
Admin script

Nov 22nd, 2014
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  1. local owners = {"deathwakler5"} --Are able to set admins who can/;kick ;ban ;shutdown
  2. local admins = {"deathwakler5"}
  3. local tempadmins ={} --sets who can't use/;kick ;ban ;shutdown
  4. local bandland = {"bobololo2,fishy12311"} -- Permanently Bans people
  5. local AutoUpdate = true -- Set to false if you don't want it to automatically update
  6. local FunCommands = true -- Set to false if you only want the basic commands (For Strict Places)
  7. ---------------------
  8. -- VIP Admin --
  9. ---------------------
  10. local VipAdmin = false -- If someone can have admin for owning an item
  11. local ItemId = 0 -- The item they must own in order to have admin
  12. ---------------------
  13. -- Group Admin --
  14. ---------------------
  15. local GroupAdmin = false -- If a certain group can have admin
  16. local GroupId = 0 -- Sets the group id that can have admin
  17. local GroupRank = 0 -- Sets what rank and above a person has to be in the group to have admin
  18. ---------------------
  19. -- Tips and Tricks --
  20. ---------------------
  21. --[[
  22. With this admin you can do a command on multiple people at a time;
  23. ;kill me noob1,noob2,random,team-raiders,nonadmins
  24. You can also use a variety commands for different people;
  25. all
  26. others
  27. me
  28. team-
  29. admins
  30. nonadmins
  31. random
  32. --]]
  33. ---------------------
  34. -- Commands --
  35. ---------------------
  36. lean -- Is a command anyone can use to remove hats/tools lagging up the place
  37. 1. ;s print("Hello World") -- Lets you script normally
  38. 2. ;ls print("Hello World") -- Lets you script in localscripts
  39. 3. ;clear -- Will remove all scripts/localscripts and jails
  40. 4. :m Hello People -- This commands will let you shout a message to everyone on the server
  41. 10. ;jump thu -- Makes the player jump
  42. 11. ;sit thu -- Makes the player sit
  43. 12. ;invisible thu -- Makes the player invisible
  44. 13. ;visible thun -- Makes the player visible
  45. 38. ;give thun sword -- Gives the player a tool
  46. 39. ;damage thun -- Damages the player
  47. 40. ;grav thun -- Sets the player's gravity to normal
  48. 41. ;setgrav thun 100 -- Sets the player's gravity
  49. 42. ;nograv thun -- Makes the player have 0 gravity
  50. 43. ;health thun 1337 -- Changes the player's health
  51. 44. ;speed thun 1337 -- Changes the player's walkspeed
  52. 45. ;name thun potato -- Changes the player's name
  53. 46. ;unname thun -- Remove the player's name
  54. 47. ;team thun Raiders -- Changes the player's team
  55. 48. ;stopmusic -- Will stop all music playing in the server
  56. 49. ;teleport thun potato -- Teleports the player
  57. 50. ;change thun kills 1337 -- Changes a player's stat
  58. 59. ;normal thun -- Puts the player back to normal
  59. 66. ;guifix thun -- Will fix trippy/strobe/blind on a player
  60. 70. ;lock thun -- Locks the player
  61. 71. ;unlock thun -- Unlocks the player
  62. 75. ;fix -- This will fix the lighting to it's original settings
  63. 76. ;fly thun -- Makes the player fly
  64. 77. ;unfly thun -- Removes fly from the player
  65. 78. ;noclip thun -- Makes the player able to noclip
  66. 79. ;clip thun -- Removes noclipping from the player
  67. 80. ;pm thun Hey bro -- Sends the player a private message
  68. 85. ;place thun 1337 -- Sends a teleporation request to a player to go to a different place
  69. 86. ;char thun 261 -- Will make a player look like a different player ID
  70. 87. ;unchar thun -- Will return the player back to normal
  71. 88. ;h Hello People -- This will shout a hint to everyone
  72. 89. ;rank thun 109373 -- Will show up a message with the person's Role and Rank in a group
  73. 91. ;sword thun -- Will give the player a sword
  74. 97. ;admins -- Shows the admin list
  75. 98. ;bans -- Shows the banlist
  76. 99. ;musiclist -- Shows the music list
  77. 101.;cape thun Really black -- Gives the player a colored cape
  78. 102. ;uncape thun -- Removes the player's cape
  79. 103. ;loopheal thun -- Will constantly heal the player
  80. 105. ;hat thun 1337 -- Will give the player a hat under the id of 1337
  81. 106. ;unloopheal thun -- Will remove the loopheal on the player
  82. 112. ;resetstats thun -- Sets all the stats of a player to 0
  83. 114. ;cmdbar -- Gives the speaker a command bar
  84. 115. ;shirt thun 1337 -- Changes the player's shirt
  85. 116. ;pants thun 1337 -- Changes the player's pants
  86. 117. ;face thun 1337 -- Changes the player's face
  87. 118. ;swagify thun -- Swagifies the player
  88. 119. ;version -- Shows the current version of the admin
  89. 120. ;tm 1337 yolo -- Shows a message for 1337 seconds
  90. 121. ;countdown 120 -- Shows a countdown message, maxes out at 120 seconds
  91. 123. ;lsplr thun print("yolo") -- Creates a localscript inside of a player
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