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- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- // To debug: Console.Error.WriteLine("Debug messages...");
- internal class Player
- {
- private const int MAX_PRODUCTION = 3;
- private const int UPGRADE_COST = 10;
- private static string[] _inputs;
- private static bool _isBombingAvailable;
- private static bool _isFirstRound;
- private static List<string> _commands;
- private static List<Bomb> _bombStates;
- private static int _factoryCount;
- private static List<Factory> _wantedFactories;
- private static Factory _friendlyHq;
- private static Factory _enemyHq;
- private static List<Factory> _allFactories;
- private static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- _isFirstRound = true;
- _factoryCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
- int linkCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // the number of links between factories
- List<Link> map = new List<Link>();
- _isBombingAvailable = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < linkCount; i++)
- {
- _inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
- int factory1 = int.Parse(_inputs[0]);
- int factory2 = int.Parse(_inputs[1]);
- int distance = int.Parse(_inputs[2]);
- map.Add(new Link(factory1, factory2, distance));
- }
- _commands = new List<string>();
- _bombStates = new List<Bomb>();
- while (true) // game loop
- {
- UpdateGame(map);
- }
- }
- private static void UpdateGame(List<Link> map)
- {
- _commands.Clear(); // Reset commands each turn.
- List<Entity> entities = new List<Entity>();
- int entityCount = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // the number of entities (e.g. factories and troops)
- for (int i = 0; i < entityCount; i++)
- {
- _inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
- ParseEntity(_inputs, entities);
- }
- _allFactories = entities.Where(e => e.GetType() == typeof(Factory)).Select(x => (Factory)x).ToList();
- List<Factory> friendlyFactories = _allFactories.Where(e => e.IsFriendly).ToList();
- List<Factory> nonFriendlyFactories = _allFactories.Where(e => !e.IsFriendly).ToList();
- List<Factory> hostileFactories = _allFactories.Where(e => e.IsHostile).ToList();
- if (friendlyFactories.Any() && hostileFactories.Any())
- {
- int production = friendlyFactories.Sum(f => f.Production);
- int enemyProduction = hostileFactories.Sum(f => f.Production);
- if (production == enemyProduction)
- {
- _commands.Add($"MSG Production is equal!");
- }
- else
- {
- int diffBetweenProduction = production - enemyProduction;
- if (diffBetweenProduction > 2)
- {
- _commands.Add($"MSG Production superior!");
- }
- }
- }
- List<Troop> enemyTroops = entities.Where(e => e.IsHostile && e.GetType() == typeof(Troop))
- .Select(t => (Troop)t).ToList();
- List<Bomb> bombsPresent = entities.Where(e => e.GetType() == typeof(Bomb)).Select(b => (Bomb)b)
- .ToList();
- UpdateBombStates(bombsPresent);
- if (_isBombingAvailable)
- {
- SendBomb(map, entities, friendlyFactories, nonFriendlyFactories);
- }
- if (_isFirstRound)
- {
- _wantedFactories = _allFactories;
- _friendlyHq = friendlyFactories.First();
- _enemyHq = hostileFactories.First();
- ExecuteFirstRound(friendlyFactories, map, nonFriendlyFactories);
- }
- else
- {
- ExecuteRound(map, friendlyFactories, nonFriendlyFactories, enemyTroops, bombsPresent);
- }
- ExecuteWaitCommandAsFallback();
- ExecuteCommands();
- // Any valid action, such as "WAIT" or "MOVE source destination cyborgs"
- }
- private static void ExecuteCommands()
- {
- Console.WriteLine(string.Join(';', _commands));
- }
- private static void ExecuteWaitCommandAsFallback()
- {
- if (_commands.Count == 0)
- {
- _commands.Add("WAIT");
- }
- }
- private static void ExecuteRound(List<Link> map, List<Factory> friendlyFactories, List<Factory> nonFriendlyFactories, List<Troop> enemyTroops, List<Bomb> bombs)
- {
- foreach (Factory factory in friendlyFactories)
- {
- if (ShouldEvacuateFactory(factory, _allFactories, map))
- {
- _commands.AddRange(Evacuate(friendlyFactories, factory, map));
- continue;
- }
- if (factory.Production == 0)
- {
- if (factory.Defense >= UPGRADE_COST)
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{factory.Id}: ZERO PROD UPGRADE!");
- _commands.Add($"INC {factory.Id}");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int availableCyborgs = CalculateDefenses(factory, enemyTroops);
