
  11240. CameraClearFlags
  11241. Skybox
  11242. SolidColor
  11243. Depth
  11244. Nothing
  11245. TextureWrapMode
  11246. CompareFunction
  11247. UnityEngine.Rendering
  11248. Disabled
  11249. Less
  11250. Equal
  11251. LessEqual
  11252. Greater
  11253. NotEqual
  11254. GreaterEqual
  11255. ColorWriteMask
  11256. Alpha
  11257. Blue
  11258. Green
  11259. Red
  11260. StencilOp
  11261. Keep
  11262. IncrementSaturate
  11263. DecrementSaturate
  11264. Invert
  11265. IncrementWrap
  11266. DecrementWrap
  11267. KeyCode
  11268. Backspace
  11269. Tab
  11270. Return
  11271. Space
  11272. Keypad0
  11273. Keypad1
  11274. Keypad2
  11275. Keypad3
  11276. Keypad4
  11277. Keypad5
  11278. Keypad6
  11279. Keypad7
  11280. Keypad8
  11281. Keypad9
  11282. KeypadPeriod
  11283. KeypadDivide
  11284. KeypadMultiply
  11285. KeypadMinus
  11286. KeypadPlus
  11287. KeypadEnter
  11288. KeypadEquals
  11289. UpArrow
  11290. DownArrow
  11291. RightArrow
  11292. LeftArrow
  11293. Home
  11294. PageUp
  11295. PageDown
  11296. F1
  11297. F2
  11298. F3
  11299. F4
  11300. F5
  11301. F6
  11302. F7
  11303. F8
  11304. F9
  11305. F10
  11306. F11
  11307. F12
  11308. F13
  11309. F14
  11310. F15
  11311. Alpha0
  11312. Alpha1
  11313. Alpha2
  11314. Alpha3
  11315. Alpha4
  11316. Alpha5
  11317. Alpha6
  11318. Alpha7
  11319. Alpha8
  11320. Alpha9
  11321. Exclaim
  11322. DoubleQuote
  11323. Dollar
  11324. Ampersand
  11325. Quote
  11326. LeftParen
  11327. RightParen
  11328. Asterisk
  11329. Plus
  11330. Comma
  11331. Minus
  11332. Period
  11333. Slash
  11334. Colon
  11335. Semicolon
  11336. Question
  11337. At
  11338. LeftBracket
  11339. Backslash
  11340. RightBracket
  11341. Caret
  11342. Underscore
  11343. BackQuote
  11344. A
  11345. B
  11346. C
  11347. E
  11348. L
  11349. N
  11350. O
  11351. S
  11352. Z
  11353. Numlock
  11354. ScrollLock
  11355. RightControl
  11356. LeftControl
  11357. RightAlt
  11358. LeftAlt
  11359. LeftCommand
  11360. LeftApple
  11361. LeftWindows
  11362. RightCommand
  11363. RightApple
  11364. RightWindows
  11365. AltGr
  11366. Help
  11367. Print
  11368. SysReq
  11369. Menu
  11370. Mouse0
  11371. Mouse1
  11372. Mouse2
  11373. Mouse3
  11374. Mouse4
  11375. Mouse5
  11376. Mouse6
  11377. JoystickButton0
  11378. JoystickButton1
  11379. JoystickButton2
  11380. JoystickButton3
  11381. JoystickButton4
  11382. JoystickButton5
  11383. JoystickButton6
  11384. JoystickButton7
  11385. JoystickButton8
  11386. JoystickButton9
  11387. JoystickButton10
  11388. JoystickButton11
  11389. JoystickButton12
  11390. JoystickButton13
  11391. JoystickButton14
  11392. JoystickButton15
  11393. JoystickButton16
  11394. JoystickButton17
  11395. JoystickButton18
  11396. JoystickButton19
  11397. Joystick1Button0
  11398. Joystick1Button1
  11399. Joystick1Button2
  11400. Joystick1Button3
  11401. Joystick1Button4
  11402. Joystick1Button5
  11403. Joystick1Button6
  11404. Joystick1Button7
  11405. Joystick1Button8
  11406. Joystick1Button9
  11407. Joystick1Button10
  11408. Joystick1Button11
  11409. Joystick1Button12
  11410. Joystick1Button13
  11411. Joystick1Button14
  11412. Joystick1Button15
  11413. Joystick1Button16
  11414. Joystick1Button17
  11415. Joystick1Button18
  11416. Joystick1Button19
  11417. Joystick2Button0
  11418. Joystick2Button1
  11419. Joystick2Button2
  11420. Joystick2Button3
  11421. Joystick2Button4
  11422. Joystick2Button5
  11423. Joystick2Button6
  11424. Joystick2Button7
  11425. Joystick2Button8
  11426. Joystick2Button9
  11427. Joystick2Button10
  11428. Joystick2Button11
  11429. Joystick2Button12
  11430. Joystick2Button13
  11431. Joystick2Button14
  11432. Joystick2Button15
  11433. Joystick2Button16
  11434. Joystick2Button17
  11435. Joystick2Button18
  11436. Joystick2Button19
  11437. Joystick3Button0
  11438. Joystick3Button1
  11439. Joystick3Button2
  11440. Joystick3Button3
  11441. Joystick3Button4
  11442. Joystick3Button5
  11443. Joystick3Button6
  11444. Joystick3Button7
  11445. Joystick3Button8
  11446. Joystick3Button9
  11447. Joystick3Button10
  11448. Joystick3Button11
  11449. Joystick3Button12
  11450. Joystick3Button13
  11451. Joystick3Button14
  11452. Joystick3Button15
  11453. Joystick3Button16
  11454. Joystick3Button17
  11455. Joystick3Button18
  11456. Joystick3Button19
  11457. Joystick4Button0
  11458. Joystick4Button1
  11459. Joystick4Button2
  11460. Joystick4Button3
  11461. Joystick4Button4
  11462. Joystick4Button5
  11463. Joystick4Button6
  11464. Joystick4Button7
  11465. Joystick4Button8
  11466. Joystick4Button9
  11467. Joystick4Button10
  11468. Joystick4Button11
  11469. Joystick4Button12
  11470. Joystick4Button13
  11471. Joystick4Button14
  11472. Joystick4Button15
  11473. Joystick4Button16
  11474. Joystick4Button17
  11475. Joystick4Button18
  11476. Joystick4Button19
  11477. Joystick5Button0
  11478. Joystick5Button1
  11479. Joystick5Button2
  11480. Joystick5Button3
  11481. Joystick5Button4
  11482. Joystick5Button5
  11483. Joystick5Button6
  11484. Joystick5Button7
  11485. Joystick5Button8
  11486. Joystick5Button9
  11487. Joystick5Button10
  11488. Joystick5Button11
  11489. Joystick5Button12
  11490. Joystick5Button13
  11491. Joystick5Button14
  11492. Joystick5Button15
  11493. Joystick5Button16
  11494. Joystick5Button17
  11495. Joystick5Button18
  11496. Joystick5Button19
  11497. Joystick6Button0
  11498. Joystick6Button1
  11499. Joystick6Button2
  11500. Joystick6Button3
  11501. Joystick6Button4
  11502. Joystick6Button5
  11503. Joystick6Button6
  11504. Joystick6Button7
  11505. Joystick6Button8
  11506. Joystick6Button9
  11507. Joystick6Button10
  11508. Joystick6Button11
  11509. Joystick6Button12
  11510. Joystick6Button13
  11511. Joystick6Button14
  11512. Joystick6Button15
  11513. Joystick6Button16
  11514. Joystick6Button17
  11515. Joystick6Button18
  11516. Joystick6Button19
  11517. Joystick7Button0
  11518. Joystick7Button1
  11519. Joystick7Button2
  11520. Joystick7Button3
  11521. Joystick7Button4
  11522. Joystick7Button5
  11523. Joystick7Button6
  11524. Joystick7Button7
  11525. Joystick7Button8
  11526. Joystick7Button9
  11527. Joystick7Button10
  11528. Joystick7Button11
  11529. Joystick7Button12
  11530. Joystick7Button13
  11531. Joystick7Button14
  11532. Joystick7Button15
  11533. Joystick7Button16
  11534. Joystick7Button17
  11535. Joystick7Button18
  11536. Joystick7Button19
  11537. Joystick8Button0
  11538. Joystick8Button1
  11539. Joystick8Button2
  11540. Joystick8Button3
  11541. Joystick8Button4
  11542. Joystick8Button5
  11543. Joystick8Button6
  11544. Joystick8Button7
  11545. Joystick8Button8
  11546. Joystick8Button9
  11547. Joystick8Button10
  11548. Joystick8Button11
  11549. Joystick8Button12
  11550. Joystick8Button13
  11551. Joystick8Button14
  11552. Joystick8Button15
  11553. Joystick8Button16
  11554. Joystick8Button17
  11555. Joystick8Button18
  11556. Joystick8Button19
  11557. MathfInternal
  11558. FloatMinNormal
  11559. FloatMinDenormal
  11560. IsFlushToZeroEnabled
  11561. ScriptingUtils
  11562. SendMouseEvents
  11563. SetMouseMoved
  11564. skipRTCameras
  11565. DoSendMouseEvents
  11566. hit
  11567. s_MouseUsed
  11568. m_LastHit
  11569. m_MouseDownHit
  11570. m_CurrentHit
  11571. m_Cameras
  11572. HitInfo
  11573. camera
  11574. Plane
  11575. inNormal
  11576. inPoint
  11577. enter
  11578. PropertyAttribute
  11579. TooltipAttribute
  11580. SpaceAttribute
  11581. RangeAttribute
  11582. TextAreaAttribute
  11583. minLines
  11584. maxLines
  11585. RangeInt
  11586. get_end
  11587. Ray
  11588. get_origin
  11589. get_direction
  11590. GetPoint
  11591. m_Origin
  11592. m_Direction
  11593. Rect
  11594. get_x
  11595. set_x
  11596. get_y
  11597. set_y
  11598. set_width
  11599. set_height
  11600. get_xMin
  11601. set_xMin
  11602. get_yMin
  11603. set_yMin
  11604. get_xMax
  11605. set_xMax
  11606. get_yMax
  11607. set_yMax
  11608. OrderMinMax
  11609. Overlaps
  11610. allowInverse
  11611. m_XMin
  11612. m_YMin
  11613. m_Width
  11614. m_Height
  11615. xMin
  11616. yMin
  11617. xMax
  11618. yMax
  11619. SelectionBaseAttribute
  11620. SerializePrivateVariables
  11621. SerializeField
  11622. PreferBinarySerialization
  11623. ISerializationCallbackReceiver
  11624. OnBeforeSerialize
  11625. OnAfterDeserialize
  11626. StackTraceUtility
  11627. SetProjectFolder
  11628. ExtractStackTrace
  11629. IsSystemStacktraceType
  11630. exceptiono
  11631. ExtractStringFromExceptionInternal
  11632. oldString
  11633. stripEngineInternalInformation
  11634. PostprocessStacktrace
  11635. ExtractFormattedStackTrace
  11636. projectFolder
  11637. UnityException
  11638. unityStackTrace
  11639. TouchScreenKeyboardType
  11640. ASCIICapable
  11641. NumbersAndPunctuation
  11642. URL
  11643. NumberPad
  11644. PhonePad
  11645. NamePhonePad
  11646. EmailAddress
  11647. NintendoNetworkAccount
  11648. TrackedReference
  11649. PersistentListenerMode
  11650. UnityEngine.Events
  11651. EventDefined
  11652. ArgumentCache
  11653. get_unityObjectArgument
  11654. get_unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
  11655. get_intArgument
  11656. get_floatArgument
  11657. get_stringArgument
  11658. get_boolArgument
  11659. TidyAssemblyTypeName
  11660. m_ObjectArgument
  11661. m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
  11662. m_IntArgument
  11663. m_FloatArgument
  11664. m_StringArgument
  11665. m_BoolArgument
  11666. unityObjectArgument
  11667. unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
  11668. intArgument
  11669. floatArgument
  11670. stringArgument
  11671. boolArgument
  11672. BaseInvokableCall
  11673. function
  11674. ThrowOnInvalidArg
  11675. delegate
