
Updates from France

Sep 8th, 2023
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  1. Congratulations! If you're reading this, you're at least a little interested in my future plans on the world wide web. KUDOS!
  3. So, I wanted to explain some important flags that I'll consider from now on about my internet activities. As most of you know, now I'm part of a Master program here in Paris, France, so, basically any time that I have I'll use it for studying, looking for a part-time work, and learning new tools like python or so.
  5. So, what about my free time? The reality is that most of my free time I'll use it to spend time with my wife (which I didn't see for like 11 months), and to explore this new city. BUT, that doesn't mean that I'll totally disappear from the internet. If else, I will try to start a routine that, I hope, will help me in the long run.
  7. But, for that to be viable, I have to make some core changes and establish ground rules, and that what this post IS about.
  9. 1) From now on, most of my content (Social media, possible streams, EVEN barely possible youtube videos) will be exclusively on ENGLISH. Why? The two main reasons are that in order to make something from this, I need more spread and reach, and sadly, right now the language barrier IS a step down for me. While I don't deny that there are successful streamers who speak mostly spanish, I have realized that most of my content aligns with English speakers. The second reason is that, because I'm living in a foreign country now, its serves as costume and practice for my everyday things.
  11. 2) While I probably going to change my monetary proyection on donations, I'll comply with the donations that were made and fullfil the reached goals. That means that, even when probably, I'll cut down goals, eventually I'll complete the ones that were already reached. IIRC that means that Mega Man 5 Challenges, Super Mario Bros 3 and Mario Kart 8 will be streamed at some point. But, after that, I'll definitely chance my routine online, trying to be smarter and bringing myself the most genuine possible to establish a constant community. If that works, it would be a game changer for me, specially considering that everything that is donated goes directly to support my Studies in France. (Remember to check if you want to support directly)
  13. 3) At least online, my main focus will still be my music. Because I'm still adjusting to this new lifestyle, I haven't been able to adecuade my composition habits as I would like. My plan is to release at least one more song before the end of October. From there, who knows. That means that resuming my streaming agenda, or even considering new content for youtube, is still on the table, depending of time constrains. I'm actually considering coming back to speedrun something because that generates a certain routine that leads to be consistent, an habit that would be great to adquire once and for all.
  15. 4) And last, I want to clarify that is not all about the money that I can get with this ideas, but the support of a community. My dream is to have an active community around the content that I make, and through the years I have been trying new ideas every once in a while. There was a breaf time in which I actually manage to have a lot of you tuned to my streams and I'm really glad for it, but sadly, IRL attacked and, you know the rest. I'm convinced that when a community support a content creator, the rest just come by itself. So, with this new breath, I hope to become a reality this new aspirations.
  17. That's it! I hope to kee sharing with all of you in the near future and hope your support in this new adventure of mine.
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