- availableCyborgs = DefendFactories(factory, availableCyborgs, friendlyFactories, enemyTroops, map);
- if (ShouldIncreaseProduction(factory, friendlyFactories.Count, availableCyborgs, bombs.Any(b => b.IsHostile)))
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{factory.Id}: UPGRADE!");
- availableCyborgs -= 10;
- _commands.Add($"INC {factory.Id}");
- }
- if(friendlyFactories.Count >= _wantedFactories.Count)
- {
- Factory upgradeTarget = friendlyFactories.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Production == 0 && f.Id != factory.Id);
- if (upgradeTarget != null && upgradeTarget.Defense < UPGRADE_COST)
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{factory.Id}: UPGRADE TARGET {upgradeTarget.Id}!");
- _commands.Add($"MOVE {factory.Id} {upgradeTarget.Id} {UPGRADE_COST - upgradeTarget.Defense}");
- }
- }
- if (factory.Production == MAX_PRODUCTION || friendlyFactories.Count < _wantedFactories.Count)
- {
- int target = FindTarget(factory, nonFriendlyFactories, bombs, map);
- if (target != factory.Id)
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{factory.Id}: RELOCATE TO {target}!");
- RelocateCyborgs(map, factory, availableCyborgs, target);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private static void RelocateCyborgs(List<Link> map, Factory factory, int availableCyborgs, int target)
- {
- int path = FindPath(factory, target, map);
- if (availableCyborgs > 0)
- {
- _commands.Add($"MOVE {factory.Id} {path} {availableCyborgs}");
- }
- }
- private static void SendBomb(List<Link> map, List<Entity> entities, List<Factory> friendlyFactories, List<Factory> nonFriendlyFactories)
- {
- Factory enemyHq = (Factory)entities.First(e => e.IsHostile && e.GetType() == typeof(Factory));
- List<int> linkedFactories = GetClosestXLinkedFactories(enemyHq, map, 3);
- int bombTarget = nonFriendlyFactories.Where(t => linkedFactories.Contains(t.Id))
- .OrderByDescending(t => t.Production).First().Id;
- _commands.Add($"BOMB {friendlyFactories.First().Id} {enemyHq.Id}");
- _commands.Add($"BOMB {friendlyFactories.First().Id} {bombTarget}");
- _isBombingAvailable = false;
- }
- private static void ExecuteFirstRound(List<Factory> friendlyFactories, List<Link> map, List<Factory> nonFriendlyFactories)
- {
- Factory hq = friendlyFactories.First();
- var requiredExpansions = (_factoryCount / 2);
- List<int> closestExpansions = GetClosestXLinkedFactories(hq, map, requiredExpansions);
- _wantedFactories = _wantedFactories.Where(f => closestExpansions.Contains(f.Id)).ToList();
- _wantedFactories.Add(hq);
- Console.Error.WriteLine("Wanted factories:");
- foreach(var f in _wantedFactories)
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine(f.Id);
- }
- IOrderedEnumerable<Factory> prioritizedTargets = nonFriendlyFactories.Where(f => closestExpansions.Contains(f.Id))
- .OrderByDescending(f => (f.Production * 10) / (f.Defense + 1));
- int availableCyborgs = hq.Defense;
- foreach (Factory target in prioritizedTargets)
- {
- if (availableCyborgs < target.Defense)
- {
- continue;
- }
- int requiredForces = target.Defense + 1;
- _commands.Add($"MOVE {hq.Id} {target.Id} {requiredForces}");
- availableCyborgs -= requiredForces;
- }
- _isFirstRound = false;
- }
- private static void UpdateBombStates(List<Bomb> bombsPresent)
- {
- if (!bombsPresent.Any())
- {
- _bombStates.Clear();
- }
- else
- {
- _bombStates.AddRange(bombsPresent.Where(b => !_bombStates.Select(s => s.Id).Contains(b.Id)));
- _bombStates.RemoveAll(b => b.Age == b.ETA);
- foreach (Bomb b in _bombStates)
- {
- b.Age++;
- }
- }
- }
- private static List<string> Evacuate(List<Factory> friendlyFactories, Factory factory, List<Link> map)
- {
- IEnumerable<Factory> evacuationCandidates = friendlyFactories.Where(f => f.Id != factory.Id);
- int evacuationTarget = 0;
- int closestDistance = int.MaxValue;
- foreach (Factory candidate in evacuationCandidates)
- {
- Link link = GetLinkBetween(factory, candidate, map);
- if (link.Distance < closestDistance)
- {
- closestDistance = link.Distance;
- evacuationTarget = candidate.Id;
- }
- }
- return new List<string> { $"MSG Evacuating {factory.Id}", $"MOVE {factory.Id} {evacuationTarget} {factory.Defense}" };
- }
- private static bool ShouldEvacuateFactory(Factory factory, List<Factory> factories, List<Link> map)
- {
- if (_bombStates.Count == 0 || !factories.Any(f => f.IsHostile)) // check hostiles left due to bomb crashing code if game already won.