  11676. AllowInvoke
  11677. targetObj
  11678. InvokableCall
  11679. theFunction
  11680. add_Delegate
  11681. remove_Delegate
  11682. InvokableCall`1
  11683. InvokableCall`2
  11684. InvokableCall`3
  11685. InvokableCall`4
  11686. T4
  11687. CachedInvokableCall`1
  11688. argument
  11689. m_Arg1
  11690. UnityEventCallState
  11691. EditorAndRuntime
  11692. RuntimeOnly
  11693. PersistentCall
  11694. get_target
  11695. get_methodName
  11696. get_mode
  11697. get_arguments
  11698. theEvent
  11699. GetRuntimeCall
  11700. GetObjectCall
  11701. m_Target
  11702. m_MethodName
  11703. m_Mode
  11704. m_Arguments
  11705. m_CallState
  11706. PersistentCallGroup
  11707. invokableList
  11708. unityEventBase
  11709. m_Calls
  11710. InvokableCallList
  11711. call
  11712. AddPersistentInvokableCall
  11713. AddListener
  11714. RemoveListener
  11715. ClearPersistent
  11716. m_PersistentCalls
  11717. m_RuntimeCalls
  11718. m_ExecutingCalls
  11719. m_NeedsUpdate
  11720. UnityEventBase
  11721. UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize
  11722. UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize
  11723. FindMethod_Impl
  11724. GetDelegate
  11725. FindMethod
  11726. listener
  11727. DirtyPersistentCalls
  11728. RebuildPersistentCallsIfNeeded
  11729. AddCall
  11730. argumentTypes
  11731. GetValidMethodInfo
  11732. m_TypeName
  11733. m_CallsDirty
  11734. UnityAction
  11735. UnityEvent
  11736. m_InvokeArray
  11737. UnityAction`1
  11738. UnityEvent`1
  11739. UnityAction`2
  11740. UnityEvent`2
  11741. UnityAction`3
  11742. UnityEvent`3
  11743. UnityAction`4
  11744. arg3
  11745. UnityEvent`4
  11746. UnityString
  11747. Vector2
  11748. Vector4
  11749. WaitForSecondsRealtime
  11750. waitTime
  11751. ThreadAndSerializationSafeAttribute
  11752. ReadOnlyAttribute
  11753. UnityEngine.Collections
  11754. ReadWriteAttribute
  11755. WriteOnlyAttribute
  11756. DeallocateOnJobCompletionAttribute
  11757. NativeContainerAttribute
  11758. NativeContainerSupportsAtomicWriteAttribute
  11759. NativeContainerSupportsMinMaxWriteRestrictionAttribute
  11760. FrameData
  11761. m_FrameID
  11762. m_DeltaTime
  11763. m_EffectiveWeight
  11764. m_EffectiveSpeed
  11765. m_Flags
  11766. Evaluate
  11767. SeekOccured
  11768. DefaultValueAttribute
  11769. UnityEngine.Internal
  11770. DefaultValue
  11771. ExcludeFromDocsAttribute
  11772. ILogger
  11773. ILogHandler
  11774. Logger
  11775. logHandler
  11776. get_logHandler
  11777. set_logHandler
  11778. get_logEnabled
  11779. set_logEnabled
  11780. get_filterLogType
  11781. set_filterLogType
  11782. IsLogTypeAllowed
  11783. <logHandler>k__BackingField
  11784. <logEnabled>k__BackingField
  11785. <filterLogType>k__BackingField
  11786. logEnabled
  11787. filterLogType
  11788. MessageEventArgs
  11789. UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection
  11790. playerId
  11791. IEditorPlayerConnection
  11792. PlayerConnection
  11793. get_instance
  11794. messageId
  11795. MessageCallbackInternal
  11796. ConnectedCallbackInternal
  11797. DisconnectedCallback
  11798. m_PlayerEditorConnectionEvents
  11799. m_connectedPlayers
  11800. s_Instance
  11801. PlayerEditorConnectionEvents
  11802. InvokeMessageIdSubscribers
  11803. messageTypeSubscribers
  11804. connectionEvent
  11805. disconnectionEvent
  11806. MessageEvent
  11807. ConnectionChangeEvent
  11808. MessageTypeSubscribers
  11809. get_MessageTypeId
  11810. m_messageTypeId
  11811. subscriberCount
  11812. messageCallback
  11813. MessageTypeId
  11814. <InvokeMessageIdSubscribers>c__AnonStorey0
  11815. <>m__0
  11816. IRenderPipeline
  11817. get_disposed
  11818. renderContext
  11819. Render
  11820. IRenderPipelineAsset
  11821. DestroyCreatedInstances
  11822. CreatePipeline
  11823. RenderPipelineManager
  11824. get_currentPipeline
  11825. set_currentPipeline
  11826. CleanupRenderPipeline
  11827. pipe
  11828. loopPtr
  11829. DoRenderLoop_Internal
  11830. PrepareRenderPipeline
  11831. s_CurrentPipelineAsset
  11832. <currentPipeline>k__BackingField
  11833. currentPipeline
  11834. UsedByNativeCodeAttribute
  11835. RequiredByNativeCodeAttribute
  11836. MovedFromAttribute
  11837. UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating
  11838. sourceNamespace
  11839. isInDifferentAssembly
  11840. set_Namespace
  11841. set_IsInDifferentAssembly
  11842. <Namespace>k__BackingField
  11843. <IsInDifferentAssembly>k__BackingField
  11844. IsInDifferentAssembly
  11845. FormerlySerializedAsAttribute
  11846. UnityEngine.Serialization
  11847. oldName
  11848. get_oldName
  11849. m_oldName
  11850. TypeInferenceRules
  11851. TypeReferencedByFirstArgument
  11852. TypeReferencedBySecondArgument
  11853. ArrayOfTypeReferencedByFirstArgument
  11854. TypeOfFirstArgument
  11855. TypeInferenceRuleAttribute
  11856. rule
  11857. _rule
  11858. GenericStack
  11859. NetFxCoreExtensions
  11860. delegateType
  11861. UnityEngine.UI
  11862. UnityEngine.UI.dll
  11863. EventHandle
  11864. UnityEngine.EventSystems
  11865. IEventSystemHandler
  11866. IPointerEnterHandler
  11867. eventData
  11868. OnPointerEnter
  11869. IPointerExitHandler
  11870. OnPointerExit
  11871. IPointerDownHandler
  11872. OnPointerDown
  11873. IPointerUpHandler
  11874. OnPointerUp
  11875. IPointerClickHandler
  11876. OnPointerClick
  11877. IBeginDragHandler
  11878. OnBeginDrag
  11879. IInitializePotentialDragHandler
  11880. OnInitializePotentialDrag
  11881. IDragHandler
  11882. OnDrag
  11883. IEndDragHandler
  11884. OnEndDrag
  11885. IDropHandler
  11886. OnDrop
  11887. IScrollHandler
  11888. OnScroll
  11889. IUpdateSelectedHandler
  11890. OnUpdateSelected
  11891. ISelectHandler
  11892. OnSelect
  11893. IDeselectHandler
  11894. OnDeselect
  11895. IMoveHandler
  11896. OnMove
  11897. ISubmitHandler
  11898. OnSubmit
  11899. ICancelHandler
  11900. OnCancel
  11901. EventSystem
  11902. set_current
  11903. get_sendNavigationEvents
  11904. set_sendNavigationEvents
  11905. get_pixelDragThreshold
  11906. set_pixelDragThreshold
  11907. get_currentInputModule
  11908. get_firstSelectedGameObject
  11909. set_firstSelectedGameObject
  11910. get_currentSelectedGameObject
  11911. get_lastSelectedGameObject
  11912. get_isFocused
  11913. UpdateModules
  11914. get_alreadySelecting
  11915. pointer
  11916. SetSelectedGameObject
  11917. get_baseEventDataCache
  11918. RaycastComparer
  11919. raycastResults
  11920. IsPointerOverGameObject
  11921. pointerId
  11922. OnDisable
  11923. TickModules
  11924. hasFocus
  11925. OnApplicationFocus
  11926. ChangeEventModule
  11927. m_SystemInputModules
  11928. m_CurrentInputModule
  11929. <current>k__BackingField
  11930. m_FirstSelected
  11931. m_sendNavigationEvents
  11932. m_DragThreshold
  11933. m_CurrentSelected
  11934. m_HasFocus
  11935. m_SelectionGuard
  11936. m_DummyData
  11937. s_RaycastComparer
  11938. <>f__mg$cache0
  11939. sendNavigationEvents
  11940. pixelDragThreshold
  11941. currentInputModule
  11942. firstSelectedGameObject
  11943. currentSelectedGameObject
  11944. lastSelectedGameObject
  11945. isFocused
  11946. alreadySelecting
  11947. baseEventDataCache
  11948. EventTrigger
  11949. get_triggers
  11950. set_triggers
  11951. Execute
  11952. m_Delegates
  11953. triggers
  11954. TriggerEvent
  11955. eventID
  11956. EventTriggerType
  11957. PointerEnter
  11958. PointerExit
  11959. PointerDown
  11960. PointerUp
  11961. PointerClick
  11962. Drag
  11963. Drop
  11964. Scroll
  11965. UpdateSelected
  11966. Deselect
  11967. Move
  11968. InitializePotentialDrag
  11969. BeginDrag
  11970. EndDrag
  11971. Submit
  11972. Cancel
  11973. ExecuteEvents
  11974. ValidateEventData
  11975. get_pointerEnterHandler
  11976. get_pointerExitHandler
  11977. get_pointerDownHandler
  11978. get_pointerUpHandler
  11979. get_pointerClickHandler
  11980. get_initializePotentialDrag
  11981. get_beginDragHandler
  11982. get_dragHandler
  11983. get_endDragHandler
  11984. get_dropHandler
  11985. get_scrollHandler
  11986. get_updateSelectedHandler
  11987. get_selectHandler
  11988. get_deselectHandler
  11989. get_moveHandler
  11990. get_submitHandler
  11991. get_cancelHandler
  11992. eventChain
  11993. GetEventChain
  11994. functor
  11995. callbackFunction
  11996. ExecuteHierarchy
  11997. component
  11998. ShouldSendToComponent
  11999. go
  12000. GetEventList
  12001. CanHandleEvent
  12002. GetEventHandler
  12003. <s_HandlerListPool>m__0
  12004. s_PointerEnterHandler
  12005. s_PointerExitHandler
  12006. s_PointerDownHandler
  12007. s_PointerUpHandler
  12008. s_PointerClickHandler
  12009. s_InitializePotentialDragHandler
  12010. s_BeginDragHandler
  12011. s_DragHandler
  12012. s_EndDragHandler
  12013. s_DropHandler
  12014. s_ScrollHandler
  12015. s_UpdateSelectedHandler
  12016. s_SelectHandler
  12017. s_DeselectHandler
  12018. s_MoveHandler
  12019. s_SubmitHandler
  12020. s_CancelHandler
  12021. s_HandlerListPool
  12022. s_InternalTransformList
  12023. <>f__mg$cache1
  12024. <>f__mg$cache2
  12025. <>f__mg$cache3
  12026. <>f__mg$cache4
  12027. <>f__mg$cache5
  12028. <>f__mg$cache6
  12029. <>f__mg$cache7
  12030. <>f__mg$cache8
  12031. <>f__mg$cache9
  12032. <>f__mg$cacheA
  12033. <>f__mg$cacheB
  12034. <>f__mg$cacheC
  12035. <>f__mg$cacheD
  12036. <>f__mg$cacheE
  12037. <>f__mg$cacheF
  12038. <>f__mg$cache10
  12039. pointerEnterHandler
  12040. pointerExitHandler
  12041. pointerDownHandler
  12042. pointerUpHandler
  12043. pointerClickHandler
  12044. initializePotentialDrag
  12045. beginDragHandler
  12046. dragHandler
  12047. endDragHandler
  12048. dropHandler
  12049. scrollHandler
  12050. updateSelectedHandler
  12051. selectHandler
  12052. deselectHandler
  12053. moveHandler
