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- import datetime
- def get_df_sellers(sellers, items, products, orders, translation):
- my_sellers = sellers[['seller_id', 'seller_state']].drop_duplicates()
- merged_df = my_sellers.merge(items[['order_id', 'product_id', 'seller_id']], on = 'seller_id')
- df = products.merge(merged_df, on = 'product_id')
- df = df[['seller_state', 'product_category_name', 'order_id']].merge(orders[['order_status', 'order_id', 'order_delivered_customer_date']], on = 'order_id')
- df = df.merge(translation, on = "product_category_name")
- df.drop(columns = ['product_category_name'], inplace = True)
- df.rename(columns = {'product_category_name_english': 'category', 'seller_state': 'state', 'order_status': 'status', 'order_delivered_customer_date' : 'date'}, inplace = True)
- df = df.dropna()
- df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).apply(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m"))
- df = df.groupby(['date', 'state' , 'status','category']).agg({'order_id' : 'count'}).reset_index().rename(columns = {"order_id" : "count"})
- return df
- def get_df_customers(customers, items, products, orders, translation):
- my_customers = customers[['customer_id', 'customer_state']].drop_duplicates()
- merged_df = my_customers.merge(orders, on = 'customer_id')
- df = items.merge(merged_df, on = 'order_id')
- df = df.merge(products, on = 'product_id')
- df = df.merge(translation, on = "product_category_name")
- df.drop(columns = ['product_category_name'], inplace = True)
- df.rename(columns = {'product_category_name_english': 'category', 'customer_state': 'state', 'order_status': 'status', 'order_delivered_customer_date' : 'date'}, inplace = True)
- df = df.dropna()
- df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']).apply(lambda x: x.strftime("%Y-%m"))
- df = df.groupby(['date', 'state' , 'status','category']).agg({'order_id' : 'count'}).reset_index().rename(columns = {"order_id" : "count"})
- return df
- df = get_df_sellers(sellers, items, products, orders, translation)
- all_dates = df
- all_dates['date'] = pd.to_datetime( x:
- all_dates = all_dates.sort_values(by='date')
- marks = {i: str(sorted(all_dates['date'])[i]) for i in range(0, all_dates.shape[0], 7850)}
- all_states = ['All'] + sorted(list(set(list(sellers.seller_state.unique()) + list(customers.customer_state.unique()))))
- all_statuses = orders.order_status.unique()
- from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output
- app = Dash(__name__)
- app.layout = html.Div([
- html.Label('Order statuses to display:'),
- dcc.Checklist(
- all_statuses,
- [df['status'][0]],
- id = 'status-filter'
- ),
- html.Label('State:', style={'font-size': '120%'}),
- html.Div(dcc.Dropdown(
- all_states,
- 'All',
- id = 'state-dropdown'
- )),
- dcc.Graph(id='sellers-graph'),
- dcc.Graph(id='customers-graph'),
- dcc.RangeSlider(
- min=0,
- max=all_dates.shape[0] - 1,
- step=1,
- dots=False,
- value=[0, all_dates.shape[0] - 1],
- marks = marks,
- id='date-slider',
- ),
- ])
- @app.callback(
- Output('sellers-graph', 'figure'),
- [Input('date-slider', 'value'),
- Input('state-dropdown', 'value'),
- Input('status-filter', 'value')])
- def update_figure(time_gap, state_to_display, statuses_filter):
- cur_df = get_df_sellers(sellers, items, products, orders, translation)
- cur_df = cur_df[cur_df['status'].isin(statuses_filter)]
- if state_to_display == 'All':
- cur_df['state'] = 'All'
- else:
- cur_df = cur_df[cur_df.state == state_to_display]
- cur_df = cur_df[pd.to_datetime(sorted(all_dates['date'])[time_gap[0]]) <= pd.to_datetime(]
- cur_df = cur_df[pd.to_datetime( <= pd.to_datetime(sorted(all_dates['date'])[time_gap[1]])]
- cur_df = cur_df.groupby(['category']).agg({'count' : 'count', 'state':'first'}).reset_index()
- all_count = np.einsum('i->', cur_df['count'])
- cur_df['count'] = cur_df['count'] * 100/all_count
- cur_df.rename(columns = {"count":"propotion"})
- fig =, y="state", x="count", color="category",
- title="Distribution by sales categories", orientation='h', height=300)
- fig.update_layout(transition_duration=500)
- return fig
- @app.callback(
- Output('customers-graph', 'figure'),
- [Input('date-slider', 'value'),
- Input('state-dropdown', 'value'),
- Input('status-filter', 'value')])
- def update_figure(time_gap, state_to_display, statuses_filter):
- cur_df = get_df_customers(customers, items, products, orders, translation)
- cur_df = cur_df[cur_df['status'].isin(statuses_filter)]
- if state_to_display == 'All':
- cur_df['state'] = 'All'
- else:
- cur_df = cur_df[cur_df.state == state_to_display]
- cur_df = cur_df[pd.to_datetime(sorted(all_dates['date'])[time_gap[0]]) <= pd.to_datetime(]
- cur_df = cur_df[pd.to_datetime( <= pd.to_datetime(sorted(all_dates['date'])[time_gap[1]])]
- cur_df = cur_df.groupby(['category']).agg({'count' : 'count', 'state':'first'}).reset_index()
- all_count = np.einsum('i->', cur_df['count'])
- cur_df['count'] = cur_df['count'] * 100/all_count
- cur_df.rename(columns = {"count":"propotion"})
- fig =, y="state", x="count", color="category",
- title="Distribution by customers categories", orientation='h', height=300)
- fig.update_layout(transition_duration=500)
- return fig
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- app.run_server(debug=True)
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