- {
- return false;
- }
- foreach (Bomb bomb in _bombStates)
- {
- if (bomb.Source == factory.Id)
- { // Target will never be source factory
- continue;
- }
- else if (IsHostileBomb(bomb))
- {
- Factory bombSource = factories.First(f => f.Id == bomb.Source);
- int distance = GetLinkBetween(factory, bombSource, map).Distance;
- if (distance - bomb.Age == 1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (bomb.Target == factory.Id && bomb.ETA == 1)
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static bool IsHostileBomb(Bomb bomb)
- {
- return bomb.Target == -1;
- }
- private static int DefendFactories(Factory source, int availableCyborgs, List<Factory> friendlyFactories, List<Troop> enemyTroops, List<Link> map)
- {
- var defenseCandidates = friendlyFactories.Where(f => f.Id != source.Id).Select(f => GetLinkBetween(source, f, map)).Where(f => f.Distance <= 6).OrderBy(f => f.Distance)
- .Select(f => new { f.Distance, Id = f.Factory1 == source.Id ? f.Factory2 : f.Factory1 }).Take(3);
- foreach (var candidate in defenseCandidates)
- {
- Factory targetFactory = friendlyFactories.First(f => f.Id == candidate.Id);
- List<Troop> attackers = enemyTroops.Where(t => t.Target == targetFactory.Id).ToList();
- if (!attackers.Any())
- {
- continue;
- }
- int attackingTroops = attackers.Where(t => t.ETA <= candidate.Distance).Sum(t => t.Strength);
- int defendingTroops = targetFactory.Defense + (targetFactory.Production * candidate.Distance);
- if (attackingTroops <= defendingTroops)
- {
- continue;
- }
- int backupRequired = attackingTroops - defendingTroops;
- int sentBackup = backupRequired > availableCyborgs ? availableCyborgs : backupRequired;
- _commands.Add($"MOVE {source.Id} {candidate.Id} {sentBackup}");
- return availableCyborgs - sentBackup;
- }
- return availableCyborgs;
- }
- // Calculate required defenses six turns ahead, considering already sent enemy troops.
- // Does not evaluate enemy troops not sent yet by close enemy factories.
- private static int CalculateDefenses(Factory source, List<Troop> enemyTroops)
- {
- List<Troop> attackers = enemyTroops.Where(t => t.Target == source.Id && t.ETA <= 6).ToList();
- if (attackers.Count == 0)
- {
- return source.Defense;
- }
- int incomingAttackers = attackers.Sum(t => t.Strength);
- if (source.Defense > incomingAttackers)
- {
- return source.Defense - incomingAttackers;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- private static int FindPath(Factory source, int targetFactoryId, List<Link> map)
- {
- Link directPath = map.First(l =>
- (l.Factory1 == source.Id && l.Factory2 == targetFactoryId) ||
- l.Factory1 == targetFactoryId && l.Factory2 == source.Id);
- int directDistance = directPath.Distance;
- IEnumerable<Link> alternativePaths = map.Where(l => l.Factory1 == source.Id || l.Factory2 == source.Id).Where(l =>
- !(l.Factory1 == source.Id && l.Factory2 == targetFactoryId) &&
- !(l.Factory1 == targetFactoryId && l.Factory2 == source.Id));
- List<Factory> candidates = new List<Factory>();
- foreach (Link alternativePath in alternativePaths)
- {
- int intermediateDistance = alternativePath.Distance;
- int intermediateFactoryId = alternativePath.Factory1 == source.Id
- ? alternativePath.Factory2
- : alternativePath.Factory1;
- Link directPathFromIntermediate =
- map.First(l =>
- (l.Factory1 == intermediateFactoryId && l.Factory2 == targetFactoryId) ||
- l.Factory2 == intermediateFactoryId && l.Factory1 == targetFactoryId);
- if (intermediateDistance + directPathFromIntermediate.Distance <= directDistance)
- {
- Factory intermediateFactory = _allFactories.First(f => f.Id == intermediateFactoryId);
- intermediateFactory.DistanceTo = intermediateDistance;
- candidates.Add(intermediateFactory);
- }
- }
- if (candidates.Any())
- {
- return candidates.OrderBy(c => c.DistanceTo).ThenByDescending(c => c.Production).First().Id;
- }
- return targetFactoryId;
- }
- private static int FindTarget(Factory source, List<Factory> targets, List<Bomb> friendlyBombs, List<Link> map)
- {
- if (_wantedFactories.All(f => _allFactories.First(a => a.Id == f.Id).IsFriendly))
- {
- // If we control the required factories, send troops to front line.