  12054. submitHandler
  12055. cancelHandler
  12056. EventFunction`1
  12057. MoveDirection
  12058. Up
  12059. Down
  12060. RaycasterManager
  12061. baseRaycaster
  12062. AddRaycaster
  12063. GetRaycasters
  12064. RemoveRaycasters
  12065. s_Raycasters
  12066. RaycastResult
  12067. set_gameObject
  12068. get_isValid
  12069. m_GameObject
  12070. sortingLayer
  12071. worldPosition
  12072. worldNormal
  12073. isValid
  12074. UIBehaviour
  12075. Awake
  12076. IsActive
  12077. OnRectTransformDimensionsChange
  12078. OnBeforeTransformParentChanged
  12079. OnTransformParentChanged
  12080. OnDidApplyAnimationProperties
  12081. OnCanvasGroupChanged
  12082. OnCanvasHierarchyChanged
  12083. IsDestroyed
  12084. AxisEventData
  12085. eventSystem
  12086. get_moveVector
  12087. set_moveVector
  12088. get_moveDir
  12089. set_moveDir
  12090. <moveVector>k__BackingField
  12091. <moveDir>k__BackingField
  12092. moveVector
  12093. moveDir
  12094. AbstractEventData
  12095. get_used
  12096. m_Used
  12097. BaseEventData
  12098. get_selectedObject
  12099. set_selectedObject
  12100. m_EventSystem
  12101. selectedObject
  12102. PointerEventData
  12103. get_pointerEnter
  12104. set_pointerEnter
  12105. get_lastPress
  12106. set_lastPress
  12107. get_rawPointerPress
  12108. set_rawPointerPress
  12109. get_pointerDrag
  12110. set_pointerDrag
  12111. get_pointerCurrentRaycast
  12112. set_pointerCurrentRaycast
  12113. get_pointerPressRaycast
  12114. set_pointerPressRaycast
  12115. get_eligibleForClick
  12116. set_eligibleForClick
  12117. get_pointerId
  12118. set_pointerId
  12119. get_delta
  12120. set_delta
  12121. get_pressPosition
  12122. set_pressPosition
  12123. get_worldPosition
  12124. set_worldPosition
  12125. get_worldNormal
  12126. set_worldNormal
  12127. get_clickTime
  12128. set_clickTime
  12129. get_clickCount
  12130. set_clickCount
  12131. get_scrollDelta
  12132. set_scrollDelta
  12133. get_useDragThreshold
  12134. set_useDragThreshold
  12135. get_dragging
  12136. set_dragging
  12137. IsPointerMoving
  12138. IsScrolling
  12139. get_enterEventCamera
  12140. get_pressEventCamera
  12141. get_pointerPress
  12142. set_pointerPress
  12143. <pointerEnter>k__BackingField
  12144. m_PointerPress
  12145. <lastPress>k__BackingField
  12146. <rawPointerPress>k__BackingField
  12147. <pointerDrag>k__BackingField
  12148. <pointerCurrentRaycast>k__BackingField
  12149. <pointerPressRaycast>k__BackingField
  12150. hovered
  12151. <eligibleForClick>k__BackingField
  12152. <pointerId>k__BackingField
  12153. <position>k__BackingField
  12154. <delta>k__BackingField
  12155. <pressPosition>k__BackingField
  12156. <worldPosition>k__BackingField
  12157. <worldNormal>k__BackingField
  12158. <clickTime>k__BackingField
  12159. <clickCount>k__BackingField
  12160. <scrollDelta>k__BackingField
  12161. <useDragThreshold>k__BackingField
  12162. <dragging>k__BackingField
  12163. <button>k__BackingField
  12164. pointerEnter
  12165. lastPress
  12166. rawPointerPress
  12167. pointerDrag
  12168. pointerCurrentRaycast
  12169. pointerPressRaycast
  12170. eligibleForClick
  12171. pressPosition
  12172. clickTime
  12173. clickCount
  12174. scrollDelta
  12175. useDragThreshold
  12176. dragging
  12177. enterEventCamera
  12178. pressEventCamera
  12179. pointerPress
  12180. InputButton
  12181. Middle
  12182. FramePressState
  12183. Pressed
  12184. Released
  12185. PressedAndReleased
  12186. NotChanged
  12187. BaseInput
  12188. BaseInputModule
  12189. get_input
  12190. get_eventSystem
  12191. candidates
  12192. FindFirstRaycast
  12193. DetermineMoveDirection
  12194. deadZone
  12195. g1
  12196. g2
  12197. FindCommonRoot
  12198. currentPointerData
  12199. newEnterTarget
  12200. HandlePointerExitAndEnter
  12201. moveDeadZone
  12202. GetAxisEventData
  12203. GetBaseEventData
  12204. ShouldActivateModule
  12205. DeactivateModule
  12206. ActivateModule
  12207. UpdateModule
  12208. IsModuleSupported
  12209. m_RaycastResultCache
  12210. m_AxisEventData
  12211. m_BaseEventData
  12212. m_InputOverride
  12213. m_DefaultInput
  12214. PointerInputModule
  12215. GetPointerData
  12216. RemovePointerData
  12217. pressed
  12218. released
  12219. GetTouchPointerEventData
  12220. CopyFromTo
  12221. buttonId
  12222. StateForMouseButton
  12223. GetMousePointerEventData
  12224. GetLastPointerEventData
  12225. pressPos
  12226. currentPos
  12227. ShouldStartDrag
  12228. pointerEvent
  12229. ProcessMove
  12230. ProcessDrag
  12231. ClearSelection
  12232. currentOverGo
  12233. DeselectIfSelectionChanged
  12234. kMouseLeftId
  12235. kMouseRightId
  12236. kMouseMiddleId
  12237. kFakeTouchesId
  12238. m_PointerData
  12239. m_MouseState
  12240. ButtonState
  12241. get_eventData
  12242. set_eventData
  12243. m_Button
  12244. m_EventData
  12245. MouseState
  12246. AnyPressesThisFrame
  12247. AnyReleasesThisFrame
  12248. GetButtonState
  12249. stateForMouseButton
  12250. SetButtonState
  12251. m_TrackedButtons
  12252. MouseButtonEventData
  12253. PressedThisFrame
  12254. ReleasedThisFrame
  12255. buttonState
  12256. buttonData
  12257. StandaloneInputModule
  12258. get_inputMode
  12259. get_allowActivationOnMobileDevice
  12260. set_allowActivationOnMobileDevice
  12261. get_forceModuleActive
  12262. set_forceModuleActive
  12263. get_inputActionsPerSecond
  12264. set_inputActionsPerSecond
  12265. get_repeatDelay
  12266. set_repeatDelay
  12267. get_horizontalAxis
  12268. set_horizontalAxis
  12269. get_verticalAxis
  12270. set_verticalAxis
  12271. get_submitButton
  12272. set_submitButton
  12273. get_cancelButton
  12274. set_cancelButton
  12275. ProcessTouchEvents
  12276. ProcessTouchPress
  12277. SendSubmitEventToSelectedObject
  12278. GetRawMoveVector
  12279. SendMoveEventToSelectedObject
  12280. ProcessMouseEvent
  12281. ForceAutoSelect
  12282. SendUpdateEventToSelectedObject
  12283. ProcessMousePress
  12284. GetCurrentFocusedGameObject
  12285. m_PrevActionTime
  12286. m_LastMoveVector
  12287. m_ConsecutiveMoveCount
  12288. m_LastMousePosition
  12289. m_MousePosition
  12290. m_CurrentFocusedGameObject
  12291. m_HorizontalAxis
  12292. m_VerticalAxis
  12293. m_SubmitButton
  12294. m_CancelButton
  12295. m_InputActionsPerSecond
  12296. m_RepeatDelay
  12297. m_ForceModuleActive
  12298. inputMode
  12299. allowActivationOnMobileDevice
  12300. forceModuleActive
  12301. inputActionsPerSecond
  12302. repeatDelay
  12303. horizontalAxis
  12304. verticalAxis
  12305. submitButton
  12306. cancelButton
  12307. InputMode
  12308. Mouse
  12309. Buttons
  12310. TouchInputModule
  12311. get_allowActivationOnStandalone
  12312. set_allowActivationOnStandalone
  12313. UseFakeInput
  12314. FakeTouches
  12315. allowActivationOnStandalone
  12316. BaseRaycaster
  12317. resultAppendList
  12318. get_eventCamera
  12319. get_sortOrderPriority
  12320. get_renderOrderPriority
  12321. sortOrderPriority
  12322. renderOrderPriority
  12323. Physics2DRaycaster
  12324. PhysicsRaycaster
  12325. get_finalEventMask
  12326. set_eventMask
  12327. distanceToClipPlane
  12328. ComputeRayAndDistance
  12329. r1
  12330. r2
  12331. <Raycast>m__0
  12332. kNoEventMaskSet
  12333. m_EventCamera
  12334. m_EventMask
  12335. <>f__am$cache0
  12336. finalEventMask
  12337. ITweenValue
  12338. UnityEngine.UI.CoroutineTween
  12339. floatPercentage
  12340. TweenValue
  12341. get_ignoreTimeScale
  12342. get_duration
  12343. ValidTarget
  12344. ignoreTimeScale
  12345. duration
  12346. ColorTween
  12347. get_startColor
  12348. set_startColor
  12349. get_targetColor
  12350. set_targetColor
  12351. get_tweenMode
  12352. set_tweenMode
  12353. set_duration
  12354. set_ignoreTimeScale
  12355. AddOnChangedCallback
  12356. GetIgnoreTimescale
  12357. GetDuration
  12358. m_StartColor
  12359. m_TargetColor
  12360. m_TweenMode
  12361. m_Duration
  12362. m_IgnoreTimeScale
  12363. startColor
  12364. targetColor
  12365. tweenMode
  12366. ColorTweenMode
  12367. RGB
  12368. ColorTweenCallback
  12369. FloatTween
  12370. get_startValue
  12371. set_startValue
  12372. get_targetValue
  12373. set_targetValue
  12374. m_StartValue
  12375. m_TargetValue
  12376. startValue
  12377. targetValue
  12378. FloatTweenCallback
  12379. TweenRunner`1
  12380. tweenInfo
  12381. coroutineContainer
  12382. StartTween
  12383. StopTween
  12384. m_CoroutineContainer
  12385. m_Tween
  12386. <Start>c__Iterator0
  12387. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object>.get_Current
  12388. <elapsedTime>__0
  12389. <percentage>__1
  12390. $disposing
  12391. System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object>.Current
  12392. AnimationTriggers
  12393. get_normalTrigger
  12394. set_normalTrigger
  12395. get_highlightedTrigger
  12396. set_highlightedTrigger
  12397. get_pressedTrigger
  12398. set_pressedTrigger
  12399. get_disabledTrigger
  12400. set_disabledTrigger
  12401. kDefaultNormalAnimName
  12402. kDefaultSelectedAnimName
  12403. kDefaultPressedAnimName
  12404. kDefaultDisabledAnimName
  12405. m_NormalTrigger
  12406. m_HighlightedTrigger
  12407. m_PressedTrigger
  12408. m_DisabledTrigger
  12409. normalTrigger
  12410. highlightedTrigger
  12411. pressedTrigger
  12412. disabledTrigger
  12413. Button
  12414. get_onClick
  12415. set_onClick
  12416. Press
  12417. OnFinishSubmit
  12418. m_OnClick
  12419. onClick
  12420. ButtonClickedEvent
  12421. <OnFinishSubmit>c__Iterator0
  12422. <fadeTime>__0
  12423. $this
  12424. CanvasUpdate
  12425. Prelayout
  12426. PostLayout
  12427. PreRender
  12428. LatePreRender
  12429. MaxUpdateValue
  12430. ICanvasElement
  12431. executing
  12432. Rebuild
  12433. LayoutComplete
  12434. GraphicUpdateComplete
