
peripheral (Alveary)

Nov 19th, 2023
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  1. peripheral
  2. 1 | getInventoryName
  3. 2 | pullItem
  4. 3 | getEnergyStored
  5. 4 | condenseItems
  6. 5 | expandStack
  7. 6 | getDemandedEnergy
  8. 7 | getStackInSlot
  9. 8 | listSources
  10. 9 | getTankInfo
  11. 10 | getInventorySize
  12. 11 | swapStacks
  13. 12 | destroyStack
  14. 13 | getEUSinkTier
  15. 14 | pushItemIntoSlot
  16. 15 | getAdvancedMethodsData
  17. 16 | getMaxEnergyStored
  18. 17 | pullItemIntoSlot
  19. 18 | listMethods
  20. 19 | doc
  21. 20 | pushItem
  22. 21 | getAllStacks
  23. doc:
  24. returnTypes: string
  25. args:
  26. 1:
  27. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4d515cef
  28. name: method
  29. description:
  30. description: Brief description of method
  31. source: <meta>
  32. destroyStack:
  33. returnTypes: ()
  34. args:
  35. 1:
  36. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  37. name: slotNumber
  38. description: The slot number
  39. description: Destroy a stack
  40. source: inventory
  41. listSources:
  42. returnTypes: table
  43. args:
  44. description: List all method sources
  45. source: <meta>
  46. getTankInfo:
  47. returnTypes: table
  48. args:
  49. 1:
  50. optional: true
  51. description: The internal direction of the tank. If you're not sure, use 'unknown' (north, south, east, west, up, down or unknown)
  52. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@21402b22
  53. name: direction
  54. description: A table of tanks will be returned, each with a table of information
  55. source: fluid_handler
  56. getEUSinkTier:
  57. returnTypes: number
  58. args:
  59. description: Determine the tier of this energy sink (1 = LV, 2 = MV, 3 = HV, 4 = EV)
  60. source: eu_sink
  61. getEnergyStored:
  62. returnTypes: number
  63. args:
  64. 1:
  65. optional: true
  66. description: The direction you are interested in. (north, south, east, west, up or down)
  67. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@7ead091c
  68. name: side
  69. description: Get the energy stored in the machine.
  70. source: rf_receiver
  71. pullItemIntoSlot:
  72. returnTypes: number
  73. args:
  74. 1:
  75. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@281860c1
  76. name: direction
  77. description: The direction of the other inventory
  78. 2:
  79. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  80. name: slot
  81. description: The slot in the OTHER inventory that you're pulling from
  82. 3:
  83. optional: true
  84. description: The maximum amount of items you want to pull
  85. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  86. name: maxAmount
  87. 4:
  88. optional: true
  89. description: The slot in the current inventory that you want to pull into
  90. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  91. name: intoSlot
  92. description: Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  93. source: inventory-world
  94. listMethods:
  95. returnTypes: string
  96. args:
  97. 1:
  98. optional: true
  99. description:
  100. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4d515cef
  101. name: filterSource
  102. description: List all the methods available
  103. source: <meta>
  104. getDemandedEnergy:
  105. returnTypes: number
  106. args:
  107. description: Get the maximum safe EU input
  108. source: eu_sink
  109. condenseItems:
  110. returnTypes: ()
  111. args:
  112. description: Condense and tidy the stacks in an inventory
  113. source: inventory
  114. getInventorySize:
  115. returnTypes: number
  116. args:
  117. description: Get the size of this inventory
  118. source: inventory
  119. getAllStacks:
  120. returnTypes: table
  121. args:
  122. 1:
  123. optional: true
  124. description: If false, method will compute whole table, instead of returning proxy
  125. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@1c3d2351
  126. name: proxy
  127. description: Get a table with all the items of the chest
  128. source: inventory
  129. pushItemIntoSlot:
  130. returnTypes: number
  131. args:
  132. 1:
  133. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@1b181632
  134. name: direction
  135. description: The direction of the other inventory
  136. 2:
  137. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  138. name: slot
  139. description: The slot in the current inventory that you're pushing from
  140. 3:
  141. optional: true
  142. description: The maximum amount of items you want to push
  143. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  144. name: maxAmount
  145. 4:
  146. optional: true
  147. description: The slot in the other inventory that you want to push into (ignored when target is pipe
  148. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  149. name: intoSlot
  150. description: Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  151. source: inventory-world
  152. getInventoryName:
  153. returnTypes: string
  154. args:
  155. description: Get the name of this inventory
  156. source: inventory
  157. pushItem:
  158. returnTypes: number
  159. args:
  160. 1:
  161. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@1b181632
  162. name: direction
  163. description: The direction of the other inventory
  164. 2:
  165. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  166. name: slot
  167. description: The slot in the current inventory that you're pushing from
  168. 3:
  169. optional: true
  170. description: The maximum amount of items you want to push
  171. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  172. name: maxAmount
  173. 4:
  174. optional: true
  175. description: The slot in the other inventory that you want to push into (ignored when target is pipe
  176. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  177. name: intoSlot
  178. description: Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  179. source: inventory-world
  180. getStackInSlot:
  181. returnTypes: object
  182. args:
  183. 1:
  184. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  185. name: slotNumber
  186. description: Slot number
  187. 2:
  188. optional: true
  189. description: If true, method will return proxy instead of computing whole table
  190. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@1c3d2351
  191. name: proxy
  192. description: Get details of an item in a particular slot
  193. source: inventory
  194. getAdvancedMethodsData:
  195. returnTypes: table
  196. args:
  197. 1:
  198. optional: true
  199. description:
  200. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4d515cef
  201. name: method
  202. description: Get a complete table of information about all available methods
  203. source: <meta>
  204. swapStacks:
  205. returnTypes: ()
  206. args:
  207. 1:
  208. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  209. name: from
  210. description: The first slot
  211. 2:
  212. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  213. name: to
  214. description: The other slot
  215. 3:
  216. optional: true
  217. description:
  218. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@7dfdc5fe
  219. name: fromDirection
  220. 4:
  221. optional: true
  222. description:
  223. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@5ce98f64
  224. name: fromDirection
  225. description: Swap two slots in the inventory
  226. source: inventory
  227. getMaxEnergyStored:
  228. returnTypes: number
  229. args:
  230. 1:
  231. optional: true
  232. description: The direction you are interested in. (north, south, east, west, up or down)
  233. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@40ffe8ab
  234. name: side
  235. description: Get the max energy stored in the machine.
  236. source: rf_receiver
  237. expandStack:
  238. returnTypes: table
  239. args:
  240. 1:
  241. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.NamedTupleType@3ff3c8c5
  242. name: stack
  243. description:
  244. description: Get full stack information from id and/or damage
  245. source: inventory
  246. pullItem:
  247. returnTypes: number
  248. args:
  249. 1:
  250. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.BoundedType@281860c1
  251. name: direction
  252. description: The direction of the other inventory
  253. 2:
  254. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  255. name: slot
  256. description: The slot in the OTHER inventory that you're pulling from
  257. 3:
  258. optional: true
  259. description: The maximum amount of items you want to pull
  260. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  261. name: maxAmount
  262. 4:
  263. optional: true
  264. description: The slot in the current inventory that you want to pull into
  265. type: openperipheral.adapter.types.SingleArgType@4ca3a3cf
  266. name: intoSlot
  267. description: Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  268. source: inventory-world
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