- var candidates = _wantedFactories.Where(f => f.Id != source.Id && !TargetWillBeBombed(friendlyBombs, GetLinkBetween(source, f, map)))
- .OrderBy(f => GetLinkBetween(f, _enemyHq, map).Distance);
- var selectedTarget = candidates.FirstOrDefault()?.Id ?? source.Id;
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{source.Id} selected target {selectedTarget}");
- return selectedTarget;
- }
- else
- {
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"HQ: {_friendlyHq.Id}");
- var candidates = _wantedFactories.Where(f => f.Id != source.Id && f.Id != _friendlyHq.Id && !TargetWillBeBombed(friendlyBombs, GetLinkBetween(source, f, map)))
- .OrderBy(f => _allFactories.Find(a => a.Id == f.Id).Team).ThenBy(f => GetLinkBetween(f, _friendlyHq, map).Distance);
- Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", candidates.Select(c => c.Id)));
- Console.Error.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", candidates.Select(c => c.Team)));
- var selectedTarget = candidates.FirstOrDefault()?.Id ?? source.Id;
- Console.Error.WriteLine($"{source.Id} selected target {selectedTarget}");
- return selectedTarget;
- }
- }
- private static bool TargetWillBeBombed(List<Bomb> friendlyBombs, Link link)
- {
- return !friendlyBombs.All(b => b.ETA != link.Distance && b.ETA != link.Distance + 1);
- }
- private static Link GetLinkBetween(Factory source, Factory target, List<Link> map)
- {
- if (source.Id == target.Id)
- {
- throw new ArgumentException("Source and Target can not be the same factory");
- }
- return map.First(l =>
- (l.Factory1 == source.Id && l.Factory2 == target.Id) ||
- (l.Factory1 == target.Id && l.Factory2 == source.Id));
- }
- private static List<int> GetClosestXLinkedFactories(Factory source, List<Link> map, int take)
- {
- IEnumerable<Link> links = map.Where(m => m.Factory1 == source.Id || m.Factory2 == source.Id).OrderBy(l => l.Distance)
- .Take(take);
- return links.Select(link => link.Factory1 == source.Id ? link.Factory2 : link.Factory1).ToList();
- }
- private static bool ShouldIncreaseProduction(Factory source, int factoryCount, int availableCyborgs, bool bombPresent)
- {
- return source.Production != MAX_PRODUCTION && factoryCount >= _wantedFactories.Count && availableCyborgs >= 10 && !bombPresent;
- }
- private static void ParseEntity(string[] inputs, List<Entity> entities)
- {
- int entityId = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
- string entityType = inputs[1];
- int entityTeam = int.Parse(inputs[2]);
- int arg2 = int.Parse(inputs[3]);
- int arg3 = int.Parse(inputs[4]);
- int arg4 = int.Parse(inputs[5]);
- int arg5 = int.Parse(inputs[6]);
- switch (entityType)
- {
- case "BOMB":
- entities.Add(new Bomb
- {
- Id = entityId,
- Type = entityType,
- Team = entityTeam,
- Source = arg2,
- Target = arg3,
- ETA = arg4
- });
- break;
- case "TROOP":
- entities.Add(new Troop
- {
- Id = entityId,
- Type = entityType,
- Team = entityTeam,
- Source = arg2,
- Target = arg3,
- Strength = arg4,
- ETA = arg5
- });
- break;
- default:
- entities.Add(new Factory
- {
- Id = entityId,
- Type = entityType,
- Team = entityTeam,
- Defense = arg2,
- Production = arg3,
- Cooldown = arg4
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- public class Link
- {
- public int Factory1 { get; }
- public int Factory2 { get; }
- public int Distance { get; }
- public Link(int factory1, int factory2, int distance)
- {
- Factory1 = factory1;
- Factory2 = factory2;
- Distance = distance;
- }
- }
- public class Target
- {
- public int Id { get; }
- public int Defense { get; }
- public int Distance { get; }
- public int Production { get; }
- public Target(int id, int distance, int production, int defense)
- {
- Id = id;
- Distance = distance;
- Production = production;
- Defense = defense;
- }
- }
- public class Entity
- {
- public int Id { get; set; }
- public string Type { get; set; }
- public int Team { get; set; }
- public bool IsFriendly => Team == 1;
- public bool IsNeutral => Team == 0;
- public bool IsHostile => Team == -1;
- }
- private class Troop : Entity
- {
- public int Source { get; set; }
- public int Target { get; set; }
- public int Strength { get; set; }
- public int ETA { get; set; }
- }
- public class Factory : Entity
- {
- public int Defense { get; set; }
- public int Production { get; set; }
- public int Cooldown { get; set; }
- public int DistanceTo { get; set; }
- }
- public class Bomb : Entity
- {
- public int Source { get; set; }
- public int Target { get; set; }
- public int ETA { get; set; }
- public int Age { get; set; }
- }
- }
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