  12435. CanvasUpdateRegistry
  12436. ObjectValidForUpdate
  12437. CleanInvalidItems
  12438. PerformUpdate
  12439. ParentCount
  12440. SortLayoutList
  12441. RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
  12442. TryRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
  12443. InternalRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
  12444. RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
  12445. TryRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
  12446. InternalRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
  12447. UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild
  12448. InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
  12449. InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
  12450. IsRebuildingLayout
  12451. IsRebuildingGraphics
  12452. m_PerformingLayoutUpdate
  12453. m_PerformingGraphicUpdate
  12454. m_LayoutRebuildQueue
  12455. m_GraphicRebuildQueue
  12456. s_SortLayoutFunction
  12457. ColorBlock
  12458. get_normalColor
  12459. set_normalColor
  12460. get_highlightedColor
  12461. set_highlightedColor
  12462. get_pressedColor
  12463. set_pressedColor
  12464. get_disabledColor
  12465. set_disabledColor
  12466. get_colorMultiplier
  12467. set_colorMultiplier
  12468. get_fadeDuration
  12469. set_fadeDuration
  12470. get_defaultColorBlock
  12471. point1
  12472. point2
  12473. m_NormalColor
  12474. m_HighlightedColor
  12475. m_PressedColor
  12476. m_DisabledColor
  12477. m_ColorMultiplier
  12478. m_FadeDuration
  12479. normalColor
  12480. highlightedColor
  12481. pressedColor
  12482. disabledColor
  12483. colorMultiplier
  12484. fadeDuration
  12485. defaultColorBlock
  12486. DefaultControls
  12487. CreateUIElementRoot
  12488. CreateUIObject
  12489. lbl
  12490. SetDefaultTextValues
  12491. slider
  12492. SetDefaultColorTransitionValues
  12493. SetParentAndAlign
  12494. SetLayerRecursively
  12495. CreatePanel
  12496. CreateButton
  12497. CreateText
  12498. CreateImage
  12499. CreateRawImage
  12500. CreateSlider
  12501. CreateScrollbar
  12502. CreateToggle
  12503. CreateInputField
  12504. CreateDropdown
  12505. CreateScrollView
  12506. kWidth
  12507. kThickHeight
  12508. kThinHeight
  12509. s_ThickElementSize
  12510. s_ThinElementSize
  12511. s_ImageElementSize
  12512. s_DefaultSelectableColor
  12513. s_PanelColor
  12514. s_TextColor
  12515. standard
  12516. background
  12517. inputField
  12518. knob
  12519. checkmark
  12520. dropdown
  12521. Dropdown
  12522. get_template
  12523. set_template
  12524. get_captionText
  12525. set_captionText
  12526. get_captionImage
  12527. set_captionImage
  12528. get_itemText
  12529. set_itemText
  12530. get_itemImage
  12531. set_itemImage
  12532. get_options
  12533. set_options
  12534. get_onValueChanged
  12535. set_onValueChanged
  12536. RefreshShownValue
  12537. AddOptions
  12538. ClearOptions
  12539. SetupTemplate
  12540. GetOrAddComponent
  12541. Show
  12542. CreateBlocker
  12543. blocker
  12544. DestroyBlocker
  12545. template
  12546. CreateDropdownList
  12547. dropdownList
  12548. DestroyDropdownList
  12549. itemTemplate
  12550. CreateItem
  12551. DestroyItem
  12552. AddItem
  12553. AlphaFadeList
  12554. SetAlpha
  12555. Hide
  12556. DelayedDestroyDropdownList
  12557. OnSelectItem
  12558. m_Template
  12559. m_CaptionText
  12560. m_CaptionImage
  12561. m_ItemText
  12562. m_ItemImage
  12563. m_Options
  12564. m_OnValueChanged
  12565. m_Dropdown
  12566. m_Blocker
  12567. m_Items
  12568. m_AlphaTweenRunner
  12569. validTemplate
  12570. s_NoOptionData
  12571. captionText
  12572. captionImage
  12573. itemText
  12574. itemImage
  12575. onValueChanged
  12576. DropdownItem
  12577. get_image
  12578. get_rectTransform
  12579. set_rectTransform
  12580. m_RectTransform
  12581. m_Toggle
  12582. OptionData
  12583. OptionDataList
  12584. DropdownEvent
  12585. <Show>c__AnonStorey1
  12586. <DelayedDestroyDropdownList>c__Iterator0
  12587. FontData
  12588. get_defaultFontData
  12589. get_bestFit
  12590. set_bestFit
  12591. get_minSize
  12592. set_minSize
  12593. get_maxSize
  12594. set_maxSize
  12595. get_alignByGeometry
  12596. set_alignByGeometry
  12597. get_horizontalOverflow
  12598. set_horizontalOverflow
  12599. get_verticalOverflow
  12600. set_verticalOverflow
  12601. get_lineSpacing
  12602. set_lineSpacing
  12603. m_FontSize
  12604. m_FontStyle
  12605. m_BestFit
  12606. m_MinSize
  12607. m_MaxSize
  12608. m_Alignment
  12609. m_AlignByGeometry
  12610. m_RichText
  12611. m_HorizontalOverflow
  12612. m_VerticalOverflow
  12613. m_LineSpacing
  12614. defaultFontData
  12615. bestFit
  12616. FontUpdateTracker
  12617. TrackText
  12618. RebuildForFont
  12619. UntrackText
  12620. m_Tracked
  12621. Graphic
  12622. get_defaultGraphicMaterial
  12623. get_color
  12624. set_color
  12625. get_raycastTarget
  12626. set_raycastTarget
  12627. get_useLegacyMeshGeneration
  12628. set_useLegacyMeshGeneration
  12629. SetAllDirty
  12630. SetLayoutDirty
  12631. SetVerticesDirty
  12632. SetMaterialDirty
  12633. get_canvas
  12634. CacheCanvas
  12635. get_canvasRenderer
  12636. get_defaultMaterial
  12637. set_material
  12638. get_materialForRendering
  12639. UpdateMaterial
  12640. UpdateGeometry
  12641. DoMeshGeneration
  12642. DoLegacyMeshGeneration
  12643. get_workerMesh
  12644. vbo
  12645. OnFillVBO
  12646. OnPopulateMesh
  12647. vh
  12648. SetNativeSize
  12649. GetPixelAdjustedRect
  12650. useAlpha
  12651. CrossFadeColor
  12652. useRGB
  12653. CreateColorFromAlpha
  12654. CrossFadeAlpha
  12655. RegisterDirtyLayoutCallback
  12656. UnregisterDirtyLayoutCallback
  12657. RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback
  12658. UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback
  12659. RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback
  12660. UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback
  12661. UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.get_transform
  12662. s_DefaultUI
  12663. s_WhiteTexture
  12664. m_Material
  12665. m_Color
  12666. m_RaycastTarget
  12667. m_CanvasRender
  12668. m_Canvas
  12669. m_VertsDirty
  12670. m_MaterialDirty
  12671. m_OnDirtyLayoutCallback
  12672. m_OnDirtyVertsCallback
  12673. m_OnDirtyMaterialCallback
  12674. s_Mesh
  12675. s_VertexHelper
  12676. m_ColorTweenRunner
  12677. <useLegacyMeshGeneration>k__BackingField
  12678. defaultGraphicMaterial
  12679. raycastTarget
  12680. useLegacyMeshGeneration
  12681. canvasRenderer
  12682. defaultMaterial
  12683. materialForRendering
  12684. workerMesh
  12685. GraphicRaycaster
  12686. get_ignoreReversedGraphics
  12687. set_ignoreReversedGraphics
  12688. get_blockingObjects
  12689. set_blockingObjects
  12690. pointerPosition
  12691. m_IgnoreReversedGraphics
  12692. m_BlockingObjects
  12693. m_BlockingMask
  12694. m_RaycastResults
  12695. s_SortedGraphics
  12696. ignoreReversedGraphics
  12697. blockingObjects
  12698. BlockingObjects
  12699. TwoD
  12700. ThreeD
  12701. GraphicRegistry
  12702. graphic
  12703. RegisterGraphicForCanvas
  12704. UnregisterGraphicForCanvas
  12705. GetGraphicsForCanvas
  12706. m_Graphics
  12707. s_EmptyList
  12708. IGraphicEnabledDisabled
  12709. OnSiblingGraphicEnabledDisabled
  12710. Image
  12711. get_sprite
  12712. set_sprite
  12713. get_overrideSprite
  12714. set_overrideSprite
  12715. get_activeSprite
  12716. set_type
  12717. get_preserveAspect
  12718. set_preserveAspect
  12719. get_fillCenter
  12720. set_fillCenter
  12721. get_fillMethod
  12722. set_fillMethod
  12723. get_fillAmount
  12724. set_fillAmount
  12725. get_fillClockwise
  12726. set_fillClockwise
  12727. get_fillOrigin
  12728. set_fillOrigin
  12729. get_eventAlphaThreshold
  12730. set_eventAlphaThreshold
  12731. get_alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
  12732. set_alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
  12733. get_defaultETC1GraphicMaterial
  12734. get_hasBorder
  12735. shouldPreserveAspect
  12736. GetDrawingDimensions
  12737. toFill
  12738. lPreserveAspect
  12739. GenerateSimpleSprite
  12740. GenerateSlicedSprite
  12741. GenerateTiledSprite
  12742. vertexHelper
  12743. quadPositions
  12744. quadUVs
  12745. AddQuad
  12746. posMin
  12747. posMax
  12748. uvMin
  12749. uvMax
  12750. adjustedRect
  12751. GetAdjustedBorders
  12752. preserveAspect
  12753. GenerateFilledSprite
  12754. xy
  12755. fill
  12756. invert
  12757. corner
  12758. RadialCut
  12759. cos
  12760. sin
  12761. CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal
  12762. CalculateLayoutInputVertical
  12763. get_minWidth
  12764. get_preferredWidth
  12765. get_flexibleWidth
  12766. get_minHeight
  12767. get_preferredHeight
  12768. get_flexibleHeight
  12769. get_layoutPriority
  12770. MapCoordinate
  12771. s_ETC1DefaultUI
  12772. m_Sprite
  12773. m_OverrideSprite
  12774. m_PreserveAspect
  12775. m_FillCenter
  12776. m_FillMethod
  12777. m_FillAmount
  12778. m_FillClockwise
  12779. m_FillOrigin
  12780. m_AlphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
  12781. s_VertScratch
  12782. s_UVScratch
  12783. s_Xy
  12784. s_Uv
  12785. overrideSprite
  12786. activeSprite
  12787. fillCenter
  12788. fillMethod
  12789. fillAmount
  12790. fillClockwise
  12791. fillOrigin
  12792. eventAlphaThreshold
  12793. alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
  12794. defaultETC1GraphicMaterial
  12795. hasBorder
  12796. preferredWidth
  12797. flexibleWidth
  12798. preferredHeight
  12799. flexibleHeight
  12800. layoutPriority
  12801. Sliced
  12802. Tiled
  12803. Filled
  12804. FillMethod
  12805. Radial90
  12806. Radial180
  12807. Radial360
  12808. OriginHorizontal
  12809. OriginVertical
  12810. Origin90
