
Crack orcad

Apr 2nd, 2018
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  1. 1. Instructions in English:
  2. 1.- Mount image.
  3. 2.- Run ‘setup.exe’.
  4. 3.- Select ‘License Manager’ component, install it.
  5. 4.- Don’t specify the ‘License File Location’ yet, ‘Cancel’ it. ‘Finish’.
  6. 5.- Back to the components selection window, select ‘Product Installation’, install the ‘Complete’ setup type. Don’t specify a ‘License Server’ deleting all the text from the ‘License Server’ text field leaving it blank.
  7. 6.- After setup is complete, ‘Finish’ without ticking any of the two checkboxes.
  8. 7.- Close the Cadence product components window.
  9. 8.- Copy everything inside ‘ aspirin>Cadence ‘ to the ‘ LocalDiskDrive:\Cadence ‘ directory, replacing the files in the LocalDiskDrive: with the ones in the aspirin directory.
  10. 9.- Run ‘Tools.cmd’, located inside: ‘ LocalDiskDrive:\Cadence\SPB_16.6\tools ‘, as admin.
  11. 10.- Open ‘src.lic’, located inside: ‘ LocalDiskDrive:\Cadence\LicGen ‘, with the notepad and replace the text: ” this_host ” with the name of the computer, and save the change and close it.
  12. 12.- Run ‘LicGen.cmd’, located inside: ‘ LocalDiskDrive:\Cadence\LicGen ‘.
  13. 13.- Now open the installed License Server Configuration utility and ‘Browse…’ for ‘license.lic’ (LocalDiskDrive:\Cadence\LicGen) under ‘License File’; click ‘Next >’ and then again. If it gives an error and doesn’t take it: On ‘System’ (PC>Properties), go to Advanced System Settings Properties>’Advanced’>’Environment Variables…’ and look for the ‘Variable’: “LM_LICENSE_FILE” and make sure its ‘Value’ is pointing to the created.dat license file.
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