

Jun 21st, 2023
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  1. conception
  2. ben strokes this anime damn ☠☠☠ the mc does physical or romantical things with his 12 maiden harems with diffrent constellation based on irl human likes virgo,cancer,pieces etc and they are the steriotypical of their behaviours. the animation is what i discrimate the whole becasue the plot looking amazing but the animation and the art style of the character design and their faces are bullshit i hate it it looks mostly like some characters from rezero but 144p version so today i compelted upto ep 2 wathc the rest epeisode later.logging off 25-04-23
  3. benstrokes wtf the raccoon is fckng great dude i mean damn she knows what she is doing and itsuki handled/satisfy two maiden at same time and thehy cant walk . i mean tf his stamina πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ ep 3 comp
  4. edit bro β˜ β˜ πŸ’€πŸ’€ wtf is this anime i mean the anime's humor and comedy is totally 9+ for me its too good but the plot and the character + story telling is a downgrade the storytelling is not that great but the homor + comedy + the ecchi scenes are tooo good so rating should be 7 as for plot and animation its 6 and +1 for the great humor and comedy , mc is not a dckhead he is also sometimes a man of culture and the mana the racoon omg brooo he/she is too good top rated character up to ep 6 comppleted and also epp ep 7 half completed today is 17-05-23 logging off
  5. TODAY i completed the anime today is 21-06-23 wednersday damn the animation was bad and also the plot but it made me laugh because of the racoon i loved it . in the middle where there was romance betewwn boy and boy and mc thought that he have to perform the love ritual was fcking great i laughed my ass of it was gay but it made me laugh (ps they didnot do it) . also in the plot that girl(aslo the 13th maiden) who teaches the starchild how to fight was the daughter of the visitor and a starchild so her starchild with the mc was more human like and different . also he did love ritual with the racoon 😏😏later when the mc and with their maiden defeated the 13th demon or whatever they all came back to the human world with the star child also the racoon had now became a girl she already was but now he got physical human girl body because of the ritual maybe 😏😏😏. and after comming to the human world they started living in the mc gf's house and later itsuki the mc married all of the 13th maiden πŸ’€πŸ’€
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