  12811. BottomLeft
  12812. TopLeft
  12813. TopRight
  12814. BottomRight
  12815. Origin180
  12816. Origin360
  12817. IMask
  12818. Enabled
  12819. IMaskable
  12820. RecalculateMasking
  12821. InputField
  12822. get_mesh
  12823. get_cachedInputTextGenerator
  12824. set_shouldHideMobileInput
  12825. get_shouldHideMobileInput
  12826. get_shouldActivateOnSelect
  12827. get_caretBlinkRate
  12828. set_caretBlinkRate
  12829. get_caretWidth
  12830. set_caretWidth
  12831. get_textComponent
  12832. set_textComponent
  12833. get_placeholder
  12834. set_placeholder
  12835. get_caretColor
  12836. set_caretColor
  12837. get_customCaretColor
  12838. set_customCaretColor
  12839. set_selectionColor
  12840. get_onEndEdit
  12841. set_onEndEdit
  12842. get_onValueChange
  12843. set_onValueChange
  12844. get_onValidateInput
  12845. set_onValidateInput
  12846. get_characterLimit
  12847. set_characterLimit
  12848. get_contentType
  12849. set_contentType
  12850. get_lineType
  12851. set_lineType
  12852. get_inputType
  12853. set_inputType
  12854. get_keyboardType
  12855. set_keyboardType
  12856. get_characterValidation
  12857. set_characterValidation
  12858. get_readOnly
  12859. set_readOnly
  12860. get_multiLine
  12861. get_asteriskChar
  12862. set_asteriskChar
  12863. ClampPos
  12864. get_caretPositionInternal
  12865. set_caretPositionInternal
  12866. get_caretSelectPositionInternal
  12867. set_caretSelectPositionInternal
  12868. get_hasSelection
  12869. get_caretPosition
  12870. set_caretPosition
  12871. get_selectionAnchorPosition
  12872. set_selectionAnchorPosition
  12873. get_selectionFocusPosition
  12874. set_selectionFocusPosition
  12875. CaretBlink
  12876. SetCaretVisible
  12877. SetCaretActive
  12878. UpdateCaretMaterial
  12879. OnFocus
  12880. SelectAll
  12881. MoveTextEnd
  12882. MoveTextStart
  12883. get_clipboard
  12884. set_clipboard
  12885. InPlaceEditing
  12886. UpdateCaretFromKeyboard
  12887. LateUpdate
  12888. screen
  12889. ScreenToLocal
  12890. generator
  12891. GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition
  12892. GetCharacterIndexFromPosition
  12893. MayDrag
  12894. MouseDragOutsideRect
  12895. evt
  12896. KeyPressed
  12897. IsValidChar
  12898. GetSelectedString
  12899. FindtNextWordBegin
  12900. ctrl
  12901. MoveRight
  12902. FindtPrevWordBegin
  12903. MoveLeft
  12904. charPos
  12905. DetermineCharacterLine
  12906. originalPos
  12907. goToFirstChar
  12908. LineUpCharacterPosition
  12909. goToLastChar
  12910. LineDownCharacterPosition
  12911. MoveDown
  12912. MoveUp
  12913. ForwardSpace
  12914. SendOnValueChangedAndUpdateLabel
  12915. SendOnValueChanged
  12916. SendOnSubmit
  12917. UpdateLabel
  12918. IsSelectionVisible
  12919. GetLineStartPosition
  12920. GetLineEndPosition
  12921. caretPos
  12922. SetDrawRangeToContainCaretPosition
  12923. ForceLabelUpdate
  12924. MarkGeometryAsDirty
  12925. AssignPositioningIfNeeded
  12926. roundingOffset
  12927. GenerateCaret
  12928. CreateCursorVerts
  12929. GenerateHightlight
  12930. Validate
  12931. ActivateInputField
  12932. ActivateInputFieldInternal
  12933. DeactivateInputField
  12934. EnforceContentType
  12935. EnforceTextHOverflow
  12936. allowedContentTypes
  12937. SetToCustomIfContentTypeIsNot
  12938. SetToCustom
  12939. DoStateTransition
  12940. m_Keyboard
  12941. kSeparators
  12942. m_TextComponent
  12943. m_Placeholder
  12944. m_ContentType
  12945. m_InputType
  12946. m_AsteriskChar
  12947. m_KeyboardType
  12948. m_LineType
  12949. m_HideMobileInput
  12950. m_CharacterValidation
  12951. m_CharacterLimit
  12952. m_OnEndEdit
  12953. m_OnValidateInput
  12954. m_CaretColor
  12955. m_CustomCaretColor
  12956. m_CaretBlinkRate
  12957. m_CaretWidth
  12958. m_ReadOnly
  12959. m_CaretPosition
  12960. m_CaretSelectPosition
  12961. caretRectTrans
  12962. m_CursorVerts
  12963. m_InputTextCache
  12964. m_CachedInputRenderer
  12965. m_PreventFontCallback
  12966. m_Mesh
  12967. m_AllowInput
  12968. m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate
  12969. m_UpdateDrag
  12970. m_DragPositionOutOfBounds
  12971. kHScrollSpeed
  12972. kVScrollSpeed
  12973. m_CaretVisible
  12974. m_BlinkCoroutine
  12975. m_BlinkStartTime
  12976. m_DrawStart
  12977. m_DrawEnd
  12978. m_DragCoroutine
  12979. m_OriginalText
  12980. m_WasCanceled
  12981. m_HasDoneFocusTransition
  12982. kEmailSpecialCharacters
  12983. m_ProcessingEvent
  12984. cachedInputTextGenerator
  12985. shouldHideMobileInput
  12986. shouldActivateOnSelect
  12987. caretBlinkRate
  12988. caretWidth
  12989. textComponent
  12990. placeholder
  12991. caretColor
  12992. customCaretColor
  12993. onEndEdit
  12994. onValueChange
  12995. onValidateInput
  12996. characterLimit
  12997. lineType
  12998. inputType
  12999. characterValidation
  13000. asteriskChar
  13001. caretPositionInternal
  13002. caretSelectPositionInternal
  13003. hasSelection
  13004. caretPosition
  13005. selectionAnchorPosition
  13006. selectionFocusPosition
  13007. clipboard
  13008. Autocorrected
  13009. IntegerNumber
  13010. DecimalNumber
  13011. Alphanumeric
  13012. Pin
  13013. InputType
  13014. AutoCorrect
  13015. CharacterValidation
  13016. LineType
  13017. SingleLine
  13018. MultiLineSubmit
  13019. MultiLineNewline
  13020. OnValidateInput
  13021. addedChar
  13022. SubmitEvent
  13023. OnChangeEvent
  13024. EditState
  13025. Continue
  13026. Finish
  13027. <CaretBlink>c__Iterator0
  13028. <blinkPeriod>__1
  13029. <blinkState>__1
  13030. <MouseDragOutsideRect>c__Iterator1
  13031. <localMousePos>__1
  13032. <rect>__1
  13033. <delay>__1
  13034. Mask
  13035. get_showMaskGraphic
  13036. set_showMaskGraphic
  13037. get_graphic
  13038. MaskEnabled
  13039. baseMaterial
  13040. GetModifiedMaterial
  13041. m_ShowMaskGraphic
  13042. m_Graphic
  13043. m_MaskMaterial
  13044. m_UnmaskMaterial
  13045. showMaskGraphic
  13046. MaskableGraphic
  13047. get_onCullStateChanged
  13048. set_onCullStateChanged
  13049. get_maskable
  13050. set_maskable
  13051. clipRect
  13052. validRect
  13053. Cull
  13054. UpdateCull
  13055. SetClipRect
  13056. ParentMaskStateChanged
  13057. get_rootCanvasRect
  13058. UpdateClipParent
  13059. RecalculateClipping
  13060. UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.get_gameObject
  13061. m_ShouldRecalculateStencil
  13062. m_ParentMask
  13063. m_Maskable
  13064. m_IncludeForMasking
  13065. m_OnCullStateChanged
  13066. m_ShouldRecalculate
  13067. m_StencilValue
  13068. m_Corners
  13069. onCullStateChanged
  13070. maskable
  13071. rootCanvasRect
  13072. CullStateChangedEvent
  13073. MaskUtilities
  13074. Notify2DMaskStateChanged
  13075. NotifyStencilStateChanged
  13076. FindRootSortOverrideCanvas
  13077. stopAfter
  13078. GetStencilDepth
  13079. father
  13080. IsDescendantOrSelf
  13081. clippable
  13082. GetRectMaskForClippable
  13083. clipper
  13084. masks
  13085. GetRectMasksForClip
  13086. Misc
  13087. Navigation
  13088. set_mode
  13089. get_selectOnUp
  13090. set_selectOnUp
  13091. get_selectOnDown
  13092. set_selectOnDown
  13093. get_selectOnLeft
  13094. set_selectOnLeft
  13095. get_selectOnRight
  13096. set_selectOnRight
  13097. get_defaultNavigation
  13098. m_SelectOnUp
  13099. m_SelectOnDown
  13100. m_SelectOnLeft
  13101. m_SelectOnRight
  13102. selectOnUp
  13103. selectOnDown
  13104. selectOnLeft
  13105. selectOnRight
  13106. defaultNavigation
  13107. Automatic
  13108. RawImage
  13109. set_texture
  13110. get_uvRect
  13111. set_uvRect
  13112. m_Texture
  13113. m_UVRect
  13114. uvRect
  13115. RectMask2D
  13116. get_canvasRect
  13117. PerformClipping
  13118. AddClippable
  13119. RemoveClippable
  13120. m_VertexClipper
  13121. m_ClipTargets
  13122. m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects
  13123. m_Clippers
  13124. m_LastClipRectCanvasSpace
  13125. m_LastValidClipRect
  13126. m_ForceClip
  13127. canvasRect
  13128. Scrollbar
  13129. get_handleRect
  13130. set_handleRect
  13131. set_direction
  13132. get_numberOfSteps
  13133. set_numberOfSteps
  13134. get_stepSize
  13135. UpdateCachedReferences
  13136. sendCallback
  13137. get_axis
  13138. get_reverseValue
  13139. UpdateVisuals
  13140. UpdateDrag
  13141. ClickRepeat
  13142. FindSelectableOnLeft
  13143. FindSelectableOnRight
  13144. FindSelectableOnUp
  13145. FindSelectableOnDown
  13146. includeRectLayouts
  13147. SetDirection
  13148. m_HandleRect
  13149. m_Size
  13150. m_NumberOfSteps
  13151. m_ContainerRect
  13152. m_Offset
  13153. m_Tracker
  13154. m_PointerDownRepeat
  13155. isPointerDownAndNotDragging
  13156. handleRect
  13157. numberOfSteps
  13158. stepSize
  13159. reverseValue
  13160. Direction
  13161. LeftToRight
  13162. BottomToTop
  13163. TopToBottom
  13164. ScrollEvent
  13165. <ClickRepeat>c__Iterator0
  13166. ScrollRect
  13167. get_content
  13168. set_content
  13169. set_horizontal
  13170. set_vertical
  13171. get_movementType
  13172. set_movementType
  13173. get_elasticity
  13174. set_elasticity
  13175. get_inertia
  13176. set_inertia
  13177. get_decelerationRate
  13178. set_decelerationRate
  13179. get_scrollSensitivity
  13180. set_scrollSensitivity
  13181. get_viewport
  13182. set_viewport
  13183. get_horizontalScrollbarVisibility
  13184. set_horizontalScrollbarVisibility
  13185. get_verticalScrollbarVisibility
  13186. set_verticalScrollbarVisibility
  13187. get_horizontalScrollbarSpacing
  13188. set_horizontalScrollbarSpacing
  13189. get_verticalScrollbarSpacing
  13190. set_verticalScrollbarSpacing
  13191. get_viewRect
  13192. get_velocity
  13193. set_velocity
  13194. UpdateCachedData
  13195. EnsureLayoutHasRebuilt
  13196. StopMovement
  13197. SetContentAnchoredPosition
