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- # Maintainer: Piotr Rogoża <rogoza dot piotr at gmail dot com>
- # Contributor: skydrome <>
- # Contributor: Valere Monseur <>
- # Contributor: Phillip Smith <>
- # Contributor: (asper, noob
- # Contributor: ratamahata <>
- pkgname=vuurmuur
- pkgver=0.8
- pkgrel=1
- pkgdesc='powerful front-end for iptables aimed at system-administrators who need a decent firewall, but dont have netfilter specific knowledge'
- arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv7h')
- url=''
- license=('GPL')
- install='vuurmuur.install'
- depends=(libnetfilter_log
- iptables
- ncurses
- libjpeg
- gcc8
- gcc8-libs)
- optdepends=('conntrack-tools: for connection tracking'
- 'iproute2: for traffic shapping'
- 'iptrafvol: for traffic volume logging')
- conflicts=(vuurmuur-devel)
- backup=('etc/vuurmuur/config.conf'
- 'etc/vuurmuur/modules.conf'
- 'etc/vuurmuur/vuurmuur_conf.conf'
- 'etc/vuurmuur/plugins/textdir.conf'
- )
- source=($pkgver/${pkgname}-$pkgver.tar.gz
- modules.conf
- vuurmuur.rc
- vuurmuur.service
- vuurmuur.script)
- sha256sums=('ff44c6be378d629ec3c5637830f87f2a41cff8f679c1f58bad901eebc69f4f1e'
- 'a18d4093075f8e0a24f902780b04d03116be8c057b139a7502d8517009bd65e0'
- 'f1b49c9e1480f9d37ef2df779f725f926552f8713f7aacfc49e0b359e10f27a5'
- '1bf559e49ac64cdf6bff9b003adbe97af1b222d59ec49242545cf13daee07a24'
- 'de4cee0e33d3431c985289d8de2844eeb1b1e614e69b7e3b1d6c99e8cda3aa4f')
- build() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- export CC=gcc-8 CXX=g++-8
- ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
- make
- }
- package() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- # make directory structure
- install -dm700 "$pkgdir"/etc/$pkgname
- install -dm700 "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/plugins
- install -dm755 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/$pkgname/textdir/{interfaces,services,zones,rules}
- install -dm700 "$pkgdir"/var/log/$pkgname
- # install daemon and log
- install -Dm755 ../vuurmuur.rc "$pkgdir"/etc/rc.d/$pkgname
- # install systemd's files
- install -Dm755 ../vuurmuur.script "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/scripts/vuurmuur
- install -Dm644 ../vuurmuur.service "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/systemd/system/vuurmuur.service
- # install configuration
- install -Dm600 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vuurmuur/config/config.conf.sample \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/config.conf
- install -Dm600 ../modules.conf "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/modules.conf
- install -Dm600 "$pkgdir"/usr/share/vuurmuur/config/vuurmuur_conf.conf.sample \
- "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/${pkgname}_conf.conf
- sed -i "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/config.conf \
- -e 's|"/sbin/tc|"/usr/bin/tc|' \
- -e 's|"/sbin/ip6tables|"/usr/bin/ip6tables|' \
- -e 's|"/sbin/iptables|"/usr/bin/iptables|' \
- -e 's|"/sbin/ip6tables-restore|"/usr/bin/ip6tables-restore|' \
- -e 's|"/sbin/iptables-restore|"/usr/bin/iptables-restore|'
- echo "LOCATION=\"/etc/${pkgname}/textdir\"" > "$pkgdir"/etc/${pkgname}/plugins/textdir.conf
- # default firewall setup in /usr/share
- touch "$pkgdir"/usr/share/${pkgname}/textdir/rules/rules.conf
- touch "$pkgdir"/usr/share/${pkgname}/textdir/rules/blocklist.conf
- # cp -R zones/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/${pkgname}/textdir/zones/
- mv "$pkgdir"/usr/share/${pkgname}/services/* "$pkgdir"/usr/share/${pkgname}/textdir/services/
- }
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