  13198. UpdatePrevData
  13199. UpdateScrollbars
  13200. get_normalizedPosition
  13201. set_normalizedPosition
  13202. get_horizontalNormalizedPosition
  13203. set_horizontalNormalizedPosition
  13204. get_verticalNormalizedPosition
  13205. set_verticalNormalizedPosition
  13206. SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition
  13207. SetVerticalNormalizedPosition
  13208. SetNormalizedPosition
  13209. overStretching
  13210. viewSize
  13211. RubberDelta
  13212. get_hScrollingNeeded
  13213. get_vScrollingNeeded
  13214. SetLayoutHorizontal
  13215. SetLayoutVertical
  13216. UpdateScrollbarVisibility
  13217. xScrollingNeeded
  13218. xAxisEnabled
  13219. scrollbarVisibility
  13220. scrollbar
  13221. UpdateOneScrollbarVisibility
  13222. UpdateScrollbarLayout
  13223. UpdateBounds
  13224. viewBounds
  13225. contentPivot
  13226. contentPos
  13227. AdjustBounds
  13228. GetBounds
  13229. corners
  13230. viewWorldToLocalMatrix
  13231. InternalGetBounds
  13232. CalculateOffset
  13233. contentBounds
  13234. movementType
  13235. InternalCalculateOffset
  13236. SetDirty
  13237. SetDirtyCaching
  13238. m_Horizontal
  13239. m_Vertical
  13240. m_MovementType
  13241. m_Elasticity
  13242. m_Inertia
  13243. m_DecelerationRate
  13244. m_ScrollSensitivity
  13245. m_Viewport
  13246. m_HorizontalScrollbar
  13247. m_VerticalScrollbar
  13248. m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility
  13249. m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility
  13250. m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing
  13251. m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing
  13252. m_PointerStartLocalCursor
  13253. m_ContentStartPosition
  13254. m_ViewRect
  13255. m_ContentBounds
  13256. m_ViewBounds
  13257. m_Velocity
  13258. m_Dragging
  13259. m_PrevPosition
  13260. m_PrevContentBounds
  13261. m_PrevViewBounds
  13262. m_HasRebuiltLayout
  13263. m_HSliderExpand
  13264. m_VSliderExpand
  13265. m_HSliderHeight
  13266. m_VSliderWidth
  13267. m_Rect
  13268. m_HorizontalScrollbarRect
  13269. m_VerticalScrollbarRect
  13270. elasticity
  13271. inertia
  13272. decelerationRate
  13273. scrollSensitivity
  13274. viewport
  13275. horizontalScrollbarVisibility
  13276. verticalScrollbarVisibility
  13277. horizontalScrollbarSpacing
  13278. verticalScrollbarSpacing
  13279. viewRect
  13280. velocity
  13281. normalizedPosition
  13282. horizontalNormalizedPosition
  13283. verticalNormalizedPosition
  13284. hScrollingNeeded
  13285. vScrollingNeeded
  13286. MovementType
  13287. Unrestricted
  13288. Elastic
  13289. Clamped
  13290. ScrollbarVisibility
  13291. Permanent
  13292. AutoHide
  13293. AutoHideAndExpandViewport
  13294. ScrollRectEvent
  13295. Selectable
  13296. get_allSelectables
  13297. get_navigation
  13298. set_navigation
  13299. get_transition
  13300. set_transition
  13301. get_colors
  13302. set_colors
  13303. get_spriteState
  13304. set_spriteState
  13305. get_animationTriggers
  13306. set_animationTriggers
  13307. get_targetGraphic
  13308. set_targetGraphic
  13309. set_interactable
  13310. get_isPointerInside
  13311. set_isPointerInside
  13312. get_isPointerDown
  13313. set_isPointerDown
  13314. set_hasSelection
  13315. get_animator
  13316. IsInteractable
  13317. OnSetProperty
  13318. get_currentSelectionState
  13319. InstantClearState
  13320. FindSelectable
  13321. GetPointOnRectEdge
  13322. sel
  13323. Navigate
  13324. StartColorTween
  13325. newSprite
  13326. DoSpriteSwap
  13327. triggername
  13328. TriggerAnimation
  13329. IsHighlighted
  13330. IsPressed
  13331. UpdateSelectionState
  13332. EvaluateAndTransitionToSelectionState
  13333. InternalEvaluateAndTransitionToSelectionState
  13334. s_List
  13335. m_Navigation
  13336. m_Transition
  13337. m_Colors
  13338. m_SpriteState
  13339. m_AnimationTriggers
  13340. m_Interactable
  13341. m_TargetGraphic
  13342. m_GroupsAllowInteraction
  13343. m_CurrentSelectionState
  13344. <isPointerInside>k__BackingField
  13345. <isPointerDown>k__BackingField
  13346. <hasSelection>k__BackingField
  13347. m_CanvasGroupCache
  13348. allSelectables
  13349. navigation
  13350. transition
  13351. spriteState
  13352. animationTriggers
  13353. targetGraphic
  13354. isPointerInside
  13355. isPointerDown
  13356. currentSelectionState
  13357. Transition
  13358. ColorTint
  13359. SpriteSwap
  13360. Animation
  13361. SelectionState
  13362. Highlighted
  13363. SetPropertyUtility
  13364. SetStruct
  13365. SetClass
  13366. Slider
  13367. get_fillRect
  13368. set_fillRect
  13369. get_minValue
  13370. set_minValue
  13371. get_maxValue
  13372. set_maxValue
  13373. get_wholeNumbers
  13374. set_wholeNumbers
  13375. get_normalizedValue
  13376. set_normalizedValue
  13377. ClampValue
  13378. m_FillRect
  13379. m_MinValue
  13380. m_MaxValue
  13381. m_WholeNumbers
  13382. m_FillImage
  13383. m_FillTransform
  13384. m_FillContainerRect
  13385. m_HandleTransform
  13386. m_HandleContainerRect
  13387. fillRect
  13388. minValue
  13389. maxValue
  13390. wholeNumbers
  13391. normalizedValue
  13392. SliderEvent
  13393. SpriteState
  13394. get_highlightedSprite
  13395. set_highlightedSprite
  13396. get_pressedSprite
  13397. set_pressedSprite
  13398. get_disabledSprite
  13399. set_disabledSprite
  13400. m_HighlightedSprite
  13401. m_PressedSprite
  13402. m_DisabledSprite
  13403. highlightedSprite
  13404. pressedSprite
  13405. disabledSprite
  13406. StencilMaterial
  13407. baseMat
  13408. stencilID
  13409. operation
  13410. compareFunction
  13411. colorWriteMask
  13412. readMask
  13413. writeMask
  13414. customMat
  13415. ClearAll
  13416. m_List
  13417. MatEntry
  13418. stencilId
  13419. useAlphaClip
  13420. colorMask
  13421. get_cachedTextGenerator
  13422. get_cachedTextGeneratorForLayout
  13423. FontTextureChanged
  13424. get_supportRichText
  13425. set_supportRichText
  13426. get_resizeTextForBestFit
  13427. set_resizeTextForBestFit
  13428. get_resizeTextMinSize
  13429. set_resizeTextMinSize
  13430. get_resizeTextMaxSize
  13431. set_resizeTextMaxSize
  13432. AssignDefaultFont
  13433. GetGenerationSettings
  13434. GetTextAnchorPivot
  13435. m_FontData
  13436. m_TextCache
  13437. m_TextCacheForLayout
  13438. s_DefaultText
  13439. m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback
  13440. m_TempVerts
  13441. cachedTextGenerator
  13442. cachedTextGeneratorForLayout
  13443. supportRichText
  13444. Toggle
  13445. get_group
  13446. set_group
  13447. newGroup
  13448. setMemberValue
  13449. SetToggleGroup
  13450. get_isOn
  13451. set_isOn
  13452. PlayEffect
  13453. InternalToggle
  13454. toggleTransition
  13455. m_Group
  13456. m_IsOn
  13457. isOn
  13458. ToggleTransition
  13459. Fade
  13460. ToggleEvent
  13461. ToggleGroup
  13462. get_allowSwitchOff
  13463. set_allowSwitchOff
  13464. ValidateToggleIsInGroup
  13465. NotifyToggleOn
  13466. UnregisterToggle
  13467. RegisterToggle
  13468. AnyTogglesOn
  13469. ActiveToggles
  13470. SetAllTogglesOff
  13471. <AnyTogglesOn>m__0
  13472. <ActiveToggles>m__1
  13473. m_AllowSwitchOff
  13474. m_Toggles
  13475. <>f__am$cache1
  13476. allowSwitchOff
  13477. ClipperRegistry
  13478. Register
  13479. Clipping
  13480. rectMaskParents
  13481. FindCullAndClipWorldRect
  13482. RectIntersect
  13483. IClipper
  13484. IClippable
  13485. RectangularVertexClipper
  13486. GetCanvasRect
  13487. m_WorldCorners
  13488. m_CanvasCorners
  13489. AspectRatioFitter
  13490. get_aspectMode
  13491. set_aspectMode
  13492. get_aspectRatio
  13493. set_aspectRatio
  13494. UpdateRect
  13495. GetSizeDeltaToProduceSize
  13496. m_AspectMode
  13497. m_AspectRatio
  13498. aspectMode
  13499. aspectRatio
  13500. AspectMode
  13501. WidthControlsHeight
  13502. HeightControlsWidth
  13503. FitInParent
  13504. EnvelopeParent
  13505. CanvasScaler
  13506. get_uiScaleMode
  13507. set_uiScaleMode
  13508. get_referenceResolution
  13509. set_referenceResolution
  13510. get_screenMatchMode
  13511. set_screenMatchMode
  13512. get_matchWidthOrHeight
  13513. set_matchWidthOrHeight
  13514. get_physicalUnit
  13515. set_physicalUnit
  13516. get_fallbackScreenDPI
  13517. set_fallbackScreenDPI
  13518. get_defaultSpriteDPI
  13519. set_defaultSpriteDPI
  13520. get_dynamicPixelsPerUnit
  13521. set_dynamicPixelsPerUnit
  13522. HandleWorldCanvas
  13523. HandleConstantPixelSize
  13524. HandleScaleWithScreenSize
  13525. HandleConstantPhysicalSize
  13526. SetScaleFactor
  13527. SetReferencePixelsPerUnit
  13528. m_UiScaleMode
  13529. m_ReferencePixelsPerUnit
  13530. m_ScaleFactor
  13531. m_ReferenceResolution
  13532. m_ScreenMatchMode
  13533. m_MatchWidthOrHeight
  13534. kLogBase
  13535. m_PhysicalUnit
  13536. m_FallbackScreenDPI
  13537. m_DefaultSpriteDPI
  13538. m_DynamicPixelsPerUnit
  13539. m_PrevScaleFactor
  13540. m_PrevReferencePixelsPerUnit
  13541. uiScaleMode
  13542. referenceResolution
  13543. screenMatchMode
  13544. matchWidthOrHeight
  13545. physicalUnit
  13546. fallbackScreenDPI
  13547. defaultSpriteDPI
  13548. dynamicPixelsPerUnit
  13549. ScaleMode
  13550. ConstantPixelSize
  13551. ScaleWithScreenSize
  13552. ConstantPhysicalSize
  13553. ScreenMatchMode
  13554. MatchWidthOrHeight
  13555. Shrink
  13556. Unit
  13557. Centimeters
  13558. Millimeters
  13559. Inches
  13560. Points
  13561. Picas
  13562. ContentSizeFitter
  13563. get_horizontalFit
  13564. set_horizontalFit
  13565. get_verticalFit
  13566. set_verticalFit
  13567. HandleSelfFittingAlongAxis
  13568. m_HorizontalFit
  13569. m_VerticalFit
  13570. horizontalFit
  13571. verticalFit
  13572. FitMode
  13573. Unconstrained
  13574. PreferredSize
  13575. GridLayoutGroup
  13576. get_startCorner
  13577. set_startCorner
  13578. get_startAxis
  13579. set_startAxis
  13580. get_cellSize
  13581. set_cellSize
  13582. get_spacing
  13583. set_spacing
  13584. get_constraint
  13585. set_constraint
  13586. get_constraintCount
  13587. set_constraintCount
  13588. SetCellsAlongAxis
  13589. m_StartCorner
  13590. m_StartAxis
  13591. m_CellSize
  13592. m_Spacing
  13593. m_Constraint
  13594. m_ConstraintCount
  13595. startCorner
  13596. startAxis
  13597. cellSize
  13598. constraint
  13599. constraintCount
  13600. Corner
  13601. Constraint
  13602. Flexible
  13603. FixedColumnCount
  13604. FixedRowCount
  13605. HorizontalLayoutGroup
  13606. HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup
  13607. get_childForceExpandWidth
  13608. set_childForceExpandWidth
  13609. get_childForceExpandHeight
  13610. set_childForceExpandHeight
  13611. get_childControlWidth
  13612. set_childControlWidth
  13613. get_childControlHeight
  13614. set_childControlHeight
  13615. CalcAlongAxis
  13616. SetChildrenAlongAxis
  13617. controlSize
  13618. childForceExpand
  13619. preferred
  13620. flexible
  13621. GetChildSizes
  13622. m_ChildForceExpandWidth
  13623. m_ChildForceExpandHeight
  13624. m_ChildControlWidth
  13625. m_ChildControlHeight
  13626. childForceExpandWidth
  13627. childForceExpandHeight
  13628. childControlWidth
  13629. childControlHeight
  13630. ILayoutElement
  13631. ILayoutController
  13632. ILayoutGroup
  13633. ILayoutSelfController
  13634. ILayoutIgnorer
  13635. get_ignoreLayout
  13636. ignoreLayout
  13637. LayoutElement
  13638. set_ignoreLayout
  13639. set_minWidth
  13640. set_minHeight
  13641. set_preferredWidth
  13642. set_preferredHeight
  13643. set_flexibleWidth
  13644. set_flexibleHeight
  13645. m_IgnoreLayout
  13646. m_MinWidth
  13647. m_MinHeight
  13648. m_PreferredWidth
  13649. m_PreferredHeight
  13650. m_FlexibleWidth
  13651. m_FlexibleHeight
  13652. LayoutGroup
  13653. get_childAlignment
  13654. set_childAlignment
  13655. get_rectChildren
  13656. GetTotalMinSize
  13657. GetTotalPreferredSize
  13658. GetTotalFlexibleSize
  13659. requiredSpaceWithoutPadding
  13660. GetStartOffset
  13661. GetAlignmentOnAxis
  13662. totalMin
  13663. totalPreferred
  13664. totalFlexible
  13665. SetLayoutInputForAxis
  13666. SetChildAlongAxis
  13667. get_isRootLayoutGroup
  13668. OnTransformChildrenChanged
  13669. DelayedSetDirty
  13670. m_ChildAlignment
  13671. m_TotalMinSize
  13672. m_TotalPreferredSize
  13673. m_TotalFlexibleSize
  13674. m_RectChildren
  13675. childAlignment
  13676. rectChildren
  13677. isRootLayoutGroup
  13678. <DelayedSetDirty>c__Iterator0
  13679. LayoutRebuilder
  13680. StripDisabledBehavioursFromList
  13681. layoutRoot
  13682. ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate
  13683. PerformLayoutControl
  13684. PerformLayoutCalculation
  13685. MarkLayoutForRebuild
  13686. comps
  13687. ValidLayoutGroup
  13688. ValidController
  13689. MarkLayoutRootForRebuild
  13690. <s_Rebuilders>m__0
  13691. <StripDisabledBehavioursFromList>m__1
  13692. <Rebuild>m__2
  13693. <Rebuild>m__3
  13694. <Rebuild>m__4
  13695. <Rebuild>m__5
  13696. m_ToRebuild
  13697. m_CachedHashFromTransform
  13698. s_Rebuilders
  13699. <>f__am$cache4
  13700. LayoutUtility
  13701. GetPreferredSize
  13702. GetFlexibleSize
  13703. GetMinWidth
  13704. GetFlexibleWidth
  13705. GetMinHeight
  13706. GetFlexibleHeight
  13707. GetLayoutProperty
  13708. <GetMinWidth>m__0
  13709. <GetPreferredWidth>m__1
  13710. <GetPreferredWidth>m__2
  13711. <GetFlexibleWidth>m__3
  13712. <GetMinHeight>m__4
  13713. <GetPreferredHeight>m__5
  13714. <GetPreferredHeight>m__6
  13715. <GetFlexibleHeight>m__7
  13716. <>f__am$cache5
  13717. <>f__am$cache6
  13718. <>f__am$cache7
  13719. VerticalLayoutGroup
  13720. IMaterialModifier
  13721. IndexedSet`1
  13722. UnityEngine.UI.Collections
  13723. AddUnique
  13724. sortLayoutFunction
  13725. m_Dictionary
  13726. ListPool`1
  13727. toRelease
  13728. <s_ListPool>m__0
  13729. s_ListPool
  13730. ObjectPool`1
  13731. actionOnGet
  13732. actionOnRelease
  13733. get_countAll
  13734. set_countAll
  13735. get_countActive
  13736. get_countInactive
  13737. m_Stack
  13738. m_ActionOnGet
  13739. m_ActionOnRelease
  13740. <countAll>k__BackingField
  13741. countAll
  13742. countActive
  13743. countInactive
  13744. ReflectionMethodsCache
  13745. get_Singleton
  13746. raycast3D
  13747. raycast3DAll
  13748. raycast2D
  13749. getRayIntersectionAll
  13750. s_ReflectionMethodsCache
  13751. Raycast3DCallback
  13752. Raycast2DCallback
  13753. p1
  13754. p2
  13755. RaycastAllCallback
  13756. GetRayIntersectionAllCallback
  13757. VertexHelper
  13758. get_currentVertCount
  13759. get_currentIndexCount
  13760. vertex
  13761. PopulateUIVertex
  13762. SetUIVertex
  13763. FillMesh
  13764. AddVert
  13765. idx0
  13766. AddTriangle
  13767. AddUIVertexQuad
  13768. AddUIVertexTriangleStream
  13769. GetUIVertexStream
  13770. m_Positions
  13771. m_Uv0S
  13772. m_Uv1S
  13773. m_Uv2S
  13774. m_Uv3S
  13775. m_Normals
  13776. m_Tangents
  13777. m_Indices
  13778. s_DefaultNormal
  13779. currentVertCount
  13780. currentIndexCount
  13781. BaseVertexEffect
  13782. ModifyVertices
  13783. BaseMeshEffect
  13784. ModifyMesh
  13785. IVertexModifier
  13786. IMeshModifier
  13787. Outline
  13788. PositionAsUV1
  13789. Shadow
  13790. get_effectColor
  13791. set_effectColor
  13792. get_effectDistance
  13793. set_effectDistance
  13794. get_useGraphicAlpha
  13795. set_useGraphicAlpha
  13796. ApplyShadowZeroAlloc
  13797. ApplyShadow
  13798. m_EffectColor
  13799. m_EffectDistance
  13800. m_UseGraphicAlpha
  13801. kMaxEffectDistance
  13802. effectColor
  13803. effectDistance
  13804. useGraphicAlpha
  13805. $field-7BBE37982E6C057ED87163CAFC7FD6E5E42EEA46
  13806. $ArrayType=12
  13807. Assembly-CSharp
  13808. Assembly-CSharp.dll
  13809. Account
  13810. nn.account
  13811. pOutCount
  13812. GetUserCount
  13813. pOutExistence
  13814. user
  13815. GetUserExistence
  13816. pOutActualLength
  13817. outUsers
  13818. ListAllUsers
  13819. arrayLength
  13820. ListAllUsersImpl
  13821. ListOpenUsers
  13822. ListOpenUsersImpl
  13823. pOutUser
  13824. GetLastOpenedUser
  13825. pOut
  13826. GetNickname
  13827. pOutActualSize
  13828. outImage
  13829. LoadProfileImage
  13830. LoadProfileImageImpl
  13831. pOutHandle
  13832. OpenUser
  13833. OpenPreselectedUser
  13834. CloseUser
  13835. GetUserId
  13836. imageBuffer
  13837. StoreSaveDataThumbnailImage
  13838. imageBufferSize
  13839. StoreSaveDataThumbnailImageImpl
  13840. DeleteSaveDataThumbnailImage
  13841. ShowUserSelector
  13842. ShowUserCreator
  13843. suspendUnityThreads
  13844. UserCountMax
  13845. ProfileImageBytesMax
  13846. SaveDataThumbnailImageBytesMax
  13847. ResultCancelled
  13848. ResultCancelledByUser
  13849. ResultUserNotExist
  13850. NetworkServiceAccount
  13851. EnsureAvailable
  13852. IsAvailable
  13853. pOutId
  13854. pOutContext
  13855. EnsurIdTokenCacheAsync
  13856. EnsurIdTokenCacheAsyncImpl
  13857. LoadIdTokenCache
  13858. LoadIdTokenCacheImpl
  13859. IdTokenLengthMax
  13860. ResultNetworkServiceAccountUnavailable
  13861. ResultTokenCacheUnavailable
  13862. ResultNetworkCommunicationError
  13863. ResultSslService
  13864. AsyncContext
  13865. HasDone
  13866. UserSelectionSettings
  13867. SetDefault
  13868. invalidUidList
  13869. isSkipEnabled
  13870. isNetworkServiceAccountRequired
  13871. showSkipButton
  13872. additionalSelect
  13873. Uid
  13874. Invalid
  13875. _data0
  13876. _data1
  13877. UserHandle
  13878. Nickname
  13879. NameBytesMax
  13880. NetworkServiceAccountId
  13881. Aoc
  13882. nn.aoc
  13883. CountAddOnContent
  13884. outIndices
  13885. ListAddOnContent
  13886. nn.err
  13887. ShowUnacceptableApplicationVersion
  13888. IsValidImpl
  13889. GetInvalidErrorCode
  13890. AddOnContent
  13891. nn.fs
  13892. pOutValue
  13893. QueryMountCacheSize
  13894. pCacheBuffer
  13895. cacheBufferSize
  13896. Mount
  13897. DirectoryHandle
  13898. DirectoryEntry
  13899. get_entryType
  13900. set_entryType
  13901. _reserved0
  13902. _reserved1
  13903. _reserved2
  13904. _entryType
  13905. _reserved3
  13906. _reserved4
  13907. _reserved5
  13908. fileSize
  13909. entryType
  13910. outValue
  13911. entryBuffer
  13912. entryBufferCount
  13913. GetEntryCount
  13914. DeleteRecursively
  13915. CleanRecursively
  13916. currentPath
  13917. newPath
  13918. Rename
  13919. EntryNameLengthMax
  13920. ReadOption
  13921. WriteOption
  13922. FileHandle
  13923. option
  13924. SetSize
  13925. GetSize
  13926. GetOpenMode
  13927. EntryType
  13928. FileSystem
  13929. GetEntryType
  13930. Unmount
  13931. MountNameLengthMax
  13932. ResultHandledByAllProcess
  13933. ResultPathNotFound
  13934. ResultPathAlreadyExists
  13935. ResultTargetLocked
  13936. ResultDirectoryNotEmpty
  13937. ResultDirectoryStatusChanged
  13938. ResultUsableSpaceNotEnough
  13939. ResultUnsupportedSdkVersion
  13940. ResultMountNameAlreadyExists
  13941. ResultTargetNotFound
  13942. OpenFileMode
  13943. AllowAppend
  13944. OpenDirectoryMode
  13945. rootPath
  13946. MountHost
  13947. MountHostRoot
  13948. UnMountHostRoot
  13949. ResultSaveDataHostFileSystemCorrupted
  13950. ResultSaveDataHostEntryCorrupted
  13951. ResultSaveDataHostFileDataCorrupted
  13952. ResultSaveDataHostFileCorrupted
  13953. ResultInvalidSaveDataHostHandle
  13954. ResultHostFileSystemCorrupted
  13955. ResultHostEntryCorrupted
  13956. ResultHostFileDataCorrupted
  13957. ResultHostFileCorrupted
  13958. ResultInvalidHostHandle
  13959. SaveData
  13960. Ensure
  13961. applicationId
  13962. MountSaveDataReadOnly
  13963. IsExisting
  13964. SetRootPath
  13965. MountForDebug
  13966. Commit
  13967. ResultUsableSpaceNotEnoughForSaveData
  13968. Rom
  13969. QueryMountRomCacheSize
  13970. chacheBufferSize
  13971. MountRom
  13972. CanMountRomForDebug
  13973. ResultRomHostFileSystemCorrupted
  13974. ResultRomHostEntryCorrupted
  13975. ResultRomHostFileDataCorrupted
  13976. ResultRomHostFileCorrupted
  13977. ResultInvalidRomHostHandle
  13978. SdCard
  13979. AnalogStickState
  13980. nn.hid
  13981. get_fx
  13982. get_fy
  13983. fx
  13984. fy
  13985. ControllerSupportArg
  13986. ExplainTextSize
  13987. playerCountMin
  13988. playerCountMax
  13989. enableTakeOverConnection
  13990. enableLeftJustify
  13991. enablePermitJoyDual
  13992. enableSingleMode
  13993. enableIdentificationColor
  13994. identificationColor
  13995. enableExplainText
  13996. explainText
  13997. ControllerFirmwareUpdateArg
  13998. enableForceUpdate
  13999. _padding0
  14000. _padding1
  14001. _padding2
  14002. ControllerSupportResultInfo
  14003. playerCount
  14004. selectedId
  14005. ControllerSupport
  14006. showControllerSupportArg
  14007. pOutControllerSupportArg
  14008. pStr
  14009. napdId
  14010. SetExplainText
  14011. ExplainTextMaxLength
  14012. Utf8ByteSize
  14013. ExplainTextMaxBufferSize
  14014. ResultCanceled
  14015. ResultNotSupportedNpadStyle
  14016. ControllerStrapGuide
  14017. ControllerFirmwareUpdate
  14018. showControllerFirmwareUpdateArg
  14019. ResultControllerFirmwareUpdateError
  14020. ResultControllerFirmwareUpdateFailed
  14021. DebugPadButton
  14022. ZL
  14023. ZR
  14024. DebugPadAttribute
  14025. DebugPadState
  14026. samplingNumber
  14027. buttons
  14028. analogStickR
  14029. analogStickL
  14030. DebugPad
  14031. GetState
  14032. pOutValues
  14033. GetStates
  14034. StateCountMax
  14035. GestureType
  14036. Idle
  14037. Complete
  14038. Tap
  14039. Pan
  14040. Swipe
  14041. Pinch
  14042. Rotate
  14043. GestureDirection
  14044. GestureAttribute
  14045. IsNewTouch
  14046. IsDoubleTap
  14047. GesturePoint
  14048. GestureState
  14049. get_isDoubleTap
  14050. eventNumber
  14051. contextNumber
  14052. _direction
  14053. deltaX
  14054. deltaY
  14055. rotationAngle
  14056. pointCount
  14057. points
  14058. isDoubleTap
  14059. Gesture
  14060. PointCountMax
  14061. NpadStyle
  14062. FullKey
  14063. Handheld
  14064. JoyDual
  14065. JoyLeft
  14066. JoyRight
  14067. NpadId
  14068. No1
  14069. No2
  14070. No3
  14071. No4
  14072. No5
  14073. No6
  14074. No7
  14075. No8
  14076. NpadButton
  14077. StickL
  14078. StickR
  14079. StickLLeft
  14080. StickLUp
  14081. StickLRight
  14082. StickLDown
  14083. StickRLeft
  14084. StickRUp
  14085. StickRRight
  14086. StickRDown
  14087. LeftSL
  14088. LeftSR
  14089. RightSL
  14090. RightSR
  14091. NpadAttribute
  14092. IsWired
  14093. IsLeftConnected
  14094. IsLeftWired
  14095. IsRightConnected
  14096. IsRightWired
  14097. NpadControllerColor
  14098. sub
  14099. Npad
  14100. npadStyle
  14101. SetSupportedStyleSet
  14102. GetSupportedStyleSet
  14103. npadIds
  14104. SetSupportedIdType
  14105. npadId
  14106. BindStyleSetUpdateEvent
  14107. IsStyleSetUpdated
  14108. DestroyStyleSetUpdateEvent
  14109. GetStyleSet
  14110. Disconnect
  14111. GetPlayerLedPattern
  14112. GetControllerColor
  14113. pOutLeftColor
  14114. pOutRightColor
  14115. NpadState
  14116. GetButton
  14117. GetButtonUp
  14118. preButtons
  14119. NpadStateArrayItem
  14120. NpadFullKeyState
  14121. NpadFullKey
  14122. NpadHandheldState
  14123. NpadHandheld
  14124. NpadJoyAssignmentMode
  14125. Dual
  14126. NpadHandheldActivationMode
  14127. NpadJoyDeviceType
  14128. NpadJoyHoldType
  14129. NpadCommunicationMode
  14130. Mode5ms
  14131. Mode10ms
  14132. Mode15ms
  14133. ModeDefault
  14134. NpadJoy
  14135. GetAssignment
  14136. SetAssignmentModeSingle
  14137. deviceType
  14138. SetAssignmentModeDual
  14139. npadId1
  14140. npadId2
  14141. MergeSingleAsDual
  14142. SwapAssignment
  14143. holdType
  14144. SetHoldType
  14145. GetHoldType
  14146. StartLrAssignmentMode
  14147. StopLrAssignmentMode
  14148. activationMode
  14149. SetHandheldActivationMode
  14150. GetHandheldActivationMode
  14151. SetCommunicationMode
  14152. GetCommunicationMode
  14153. ResultDualConnected
  14154. ResultSameJoyTypeConnected
  14155. NpadJoyDualState
  14156. NpadJoyDual
  14157. NpadJoyLeftState
  14158. NpadJoyLeft
  14159. NpadJoyRightState
  14160. NpadJoyRight
  14161. Napd
  14162. ResultColorNotAvailable
  14163. ResultControllerNotConnected
  14164. VibrationFile
  14165. pOutInfo
  14166. pContext
  14167. RetrieveValue
  14168. ResultInvalid
  14169. SixAxisSensorHandle
  14170. _storage
  14171. DirectionState
  14172. SixAxisSensorAttribute
  14173. IsInterpolated
  14174. SixAxisSensorState
  14175. GetQuaternion
  14176. quaternion
  14177. pOutX
  14178. pOutY
  14179. pOutZ
  14180. pOutW
  14181. GetQuaternionImpl
  14182. AccelerometerMax
  14183. AngularVelocityMax
  14184. deltaTimeNanoSeconds
  14185. acceleration
  14186. angularVelocity
  14187. angle
  14188. GyroscopeZeroDriftMode
  14189. Loose
  14190. Tight
  14191. SixAxisSensor
  14192. GetHandles
  14193. IsRest
  14194. IsFusionEnabled
  14195. EnableFusion
  14196. revisePower
  14197. reviseRange
  14198. SetFusionParameters
  14199. pOutRevisePower
  14200. pOutReviseRange
  14201. GetFusionParameters
  14202. ResetFusionParameters
  14203. SetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
  14204. GetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
  14205. HandleCountMax
  14206. TouchAttribute
  14207. TouchState
  14208. diameterX
  14209. diameterY
  14210. _reserved
  14211. TouchScreenState1
  14212. TouchCount
  14213. touches
  14214. TouchScreenState2
  14215. TouchScreenState3
  14216. TouchScreenState4
  14217. TouchScreenState5
  14218. TouchScreenState6
  14219. TouchScreenState7
  14220. TouchScreenState8
  14221. TouchScreenState9
  14222. TouchScreenState10
  14223. TouchScreenState11
  14224. TouchScreenState12
  14225. TouchScreenState13
  14226. TouchScreenState14
  14227. TouchScreenState15
  14228. TouchScreenState16
  14229. TouchScreen
  14230. TouchCountMax
  14231. VibrationDeviceHandle
  14232. VibrationDeviceType
  14233. LinearResonantActuator
  14234. VibrationDevicePosition
  14235. VibrationDeviceInfo
  14236. Vibration
  14237. GetDeviceHandles
  14238. GetDeviceInfo
  14239. InitializeDevice
  14240. SendValue
  14241. GetActualValue
  14242. IsPermitted
  14243. VibrationFileInfo
  14244. metaDataSize
  14245. formatId
  14246. samplingRate
  14247. sampleLength
  14248. isLoop
  14249. loopStartPosition
  14250. loopEndPosition
  14251. loopInterval
  14252. VibrationFileParserContext
  14253. VibrationValue
  14254. amplitudeLow
  14255. frequencyLow
  14256. amplitudeHigh
  14257. frequencyHigh
  14258. Make
  14259. FrequencyLowDefault
  14260. FrequencyHighDefault
  14261. ClusteringProcessor
  14262. nn.irsensor
  14263. GetDefaultConfig
  14264. config
  14265. pOutStates
  14266. countMax
  14267. ObjectCountMax
  14268. ObjectPixelCountMax
  14269. OutObjectPixelCountMax
  14270. ExposureTimeMinNanoSeconds
  14271. ExposureTimeMaxNanoSeconds
  14272. ClusteringProcessorConfig
  14273. irCameraConfig
  14274. windowOfInterest
  14275. objectPixelCountMin
  14276. objectPixelCountMax
  14277. objectIntensityMin
  14278. isExternalLightFilterEnabled
  14279. ClusteringData
  14280. averageIntensity
  14281. centroid
  14282. pixelCount
  14283. bound
  14284. ClusteringProcessorState
  14285. timeStampNanoSeconds
  14286. objectCount
  14287. ambientNoiseLevel
  14288. ImageProcessor
  14289. IrCamera
  14290. GetHandle
  14291. GetStatus
  14292. IntensityMax
  14293. ImageWidth
  14294. ImageHeight
  14295. GainMin
  14296. GainMax
  14297. ResultIrsensorUnavailable
  14298. ResultIrsensorUnconnected
  14299. ResultIrsensorUnsupported
  14300. ResultIrsensorNotReady
  14301. ResultIrsensorDeviceError
  14302. IrCameraHandle
  14303. IrCameraStatus
  14304. Available
  14305. Unsupported
  14306. Unconnected
  14307. IrCameraAmbientNoiseLevel
  14308. IrCameraLightTarget
  14309. AllObjects
  14310. FarObjects
  14311. NearObjects
  14312. IrCameraConfig
  14313. exposureTimeNanoSeconds
  14314. lightTarget
  14315. gain
  14316. isNegativeImageUsed
  14317. Nn
  14318. nn
  14319. OperatorEquals
  14320. Abort
  14321. DllName
  14322. IsSuccess
  14323. abortUnlessSuccess
  14324. GetDescription
  14325. ModuleBitsOffset
  14326. ModuleBitsCount
  14327. ModuleBitsMask
  14328. DescriptionBitsOffset
  14329. DescriptionBitsCount
  14330. DescriptionBitsMask
  14331. innerValue
  14332. ErrorRange
  14333. DescriptionBegin
  14334. DescriptionEnd
  14335. get_DescriptionBegin
  14336. get_DescriptionEnd
  14337. Includes
  14338. _descriptionBegin
  14339. _descriptionEnd
  14340. Language
  14341. nn.oe
  14342. _GetDesired
  14343. GetDesired
  14344. _LanguageCode
  14345. _string
  14346. Color4u8
  14347. nn.util
  14348. Float2
  14349. Float3
  14350. Float4
  14351. RHUtil_Switch
  14352. Save_Switch
  14353. Load_Switch
  14354. CloseData
  14355. stringBuilder
  14356. npadState
  14357. saveDataVersion
  14358. saveDataSize
  14359. mSaveData
  14360. muntName
  14361. Sample
  14362. AA
  14363. get_Counter
  14364. live
  14365. dead
  14366. idle
  14367. work
  14368. FsSaveData
  14369. ResetSaveData
  14370. userId
  14371. mountName
  14372. mount
  14373. intName
  14374. sampleName
  14375. fileHandle
  14376. cc
  14377. saveData
  14378. loadData
  14379. pref
  14380. ISwitch_SaveData
  14381. Yeh.SwitchTools
  14382. Switch_SaveData`1
  14383. getInstance
  14384. dataName
  14385. GetByte
  14386. filePath
  14387. isOpen
  14388. _instance
  14389. <Source>k__BackingField
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